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    1. Replays

      by , 05-07-2012 at 09:27 AM

      I'm waiting for the subway train with a couple of friends. I notice that we are moving. We have wondered into a train by accident! I think we can still make it in time, if we change at the second stop for a yellow line.


      I'm at some cathedral, as a tourist in a small group. I'm not that interested in the cathedral, so I go down to a beach. There is a cottage there, with who are apparently university students playing some games. I try a little indoor tennis. It's a bit scary, the ball is going fast and the field really small. I don't hit the ball once.
    2. the dreams of my past

      by , 05-07-2012 at 06:46 AM
      I am in my early 30s and have been having lucid dreams off and on my whole life this is the dream that started me on lucid dreaming
      around 13 years old
      I was walking around these beautiful mountains my dream guide? native tribal elder guy in a lot of my dreams . says "we are dreaming jump around on the mountains" I jump around I start having fun then I see this most beautiful water fall I have ever seen. I stand in awe .my tribal guide says" we are in russia right now follow me " I follow him to the top of the cliff where there was a outside school.Children are studying at their desks. A man walks up with purple and blue hair.He has long hair and is about 15 or so years older than me. He starts to follow my guide and I around but I ignore him .tribal guide starts to tell me I need to stick this knife between the heavens and the hells (sugesting the earth) I look at the knife it had a wooden blade and a metal handle and just as I am about to grab it the purple and blue haired man stole it .I chased as fast as I could and flew over the mountains . But I was not able to catch up . I knew it was a dream because the tribal man told me it was . I woke up very bummed out that I couldnt catch the guy.I did not hear of lucid dreaming till many years later.
      memorable , lucid
    3. Drone Frag

      by , 05-07-2012 at 05:14 AM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      I am with my friends, Lauren and Bobby.

      We are outside. We see a drone plane monitoring us, in a crescent shape. It's red and yellow, and very quiet. I hate it. I am fascinated by it.
    4. Healing and training on the Dream Plane

      by , 05-07-2012 at 05:12 AM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      I can't type much. I have fibromyalgia, I think.

      I am meditating in my mediation room in BayYanLand on the Moon. My late cousin, Bobby, wanders in smoking a fat joint. he giggles and passes it to me.

      "I am going on an adventure, want to come, Bobby?"

      Nah. I'm going to meditate.


      I jump into the mirror, and pop out up out of the koi pond, splashing Raven.

      She stands up, and shakes the water off, smiling at me.
      I give her a big hug.


      Let's remember this scheme!

      I ask Raven if she wants to go to the astral plane, and help heal my physical body. She says yes.

      She opens a portal, and we go to the astral plane in me house. We do healing magic on my body. Colors and music flow. My physical self smiles and mumbles.


      Vegeta appears and says it's time for our training.

      We go to Professor X's Danger Room, and train w/Vegeta.
    5. Adventure.

      by , 05-07-2012 at 04:30 AM
      I look out over the mountains, and as massive as they are, they seem small at my height. I stop and snap a picture; when I find him again, he'll want to see this. That done, I continue on my way. Presently I come to what seems to be an abandoned passenger plane, a 747 or something very like it. Inside, I come to the door separating the cockpit from the rest of the plane. Papers are plastered all over the door, sloppy writing scrawled over most of them. I'm on the right track, then. An envelope catches my eye, an address carefully written in the appropriate place. I begin adding the numbers of the address that will lead me to her.

      I honestly have no idea what this one is really about. Lindar and I were presumably looking for some girl, and we had gotten separated, so I was taking pictures of various things so I could show them to him when we met up again.

      I also don't know if this is the traditional format for dream journal entries, or whether there even is one, but I particularly liked this dream; I have a particular fondness for adventure.
      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    6. Time dilation - Fighting Yuya - Closing my eyes

      , 05-07-2012 at 02:42 AM (Hyu's Adventures)
      This one is kind of old and happened right after my last entry.
      I haven't really found the time to write it down until now.
      My dreams are also getting kind of long, which is amazing, but also kind of a pain to write down.

      The time is ticking.
      I have no choice but to diffuse the bomb, there is no way we'll get out of the explosion radius in time.
      I quickly grab an electric screwdriver from my back pocket and start removing the digital clock mounted on top of the bomb.
      There is less than one minute left on the timer.

      "Hurry up!"
      "Shut it!"

      Removing the clock reveals a highly complex maze of cabling.
      Screw this!
      I remove the electronics as well, in the hopes of finding a simpler set of cabling leading to the warhead.
      Fortunately I am right. The whole electronics are wired to the warhead by only two thick cables.
      I can do this!
      But my short burst of confidence is quickly shattered by a rather troublesome discovery.
      The warhead is nuclear.
      How the fuck did this happen? How did anyone manage to acquire a nuclear fucking bomb?

      A quick look at the dismantled clock reveals that I have 7 seconds left.
      I decide to cut one of the cables at random.

      "I know this setup! Cut the red one!"

      I move my knife to the red cable, but it shifts colors with the other yellow one.
      Whenever I switch, the cable colors switch as well. It's impossible to cut the red one. WTF!

      Seeing the last few seconds run out, I notice that I'm not really scared to die.
      I wonder why that is.


      I start rubbing my hands but am interrupted by the bomb hitting zero and audibly powering up.
      Well... this is not good. I might wake up because of that.
      I think about quickly portaling the bomb away before it goes off, but then I notice that it is plugged into the wall with an extension cord.
      I unplug it and the warhead turns off.

      I resume rubbing my hands but I am yet again interrupted, this time by the DC that was with me.
      I unsummon him because I have no time to deal with DC's right now.
      I need to stabilize the dream and get my second lesson in time dilation...

      ... I'm in Haven with Yuya and Liv.
      I have trouble stabilizing the dream but eventually manage to get there.
      Once stable I immediately get back to doing the awareness technique from the previous dream, sort of to show off in case Yuya tests me.
      But she doesn't. There is simply no need, she is fully aware of my thoughts and how aware I am right now.
      Liv is curious about what we are doing and I have a difficult time explaining it to her.
      She is unaware of the difficulty of remaining in a dream or the concept of stability.

      We walk along a path that I remember. I've been here before but I cannot quite remember what I was doing.
      Then I see the water pools, yep, this is the fighting practice area.
      Yuya starts walking onto one of the pools and I follow her.
      Walking on water is second nature to me nowadays, but thinking back, it's the first thing that Yuya taught me when I met her again.

      I suddenly get goosebumps and instinctively power up and take a defensive stance.
      Huh? It was Yuya.I felt the shock of her suddenly powering up.

      "Nice reaction!"
      "Cheers. What are we doing?"

      I barely manage to block her attack as she blinks towards me.
      Without my recent training she would have knocked me unconscious with this.
      I'm kind of in the mood to fight her now, I wonder how I compare to her nowadays.
      I smile.

      "Awareness Hyu."
      "What? Oh, you've got to be kidding me! During a fight???"
      "Why? Are you scared that I'll slap you across the face?"
      "Hahaha, alright, let's do this!"

      I awaken the dragon and charge towards her.
      She easily blocks all of my attacks. No surprise there though.
      So far so good, I manage to remain fully aware of my surroundings.
      The fight is pretty tame, I don't get myself into uncomfortable positions, have I gotten closer to the skill level of Yuya?

      She summons her pressurized spheres.
      Well shit. I forgot about those.
      The spheres are horribly dangerous and difficult to fight against.
      She basically creates 5 water spheres about the size of a basket balls.
      Then she compresses them down to the size of a grain of sand.
      I'm not even sure how it's possible to compress a liquid at all.

      The pressure of these spheres is immense. They can be used both defensively and offensively.
      She moves them around telepathically at extreme speeds and can make them burst whenever she wants,
      releasing the contained water at extreme pressures, cutting through anything in their way.

      You really can't let them touch you unless you don't mind loosing a limb.
      Fighting against them requires a lot of blinking, which causes stability problems due to the distorted vision.

      It would be rather useful to have my katana right now, but I'm not using it in a practice battle with Yuya, it's too dangerous.
      I don't use the dragon eyes either, because the thought on using them on a friend scares the shit out of me.
      In return she doesn't use her water extraction technique, which I wouldn't know how to fight against.
      I only saw her use it once in a fight.
      Within a split second she extracted the entire blood from her enemy and he died on the spot.
      It's a really scary technique.

      What am I doing?
      I'm thinking too much. I should look for openings instead and strike whenever I see one.
      But Yuya is way too skilled to provide such an opening, I'll have to force one.
      I create and launch spheres of compressed energy at her. Those are rather explosive and fairly dangerous.
      I got the idea from her water spheres. Attacks of compressed energy have their advantages.
      They are much more efficient against single targets.
      The technique is also cheap energy wise, so I can cast it a lot, making it an ideal tool to get someone off balance.

      She is moving 3 of her water spheres into a defensive position to cope with my relentless attacks.
      Time to get serious.
      I make an aggressive blink, right in front of her, and try to strike her with a fist.
      This is obviously not going to work, I expect her to blink away.
      I'm using a multiblink attack, which is very difficult to perform.
      I try to feel where she's going to blink to to dodge my attack and blink myself to the new location simultaneously.

      Blinking usually has some sort of cooldown, making this impossible, but using enough energy it is possible to force it.
      The energy required to do this is ludicrous though, so multiblink attacks are extremely exhausting.
      But you basically put your opponent into a position where he is forced to multiblink as well to dodge the attack.
      Yuya and I are skilled enough to do it about 4-5 times in a row, but after that everything hurts.
      Your aura is completely unstable at that point and takes seconds to recover, during which you cannot focus your energy at all.

      The reason I'm using such an attack is to nullify an immense advantage she has over me.
      She doesn't need to stay lucid. She lives in this world, I am merely a visitor.

      Here she goes.
      2 Blinks... 3, 4, and finally a fifth.
      The energy in my fist has completely dissipated due to all the blinking, and she can now easily block it.
      I land on the water surface and have difficulty remaining on top due to my now unstable aura.

      I attack her again, purely physically this time, as I neither of us can focus any energy.
      Whoever manages to focus his energy first will have the tremendous advantage of launching the first serious attack.
      I might have the advantage on this, dragonic energy is extremely unstable by nature, so I'm used to it.
      I should be able to focus my energy before my aura has fully stabilized.

      I can feel my aura tingling. This should be enough!
      I focus energy into the tattoo stretched over my right arm and quickly cast a fire based attack towards Yuya.
      She dodges it by blinking.
      How the hell can she do that???
      How is her aura stable enough already to blink?

      I screwed up big time. I casted this before my aura stabilized, and now it's completely messed up again.
      Yuya is over me charging towards me. She's casting a spell.
      Shit, I can't do anything.
      The water surface collapses beneath my feet and I am dragged underwater.
      She's controlling the water, increasing it's pressure attempting to hold me in place.
      I see her splash through the water surface still charging at me fast.
      She is wielding a trident.

      But she's overconfident. She's in her element, so she thinks I must be at a huge disadvantage.
      Yet, even though I do not control water, I can make good use of it.
      My aura stabilizes and I create an extremely strong electric field in front of me.
      Electrolysis! I split water into hydrogen and oxygen. The correct mixture is highly explosive.
      She realizes what I've done too late and I ignite the mixture with a fire sphere.

      Oh shit. I didn't think this through.
      The explosion is huge and we are both catapulted out of the water.
      Everything is extremely foggy because so much water evaporated and water drops are going everywhere.
      I can barely see. This is really dangerous, the dream could collapse.
      I don't even know where up and down is.

      I decide to completely ignore my vision and rely on my sense of global awareness instead.
      Good call! I sense 5 sources of compressed energy approaching. Water spheres!
      I quickly locate Yuya's aura and blink towards her.
      I catch her slightly of guard and manage to land a focused hit.
      She blocks it fine, but still.
      Focused energy attacks are better to avoid than to block.
      They cause all sorts of vibrations in your aura making followup moves difficult.

      I try to chain a few attacks together but quickly feel the exhaustion kicking in and I back up.
      Most of the water has come down and my vision becomes useful again.

      She performs a blink attack.
      Shit! She's going to chain them up.
      We blink a total of 4 times.
      It hurts so much.

      This keeps going for a few more rounds.
      One of us performs a multiblink attack and gets us both completely out of position.
      Then it's a race to the first attack and a matter of somehow defending against it.
      It is absolutely exhausting.
      My limbs become insanely heavy and I start to loose the ability to focus my energy properly.
      We fight for maybe a total of 15 minutes, which is actually quite a long time considering the speed we're going at.

      "Alright... let's call it a draw..."
      "No... I win."

      Oh come on. She's just as exhausted as I am, she can barely stand.

      "You lost awareness of your surroundings."
      "Fuck my life."
      "Haha. You completely forgot!"
      "And guess what? You're still here."
      "Huh? I thought the goal of this was to remain aware of my surroundings."
      "No, that's not the goal at all. The goal is to have deeper dreams. The goal is to remain here for longer."

      Wait what?

      "Hold on a second!"

      She got that grin of her face.
      That "she knows everything" grin.

      "You're telling me the heightened awareness thing isn't actually necessary to stay lucid???"
      "Of course not! How would you pull that off for multiple hours in a row?"
      "I said your awareness level was too random, we did some training to fix that."
      "So you're saying it is already fixed?"
      "I am now convinced that it is already fixed."

      Woah. That was fast.

      "So.. what are we doing now?"
      "Teaching you to let go."

      Let go? Let go of waking life?
      Not thinking about it all the time and rather focus on the dream?
      Of course... she told me many times before...

      I take a quick dip in the water to get rid of the smell.
      I'm sweating like a pig.

      We walk back towards Yuya's place, discussing dreaming and being awake.
      I mention Dreamviews, which I haven't done very often before.
      Yuya tells me to say hi to fOrceez and Dark_Merlin.
      Liv doesn't say a word. I don't think she's ever seen Yuya and me fight, that must have been quite intense for her.

      Damn... I'm so exhausted.
      Why do you even get exhausted in dreams?

      "Why wouldn't you?"
      "Eh... yeah..."
      "So, what do I do against it?"
      "... are you serious?"


      "You sleep of course! Or did you think I would sleep just for fun?"
      "Well... now that you put it this way."

      Liv leaves us and we quickly get into bed.
      Goddamn I'm exhausted. Every muscle in my body hurts.

      "This is a problem"
      "What is?"
      "If I want to sleep I'll have to close my eyes."
      "I might wake up?"
      "zzz, you've picked up a lot of nonsense"
      "I have?"
      "These 'dream rules'. Darkness is bad, don't close your eyes. Don't talk. Yada yada."
      "Yeah, I kinda have, haven't I?"
      "I know the not talking one is nonsense, I talk all the time."
      "It's no different for closing your eyes."
      "I know you're right. I only wake up because I'm scared that I might. But it seems hard to get over."

      "Pff... hahahaha"
      "What's so funny?"
      "Hurr hurr, I'm a badass dragon, I can fight a goddess of water and do all sorts of shit."
      "Yet I can't even close my eyes.... haha.... I'm sorry Hyu, but this is funny."

      It kind of is.
      Screw it. Let's do this shit!
      I close my eyes.

      "You know, when you exploded half of the fucking training pool you didn't see anything either."
      "That didn't wake you up, so why would closing your eyes do so?"

      Yep, my thoughts exactly.
      I open my eyes again to sneak a closer look at her.

      How am I awake? What is this shit?
      I'm a bit mad, but happy to have made progress.
      I take some quick notes and go back to sleep.
    7. The courtyard with the alien, blob people, and foot potion

      by , 05-07-2012 at 02:38 AM (Sea of the Unconscious)
      I was at my house, standing in a courtyard. We had three spare bedrooms on one side of the house, and a building with three dilapidated rooms out in a courtyard.

      I became soaked, apparently it was pouring outside. I went in my house and into one of the spare bedrooms. I stripped all of my clothes off and hopped into bed. A lady friend of mine was in the room the whole time. Whoops! Clothing goes back on. Lady friend’s boyfriend comes in, and we all hop on a train ride. I think I see mountains and deserts?

      The scene changed to being in the dilapidated courtyard rooms, and I was no longer a character in this portion. In the room was a man carrying a huge fish (catfish?) and a woman in a dress; the room they were in was as big as a warehouse. Time seems to skip. The fish is gone, and the woman is naked and bleeding. Blood covers her back, and it smears her stomach and limbs. She’s bleeding, but I can’t see any lacerations. The man believes that the woman is an alien, and is trying to beat the truth out of her. He believes that an alien cannot die. He takes a narrow mixer beater and stabs her in the stomach with it, sliding it across her abdomen and it spins in her abdomen, just like how it would spin in a mixer. The lady whispers “I am not the alien. You are.”

      The woman dies, and the man is sad. He looks up and notices that the walls are filled with what used to be babies and people. The lady had killed these people with magic, which caused the people and babies to come back to life as non-sentient blob people. The blob people had magical powers, so the man used the blobs’ magic to bring the lady back to life. Once alive again, the lady takes one of her feet, placing her right hand on the heel and left on the toes. She pushes them together, the foot curving so that the toes and heel become close. A few drops come out of her foot. She squeezes her other foot in the same fashion, squeezing a few drops out of the foot like one would do with a lemon. Her foot potion has healing properties. She shares her foot potion with the alien man to keep them both healthy and to give them clear complexions.
    8. 4th May 2012

      by , 05-07-2012 at 02:38 AM
      Last Nights Dreams
      Dream 1

      I am with these kind of Tribal people, I'm not really sure how to explain them. Anyway.....I am holding some kind of long stick and I bang on these 2 big spikes ball things with it, these ball things sit on top of a gate or something next to him, someone now says "no, do it harder but not too hard, just hard enough so it makes a noise" so I do and it makes a quiet thud. ((dream skip))
      Myself and other people are in a small boat, it's dark and we are in water. Someone does something they shouldn't have done and because of that a big, massive boat begins to rise slowly out of the water. This big boat has a very bad feel to it, like it's evil or something, I can't see a lot just a big black boat and the water pouring from it as it rises. A woman shouts "quick move" and our boat starts to speed. As we are speeding a horrible monster like thing appears at the far end of our boat, it's green and very ugly and scarey. The monster thing slowly makes its way to our end of the boat. A woman who is next to the monster shouts "help me, please hold me" so I grab hold of her arm. As we speed across the water the monster thing gets closer. Our boat has to reach the end or the monster will eat whoever he stops next to. I think "if he stops next to me I'll shove the woman I'm holding to him" we manage to make it to the end and the monster goes away and the big scarey ship goes back under the water. ((dream skip))
      I'm again sitting with Tribal people. I go over to one of them and tap him on the shoulder and say "Is it better for me to sit here and be closer so Zakia (( an old school friend)) can take over my body" the Tribal man now pushes me against his big wooden brush thing that he is holding. I sit here wondering what it will be like when she enters my body and I wonder if I should be asleep first and will I feel it hurt or anything when she does. After a few minutes the Trible man shoves my head onto his lap and begins to thrust his penis into my face , I'm trying to stop it from touching my mouth and I'm shaking my head to say NO!! He tries hard to get it into my mouth and doesn't give up trying, then I wake up!

      Dream 2

      I now have a very short dream
      I'm looking on my hubby's phone and see a video of the dream I had about the big boat. The video begins to play and I can't stop it, I'm watching it all now but on video instead of being in the actual dream. I'm trying so hard to stop it because it's scaring me again. It eventually pauses on it's own and then I wake up.
    9. 3rd May 2012

      by , 05-07-2012 at 02:12 AM
      Last Nights Dreams
      Dream 1

      I am trying to get people to invest in something. I think it's just a big scam really and I just wanted people's money

      Dream 2

      I'm in Albert square in Eastenders and I'm stopping in a flat there with my girls. I go to a big sports hall and see a lot of the cast standing on the stage. Suddenly I see the ceiling above them crack and a load of dusty sut falls ontop of them all. They all run towards me and I quickly run out and go and check the flat above. When I enter the flat I see it's on fire. I see an Asian man in the flat and I go over to help him, I manage to drag him from the flames and out of the flat. Everyone in the street is panicking and Janine comes over to me. I am now standing at a market stall, it's owner is the Asian man that I saved. No one is looking after his stall so I decide to grab loads of sweets and pop etc for my girls, I'm holding it all in my arms and nearly drop it all. In a panick I shout "are there any bags?" I see some now and fill 2 bags up with my stuff, I decide to dispose of 1 of the bottles of pop because it's too heavy. Someone now says "carefully.....those blokes over there are watching you!" I look to my left and there are 3 men in the distance, they are all dressed in what looks like white space suits I think "they won't get me" and due to this thought they never did get me lol. I'm feeling really guilty now for stealing. I walk over to Bianca and cry my eyes out to her, I'm saying "I'm so sorry" etc. I can hardly speak because my emotions are way over the top as usual. I now get chased by some Asian lads who's stall it was so I drop the bags and run for my life. Suddenly I bump into the Asian man that I saved from the fire, he drags me into the flat that is on fire and tries to kill me so I grab something and smash his brains in!!
      ((this is what happens when you watch Eastenders and Saw 2 on the same night lol))

      Dream 3

      Myself and my husband are standing by some big trees, my hair is a mess and I have no make-up on. I see my friend Paul and shout him over to speak to him. Paul comes over and then I remember I look a right mess and feel really embarrassed for him to see me like this. Paul says "ohh, your hubby's here" we chat a little and then it ends.
    10. 2nd May 2012

      by , 05-07-2012 at 01:52 AM
      Last Nights Dreams
      Dream 1

      I have convinced my hubby that we have to take Simba ((my dog)) to the vets, it took a while to convince him but he eventually agreed. We are waiting about at home to take him and Kev says "ok you can call them now" I think "what!.....what have we been waiting about for!" I say to my hubby "I thought we were waiting about to take him" I shake my head and say "right I'll ring now then" ((I don't remember calling them))
      We are now at the vets but I'm a little confused because we're at the expensive vets and not at our usual vets, then I think "ahhhh, maybe it's because he's insured now". We are waiting outside the big black metal gates to go in A nurse eventually comes and let's us in. As we walk in I hear the nurse say "all the spoilt dogs have pressure leads" My hubby obviously isn't happy about this because she says it in a funny way. Anyway....the nurse now puts Simba into a cage ready to see the vet. I go over and say "do you need his lead?" she says "yes" then she says "what's wrong with him?" but she says this in another language or something but I understand her I say to her "he can't put pressure on his back leg" and she says "ok". My hubby hears me tell her this and he isn't happy. I walk back over to my hubby and he says "what the fuck did you tell her for, that's it now they will milk us for all we've got!" I quickly look for a door out because I'm quite embarrassed as I know the nurse would have heard him, I march angrily out the door and say "come on!!!" and my hubby follows me out. I now shout at my hubby and say "what the fuck did you want me to say?...she asked me on the phone what was wrong with him and I forgot to tell her, they need to know!!" Kev says "you don't need to tell them!" I say "ohh yeah let's just let them guess shall we, if I brought him in with an ear infection I wouldn't just say guess what's wrong with him would I you fuckin idiot, of course I've got to tell them what's wrong you fuckin knob!!!!!" My hubby sighs angrily and I walk back to the door which is now closed ((I'm feeling quite good now for standing up to my hubby)) . I knock on the big black metal door and while we are waiting I say to my hubby "you will have to go in with Simba, he doesn't like strangers and he will be really scared if we're not with him" my hubby says "yeah I suppose" the door now opens but no one has opened it it's now quite dull and I'm finding it hard to see, I struggle to find my way back to Simba in his cage, it's still really dull but I eventually manage. I can just about make out that Simba as gone, I say to my hubby "ohhh shit they've took him without us, quick let's get to him". We quickly march through to a room, my sight is now back. There is like a boxing ring in this room and Simba and some other dogs are all walking around it and playing about. The Vet is standing next to the ring and the nurse is beside him, I look and think "what the fuck is this?!!" my hubby now says to the vet "what did that nurse mean when she said all the spoilt dogs have pressure leads?" the vet doesn't answer then I wake up in SP and within a few seconds the vibrations disappear as they wasn't very strong.

      Dream 2

      I'm in my kitchen and I get the golden balls cereal out of the cupboard to do my daughter some breakfast. I start to pour her cereal into the bowl and other cereals come out aswell, I think "that's odd...how come it's not just golden balls"

      Dream 3

      I'm near waking up but I'm having flashes of the Titanic, flashes of all the rooms and how amazing it looked, it's a bit like a projector showing me all about it.
    11. 2nd lucid in a row!

      by , 05-07-2012 at 01:05 AM
      I had a funny dream last night

      (All of this is one dream)
      I was in a dream and then woke up (into another dream). I was in my bed and my laptop had a really big screen with a model in a bikini sitting upside down on my desktop. I looked at the clock and it was one. I opened up notepad to quickly type in my dream so i didn't forget. I went back into my bed and fell into the same dream. I soon woke back up again (into the dream earlier) and typed the rest of what I just dreamt in the notepad. I heard my mom. I didn't want my mom to know I was still awake so I jumped back into bed. I heard her on the phone talking about how she was mad that I was up anyway, and then saying how I was a "big boy" for being able to get back into my dream. I went back to bed, into the same dream, and instantly became lucid. I don't recall what the dream was sadly. It ended and I had actually woken up, for real this time (my laptop was closed and nothing had been typed in notepad. I certainly didn't have the same desktop lol )
      lucid , false awakening
    12. 5/4-5/2012

      by , 05-07-2012 at 12:30 AM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Archaeology in Caves

      I am on a trip somewhere. We are walking around a pond. The pond seems small, but after walking around a good way along a path that encircles it, I realize that it is bigger than it looks.

      There is a man in the middle of the water of this little inlet, doing something with animals. I think he is catching crocodiles, or something. I hop on some rocks out to where he is, and the rocks become some kind of a wooden platform high in the air. At the end of the platform, I find that the man has become some kind of a professor of archaeology, and the platform is at the entrance into some deep caves.

      I don't remember all the details of this dream, which is too bad because the dream was rather neat. I go into the caves in search of some interesting artifact, and by the end of the dream I am involved in some intrigue and on a train trip.
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