Sleeping in a comfy hotel bed in Berlin with complete privacy instead of having family or roommates. My dream initially started with me entering a hotel room, much different looking than where I'm currently staying. Kinda like a building you'd create in Minecraft and somewhat reminded me of the hotel in Wijk aan Zee where I stayed at with my family in 2010 and drank coffee for the first time at the age of 12 which then became my to-go drink for the next 12 years. I constantly remind myself to not forget my card as I leave my room. Exploring the area around the hotel, it's a flat grassy land like those old videogames had, colours resembling that of retro Halo grass maps. I go outside and I'm in this "space park" with climbing frames and rocket statues that double as bathroom. I have to go to the bathroom so I climb up the ladder with one hand while holding my pet cat Luna in the other (while somehow maintaining my balance and not falling off while letting go of the ladder to get the next step. Each bathroom I'm attending I'm surrounded by people outside and despite the toilet being inside a spaceship cockpit with those one way reflective windows, I feel like I'm being stared at and don't go. I walk out of the space park and end up in this street from Amsterdam which is set in the 70s-90s as sound has a VHS quality and everyone speaks in a much thicker Amsterdam accent. I then see this man walk into an alley which I magically remember (in dream universe) as this back entrance for a theatre where I would go with my theatre group from 2017-2019. I then woke up from my alarm clock with 7 hours and 58 minutes of sleep!
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Meet a man who claims he got a visit from an alien who kidnapped his dog. Me and my mom and some others come visit him at his place, and he shows us how obsessive he is now locking everything and bringing his other dog and his cats inside. His dog is a poodle and he keeps him tied with a rope, long enough for him to move freely around the living room. He explains the alien was a Vulcan and I visualize Spock claiming he too the dog away for his own benefit. The guy turns into my mom's neighbor, Marco, and he and mom go to the kitchen prepare food. I am in pajama for some reason and I ask to use the toilet to change. Then his house is a hangar. When we gather around a large table to eat, we wear some yelling outside. We check and there are robots outside, one the depressed robot played by Alan Rickman on the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, another one is a bit more aggressive and eats humans and he is demanding a sacrifice. One guy offers to go while the others just shrug. I am shocked and I want to stop it. I go outside and try some distraction. Not sure what, but works and they go away. Back in the hangar we party, we have a ball. I dance with a girl. I see there's 2 guys also dancing with each other and I suggests we change pairs, but they seem ok together and my pair also seems to prefer dancing with me. Turns out she is gay, and she tells me about her wife. I feel chemistry between us and I wonder how she feels about cheating on her wife, even if just mentally. Then there is a play and some dude on a stage is acting a monologue. I find him boring, so I leave for a walk with a few others and we end up on a pool in a park. Only I swim. Another girl is offering some candies to people but not to me and my friend, so we snatch the bowl from her and get a handful of candies to ourselves. My friend feels bad about it but I don't, I feel like she owes me something. The candy girl then wants me to buy a special brand of coffee she sells, but I say I don't have money to spend on it and that I also have a neighbor who sells it too and would prefer buying from her. After we end up at a retro hotel and I start seeing what happens there from the perspective of just a viewer. Some beautiful lady with her entourage is checking in, one of her aides is a deformed woman with a creepy robot doll that talks. There are some famous actors like Tom Hanks as guests and the story turns into a musical with silly dances. Later on there is a dinner at an aquatic room. All the VIP guests wear a jelly mask around their nose and mouth, that allows breathing and talking. I don't know how they'll eat. The room is gorgeous like an underwater cave with seaweeds dancing, fish swimming. Then the person at the head of the table complains he doesn't want to share dinner with a killer who is in the room. Turns out the doll is under investigation for murder. Then I recall this story being from some novel and there being a vintage movie adaptation and I relive it all over again, but in the vintage version. In it the hotel is the same but the decor is slightly more simple. The foyer walls are painted in indigo blue, the deformed lady is not so deformed but has 3 pyramid shaped horns coming from her cheeks and forehead and the robot-doll is played by a real chubby girl with prosthetics. The aquatic room is very similar though.
This dream was awhile ago, but it made no sense to me. The time period was probably in the 60's or something. Me and my siblings and a bunch of other kids went to school in the same room. We were dressed in dresses and the guys were in pants and shirts. I could see myself as around eight years old asking the teacher something. Then i was back in my body. I asked where my desk was, and a student led me to a desk whose name tag said "Lemontine". I could feel i was the omega. When the lunch bell rang, all the staff and students changed into today's clothes. We played many sports. I was shunned a bit in kickball. The teachers played with us. Any ideas?
Updated 09-12-2016 at 01:33 AM by 91562
Well...I missed one of my more recently occurring dream signs tonight, the sky. I'm outside, and it's day time. I look up and I see this jet flying by our house. It looks like one of those leer jets except it has two solar panels attached on each side. The jet keeps making passes while opening and closing the panels. Someone was frightened of it because of how it was moving, but I was simply amazed. Suddenly it became dark, and skyscrapers sprouted from the ground, changing the entire horizon. The scene went from being dull to a retro futuristic setting. Like something you'd see in a old Godzilla movie. Buildings from all types of eras of what the "future" was supposed to look like. I started taking pictures of it all (don't even know where I got the camera from) and suddenly there was a crash. There was an ambulance crew right on the scene, and from what I got out of it, I was in the middle of some movie. H showed up, and I was telling her that we'd be able to play the part better, since we did crap like that for a living. Later on I found myself waiting on some kind of review, and on it, it said I did all these things that were completely out of character.
dream nondream I'm in a flat with my cousin. We live there together with my son. It's fairly small but bright and open plan. I come up with a plan to redecorate it, removing some cheesy stickers that are on the wall. The stickers are very 80s looking, music notes and bars in a wave sort of pattern that goes up and along the wall. My plan in to paint the wall with the design I've seen on one of the tee shirts that my cousin wears, a brown one with yellow script writing that says "Retro". My cousin agrees but wonders how we will do it, concerned that it will be a difficult project. Flash forward to the bathroom, I am giving my son a quick shower. He is playing around with the water, then gets a hold of the shower hose and then lets it go. Suddenly the water is on full blast and the hose is going mental, spraying everywhere. At first my son laughs hysterically, but not for long. The water has turned hot (I get the horrible impression that I turned it up???) and now it's burning him and he's screaming. I can't get to him at first and there is panic as all I can do is watch in horror. After I get the hose to stop spraying I poor some cool water on my poor kid's skin, which is red and angry. There is an imprint of the bathmat from the bottom of the tub burnt into his skin. I wrap him in cool towels and plan to go to the hospital. We end up at this strange cafeteria kind of place full of those fold out tables and chairs. I get the impression that there will be a wedding or something going on here (wedding is a dream sign of mine, I wish it triggered a RC, but nope) sometime soon. There are some nervous parents of the bride or groom milling around, one woman approaches me while I am trying to put my poor kid to bed (under a table!). She asks me if she can help me. I suddenly get a glimpse of some laundry hanging on a wire in a field and the dream ends.
Updated 03-08-2011 at 02:41 PM by 40720
NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID FALSE AWAKENING 23:00 GMT – Sleep Nothing... 1:15 GMT Retro building, horny guys and my cat I am on a building, kind of retro looking, I think on the 2nd floor. My cat is roaming around the room I am in. I even let him go outside the door, although at a certain point I wonder if the front of the building is open and go down there to check (so the cat doesn’t run away). As I go downstairs I find this intermediate floor where there’s a kind of floating stage. I try to figure out what it is but then just jump from there to ground floor. I realise I’m wearing my sexy red pyjama and land in one of two tables where 2 groups of guys are gathered. As I land there graciously, I make this pose of defiant sexy warrior and this has the unintended effect that the guys feel aroused and want to jump on me. I just have time to run to another room and lock me inside. The door has windows and they see me there and try hard to get inside. I realise they will do so eventually but decide not be afraid. [slight feeling I am dreaming] When they finally come inside and harass me, by ignoring them, they just fade away. Then I conclude the front door was really open and by then my cat is really gone outside. [what an obsession I have for the cat] Then as I wish him to come back a bunch of other cats enter the building, but not my cat. Then I decide to practice detachment and think that for sure he is well and that I should learn to let go. And if something bad happens to him I should not feel guilty, that’s just life. 7:00 GMT – wake up