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    1. Semi-Lucid Dream Number 2

      by , 02-06-2011 at 09:48 PM
      Hello, everyone! My second Semi-Lucid Dream starts here: It started with me on a sidewalk, walking down it. I became Semi-Lucid and climbed over the fence that was by the sidewalk and into a small area with trees. I started to try to climb the the telephone cable, you know, the ones that have a yellow wrapping over it? yeah... I stopped after a minute and went back to the sidewalk I was on earlier. Suddenly, a creepy man looked at me with a smile and then tried to kill me... yeah... weird Semi-Lucid Dream, right? I ran to the nearest store, put my hat on, and acted casual. Unfortunately, that wasn't enough to lose his tail. So I ran into the store when I was going to call for help but he teleported right in front of me. I woke up and the Dream ended. The End
    2. Semi-Lucid Dream Number 1

      by , 02-06-2011 at 07:28 PM

      Hello, everyone! My first Semi-Lucid Dream starts here:I was in a Big, Black, Colosseum. The flour Chrome and everything (Including the sky) was black (But there was about as much light was a sonny day). I wandered out of the Colosseum and looked around. I went back into the Colosseum and the insides turned into a big park with lots of slides (Everything is still black, and remains that way for the entire Dream). I slid down all of the Slides. Some of the slides had Bowsers face on the ends of them. Suddenly, all of the slides brook into pieces. I climbed over some of the debris of the slides. Suddenly again, A huge slide that had to be as big as a Skyscraper, rises out of the ground. I start climbing the ladder on the edge of it. The Dream cuts to when I get to the top. When I get up there, I look down at the huge ladder I climbed up. I turn around and see the White Witch from the movie Narnia. She says,"Come... " and goes down the huge slide. I about to too but I wake up The End
    3. OMG, my recall is getting worse, some sort of semi-lucidish dream... only fragments

      , 01-26-2011 at 02:45 PM
      Tonight I went to sleep a little too late (I couldn't sleep -.-' fucked up my WILD attempt) and it was like I was looking at someone elses Lucid, I can only remember a few fragments:
      Something with a doctor who did some sort of Inception-ish things in other peoples dreams. Something with a woman who was accused for something (murder?). Something with water that went red (blood?). Doctor walking through wall.
    4. Dreaming of Writing Down My Dreams While Semi-Lucid

      by , 01-19-2011 at 03:06 PM (Burke's Nightly Escapades)
      Since my normal dreams are in red and my lucids are in blue, lets have semi lucids be in purple!

      I just had a FA from a previous lucid dream i had, but at that time i didn't know it was still a dream. I rolled over in my bed to face my dresser and noticed my DJ wasn't there. I snapped my fingers and said for a pen to be there, and it was! Howeverr, this only got me semi-lucid. I could still use all my powers, but i couldn't control anything. Now that i had my pen, i said out loud, "Notebook!" and one appeared. However, when i opened it up it was already full! I had summoned a filled notebook, great. I said out loud again, "No, Notebook!" and another one appeard, this time a bit smaller and not as rigid, and seems like it was held together by tape. I opened it up and noticed that this time, there wasn't as much writing, but it was still used. It looked like notes of a scientist or something, lot's of jumbled up texts with a mix of funny symbols. I repeated one more time, "No! BLANK NOTEBOOK!" and so it appeared yet again. This time, i eagerly went through it and finally, it was comepletely blank. Nothing written in it. I smiled a little and started to write down key words about each part of the lucid. Here's where the sucky part comes in. I CAN'T REMEMBER WHAT I WROTE DOWN!!! This pissed me off too, because i could tell that it was a really long and epic dream. Infact, the only thing i remember from the lucid itself was thinking of how awesome it was and how i couldn't wait to write it down!
    5. Feeding Diabetic Retard & the Mystery Girl in the Bathtub

      by , 11-13-2010 at 03:44 AM
      The 1st dream I remember from last night was a nightmare. There were 4 dream characters: a retarded diabetic guy, a guy who looked like me & was making fun of the 1st guy by flapping his elbows up & down, the mystery girl in the bathtub, and the BAD GUY... I don't know if he was a vampire or the devil himself, but I knew he was the one who was "behind everything" & he gave off some nasty evil vibes. For some reason the diabetic guy was going into a hypoglycemic episode & couldn't even walk/feed himself, so I had to carry him to where we found some chocolate dates, which I stuffed into his mouth. Chocolate everywhere, while the guy who looked like me was flapping his arms in a very disturbing way, making fun of the very serious situation with this diabetic guy. Once he was okay, I realized there was a bathtub behind me with the curtain drawn. I heard the rings on the rod rattle and said, "Mother?" while I pulled back the curtain. Inside in a full tub was a girl. I woke up & was very disturbed by this dream. I had to turn the lights on to write it down & was hesitant to turn them off after that.

      Next dream I only recall fragments of, but I think I had a false awakening & a moment of lucidity. In this dream *I* was the bad guy... I was a vampire or had some supernatural powers. I abducted a girl and flew off with her. A bunch of people flew after me to try to catch her. While I was flying my dream got VERY vivid, I could see the colors of the trees I flew over & even the pine needles themselves. I think at this point is where I was semi-lucid/lucid & my base male desires took over... I tried to have sex with the girl I'd abducted, but closed my eyes at some point & the dream faded. I THOUGHT I woke up, but I'm not sure... it may have been a false awakening, because I *really* woke up later on.
    6. Am I turning now?

      by , 11-01-2010 at 11:19 AM
      non-dream - non-lucid - lucid

      01/11/10 Mainly fragmented stuff have been on a week long break to see if I could reduce the amount of stress I had associated with dreaming (RCs, awareness checks and writing down). My recall seems to have improved slightly, but I have forced myself not to write things down, but here I am back again.

      Was in a computer FPS like scenario, had a feeling I was in someone else's dream. Kept running over the same places looking for something, the key to get further with no success. I was climbing stuff.

      Same scenery but I am supposed to be there, being followed by two teenagers, Jacob Bausager seems afraid of them, he borrows the plane and crashes it, it is my parents I go ballistic, I trusted him with it.

      different people setting up various outlets to make money, Martin is one of them, I have one of his beers and help him out a bit. His mum comes and tells me I have always understood him, I don't understand this as I was horrible to him in school, we talk about his legs. Martin explains how I used to hit them, back in school when they were at their worst.

      Drinking blood of a woman, she has betrayed me and I shouldn't have come out on top, but her blood gives me strength, when she is almost completely dry I get a narcotic rush and tell her “Now I know why they drain them completely” She replies that I haven't come close yet. I feel euphoric I feel like having sex with this woman, but I am not going to do it with her dead. I start pouring blood into the hole I have been sucking from, she asks what I am doing and I reply that I don't want to kill her. She sounds hopeful, but tells me that I will need to hypnotise her. I tell her I don't know how to do that and she explains that I will need to talk to Thomas (White Court Vamp, Dresden Files) about that.

      OK a note here: During my time in Thailand I got attacked by vampires, they laid off the attacks as I stroke a bargain with the family patron vamp. I was suspicious then as to what was involved in the deal, but nothing so far has come up. This is my first vamp related dream since then and the only one ever with me on the sucking side. Although I try to be a good guy I must admit I am fairly interested in seeing if this is somewhat part of the same overall plot. IWL as per me writing this down I can't help but think “Is this it, am I turning now?”

      (This next section I think I was more awake than in a dream, but I will write it down anyhows)

      I am in the other guys dream as mentioned before, fairly positive I have just been awake. I am practising expectations behind doors, as a way of changing scenery (I am horrendous at dream control involving change of location). So the entire exercise for me here is to successfully explore a dream while lucid (A flowing change of scenery where I don't get caught up in my poor conscious imaginative skills to interfere). I keep thinking to myself “Damn this doesn't count, I can't even get into first person, so really I am just visualising all of this and not dreaming at all. Damn that means I will wake up shortly as well” (A pretty non-productive way of thinking!) It only lasts about 30 seconds to a minute.
    7. Dannon's Journal of dreaming.

      by , 06-27-2010 at 05:46 PM
      It all started last night as I lay in bed with my mind wandering like a tumbleweed through an old ghost town. After a while I start focusing my mind into a point while relaxing my face, my jaw and the rest of my body.
      I start sinking into deeper levels of relaxation. I become aware that I am in a hypnogogic state when I notice I am watching a pickup truck driving down a driveway, kicking up dust. So I focus on my dream task, which is to dreamshare with CNDR.

      I am on the verge of WILDing and I sense many possible dreams to step into all swirling around me. I am invoking CNDR's energy and feeling for it. Then I see glimpses of her: her arm, her hair, her silhouette against the moonlight coming through the window. I smell her and her hair. I hear her saying "Is it working?" or "It is working!" Or something very similar. Keep in mind I am not in the dream, but trying to completely fall asleep and enter the dream. But my monkey-mind starts getting excited and I try to calm it but the swirling wheel of dreams recedes a little. I can no longer see or hear or smell my dreams but I can still feel CNDR with my feeling sense. But eventually my mind comes back and starts wandering as the dreamtime slips away.

      Organic Mechanic
      I go hang out with a musician friend of mine (Greg) and a friend of his at a hotel lobby. Greg's friend wants us to stay and watch Emerson, Lake, and Palmer play a show. I don't think that I will stay, it costs to much and I am not a fan. But Palmer is a good drummer.
      I notice that Greg's friend is vacuuming my car. He is vacuuming pieces of broken glass and I notice my windshield has a hole in it. Damn! He tells me he saw some shady guy break into it. I take the car to an auto body shop and ask them how much it will cost to fix it.
      Mechanic: "What happened here?"
      ME: "Some asshole broke my windshield"
      Mechanic: "Don't worry about it. We'll take care of it. There's no charge"
      They started working on my car. Hey that is very nice of them to fix my windshield for free! I am going to recommend this place to my friends. But how can they afford to fix it for free. Surely they will have to charge me for at least the cost of the new windshield. I get the bill back and it is $500! I start talking to the guy and he says:
      Mechanic: "This is how much it would have cost if I had charged you. This is for my hourly rate, as well as the hourly rate of the guy who made the windshield and the guy who delivered the windshield and the guy who made the glass for the windshield. You see, when you pay for something you pay for everybody who had anything to do with it, and they are all taking advantage of you because they are motivated by profit. But if they all realized like me that there is no such thing as money, the world would be a great place."
      Me: "Hey, thank you! I will definitely recommend you to my friends"
      Mechanic: "I am the Organic Mechanic


      I am in Kaua'i swimming in the ocean! The beautiful tropical sun is tanning my body and the sea breeze is filling my lungs. I hear the sounds of surf and the smell of coconut and guava. The white sand beaches are brightly reflecting the sun. I am kayaking around the island with Kayak Kaua'i (In Waking Life I used to Work for Kayak Kauai). We are out on the part of the ocean that goes around the corner of the Kalalau valley into the Polihale.



      The current is strong here and the fish are gathering. I become lucid. The owner's son, who is one of the guys with us, is a real asshole, and has always been an asshole to me just because he thinks he is the shit because his Dad owns Kayak Kauai. So I summon a shark to get him. A shark comes and heads for his kayak. He starts screaming and I am laughing. But then I remember to love my DCs so I decide to turn the shark into a dolphin. Now we have dolphins all around our kayaks out there in the ocean. But I am feeling a little mischevious so I turn the dolphin back into a shark and the guy freaks out agian. Then I cahnge it back into a dolphin and the guy relaxes. But he had lost his oar! He couldn't paddle his kayak and he starts drifting out on the riptide. I throw him my oar and I use mind power to power my kayak. It is like a motorboat or a jet ski, but all mind power! I get very involved with flying through the ocean on my kayak with the dolphins all jumping and spinning and racing me! I love dreaming!

      Pickle Frog Song

      A little while later, I am back on land in some Hawaiian town hanging out on the lawn in front of some grocery store. This is not lucid. There is a little boy singing a song and picking his nose. The song goes:
      "Pickle Packle Peek-a-boo, Pickle Packle Peek-a-boo"
      but maybe it sounds more like "Picko Packo Pee-a-Boo"
      I really like the song. CNDR comes up and I say "He is singing about his pet frog!" And CNDR starts laughing and we are both laughing joyously. The kid is very cute, picking his nose while he sings. His sister comes up and they both are chanting "Pickle Packle Peek-a-boo"
      CNDR and I go into the store to buy some pickles but the owner tells us that they are all sold out since those kids started singing that song.
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