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    1. Take it on the run, Jamie.

      by , 02-16-2024 at 12:41 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Briefly falling asleep the other night. Had brief flashes of Jamie, and can't really say what they were about.

      Had a NLD that I can't remember.

      Some strange HH of a blue cartoon dragon coming up to me and saying, "I have a prayer for you." then it vanished and I woke up. Dumbest cliffhanger dream ever.

      Valentines wtf

      Series of small dream revolving around Jamie.

      1. Jesus is on a beach holding a red heart. The red heart begins turning into sand...

      2. I'm walking with Jamie on the beach and she's upset or something about Valentines Day, or something. I'm like, "What? We're not on speaking terms. I've no idea where you live, where you work, what your number is... etc How can I be expected to do something for valentines day? I take women's silence towards me as what they all say they want it to mean, 'No. Not interested'. So until The Jamie I know changes this dynamic, I ain't doing shit." In the middle of my rant a bunch of sand whooshes into the dream and separates us. From the heart I guess

      3. I'm with Jamie again but we are intensely arguing... about everything. She's about to get a booty call or something on V day with someone else or something. Not sure.

      4. Jamie is taking me by the hand and we are walking somewhere. The previous situation feels resolved. Glad we didn't break up... In the dreams I mean. Okay, this is getting really confusing.

      5. We arrive at Jamie's place. It's a townhouse. We get out of the car and start stepping over some snow and ice before the walkway where all the doors are, But a car or so down there's a tall man wearing a hat. (no, not the infamous hat man.) He has glasses and a beard and could be in his forties. He's staring intensely at Jamie as if He knows her. I'm behind her but I can tell by the way she's turned her head from him, that she's gone into the , "Light are on but nobody's home," Look. This is where I wake up. Wat, Was that the other guy?!?!?!? Jamie better keep her orbiters at bay when it comes to me.
    2. She's back?

      by , 08-21-2023 at 03:34 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Recently moved reluctantly to my old area.

      one HH vision of Jesus's crown of thorns, or like a giant version of it lain down on the property where I live. It was all over the shrubs and stuff.

      2 Jamie dreams: I'm at a convenience store (the one I was in the other day where I spotted a Jamie Look a like - I say that because mysteriously running her look a likes is a common occurrence for me, especially in convenience stores.) in the dream Jamie has a huge hole in her chest. I'm then dreaming from two perspectives - one as Me trying to stop her chest from bleeding so much - The other from her perspective laying on the ground in shock all the blood pouring out and I'm fading out. As I fade out so does the dream.

      Second dream: I go into the convenience store again. The person in front of me turns around and I am seeing a T-shirt (Metallica- Ride The Lightning). I look up and the face is of Jamie smiling. And that's all I remember of that one.

      I'll try not to take these occurrences too seriously unless I know all the facts.

      Vague other dreams: One where I run into a gut I use to work with in Canmore.

      The other dream I ran into my cousin, who I use to live with but nothing memorable happened.
      Tags: canmore, jamie, jesus
      non-lucid , side notes
    3. Disturbing

      by , 12-20-2022 at 06:36 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Had a dream where Jesus was telling me Jamie is going to die soon. His exact words. Ummm... Not sure if i believe it. (I can't vouch for my dreams being 100% prophetic, just sometimes strange real life coincidences with them). Since i haven't heard from her in so long, and we don't have any mutual friends, if such an event took place I would likely never know of it. It's already like she died in a way to me, I suppose... It seems like she wouldn't lift a finger to reach out even in the event of imminent death anyway. So, besides having and posting these dreams (A well that has already pretty much dried up.) there's absolutely nothing I can do about it.

      Visit from beyond

      My Cousin Kiah, Who had a seizure and drowned not 10 feet away from where I was sleeping, while she was detoxing from fentanyl addiction. Saw me in a dream in some house and run up to me, started talking to me. I started freaking out and screaming in fear as she's supposed to be dead. She looked really offended by that. Wow.

      Crazy flashes

      (note this may or may not be related to the Jesus prophecy dream) I was a girl or woman. It was really dark, I was with someone who was also injured, We are freezing to death maybe outside or in a place with no heating. Something burns out. I say, or the other woman says, "OH NO!!! IT's Burned out!!!." we both start sobbing because it means death for us. Flashes forward we are both trying to run somewhere to safety but we are fading fast.
      Tags: death, jamie, jesus, kiah
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    4. Shit Dreams

      by , 09-17-2022 at 06:24 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Jamie 1

      Don't Remember what happened Just that Jamie was in it.

      Jamie 2

      We were both walking around a street. Eating something really gross... Won't say what. but we musta been under some awful spell for us to do that...


      Fell asleep listening to the Audiobook of the Dark Tower. Dreamed I saw The Tower from far away. I saw all the beams and the edges of the earth and the Turtle. Outsaide all that was Jesus with his arms open encircling the world. As if he was gesteruring, "Behold I have made this too!" So, He created The Ideas in Stephen King's head? Crazy. I know King is a hardcore athiest.


      Dreamed I was working in Canmore again but at a different place.
    5. Sorry

      by , 03-29-2022 at 07:42 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Internet has been down all week. Using my data on mobile to post. Hence unusual dj format. Expect autocorrect madness to ensue.

      Dream 1: A dream with Jamie in it. We are about to have sex. But she stops me sudden1ly. My guess is it's a test to see how well I can comply with her "no". Did I pass?

      Dream 2: another dream with Jamie in it. I forget what it was about. But I do remember it was good.

      Dream 3: yet another dream with Jamie in it. Again can't remember the details.

      Dream 4: Jesus was sitting on a rock and playing violin. Everything was made of light. Like how Neo started seeing the matrix but everything was bright blue.

      Dream 5: Jesus playing violin again this time he was showing me what the next line could be in a string concerto I was trying to compose.

      Dream 6: I am running away from a bunch of nuclear bombs going off. I wind up in someone's house. I go to the basement and find a door to another basement, which has another door to guess what? Another basement. In that room I find a trap door to.... another basement but this one is someone's crib... I seem to know him from somewhere.

      Dream 7: just hanging out with older teen Ron weasely. Forget what we were doing....
    6. Finally a lucid!!!

      by , 09-28-2020 at 08:32 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Well, some very exciting dreams. I fell asleep for an hour an a half on saturday night and had an unexpected long lucid.

      Dream 1

      I had a dream that victoria from work became my girlfriend. We went on a road trip to b.c. or something, and she kept demanding that I buy her pop constantly. After a few I began to refuse and told her she had plenty of money of her own to buy things with. She got really mean and bitchy after that.

      Dream 2

      A dream about jamie. She was hanging out with me for a while and then went away. I checked my phone a lot because we were talking on my phone earlier in the dream. All message history was erased. I looked everywhere for her in the dream but couldn't find her.

      Dream 3

      I was in a room sleeping with 2 girls in their early 20's. Very good dream But I won't go into the details.

      dream 4

      work related dream about a manager complaining about my work when it was really busy. I told him if he didn't stop and actually help I was just going to leave the shift, quit, and never come back. I actually feel like that during every shift. Once my savings reaches a new goal ina few months I will quit and/or move. Can't wait.

      Dream 5

      This entire dream seemed to be lucid. I remember someone driving in a busy city like red deer or calgary. I was dropped off at a mall late at night. I wandered the mall for sometime when I became lucid. I wanted to leave the mall. Every time i headed for the exit I wound up in a basement or something that was under construction. I asked one of the construction workers how to leave the mall. He walked with me for a bit and i went in the direction he suggested and just came to a dead end.

      I turned back and tried a different way but ran into the construction part a again. I asked the same guy again and told him to take me out to the parking lot.
      This time he turned deeper into the construction part. There were stair wells with no stairs and just random construction scaffolds and other equipment. We did dream like parkour down that area. He eventually led me to a dark area.

      I felt like I was going to lose the dream because everything was black. I held onto walls and door handles in the dream to ground my sense in the dream as I walked. eventually I was what appeared to be outside because there was houses around. The dream kept blacking out and I kept stabilizing it. After several tries i wandered into a strange room with some children in it. There was a children's song playing and they were playing a game on the ground, which was black glossy and constantly moving. It was like a treadmill and the walls were of the same making. I felt out of place an wanted to leave. I found a slide area that seemed to be the exit. I followed a bunch of kids down the slide and wound up outside.

      I was outside in a residential area. The dream was blacking out again and I held onto the ground to keep within the dream. I shouted Jamie's full name aloud so see if I could find her. As if on cue A house with a porch rendered in front of me. There was a woman standing on the porch with a bright lamp on her. She didn't look like Jamie and I was unsure if it was her. She greeted me like Jamie would and her voice was familiar.

      The dream transitioned to inside. If we went through a door and into her basement I was not aware of the passage. There was a sensation of physical contact like a hug with her this entire sequence. It felt good and loving. She kept saying she wants to contact me but she still has a personality disorder. but the way she worded it sounded like she actually had a split personality. I said, "I know sometimes you're like dealing with two people, one that adores me and one that couldn't care if I existed or not. BPD can be like that but to me you're still a complete person" in other words. I don't care what her problems are, I just want to hear from her and know that she's okay, or even if she's not okay i want to know that too. for a few seconds she morphed into a small dog and I was scratching her belly. She went back to human and said, "And then a few weeks ago i was doing drugs." To that I said, "Well I know you expect me to not put myself at risk with certain things. And I've been getting better." to that she said nothing. there's still the sensation I am holding her and she is holding me.

      She grabs a handheld game device and says something about my brother lending her a game. (wether she actually talks to my brother or not, neither she nor my brother has mentioned it.) It's like a PSP or something. I lean on her a bit while she plays. the dream gets a watery sensation like it's going to end. I tell her, "I want you to put the game away I want to keep talking to you before the dream ends." She says nothing and continues her game. the dream ends.

      Dream 5

      A dream my brother moved into place with cheap rent. It was an interesting place with 2 rooms and a bunch of hidden rooms in the basement. When I asked what my portion of the rent would be he said,"$1400." uh... Hell no I don't live in Vancouver,

      Dream 6

      something about Jesus but I forget.

      Note: at least two other people in DV had dreams about being in a basement under construction this weekend.
    7. cxxix.

      by , 08-02-2020 at 12:00 PM
      Interruption to the DJ catch up to put one from the past night. Some particularly detailed dreams, but I ended up having so much initial recall of so many dreams that in the end I let go of many and only made notes of a couple. Of note is the fact that last night I took for the first time a multi-vitamin B complex. It somehow did increase dream vividness far beyond what I expected.

      2nd August 2020


      In space. In a game like Freelancer, flying a ship with a similar camera view as the game would have. I am on a server and I interact with some other people, but it's a small and private server.

      I remember at some point discussing something with someone and then bringing up a list looking at all the potential guns and turrets there were. There were Nomad weapons that went by names such as "Redeemer" and came in three different marks. I remember thinking that it was silly to call it redeemer because there should be a Class Ten weapon using that as an acronym. The turrets list was like a "give mode" menu too, but I didn't have access to that function.

      Everything was so detailed, I remember asteroids and distant nebulas and overall the sense of scale was just about right. I'm not sure I flew with a specific aim in mind but I found a Klingon wreckage of a Warbird or something. I shot its turrets so that I could loot them, and I wanted to do so quickly so that someone else couldn't interrupt me or steal them from me.

      Then very close by was a station where I landed my ship. I got out but don't remember doing so physically, and then was inside the station. It was like a hospital mixed a bit with an office, and now the server people were here with me as a group? But something has a Farscape feel to it. Seems poorly lit or dark, but visibility is OK.

      I forget some details but eventually H is with me at some point and we are waiting at the end of some hall. There are other people here, just sitting on some kind of benches, all waiting same as us. It was like a lobby? The light here mostly comes from the floor, a bit blue-ish, not even just a cold light, actually blue-ish. There are some commercial type fridges with the metal framed glass doors and they have cans of drink in them and I open one of them behind someone and fiddle with or organise some cans.

      Then eventually we go through a doorway. We're outside, it's day time, slightly cloudy but bright though I didn't notice shadows properly and we are visiting a church here to do some work. The transition into this area was perfectly seamless.

      The church was unusual, it was very open and seemed to be in the ruins of a massive old cathedral, some parts more ruined than others. But overall there was no "ceiling" to speak of and it was an open church. I could hear the wind and the leaves of tall trees surrounding the area, I could hear this very clearly in the dream.

      The floor was all just grassy turf and there was no flooring really, but there were brand new things and some old things here in the main congregation area of this new church. There was a wooden house of some kind, which was full-size and looked just like the typical thing seen in a nativity, just bigger effectively.

      But two kids were following us, they seemed curious. Though I got the feeling from H it'd be better if they weren't following us, so as we approached a wall panel between some old pillars, we went behind a wooden carved statue of Jesus. The statue featured prominently the colours red and blue on the clothing, and His hair was curly and dark, as was His beard. He did have a crown of thorns, too. The colours seemed a bit worn but probably better than could be expected for something out here in the elements.

      Anyway, H pushed some panel behind the statue and we went through and it shut. Though the structure was very open, this didn't really limit the kids following us, but it made it more difficult; H then went around more sneakily trying to just get past them or spook them or something. Either way, the whole time H seemed to know what he was doing and I just followed his lead as with any normal job.

      One of the kids was gone at this point, but the other one remained and followed more closely now; his father or grandfather appeared and was trying to convince him to go back with him, but the child seemed insistent in following us and seeing what we were doing. The man apologised for the behaviour, clearly nervous and feeling a bit foolish in some sense. I did not mind him or the kid so much at this point.

      Eventually we are on a rooftop part of the old cathedral building. It's high, but not as high as it would have been on top of the actual cathedral; I got the sense that this was a secondary, inner, chapel, built to be inside the cathedral itself. We got on the rooftop simply, because the grassy terrain ramped up to it, I recall. It's all leafy and there's lots of Autumn-coloured leaves on top, a contrast to the green grasses from earlier. I remember stepping on the leaves and feeling them under my boots, which made me more aware of what I was wearing. I remember walking over and maybe stepping on a dead sapling that was growing here. Its wood was dark and bendy.

      Somehow it's a truly beautiful area and scene but I don't think or realise this in the dream.

      As we get near the opposite end I become concerned and tell everyone to stop. The roof slopes down more quickly ahead and there are no leaves. I start to realise the danger of being on a roof more than before. I tell H, "there are no tiles here, we'll slip right off". So in agreement we start to walk back. I had thoughts of the kid falling and didn't want to feel responsible should something happen, but I also think about how the parent/grandparent would feel should such a thing happen.

      At this point my fear of heights seems to kick in a little and I stick more toward the inner edge, where there's a vertical structure jutting out the middle of the roof; I step up on a stone ledge of sorts and as I keep walking back with a tight grip on some stone stuff, I start to realise there had been a music playing for quite some time, in a quick crescendo now. I could hear a jackdaw or crow cawing for the same amount of time too. These sounds were immensely beautiful and as they became more and more vivid I eventually woke up.

      Dream Fragment:

      Only made brief notes of this one. Dream about visiting a therapist to treat some narcolepsy (that I do not suffer from in real life). I basically kept falling asleep throughout this dream and having different dreams within the dream. In the last part, there was some joint therapy dream thing about recognising that I was asleep, and we had a timed round to shoot enemies and shoot their limbs off with guns.

      Then an old skeleton is under some bushes or canopy on some grass. It was Kerrigan's skeleton? The front of the skull was missing or smashed, but some of the lower jaw mandible was intact. Someone took off what was the bones of a tail part of the skeleton and then I or someone else tossed the full skeleton towards someone, Sol, I think? She suddenly had to go though, and we all criticised her for doing this every time.


      - A small Spartan-like nation? They had a strong military that seemed American in some sense and they were testing some nuclear weapons and special bullets. It was sunny. Lots of concrete structures.

      - There sure is a lot to make note of here, and I didn't even record all the detail of the first dream fully, it would have taken me too long and most of it is ultimately filler in some sense. But I greatly enjoyed that dream's experience.
      - I probably remembered scraps of at least five long dreams in total, but all dreams were fairly vivid. They also all felt like they changed very quickly.

      - In a between-period of sleeping and not sleeping after my initial waking up, I tried to focus my mind on drawing but did not have any dreams relating to that or art in general.

      - The children following us were both boys, probably between the ages of 6-10. I don't remember having a great look at them, mostly because they followed us from behind most of the time.
      - This first dream is the longest dream sequence I have dreamt of for quite a long time now.

      - In the second dream, the skeleton was whole, all joined together, something that I know in waking life is impossible except if it had been put together as a museum piece of some kind. The bones were particularly yellowed and somewhat pitted.
      - The guns/shooting thing probably came about from playing KF quite a bit with H lately.
      - The weapons-testing in the scraps dream likely came about from a general enjoyment of controlled loud noises and explosions (despite their dangers and harmful nature).

      - The therapist figure seems to be recurring a little recently. I think it's part is an inner representation of a guide because I have often sought help from therapists for guidance with the psychological side of life and because I've had some good ones, I suppose I feel on some level that they can be very useful guides, even when they say things I'm not happy with or don't agree with.
      - This type of figure is also ironically likely to be the antithesis of my frustrations with healthcare systems; these dream therapists actually care about me and there is no payment or any such thing involved, there is a genuine feel of interest in helping me as if they were devoted to that.
      - The narcolepsy and the falling asleep thing may have been subconscious cues about dreaming reality.
    8. Wow.

      by , 07-13-2020 at 06:32 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      This week made up for the lack of jamie dreams for sure. Difficult subjects to deal with here...

      Jamie 1

      I was in some elevator with Jesus and Jamie. Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke actually... Kidding. He just tells us, "I want you two to come together NOW!"
      the door opens and Jesus is gone I walk out holding someone's hand. It's no longer Jamie, but eleven from stranger things... We walk down the hall and I'm confused. We pass another Elevel from stranger things in the hall... Walt 11:11? Clever girl... I ask who the other girl is and the one holding my hand shrugs.

      comments. Jesus said the same thing last year. and Last year I sent a message and invited contact. I don't know what else I can possibly do here. I can message her until I'm blue in the face and she will always find a reason never to message me back or get a hold of me some other way. I can't force her to contact me and I won't try. It's up to her I guess...

      Jamie 2

      Jamie shows up at my inner world house with that sterotypical bad boy from the dream from a few weeks ago. She's being generally mean to me. I forget most of it. I'm on a couch and she sits down for one second and hands me an ipad or something with porn on it. And she tells me to stop looking at porn, then storms off with that guy and leaves the house. I find myself outside by the curb a while later talking to some guy who asks me if she was supposed to be my girlfriend. I said, "I dunno looks like she's with that guy now."

      No, comment on the porn issue other than if I were doing that, How would she know? Hacking my computer somehow? or some Twin flame/ alien love bite telepathic phenomenon? I'll try to fix any issue, but you can't expect a single bachelor to live like a saint all the time.


      Dream is like a movie. some woman goes to a recovery meeting like AA or NA or something. She meets a woman there the leave to have coffee, which is typical for being social after recovery meetings. But they wind up going to one of their homes and have a lesbian encounter. the whole dream I have a feeling this dream has to do with Jamie but can't be sure.

      Jamie 3

      Jamie approaches me in a school parking lot and tells me she is actually a MTF transgender. Which I know is not true. But she seems to think I might like that.

      Interesting, Jamie is now lesbian but also a transgender

      Can we go back to dream hugs now that we got it all sorted out? Or how about a real one!?!?!?

      Long dream

      Well it was long but i forgot most of it now. I was walking through some city but had to go inside a large building like a bank. Everything started shaking and i Thought ,"Earthquake". I'm looking for desks to hide under. A man in a suit and some other people there tell me it will be over soon. I hear a scream and look out the big glass window. The building is floating on water and a huge wave is coming toward us. I look to the man with a suit and he says we won't get hit by the wave. The building shakes and then turns onto some land and stops.

      I find myself on a bus or something with a Muslim woman who is supposed to be Saad's wife. Some guy is telling her that her husband is a jackass. I cut in say, "Really me and him do get a long at times but yeah. he is a huge asshole for sure."

      His wife says to me, "Maybe i agree with you. But hold on You smell like piss and shit." (she's just insulting me back). "You remind me of a muslim story i know. A mother got up one day and went to her daughters room and she said, 'wake up now my child, we are going to have pancakes for breakfast...'". I woke up from that.
    9. bleh

      by , 07-06-2020 at 09:16 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      only dreams i had this week were very short.

      one dream with Jesus in it, but i don't really remember it.

      Another dream had something to do with picard. He had all these extra starfleet shirts or something and some teenager guy needed a new shirt.

      Nothing about Jamie. I hope to remember something good from her this week.
    10. better?

      by , 06-29-2020 at 07:16 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      I'm at some weird high school like dance, dancing with some girl from work...


      She was really absent this week. I did have a brief one sexual related. I finished too fast and just left, and she looked upset. I hope that's never a problem IRL...


      Just Him standing by a building looking inside but he's like 40 ft tall. He's looking in a window.
      Tags: dance, jamie, jesus
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. bleh

      by , 04-07-2020 at 12:06 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Bad recall. only remember one dream: Jamie me and jesus in some room. don't remember any details other than that. I hope this week is better. Still impressed i get a Jamie dream a week
      Tags: jamie, jesus
      dream fragment , side notes
    12. dreams.

      by , 03-30-2020 at 09:32 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Again i had longer dreams but they still evade my memory when I have to write them down. I should take notes but I'm getting lazy in my old age.


      Only a brief flash of walking with jamie down some steps in a park or something. That's all. this is the only dream I had of her this week. Although I'm frustrated she isn't around much in them anymore I guess something once a week is consistent.


      I'm driving with someone into a parking lot of a large apartment building. I have false memories of running around the hallways of the apartment complex, and most of it seemed abandoned.

      As wee pull in I see C and C come out of a stairwell. And yes It's the C i tried to date last summer and failed miserably with. Mainly because of Jamie being upset in a dream and a string of jamie synchronicities scared me out of it. Twin flames, or alien love bite, or whatever you call it - God forbid they actually talk to you in person or write you. But somehow they raise all hell when you try for something else....

      Anyway the driver notices the C with bigger boobs and asks me about her. I say those girls are skanky and the one he fancies is already in a relationship. We park and get out, and my C notices me. She walks up to me and gives me a big hug. I think she is apologizing for something. I'm surprised since she pretty much avoids me like the plague. The hug IS her though. It's so nice and warm. Then i wake up.

      Jamie really needs to step up her dream hugging game.


      I'm in a room with Jesus and he says, "what Are you doing in my dream?" Not sure why he would say that, if he really meant it or said it in a joking way. There was no context.
    13. yikes

      by , 03-23-2020 at 07:20 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Well, I've been dealing with some temptations lately. all I can say if Jamie can really sense these things... I really feel for her.

      Had a few dreams that i can't recall now.


      Became lucid in my house and asuka was around. I asked her if she'd seen Jamie around. Asuka said: Yes but she's been hiding out in a parallel universe. Asuka holds up a mirror and I walk through it like a door. On the other side is a Giant mall. A bunch of people are walking around and they all look exactly the same. They look like Soji, from tar trek Picard... I ask one of them if she had seen Jamie, Ahe reluctantly said "yes." and started walking me down an aisle, butthen I woke up.

      Other dreams were flashes so they don't really warrant titles.

      I was laying in bed dosing off wondering about why I'm struggling with these temptations. I fall asleep into a micro dream and jesus is on the cross again and he says, "My son I am always with you."

      Last sleep, I saw myself sleeping with someone who wasn't Jamie and i heard Jamie's voice as a voiceover, "No," Suddenly the girl under me vanished and I was suddenly outside and the girl's clothes were a heap on the ground. I saw text flash over the scene. "Jesus sent you this girl." Wasn't sure if the text was referring to the girl or jamie.

      Okay in all history of having entities flash text prophetic messages in my dream, virtually none were true nor came to pass. So I don't trust it at all.
    14. weird

      by , 03-02-2020 at 06:52 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      A series of dreams about jesus. In one i am in the phillipines or something. There is a cult that practices crucifiction... on themselves. I sign up for it for some reason and when I am hanging on a cross Jesus is on a cross next to me and says, "You don't have to do this my sons for I have already have done it for you."

      In another dream he mentions I should travel to Georgia state.

      Jamie dreams

      various sex related dreams, but i won't go into detail. Well i hoped for a better week, it's what I got. No complaining here.


      Dream about waking up on a plane. i look out the window and it is night time. We are very closely above some tree tops. The ride feels smooth. i just watch the scenery go by for a while...


      I was at some event with some girls I know. one girl I used to work with kept getting stabbed by a sword from another girl. In another part of the dream I was looking for something. There are more details but I forget them.
    15. so little recall.

      by , 01-14-2020 at 03:14 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Been a little stressed and depressed but I still remember some.

      Jamie 1

      Just remember going out to some house or cabin in the woods, Inside was really big with lots of floors. Just remember Jamie was there. Not talking to me much but still hanging around.

      Later there was something with my brother and my dad but I forget what it was about.

      Jamie 2,

      Just remember me and jamie were in a room with Jesus (where has this guy been anyway?). Jesus was making youtube video icons and directing them to a slot, indicating I should make more videos. I'm having trouble finding the time and motivation for that.

      Glad Jamie still shows up even if she isn't always in a good mood.
      Tags: jamie, jesus
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