Well, due to life getting extremely busy I had to take off a week of keeping up with my DJ, and last night being the first night of the weekend, I got to try again to lucid dream...and boy did I! 1) & 2) Just fragments of the first couple dreams of the night. Can't remember a lot of what I did, but I do recall quite clearly finding a mirror, looking at myself in it, and telling myself that I was dreaming until it sank in that I really was. I went lucid this way in both dreams and then went to do stuff, but sadly lost lucidity again fairly quickly. 3) I was keeping a DJ (yes, in the dream) of the previous two dreams in the night. Suddenly I realized I was still dreaming though, and so I happily marked a third lucid dream for one night...just before waking up. 4) By this point I'd finally gotten enough sleep for dreams to be fairly clear, and so I was wandering through some futuristic facility, unaware that I was asleep, when out of the corner of my eye I caught my reflection in a broken sheet of metal that was dangling from the wall. As I approached it, I began to marvel at how realistic the reflection was...which clued me in that I was dreaming and subconsciously knew it. I repeated the process of looking at myself in the mirror and telling myself quite firmly that I was dreaming until I really did gain lucidity...and this time held onto it! When I looked away from the mirror I was suddenly Adam Jensen, which I found cool and decided to stick with. I was on the basement level of the facility, and I decided there would be a villain at the top level, and I had to get there to stop him from some evil plot. And of course in Deus Ex style, that also meant I had to do a lot of sneaking around to get there. Well, I didn't do the best job at being subtle so security guards caught onto my presence very quickly, but a single punch to the face took each and every one of them out so easily it was almost disappointing. So I let two guys wake back up from the knockout punch and start chasing me, this time with the fun being in finding a way to hide from them. I began to half-fly-half-freerun all over the place until I rounded a corner, expecting to find a door to a crazy room on the other side. I did. Once inside, I was in a room that had its geometry duplicated on the ceiling, making it vertically symmetrical. I flew upside down and stood on the ceiling as the two guys ran inside on the floor, which was upside down to me, now. They couldn't figure out how the heck I was doing what I was, and it confused them enough for me to fly up some upside-down flights of stairs until I reached a pillar jutting sideways out of the wall. I stood by the pillar now, at yet another orientation different from the floor. The DC's were totally confused by this point, and so when they came after me, I simply kept myself on the opposite side of the pillar from them, and eventually they gave up looking for me. Just when they were about to leave though, one of them saw me, so I took them both out and kept going towards the top. Sadly I lost lucidity and woke up before I could get there, but it was still a pretty epic dream. Here's a basic illustration of the crazy geometry I built into that room on the fly. Just goes to show the creativity the sleeping mind can have! I'd never think of this while awake
Updated 11-12-2011 at 09:21 PM by 29433
Did that WILD I was talking about for a nap today. It worked! First WILD in about 6 months. I think I've broken my dry spell. I hope at least. I decided to take a nap and attempt a WILD. I entered SP and really it wasn't that scary. Nothing seemed to happen. I kept at this for what felt life ten minutes until I awoke in my bed. I went with the assumption it didn't work and carelessly forgot to RC. Luckily as I walked into my hallway I remembered to RC and realized I was dreaming. I didn't get too excited and decided to start simple because this is one of the most stable LDs I have ever had. I jumped down my stairs and slowly floated to the floor. As I touched the floor everything suddenly began to get blurry. I became dizzy and fell to the floor. I wasn't gonna let this dream end. I wasn't able to get up and spin due to my dizziness, but I could rub my hands together. I attempted to but my hands seemed to act like magnets and would push each other away. I was beginning to loose the dream even more as a odd void formed around the area. I quickly felt the walls to notice how realistic this really was. I couldn't believe it. I continued to feel the area around me and continued to tell myself it was a dream so I wouldn't loose my lucidity amongst the realistic objects I was messing with. Suddenly everything became clear again and I was able to continue on. I got up and watched as my cat walked up to me. I tried to pet it but it just ran away like in real life. I followed it into the kitchen to notice my family surrounding a child in a high chair. I walked up to them to realize that only my father actually looked like himself. Everyone else was completely different than anyone I am related to in reality. In real life I have a sister. No one else. So my family is made of four people. The people there were my parents, a boy a few years younger than me, and the little kid in the high chair. I asked where my sister was and they laughed telling me that I didn't have a sister. I took this chance to tell them that this was simply a dream, and they took this as funny as they mocked me and my parents walked into the other room. I was left with my brother and the kid in the high chair as I told my brother that this was a dream. I laughed at me too while I told him that I would prove it to him. I stuck my hand out and told him that I would shoot water out of my finger tips. Not only was my hand purple, but I wasn't able to shoot water out of it. My brother made fun of me as I walked over to a table with red velvet cake on it. I grabbed it and took a bite only to discover it had the most bland taste. Yeah, not the best first impression of dream food. It wasn't gross but it wasn't good. I decided to look in my hallway and saw a rocking horse in the middle of it. I looked at my brother and told him to look at it, but when I looked back in the hallway but it wasn't there anymore. Suddenly my parents told me that a tornado was coming and we needed to go in their room to stay safe. I decide to follow to see what would happen. I entered the room, but no one was in it. Suddenly the door closed behind me. I looked out of the window and noticed the tornado coming towards us. I wasn't very worried since it couldn't hurt me, but I wanted to know where my family went. Suddenly things began to fall apart. The wall was torn to pieces as the ceiling crumbled to the ground. The floor suddenly collapsed as a huge swirling portal opened below me. I wanted to jump in but the area around me was so real I couldn't believe it. So realistic. The way the house tore itself apart. Suddenly I felt something grab me. I was being drug into the portal. I attempted to fly away but nothing worked. I tried to hang onto the floor boards, but I suddenly was flung backwards into the portal. Next thing I knew I was in my bed.. awake. Okay, that dream may have seemed boring since all I did was hang with my family and then get sucked into a portal, but it was beyond cool to me. I have never had a LD so vivid, or long. WILDs are definitely the way to go to have the most vivid and long LD. Man... I wish I was dreaming right now haha!
On this date, September 29, 2011, I had a Lucid Dream! The dream began with I and my mother standing near the front door in our apartment. It was late at night and somebody had knocked at the door, (in real life my mother would NEVER open the door to a stranger past sundown), but in the dream she swung it open! I thought to myself, "That's weird, why is she opening the door?" Standing on the other side was a carbon copy of my mother! Only this one was angry and zombie-monster like. It ran toward me and to defend myself I grabbed it's neck and squeezed hard. It seemed to disappear, but it wasn't attacking me anymore. I looked at the door and there was another zombie mom coming in. I looked outside into the hallway and there were more zombie mothers. Another dozen, at least! Lumbering up the steps toward us. I said to myself in the dream, "Oh my god, this is a dream!". The moment I realized I was dreaming, I got a funny feeling like something was going to happen and I remembered what this site said. If I get too excited I'll loose the lucidity. So, I stopped took a second to relax and decided to explore this new environment! Since the front door was being invaded by zombie like carbon copies of my mother, I decided to go out the balcony and down our fire escape to get outside. I said again, "This is a dream" and my mother (the actual one!) replied with "Oh course it's a dream. Everything is a dream." Now, when I heard that I thought she meant everything in reality was a dream (later when I woke up I figured she meant everything I was seeing then was a dream). It gave me slight pause, but not enough to stop me from seeing and exploring some dream world. I walked out the glass door to our balcony and was ready to climb down the ladder to the ground, but before I did I lowered down a second ladder to prop against the fire escape ladder. I have no idea why I did this. (I remember thinking of DV again and remembering something I read the night before about jumping off of balconies to fly, but was afraid if I fell, I'd wake up) So, perhaps in my lucid mind, the ladder was safer and two was even better! I crawled down the ladders and got to the ground outside. Someone was walking down the sidewalk and it was Alton Brown from Food Network (I know WTF?!) He went and told the office I was using the fire escape so I decided to put the second ladder on the balcony. I was going to ride my bicycle around dream land (which in real life would have been locked to the base of the fire escape, but I decided to walk and take it slow) my bicycle wasn't there anyway. The dreamscape shifted and I was at my old apartment complex, but still outside. I looked up to the sky as I walked down the parking lot and saw this awesome sky of night, but not a normal night sky. It was black with shades of blue and gray. Like a painting. The trees almost fluorescent green. The contrast mystical. The breeze was picking up and I could FEEL the breeze. The scenery was clear and panoramic. I spread my arms out and said, "This is great, I'm in a dream!". I looked around and decided to see if I could fly. I was a little apprehensive because I didn't want to blow it. I started moving my arms around and lifted my feet off the ground. I was floating! I got about as high as the roof line of a near by pick-up truck. The feeling inside is not explainable. I came back down gracefully. I was looking around for something to do or someone to talk to (I had at least two separate thoughts to find a women to have sex with, but I was more interested in exploring the scene) but there were no people around. The scene transitioned again and I was back in our apartment, back where I started. Consciousness and clarity seemingly gone. I was standing in front of the glass door, looking out on the balcony at a bowl of apples blowing around, thinking they were to heavy to move like that from the wind. My mother was sitting nearby and I was talking to her. I believe I had just turned on the computer to get on DV and was waiting for the computer to gear-up. My eyes popped open and I was awake. I laid there for a moment to gather my thoughts and didn't move. I didn't notice I was coming out of SP. I counted my fingers and tried to push my finger through my palm and concluded I was actually awake. At no time during the dream did I perform a RC. I rolled over to get my journal and looked at the clock. It was about 4:45am. I had gone to bed a little before 11:00pm. I wrote down my dream and remembered the one I had before the LD. My LD seemed to last much longer than a regular dream. I didn't fall asleep until about 7:00am. I kept tossing and turning and at least twice I felt like I was entering another dream which was waking me up. The time that passed felt more like 30 minutes than two hours. It seemed to slow. I had two more dreams before getting up at 8:00am. It was a very active night. All inside my head
I was in a car together with my mother and my brother, we were driving to some sort of climate park (though it seemed to be kinda earth, the odd thing was that small different climate zones seemed to be dispersed all over the world, or at least my country). Then I saw the first of these climate zones while looking out of the window, in the dream I recognized it as a type of Savannah. What I saw there was an otherworldly scenery, a huge uneven chunk of landscape with smaller and bigger hills all over the place. The grass was completely yellow, the same for the leaves of the trees, it however was a stronger yellow than that found on the grass in a real savannah, a little bit more like a lemon. While the description itself might not sound like a lot the details within the dream that I can’t describe appropriately turned this landscape into such an intense experience within the dream I was probably close to tears. And I was silent within the dream until it faded, busy being in shock and awe.
June 1, 2011 This was a particularly cool non-lucid/semi-lucid dream I had a while back. Parts where non-lucid while other parts were semi-lucid. The dream started at a time in the past when I was new to dream control, in the dream. I mean, as part of the dream time line. I think I was walking around in some field somewhere, when a small, 8 petaled flower fluttered down from the sky. It looked similiar to a sunflower, with a dark speckled center, and orangey yellow petals. A werewolf spawned from it and woke me up in the dream. I was still dreaming, and the dream story skipped to another time, where I started to sleep again. I was being taught dream control by a sort of mentor. It was a she. She was teaching me how to spawn these flowers, and influence what came out of them. At first, I was afraid it would be another werewolf, but my mentor told me to expect a bunny, and when I did one hopped out of the flower I summoned. After I realized how easy it was, I went home to practice summoning. This section was semi-lucid, because I realized I could do anything I wanted, but I didn't want to do anything I wouldn't do in the real world, if anyone could see me. I could easily call a flower down and influence what came out of it. After summoning some random stuff, I decided to summon a furry to have sex with. I called down a flower, but when I summoned the furry, it came out as a hardened plush toy. At this point, my mom started to come out, and I felt a need to hide the thing. I tried to summon a tote box, but It came out as a cardboard box that had been warped from water. Using telekinesis I put the box over the plushy, and my alarm went off. When I woke up, I said "that was an awesome dream."
Just a usual day. I wake up and get ready for school. While I'm eating breakfast there is talk of a flood in that is headed straight towards us. I ask my mother what we should do about school, but she says me and my sister will be fine. We are about to leave, so I run upstairs to get something and notice our upstairs has changed into a office. People begin running and screaming as water smashes through the windows and wipes people away. I quickly hide around a desk, and then pass out. I wake up where I passed out and run downstairs to see where my family is. They are sitting watching television, so they obviously didn't drown. The clock reads 1:10 P.M., so we obviously missed school. My mom says she called us in sick so we could stay away from the flood. I quickly wake up afterwards.
This dream lasted hrs so I'm only gonna write the lucid part. Ok so I was in a car after being driven off the freeway from a tornado that almost killed me and I sniffled and so I pinched my nose and I could breathe fine and I thought "is this the end of the world, wait YEA IM DREAMING" then I got out of the car and I was at a private airport and there was an iMac desktop and I gripped my hands and the dream was like real life vivid at this point so I gripped my hands and I focused on crushing it and I crumpled over And I thought that was awesome so then I went inside a house and asked if they were real people dreaming or just a dc and my friend Edward disappeared lol so then I grabbed a stick and levitated it in my hand and showed it but then he did the same thing with a wire like a magic trick and then I said watch this so I grabbed his iPad and levitated it and crumpled it sideways with my mental powers and he was furious and wanted money lol he didnt even notice the magic so I proceeded to uncrumple it And smooth out dents by imagining my fingers being really hot and then I focused on it working and it turned on and I gave it back to him but some apps were out of place then I floated the stick again and went to ant able with some stuff and a quarter and I wanted to levitate the quarter so I focused but theni thought"what if I wake up soon" so I wanted to do a deild so I said "don't open your eyes" and I closed my dream eyes and I FA into the back of a noisy suv and I was trying to go back to sleep lol but I couldn't and I saw some stuffed animals that help you remember to keep your eyes closed in a deild and an advertisement song was playing for them. The dream was separate dreams linked and lasted 5 hrs is what it felt but the lucid part was about 5 min and by far the most exciting
Vividness: 7/10 Lucid/Awarness: 1/10 awesome: 9.5/10 The dream began in my Family room which was MUCH bigger than usual. The sky was grey and the light in my room was on. My mom was in the kitchen with one of my friends which for a split second i wondered why he was there, but then accepted it. I forgot what happened later, but then when i returned to the family room, all the furniture was gone except for the T.V and the pot lights which were still on. Soon i went to the center of the room and my bro was there. Soon 4 female asians (no offence entered the room. They were attractive, but they were evil. So we began fighting. The fight was AWESOME, it (if you were watching it, would have looked like a movie), i remeber throwing awesome punches to the face and one time one of the girls grabbed my shoulder so i jumped in the air and used both of my feet to kick her chest 5 times. The battle happened for the rest of the dream as it faded...
Updated 07-04-2011 at 06:02 PM by 41672
This is an older dream that I decided to put up. I was in school and I walked outside the back doors where the buses normally are. Instead of buses being there, there was a giant rollercoaster sitting in the middle of the schoolyard. It was red and yellow, I was amazed my mind could produce something this awesome. I walked forward, but I met up with a girl I knew. She came up to me and said my nickname (not going to reveal that because it is kind of embarrasing .) Anyways, I was like " Hey, great rollercoaster, eh." She responded with " Yah, lets go ride it." We hopped on it and off we went, in the middle of it one of my friends was trying to invite me to an xbox live party chat and I was like wtf, how does that work. Then I woke up.
somethin about zombies.. omg, I have no recall of this dream what-so-ever . I know it was good though. I ended up hiding out in Britain in a campus with some other survivors. Then something freaky deeky happened, but I'll leave that to the imagination :'D
first off let me say that determination is key! lol i was laying in my bed in sleep paralysis mode like i do pretty often and i was about to give up and bam! it happened lol.. I've been practicing for about 3 weeks now keeping up with my DJ doing RC's but none of that seemed to work.. this WILD tech is unbelievable. I tried it before but i did it wrong. its similar to the WBTB method..actually i think i mixed the two techs.. anyway! the dream was awesome! the transition into the dream was even awesome! So I'm laying in my bed in SP mode and I see a strange face.. a womans face for a split second she was kind of like a rainbow outline of a face with hair.. and i feel my body start to shake and i mean really shake.. and then i woke up or i thought i woke up.. i actually woke up in the dream.. i was like a newborn baby.. i woke up in my bed and couldn't move for the life of me.. i was swaying i hit my wall and kind of floated back into the bed i grabbed onto the side of my bed and i noticed my hand it was balloon like lol after floating around trying to stand for a few seconds i kind of realized how to do it and i was up.. i think i jumped because i felt like i floated onto the ground (so awesome!) i walked over to my window which was so bright from the sun you could barely look out but it didn't hurt my eyes at all i didn't even squint.. and the great thing about the WILD tech is that i didn't have to tell myself i was dreaming because i already knew! so while i'm at the window i think if this really is a dream i should be able to put my hand through this window.. but that didn't work.. even though that didn't work it didn't bother me too much.. so i walk or float to my door and i open it and look around and i think, for some crazy reason, i would like to fight a lion! lmaooooooo who does this?! who tries to turn their dream into a nightmare?! anyway the lion appeared and it was so cheesy it was half cartoon and half real and it wasn't even mean or hostile.. i kicked at it then i waved my hand because i was already tired of him lol.. so THEN i figure why not try this sex thing out? lmfaooooooooo there she appeared so i walk up to her and.... i fucking wake up!! awww man i didn't even get a chance to spin around! smh anyway mission accomplished tonight i will try it again.. I just want to thank everyone for the advice and telling me not to give up and i hope my story can help people and if you have any questions i'll be glad to answer!
DILD + SP what an amazing night. I swear I recalled each dream from seam to seam as they transitioned. In the middle if the night I had a dream where I was walking through my school. The school didn't look the same, and there was an unusual amount of light streaming in from all of the windows. This is the second time I've been in my school, which makes me want to start maping it out after reading dreamviews recent cartography thread. Anyways, I decided I might as well reality check, and found I was in a dream. I turned to go down a hallway and saw a friend at the end (Tabitha) I ran down to go see her and was deciding what to do first when my dream sort of melted away. I had dreams after this that I remember well, almost like when I have valerian root capsules before I go to bed. In one of these dreams I was jogging through a cool dark humid forest, watching red and yellow light stream in through the woods at a distance, I'm not sure if I technically gained awareness here because I felt a certain amount of awareness in all of my dreams tonight. It was at this point I decided to admit to myself I was dreaming, and weirdly enough, entered sleep paralysis from there which was awesome. I wanted to get into a deeper state before I tried to move or roll out of my body, but slowly over time I was being dumb and worked my way out of it *facepalm. On a side note, I won't grade my short lucid dreams on clarity lucidity ect.
Updated 04-03-2011 at 06:23 AM by 42316
02.03.2011School, IB, and Turtle (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Log: 11:00pm Wednesday, March 2, 2011 6:00am Hours: 7:00m Alarm: 6:00 Audio: None This dream starts out in a classroom that is on the second floor. I was getting ready to do a project or assignment of some sort, and i needed my dad to bring me something. I was looking out the window at the line of cars piled up outside the school, desperately looking for him. I finally saw him and headed downstairs to go get what i needed. I was in the lobby of the school and i saw that he was waiting there all along and that there was no reason for me to be waiting, i was kind of pissed... I got my polygonal snake figure form him, tried to explain to him what i was doing, then rolled my eyes as he didn't understand, and then i walked away. The dream either changed or transitioned, but i was now in an office of the school and i saw an administrator that was not my couselor but her role in the dream was such. She asked me why i wasn't doing IB and trying to convince me to join again. She led me to a door, and she was talking about megetting something, i cannot remember what. But i walked through the doors and went through few others. Soon Jaocb had come with me and we were wandering together through this what seemed now to be a hardware store. I told him i was looking for a tiny turtle. We looked and looked, and in the process, we kind of messed aorund in the store, but we knew we were allowed to be there and we weren't doing anything wrong. But soon we came upon a big scary guy, who was apparently an employee. He was rude and told us we shouldn't be there. I told him that we weren't doing anything wrong but he insisted on fighting and taking us down. There was a slight crowd around us now, but it was just him and me now. He started out the fight ok, but i titally owned him beyond belief in a wise, planned out, Sherlock Holmes way. It was amazing and everyone was cheering.
I had a dream last night that I was in a kingdom. The kingdom was surrounded by empty space and if you walked off the edge, you would fall into nothingness. I first remember being a person of royal blood in the castle but I'm not sure how or to whom. For some reason there was a queen who would decide who would be king and she was going to pick this one guy who was well known in the kingdom (I was not, I had no attention from others). I went into a room with the man and the queen and before she picked him, she picked me. After that, I never saw her again in the dream, but I was given the status of king. The other man was now general and left the kingdom to fight our enemies which I heard were Orcs but I never saw any. My subjects never payed any attention to me despite the fact that I was king. I later found a guitar that was given to me because I was now king. It had guitar hero buttons at the top (5 buttons: green red yellow blue, orange was not there) that all lit up when I pressed them (Idk why, I haven't played much guitar hero since I got a real guitar 3 years ago). The guitar had a shiny black neck, sparkling red body, and the strings on it only went from the 15th fret to the 23rd fret, the rest of the guitar neck had no strings or frets, only the 5 guitar hero buttons at the top and the strings at the bottom 9 frets. There was an amp that was an ordinary amp. It was black and about 2 feet tall and 2 feet wide. I was excited about my new guitar and amp and started playing. I could only make higher pitched notes so basically all I did was fast solos. Random people in the kingdom started liking me and enjoyed my presence. Looked like this kinda except with the guitar hero buttons I mentioned earlier and the frets. I brought the guitar with me on my back everywhere I went. People started doing anything I said and if I wanted someone to come to me for aid with something, I would play and they would come. I am not that good at playing a guitar in real life but when I thought of a guitar solo sound in my head, my fingers played it. In the kingdom I walked around for many hours playing guitar and talking to people. I remember one of the craziest parts of my dream was when on the side of the castle, there was a bus/RV that had about 10 people on top playing drums and trumpets and guitars and singing (it looked just like the intro to rock band 1 when they were all on the bus. I grabbed my guitar and amp and hooked it up and ran to the top of the RV and started playing with them but they all stopped and stared in amazement. I enjoyed all this fun in my kingdom but then it came to a halt. There was a new enemy, my friend Jon who wanted me removed from the kingdom (he is one of my good friends so idk why he was the bad guy). He started making disasters in the kingdom like fires and he lied to people about me. He soon had control over all the guards and most of the people and some of whom were good friends of mine. I had 3 friends that didn't betray me who were not real people I know in real life just dream projections. I was arrested and taken to a room of the castle that had no ceiling and high castle stone walls around me with a gate. I heard an evil voice over the intercom say that I was going to be out of their way soon. I was very depressed. My kingdom was taken from me, my guitar and amp were taken, nobody believed me or trusted me, and I hadn't heard from my 3 friends for a long time. I then ran to the gate and saw another subject that used to like me and he told me to get back traitor! I told him the story of how I was being set-up and he said he still doesn't believe me. I then said, "Trust me". He then said okay I will and opened the gate. From then on anytime I told someone to trust me they did. I ran through the castle and encountered 2 more guards who I told to trust me and they did. I knew I had to get to my guitar and amp. I got to a room near the RV (the last place I remembered playing the guitar) and grabbed it in a hurry. I heard guards coming and knew I had to get away. I ran outside and saw the RV along with the 3 friends I saw before. I started climbing up the RV and saw the guards in the distance coming through the hallways of the castle. I told my friends, hurry! Plug in the amp! They were setting up the amp when a guard grabbed my ankle just when I got to the top of the RV. He said, "you are under arrest for crimes against our kingdom!" I told him I did nothing wrong and I was innocent and then told him to trust me and he did and let go. I climbed up onto the RV and started playing as the guards started surrounding the RV. I could see Jon's face on a TV screen above the castle and he had been watching me the whole time with an evil grin until that moment. He looked at me with shock when I started my guitar soloing. Everyone stopped and stared in awe. I was back. I then told them that I was set-up by Jon and this was all a lie. They then were happy for my return to the throne and I climbed down from the RV and went into the castle to see Jon. He was sitting on a couch in a small room watching a TV screen with a security camera view on it. He was throwing a temper tantrum and shouting "its not fair!" over and over like villains do on TV. I decided it would be fun to ride on the RV again and play guitar and shouted hey everyone, lets go back to the RV! Everyone followed (except Jon) and I climbed up on top and got ready. I saw my dad near the amp plug and told him to plug my amp into an electrical outlet on the side of the RV. He grabbed the cord and started going to the outlet and then I heard the sound of a fan (my portable heater in my room) and everything started getting brighter slowly. I knew in that moment I was waking up. I shouted to everyone that I was leaving and that I would most likely not be coming back. They all waved bye and I slowly woke up. So much adventurous detail I can't remember was in there on the part where I was running through the halls looking for my guitar but I do not remember much of it. I had realized I was dreaming a few times and was lucid a handful of times but it lasted for 5 seconds each time and I don't remember those parts very well. (I know, I know, too much colorful text )
Hello, everyone! My second Semi-Lucid Dream starts here: It started with me on a sidewalk, walking down it. I became Semi-Lucid and climbed over the fence that was by the sidewalk and into a small area with trees. I started to try to climb the the telephone cable, you know, the ones that have a yellow wrapping over it? yeah... I stopped after a minute and went back to the sidewalk I was on earlier. Suddenly, a creepy man looked at me with a smile and then tried to kill me... yeah... weird Semi-Lucid Dream, right? I ran to the nearest store, put my hat on, and acted casual. Unfortunately, that wasn't enough to lose his tail. So I ran into the store when I was going to call for help but he teleported right in front of me. I woke up and the Dream ended. The End