non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP In the US, possibly in Washington, but later it feels more like NY. Anyway, I am at some important rally and the speaker's poll is in the middle of some staircase. The crowd is clearly mostly democrats but lots of republican trumpers are in the mix. The speakers are calling for peace and unit and trumpers are yelling "Trump for president". Then Jon Stewart comes to speak and everyone is listening and I wonder why people haven't started chanting "Stewart for president" so I try to start it. But the environment turns chaotic suddenly, with people running away down the stairs and I even see a couple pigs running among the people. People start disbanding. I take some route which leads me to bump into Jon Stewart in some back alley. He is all by himself, so I must speak to him. It's a quick encounter in which I express my admiration for him, but then he has to leave. Since I don' t wanna let him go, I stalk him and clearly tell him I wanna stalk him for a while, hoping he finds it funny and not creepy. I ask if I can walk with him wherever he is going or work for him and help in whatever he needs help. I am basically desperate. Maybe I look harmless because he agrees to give me a chance. When we reach some place with an elevator he tells me to take it and wait by the door of the 7th and I'll be able to meet his family and stay with them for a while. I am blown away and totally trust him, so I go inside the elevator. The elevator is really just a shaft full of spiders and other bugs through which a very shady wood platform descends. When it stops, I am covered in spiders and other unidentified bugs and creeped out, trying to get them off of me. I am in a hallway with lots of other people and some guys are mocking me but then a couple others decides to help em and they shake off some of the bugs. I am confused if Jon pranked me or was seroous, so I look at the doors with numbers looking for a number 7. There is an apartment number 7, but it doesn't even have a door and each room is occupied by extremely poor people sleeping in matresses on the floor. I don't think I am in the right place but I wait a little, to see how it goes. Everyone is staring at me, wondering what I am doing there, so I leave. I exit the building and realize I had entered it through a top floor that was street level and now this floor also exits to another street level. I go outside and look at the building number and it is 7, so I wait at this door instead. It is getting dark and I feel a bit uncomfortable, but soon after some nice lady with long hair looks at me and tells me to follow her. I wonder how she knows it's me or how I know she's the one I am supposed to follow, but I go. She walks me into a place that at first seems like a posh apartment building, but soon I realize it is some kind of company. There is a large lobby area with some people sitting on a sofa and a kid playing videogames. She points to them and says something about who they are, but I only focus on the fact their kid is autistic. I tell her I am too, allthough a "light" case. I wave and say high to them. The kid briefly looks but immediately breaks eye contact. Then we enter what looks like an open space office, but it leads almost directly to a very unusual toy shop. Not like toys'r'us, not childish, more like a modern space with designer toys, educational and creative toys and arts and crafts materials. I immediately get hooked to it but then realize I am supposed to be nice to my hosts, so I look around for the lady. She introduces me to a lot of family members, a girl I assume it's her daughter, some playboy dude that doesn't take his eyes away from me and others. But I still don't know how they relate to Jon. I feel like the lady is his sister, she doesn't look like his wife. At some point I sit on some couch in a quiet corner thinking and wonder about my goal here: do I just wanna be friends with the family? Am I trying to win them over? Do I wanna hit on Jon, despite knowing he is happily married? I do consider that and how I'd be okay if he fell for me. I justify to myself that maybe he'd be happier with me. Then I think how silly I am and I could not make him happy, he would just be someone really interesting and entertaining to have in my life, but I could not be up to his expectations, so I abandon that silly thought. I do like the family though and decide to become friends with them. A couple black kids visiting the store or friends of the family sit by my side and tell me their names. They are really cute and very alike, which I mention to them. They say they aren't brothers, just friends but recognize the similarities. Only difference is one has really dark eyes and complexion and the other has lighter eyes and complexion and is slightly smaller, but they look like twins otherwise. Then some younger kid comes deliver me a condom and says some gentleman sent it. He points to that idiot playboy I 've met before. He is waving at me and making supposedly seductive looks and gestures, but to me he just looks ridiculous. I tell the kid to take it back. He goes and comes back and throws the condom at me. I can't with the dude and give him the finger. Then I notice another guy by his side with some sort of mental development delay or cerebral palsy. He is incredibly tall and built up and clearly shares physionomical characteristics with the playboy, so maybe they're brothers. I see the playboy treating his supposed brother like shit, dismissing and ignoring him, and I don't like his attitude. Later on I see this guy alone and become his friend. When later the family gathers to have dinner or something, in private quarters, I walk him in, hand in his arm and he is smiling like the family has never seen him do. The lady that brought me in and her supposed daughter are looking at me smiling in approval and the playboy dude is absolutely ego crushed and not believing this. Later even, some gentleman of the famiky takes me on a tour to the company and shows me a large area that is not in use and I immediately design a sketch of how it could be decorated and used in extension to the existing shop. He later presents my idea to the family and they all agree they like it and ask me if I wanna work for them and implement it.
Okay sooo yesterday I saw that April 12th was National Lucid Dreaming day and wanted to do something special. But I don't know anyone here well enough to attend a party with them in a dream (like I saw people doing on the forum post), so I tried to wrap my friend J into it. I told her to meet up with me in a dream at either her house or the elementary school nearby. I don't thin I really believe in shared dreaming but I was curious what would happen. I went to sleep at 11:30, using MILD to imagine the scenario. Woke up at 3:50, had a very vague idea of a dream but didn't write anything down. Instead I closed my eyes, kinda trying to do WILD, repeating over and over in my head, "J's house, J's house..." and fell back asleep within minutes. Dream #1 (Regular): Next thing I knew I was sitting up in my bed and the lights were on. I was watching a 3DMV Project Sekai song featuring Mafuyu and Mizuki, focusing more on their voices than the models. Their singing was quite vivid, at first I mixed up their voices but soon was able to identify them. Mafuyu's was less soft than usual and vibrating quite a bit, while Mizuki's was deeper than usual. I thought they didn't sound as good as they normally do but oh well. My mom came into the room and startled me (my door was on the left instead of the right for some reason). She was wearing a pink wig and a Lolita dress though I didn't notice this in the dream. She was concerned and a bit annoyed by my scared reaction but eventually must have left because next thing I knew I was trying to do WILD to meet up with J in a dream, only for her to come in again and interrupt me! She started talking to me about something unimportant and I was like, "Can we talk about this later, I'm trying to meet up with J in a dream right now." She didn't really get it but eventually left me alone. I tried again, and this time some very intense auditory hypnagogic hallucinations kicked in right away. [It's worth noting that auditory HI is the main type I get, I even entered a lucid dream from it one time.] I could vividly hear in my head the hustle and bustle of a mall, a food court it seemed like, and voices talking behind me, that of a small child standing out. I even felt sleep paralysis setting in which excited me because I knew that meant I was close to sleep. (I also felt my face sink into my arm which bothered me, but I wasn't going to risk moving.) I hoped I would find myself in a mall when I drifted off, and then I'd go to J's house to meet up with her. Well, wouldn't you know it, when I opened my eyes, I was in a mall! Not a food court—I was lying down on some pool chair in front of an internal balcony—but still! Was I lucid though? No! Somehow I thought I had been attempting WILD in the mall and had stopped because a blond lady interrupted me before I fell asleep. She somewhat resembled my IB ESS teacher Mrs. B and was next to my chair, fiddling with something on a stand next to me. "My gosh!" I exclaimed in an exasperated yet excited tone. "I was so close just now, I had super loud hypnagogic hallucinations, I even got sleep paralysis for the first time- well, I noticed it for the first time." The blond lady had an abnormally large, gap-toothed smile and said something about never having experienced sleep paralysis either. There was an ant crawling out the side of her mouth onto her cheek and I stared at it but didn't say anything. She lifted her hand to her face and I don't know if she picked it up or if it just fell onto her hand, but it ended up in her palm somehow and transformed into an amalgam of a bee and a cockroach. I am terrified of bees in real life and it was only now that I got a little freaked out, pointing at it as if she weren't aware of it. She tossed it in my general direction and I immediately woke up. ——— When I opened my eyes I had the sense that the beeroach was somewhere on my sheets and had a hypnopompic hallucination for the first time in years. I used to have them occasionally when I was younger and had a nightmare... for some reason they only seemed to happen when I had a bug nightmare. I don't consider this a nightmare but I saw a giant, brown, wispy ant crawling on the sheets in front of me nonetheless. I was a tiny bit afraid but knew it wasn't real. I closed my eyes until I knew it would be gone, then wrote down my dream. Funny thing is it was around 4:15 when I woke up, so I was only sleeping for about 20 minutes. When I finished writing down my dream it was 4:40 and I tried to sleep again even though I felt pretty alert... it took me an hour before I did. I know because I heard my mom getting ready for work downstairs, which she starts doing at 5:30-ish. During that time I was attempting SSILD but forgot what you're supposed to do after going through the cycles [turns out it's just "try to fall asleep"...], so as a last ditch-effort I tried WILD again, repeating "J's house, J's house" in my head and imagining us meeting up. Before I knew it, I was in a dream! ——— Dream #2 (Regular): I was in fact in J's house, though I wasn't lucid. Visually it was a mix of my house, J's house, another friend's house, and some random house, but functionally it was just J's house. I entered a dark room and found J's twin sister L lying down on a mattress, a TV in front of her. She had "HELP ME" scrawled in blue ink all over her left arm and I (falsely) remembered J telling me that she'd done it because she was stressed out about the upcoming exams. On the TV was a video made by some History YouTuber. He was answering whether he was a pessimist or an optimist and said something along the lines of, "Well objectively from my content I may seem like a pessimist, but the answer's a bit more complicated if you take a deeper look into my complex psyche!" I sat on the mattress behind her and watched as the camera flipped up to the ceiling and a woman sobbing could be heard, as well as a screaming child in the background. I was very confused why he would upload his personal life on YouTube, wondering if he was abusive, or if she was abusive, or if she was being dramatic and scaring the kid, or if it was all some twist that he would clear up at the end. I never found out though because I left the room. I started to close the door but L didn't want me to, and besides the mattress was in the way. I was now walking through the living room and picked up a gray frog stuffed animal, which I think was S's (another friend), then threw it back on the floor. In the dream it was around 5:30 and I assumed my mom must have left for work because she wasn't there (I don't know why she would be at J's house anyway but whatever), and wondered where J&L's mom was. At this point I "remembered" a part of some dream and wanted to write it down, but my dream journal was upstairs so I decided to do it later. I also knew J was upstairs and thought about waking her up but knew she'd be mad. So instead I enjoyed being the only one up in an empty and quiet house in the early hours of the morning. I skipped into the kitchen area... and suddenly found it impossible to keep moving. I fell forward and immediately woke up. ——— Here are some quick sketches of the dream scenes: It was 6:03 when I woke up so again, I couldn't have been asleep for very long. These dreams were more vivid than usual, maybe because they were so short, or because I was trying so hard to meet up with J. If you're wondering, J did not recall any dreams in the morning so I guess we can say the reason I never got to see her is because she didn't keep up her end of the deal P.S. I know I said a couple days ago that I wouldn't include my semi-lucid dream in my LD count, but I change my mind. The lucidity level was very low, even my awareness level was lower than in these dreams, but it was a lucid dream nonetheless so I will go back on my word and add it (I love that emoji.)
Updated 04-12-2023 at 11:33 PM by 99938
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP On the backstage of - I think - Jimmy Kimmel's show. There is a giant water tank on stage for some reason and Jimmy is inside fully dressed doing some stunt. At some point I feel like he is in distress, so I knock on the glass just to check. All is fine and when it is over, I see the staff putting away all the wet accessories and then I meet Jon Stewart, who is also around for some reason. He joins me and comes to my mom's house to stay for a day, sort of a prize I got at the show, not sure. Strangely, he straight away sits topless on the sofa. I always found him hot, despite just being an ordinary looking dude, so I find myself massaging and caressing him. At first, I feel like it is consensual - after all, he got naked - but then he looks awkward and tells me not to touch his nipples or hair and just keep it professional. I am confused but I say ok and offer him just a shoulder massage. Then I stop, because I still feel him uncomfortable and I also feel uncomfortable and I say we can just talk. I start asking if he ever visited Portugal before. He says no and asks if there are beaches nearby. I say not really, but for some reason I can see Setúbal from my mom's window and tell him actually on that town, there is a really nice beach and we can go there if he wants. He likes the idea and we hop on a train to get there. My mom and some other girl also join. During the travel, Jon disappears and now I am only with the two ladies. The ticket controller comes by and the girl has no ticket and I realize none of us do. She makes up some bad excuse that will make us look even worse. The controller says immediately he will have to fine her. I think we need to get out right now discreetly and we need a distraction maneuver. So I spot this cranky old lady wailing insults at a poor black woman sitting nearby. I get up and spread some jam (that I just happen to have) all over her face, telling her she is a racist pig and to shut up. She is in shock and intensifies her slurs. She says blacks are all criminals and disgusting and she is not sorry. I slap her around, I am really pissed off and try to reason with her, but she shows no desire to be reasonable and just intensifies the hate. Meanwhile I think the controller disappeared but probably because he went to call the police or security, se we need to leave asap. Back at my mom's house, in my old bedroom. I find some ugly scary bug inside my wardrobe. Then I spot a few centipedes on the bottom of it, then lots of ants and finally notice that all hanged clothes are covered in flying ants. I go open the window, to try to release all the flying bugs, but first I check for any cats laying around and take them outside the bedroom for safety reasons. But then outside, I notice there is some construction work in my mom's bathroom and the workers also keep the window open. I freak out (it's a 4th floor), so I come up with some kind of barrier that allows air circulation but stops cats from going there and falling. Then the house is now like and old gigantic palace with abandoned furniture. Some dude from the workers finds a dog nursing puppies under a dresser and believes one of the puppies is dead. So he picks him up and throws him away to a pile of trash. But the puppy is alive and hurt. I take him to vet. The vet also throws him against the floor a bunch of times. I am horrified and I yell at him, but each time the puppy gets thrown, he actually seems to become better, more awake and transforming into something else. The last time the man does it, he turns into a kookaburra. Again at the old palace, back when it was alive. I am a servant and I live in the servant's area. Everyone else is away, masters and servants alike and I am the only one around. I am at the kitchen doing some chores when two guys break in. One of them is my old colleague from school in RL, Zé Francisco, accompanied by a shorter chunkier guy who looks like his own servant, but he is no lord or gentleman, they are bandits looking for an opportunity to rob some stuff. When Zé sees me, he recognizes me and I see in his eyes that he wants me and he will rape me. At first I panic, but then I think I was always strangely attracted to him, so it becomes a consensual thing. I lead him to a room and we are getting on, but it takes ages to undress. The skirt and petticoat and corset, so many things to remove. Meanwhile he transforms into someone else and he complains that I am fat and I smell, so the mood is ruined. Now I am a single mother living in a favela. Some gang members are looking for me, so I hide at some friend's place with my kid. They find me, but fortunately when they arrive, I am in a back room and hide before they see me. My kid is with me and I tell him we are playing a very serious game in which he can't talk no matter what. He is a toddler and doesn't really understand there is danger, so at some point he escapes from me and dwells into the front room where the bad guys are, but they don't know whose child he is and my friends make up some excuse. The kid keeps going to whatever destination he has in mind and never ever says a word, even when they ask him something, so they assume he is mute and let him go.
Updated 11-25-2021 at 11:35 PM by 34880
Only recalled 2 dreams this week. Dream 1 Was walking in a strange town and got home. I was with some nerdy guy who claimed to be Jamie's new boyfriend. He kept going on about her and had a book where he was writing her as a character. The guy was more weaselly and cringy than me. It's almost like she gravitated towards a replacement for me. He seemed friendly though. At some point we transitioned to my house and I sat down with him. I was leafing through his book to skip to the parts about Jamie. The "new boyfriend," then mentioned that Jamie suddenly had stopped talking to him for some time. I was like, "yeah... She does that." Jamie then stormed into the house followed by Asuka and Data. She was glaring at me in anger and maybe a little hurt. Nonetheless in my mind it was years since I had seen her and I was overjoyed just to see her. I had a big smile which she probably took as something negative but I was just happy to see her. Asuka rushed Jamie into another room probably for some healing of the dark cloud that was over her and maybe a talk about why she's so upset (I still don't know why.). suddenly Bill Hodges was in the house looking for something. The guy from ,"Mr. Mercedes." a show I've been watching on Amazon Prime. He was yapping about something but I don't know what. I kept making fun of his accent to the new guy and we gad a laugh over it. For some reason I started loudly saying, "How Dare you." making fun of Greta tunburg... honestly that's a bit of a meme now. I thought it best to give Jamie and asuka privacy in the house So I Invited the guy to go out to get some drinks and a Pub burger or something. He seemed to like the idea when I woke up. Honestly, I miss the big dream hugs from Jamie. Strange bugs I went in my backyard for a smoke. I saw a bunch of giant hammerhead ants crawling around so I went inside and went out the front door. Some woman in the house said my dad had left a bunch of strange bugs around. I went out the front and encountered hundreds of tiny bugs where the heads of them were the head of my dog... WTF. They all jumped on my leg. Time to give up smoking.
Nine whole months since I joined this forum and I'm still a terrible procrastinator. Now you see why my User Title is the "Master Procrastinator?" So, to all future dream journal bingers out there, PLEASE don't miss more than three days of consecutive dream journalling. It really does do a number on your recall and motivation in general. Day 26: Fell asleep at: 2:30 AM Woke up at: 9:15 AM Dream 26: Pizza House Party Going over to the counter (Which has been removed in real life but not in the dream), I pick up four slices of pizza. They have a store-bought cardboard tray, but the pizza itself is restaurant-tier. I go back to the couch along with my dad, and it seems like the couches and coffee table are arranged correctly. I didn't make the connection between the two (The counter being in the wrong place but the furniture in the correct order), which no doubt would've made a solid LD. I'm not quite satisfied yet. I decide to go get some of the last pizza before everybody else does. Now there's even more pizza on the counter. Everybody else goes to get some more pizza, and I end up only getting about two slices. I think to myself, "Well, I already ate four slices, so..." and just accept it. I briefly chow down on my second helping. I go over to throw my plate away when I bump into a little white machine with a GPS monitor on it, which is situated in front of my mom's room. My dad tells me to be careful. Guy's got foot problems, and I figured whatever it was, he didn't want me touching. I walk away from it so that I wouldn't be held responsible for it. Day 27: Fell asleep at: 1:00 AM Woke up at: 8:00 AM Dream 27: Jostled by the Mob Exiting out of the hallways, I make my way into a little outdoor area within my school. An influx of students exit from all sides, all 600+ of them. All of us are headed straight for the staircase outside of the band hall. Once we get there, I begin to get jostled by a whole bunch of M's friends. I even see the girl who looks an awful lot like my friend's sister, who's the only face I can remember. We all sit down on the stairs that somehow stretch all the way across the building. Some guy is singing an overly emotional song about...something I can't quite remember. He starts picking out people from the audience to sing along, meanwhile I bust out a calculator that can somehow run GBA-era Pokemon games. Nice. The guy next to me sees what I'm doing, and motions the singer to point at me. He then stares at me playing Pokemon on my calculator and stares at it instead. He then pulls out a calculator and I begin to tink he wants to know how I got it done. Jokes on him, I ain't telling. Day 28: Fell asleep at: 4:00 AM Woke up at: 11:00 AM Dream 28: Uh...Pups? A short one. I dreamt that Nemo and Cleo took the forms of two overly large bugs, both yellow in color. I still tried to put them in their cage though. Dream 29: HANDS OFF, MAN. I'm in an unknown house. My brother is lying on the floor, minding his own business. The both of us are talking about joining a club or something when he does the unthinkable. The guy gets up, walks over to me, and crushes my babymaker something fierce. You can tell how much I wanted to kill my DC brother after that... Dream 30: AGAIN?! I was on the couch, just barely waking up from a dream. My dad and my brother are pacing around the couch, wondering who's gonna take out the pups. My dad elects my brother, who then elects me. I have this stupid half-smiling, half asleep look on my face, trying to convince them that I'm still asleep. I pull out my phone, confident that they'd be none of the wiser. Then my brother kicks me hard, again, in the one bone that matters. You can tell how much I REALLY wanted to kill him after that... Thankfully it was just a dream, so no harm done. Day 29 & 30: Fell asleep at: 1:00 AM Woke up at: 9:00 AM Dreams 31 & 32: Nothing Fragments again. Day 31: Fell asleep at: 4:00 AM Woke up at: 1:00 AM Dream 33: The Rich Get Asylum Another narration dream, this time starring the voice of DiGi Valentine. In a corrupt, poverty-stricken city, the ones raking in the dome are the owners of an insane asylum. Extortion, money laundering, and exploitation are their main methods of making money. Dream 34: T'was A Mirage I look at the TV, astounded by the fact. My 5-6 year old copy of Super Mario Galaxy 2, scratched to hell and back, is finally functional! Everything is just how I remember it. I grab the controller, but I don't like how loud it is. I lower the volume on my TV using the buttons installed on the TV itself, and then immediately, the game crashes. And then I crash, emotionally. I hate this. Dream 35: Shirtless and Witless I start off in a computer lab, the room darkened accompanied with the busying sound of keyboards clacking. The dismissal bell signals the end of the school day. I get up and go through the hallway to the school parking lot. But then I realize something, both my pants and my shirt are missing, leaving me with semi-translucent red underwear. It was bitterly cold, and I rushed back to class, using my backpack to cover up my half-naked self. Unfortunately for me, the teacher was still in the class. I went to my desk and grabbed my shirt and pants and put them on before she noticed. I waved a polite goodbye and left in relief.
Updated 03-17-2018 at 11:52 PM by 93490
Morning of September 7, 2017. Thursday. My wife Zsuzsanna and I are in bed in the same orientation as in reality. However, our implied bedroom is unfamiliar and mostly featureless. We are still trying to get more sleep but there is a bug present on the wall to our right (though not really a threat). Over time, there are more bugs seen. At one point, there is a large mosquito and a spider on the ceiling directly above us. The spider and mosquito are after each other, but I am not sure which one ends up defeating the other. A large cockroach also falls from the ceiling to the floor to our left at one point, making an audible “splat”. A large garden spider remains in a web a bit farther to my right, on the ceiling. After more time passes, there are vaguely humorous associations with this situation. Eventually, I look to my left, past Zsuzsanna, and see a large frog of unusual appearance. Its head seems slightly oversized. It sits on the upper shelf of some sort of small white side table, facing outwards. There is slight amusement growing in this scene of a frog, as it is much bigger than the bugs that had caused a concern about being able to sleep comfortably. Looking up and past where my head was, beyond the head of our bed, I see a dark room I did not know was there. I soon notice a baby gorilla looking back at me. To its left, I then see an adult gorilla. I am also aware of the presence of an unknown male who is in the room beyond the left side of our bed, though which I do not see as an imposer (though of whom is this dream’s personified preconscious). Although the gorilla is large, I am not really afraid of it. I do not even consider the situation as being very unusual. Instead, I ask the unknown male if it needs some water, and the answer is yes. I get out of bed and attach a small white hose (similar to our bathtub hose) to a pipe and direct water into a large square silver container (probably about two and a half feet square). At first, I thought the container was empty, but as I direct water into it from a distance of about four feet, it seems it was at least half full. The room seems mostly clean but featureless other than the adult and young gorilla and the water container. This dream is very amusing as a comedic sequential augmentation of the waking transition, similar to other dreams where the waking precursor becomes larger and more dominant over time to get my dream self’s attention to generate enough of an emotional reaction and neural energy to initiate waking (which is a primary function of dreams which, bizarrely, most people do not even realize at all). It combines aspects from a number of past dreams, most specifically my recent dream “Plumbing Troubles in a Three-Tiered Miniature Zoo” (from August 26th), where I was unable to resolve the water flow though which I did with this dream. Although water induction remains a very common form of dream state initiation (which might mean that this dream is an attempt at subliminal reinduction), I think there may be more of a biological factor in this case in needing to wake up and rehydrate. Bugs, especially cockroaches, typically relate to biological factors in removing cellular waste - though sometimes even a virus, general cleaning of which is mainly believed to be related to the glymphatic system, which increases fluids in the brain when sleeping. The presence of a frog is a residual factor of water induction (as it is associated as a water denizen but which also spends time on land). Its appearance and general dynamics (depending on the dream) is relative to a specific level of consciousness and also marks the waking transition (more as a circadian rhythms factor) due to a tadpole being associated with the basis (or origin) of the dream state when I was very young, thus tadpole to frog (as well as caterpillar to butterfly) is a sequential waking cycle analogy, marking the same general level of consciousness as a cash register often would (relating to “checking out” of the dream state, and in fact, my dreams have taught me this by combined symbolism many times over the years).
I knew a very friendly cat with reddish/orange fur. I think she lived in a shelter, other cats were around too, and maybe other animals. I can’t remember. Some people around me were trying to do something with cotton balls, some kind of kickstarter project. They were inspired by cat to make red fur from cotton balls. The process was to comb through a cotton ball until it was strands and then dye it red and sell it by the bag. We all thought it was a brilliant idea, although can’t remember what we thought people would want with w bag full of red cotton. More red: A red-haired guy gave me a ride home. He seemed creepy, in a pushy way. He wanted to come in to my place for some reason, and i think I let him, maybe to go to the toilet or something. Then wanted to stay longer and I told him to leave. I remember he had a weird smile on his face as I basically forced him out of my front door. I was at my mom’s house (random made-up dream home) My uncle was there and we were talking. I saw a crow, wanted to feed it peanuts. I told my uncle to hold on while I went inside to get some nuts. I grabbed some, and I was holding them up in my hand so I could show the crow that I had some nuts to feed it. My uncle was laughing at me, and he took a nut and said, ‘Here’s how you do it!’ and threw it at the crow. I was angry because I thought he scared the bird and was being rude. I had a friend– sometimes her hair was red, sometimes she was a blonde. She was a newish friend, and I felt I didn’t trust her completely although we were spending a lot of time together. At one point, I was in the back of a cab, she was on my right and my husband on my left. They seemed to be getting along well. I was considering the fact that I don’t drink anymore, and they both do. I felt that my husband probably thinks this friend is more exciting than me. I was going to move back in with my mom for some reason, work related I think. My husband was now some guy I had only been dating for about a month. Up until now we both lived in a house we shared with other people. I wasn’t sure this guy even really liked me that much, the relationship was new, and I think the guy had a reputation for dating lots of women before me. This friend was moving in to this house when I left, I was not happy about this. I was trying to have a discussion with this friend about how I felt about her moving in. Friend was polyamorous and acting like I was being unreasonable and prudish. Right before I woke up I was deciding that I just needed to break things off guy because none of this was worth it. I was in car with my mother— she was driving and we were on freeway. She was driving erratically, and I asked her if she could slow down. She said she drives slow. I told her i felt afraid, and said I always have dreams with her driving and we wreck. [Good chance to be lucid here, but did not. I think we actually wrecked.] I was eating a salad from a white cardboard to go box, and I saw what I had thought was black pepper move and realized that they were little bugs. I discreetly chewed the last bite and closed the box so no one would know I had been eating bugs.
First dream I was on a crowded street, in front of a bar. Just as I wanted to enter, a car accident happened. I ran to help people and tried to enter that bar, bit whenever I did - car accidents happened and I had to save people. This happened six times, and then I was able to enter. I told barkeep that story and ordered some vodka. After I drank, I went to suburbs to house, and told that story to father and his pal. That pal, a dark haired, stocky man, said that I should still look to find what I want. Second dream I was in my backyard, there were lots of people from school gathered in my garden. There was some kind of grand academy, but I didn't watched it. Instead I was wandering around the house, experimenting with bugs that were some kind of a project that teacher told me to do. He was doing some parts of it on his own, while the rest was left to me. The academy took to late night hours. I decided to take the dog out for a walk, and people were still coming back. I noticed a strange old man wearing a robe. He looked at my dog and said "By the light of Lord!" And ran away in panic. I looked at my dog, confused. Lights gathered around the dog and burst wildly as she turned into a gigantic dragon and flown away, into some ruins. Third dream I was in some ruins. Strange gargoyles composed of rotten flesh and bones tried to kill me. I was shooting them down with some kind of wands.
Updated 05-04-2016 at 09:42 AM by 72243 (Recalled more dreams)
Some things have happened earlier in the dream but forgot upon wakening. I'm outside with people and we are talking about something. My sister and brother along with my mom and her friend was there no one was talking to me some I left the group and wandered about. I ended up in a drive way that had a silver colored car there. It was updated and had dark colored windows yet I can still see the tree shaped, yellow, vanilla air freshener hanging around the mirror. I walked to the side of it and into the back yard that was over grown. I decided not to go back there and went back the way I came, not looking up at where I was going. I suddenly began to smell he vanilla freshener and when I looked up, I realized that I was climbing around in the back seat of the car. What the... It was dark inside with dark green reflections and I quickly got out of there before the owner comes out and gets me. The door of that car somehow opened but no one was inside, how the hell did that happen? However, my mom saw me and yelled at me about it. I tried to explain to her what happened but she was talking to her friend, ignoring me in the process. Pissed I stormed away from them but then my brother wanted to know what I had to say. What can he possible do about this? Nothing. I shook my head and then stopped as I find out that my path to where ever was blocked off by a web. Mom and them showed up and saw it too. "we are going to have to find a way through this stuff." As I looked at the web I seen what looked like little tiny gnats and some plump maggots crawling around on it. No spider. There was no way my mom was gonna be touching that stuff. I turned and walked away and neither was I.
Updated 04-02-2016 at 12:18 AM by 13650
First dream It was evening. With father, brother and my pal we were unloading a big cargo of timber, so my father could work in his carpentry workshop for his client. On the trailer there were huge logs and cants, some of them almost fallen on me when we were unloading them. Mother appeared and took car, she had to drive somewhere. She almost hit the back of the trailer, but she stopped just an inch before it. Then she drove away. We placed the cants on the circular saw. Brother said "You should've placed them differently. Bugs are getting from one hone to other!". I looked at one of them and said "These are just flies, they won't damage timber!" Brother replied "Look on the other one!" I took a look and said "Just ants..." Then a swarm of bugs burst out of the first hone. Some of them were brown and rounded, with long, thick and striped antenae. I shouted "I know these bugs! They belong to Cerambycidae!" Then more of them came out - huge like my hand and with roan colours. They swarmed all over our timber. Second dream I was in my hometown, going from stadium back to my house. It was a cloudy afternoon and it was a bit grim. I crossed the river, leaving bridge behind and going straight the path through a small forest. On the way I met a classmate that's playing in local football team. We went on silently until we reached flats, where we watched as somene tried to jump on their bike and get through the fence. The result was that someone from the other side of fence took his bike and went away with it. False awakening I woke up in my bed and entered the toilet. I wanted to brush me teeth, but just when I touched toothbrush, father and sister appeared in the room and started brushing their teeth.
I was viewing the dream from the 3rd person, like a movie. A fleet of space cruisers was leaving to regroup with more ships, because they realized they would need more ships for their mission. So they get back to a planet (I think Earth) and a giant ship opens up the bottom of it's hull and the three ships dock inside it. Somehow, now the ships are small and are inside of the hull of a modern fighter jet. I forgot why, but the pilot takes a jar of tiny flying insects and lets them loose inside of his plane where the other ships are still docked, then closed the hull back up. The dream changes to 1st person now and I'm looking at the pilot and another Air Force Officer standing next to me. The pilot was standing in the cockpit of his jet when we look over into the distance and see a nuclear explosion go off about 3-5 miles away. The sky becomes cloudy and turns black and red. I can see the fiery mushroom cloud and the shockwave approaching from the distance. The wind started to pick up and the officer standing next to me died. Then the shockwave reached us and the pilot looked at me and screamed in pain as his skin was peeled off from his head, then his muscles, and then his blood until he was just a skeleton in a pilot's outfit. My teeth felt loose and weird, so I hunched over. Then two of my teeth feel out, one of them had a filling. And then I woke up.
Updated 03-13-2016 at 02:25 AM by 50595
First dream I was in a shop near school. With classmates from previous school we were waiting in a queue. I wanted to buy some chips. For some reason, one of classmates paid for me and we went outside. On the way I ate some - it had strong herbal taste, and was a little bit spicy. We entered the school and went to IT room, where we worked on something. Second dream I was in my home, playing with our family pet - a fly. I had great fun with it, and wanted to find it some better place to live. I found a purple flower and found some good spot with few spiders. This fly was unusual - it ate spiders. Next day we wanted to play with our family pet, but we couldn't find it. We only found some dead spiders. Suddenly something jumped on me. I tried to throw it off, but it jumped back. After a while I managed to get rid of it - it was a strange black bug with long, thin legs.
Gun Religion I'm inside a central bus station, a little kid asks for cigarettes, he says I look like the type of guy that would have counterfeit Malrboros. (?!?) I have a leather jacket on. I tell him not to even start, it's going to be a thing he'll regret for life. I walk into the bus. It's morning, sun is rising like the summer, I'm out to the east of the city. I'm walking on the sidewalk by the highway. It's so early there is no one around. I walk and I'm approached by two people, they have darker skin, they look Indian, and have good clothes on, like Mormons. They approach me and I decide to be polite and listen. They tell me to go and watch a movie at their place that will change my life. I'm about to tell them I know enough about Jesus but being too polite I go with them. I'm in their place, it's like a basement with windows by the edge of the wall and the ceiling. It is well furnished. I watch a movie that starts with a map of the world when all the continents were still together, and shows how people first emerged in the center of the landmass and as the continents were torn apart people were sent around the world. That can't be right, I think, the two things happened in way different times. The video shows how different cultures emerged in different places, the first cultures. What is the point of this video? Is this even Christianity?!? I look around and see cardboard cutouts and posters of people with guns in weird outfits, are these pro-gun religious people? In the kitchen a hippie woman has made homemade ginger ale, it isn't too sweet and has lots of fibrous strands in it. I like it and compliment it to her. Giant Bugs I'm in my friends old place, the summer morning sun is coming through the windows. The place is mixed with a summer cabin, I see a wooden wall. There are giant mosquitoes flying around. I have to kill them for him. I have a giant ax and I try to kill them. Right as I swing at one I stop, this is going to cause holes in the walls. I look at the ax and the blade is actualyl flat, it's like a hammer with a really small face. I can use it without wrecking the walls. I see some taxidermy-ed mosquitoes around, proud trophies. ???? Goofy and Pluto are kicked off the spaceship that has the rest of humanity escaping the end of the world. (who are all characters from Donkey Kong Country). It looks like an old-school sci-fi craft. As Goofy pleads to be taken in, they take Pluto in but then kick the dog out so Goofy doesn't have to die alone. They give him four cigarettes as sympathy. The spaceship launches away, Goofy and Pluto with four cigarettes sitting on the sofa of my childhood home. Vague image of huts in the Pacific during World War II where each hut has a secret marijuana bush that then causes the hut to burst in flames?!?!?
One: I was riding along in my car with some other people, and Cory was driving. One of the passengers was my mom. We came along some traffic in Huntsville, near the intersection of South Memorial and Lily Flagg I think, and Cory was not slowing down fast enough to keep from hitting the car in front of us. I kept screaming "SLOW DOWN SERIOUSLY." and he was just all NAAAAAH, so I'm sitting there shotgun bracing myself, and sure enough he rams right into the car ahead of us. Which was some really tiny electric car thing, either blue or green. The guy ahead of us pulled into a U-turn area and into the big parking lot where people park their used cars for sale, and I noticed his bumper was falling off. Cory was making no move to turn and go over there, so I say "What the hell? You can't just run away!" and he says "Yeah I can, people get hit all the time." I eventually convince him to turn, and we're all sitting in that parking lot, exchanging info with the other guy. I was looking my car over, and it seemed to be okay except for some paint chipping. After settling that problem, we continued forward. I told Cory I wanted to drive since he sucked so bad, but he was adamant that it wouldn't happen again. So... now we're driving along some open highway in the countryside, and what does he do? He friggin runs right into the CEMENT TRUCK in front of us. I was super pissed at that point and yelling at him, and we all pulled over into a gravel parking lot for some bed and breakfast place. Cory got out to talk to the truck guys, and I got out and inspected my car. It was still OKAY, but it was missing some things... the driver's side mirror was gone. I was looking around on the ground for the missing mirror and I remember finding it next to a big pile of small square pieces of glass. For a moment I thought the glass was from my windows, but luckily it wasn't. That mirror would never move around automatically again if I glued it on myself, but I figured it would be fine moving it manually... first world problems and all that... Also I took Cory's stupid keys away. I put them on my keychain and noticed my mailbox key was cut in half. It was a lamentable thing. While Cory was out talking with the truck guys, me and the other passengers went into the bed and breakfast. We sat on the couches for a while and ate some food, some cheap gas station food like individually wrapped Twinkies and personal-sized bags of chips. Cory came in, and said the truck guys were being nice and picking all the ruined fragments off my car, so we still sat there and I bitched at him for being an idiot. I had to take my Lamictal pill, so for some reason I put it in a big glass of water, which was stupid because once it gets wet, it gets reeeeaaalllly bitter. So then I'm in the bathroom and drinking the water, trying to swallow the pill, and I just can't get it down because of the bitterness. I swear to god I stood there for like ten minutes trying to figure that out. Two: Cory and I went to visit some botanical gardens in the fall. We brought along our dog Loki. There was a big door that led to a butterfly area, and so I ask Cory if we can go inside. He's really surprised and asks if I REALLY want to, and I say yes because I want to face my fears, and I was TERRIFIED of butterflies in this dream for some weird reason (WTF?) So we go inside, and let Loki off the leash so she can run around. The butterfly area was a rectangular grassy area surrounded by tall hedges on all sides. In the middle was a rectangular pond with really clear water that was light blue and had lily pads and stuff all in it. There were birds all over, and a big blue crane wandering around in the water. There weren't too many butterflies, since it was cold out, but there were a couple Monarchs, some yellow Swallowtails, and some black Swallowtails... and some big white ones I couldn't identify. Possibly cabbage butterflies but giant-size? Anyway, a few swooped at me, and I stood my ground. Cory was quite proud of me. Then he left me to my own devices and went to take photos of some of the birds. I walked around the pond looking at stuff with Loki running next to me, when she stops and does her business. I noticed blood dripping out of her when she did it, and I was freaking out and called Cory over. He said he couldn't see anything, and I was like WTF the blood is RIGHT THERE, but he was adamant about seeing nothing. As we're there on the ground I see a tiny baby hedgehog wander up next to me, rolling around all cutely and stuff. I get all giggly like OH MY GOOOOOD. I'm afraid to touch him because I couldn't remember if their quills were super sharp or not, but Cory pet him and then left. So I sat there playing with the hedgehog for a bit. It wandered up to Loki's business, and did some business of its own... gross. And I'm all "What the hell are you guys doing, trying to fight for territory or something?!" I get up and wander around the pond for a while longer, and notice Seru standing at the entrance. He's got his arms crossed and says something to me and smiles... I can't remember what he said. Something about the butterflies, I think? I also might have been something about leaving. One or the other. I remember thinking for a moment that he was the guy I came into the butterfly area with, and I got confused. He was the last thing I saw before I woke up. Three: Just a dream fragment where I was walking around in a house. It was very cozy like a grandparent's house, at least, it made me feel that way. The floors were small wooden planks and felt really old.
Updated 10-10-2015 at 06:52 PM by 64971
Morning of September 12, 2015. Saturday. I have not posted that many infestation dreams, though I have had several per year since early childhood. It usually involves unusual unique-looking (but problematic) bugs getting into the house as well as mice in some versions. In this case, our house is somewhat unidentified. It resembles our present one in some ways but seems to have features of our last home (on Barolin Street) as well. The main scene involves large velvet ants crawling up one corner of a wall and mostly remaining near the ceiling, making a trail through the house, and going out through another corner. I spray them with a can of insecticide a few times (not that worried about the spray going back into my face), but this only seems to work near the end of my dream. There is also a point at which only one gets on my arm and latches on and I pinch it and pull it off. The sensations are quite realistic. There are also some sort of unusual beetles (which can fly) in a fictional back room, approaching a doorway in a line, crawling over the top of some sort of built-in table or counter-top (though the room is like a large storage area). Eventually, I spray the middle of their main line and they stop forming larger groups. Near the end of my dream, I notice large groups of different-colored mice in our living room. They are grouped by color. (A group of mice is apparently called “a mischief of mice”, though that is just a bit too silly to implement in my writing.) A large group of green mice crawls about to the right and red and blue units are to the left. There is also a smaller group of yellow mice in the foreground. For some reason, this strange scene does not trigger any degree of lucidity regardless of the intense vividness of the bug presence. In fact, it is rather “pretty” though still inherently problematic. There must be at least two hundred or more mice. Suddenly, as if just seeing me as a threat for the first time, they scramble, making a thunderous noise (and shaking the house itself) as they go off in divisions of their particular color and as I get the impression they are going back into the walls of our house. I am not too concerned, as I just do not want them inside the rooms of our house. Dreams like this are often caused by being temporarily annoyed by people (though sometimes caused by fasting in too cold or too hot weather); in this case, an NBN worker hanging around close to our house all day (thanks to the NBN cabinet that was installed right near our house without any notice, right in the middle of the footpath - how stupid) and playing a car radio from prior to sunrise, the vehicle actually parked on our footpath as if he cannot walk that couple of extra feet when leaving the area. (I honestly do not know what is wrong with these people other than being completely thoughtless with no seeming respect for residents or any responsibility for their presence or unwarranted and unjust impositions or actions.)