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    1. SpellBee Elements Competition #6

      by , 04-20-2017 at 09:53 PM
      I don't really feel like writing this dream down since I barely remember it or did anything but it was a tiny bit interesting to me.

      I was somewhere where I was discussing something with a group of dreamers and guides. We were trying to figure out how to fix a world that was ruined and lost its color. I tried creating some colorful blue, pink and green plants in order to give the place more life than realized I was in my old home where my dog use to sleep at. It was near the yard entrance and I became lucid but was distracted by a scene that began to envelope the setting.

      The setting became a black world with green lines that went horizontal and vertical. Kind of like a virtual world. On top of a circular platform blending into the background was a rectangular thing in the middle and Dawn in his anime form but wearing a lab coat and looking shorter than he should be. On the left to the platform sat a sort of transparent alien with a black cloak on. He was the height of two tall men stacked on each other and was kind of big.

      Dawn mentioned to a small group in front of him that the world needed a giant silent monster, the one with the black cloak, to bring out something of the world. He than passed the object in the middle and became invisible. He mentioned something about the invisibility afterwards but I can't recall.
      I ended up losing lucidity though and began drawing a anime girl with a ribbon in her long braided hair, wearing a Japanese sailor suit.I was thinking of making a story about her fighting off vampires to save her younger brother but than changed my mind .There was also something about blood being hidden in her hair.

      lucid , non-lucid
    2. Nightmare frag

      by , 04-20-2017 at 08:57 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      I was walking around with my friends in the city, and then some army men and magnetic fields come to take our phones, we are now in a dictatorship ridden country, they want surveillance over everything. I somehow save my phone and fly home, and there i wait for the police to break in, im panicking heavily.
      Then I woke up , I felt really bad , so nervous i even felt it in my legs . it was painful
    3. white out

      by , 04-20-2017 at 08:25 PM
      D1 - Car needed repairs so my wife put a large slab of Styrofoam into the car, so it looked like some kind of sandwich Oo

      D2 - On a boat at night, some people were planning some kind of a party. They had a giant tub of some kind of white drugs. I consumed a big of heap of it. Then I needed to pee real bad, I went along a path and couldn't hold it anymore, so I had to pee everywhere. But this did not stop my urge to pee so I had to keep going every few minutes. I realised it must be something to do with the drugs. The man on the boat found out about it and offered to pay me money for my pee as it contained high amounts of the drug xD
      Tags: white
    4. Azaleaj's workbook

      by , 04-20-2017 at 08:21 PM
      I was a little better about being mindful and did a few reality checks during the week. I also stayed up a little longer with WBTB and focused more on visualizing becoming lucid and remembering my goals. 2 lucid dreams last night, one DILD and I believe a WILD.

      I laid down to try to have a WILD. I fell asleep but then woke back up. I tried again. Next thing I remember I was observing a dream form before my eyes. It faded in and out for a few seconds. I was careful to not try to join it too soon as I've seen recommended on here. I was trying to figure out the best moment to get up and enter the dream. Lost some here.

      Next, I was walking in a mall empty of people with a woman with blonde curly hair. I remember my goal of finding the woman with the blonde bob (a dream guide?) I ask this woman if this is her. She look down and does not respond. I take this as a no. (I often encounter dream characters sort of turning off, or looking away and not wanting to interact at different times. Sometimes when I ask the questions and sometimes if I'm sexually forward.) we continue walking toward an escalator that goes to the basement. I realize we are walking when we could be flying. I choose to continue to walk just to mix it up as I usually fly in LDs. We go downstairs.

      Once downstairs I remember my other goal of surrendering to something greater than myself (whatever that might be). I let go and find myself floating 3-4 feet above the ground on my back. I feel a palpable sort of vibrating, peaceful, borderline blissfully energy enveloping me. I find myself floating along the winding mall hallway observing the window displays of clothing. I see lots of various blue fabrics. I feel I'm sort of meditating, or mindfully observing. Sort of like a walking (floating) meditation. Lost part of the dream again.

      Now I'm upstairs. I find myself with an attractive man and we come close to having sex but not quite.

      I remember thinking (as I often do during longer LDs) that this is a long dream and I hope I don't forget parts of it, which I did. I woke up, went over the dream in my head and set my intention to LD again as I had another 1.5 hours to sleep.

      I had a semi long dream about being in the country (on the ranch). I'm exploring the layout of a property with various houses and outhouses on it. I go into an octagon dome type house. Sort of a hippie house nestled in the tree. I notice lots of windows with gorgeous views of oak trees. There is a weird shoot type window in a tunnel. I think that that would be a good escape route in case of an emergency. I then go outside. I became lucid here. I see a cat I think is my deceased cat Reeses. I get excited to go see him. As I get closer I see it's a different, kind of ratty cat. I give it a few pets. I then remember my ongoing goal of tasting and smelling. I pick up some pine cones and branches and breathe deeply. I think I also tasted them. Nothing. I clearly see the colors and feel the texture but no taste or smell. I then look closer and see the branches are actually fake and crafted out of craft supplies. I can see the papers amd pins holding them together. They are very colorful. I'm not sure if I lost lucidity here or just don't remember the rest of the dream. I had 3 other dreams full of adventure and strong feeling as well. I think I may have had a few other moments of lucidity but can't be sure.
    5. Long non-lucid dream : Hide the gun, Shoot the gun.

      by , 04-20-2017 at 08:12 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Spoiler for Notes and technique breakdown.:

      In the dream I am attending college. The building I am in feels vaguely like it belongs somewhere on my campus and the surrounding area has the same feel to it, but it really blurred the line between a completely original to dream campus. The building was ten stories tall and had many wings and corridors and contained both classrooms and student dorms.

      In the dream I had a gun with me, something that was forbidden by the rules of the campus and would be punishable by a long time in jail. The actual gun was like an uzi or small SMG and I remember at some point firing the bullets from it and noticing how small they were; they were like little pellets or pointed BBs. Yet the gun still had the capacity to kill people. The dream's plot revolved heavily around me trying to dispose of the gun.

      I at first figured I would dispose of the bullets. During a class, I snuck into a women's bathroom and emptied the bullets from the magazine down a toilet and flushed. My logic behind doing this was that the police might find the bullets in the plumbing but they would attempt to trace a female to possessing the gun and give me more time to get rid of it. I then crushed up the plastic magazine by stomping on it and threw the pieces into a ventilation grate.

      I then had to go to class. The class was at the center of the very strange and large building. There was a large circular tower that protruded from the side of the wall and castle like crenelations on top when viewed from the outside. I went to the class that was some kind of magical/alchemical class. I saw my friends S, A and C along with other dream characters outside trying to get my attention and waving at me. I waved back and they started throwing small rocks at the window as if they hadn't gotten my attention. They started to throw larger rocks and one of them cracked the window and got the attention of the whole class. I looked outside and saw some police escorting my friends away and thought that the police might think that we were troublemakers and might try and get a search warrant soon; so I should hurry up and dispose of the gun.

      After the class ended, it was dark outside. I stashed the gun in my pocket (yes, it fit). Near this weird alternate school was a river with a small island in the middle. This island had sand dunes on it that people would climb up and then ride down on these sled-like devices. I decided this was how I would get rid of that gun. I went to the shore of the river where there were guys in small rowboats that would row you across for a dollar. I got one of them to row me across and while he was, he remarked that it was getting dark and I probably shouldn't be heading out to the dunes so late in the day.

      I told him I had forgotten something earlier in the day and just needed to visit the sand dune island for a few minutes. Once on the opposite shore, I began frantically walking around the forested portion of the island looking for a good place to dispose of the gun. I ran into my father and he of course was really clingy and wanted to spend time with me, but I managed to convince him that I was jogging and that he couldn't keep up. So I jogged off and found myself at the top of the large sand dune where there was a small store and the sled things were kept. I got on one and started riding down, something that was frowned upon because it was unsafe and smart to have people nearby if you got hurt. I rode for a bit around the winding path in the sand until I found a place between two dunes that was out of sight of everybody.

      I knelt over and dug out a hole underneath some dune grass in the sand with my hands and put the gun in it; then carefully covered it up with sand, ensuring I put dry, coarse sand on top as to leave no evidence anyone had dug there, then carried on down my sand sled to the bottom of the route and deposited it at a small shed where a few others had been. It was now completely dark and I saw that the row boat guys had retired for the night and I was now trapped on the island. I think I wound up getting back onto the mainland by hopping across some overlarge lily pads and swinging on some low hanging willow branches, only managing to get wet up to my ankles.

      I retired to my dorm room that had a large furnace apparatus in it, and used the heat from it to dry my wet clothes. My roommate had questions as to what I had been up to but didn't get that suspicious. I plugged in my computer and started playing KSP and the dream started to fade out. I think it carried on for a bit, I recall glimpses and fragments of the dream carrying on into the days and weeks that followed this incident and how I continued to be paranoid that somebody would connect me to the gun and try to find me.


      The dream somehow gave way to one of me driving on the highway and continually missing exits that I was supposed to turn off at, finding myself on unfamiliar parts of the state. Typical dream contrivances such as having a dysfunctional phone gps with a fraction of a percent of battery and the dream periodically distorting so that I find myself in the back of the car with nobody driving up front played out.

      I remembered that my goal in the dream was to buy a birthday present for my new cousin. Apparently my aunt on my mom's side had given birth to a third boy after the two cousins I was familiar with, but he had aspberger's syndrome and she was ashamed so she kept him a secret from the rest of the family. But she eventually decided that wasn't right and she would introduce him to the rest of his family. This dream took place shortly after that and it was his (8th or 9th) birthday. I went into a random Toys R Us and bought a large blue Nerf gun and brought it over. This new cousin dream character was thrilled.

      We started having a nerf war. My cousin's house was revealed to have many levels of basement that had never been seen before that the war took place in; including an all white room in where there were sliding panels and doors everywhere. The room didn't have any function outside of being a place for the nerf gun war as far as I could tell.
      I attained a small amount of lucidity and became concerned that the dream could take a dark turn if the nerf gun I was using converted itself into the gun I had tried to hide from earlier.


      The dream somehow gave way to another dream that I was driving my parent's old minivan and doing flips and stunts around a stadium with monster trucks. I felt as though I were playing a video game and didn't care that I was badly damaging the car. The dream was very hazy and this probably would have been a rather exciting dream sequence had it been clearer.
    6. 19/04/0217 - 20/04/2017 (2 fragments)

      by , 04-20-2017 at 06:03 PM
      Was inside a space capsule which didn't stop moving trying to WILD.

      Had to steal a bunch of weapons from a group of Vikings and ended up hurting myself in a sword.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. 17-04-20 Kids Battle on Desert Island

      by , 04-20-2017 at 04:36 PM
      I was on a desert tropical island with a bunch of others, mostly kids of varying ages. There was also large hangar with airplanes, strangely. Something had divided our group, and we were preparing for a major fight, "tribal war". I don't even know what it was about, but it was serious. We had everything ranging from improvises clubs to slashing weapons. Even the smallest kids, aged 6 maybe, wanted to take part. I used a pen I found as improvised weapon, but said to the guy next to me that I wished I had my gun. This was in the tense moments before the "battle" in front of the hangar, were both groups (maybe 20 kids each) were lined up in front of each other. I suddenly decided I wanted no part in it. I wanted off the island, and this fight seemed to me a barbaric way of wasting time. In the next scene, we'd sent out two of the aircraft to scout the environment around the island. I "knew" we were near Tenerife. I saw the world from the perspective of the nose of the plane, and noticed the pilot was flying way too low. I could see the bottom of the ocean through the crystal clear water. I think he was looking for more islands instead of civilization. I just wanted him to go higher so I could spot any inhabited islands.
    8. Paralyzing Destabilization

      by , 04-20-2017 at 04:17 PM (Fantastical Adventures)
      -I was in my old house with a backpack and headphones on. I had to put on a bunch of extra clothes, and then take off the backpack and headphones. It was annoying. Suddenly, I was back in my current house, about to leave on a trip at night. We turned all the lights off. Next, I went downstairs and clapped once very loudly, which indicated my need to escape for some reason. Then, the dream destabilized and it paralyzed me, which is the most annoying conclusion to a dream or sorry excuse of a "nightmare."

      -At least 2 other scenes were lost because I'm not at home.
    9. Dream Journal spellbee spring competition 2017 4th lucid dream

      by , 04-20-2017 at 07:13 AM
      i was praying in a school without reason,when suddendly i had a FA,close to my bed there was a Dream Journal
      but it wasn't mine,i started reading a dream i found there,but it didn't have sense so i went on my brother's room and started thinking about it until i did the Nose Pinch Test and i became fully lucid,
      then i went on my room and started moving things(like chairs)with telekinesis,after that i went outside...
      It was very cold and it was the 8 PM of night,
      i thought that probably it was very cold because i was sleeping only with a T-shirt in Real Life ,
      i started randomly walking when i started to hear someone with my voice shouting because of the amazement of my view,
      he was commenting me,something like this,infact when i started spinning to stabilize,that voice shouted : Oh nice everything is stabilizing
      i didn't take much care of this voice instead i started walking toward the tobacconist until i saw a schoolmate Z.
      he greeted me but i went forward to my objective but strangely the city was different and i arrived in a Grocery Store
      i sat on a wall there was and started to watch cars ran on the road,Then i decided to use some telekinetic powers
      So I started to move cars in many direction they flied for about 10 meters altrough some of them didn't move very much
      until there came a big car,then i focused on it and started to think the movement it would have made,then with a movement of my hand
      I launched that big car at an unbelievable speed towards the Moon
      after that i got bored and i sat in a bus a stop there was ahead a bit far from the store,
      i started thinking until Z. came and sat with me,i asked him where was the tobacconist be he didn't respond
      then i started tell him what i have done,but he replied that it was easy,
      so i replied that i launched a car on the moon and he stopped replying
      after that i decided to joke with him,and i made him jump for a meter with telekinesis
      and he replied to me "What are you doing",laughing at the same time.
      Then we started to go in the Grocery Store
      when i suddendly wake up at 6:30 AM

      Updated 04-20-2017 at 07:22 AM by 92923

    10. short recall

      by , 04-20-2017 at 02:14 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Did a failed wbtb at around 4:30 am

      cleaning (frag)

      Some dreaming about sleeping in some man's room, and when I got up he started making me clean the place.

      School (full nld)

      I was at some sort of school where the classrooms were also places that people slept. I got up and then left the classroom. I wandered into a foyer and got something to eat from some vending machines.

      I realized I forgot something, but can't remember what. I start walking down a hallway by the main entrance and Scott, a guy i know in waking life walks beside me and says, "What's up?" I say hi and all that. He mentions that he has seen my dad walking in this school every morning. I mention that I haven't run into him yet.

      I go back to the class room but the door is locked... I knock and a woman with brown hair comes out and asks me for the password. I say i can't remember any password but I left my bag or something inside. She agrees and lets me in. I notice lots of people in class eating at tables while I look around for my things.
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    11. 17-04-19 FreshBlush ASMR, 'Work'

      by , 04-20-2017 at 12:44 AM
      This dream took place a month or a few months in the future. It felt like a flashforward, no time-travel this time. I was in the US, staying at a hotel where you share a house with a few strangers (common areas, anyway, like the bathroom). I was on the phone with an ASMR girl (FreshBlush) I was listening to in real-life at that moment (I fall asleep with ASMR playing on my laptop next to me). Her lines in the RL video was what she said to me on the phone in the dream. In the dream, I was in love with her, and I was trying to convince her to meet me again (apparently we'd met before). I was willing to do do anything to see her again. I started to wake up mid-conversation. That's when I started suspecting it was happening again - reality bleeding into the dream. And yes, even if I didn't speak, she would keep saying her lines, confirming it was not real. I felt really bummed out, as I finally had something good happening to me, a date, and it wasn't real. Sigh.

      I was "at work" (not my real job), and my father worked there too. We were going through some kind of concrete canals, killing vermin. My dad used a large knife to kill a few small animals that resembled tiny greasels from Deus Ex. So did I. But then dad killed a chameleon. I was angry, as my father loves lizards and other animals like that and I never expected he'd hurt them. I thought he'd pick it up and release it into the wild, but instead he just stabbed it. I leave the 'canal' using some metal stairs, and wurm my way past some piping and machinery. There was a girl there. Then I saw an old colleague (Luc de Jong?). He saw me and said something. I walked after him, into an office full of people, and told him "I don't work there anymore" (I'd changed job again, he didn't know). My former-former-former boss, Stefan Klink, was there too. He got mad at me, and said my comments about "shooting down a plane" were distasteful. I think I told people if terrorists attacked our seasteading by hijacking a plane, we ought to shoot it down before the terrorists crash it into something important and kill even more people. I think Stefan misunderstood, and thought I meant we should shoot down any passenger plane entering our airspace. A woman, probably someone rather important (HR?) started shouting at me. I tried to laugh it off, but everybody else in the room started yelling loudly too, and I couldn't hear what anyone was saying anymore. I yelled out that I wanted them to shut up, because I wanted to hear what that woman was blabbering on about. I think someone suggested we talk in a separate room.
    12. Goverment Shared Dream Project

      by , 04-20-2017 at 12:43 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #508 - DILD (IDWILDish) - 1:23AM

      Started taking a new muscle relaxer for my RLS so I don't have to take Kratom all the time. Dose was cut in 1/4 of 500mg pill. This may or may not have played a part in such a crazy ass dream.

      BTW before anyone judges me... I took no sides in the last presidential elections in the US.

      I am orbiting Earth in some open glass vehicle with a team of 3 or 4 people. We are talking about a one world government and I suggest we need to all unite but be careful that it's not a dictatorship. I tell them we need a president of Earth and it's needs to purely be a democracy. While we talk I am somehow wrapping saran wrap around the Earth with enormous strips (saving the Earth?).

      There's a weird segment where someone gets me tangled in an orb or saran wrap with ocean water around me. I feel claustrophobic so I tear my way out of it. There are then some jumbled images and I am now held hostage by a government entity along with my team. We are some place in the woods and men in black military garb are holding my right arm down on a stone table. I see the others are getting injected with some sort of brown liquid. I look down at my own arm again see a needle so in. Somehow I know it's pure DMT. I panic and ask if I am about to trip. When no one answers, I am assume this is what is really happening to us. I calm myself and decide to try to enjoy the ride rather than have a bad trip in the middle of the woods with my kidnappers. There is a warming sensation in my body and I close my eyes and just let go.

      I am in another place and instantly lucid. I know I am in a dream now, but still totally believe the backstory. I am in some abandoned building and it feels like a projection of the future. There is a newpaper of Hilary Clinton's face on the front cover and the headlines read, "QUEEN HILARY". I look and see the others from my team are with me as well as the guy in black that injected us. Someone suggests that this is whats going to happen if we don't stop her. Instead of President Earth we will have Earth Queen Hilary. That's when Donald Trump step past me and gives me a worried and defeated grin. I just kind of roll my eyes at him and walk into the next room.

      This is a big open room with a desk and the man in black uniform is standing there like he's about to begin some sort of meeting with us. There is a lot of talking about everything that is happening and I find myself in awe that we are all in a shared lucid dream induced by DMT. I think it must have been a really high dose to make this happen. I make several comments about all of this but everyone is talking over me and I can't tell if they even heard me or whats being said.

      That's when I realize that Bazil was with us but for some reason he didn't make it into the dream with us. I say this out loud and then turn to a guy that looks just like Bazil. I suggest that we should share code words and say them back to each other when we wake up to make sure this really happened (Dream logic ). My word for him is 'potato' and his reply is 'death threats'. It seems a big ominous, but I shrug it off. Some younger woman or girl wants in on what we are doing. I tell her that this is getting to be all too much and I want to remember the code words. However she is very persistent so I give in just to keep my mind clear. I tell her that her word is 'carrot', but I am not able to remember her reply because I really start feeling overwhelmed.

      Then chaos breaks out and we all start practicing dream control and battling each other. Some woman with purple hair is attacking me from a distance. There is a strong wind and she floats up with purple fire in each hand. I try to use some magic at her first, but I can't summon anything up. I comment how I always have issue with this kind of dream control.

      Suddenly, Newt Scamander appears out of a portal to my right and flicks his wand at me. I am hit directly in the abdomen and I laugh. I tell him I can't be hurt in a dream as I run past him teasing him.
      Bellatrix Lestrange yells at me from a balcony above and shouts, "How do you know [it can hurt you]? How big is it now?"
      Worried, I look at down at myself and wave my hands in a fashion over my crotch to create some sort of spell-canceling effect. I know she's probably just mocking me, but I want to be sure. I bother checking; I just have to believe my magic works, but works just a little differently.

      I walk back to the man in black. I notice it's very windy again. The man is still patiently standing there like he's ready to begin something. I say that we need to get to the point of this whole thing because this dream is starting to get a little unstable. The wind increases, but the man just stands there looking at me. Suddenly, the dream dims away and I wake up feeling thoroughly surprised to be in my own bedroom.

      lucid , memorable