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    1. No Rats Were Harmed in the Making of this Entry

      by , 08-05-2023 at 03:51 AM (Night Vision)
      I’m reading through profiles posted on a website. For one, I read, “My story does not begin or end and has no need to stop at these David’s bones.”


      I’m going to a gym or similar. Everybody there is trying to work out some cryptic puzzle. The phrase “traveling in the tail of a sound” is a hint.


      I’m attending a class in a floating city where all the buildings and such look like clouds – almost certainly as a person other than myself. It’s a group of a dozen or so students led by a teacher. There’s a nocturnal atmosphere. Up until this point, I’ve been behind the rest of the class, but something has clicked for me since the last time we met. All of us are supposed to race to find a certain ship (airship, really, although it wasn’t described that way). I start out strong and have a lead from the beginning, and I actually make it there first. (This part is sort of video game-ish.) We do a couple more rounds after that; I take even more efficient routes, having a better idea of the city’s layout, and again make it there first. The third time, which works a little differently, I make it to the ship so far ahead that I actually have time to untie it and bring it around to where the others are still struggling to get past a certain obstacle.


      The next dream from that night is explicitly video game-like rather than implicitly. The dream involves the party going down to the underworld to rescue a comrade. This is a fairly routine occurrence, although enough of a bother to where it’s still better to avoid having to do it. This is the first time it’s happened in this game, so we get a special introduction to Fancrow, who is putting in a special appearance as lord of the dead. Fancrow is an older man, short, Caucasian, with white hair and a beard, wearing a blue uniform trimmed in yellow – just how he looked in the previous game. There are a number of little references to his role in that game, where he was a side character: there, you have to win a duel against him to get [handwriting illegible]. I’ve been given to understand that he just lets the dead person go the first time, and also the first time it happens after a solstice passes (which is yet another little reference). But nothing is happening. In addition to the action playing out, there are a number of interface elements visible, including one with a grayed-out sword. That means that we haven’t yet recruited the party member who would be really helpful in this situation.

      It’s also possible for the deceased themselves to trigger their own release, and the dream then cuts to the PoV of the person we’re here for, who’s in the process of doing just that. She jumps onto a flying vehicle, which instantly plummets since it’s set to the gravity of the lower realms. As it goes down, a bad smell becomes more and more prominent – associated with the place itself.

      The dream cuts back to the scene with Fancrow, where something is happening. He’s being hit with small objects in advance of the party member breaking through. Things are looking good now, but I’m still angry at Fancrow for taking my friend away, so I take advantage of his distraction to punch him. But he isn’t taken off guard. He just mirrors my action and grins. I know that now I’m going to be the next one to end up down here.


      To help RD, I go to a place that looks like an abandoned mall to complete some kind of puzzle that involves getting the air to flow into a certain place up high, which is necessary to accomplish something. There’s no place I can stand to get it there directly, so I have to use the extremely larger flowers growing high up on vines there to redirect it. This is a timed puzzle, but I manage to complete it quickly, mentally directing the air along the right path. RD is happy about this. We are part of a small group, and because of this, she will be able to provide the space for us to do something later on. Possibly related, although for reasons that are now unclear, later on, I'm running through mental projections of rat experiments, one after another, changing the conditions as certain aspects become clear so I can get another step closer to figuring out what I want to know. I do tens of thousands of them, although each one only seems to take instants to run start to finish. It seems as if all of this is necessary since I'm trying to actually figure out the causation of something rather than just navigating outcomes.


      I have, in connection with (dream-)siblings, made something that had gotten very popular. I'm getting invitations from people all over the world wanting me to have adventures with them. I could travel anywhere in an instant, but that somehow makes it seem less interesting. And what I really want to do is just to get back to the newest musical project I'm working on.


      I'm with a group of people in a small city, chasing after someone. We split into groups to surround them. Something will end when we catch this person, and I want it to be over really badly. I experience the landscape of the dream as having harmonic connotations – in the area where I am, specifically, ones indicating tension. There’s no audible music playing, just a sense of information being perceptible as part of my experience of the dream.

      (July, mostly)
      Tags: class, game, music, ship, wind, words
    2. Sunday, December 18

      by , 05-05-2023 at 11:16 PM
      I am in some class. The classroom itself is large, but the class is maybe only about ten people. We’re sitting in a circle and telling about ourselves. I’m initially fine with it, but then I think I’d rather just get it over with then wait and have to hear everyone else’s first. The professor notices that I get ‘skipped again’ so I now go. I tell about pretty much my whole work history, slowly and with detail, probably with too much detail. I notice some lose interest quickly, which trips me up a little but ultimately is okay.
      Tags: class
    3. ccclxxxiv. Space dread, foreign land, art/drawing class

      by , 05-09-2022 at 06:37 PM
      2022 May 8th


      Something like NMS. Flying through space in a system of a few planets. There's a Dyson sphere surface (like in FL before entry) and there's a planet which just seems to be melding or embedded with the sphere surface (which in itself appears impossibly flat). Something feels slightly trippy as I start to warp towards this planet.

      (recall gap)

      Border control place, at an Arabic-looking kind of building. Some kind of ID is needed to enter this place, which is an unspecified foreign country.

      (recall gap)

      Then I'm in a drawing class. Feels like college but with a mix of university too. There are photocopies of classical Roman-themed drawings which are sitting upright on a conveyor system and going around the classroom. I'm late to the class and don't get a brief and such. I start trying to draw based on one drawing of a gladiator down on the floor, the composition is focused on his head, wearing one of those brass helms. (Like in Jean-Leon Gerome's "Pollice Verso")

      I get about halfway through drawing this with a BIC pen and then somebody takes away the reference drawing I was using. I get annoyed by this and I try to simply wait to get it back and make attempts on my own to continue my drawing but it seems like it's not going to happen. I try to ask my tutor V for help but this doesn't go so well because he's trying to talk and me and others keep interrupting him and he forgets where he was with it, so he never really finishes circling around to any of us.

      Then the class is ending and my drawing remains unfinished, even though I'd been trying to make do without the reference. As people are leaving, someone takes the drawing I was working on, though I don't realise at first. When I do realise, I get annoyed and a bit frustrated by how everything was going.

      I just can't find the drawing anywhere and assume someone stole it. V and JC were waiting for me to finish looking because V was offering to give us a ride home and now they've been waiting a bit too long and just leave without me. It's now night time outside and there are other people around, so I am unable to distinguish who they are or where they went, in the dark.

      At this point I try to reverse time, without much fine control over how much time to reverse. The dream ends after a failed attempt where I reverted time too much, I think.


      - The main "trippy" thing about what was going on in the first segment was more or less what I could only ever describe as a feeling of dread when I first played some games like FL and when I experimented with placing planets and objects in such ways that the effect was so unnatural and which meant that when physically navigating these instances in a ship created a feeling very much like a fear of unknown and a sensation like falling. I can't really describe the effect on me too well because it has always felt particularly unique and I've never heard any special term for it, so weak comparisons are the best I can do.

      - I haven't thought much at all about something like the mentioned gladiator's painting for quite some time, though it is definitely amongst my favourites in paintings of such styles. The closest thing I can think of right now that has any associative resemblance would be thinking of a hairstyle for a character for H.
      -- The other aspect of this in the segment, is that the drawn reference of the gladiator that I was looking at was exceptionally well drawn and originally in graphite. The dead gladiator's expression was that of shock, looking sideways to his right, which relative to the position of his head would be "up". The point of view was at eye level to the dead gladiator and there was a fracture or some other kind of damage to the helmet. I distinctly recall there being chainmail under his helm.

      - The whole atmosphere to the drawing/college segment was one of a transitional phase, much like university actually had been. There was some dedication on my part but I was still not "in tune" with all of it. Although I do not recall exactly the quality of my own work too much in this segment, it wasn't too far off the original drawing I was looking at for reference. Symbolically, as this had the feel of a transitional phase and there are aspects of hindrances and frustrations, this is likely related to some of my current issues, which are not with some external factor this time but with an internal one, since it reflects the seriousness I want to put in while also reflecting something of myself to be lacking, with regards to having the required drive to push myself along where I want to go. (I am not feeling able to adequately express the sentiment of the relevance of this to myself right now)

      - Again this dream shows a strong symbolic element relating to three principles; individuality, group and collective, which seem to be strongly recurring elements at present, or perhaps my mind is much more focused on noticing this type of recurring element lately.
    4. 23 Mar: My dog Soraia follows me around and I accidentally kill 3 people

      by , 03-23-2022 at 09:12 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I am leaving Soraia at some junkyard temporarily for some reason and I don't want her to follow me, which is hard because the gate doesn't perfectly close, it has gaps and she manages to escape through it. So she follow me. I pick her up again and hand her over to the junkyard guy. Then I go to a class at the university. I sit at a desk with some other girl I know and she offers me a bag of meat for my dogs, which I start shredding with my hands hile the teacher talks in the background. Some people see it and make some remarks about it. Not so much for doing it in the class, but how can I be doing that if I am vegan? Then I spot Soraia going around the room looking for me - she escaped again - and I select a portion of meat to offer her. I bend down closer to the ground and call for her to come, which she does and I give her some meat.
      The room is now an ampitheathre outside in some old archeological ruins. On each side of the amphitheatre there is a corridor sided by stone walls ending and both ending in an area with large steps or small platforms where we can also sit. I followed Soraia here. I see a nice stone that I think would be great to take home and put under the leg of a table that is unstable, so I pick it up. Then I see a shadow and hear a noise and look up and there is some sort of catapult that I accidentally triggered by removing that stone. First I am afraid to be squashed but then I notice the catapult's arm is long and will actually hit the people sitting in the amphitheatre. I yell and warn them and they see it. But they are packed together and I don't know if they manage to escape. As I come closer, I stumble on people leaving the place, some that I know and I ask them if everyone is ok. They say no. Two guys were instantly killed and a 3rd person died soon after plus many are injured. I panic. No one seems to know it was my fault and I am torn apart. The right thing to do is to turn myself in before they find out, on the other hand I feel I can't admit guilt right now or I'll be killed by the mob. Don't know whom to talk too. I join them mourning and trying to figure if there is any way anyone will find out it was me. I look for security cameras and there is one in the distance pointed at the corridor. Probably hard to tell that it is me in the video, but if they identify me, and probably will, i'll be suspect number one. So I better tell. Then there is some kind of gathering in an indoor auditorium to countinue mourning and honouring the dead and I stay way in the back just trying to figure out what they are saying about it. Seems like no one is pointing to culprits and assume it was a freak accident, so now I have doubts if I should come forward. I am torn apart and I also cry for the victims. Either way, I now carry the feeling of guilt for killing people accidentaly and it feels absolutely horrible.
    5. 4 Sep: Feeling sick in a class, trying to ditch some ladies I met

      by , 09-04-2021 at 08:24 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      In a chemistry class. I start feeling bad and with pain, so I just get up to leave. Teacher asks where am I going and I say I need to go. She then starts mocking me, saying "oh, so what's streaming on the web that you so much need to go watch?" And I reply, not amused "I am sick, I am very sick and maybe if you actually cared, I might tell you what my problem is and how much I need to leave right now. But I am going anyway." And as I said this to her, my voice started to fade until I no longer could talk. She said nothing else as I packed my bag and picked stuff from over a couple tables and left.
      Outside, I meet a couple ladies, one of which is a blond girl I detested from my former office and they are trying to sell me some hair products based on coconut oil. They are super expensive and I wonder why. Seems like they just mix the oil with some other shit that turns it pink and then put it in oversized jars to overcharge. I tell them I use a much cheaper version of simple oil and I have a small package with me and put it in my hair to prove my point. They want me to give them a ride and I really don't want to, but they keep following me outside, not taking a no. When crossing a street, I take advantage of some truck passing and sneak out to the next street to lose them.

      Updated 09-16-2021 at 08:31 PM by 34880

    6. Thursday, March 11

      by , 04-02-2021 at 06:21 AM
      Arriving at a restaurant, I meet Brooke at a booth. The restaurant seems opulent and large, but almost like it’s inside something else, such as a shopping mall. I’m pretty sure Melissa is coming too. The waitress, cousin Renee, comes over quickly for our order. I think I tell her we need some time. Her interactions are hurried. Looking over the somewhat short menu, I decide on the ‘women’s dinner.’ I don’t care what it’s called - it comes with a few things that sound good. I also look over the drink menu - mostly frilly cocktails. When she comes back, we order. I think about asking if there might be a good beer that’s not on the menu, but decide against it, thinking it kind of desperate.

      I am in what seems like a highschool, showing up late to a class. Looking through the closed door, I see almost every seat (~20+) occupied. The teacher must notice me, as she tells me to come in. There is a project that’s due and is being presented today. Mine is a picture or sculpture of a dolphin? with drawn white lines on/below it. (*This reminds me of the painted dolphin sculpture I made and had as a kid.) With a lurch of the stomach I realize that I’m missing a large portion of what I need. I think these things are different line weights and an explanation of the typeset (*This is now reminding me of Dance, Dance, Dance and the Dolphin Hotel). I think that gets communicated to her, and she gives me time to do it. *Typing this a few days later, I’m remembering that sculpture as a whale, not a dolphin.

      I am in a plane that has just begun its descent into Reno. I notice that we are very close to the ground already; specifically, it looks like we’re above the riverwalk. Quickly, I begin to think we’re far too low for not being anywhere near the runway. This sentiment is apparently shared with the pilot, as, with an ominous mechanical groan, the plane slows and seems to try to begin reversing. At this point it is all but futile. The plane almost comically collides with a ballard and begins spinning. The pilot works to correct the spin, and we then land not too abrasively on the large sidewalk. The ride was enough to set me a little on edge but not enough to terrify me, seeing how close to the ground we already were. At one point, I saw peoples’ shocked expressions as they watched from behind the curtain wall of a taller building. After the plane has settled, we unbuckle and disembark as if this is not too uncommon.
    7. Tuesday, September 29

      by , 12-13-2020 at 06:16 AM
      I am in class with Kreg. The room is fairly large and open, with maybe 10 students (no one is wearing a mask - Covid doesn’t seem to exist in this dream). We are making models, I think for a house. I’ve finished mine - before anyone else? and Kreg looks at it. I have a vertical plain façade with a small, perpendicular plain protruding a foot or so over on the left and a sweeping, curvilinear roof. It is honestly somewhat impressive, a sentiment that Kreg shares. I tell him I imagined it going in above the Truckee River near downtown. Now, we are at the site? and this model has been put in/built life size, though looking different. It’s at an angle, and the roof is a different curvilinear shape. There are two bands of color, light and darker blue, and I tell Kreg I like how they’re complimenting the sky behind. It is modern looking.

      I am inside somewhere with Sage and her old boyfriend Ryan. He has downloaded an app that makes him weightless and/or able to fly. There is an open threshold to the outside (a small jumble of rocks, I think at the top of the cliff), through which he steps and begins the transition to flying. I watch as for a moment he seems to sink into this other ‘side’ - there’s a slight and slow ripple through his body. He then easily steps off a rock and floats through the air. Sage goes next, with some enthusiasm, jogging to and leaping off the rock. Now she and Ryan are back, and she’s showing me how to get the app. I fill out its small questionnaire, but it returns as declined. Apparently I answered something similar to ‘I am feeling exasperated with life.’ I make a joke concerning suicide and see in Ryan’s eyes that it gets to him. I think that his brother? committed suicide some time ago. I think I was cognizant of this but didn’t think it should stop me from making a joke. I’m now looking at a screen showing who is ‘logged in’ to this other ‘side’. I notice an ‘Rshort” but know it’s Ryan’s brother, as he has the same name.
    8. clii. Classroom Tomb

      by , 09-03-2020 at 05:17 PM
      21st August 2020 (DFLN Thread)


      In the van with H driving around. We go through some industrial estate or warehouse district. We see people being gutted as we drive past, but we aren't concerned. We just think it to be in poor taste or something. Some of the characters that are being gutted, I recognise them from earlier on in the dream, feeling no pity for them because they were nasty; but I still feel this looks like an undignified death.


      Some version of WoW, but set in a realistic city of some sort, half fantasy, half not? With H, I was taking some area from the Horde and for the Alliance. I remember going on some sort of bombing run and seeing diagrams of the region. I remember the Horde outnumbered us by a great ratio.


      At the end of a dream I was in some kind of classroom, in a school. There was a teacher and there were several other pupils. The teacher was first giving some theory on something. Some things like hardware and software programming were mentioned. I have some awareness of being kind of lying down on my back, and next to something.

      Then we're about to do something. The teacher moves, and I sort of sit up now. I'd been lying next to an old limestone tomb. We're apparently going to open it and examine the dead's objects of burial. Someone moves the lid open and I look at another one of the pupils, a girl. They don't realise it'll wreak and I instantly move my head away and breathe out, fully expecting a foul odour. But as the lid is fully removed, while I do get a whiff of something, it's very faint.

      This struck me as odd, but in any case the rest of the pupils started carefully removing items and analysing them. Someone next to me takes a piece of clothing from some bony hands.

      The teacher notices that something is off? The dead apparently has some kind of shawl, with a Discord logo on it and she says that it's impossible, since the body had been buried hundreds of years ago. I myself did not notice or see any such logo.

      But this leads her to suspect that the body is more recent than previously thought and now when I look inside the tomb, I see a naked white man, with fine white-gold hair, sitting up. He looks pale or lifeless as expected, I seem to recall. The teacher touches the forehead of the body to inspect the temperature and see how "recent" it was.

      The dream ended here, the doorbell rang and I had to go answer the door.

      Updated 09-03-2020 at 05:25 PM by 95293

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    9. xcviii.

      by , 03-12-2020 at 10:47 PM
      Had a lot of dreams this past night and while recall in itself was decent on waking, didn't make note of anything at the time because I felt too tired.

      On a slightly different note, lately I have been continuing to try and incubate the dream about painting; but again not really had any luck with actually dreaming it yet. Last night I did try to add the visualisation of a guide-type character, such as the black lizard dream character or the researcher from a short story I wrote a little while back. I tried to visually include other characters first, such as people from waking life that might be related to painting in some way, but I ended up feeling like I wouldn't connect with them in a dream sense or that some of them would be uninteresting/cliche, which is why I ended up picking these characters from within myself.


      A lot of the dreams I had were about travelling, especially by plane. There was a relatively long dream sequence that had something to do with my old high school class and going on a school trip of some kind, but also something about me being famous in some sense?

      In some form my high school class is related to painting, but the associative link is so deep that it goes beyond being related to just that. A lot of these dreams seemed to be more about the social aspect of life, and also about adventure in some sense.
    10. Wednesday, December 18

      by , 12-20-2019 at 07:40 AM
      I am outside somewhere in what looks like a marsh. The water brilliantly reflects the sky, making it hard to tell how deep it is. It’s also hard to tell what/where the land is, as the plants are lush and thick. I am walking through this, giving in to the inevitability of my feet sinking into the water at some point. I still try to avoid it as much as I can, and at one point I am jumping higher, farther, and slower than is humanly possible. This marshland is really peaceful and beautiful. Now, I’ve ended up on the edge of a forest, traveling inward. It’s gotten darker quicker than I expected, and I feel a brief pang of fear as I don’t have a light or a sense of direction.

      I’m in an unfamiliar college building and walk into Mike Holmes’ class (different than his real class), finding it full when I thought it would be over. I see my empty seat at the high desks and take it. Now, I am presenting a model - a plain, rectangular, multi-floor shopping mall. I don't think I've ever actually seen this model until now, and I'm only talking about its simplicity as if it is its biggest asset. He seems to like it.
    11. 11 Jan: High school and fighting a demon while lucid

      by , 01-11-2019 at 10:01 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      In high school but with adults. Gym class is a contest of push ups in the yard, two teams against each other. The other team wins, but we are all in great shape. We take a shower and dress to attend next classes. I have a funny t-shirt with some nerdy sayings. I notice a guy looking at it and it is Markl (a nerdy comedian). We have a new class together, I think it's arts and crafts. I don't say anything to him because everyone is treating him like everyone else. But later on our way to with no nerdy messages and he is still looking at me with interest. I decide to send him later a message on Instagram to break the ice. Then on my way to english class, some colleagues are behaving like teenagers and a guy kisses one of my friend in the lips. Then some other guy to my side comments that I looked at it with jealousy and looks like I am needing some action. I feel embarrassed and get out of the group and cut through to the class. Teacher is sitting at her desk waiting for everybody and looking upset. I say sorry for delay but see no tables for the students. She points to a line of chairs against a wall, but they are all taken. I go outside look for more and warn my colleagues to bring some along but all we can find are some stools.

      At my mom's home. I am by the window and I see the sky getting darker with storm clouds and pink lightnings. I am drawn to it and I fly through the window. Getting closer to it,
      I get lucid. First I consider diving on the ground but why not stay here instead? While I am touching the ground, I grab some dirt and call for the guidance of Guru Rinpoche and from the dirt comes a mini bronze statue of him. The darkness becomes nastier, like a blanket starts covering the whole sky and I also summon my teacher. He appears behind me, touches my shoulder and says something incomprehensible. I ask him to repeat but he is on the move and sounds like talking from very far away. I understand something about seeing him / meeting him at eleven, but where and how? Then he disappears and from the dark clouds a scary face appears and many arms stretch out and grab those in the way. I decide to fight it and I shoot light from my hands. It hardly affects it. He sends two human like beings to attack me. I get a knife somehow and stab one, but no blood, no wounds, he is not human. It grabs the knife and threatens me with it. I kinda surrender, but when he thinks I am defeated I find a way to break through the kind of spell this demonic being is putting on other people. I see a bunch of people locked inside some tiny house made of illusions they were tricked into believing were real. Once I show them the illusion, walls and doors start to crumble and they realize they can come out as they were never really imprisoned to begin with. This caused way more damage to the demon, who loses power and goes away.
    12. Walking to Class

      by , 09-16-2018 at 01:23 AM (Bridger's Oneironautic Expeditions)
      I'm walking down a high- school hallway on my first day of class. It feels weird because I'm taller and older than everyone else in the hallway as I walk by. I'm also wearing business casual attire with my backpack on. I get to my classroom and see the teacher standing outside the door. She tells me that I don't need to come in today. This is just for the freshmen.
    13. Dream - New Term Diploma

      by , 10-01-2017 at 11:20 AM
      Date of Dream: TUE 26 SEP - 2017

      Dream No. 200 - New Term Diploma

      I don't remember much of this dream. Of the parts I can remember, the dream was playing the subjects I'm going to be doing next term for my diploma in real life. The dream claimed that my tax class was going to be from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM but then I said out loud that it was wrong and that the tax class would be from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. That's all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - None
      Tags: class, diploma, tafe, tax
    14. Dream - Graduation No Fun & Volcanic Panic & Class Already Started & Spying Into The House

      by , 08-13-2017 at 01:54 PM
      Date of Dream: FRI 11 AUG - 2017

      Dream No. 175 - Separated Sections

      Dream 175 A - Graduation No Fun

      The class of 2017 graduation was taking place at some unknown external venue, somewhere near the city. I was trying to congratulate each year 12 that walked past me but Ms L would constantly be talking over the top of me. I felt like I wasn't a valued part of the school community anymore. I then noticed that WB hadn't arrived yet, and I was waiting especially to greet her.

      I saw that family photos were taking place across the road, right on the nature-strip. One group had just left and the next group that were coming appeared to be WB's family. The mum and dad did not look familiar at all, WB had dusty ginger hair and there was a little boy with them. As they walked across the road, I got into position to meet them. I frantically waved at them but they power-walked past me, without smiling.

      As the dream progressed, I actually got lost and drifted away from the venue. Eventually, I was doing something with Jasmine and her sister, with some dog near by. I was then walking around on my own, trying to find my way back to the graduation event but would still feel lost. The dream scene then shifted to my bedroom, as if I would wake up in the morning, sitting up in bed, the room was light like sun was coming through the curtains. This part of the dream actually did feel like I was waking up in real life.

      But then I sit up, look towards the window, closed curtains, and use the exact same sequence for requesting Dreamy WB's help like in Dream 167 A. The first two times, I use a standard speaking voice to say “Dreamy WB” and the third time, it's her alternate name, “Miss T”. After that is a very slight whisper of “Dreamy WB...”.

      The dream scene then changes back to searching for the venue. It appears that there is now this strong, invisible energy guiding me towards the place. I know I am near because I see two teachers standing beside a set of escalators but they didn't really talk to me, rather I listened in on their conversation. I then continues towards where I thought the venue was. I can't remember what else happened in this dream.

      Dream 175 B - Volcanic Panic
      I don't remember completely what happened in this dream, only a small amount. There was this volcano right in the middle of suburbia that I approached. There was this poodle-like dog there and the volcano was about erupt.

      Dream 175 C - Class Already Started
      The dream started off with me in my bedroom but very quickly shifted to the scene of a classroom. It showed that I was already in the company accounting class. Throughout the whole dream, I am saying to myself, “How am I expected to be in class if I am still sleeping?”. I don't remember what else happened in this dream.

      Dream 175 D - Spying Into The House
      I was walking around the streets when I caught sight of Jure's house. I was curious to know what was going in there and so snuck to the side of the house and stuck my head into the window. There I saw Jure, sitting on a couch facing towards the kitchen and he was reading a newpaper. I then catch sight of his wife who looks shocked when she sees me. She points a finger to me and speaks to me, still with the window shut, calling me a pervert. That's all I can remember for this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - None

      I only had enough time in the morning to write the majority of Dream A down, hence why there is only little detail on B, C and D.

      Updated 04-25-2018 at 01:29 PM by 93119

    15. Dream - Boarding The Plane

      by , 06-03-2017 at 03:58 AM
      Date of Dream: SAT 3 JUN

      Dream No. 125 - Boarding The Plane

      Although the girls in my year level were 17 or 18 years old, they were classified to be in year 7 in this dream. I remember we were at some unknown airport and boarding a plane to head back home. One group was the class of St. Gerard and St. John. It was strange because each homeroom could have fit on a plane separately but instead, it was decided that some St. John girls would go with the majority of St. Gerard and vice versa. The dream was so well simulated with waking life that even our year 7 homeroom teachers, Mrs C and Mr B were there with the correct class.

      So what was I doing? Once again, I was trying to find access to the boarding area via stairs. I did manage to find a small, cold stairwell and catch up to the rest of the year level. When we got on the plane, I remember another teacher, Mr CB making some comment that the route home wasn't going to be as simple as I thought... I forgot his exact words in the dream. That's all I can remember.
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