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    1. Multiple dreams

      by , 03-21-2018 at 12:12 PM
      1st dream: I was brushing my teeth and one of my front teeth was black and rotting. I started to freak out and tried to brush the tooth but I couldn't remove the black crust that covered it. I rinsed out my mouth and was inspecting the tooth whenever I suddenly became impatient and pulled the rotting tooth out. For some reason removing the tooth was life or death.

      2nd dream: I was cleaning something for my mom whenever I saw 3 spiders. They were gigantic but they didn't move. It really freaked me out but I couldn't run away for some reason.

      3rd dream: Jed came to my office at work. He seemed really happy and was all smiles. He was in his air force uniform, in his hand he had a wrapped up jacket for me but there was something in the middle. I never looked at what it was becuase I went to give him a hug and he started to kiss me. Which for some reason I was unbothered that my boss was in the office as this whole ordeal went down.
    2. Pilot

      by , 03-13-2016 at 02:19 AM
      I was viewing the dream from the 3rd person, like a movie. A fleet of space cruisers was leaving to regroup with more ships, because they realized they would need more ships for their mission. So they get back to a planet (I think Earth) and a giant ship opens up the bottom of it's hull and the three ships dock inside it. Somehow, now the ships are small and are inside of the hull of a modern fighter jet. I forgot why, but the pilot takes a jar of tiny flying insects and lets them loose inside of his plane where the other ships are still docked, then closed the hull back up.

      The dream changes to 1st person now and I'm looking at the pilot and another Air Force Officer standing next to me. The pilot was standing in the cockpit of his jet when we look over into the distance and see a nuclear explosion go off about 3-5 miles away. The sky becomes cloudy and turns black and red. I can see the fiery mushroom cloud and the shockwave approaching from the distance. The wind started to pick up and the officer standing next to me died. Then the shockwave reached us and the pilot looked at me and screamed in pain as his skin was peeled off from his head, then his muscles, and then his blood until he was just a skeleton in a pilot's outfit. My teeth felt loose and weird, so I hunched over. Then two of my teeth feel out, one of them had a filling.

      And then I woke up.

      Updated 03-13-2016 at 02:25 AM by 50595

      nightmare , memorable
    3. 3/12/2014

      by , 03-15-2014 at 05:57 PM
      I was with a big group during SHTF. I went to scout a warehouse and suddenly a person appeared. Then, another one, and another one. They were questioning me and I thought they were gonna kill me. I had my yellow radio and while they weren't looking I pushed the pin. I yelled for help and my group burst in. Both groups got along and we made an even bigger group. We entered an Air Force installation and we explored it. I was going to get into one of the computers with my Air Force ID.

      In my other dream, I was the hulk and was beating up a monster. Suddenly a monster mutation starts attacking me. I run because I can't kill it or even hit him but then I find out I can so I start fighting him. We jump from rooftops to rooftops and scale buildings while fighting. He is able to regenerate health. When he's low, he starts running and I chase him down. I transform into a car to catch up to him and then kill him when I do.

      Updated 03-15-2014 at 06:04 PM by 67773

    4. Back in Montana

      by , 04-15-2013 at 03:20 PM
      I was dreaming that I was back in the Air Force and going back to my old job working out in the missile fields to cook. In my dream however I was more like a legend/hero sort? ( That is strange because no one there now would know me in real life.) We were driving on these really rough 4x4 trails going through some mountainous countryside. It was really beautiful. I missed the turn off and went back. We finally got to the base and people came out of the building to see me. I remember having on this stupid black cowboy hat that was too big for me and I kept trying to put it on so it looked cool before I got out of the vehicle. When I got out, the relief cook was a young black guy. He said he was relieved to be leaving because he hated Montana. I asked him why and he said it was so boring out there. I looked around at the beautiful mountains and then saw some grizzly bear cubs up the side of a hill. I was showing them to him and all types of wild life began appearing all around us. Elk, deer, bear, moose, eagles.. then we went inside and I went to find my room. The facility was two story (not like it is in real life) and I was having trouble finding my room. There was another woman there and I was supposed to share a room with her and she didn't seem to happy with that and picked a bed that was out in the hall. The dream changed and I was outside and saw the first sergeant sitting in a snowbank watching a TV with a football game on it. I walked over and sat in the snowbank too and we talked a little. Then I was back inside and the building was possessed by a demon! I was going around quoting religious things to exorcise the demon. I woke up then.
      non-lucid , memorable
    5. 22nd Feb 2013 Some strategy game

      by , 02-22-2013 at 07:39 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Pretty much downhill recall, mostly because i was having hard time sleeping for some reason, but hey, i still managed to recall something at least.

      I was playing some military strategy game, i think i was playing vs another player and there were few AI controlled players as well. There were some problems with that AI and also i had some problems figuring out proper units to counter enemy units. I built air force and was pretty much ready to mass produce some sort of super weapon.
      Later in the dream i was in some sort of tower building racing to the top.
    6. War Part 1

      by , 01-10-2012 at 09:40 PM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      1/10/12(Late Morning)

      ** I dream I am in an odd room. It's a lightless room made of all cement and we're in a full cement building. However there are huge windows all around the room. So even though we lack lights, we have the Sun' s natural light coming in and keeping everything bright enough. We're really only just sitting there BSing.*
      ** Well it's about time I explain who the the hell "we" is. It's myself of course. Then it's my good friend's girlfriend. Then the rest of the people are too vivid for me to remember. So not too sure there. Moving on!
      ** We now suddenly bring up the subject of "what is the true meaning of Christmas?" odd topic to discuss. I look outside. Just a beat down worthless city. Looks like a war happened here. I also notice no snow, which allows me to think we're nowhere near Christmas now.*
      ** I speak up now. I ramble on for about a minute or two telling everyone what I believe s the true meaning of Christmas. Everyone seems really enlightened by this. I do in fact state that being with family is the true meaning. Everyone seems very happy now. Not so sunk down like before.*
      ** I soon leave, and the next few parts of this dream are super vivid. I can't recall if I woke up temporarily or not. I do recall awakening once or twice if I'm correct. I can't recall though.*
      ** The dream is now very clear again. Appear to be walking back towards the building. I am very nervous. I am also very proud of myself. I do t know why yet, cause of the vividness.*
      ** I now spot two very hot girls. I can only recall one of them, and she is a hot girl I do know for real. The other one is two vivid, but I think knew her too. I approach the girls and stop them. I have each one stand on my sides. We continue walking and I begin to brag about something as we're going upstairs to the room I was previously in.*
      ** "Yeah, I just joined the Air Force you know." I brag. Air Force?! Oh hell no! Why would I ever join the Air Force?! "Yeah, I'm gonna be a pilot and all. Fighting for the country. Those jets don't fly themselves you know." The girls seem uninterested though and leave. Dammit! I joined the Air Force for nothing!*
      ** My dream now suddenly switches me over to a battlefield! I'm in battle gear and I have a lovely M429 Assault Rifle. Oh hell yeah bitches! Full auto, bipod, 100 round mag(I've got lay off the Battlefield 3...)!*
      ** I realize this is a massively important battle now, and get serious. We're in a war-ridden city. It could be the one I was just in and left a moment ago. But who knows for sure? It's really dark out, and dark storm clouds are high above. It could rain any second now!
      ** The commander instructs me to take someone out in a building up ahead. He's on the third or second(I don't recall exactly) to last top floor. I pull up my rifle and open fire. However, I believe I fail to hit. The commander seems pissed. He now instructs me to go plant charges in the building. Everyone else will keep suppressing fire to cover me.*
      ** I take some charges and dash out like a cheetah. My teammates unleash a massive suppressing fire on the enemy. It's working, I'll say that. Not a single bullet is fired at me. Its obvious we're trying to claim this city or something. This part of my dream might be a telling of how I got to that run down city in the first part of my dream. But I'm in the army in this part, so I think I'm playing separate roles in this dream. A refugee joining the air force, and now I'm a kick-ass marine!*
      ** I soon get into the building unharmed. There is some dim and crappy lighting in here. I don't like the feeling I'm getting in here. The dream becomes vivid now. However, it stabilizes after I've planted some explosives in the building. I begin to run off, and I'm now attacked. The dream becomes vivid again, and it begins to fade.*
      ** I however find myself now back at my old house. What the hell? Why does this crap keep happening dammit? I now see my friend Victor(previously known as Red, but no more nicknames for people I really know). He's dressed in full army battle gear. I realize I am too. There's also a huge platoon of us dressed up and ready to go.*
      ** Victor now hands me a helmet and a bag. I put the helmet on, which feels a little heavy already. I now put on the bag, which is extremely heavy. Something big and heavy is in it(well no shit Sherlock). I now say that this stuff is heavy. Victor doesn't seem to listen however. Ass...
      ** We now begin to sprint over towards my friend's house, whom lives a little diagonally to the right and behind my old house. This heavy crap is really slowing me down. I liked it better when I was a fast marine. I now think of when I was comparing MW3 to BF3 one time. Someone(I think my older brother) stated that the army is a heavier branch of the military. I makes sense to me now. Hooray for the fan-frigging-tastic army.*
      ** Now I realize his back yard is full of huge-ass puddles. I'm forced to run straight through one unfortunately. Oh well, that's what war is about. Gettin' down and gettin' dirty, right? I oddly start to run much faster in the water. That's pretty unusual I'd say.*
      ** We now stop in my friend's drive way. Someone unloads a bag by me. They set down a large object with huge spikes. It appears to be really heavy. I ask if that's what I have, but the guy ignores me. I now set down my bag, but then the dream becomes vivid and fades again.*
      ** I'm now sitting upon a tank. Okay, what the hell? So, I'm probably still in the army, but I'm a tank operative now? I'm probably just a ranger, or maybe an engineer. We appear to be in another city. We're moving in with a *huge tank convoy. Awesome, tanks rock!*
      ** Hm, I'm gonna take a guess in these two dream parts. The last one was most likely me as an army dude helping clear out through part of the city we're in now. This part is probably me as an army ranger with a convoy, securing this city. The city isn't beat down much either. I now soon awake.*