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    1. F-117s, hotel/hospital people disappearing

      , 04-09-2012 at 09:46 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Saturday, 4/7/12 Bed 11:47pm
      no recall before WBTB
      WBTB 2:55 - 3:41
      DR 6:40

      1. I'm in a big house in a canyon. There is a lot's of people there, have a feeling it's some celebrity wedding. The house has glass roof and I see F-117 coming towards the house from the nearby hill. It's flying very slow, like a hovering helicopter and low, just inches above the roof as it passes over the house.

      There is more of them coming. One of the planes is so slow, that it's suction cup it has instead of wheel attaches to the roof. I can see it in great detail, same as other planes. Then one bomber flies over. It's huge. I'm in awe as it roars over our heads. My brother shows up and I tell him he missed the show. We ask the photographer to show him the footage and to give him a copy, but I guess he didn't tape the planes and he is embarrassed about it.

      2. I'm in a hotel/hospital. People are disappearing. As I leave the dining area at 4o'clock, I get to my room door at 5o'clock and I have no recollection, what happened to me in that one hour. I'm telling others about people disappearing and trying to find out what's going on. I feel they are doing some experiments.

      >>I'm in a hotel room/cell, underground, that has no door. I watch a bell-hop push a cart full of suitcases, some are even falling off. The belong to people who disappeared. I figure why not make a break for it. I somehow end up in a small room. Kids walk in and they are about to raise alarm. I tell them we can play hide and seek. While they hide, I get away.

      I walk on the corridor and at the reception I jump over some metal rod (like at the entrance to amusement park IWL to count number of visitors). The receptionist nurse has just looked the other way, so I walk by unnoticed. I'm not sure where the exit is, but pretty sure it's through the dining area. So I walk by the gift shop, while trying hard not to run. I finally walk through the glass door with exit sign. I walk a little and decide to take a street car to get away faster. I hide between some panels. Then to my horror I notice the streetcar turning into the hospital complex.
    2. My School Changes Schools

      by , 02-05-2012 at 01:09 AM
      I enter my dream inside of my school. Everything was like it should be, but people were gathered in the gym and they seemed excited. I enter the gym and start to ask people why they are excited and find out that all of the people in our school is moving to a different school. Next thing that I know, I am in an airport. I see people ahead of me getting their tickets to get on a plane to leave. I get handed my ticket and board the plane. There were two planes, and I had gotten on the first one. When everyone was on, we tried to take off, but failed because we didn't have enough room to get enough speed. Immediately we start to look for another place to take off at that would be longer. Everyone decides to go onto a highway. We somehow manage to get onto the highway-my dream turns into third person so I can see the plane. It was plain white with a couple of windows on the side. While on the highway, we start to take off once again, but we can't because of traffic on the highway. I then wake up.
    3. Flyin' Hawaiian

      by , 11-12-2011 at 04:17 PM
      I Was With My Friend Of Mine That I See Sometimes.We Were Pulling Pranks Around His Neighborhood And,We Got Caught And We Were On The Run.An Enemy Was On A Floating Platform . He Was Shooting Fireballs At Us. Also,At The Beginning Of The Dream I Kept Taking Airplane Flights To Somewhere That Seemed Familiar ,Maybe Key West FL.

      End Of Dream.

      Updated 11-15-2011 at 01:33 AM by 51031

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    4. Unicorn and Terrorist Airplanes

      by , 08-23-2010 at 07:43 PM
      Type: DILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      This one feels pretty similar to my last recorded dream. The vividness decreased when I became lucid, but I still managed to complete the evasive TOTM and witness a terrorist attack.

      This dream started off with me being on a long rope of grassy hill. It was a hill that rose only ten or fifteen feet from the ground, so walking back down to the ground would take less than a minute. It was probably later in the day, but it had yet to become noticeably dark.

      The rest of the land was flat and covered in grass, and you couldn't see anything in any direction except a road traveling along the base of the hill that led to a very nearby city. The tall buildings started at the end of the hill, so you can visualize how close the city was; I was right on the outskirts of it.

      I looked around and suddenly became lucid, shouting "yes" rather excitedly and doing the nose-plug reality check, which obviously failed. But then, the dream suddenly decreased in vividness. Things became slightly hazy and the lighting became dim, although it was still light outside. I rubbed my hands for stabilization and touched the blades of grass on the ground, but it didn't help. So, still being on the hill and in no position to move, I decided to summon a white unicorn that I could ride. After all, I had no idea how long the dream would last but I didn't want to flip out. I used the familiar turn-around-and-expect-it-to-be-behind-me technique, and it was.

      However, although it was a bit harder to see, I could tell that the unicorn was a bit smaller than normal. I don't know how to measure horses in terms of hands, but it was probably only four feet tall. It also looked like its skin was made of white velvet, and I couldn't see its muscles moving as it walked over to me. It looked sort of like a toy, but that didn't bother me. I got up on it with a jump and landed square on its back, without having to reposition myself.

      There was no harness so I looked away, out towards the city, and then back again; there was now a single metal hoop around its neck. I rolled my eyes and expected it to walk forward, and it did. The dream still wasn't fading, so I got off it to do something else.

      That was when I lost most of my lucidity, with only a bit lingering. The road on the base of the hill had now changed to a six- or seven-lane highway with cars traveling quickly along them. All the lanes were in one direction, I observed. Although I wasn't lucid, I then chose to summon a random DC to test my dream control. I tried to summon it, but nothing appeared. I looked at the sky and then, at that very moment, two large gray planes flew overhead at an incredible speed, directly into the buildings in the city. There was an explosion which blew me backwards quite a bit, and the city buildings were now on fire.

      The dream ended.

      Updated 07-06-2011 at 09:14 AM by 28408

      lucid , task of the month
    5. Island Air Raid and the Translucent Stones.

      by , 07-17-2007 at 05:00 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      This dream starts off on some sort of island. There is one small town near the north side of the island, but it is a very poor slum. Most of the houses are small trailers or huts that are dirty and barely standing. The town is surrounded by a temperate forest and the entire island is elevated several meters above the sea level. Because there are only steep cliffs along the sea sides, crudely constructed wooden piers and ladders have been built to allow access to the water. It is never explained why or by who, in the dream, but the little island is subject to frequent air raids.

      I am standing outside of my hut/trailer and I am looking at the clear blue sky. I can hear an air raid siren blaring through the town, and even though I can not see where the sound is coming from, I know what it means. I can see black dots in the distance and they are rapidly approaching the island. Everyone in the town is scrambling to find shelter, most heading for the forest because they know that the slum town is the target of the on coming attack. I run into the forest also, but still feel exposed being so close to the town and head for the closest pier on the seafront. I am hoping to escape the attack by boat.

      When I am at the outside edge of the forest (at a cliff that overlooks the sea) and I can see the on coming attack planes. There are about 12 of them and they are flying in a diamond formation. Most of the planes look like WW2 bombers, while two or three look like sea planes. All of them are painted entirely black except for the wing tips which are painted bright red.

      I am afraid that I will be seen and scramble down the cliff side and underneath the long wooden pier. I remember that the wood of the pier was dark brown and smelled like it was rotting. The planes suddenly decend rapidly, break formation and start bombing everything in sight that is moving. My plans of escape by boat are thwarted when several people attempting a similar escape in their watercraft are obliterated by the attack planes before they can get very far. The very end of the long pier I am hidding under is blown apart by a bomb and I am too afraid to move from my spot.

      I cannot see what is happening to the town but I can hear a constant barage of bombs, planes wizzing close by and screams from people in the forest behind me. To my right I suddenly see one of the sea planes land in the water and come towards the pier that I am hiding under. I panic and try to climb up the cliff but it is suddenly muddy and I slip down and into a large cravat. There is an outcropping of the cliff that I can hide under and I do so.

      While still aware of the sea plane coming towards me, I feel something hard in the mud below me and thinking it is a rock, I dig it out. It turns out to be translucent yellow stone about the size of my fist. It's not shiny and cut but I think it is jewel and I put it in the pocket of my tattered pants. I try to adjust my weight in the mud underneath the outcropping but doing so causes me to slip out from my hiding place. I grab onto something that I think is a stick to steady myself and discover that is a cylindrical, translucent red stone. There are actually three of them sticking out of the mud but I only grab one and stick it in my other pocket.

      The sounds of the air raid have stopped, though I can still hear several bombers flying overhead. The sea plane reaches the wooded pier and because I think I can be seen I make another attempt to climb up the muddy cliff. I am successful this time and dash into the forest. I do not look back and see the face of the enemy. The forest is thick with smoke from things burning and I am quickly lost. I run towards where I think the town is and trip on several bodies or body parts. I do not see anyone alive along the way.

      I do eventually find the town but the damage doesn't seem to be as bad as I thought it would. My home has been destroyed and I scurry between burning ruins and debris until I find a trailer that is elevated off the ground with cinder blocks. I crawl underneath the trailer and dig a small hole. I rip off a peice of my shirt and wrap the yellow and red stones in it, which I then bury, believing that they are valuable or will be useful to me later. I remain hidden under the trailer, even after I can no longer hear any bombers flying overhead.

      People start emerging from the forest and return to the town. I don't know any of them nor do I feel anything for them. Even at the beginning of the dream I felt very detatched from the other people in the town. I watch from my hiding place as people try to find anything valuable to salvage or their loved ones. I am chased from my hiding spot when the owner of the trailer returns and yells at me to get lost, probably thinking that I was going to try and move into his place or something. I make a mental note to retrieve the stones later.

      I don't know if it is the next day or later in the week but the dream skips ahead a bit and I am talking with someone in the middle of the slum, most of which is still smoldering ruins. There are a few people trying to rebuild but many people don't see the point since they know the island will probably be bombed again in the near future. The young man I am talking to says that there is a man who lives in a cave on the other side of the island who grants wishes or something to anyone who brings him rare or precious items. I remember my yellow and red stones (having forgotten them until now, apparently) and wait until night to try and dig them up.

      Thankfully the stones are still there and I make my way along the island's outer edge to try and find the cave. The full moon is large and supplies ample lumination for me to find my way. The muddy cliffs give way to icy formations that are just as difficult to traverse. I slip several times and almost drop my stones in the sea, which seems to have gone calm to violent and frothing the farther I get from the slum town. The sea is also freezing and I assume that is why the cliff face is covered in ice.

      I feel like I have been walking forever, and indeed the sun starts to rise before I see the cave in the distance. The icy cliff gives way to sand, but not before I pluck a peculiar looking stone from the frigid ice. It is similar to my yellow and red stones, being translucent and about fist size, but is a bright blue. I put it in with the others and continue on my way. I am happy to reach the sand because it is warm and soft, though I have to avoid being sweapt away by large waves that are crashing onto the beach. The tide must be coming in or something because even when I walk directly away from the sea, the waves still reach my feet no matter how far inshore I go.

      What looked like a cave from a distance now looks like a large door made of gold and encrusted with shining jems. There are gold and silver gears and chains surrounding it and there does not seem to be a door handle. I think at first that it is some sort of puzzle but before I can get much further in my thoughts, the gears start turning, the chains squeak and the door swings open. It is all dark inside and I cannot see anything at first, but with the sea level rapidly rising behind me, I do not hesitate to go inside.

      I am exhausted and cold and am hoping that this journey has not been in vain. I feel my way through the dark until I find a wooden door. I open it and am stunned by what I see behind it. It looks like a standard, modern day home (kitchen to my right, living room dead ahead, bedroom to my left), but everything is made of precious material and jewels. The walls are solid gold, the light fixtures are made of crystal, the carpet under my feet is soft and luxuriant. I am appauled by the excess of the place, thinking of the utter poverty and slum conditions in which my town on the other side of the island exists.

      As I walk towards the large high ceiling living room. A tall, handsome, muscular man (in his late 20s/early 30s) comes out of no where and greats me. A woman appears by his side and offers to make me some tea. She seems kind of "empty," and does not even look directly at me. She is forcing a smile. I can not see them, but I can hear children playing somewhere. Still overwhelmed by the opulance of the place I forgot what I had come for, even thought I still clutched the stones closely to my chest. Despite their apparently welcoming demenor, I do not feel safe because everything feels "fake."

      The dream ends there.
    6. They’re After Baby Huey

      by , 04-04-1996 at 10:04 AM
      Afternoon of April 4, 1996. Thursday.

      This turned out to be an odd combination of the otherwise very common “return flight” type, subtype “failed flight”, for the waking transition (though both bird and airplane symbols are integrated in this one). It also uses the bomb metaphor as the waking trigger (which is sometimes linked to a hypnopompic event though not in this case). Bombs sometimes are triggered by or linked to a real noise in the environment (even a barely audible sound depending on the state of consciousness at the time), though that is not always the case.

      I am watching Baby Huey (the cartoon ducking) in an unusual movie (which I assume is fictional). Airplanes are bombing the area but only to get to him for whatever reason. (It seems he may be considered a threat by the military.) Sometimes I actually seem to be present but there is no direct threat to me.

      Baby Huey, in the last part of the last segment, hardly notices an atomic bomb (a common dream cessation symbol) that is dropped in the area. It seems a bit strange that everyone else in one region is apparently wiped out yet this annoying cartoon duckling remains, randomly walking around, mostly oblivious to the chaos around him.

      There are a couple layers here that add to the overall meaning. Huey is technically a flight symbol (though cannot actually fly, so represents the band of liminal space closest to full consciousness - additionally as such since him being a cartoon represents the dissolving dream state or its instability) though is also a play on the UH-1 Huey Helicopter, which is where the notion of war and bombs comes from. This is an odd middle-ground of different flight symbol types in conflict, as if I am subliminally trying to decide whether to keep sleeping or to wake up. The baby association may also be partially influenced by our son. Huey is yellow so may also relate to dawning consciousness (as the sunrise symbol) during the transition.

      Updated 03-02-2017 at 09:14 AM by 1390

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