non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP It's a freezing weather and some type of post-apocalyptical secnario or post-catastrophe situation. I am with some people at some place that looks a cross between my mom's home and a public hospital. For saving energy and heat, I suggest we close down some rooms for good and keep open only the ones with stuff we need. Then we gather in a few interior rooms which are more insulated. Things get better later and some group is able to reach us. There are some famous faces among them. They are our contact with the exterior so I prepare a plan with some of my friends in which one of us goes with them when they go out again. My friends chose me to go, because they secretly conspire for me to hook up with a guy from the other froup, who is drop dead gorgeous and hot but he is clearly out of my league to even consider it. But I also secretly feel some hope once they mention it, so I go. Later on for some reason I do a prank to everyone on the group, by attacking them with cans of whipped cream in spray that I come across. They don't react so well, they look disgusted and humiliated but decide to ignore it. We still finish our mission and we eventually come back to get all the others. Some surreal dream on a ship I can't recall. Then it is night and from the deck of the ship I see some dock below and a woman running away from a slender dark figure. I go down there and ask someone if they saw the woman being chased. I am told that a slender man has been terrorizing people, especially women, in the area. So I keep looking around trying to find them. I never see the woman again but Slender Man appears. First I freak out, but then I tell him he just met the one who will take him down. He laughs at me and for a second I doubt myself, but I am mildly aware that I am in control, so I stay firm. He tries to grab me and I sink my hand into his thigh. He screams in agony. I tell him I can rip him apart and I cause him more and more pain, until he is contorting on the ground. He starts losing his scary demonic look and now just seems like a very tall thin man dressed in black with a tall black hat. I feel horny with power, so I order him to undress. Turns out his got a nice body and I decide to abuse him as a way to subjugate him. He looks so scared and confused. I mention to him that I am dreaming and I can do anything I want. I tell him I want to rape him, so to keep undressing. I manifest some kind of really long black dildo and I sodomize him while somehow also riding it. I actually have an orgams from it in the dream and in RL. So I think slender man will be out of business for some time 😂 On vacation in Belgium with mom and Riverstone. Somehow we are staying in an apartment full of our stuff and even my cats, so I am concerned about packing it all for the return travel coming in in a few days. But they want to go on a 3 day tour up north by the sea and I end up giving up on packing up. It's summer, sunny and the ocean is turquoise blue and gorgeous. But the towns are already putting up Xmas decorations.I find it so odd but it all looks so lovely, my mom gets very emotional.
I Had a weird, non-lucid dream about Slenderman and the Puppet from FNAF. I played a version of Slender that had a ''Nice Mode'' which allowed the character to be a green marionette-esque character, other weird things in the dream involved me running in fields and whatnot, I think, I don't remember all of it. But I have lots of dreams about Giygas from Earthbound. And that's it.
Allan Rickman played a vampire on a television show. I was at my friends house at night, scaring little kids by telling the stories about Slender Man and locking them up in cages.
So I was at my house in the living room, a casual day. Somehow I was able to summon Slender Man and he was hostile at first. Somehow I was able to make him my ally, and told him to get in the refrigerator, wrapped in a umbrella. ( Some imagination I have ) The refrigerator was white, and old looking. I opened the refrigerator and grabbed the umbrella Slendy was in. It didn't weigh much. ( Maybe a magic portal, hm.....) I walked down the street passing a few people and got on my bus for school. I was sitting at window side with my friend. I looked at my umbrella it was a Gatorade bottle. "Hey Slendy is in my bottle." I said. He took the bottle and started to splash it on the floor making a mess. Every time he splashed it on the ground a small boom noised started. I think slendy appeared in the back of the bus and he killed everyone except for me... Time fast forwarded to when I was walking home at night without my great murdering ally! I was walking down a street that curved around a park, at the back of it there was a forest. I was near the front of the giant park when I stopped walking, and noticed a motorcyclist chasing at me. I don't know why, I had this urge to run fast to my house. I started running faster then the motorcycle , down this street thinking it was the street to get home, until I read a sign saying I took the wrong turn. Scared, I jumped over my neighbors fence, and over the fence at the back of it. I noticed a dead end and went back to the other backyard. Out of nowhere about 23 police man charged at me, knocking down the gate in the process. I was doomed without Slendy. At the right time Slendy jumped off the roof and started kicking some ass. He was doing martial arts kicks! The cops were closing in on him but he managed to distract them, to allow me to get to safety. I looked where Slendy was at, and noticed we were on a steep hill with a city at the bottom of it. I jumped off the hill and tried to swing on the pole of a lamp post. I fell down and woke up.
Very fragmentary dream of me being with friends of mine. We connected an old 90's style TV to his computer via USB cable for some reason. I wanted to get some information or something, but my friend wanted to download some music first (he played it, it wasn't much to my taste). Later the scene became a parking lot, and he drove out of the parking lot where my car was also parked. Apparently, we lost our laptops. And he was talking about how we should all go to the beach. I also recall being online and seeing pictures of cats or something, and something about getting a new cat and naming him Interval (which I thought was a strange name even in the dream, no idea how or why I came up with it). It then came back to my apartment again. I went to the kitchen, it was dark, and I thought of Slender Man for some reason. I actually wanted him to appear, I enjoy being scared in dreams sometimes, the way I can enjoy a good horror movie. He didn't appear, but I still woke up.
Night of the 29 1:17- Some boy with dark hair was being forced to test at Aperture. I can't remember much else about that though. Then there was something about a person abusing this blonde. Cartman and Pip from South Park. Slender was there, but not sure what he played in it. I just know there was something with things levitating and something with buttons. It's a blur mostly. I could feel I was scared, but I had no clue why. I've tried going back to sleep. No luck. I'm too freaked. Just when I begin to fall asleep I'm jolted awake. *Ana let me turn on the lamp, which helped a little. But I don't want to sleep. I'm scared so irrationally it's not funny. I don't think I'll be resting until a little light starts to come out.... But that's not for another hour give or take. I cant even remember. It's a Sunday night, and 4:47.... I haven't even tried to sleep since around 2:45. I'm tired, so tired... But I can't sleep. This is hell.... 5:43- starting to get lighter out. Gonna try to sleep for a little bit. 6:26- Took me a bit to fall asleep. I dreamt somewhat but I really can't remember much. I'm just glad I got some sleep.*