I made a big mistake last night. I went to bed at around 12:40am. I then set my alarm to 6hours and 25minutes. This is the time I usually wake up, so trying to WBTB then Instant-WILDing obviously failed.
My first dream was short and lacked detail. I was in a crowded place with The Queen. She looked normal, but she was wearing black glasses and looked cooler in general. I asked her a question I thought of on the spot. To my surprise, she replied with a smile.
My second dream began outside. There were lots of people, and some guy was showing me something he had. It was a fairly big black horn. When he played it, the "Dun,dun, duuuuuh" sound came out (see
this popular video). I'm now at school, outside the canteen. For some reason everybody is piling up to form a square wall. Even in the dream, I had no idea what the heck was going on. There is a girl, in the wall, near me who is upset. She keeps saying how she really doesn't want anybody on her. I later see a big black-skinned man on her, and she's fine with it.
Hah. I see inside the canteen, they're making crêpes with pizzas. I'm really disappointed that I didn't bring more than $5.
I'm now at some big film award ceremony, like the Baftas. Behind me are hundreds of filled red seats, each row higher than the previous. I'm right at the bottom, on the seats furthest to the right.George Clooney is near me I seem to remember.
I'm on the stage, well, not really. I'm just viewing everything from the stage. Donald Faison is on the stage singing something. There are lots of women skating around him. I think to myself how much pressure they're under not to screw up.
I'm back in my seat. My little sister has the black horn thing. She keeps turning it on and making the sound in front of all the celebrities. I'm quite embarrassed.