Non-Lucid Lucid Nightmare Hello, everyone! This one is a little different from my other Dream of a Lucid Dream. Because of Dreaming of Shared Lucid Dreaming! : Me, Michele, and a girl named Shelby where having a slumber party. There where 3 beds and we all went to sleep. We were in this Patrick Level from "Spongebob Squarepants: Creature from the Krusty Krab" when the Dream started. We all became Lucid at the same time. Michele was the first to say something. He said,"Dudes, where in a Lucid Dream!" for some reason, Shelby didn't say anything the entire Dream. I stated flying and said,"This... IS... AWESOME! Kinda like Leonidas. Michele started hovering from the air and said he needed help flying. I told him to hover a little bit and everytime he did that he would get better at flying. I said," I shall run at the speed of light!" I started running at the speed of light and it created some Time-slip structure and sent us one-million years in the future. I said,"This place is the place I keep thinking of in my head... It turns out the place we where in was the place I keep thinking of in my head when I'm awake. I started hovering around and said,"This is exactly that place!" and Michele said,"Cool." and started hovering around also. Shelby on the other hand just kept walking by us the entire dream. perhaps she wasn't even Lucid. I said," Lets go back to the past." Then I ran the speed of light again but woke up in the process. What a shame, I could of Actually became Lucid The End
LUCIDS ARE IN THIS COLOR! information/preludes/whatever in regular black text REGULAR DREAMS IN THIS COLOR! CHILD HOOD/EARLY DREAMS IN THIS COLOR! Alrigtht lets begin: THE FLYING DREAM So I was sleeping over at my friends house (i know a little weird) And i was dreaming about something (idk what it was) So i start running to my house thinking "If I go to my house I'll wake up!" Then it hit me: I was dreaming i often did do the previous thing (go to here and i'll wake up) but i never really thought i was dreaming until i saw something about it. After i became lucid i jumped up and began to fly! it was kinda weird though since i was in a weird position. But after that i flew pretty much for the rest of the dream. I actually sometimes couldn't fly for a little bit but i quickly came back IT WAS AWESOME!
Had two good non-lucids last night, along with some other non-lucids that i might not mention. Lucidity-0 Vividness-7 I'm in mexico in this dream.(I actually had a dream beforehand that led me into Mexico, and all my dreams took place their). Ok, so in this dream i have the ability to create electricity alot like the guy from infamous. I even use some of his powers sometimes. I hear reports of random soldiers dieing along a certain path. I go to cut whatever is causeing the path of destruction. I come up behind who it is thats been killing everyone. He's invisible, and outside a fire-nation base, but i can see his outline, so i shoot a electric shockwave at him, which disables his invisibility, but he doesn't notice me. He jumps into the base and kills the few people that are their. I jump in as well, right as he jumps out to the side. I jump over the side and shoot some small lighting bolts at him to get his attention. He turns around, and its prince Zuko from avatar. He's using red/orange lighting and its pretty intimidating. He starts off by throwing a powered up lightening ball at me. I catch it in my hand and twirl it around some. He throws another. I catch it as well. I swirl both of them around. He throws a third, more powered up than the rest. I catch it easily too. I Then focus my own energy into them and throw them back at him. No damage, but it staggered him some. Then we get into a constant energy battle of throwing as much electricity at the other as possible. I'm giving everything i got. So is he. I eventually put down an electric bubbleshield. He stops shooting at me. I look over at him and he creates a long stick, that then transforms into a spear with a spear at both ends. He charges. Lightening won't help me here. I quickly dodge his attacks. It's hard to dodge them but, i somehow manage it. Then i get the oppurtunity when he's coming down with his weapons to break the tip, which hits my armor that i didn't know i had on. He swings the other side at me in a sweeping motion. I break the other end as well.He creates a pike in his hands. He starts attacking me with it, but it makes him slow. I roll under an attack and palm fist him with electricity. He flys to a wall nearby that was already crumbling. I pick up his pike. I walk over. Then in a 3rd person view i stab it in his head and chest. The top of the blade hit his head. The bottom hit his chest. Blood is pouring out, and i even messed up his eye from the stab. The rest will be summary's of other dreams. Going into Mexico. Starts at the border. We run through some stuff. Then they start raising those little metal circles in the ground to stop the car. We get past. We get into another car, and then head into Mexico. I tell my friend to watch the episode of avatar because the battle was awesome. Yes it was. Two fire-nation guards are sitting at a post. One hops inside a building. Picks up a cursed weapon and dies while having his body sent threw a window outside to his friend. His spirit is then inside and he picks up the weapon again and it causes him immense pain.
Non-Dream Non-Lucid Lucid This will probably hurt your eyes, so I'm changing the color to green. I was playing Halo Reach on split screen co-op. I was already lucid from playing some more subliminal lucid tracks on my iPod. The game seemed off, there were no Jackals or Buggers where there were supposed to be. The game seemed to be without cut-scenes, there is no HUD, and the levels seemed to be cut in together. I decided to go with it. At one point, my brother left from the co-op match, yet, the computer seemed to be controlling his player. I got a point where there was a bunch of marines. I picked up a grenade launcher just for fun. It looked oddly like a Striker from MW2. I shot at a marine and tit didn't explode, it had direct impact, which was weird for Halo, since that isn't supposed to happen. One of the higher commands started righting me a citation(WTF?) so I just restarted from the last checkpoint. I got to the marines again, and ignored them. I killed a few Elites, turned a corner and saw a very odd sight. I saw two droids that looked like they were from a Star Wars parody because they were taller than usual. Also, I saw a deformed grunt. I shot them all down while they were ranting about something. Then, a few Spartans and Elites entered where I was, so I took for cover behind a futuristic chain-link wall. There was one Elite left, and he looked pretty pissed. Suddenly, a creepy purple legged spider/beast machine with a semi-transparent orange cockpit fell in front of the elite and crushed my computer co-op Spartan. The Elite got on, and the beast machine roared, stood up on it's several hind legs, and tackled Spartans one-by-one. The only way it could move was by jumping. It crashed through the wall and killed a Spartan. It couldn't fit all the way so it went around. I went by another wall, but the machine gave chase. It cornered me and asked the weirdest question. "Do you have a cat?" I replied, "Uh, yes?" I woke up because I was tackled by my cat. Notes: Vividness: 9/10 Lucid Peak: 4/10 Another weird dream. Subliminal Lucid Music=
Updated 09-29-2010 at 12:45 AM by 36383
If you can be bothered reading this all the way to the bottom, I will be impressed. It does contain at least 3 dreams from one sleep in a single sitting. Continue at your own peril! Notes Normal Dream Lucid Dream For the past week my recall has been terrible, with me only remembering a couple of fragments. This morning I woke up and started thinking through a dream - still half asleep. Suddenly I realised, "I should be writing this down!" So I hurriedly turned over and started writing. Part of the dream was lost, the part I was thinking about before I started to write it down. First (?) part of dream was forgotten, but I recall entering a dark building. I was sure that I wasnt myself at this point, like I was inhabiting someone else's body. It was an orphanage, and I had the distinct feeling it was where I had grown up. Moving through the building, I found no-one about. Dumping my stuff (when did I get it?) in a room, I moved to another corridor and there was a guy who I knew in real life. Wearing nothing but a very short towel. Not being gay, this was not exactly a particularly pleasant thing for me to witness. "You must be looking for [his mother], here follow me." He led me to the reception (of sorts) and I knew that there was another part of the building behind it, that I didnt get to see. I was taken to a room, "Terga 4" (definitely saw that written down) which incidentally was the exact room I had dumped my stuff, and also grown up in (the person I was inhabiting) Dream Change Cutting grass in my current High School, although it seemed slightly different. I couldnt place why exactly in this dream. In any case, I had finished cutting two portions of the grass, and was just about to start the third when I was informed it was military property, and was as such dangerous. WTF? I moved outside the school, along a path. There was a box which provided electrical current to some wires, one along the first portion of the road, two along the second. I reached the start of the second portion the first time I walked along it, being led by a friend. The second time along, I was the one who was leading, and I'm sure we were being followed by a couple of idiots. At some point along the path I touched a wire to see if it was live It was before telling the others not to touch them. For some reason we walked on the part of the road that was narrower, on the grassy bank to the right hand side. When we got to the end of this road, there was a house. It was dark, or at least stormy, with an illuminated house opposite us, atop some cliffs. A river went by in front of us, making a bridge lower down the only viable way across. Luckily there was an elevator for us (me + several others) to go down. We had almost all managed to fit into the elevator, only two people were not in it with us. As we started to go down, the idiots who had followed us arrived. We touched the ground below, and the idiots cut the rope that would have allowed the other two to get down. Interestingly enough, I predicted this would happen. We had to get across the river, and once again I predicted what would happen next. The bridge broke. Luckily we were carrying the wooden elevator floor with us, and this allowed us to float. Unfortunately, I somehow fell over the edge and got trapped between a submerged post and the current of the river. Next thing I knew, I was floating near the house, and I remember a distinct feeling of WTF? How the hell did I get over here? I could hear the two friends who had been stranded up on the other side of the river, but not the friends who were actually in the river. Dream Transition, like a scene change in a movie. I was back at the first part I wrote about, but there were two changes: I was younger, and I definitely was myself instead of inhabiting another person. Were the two above parts of the dream linked? It would appear so, because there in the distance was the house, but it was daytime. Riding a tricycle, alongside a girl. We were both of about 7 or 8 years old at this time. Of all the parts I've talked about, this is the most difficult to remember. Things were fuzzier, more indistinct. I have no idea who the girl was, and I dont get the feeling that the major part I forgot explained who she was. All I know was that we were playing, and suddenly, she wasnt there. I asked no-one in particular, possibly my brain, what had happened to her. She had died. I suppose I knew already, but subconsciously. I think she died of cancer, although what variety wasnt explained. It was very sad, because it was like a childhood friend had died, and I didnt quite understand why. Dream Change Sitting down in the shower room, for some reason I put my thumbs on my nostrils. Breathing in still worked. Why? Had I not covered them properly? I tried again, sticking them right in, blocking my nasal passages completely, and yet I could still breathe in and out. With a sudden realisation, I was lucid dreaming! This was only the second time I could ever remember going lucid, and the first time with a conscious reality check, (albeit one I have never used before) and this made me pretty pleased. Feeling incredibly pleased, I sat for a few moments, relishing in the feeling of awareness. I was by this time quite tired of dreaming, I doubt I could have taken much more, so it was quite a relief when I woke up. Im completely happy with the Lucid lasting only a few moments, because it has happened only once before. My goal now is to have a longer lucid dream, where I explore being aware.
This is my first time posting on this new blog thing since I took a break from DV for a while. I finally had a lucid while I was at my friend's house the other day. It's been a couple of days, so I don't remember what happened in the non lucid part because I didn't have a DJ to write in. *A bunch of non lucid dreams here* I am with my friend and we are in his room. I can slightly sense I am dreaming. This lucidity is weak. There is a small part of me that knows I am dreaming, but there is still some doubt. The fact that I didn't even thinking of stabilizing proves this. There comes a point where I needed to pay for something, and I knew I had only a couple of dollars with me. So when I'm reaching into my pocket, I imagine myself pulling out a lot of money. When I pull out the money, it works, and I have a nice wad of 100 dollar bills. Sweet I tell myself. I do some other stuff I can't remember and I am walking out to my car. I go to open the trunk and instead of unlocking it manually, I just imagine the trunk already being unlocked and sure enough, it is. I then decide I want to show my friend that was with me that I could control anything. I say, "Hey watch this. See how I only have these 2 quarters? When I reach into my pocket, I'm gonna pull out a bunch more." So I reach into my pocket once again but I can't get myself to pull out more quarters. I try 2 more times and on the last try I finally pull out more, but only like two more. I then wake up and I'm very disappointed that I couldn't do more. I am also sad that it wasn't full lucidity. I wasn't in full control of my actions, but I slightly knew I was dreaming.
WHOOOOO! i WILDed on my first try! well, technically my first try, i had tried to WILD several times before going to bed, but they were all doomed to fail so they don't count. i woke up at 8, took the dogs out, then went back to bed and tried to WILD. i tried on my left side, back and right, finally settling on my right side. i waited a while, and i had this extreme uncomfortable feeling, like i really wanted to move. i didn't realize it till afterwards that it was my body testing to see if i was awake. unfortunately, i don't remember actually going into the dream, i forgot the beginning, which was probably a minute or two. i do remember cars, and a road though. where it does begin however, the detail was amazing. it was the most clear and realistic lucid ive ever had, i didn't loose lucidity once. it "starts" on a busy street, im standing behind this SUV, and i was gonna try something. in real life, ive always wanted to ride on the roof of a car, holding onto the rails where you attach the bikes lol. it kinda looked like this: maybe a darker green. anyway, i wanted to lay on the roof, and ride it lol. but in the background was a enormus city, like a futuristic city, it was really far away, almost fading into the atmosphere. i started to fly, i was either gonna fly to the city, or fly up into space, but i thought to myself "nahh, i fly all the time" and landed. i then grabbed the rails of the SUV, as soon as it started going. for some reason, my feet just kinda dragged behind me, i never got to ride on top. then it turned into this parking lot outside a building, and my feet stayed where they were, but i kept going. it was weird, like my legs were stretchy or something. after that, i got off, and remembered my ultimate goal: to find my dream guide. so i went inside, it was like a Chinese place, i think it was like a nail salon or something, it had very dim lighting. i saw a DC and decided to ask her where my dream guide was, i think she was an employee or owner. this was how the conversation went: Me: "hey, you wouldn't happen to know where my dream guide is would you?" Her: "whats a dream guide?" Me: "well, it's kinda your subconscious, like in a DC" she then said something like "well, your subconscious is a very complicated place, you could find her anywhere..." i think she said more, but i don't remember. then this blonde woman walked past me, i walked up to her and asked "you're probably not my dream guide. are you?" she said "no", to my disappointment. so then i followed her upstairs, and did some other "stuff", not gonna go into detail on that . i then woke up, but i stayed still, and then after about 10 seconds, my body started vibrating, and started to DEILD. my eyes were closed, but i could see my window. there was a lot of trees outside my window, with oval shaped leaves, right outside my window, which don't exist in real life. i was trying to decide if i recognized those types of leaves, not even thinking about the trees themselves lol. i sat up, almost deciding that it was a dream. then the damn phone rang. my parents have the phones set up so that they can ring the one outside my bedroom whenever they want me to come here. it rang in the dream and i immediately sprung up and ran downstairs. i found my mom standing in the office, telling me to start mowing the grass near the pantry. i was confused, i visualized my backyard, and estimated where the pantry would be. my mom asked "are you ok?" i think i said yes, not sure. i then woke up for real, and kicked myself for not becoming lucid. thats all i remember.
First lucid dream. My first lucid dream was pretty long it started non lucid. So I was at my old school and it was night and we were about leave to go home. Then my brother saw a guy walking down a trail beside our school and told us that guy is trouble. But then I was hope and I looked out my window and I could see the judges for Americas got talent in my front yard and Sharon was standing on a floating car and I though, I have to be dreaming so I plugged my nose and I could breathe! I screamed at the top of my lungs "I'm dreaming!!" but I didn't wake up from the excitement. But after that part is kinda blurry then I was outside and it was still night. I tried to fly. I lifted a bit off the ground then fell back down then I lifted again and I went higher but I fell again then I was walking on this trail and decided to try and make it day so I closed my eyes and. Thought when I open my eyes it will be day time and I opened them and there was a sunrise I thought that was good enough then kept walking and there were bad guys coming at me(I guess I wasn't fully in control) so I remembered that yesterday I thought about having a lightsaber in a lucid dream so I tried yo make one appear in my hand but I was basically just imagining it and it wasn't there and then I finally got it and I started fighting the bad guys off but this part is kinda blurry too then when I was fighting them I saw a group of people looking at me then I finished fighting the bad guys and continued walking. Then I thought is it too soon to summon my dream guide? I guess I'll try so I close my eyes and say summon dream guide! Or something like that and when I open my eyes I see a bald Black man with a bluetooth headset then I remembered I saw him in the group of people and I asked him, "Are you my dream guide?" he calmly says, "I am" I was excited at that point and I think I lost lucidity then there was something about fighting people in a big glass building. And the second dream of the night(non lucid):The back of my old school (I'm thinking my old school is a dream sign I see it in a lot of dreams) was all pools and sort of a water park and I was talking to some of my brother's friends that are girls. And then there is the big weird drivable machine thing. So I get in and my friend's girlfriend (which is also my best friend) was watching as I laughed driving it then someone that worked there said something to me and pushed me down this big hole while I was on the machine and I was falling and it was like a ride and there were colourful coushions as I went down the ride then when it ended the machine was gone then I was back by the pool then I remember doing another RC and YErp I was dreaming but I didn't become lucid then I remember arguing with a guy at a corn dog stand while people wait in line and then that's it
i found this on my phone, i forgot to type it up. this one starts out in a garage, theres an old teacher of mine there as well, but she can't see me, like im invisible. she starts walking back to the door leading inside, i stare at her butt lol. after she went inside, i left the garage. i was at the top of my road, at a house that shouldn't belong to my old teacher. after i leave the garage i start heading toward my house, riding on this super awesome wind scooter! i drew a picture because its really hard to describe, and too cool not to see. not a very good drawing, but it looked way cooler in the dream. the sail could pivot from side to side, to make it work better, the sail was made of some strange material, almost like a dinosaur wing or something. it also had a rope at the end, where i could pull it taut to catch the wind. anyway, i rode down to my house, but i dont really remember doing anything there. after that, i rode back up to the teachers house, but i was with someone else, i dont know who. we went back into the garage, then left. the scooter looked different when i came back out, i think the sail was down or something.