• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. 5-7-12

      by , 05-07-2012 at 05:18 PM
      Dream One: I'm walking through my dads old neighborhood. I can hear rapping behind me, but no music with it. I turn around to see a girl and boy walking behind me, rapping and tapping out a beat with their feet on the street. I really am not a rap music fan, but there are some songs I like. This song, I'd never heard before, but I remember in the dream thinking it was really good, especially considering it was being sung by little kids! I end up at a house picking up a little girl from a baby sitters. Maybe it was my daughter, but she was grown up to be around 6 or 7. I woke up as soon as I saw her and knew I was supposed to be taking her home.

      Dream Two: I'm at a mall, walking into a victoria secret with my husband. I take a quick look around, and instantly know I don't want anything from here. Not only is everything either white or green and totally not my style, but I just don't feel like depressing myself trying on lingerie that's not going to fit. There's a middle aged man behind the desk and he tells me I should look around because everything is on sale today and I will probably find a really good deal! I give in and think I'll probably find SOMETHING I'll like. I start looking around, and stumble across rain coats. My first thought was back to the conversation I'd had a few days ago about how when I was a kid they made coats for rain, and I never see rain coats in stores anymore. I see one of the raincoats is grey with black and white skull and crossbones patterns. I LOVE it, and my mom shows up and tells me to try it on. I decide to try on a medium because I know a small probably won't button. I can't button it on top. I start getting depressed again. I do not want to try a large because I know it's going to sag and hang around the arms and the bottom will probably just drop straight off from the breast making me look fat instead of dipping back in and being somewhat form fitting. My mom suggests that I could buy the medium and just not button it, or button it around the belly and leave the top open, saying it would be sexier that way anyways. I think about it for a second, then go ahead and decide to buy it. I go to check out, and the line is taking forever! When I finally go to check out, the guy tells me how much it's going to be, and I hand him my debit card. He then returns it and says their card machine has been broken for a week now and he can only accept cash. I'm mad at this point, because he could have told me that BEFORE when he told me that everything was on sale. I'm mad because I feel like I just went through all that body image trouble for nothing, I'm mad because I really wanted that rain coat, and I'm mad because it's embarrassing to be told you can't pay for something. I tell him he should have told me before, and he just shurgs his shoulders, so I say "Fuck you!" and throw the raincoat at him and storm out of the store. I'm ready to leave the mall completely, but my mom wants to look around a bit more. So I walk around with her a minute, then decide to walk by myself, for some reason I feel like being around her is only going to make things worse (a really good chance to get lucid, missed.) I pass by a display showing kids beach towels, and I notice there are hooded ones with Nintendo characters and Disney faeries on them. Those hooded towels are the kind of towels my kids like to use when they get out of the bathtub, and my daughters Tinkerbell towel was bleached out, so I think I'm going to find this store and buy a couple for them. The display says Fantastic Towels! on it, so I look for a store called Fantastic Towels, instead I find one called Fantastic Hair and Things. I wonder if that's it, and walk in to ask the clerk. It is, and she shows me the towels, but she's not sure which ones are hooded and which ones are regular beach towels, so we have to unfold them to check. I find the faeries one, and then I find the Nintendo one, and then I see one with a pink horses head on it. I Think the horse one might me a pony towel, and my daughter loves ponies too (so do I, but I was thinking of her at the time, I swear, lol) but when I unfold it, it's a sea horse, and it's head doesn't look anything like a horse anymore. The towel is black and says sea dragon on it in cyan blue with the powder pink sea horse on it. I think about getting it for my daughter anyways, but decide not to. I fold it back up and realize my mom is in the store behind me! I show her the towels I found, and tell her why I want to buy them. She says it's a good idea. I ask the clerk if they accept cards since Victoria's Secret didn't, and she said sure, no problem! But the towels aren't ringing up, and she's not sure why. I wake up. This is one of those rare dreams where I can point out where most of this came from. I had just had a conversation about raincoats with my husband and son yesterday when it looked like it was going to rain, but it was way too windy for an umbrella. As for why it was at Victoria's Secret and I was uncomfortable the whole dream, I had just had a conversation with my mom about the assets I had gained when I was preggo with my kids, and how I'd hoped they'd go away if I lost the 15 pounds of baby weight I put on when I was preggo with the kids. The hooded towels I was thinking about last night as well, and had told my husband we needed to buy new ones. Too bad all dreams aren't so easy to decode, ha ha.

      Dream Three (fragment): I'm working at a grocery store and I am supposed to be taking food that is about to expire and is past it's sell date to the local food bank because we can't sell it anymore or something. Later on someone asks me if I took it there, or if I just took it home for myself, because apparently I could have done either. I took it to the food bank though, and they seemed kind of mad because apparently they wanted the food but it wasn't their day to take it. They must have been hoping I'd take it home and they could just go get it from my house or something.

      Dream Four: I'm in a small boat with my husband and an Asian lady. The coat is TINY, like canoe size, and we're on a lake probably a hundred feet wide. It's the middle of the night, but the moon is full casting a lot of eerie light. Around the lake are these really, REALLY big creepy trees. There are also lots of these huge trees sticking out of the water as though they'd fallen over and were now growing out of the lake. There's some abandoned farming equipment here and there (big stuff, like tractors and combines and stuff), even an abandoned tank! They're all rusted, and look like they've been in the lake for years. I'm in total awe of how creepy and junky the whole place is, almost apocalyptic, but in the dream I knew the world hadn't ended or anything, the people where ever I was just didn't care about taking care of the environment. The boat was moving really fast through the water, as if it had a motor or something on it, but I couldn't see any motor and I was in the back. I held on tightly afraid it'd tip over. The lake was calm though, so the only waves were the wake from out boat. We were steering by leaning side to side, and a couple times we'd accidentally bump into trees, but we were able to grab the trees to steady the boat, it wasn't big enough to be too heavy to pick up ourselves. Looking over the edge, I saw fish swimming below, and they were gigantic. It was really scary when dolphin sized fish would swim under the boat! I was worried they've capsize it, and who knows if any of them were meat eating fish. We stopped at one point at a house, and went inside because it was someone the Asian lady knew. I remember seeing prints in frames on the wall, and thinking I have some by the same artist ( Princess of the Night : 8th Day Anime, ...and on the 8th day, there was anime <--- one of the prints I have, I don't have time to look for the ones in the dream, if he even makes ones like that for real, lol ) My husband also pointed out some of the DVDs on the shelf. There were a lot called, "The Promise of the Fallen" and I remember the title hitting a nerve, but not why it seemed to make me sad. I looked it up to see if it was a book or movie I'd read, and I didn't find it. (after posting, I remembered this dream, and now wonder if it's related? 6-1-11, Important dreams from the past: We are the star called - Dream Journals - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views ) We also saw some dresses, like toddler sized dresses, hanging up and I thought they were oddly fancy and nice for the depressing and murky feel of the rest of the dream. When we got back on the water, we crashed into some trees again, and fell out of the boat onto the land. The lady was getting scared being on land, freaking out about the wild animals, and I kept telling her we needed to get back in the boat then, but she just kept clinging to the tree saying, "I'm scared, I'm too scared! I can't move!" Then I woke up. The dream probably wasn't very long, but I woke up so creeped out by how eerie the whole thing was. I went back to sleep after that, but couldn't remember anymore dreams.

      Edited to add dreams from my nap. THey weren't very long so they don't really deserve their own entry.

      Dream One: We were trying to figure out how to put a manufactured home on this property along with the house and get around the all new houses need 2 acres law that passed a few years back. We thought we'd figured it out, but then I woke up and realized that the lot and house in the dream didn't look anything like this lot and house. and that we only have 1.9 acres, not 2.9, so the idea to break the land in half and put the new house on the 2.0 lot acres and only give the already built house the .9 acre lots wouldn't work either.

      Dream Two: I was hanging out with my bi friend and her boyfriend, who was someone totally different in dream than in real life. It almost evolved into a threesome, but I woke up while making out with my friend :/

      Updated 05-07-2012 at 10:30 PM by 53224

      non-lucid , nightmare , dream fragment , side notes
    2. Backpack, Plug, Circular Waterfall, 10 Reports, Alyzarin, Spike Spiegel Dies......

      by , 05-07-2012 at 04:56 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)

      I took some Melatonin (3mg) last night to help with sleeping. I heard the alarms I set, but since I had some good sleep from the Melatonin, it was kind of hard to stay a conscious for a WILD. For the WBTB, I think I tried at least two times, I had the temptation to sleep quickly.

      Woke up for the final time, and I feel like a new person. Remembered a lot more dreams, some where so long that I should've woken up for a while to write them down. Oh well.
      Left my Backpack (Non-lucid)


      There was a huge dream shift that I probably forgot, making this dream confusing.

      Basically, I go into some random men's athletics room, and I see my backpack to the right of me resting on a bench.

      I had a herp derp moment, and took the backpack just like that. I move forward to left side to rest my backpack on the left bench. There's a guy already at a locker, and he has a bunch of crap to put in, or put out, not sure what he's trying to do, but he has a lot of clothes and stuff in a pile.

      He looked like Felix in waking life that I used to know in Middle School and High School. There was a guy named Brian, who was his friend in waking life as far as I know, who came in. Felix tells him that the locker that Brian is trying to go to is occupied, and Brian says in an almost scared tone towards him,

      "Oh okay...."

      I don't know, either he was afraid of me, or he was doing crack or something, because he was kind of twitching a little too much for my taste.

      Lady with Plug (Non-lucid)


      Some lady is our teacher, and I don't know who I'm hanging with at the time except for her. I think we're in a computer lab of some sort, and the floor is white, and the room is a kind of dark, I was wondering who is going to turn on the lights in here.

      There was some lights from the outside hallway that provided enough to see what's going on, but it would've been a helpful to still turn on the lights.

      A girl has a problem doing something on the computer, and I think the teacher takes the time to help her. There's some other stuff I can't remember to well, but there's a dream shift to where she explains to some girl that the plug, as in an outlet, is prone for error if not inserted correctly in an outlet.

      I guess it served as some kind of flash drive in an abstract way, and it was white all over. It looked like your basic plug-in with a chunky white layer hiding the wires and all that, with the two outlet connections sticking out.

      There also seemed to be something she utilized to protect those same ends sticking out, and when she did, it would light up a small bright green light, probably to confirm that things are in place.
      Moving Circular Waterfall? (Non-lucid)


      Uh, I don't know how to describe this waterfall, not even sure it's a waterfall, it's the best I can come up with. I googled what a circular waterfall was, but that wasn't it...too lazy to edit it out with a different name....

      I believe I'm walking on a Circular moving waterfall? It's kind of hard to describe it any other way, but it feels like I'm walking, or someone is walking while I'm looking in first person perspective on a waterfall that's moving.

      I think I slip down one of the holes after going high to up, and it's basically seeing a person slide left and right in third person view now. Apparently, before the small shift, I think the reason that as each time the person went down, things started to fade more.

      I think they needed a specific amount of points to go to a certain afterlife, but I'm not too sure on that, because even though things faded, the person still went deeper.

      They finally reach the bottom, or at least a good surface point for now, and they start moving a bit. I'm not sure if I'm playing a video game, and watching the character move that I'm controlling or whatever, but it feels kind of weird. I think I'm at some kind of Game Expo or whatever like E3 or even Comic Con.....not sure, just hearing a few people talking, but their voices are diluted while I'm focusing on the video game.

      Oh, and the person seemed to be in some kind of sky city, because the bottom level, you can clearly tell that if they fell off, they would be falling for a pretty long time from above.

      I can't remember anything else from the dream.
      10 Reports (Non-lucid)


      The dream is kind of confusing to me....having a little bit of gaps in recall as well.

      Some parts of this dream I remembered was being underwater I think to see how some kind of demon male can pretty much eat any kind of creature for some reason I can't remember.

      The demon, or at least I thought it was, was dark violet, and when he turns around, he opens his coat layers or whatever it is, and there's a bunch of pink penises on each side. He had white hair too I believe, along with blue horns.

      (The closest picture I can find is the demon girl made by uthstar01 in a certain gallery online)

      The chick on the right...white hair, purple body, except it looked like a male in the dream.

      There are other parts of the dream like me looking for some small animal in the grass, and then trying to kill some guys who want the same animal or object as well.

      The dream shifts to where I'm inside a room, and I see a person that looks like my Biology 111 professor. I had a hunch I had to give my reports on the experiences I had before with the animal searching and all that stuff with the demon.

      I remember a girl being next to me that looked like Linda, a Hispanic girl I knew in waking life. I was giving the professor my report, and the first one was kind of short, seeing how he read it so fast. I think he is getting more impressed each time he sees another report, and Linda is nudging me as if I got this thing for sure.

      She was wearing a sleeveless black shirt and light blue jeans. She had black hair instead of light brown hair as well. I can't remember much after that.

      Swimming to Alyzarin? (Non-lucid)


      All I remember was that me and Alyzarin, at least I assumed it was her, underwater, and she looked like she was unconscious as she's descending. She's still near the surface though, maybe 3-4 away from it.

      I'm trying to reach her by swimming as fast as I can, but I'm going to slow. I assumed it was her because the entity looked a lot like the person on her avatar. Green hair, wearing a light colored full dress. etc.
      Spike Spiegel Dies (Non-lucid)


      All I remember for this dream was Spike Spiegel and some girl who looks maybe 6-8 years of age walking together at some random park. They're on some stone road, and I believe there were Pink blossom trees, and some of the leaves are floating in the air.

      I think Spike decides to kill someone, but I'm not too sure on that. Whatever the reason or action, this causes the girl he's walking with to pull out something that looks like a lipstick of some sort.

      It actually is a mini-pistol of some sort, and she shoots Spike. Spike grunts, and says something like the lines of,

      "You little....you took it while I grabbed your.." something.

      That lipstick trick reminded me of a scene in MGS3 where Sokolov thought Eva was going to kill him with some weapon that ended up being a lipstick...lol.

      (From 0:00-1:15)

      Updated 05-07-2012 at 05:02 PM by 47756

    3. Chasing a Dragon

      by , 05-07-2012 at 04:16 PM
      #Dream 1
      This dream is about chasing a dragon (a white one), across several places. I probably should explain, what chasing means in this Dream. It means that the dragon dissapears and appears somewhere nearby. The locations I can clearly remember are a beach and a store-house. In the store-house there was a person, who says I can't have the dragon. He runs to a train and I try to get him with some sort of "Megajump".

      #Dream 2
      I'm at my house and all I know is that I have to go to the train station to go to a lecture. The train station looks different as does the train. In the lecture, I'm bored, because everything seems so easy and I go by car with an old schoolmate of mine. We drive to my neighbour's square. I open the garage which looks way bigger and there are also more cars in it. He parks. I see an old teacher of mine. He asks if I help him to sweep the dust together. So I get 2 broomsticks and we are sweeping. During this my teacher scolds about academics.
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    4. My Dumb-ass Brother Being a Dumb-ass

      by , 05-07-2012 at 04:08 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      My Dumb-ass Brother Being a Dumbass

      I was with my dumb-ass brother, and my dream-sign, which did not kick me lucid, my father. My brother had pissed me off. My father told me that if there was any hitting or striking, that person would be out.

      I pointed at my brother, and eventually poked him in the face with my finger, pushing him. I pushed him in the chest with my finger. I was so pissed, because he is such a prick.

      My brother stood there so calmly and said, "You see what's happening?" or something like that, to my dad. I explained to my dad by drawing a circle on the bed, "These are the THINGS that he does to piss me of..." I made a dot on the bed with my finger "...and this is my anger at those THINGS--but that's not even what I'm mad about. I'm mad about his attitude about me being mad!"

      I haven't spoken to my brother in a year. Every time I am with him he pisses me off, and a year after not speaking to him, he pisses me off in my dreams. What a prick

      Luckily, during the day I don't give him a seconds thought. What is interesting is that I just now realized that last night, I slept in a shirt his wife gave me. I think I'll burn the shirt. It was only given to me because my shirt had gotten wet one day.
    5. Ancient City

      by , 05-07-2012 at 03:29 PM (Far-out, dude.)

      I was in some sort of ancient roman city, although I wasn't in first person. I was more of a hovering camera, observing other people. This day was special - there was some sort of religious uprising going on, and I was observing some events taking place in the central city square.

      I was looking at a roman teenage girl, wearing white robes. She was on a sort of balcony, which didn't stick out of the building, but was more of a small room that didn't have an outer wall, and had pillars there instead. She was searching for something in a tall and long cabinet that spanned the entire back wall of the balcony - it looked like something out of a church, with books on some shelves and various other objects. My view turned and I could see that this balcony opened up to a huge city square, larger than Trafalgar square, round and much lighter colours - the colour of building material in roman cities. In the centre there was a tall, 10m or so wide stone spired tower, twice the height of the average building around the square. It was mostly just a stone cylinder until about 10m up, where there were no outer walls, just small pillars holding up the conical roof. In this circular balcony, there was a huge humanoid figure, quite fat - sorta like a 5m tall santa - but I knew immediately that it was in fact an incarnate god. Surrounding the tower in the square were thousands of people - protesters - all calling for some sort of religious reformation - the god in the centre being their spokesperson. After remembering all this detail I thought I might draw it - that's the garbled figure you see above.

      My attention turned back to the girl, who rushed down the stairs to just outside the front of her building, where her father was. Her father turned out to be a priest, who was proclaiming something religious, trying to be heard among the crowd. She asked him something, and he pointed to a book on a stand, on the balcony she was on before. She went back up and looked at it.

      I was looking back at the square, from a few metres above the crowd, watching the god doing his thing, when out of nowhere an explosion appeared on him. It was a large explosion, but it just knocked him back a little and dazed him. Then I saw the girl zooming away on a flying-moped device... apparently she had tried to kill the god. Who tries to kill a god with a small bomb? Actually, considering both sides of this religious thing had supernatural abilities (gods on earth, flying mopeds), I can't really have understood the situation

      I then saw a sort of replay view of the inside of the god's mind during the explosion - I saw his conscience (represented by a mini version of the god ) get knocked out of his frame of mind by an expanding ring of cloud, and then rush back again, through the cloud ring, back to the centre of his head. That's the last thing I remember. Still a more logical dream than some other's I've had
    6. 6 May: Facing my demons and zombie underground

      by , 05-07-2012 at 03:23 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      (...) I meet Evangelion at some place and we do some dream stuff together. Soon we feel hots for each other and he grabs me from behind, sliding his hands down my bosom and into my pants. At some point I am naked from my waist down and I have my underwear hanging on an ankle. Someone accuses us of indecent exposure. That's when I notice we are on a bus full of people. LOL But I don't feel embarrassed, because I'm semi-aware that I'm dreaming.
      I'm now outside the bus and Evangelion evaporates. The ground is covered in snow and there's guys sliding vertiginously on tobogans and snowboards. I decide to follow them just sliding with my body through the snow. The speed makes me dizzy and I get confused for a while.

      I don't know exactly how, but I end up on some room and I feel Riverstone's presence. I have a vague sensation of seeing him entering and exiting through a door on this room. Slowly I force myself to recover awareness and I get fully lucid. There is a mirror on the wall. I remember having read during the day an article about a meditation technique - considered a bit dangerous (I then wondered why) - consisting on staring at your own image reflected on a mirror and I decide to practice it on the dream.
      As expected, my face soon starts to disfigure, becomes monstrous and I realize the danger is in becoming so frightened that I can go mad.
      I feel the fear growing inside me and, to fight it, I decide to embrace the monsters in me. I stare at the mirror with my eyes wide open until they become so large and red and evil. I scream at the top of my lungs to the mirror and a long viper tongue comes out of my mouth. My hair spreads out in the air and I look horribly demonic. It is hard not to die of fear of myself!
      I decide it is enough of this exercise and I recall that Riverston'e was around. Where is he now? The room is empty and I see 3 doors. I decide to go look for him, using a door as a portal. I chose the one closer to me and open it. It is a dark room and it takes me a while to see anything inside it. When I finally see something, it's full of zombies! They are lethargically lying on the floor, or leaning against the walls, but when they see me, they all get up to try to catch me. I try not to panic and simply go back through the same door, calmly. Unfortunately I don't return to the point of departure. I'm now in a post-apocalyptic dream scenario, in an underground complex full of zombies.
      Shit. I have a slight awareness that it is my fault and I make a mental note to self, not to go about exploring the dream world after unleashing my own demons. I don't feel enough strength to get out of there or make them disappear. I just run and climb stairs and try to find an exit. They are everywhere. Then I figure I can climb walls like Spider-Man (first time I try), which the zombies can't do and that's how I manage to reach the upper level of this building, unharmed. I find a grid leading to the outside at the ground level. There's green grass, blue sky and policemen controlling the entrance to the zombie underground. It all seems like a metaphor for the dark vs. light places of my mind. (...)

      Updated 05-10-2012 at 05:07 PM by 34880

    7. 5/7/2012

      by , 05-07-2012 at 02:55 PM (Adventures in Dreamland)
      I was playing a game and I was a low level so I just hid in the bushes or something

      I was a ninja
      I was picking flowers
      My irl sister was there
      There was some sort of flood in the sewers?
    8. March7 - May7 ,2012

      by , 05-07-2012 at 02:44 PM
      i consider this to contain 3 (full) Lucid Dreams, however i had a few smaller LD.s as well.
      this is the collection of two months dreams since i have began my effort to Lucid Dream.
      Mar7 2012?
      I was holding a resurrection plant, worried it was going to dry out so I put it in my mouth. Trying not to swallow I find myself in a unknown area and building something out of mine craft sand stone blocks a Siamese cat stares at me
      Mar9 2012?
      I took my ferrite toroids off the string and I find myself in a school of magic-they don't want me to learn secret?
      Recorded mar11 2012
      I wake in dream and try to recall my dream- I remember a unknown person- male brown heir 100 lb.+ then I go to by dads and forget sealant
      Recorded mar12 2012
      I cut down a small white tree and was thinking of using it's trunk for a bow, I lived in a bathroom with blue walls and or flooring
      Recorded mar13 2012
      In an unknown area I find three flash drives on the ground they are colored white light blue and yellow,
      I pick them up and add them to my red and orange drives to make five.
      Recorded Mar14 2012
      I was HTML programing, (having problems?)
      Recorded mar15 2012
      Starting inside of a room with many tables containing objects from people's present and future mine contained a future item consisting of a glass bottle filled with liquid and a chancy orangey substance, under it sat holograph art. I was thinking of making a hot air balloon from the contents of another table when I realized it was just colored paper. A door led to a second room with a large wormhole on the ground, I called this vortex an interdimentional portal even though I watched Dillan jump through relief I did not. I also think Eric was a part of this dream, (did he go with Dillan?)
      Recorded mar16 2012
      I had a new blue school hoodie that seemed to be perfectly clean
      Recorded mar17 2012
      I dropped my ferrite toroids and someone (possibly) unknown commented something
      Recorded mar18 2012
      In some kind of arena I was participating in a strange capture the flag like game with classes such as skeleton, axe, pistol, etc... Most of the participants entered the field with pistol including me. The field type place had manny barriers and places to take cover, these cylinder shaped peaces had a yellow trim and a brown leather like main surface. When the match started I intently ran to cover on the left side of the field an began firing. I grazed someone at a distance knocked them back and out of the game with a second shot. I made my way through what had to be four or more people and then in a single shot was out myself. I then stood at an entrance gate waiting for the second round to begin. While in this stillness I recalled the persons face that got me out, they had blue eyes and light brown heir with fair skin. When the second match began I agin ran to cover and popping my head up to fire I was hit and out. There was a moment when I was standing at the entrance gate eager to get in agin but I realized I had no more tickets.
      Recorded mar19 2012
      A family of people was trying to grow a "family" of something that had to hatch or sprout , growing bicycles?
      Recorded mar20 2012
      Something about music or a song
      Recorded mar22 2012
      Something involving vitamin water -
      XXX flavor in my back pocket and another flavor in my hand.
      Recorded mar 23 2012
      I was placed into a war on another planet where dinosaur like creatures roam my only weapon was a short chain from a bracelet with another short piece of string tied to the end.
      After I have been in action for about twenty minutes we returned back to an underground base, (I do not quite remember what the enemy spices looked like.) when we began leaving the base I was surrounded with familiar seeming faces including one person operating a robot repeated with cardboard. It seemed we where the last of the humans on the planet. This time I stayed within the safety of the area around the base. A few others as well stayed in the open area surrounded by thick green vegetation.
      Recorded mar 24 2012
      I was laying on the stage in the school large gym and an entire class was helping ms Bun paint the tips of French-fries white when Dillan pointed out multiple tardigrade shaped possible sculptures made of varying objects - one was made of three to six scissors.
      Recorded mar 24 2012
      I was in a unknown place and I had constructed invisible modular robotic helpers but some of them where not functioning properly so I had to hunt them down to fix them. I saw some that their invisibility was malfunctioning - they where a bout one square foot and they resembled circuit boards moving about the ground.
      Recorded mar 25 2012
      I met Corbin1992 in real life and he had brown hair, he was about my age but he was driving a old beat up brown truck with a clutch. We drove around to multiple places including a store like place where the school usually is in Leadville. When we got back to the truck I still heard a high pitched sound and said "the turbo is still on" to Corbin, he replied "ya, it gets stuck sometimes." as we drove off I noticed the break had problems and Corbin said "my first break was good, my second was ok but my third is"... "UHuuHuu!"
      Recorded mar 26 2012
      I was trying to remember a dream and as I was "remembering it" I was experiencing it. I knew of a secret area to a library opened by a switch on the wall,
      Out of the area I took a vial that could tell the future by how it smelt.
      Recorded mar 29 2012
      In a society of robots I was a average "person" but I was converted into a guardian and began a sort of quest with another guardian, there where at least three guardians. Fire,unknown,and earth.
      Back in a human body in some sort of music class that resembled the orchestra room at Westminster high along with a crowd of other people, they told everyone to pull a I pod out of the chair in front of them and begin playing. I pulled out an I pod Mitch like this one and checked the batterie, it was about half charged but the display was green instead of white. Then the teacher of sorts told us to make sure the one we got was the TR83 so I placed back the I pod and drew another. This time it was a white device about half an inch thick with a flip panel containing USB slots, when I opened this I spoke "wow it has USB."
      Being chased around an apartment like room by an angry but friendly figure I shouted out "wait, let me check." as I was running I clumsily preformed my reality check of trying to pads two figures through the other hand, checking the texture of my skin, and looking at the number of fingers on my right hand but as I did the first part I thought I saw it go through so I continued on to the others. After I finished the other two I excitedly tried to pass the two fingers through my palm agin but it seemed yo preform as normal and I said to my self "dang."
      Recorded mar 30 2012
      Something about 2.5 gallons of water and (reflex) - I think I was going to mix the water with a second liquid called reflex. I accidentally touched the crystal while reaching for similar looking objects, the others had no wire.
      Recorded mar 31 2012
      car accident on a bridge and I thought that the person in the car went off the edge and into the water. I was trying to walk up a street but the wind was so powerful I was barley moving towards the car up the street. I was in a pet shop and it contained many cats, they where in cages and some where free to roam the shop, I walked up to an empty cage and it had a tesla-coil in it.
      April 1 2012
      I was nerrerateing the procedure of breeding triops while going through the steps,
      "they will eat each other if Delphinus are their only food source" I was in a pet store asking someone who worked there if I could have 100 Roseys while visualizing a tank with only one Triop in it transform into a tank with manny triops and manny Rosey minos.
      Recorded April 2 2012
      Someone was holding a creature with a removable exoskeleton, it looked like a scorpion or a triop and I wanted it's "shell" to be a certain way for some reason, every time someone would do something with it I put it back into the placement that I wanted it in.
      Recorded April 3 2012
      "Mmmm, pizza in breakfast?!"
      Recorded April 4 2012
      Computer had a virus, multiple redundant "baby tables" as I called them where being constructed outdoors. A triop in my tank serviced molting but the tank had no separator - it's shell had already grown back - I thought of the fact that their exoskeleton gets blood flow - it's previous shell was siting at the bottom of the tank. Something about sun glasses, my actual pair and another, I think I was trying them on.
      Recorded April 6 2012
      "Smuggling" minecraft melons into real life.
      Recorded April 7 2012
      Large hollow letters making up a word or a name. I was trying to decide on the type of plant to use for my triops, my choices where a moss ball or a verity of rooted plants. I was holding a dark gray to black colored stone in my hand about 2 in cubed, I was trying to find out if it floated like pumice so I dropped it in water and it took water into it's porous surface while sinking slowly. For my second attempt I placed it gently on the waters surface and when I let it go it responded by sinking slightly more slowly.
      Recorded April 9 2012
      "Oby foss"
      Recorded April 10 2012
      Jada had become vigorously aggressive toward me and the only way to (temporarily) change this behavior was to throw a random object at the head and say what the object was, (a blue rag with the spoken word blue seemed to work for a while.) at some point the dog became greatly injured, the dog had only two legs now and they where on opposite sides of the body (one front and one back) somehow the dog cold still stand and when I tried the blue rag it began moving toward me growling, it was no longer Jada. This dag moved in a strange and rickety fashion due to it's injuries. "it has to be put out of it's misery"
      Recorded April 11 2012
      (I am unsure if this is my first lucid experience or if it was merely a dream about having a lucid dream) I was in an unknown building that felt like a house but it had little furniture, gathered around the one couch talking where many of my family members and a few unknown people, I say to myself "what if I'm dreaming?" I did the reality check and it seems to go normally although I did the first part quite a few times up until when I looked at my hand, it had six fingers one sometimes moving behind the others, at this point the projections of friends and family became fairly unresponsive, I attempted to carry out my goal and fly but when I jumped into the air numerous times I failed to come more than a foot and a half off of the ground, after thinking a while I decided to try and alter the dream world, I focused on the sealing , it was made of cardboard panels and I was trying to turn it into a smooth white metal like sealing I tried for a while before remembering that it helps to look away and then back if you want to change something, when I looked away and back it was still forming and it although it was the lab like feel I wanted it grew pyramid shaped lumps all over it much like some sound booths have. I came home from school one day and my mom had cleaned out my brine shrimp tank and had only saved one of six shrimp.
      Recorded April 12 2012
      I was in a pub of some sort and the song ( mice on Venus was )playing. The walls and floor where made up of high gloss dark wood.
      Recorded April 13 2012
      I was in an unknown place that was made for learning magic. I was in some type of event or maybe a house showing of some sort and I met a person who had long grayish hair and had a beard, he had a slender build and he looked like he was over 40 in age. We met and after a while we sort of became friends to the point where he was going to give me some kind of gift.
      Recorded April 14 2012
      Some other person and I where in some sort of an abstract artistic competition, as I was looking at our pice (it had many colors and few hard edges) we got a call and the other person said something about "the next three miles" - the phone was ringing in real life.-
      Recorded April 15 2012
      My dad and I where stranded in a place containing many dirt roads, we did not walk far before coming to a lot with abandoned vehicles, we chose a couple of old dirt bikes and when we started them we saw that they ran perfectly and we where off. I coasted most of the way out of the lot and when near the exit started the bike on my first try, we road along for a while and then I wrecked, feeling no pain I picked the machine up and forward we moved,after going down the trail and through multiple obstacles such as patches of ice and mud I wrecked it a second time but when I stood up and looked, it was no longer a dirt bike. It was now a push scooter with it's wheels jammed with mud. I made a comment about that not being good, -at that point I woke- I whet back to sleep-
      I was in a mansion and I was looking for a boat to get out, I found a canoe but did not use it. My mission was redirected to find a refrigerator with food, I found many ice boxes in many rooms but they where all empty. I finally found the kitchen an it boasted a fridge more than 11 feet tall, I opened the door and it contained a feast large enough to fill a swimming pool.
      Recorded April 16 2012
      There where three pieces of bread like food, one small one med. And one large, they where all wrapped in aluminum foil, I placed a note written on paper in the large one and then wrapped it back up. I was working on a miniature rocket when my alarm whet off , I yell out in the dream some gibberish and then I awaken.
      Recorded April 17 2012
      There was something flying around my head and it appeared to be a large mosquito but I was wondering if it was a mosquito or a mosquito eater, I determined it was the ladder. Now I was wondering what a mosquito (is) the larval stage of (not realizing that they are the adult stage) I thought earthworm but then I said "naa, an worm is a worm." then I moved on to what a mosquito eater might be, my thought is that it was some kind of moth and that is why "it has a mouth like one, it has the same food source." (at this point I seemed to be oblivious to even the fact that is stated in the name mosquito eater that they eat mosquitos.
      Recorded 18 2012
      I got a colored Easter egg from the fridge and decided I was going to hatch it, as I held it In my hand I noticed a small hole in the deep blue surface of the egg, I poked it and a small beak responded by pecking at the hole from the inside, the egg grumbled revealing a fine specimen of a juvenile chicken, as I attempted to pick it up the first thing it did was peck me, it fell onto the floor and every time I got near it pecked at my ankle and leg.
      Recorded April 19 2012
      I was in advisory and mr Van said the word stud and I told someone that stud actually refers to a work horse, from that point I felt like that is what he was referring to.
      Recorded April 20 2012
      I (brought) a large plastic vile to school.
      Recorded April 21 2012
      I was in some sort of maze like building in witch some sort of game event is played and I was participating in, there where three teams, red,blue, and green (or) yellow. I was on the blue team, I continued down a path in the shopping mall like building with many hall ways, every once and a while there would be a clue and just past the clue would be a "station" in each station (which reminded me of stores in a mall) where crowded with people and at the very back of each of them where some kind of dispenser unit. As I followed the clues and it seemed I reached the end of the maze I saw a person who I seemed to know, he had light brown hair and blue to green eyes, with a bottle of water in his hand. I asked him where he got those while referring to paint ball like spheres of red blue and green color in the water. He replied "I've been going to the wrong stations, I'm so far off track now I don't even know where to go" there is a blank point in my memory - I walk out of the end of the maze and i seeped into the passenger seat of a car, someone started driving us up a hill and as they read a street sign they said "turn air off, go up hill" they responded to the sign "that is not required in this car, see we can even do this," they flipped a switch that seemed to turn off the engine but we where still traveling up the long hill. The person in the drivers seat said "let's turn it back on when we get to the top just for fun." we continued up the hill for what seemed like a long time and when we got to the top the driver pushed a red button and the car disappeared and the driver and I began walking, we passed a small group of people. They gave me some of the paintball like items and as I looked in my hand I noticed I was holding a strange paint ball gun, the he paint balls in my other hand disappeared and I walked to a parking lot. Where I expected the barrel would be was a sort of lamp that reminded me of a flash light, I held up a tube and I pressed the trigger, the tube fired one of the "paint balls" I continued shooting hitting a car windshield and fired some directly up. They never seemed to come down. The device stopped functioning. It seemed it was out of air.
      Recorded April 22
      I had constructed a robotic snake from a kit, it was mostly made up of blue plastic segments and string attached to a motor it slithered forward. I brought it to what seemed like the indoor corner of an abandoned but well maintained coffee shop io show it to a friend. (or I just spears there with that thought in my mind anyway.) there was a polished wood floor and yellow to white walls, in the corner where I was standing marked the point where the edges of two windows meet, there where no tables or furniture of any sort. As I looked outside the windows I noticed it was night and two people where standing there in fine cloths playing instruments. One of them played the flute, I believe the other was on the saxophone. They stood and played for a while the one with the flute slightly leaning on the glass, I watched but I couldn't hear them very well.
      Recorded April 23 2012
      My grandma was reading three or four things off of a short list that I do. One was "growing something from scratch" referring to some plants I was growing on the window cell. Another said something about a mushroom and I replied to it "well I already have the mushroom." as I looked at one of the pots on the window cell and imagined it fully grown (red with white spots) my grandma asked if what I was growing where mushrooms and I said "yes, one has even already began to split." I held up a large grayish brown mushroom with a split in the top of it and thought of planting it (I placed a grass seed looking object in the soil.) there was also something about our old dog Kahn. I remembered this quote from waking life, "he could do anything to that dog and he would be fine."
      Recorded April 25 2012
      I was at an amusement park designed for (the autobots) and I saw two rides one of which was a sort of waterside with four large entryways, it looked like it was made up of reused parts such as large yellow plastic tubing that appears to have been faded in the sunlight. I was testing out the slide with two autobots, as I pushed myself into a entry near the middle two large steel humanoids climbed into tubes on either side of me, as we slid down in soapy water I noticed stif bricked brushes on the sides and top of the sides (it's like a car wash I thought to myself) then all the tubes met into one wide one and I being in the middle was slightly squished by the robotic beings, I could feel the coolness of the metal on my arms, the slide ended ........ I was walking and I noticed that people where about to ride the waterside, I could feel the dream fading and I thought "wait, didn't I go to sleep?" my alarm went off and I woke up almost instantly
      Recorded April 26 2012
      I was at some sort of outdoor event and I was running so someone would not find me, I ran into a short but wide and long building. As I entered and shut the door I was tackled by someone, they had a sharp object in their hand and where trying to hack my right leg off about three inches below the knee. I was struggling at my hardest, I escaped before they got totally through the bone, trying to run was difficult but I managed to get out the door and onto the sidewalk, I began following it hopping to find someone...
      (in another dream) a little girl was playing the piano, she started D E F G A, and I thought she was going to play hall of the Mt. King so I said to her "let me try to remember the notes to that," she began playing a different song entirely.
      Recorded April 27 2012
      This is a lucid dream,
      I was standing in an urban outdoor area and then I did a reality check and agin everything went normal except I had six fingers, the sixth in a strange position, I excitedly proclaimed "I'm dreaming!" I was talking to a dream character, she had reddish brown hair that was about four inches long and put into curls. I was also trying to change something (that was blue) siting on the sidewalk, I was having difficulties so I asked the D.C. If there was any place to concentrate, she replied "yes" and we got into a dark green to black car, and she began driving she then said "I come here often" and we arrived at a average sized house that had been painted white many years ago and needed redone... I think I mainly stayed on the wooden porch to the house, this is very foggy in my memory. I woke up and drifted back to sleep and I believe when I began dreaming agin I still had some awareness that I was dreaming, I was talking on my cell phone with someone wile standing in a sonic drive through, they said t should order tater tots because they wanted inspiration, I replied "I already did" and dozens of cardboard boxes appeared at my feet all overflowing with tater tots.
      Recorded April 28 2012
      Something about burying family members near a lake in a sort of cement "tomb" -this dream felt like it carried on forever and involved at least three family members (all male.)-
      Recorded April 29 2012
      I was in a large open room with wood floors and little furniture, some person calls a meeting, I run to the center of the room with numerous other people my age where a collection of chairs placed in a circular manner where waiting. Everyone got to the center and the (host) said "hats are required." I stood up from the chair and by some unknown force was thrown to the polished floor, I tried to move but I was not able to, the floor seemed frictionless, I was slightly pushed into the air and forward by what seemed to be an opposing force, I landed back on the ground and somehow worked my way forward. The (host) talking the entire time I now felt was an evil force, I got to a point where the floor transitioned to grayish carpet, I stood up and walked over to (my stuff) and grabbed a hat with a blond afro on top of it, I stopped for a second, put it on and was able to seamlessly walk all the way back to the center. I sat for a minute forced to listen to the (host) and then he seemed to disappear and I saw a person with brown hair and eyes talking about band and YouTube. I asked this person what they where talking about, (it seemed like they went to my school) they said "I am going on YouTube the year after next" I said "I will go on YouTube" they then replied "don't blow it." the host reappeared and the person I was talking to asked if he could work on band, the host said "go ahead." before fading away agin. The person walked over to another circular place and I followed, we sat down and I noticed there was a strange bricked instrument and I began playing the cello solo to Saharan crossing, on the other side where he was sitting was a plucked instrument with metal prongs. We talked a little bit...
      Recorded April 30 2012
      Someone else and I where wrapping orange insulated wire around my I pod and a mifi portable wifi device so I could get "free Internet" (we where talking as we where doing so and the word intranet was used allot.) i was somewhere when a zombie invasion was starting...
      I remember saying "see, I did dream about a zombies." and for this reason I consider this a lucid dream, however if I where to do a reality check I would most likely have had a full L.D.
      Recorded may 1 2012
      I say to someone "did you know there is a metroid game with banjo kazooie in it?" they replied "what, do you just wait on him throughout the game?" I said "ya" then he said something about Russian relet, I quickly said in response "how does that work, if your only weapon is a banjo and a boomerang?"-
      I looked at my brine shrimp tank and noticed there was more algae in it than usual, I felt the algae and it was comparable to carpet or rough cloth. ( I felt the algae had come from another tank that was sitting outside because I remembered I had used the same pipet for the two, (in the dream that is.) I also remember something about my shoe being untied and finding another ferrite toroid to put on the string.
      Recorded may 2 2012
      I hold a jar or a glass with a little bit of water in it up to someone and say "I only have that much left."
      Recorded may 3 2012
      A teacher talks about the yearbook, I vividly hear my name spoken by a bit of a freakish voice (and open my eyes to see the glow given off by a barley rising sun.)
      Recorded may 4 2012
      I was having fun making a yeti/abominable snow man mad at me, it was more than 12 feet tall and 5 feet wide. I began throwing snow balls at it and a snowman appeared on the opposite side of it and threw a snow ball at it as well, we continued bombarding the beast with snow balls witch was great fun. The snow man disappeared and I began leading it around, I quickly climbed up a large snow mound and as it jumped up I jumped off and slid down. It seemed the yeti wasn't able to follow. At this point I was laughing so hard at the creature I couldn't stop.
      Recorded may 5 2012
      I preform a reality check and I think I count six fingers, unsure I recount and realize that I am dreaming. However I could feel the dream slipping away and within a minute op becoming lucid a false awakening occurs placing me back in my room and reverting this into a normal dream. I get out of bed and grab a large glass jar full of propane, I walk outside and place it near the edge of the road, I look at it and think it is too near to cars so I replaced it and backed away. The gas inside it began to expand and stretching out the glass like a balloon. It seemed like it was going to explode.
      May 6 2012
      I consider this to be my third full lucid dream, the setting was my house and I preformed a reality check. (recently, I added a noseplug to the end of my R.C. and this is what made me realize that I was dreaming, my Mother was standing next to me and after a minute of thinking I decided to do a few "magic tricks" I got her attention and walked up to the front door, I said, "my hand will fit in there" as I open the wooden door and place my hand in-between it and the screen door. I slam the door shut with my hand in it's path, my wrist painlessly flattens like soft rubber. I open the door agin to pull my hand out and have the thought of clapping. So I put my hands up and say that they Should go through each other, however when they meet they stopped in their tracks, I try this several more times before everything is superimposed with a golden glow and I open my eyes.
      May 7 2012
      A moth was waiting at a door and I was going to help it get outside, I do not recall if I opened the door or not for it however.
      i also remember asking someone if atari was colored or black and white.
    9. March7 - May7 ,2012

      by , 05-07-2012 at 02:44 PM
      i consider this to contain 3 (full) Lucid Dreams, however i had a few smaller LD.s as well.
      this is the collection of two months dreams since i have began my effort to Lucid Dream.
      Mar7 2012?
      I was holding a resurrection plant, worried it was going to dry out so I put it in my mouth. Trying not to swallow I find myself in a unknown area and building something out of mine craft sand stone blocks a Siamese cat stares at me
      Mar9 2012?
      I took my ferrite toroids off the string and I find myself in a school of magic-they don't want me to learn secret?
      Recorded mar11 2012
      I wake in dream and try to recall my dream- I remember a unknown person- male brown heir 100 lb.+ then I go to by dads and forget sealant
      Recorded mar12 2012
      I cut down a small white tree and was thinking of using it's trunk for a bow, I lived in a bathroom with blue walls and or flooring
      Recorded mar13 2012
      In an unknown area I find three flash drives on the ground they are colored white light blue and yellow,
      I pick them up and add them to my red and orange drives to make five.
      Recorded Mar14 2012
      I was HTML programing, (having problems?)
      Recorded mar15 2012
      Starting inside of a room with many tables containing objects from people's present and future mine contained a future item consisting of a glass bottle filled with liquid and a chancy orangey substance, under it sat holograph art. I was thinking of making a hot air balloon from the contents of another table when I realized it was just colored paper. A door led to a second room with a large wormhole on the ground, I called this vortex an interdimentional portal even though I watched Dillan jump through relief I did not. I also think Eric was a part of this dream, (did he go with Dillan?)
      Recorded mar16 2012
      I had a new blue school hoodie that seemed to be perfectly clean
      Recorded mar17 2012
      I dropped my ferrite toroids and someone (possibly) unknown commented something
      Recorded mar18 2012
      In some kind of arena I was participating in a strange capture the flag like game with classes such as skeleton, axe, pistol, etc... Most of the participants entered the field with pistol including me. The field type place had manny barriers and places to take cover, these cylinder shaped peaces had a yellow trim and a brown leather like main surface. When the match started I intently ran to cover on the left side of the field an began firing. I grazed someone at a distance knocked them back and out of the game with a second shot. I made my way through what had to be four or more people and then in a single shot was out myself. I then stood at an entrance gate waiting for the second round to begin. While in this stillness I recalled the persons face that got me out, they had blue eyes and light brown heir with fair skin. When the second match began I agin ran to cover and popping my head up to fire I was hit and out. There was a moment when I was standing at the entrance gate eager to get in agin but I realized I had no more tickets.
      Recorded mar19 2012
      A family of people was trying to grow a "family" of something that had to hatch or sprout , growing bicycles?
      Recorded mar20 2012
      Something about music or a song
      Recorded mar22 2012
      Something involving vitamin water -
      XXX flavor in my back pocket and another flavor in my hand.
      Recorded mar 23 2012
      I was placed into a war on another planet where dinosaur like creatures roam my only weapon was a short chain from a bracelet with another short piece of string tied to the end.
      After I have been in action for about twenty minutes we returned back to an underground base, (I do not quite remember what the enemy spices looked like.) when we began leaving the base I was surrounded with familiar seeming faces including one person operating a robot repeated with cardboard. It seemed we where the last of the humans on the planet. This time I stayed within the safety of the area around the base. A few others as well stayed in the open area surrounded by thick green vegetation.
      Recorded mar 24 2012
      I was laying on the stage in the school large gym and an entire class was helping ms Bun paint the tips of French-fries white when Dillan pointed out multiple tardigrade shaped possible sculptures made of varying objects - one was made of three to six scissors.
      Recorded mar 24 2012
      I was in a unknown place and I had constructed invisible modular robotic helpers but some of them where not functioning properly so I had to hunt them down to fix them. I saw some that their invisibility was malfunctioning - they where a bout one square foot and they resembled circuit boards moving about the ground.
      Recorded mar 25 2012
      I met Corbin1992 in real life and he had brown hair, he was about my age but he was driving a old beat up brown truck with a clutch. We drove around to multiple places including a store like place where the school usually is in Leadville. When we got back to the truck I still heard a high pitched sound and said "the turbo is still on" to Corbin, he replied "ya, it gets stuck sometimes." as we drove off I noticed the break had problems and Corbin said "my first break was good, my second was ok but my third is"... "UHuuHuu!"
      Recorded mar 26 2012
      I was trying to remember a dream and as I was "remembering it" I was experiencing it. I knew of a secret area to a library opened by a switch on the wall,
      Out of the area I took a vial that could tell the future by how it smelt.
      Recorded mar 29 2012
      In a society of robots I was a average "person" but I was converted into a guardian and began a sort of quest with another guardian, there where at least three guardians. Fire,unknown,and earth.
      Back in a human body in some sort of music class that resembled the orchestra room at Westminster high along with a crowd of other people, they told everyone to pull a I pod out of the chair in front of them and begin playing. I pulled out an I pod Mitch like this one and checked the batterie, it was about half charged but the display was green instead of white. Then the teacher of sorts told us to make sure the one we got was the TR83 so I placed back the I pod and drew another. This time it was a white device about half an inch thick with a flip panel containing USB slots, when I opened this I spoke "wow it has USB."
      Being chased around an apartment like room by an angry but friendly figure I shouted out "wait, let me check." as I was running I clumsily preformed my reality check of trying to pads two figures through the other hand, checking the texture of my skin, and looking at the number of fingers on my right hand but as I did the first part I thought I saw it go through so I continued on to the others. After I finished the other two I excitedly tried to pass the two fingers through my palm agin but it seemed yo preform as normal and I said to my self "dang."
      Recorded mar 30 2012
      Something about 2.5 gallons of water and (reflex) - I think I was going to mix the water with a second liquid called reflex. I accidentally touched the crystal while reaching for similar looking objects, the others had no wire.
      Recorded mar 31 2012
      car accident on a bridge and I thought that the person in the car went off the edge and into the water. I was trying to walk up a street but the wind was so powerful I was barley moving towards the car up the street. I was in a pet shop and it contained many cats, they where in cages and some where free to roam the shop, I walked up to an empty cage and it had a tesla-coil in it.
      April 1 2012
      I was nerrerateing the procedure of breeding triops while going through the steps,
      "they will eat each other if Delphinus are their only food source" I was in a pet store asking someone who worked there if I could have 100 Roseys while visualizing a tank with only one Triop in it transform into a tank with manny triops and manny Rosey minos.
      Recorded April 2 2012
      Someone was holding a creature with a removable exoskeleton, it looked like a scorpion or a triop and I wanted it's "shell" to be a certain way for some reason, every time someone would do something with it I put it back into the placement that I wanted it in.
      Recorded April 3 2012
      "Mmmm, pizza in breakfast?!"
      Recorded April 4 2012
      Computer had a virus, multiple redundant "baby tables" as I called them where being constructed outdoors. A triop in my tank serviced molting but the tank had no separator - it's shell had already grown back - I thought of the fact that their exoskeleton gets blood flow - it's previous shell was siting at the bottom of the tank. Something about sun glasses, my actual pair and another, I think I was trying them on.
      Recorded April 6 2012
      "Smuggling" minecraft melons into real life.
      Recorded April 7 2012
      Large hollow letters making up a word or a name. I was trying to decide on the type of plant to use for my triops, my choices where a moss ball or a verity of rooted plants. I was holding a dark gray to black colored stone in my hand about 2 in cubed, I was trying to find out if it floated like pumice so I dropped it in water and it took water into it's porous surface while sinking slowly. For my second attempt I placed it gently on the waters surface and when I let it go it responded by sinking slightly more slowly.
      Recorded April 9 2012
      "Oby foss"
      Recorded April 10 2012
      Jada had become vigorously aggressive toward me and the only way to (temporarily) change this behavior was to throw a random object at the head and say what the object was, (a blue rag with the spoken word blue seemed to work for a while.) at some point the dog became greatly injured, the dog had only two legs now and they where on opposite sides of the body (one front and one back) somehow the dog cold still stand and when I tried the blue rag it began moving toward me growling, it was no longer Jada. This dag moved in a strange and rickety fashion due to it's injuries. "it has to be put out of it's misery"
      Recorded April 11 2012
      (I am unsure if this is my first lucid experience or if it was merely a dream about having a lucid dream) I was in an unknown building that felt like a house but it had little furniture, gathered around the one couch talking where many of my family members and a few unknown people, I say to myself "what if I'm dreaming?" I did the reality check and it seems to go normally although I did the first part quite a few times up until when I looked at my hand, it had six fingers one sometimes moving behind the others, at this point the projections of friends and family became fairly unresponsive, I attempted to carry out my goal and fly but when I jumped into the air numerous times I failed to come more than a foot and a half off of the ground, after thinking a while I decided to try and alter the dream world, I focused on the sealing , it was made of cardboard panels and I was trying to turn it into a smooth white metal like sealing I tried for a while before remembering that it helps to look away and then back if you want to change something, when I looked away and back it was still forming and it although it was the lab like feel I wanted it grew pyramid shaped lumps all over it much like some sound booths have. I came home from school one day and my mom had cleaned out my brine shrimp tank and had only saved one of six shrimp.
      Recorded April 12 2012
      I was in a pub of some sort and the song ( mice on Venus was )playing. The walls and floor where made up of high gloss dark wood.
      Recorded April 13 2012
      I was in an unknown place that was made for learning magic. I was in some type of event or maybe a house showing of some sort and I met a person who had long grayish hair and had a beard, he had a slender build and he looked like he was over 40 in age. We met and after a while we sort of became friends to the point where he was going to give me some kind of gift.
      Recorded April 14 2012
      Some other person and I where in some sort of an abstract artistic competition, as I was looking at our pice (it had many colors and few hard edges) we got a call and the other person said something about "the next three miles" - the phone was ringing in real life.-
      Recorded April 15 2012
      My dad and I where stranded in a place containing many dirt roads, we did not walk far before coming to a lot with abandoned vehicles, we chose a couple of old dirt bikes and when we started them we saw that they ran perfectly and we where off. I coasted most of the way out of the lot and when near the exit started the bike on my first try, we road along for a while and then I wrecked, feeling no pain I picked the machine up and forward we moved,after going down the trail and through multiple obstacles such as patches of ice and mud I wrecked it a second time but when I stood up and looked, it was no longer a dirt bike. It was now a push scooter with it's wheels jammed with mud. I made a comment about that not being good, -at that point I woke- I whet back to sleep-
      I was in a mansion and I was looking for a boat to get out, I found a canoe but did not use it. My mission was redirected to find a refrigerator with food, I found many ice boxes in many rooms but they where all empty. I finally found the kitchen an it boasted a fridge more than 11 feet tall, I opened the door and it contained a feast large enough to fill a swimming pool.
      Recorded April 16 2012
      There where three pieces of bread like food, one small one med. And one large, they where all wrapped in aluminum foil, I placed a note written on paper in the large one and then wrapped it back up. I was working on a miniature rocket when my alarm whet off , I yell out in the dream some gibberish and then I awaken.
      Recorded April 17 2012
      There was something flying around my head and it appeared to be a large mosquito but I was wondering if it was a mosquito or a mosquito eater, I determined it was the ladder. Now I was wondering what a mosquito (is) the larval stage of (not realizing that they are the adult stage) I thought earthworm but then I said "naa, an worm is a worm." then I moved on to what a mosquito eater might be, my thought is that it was some kind of moth and that is why "it has a mouth like one, it has the same food source." (at this point I seemed to be oblivious to even the fact that is stated in the name mosquito eater that they eat mosquitos.
      Recorded 18 2012
      I got a colored Easter egg from the fridge and decided I was going to hatch it, as I held it In my hand I noticed a small hole in the deep blue surface of the egg, I poked it and a small beak responded by pecking at the hole from the inside, the egg grumbled revealing a fine specimen of a juvenile chicken, as I attempted to pick it up the first thing it did was peck me, it fell onto the floor and every time I got near it pecked at my ankle and leg.
      Recorded April 19 2012
      I was in advisory and mr Van said the word stud and I told someone that stud actually refers to a work horse, from that point I felt like that is what he was referring to.
      Recorded April 20 2012
      I (brought) a large plastic vile to school.
      Recorded April 21 2012
      I was in some sort of maze like building in witch some sort of game event is played and I was participating in, there where three teams, red,blue, and green (or) yellow. I was on the blue team, I continued down a path in the shopping mall like building with many hall ways, every once and a while there would be a clue and just past the clue would be a "station" in each station (which reminded me of stores in a mall) where crowded with people and at the very back of each of them where some kind of dispenser unit. As I followed the clues and it seemed I reached the end of the maze I saw a person who I seemed to know, he had light brown hair and blue to green eyes, with a bottle of water in his hand. I asked him where he got those while referring to paint ball like spheres of red blue and green color in the water. He replied "I've been going to the wrong stations, I'm so far off track now I don't even know where to go" there is a blank point in my memory - I walk out of the end of the maze and i seeped into the passenger seat of a car, someone started driving us up a hill and as they read a street sign they said "turn air off, go up hill" they responded to the sign "that is not required in this car, see we can even do this," they flipped a switch that seemed to turn off the engine but we where still traveling up the long hill. The person in the drivers seat said "let's turn it back on when we get to the top just for fun." we continued up the hill for what seemed like a long time and when we got to the top the driver pushed a red button and the car disappeared and the driver and I began walking, we passed a small group of people. They gave me some of the paintball like items and as I looked in my hand I noticed I was holding a strange paint ball gun, the he paint balls in my other hand disappeared and I walked to a parking lot. Where I expected the barrel would be was a sort of lamp that reminded me of a flash light, I held up a tube and I pressed the trigger, the tube fired one of the "paint balls" I continued shooting hitting a car windshield and fired some directly up. They never seemed to come down. The device stopped functioning. It seemed it was out of air.
      Recorded April 22
      I had constructed a robotic snake from a kit, it was mostly made up of blue plastic segments and string attached to a motor it slithered forward. I brought it to what seemed like the indoor corner of an abandoned but well maintained coffee shop io show it to a friend. (or I just spears there with that thought in my mind anyway.) there was a polished wood floor and yellow to white walls, in the corner where I was standing marked the point where the edges of two windows meet, there where no tables or furniture of any sort. As I looked outside the windows I noticed it was night and two people where standing there in fine cloths playing instruments. One of them played the flute, I believe the other was on the saxophone. They stood and played for a while the one with the flute slightly leaning on the glass, I watched but I couldn't hear them very well.
      Recorded April 23 2012
      My grandma was reading three or four things off of a short list that I do. One was "growing something from scratch" referring to some plants I was growing on the window cell. Another said something about a mushroom and I replied to it "well I already have the mushroom." as I looked at one of the pots on the window cell and imagined it fully grown (red with white spots) my grandma asked if what I was growing where mushrooms and I said "yes, one has even already began to split." I held up a large grayish brown mushroom with a split in the top of it and thought of planting it (I placed a grass seed looking object in the soil.) there was also something about our old dog Kahn. I remembered this quote from waking life, "he could do anything to that dog and he would be fine."
      Recorded April 25 2012
      I was at an amusement park designed for (the autobots) and I saw two rides one of which was a sort of waterside with four large entryways, it looked like it was made up of reused parts such as large yellow plastic tubing that appears to have been faded in the sunlight. I was testing out the slide with two autobots, as I pushed myself into a entry near the middle two large steel humanoids climbed into tubes on either side of me, as we slid down in soapy water I noticed stif bricked brushes on the sides and top of the sides (it's like a car wash I thought to myself) then all the tubes met into one wide one and I being in the middle was slightly squished by the robotic beings, I could feel the coolness of the metal on my arms, the slide ended ........ I was walking and I noticed that people where about to ride the waterside, I could feel the dream fading and I thought "wait, didn't I go to sleep?" my alarm went off and I woke up almost instantly
      Recorded April 26 2012
      I was at some sort of outdoor event and I was running so someone would not find me, I ran into a short but wide and long building. As I entered and shut the door I was tackled by someone, they had a sharp object in their hand and where trying to hack my right leg off about three inches below the knee. I was struggling at my hardest, I escaped before they got totally through the bone, trying to run was difficult but I managed to get out the door and onto the sidewalk, I began following it hopping to find someone...
      (in another dream) a little girl was playing the piano, she started D E F G A, and I thought she was going to play hall of the Mt. King so I said to her "let me try to remember the notes to that," she began playing a different song entirely.
      Recorded April 27 2012
      This is a lucid dream,
      I was standing in an urban outdoor area and then I did a reality check and agin everything went normal except I had six fingers, the sixth in a strange position, I excitedly proclaimed "I'm dreaming!" I was talking to a dream character, she had reddish brown hair that was about four inches long and put into curls. I was also trying to change something (that was blue) siting on the sidewalk, I was having difficulties so I asked the D.C. If there was any place to concentrate, she replied "yes" and we got into a dark green to black car, and she began driving she then said "I come here often" and we arrived at a average sized house that had been painted white many years ago and needed redone... I think I mainly stayed on the wooden porch to the house, this is very foggy in my memory. I woke up and drifted back to sleep and I believe when I began dreaming agin I still had some awareness that I was dreaming, I was talking on my cell phone with someone wile standing in a sonic drive through, they said t should order tater tots because they wanted inspiration, I replied "I already did" and dozens of cardboard boxes appeared at my feet all overflowing with tater tots.
      Recorded April 28 2012
      Something about burying family members near a lake in a sort of cement "tomb" -this dream felt like it carried on forever and involved at least three family members (all male.)-
      Recorded April 29 2012
      I was in a large open room with wood floors and little furniture, some person calls a meeting, I run to the center of the room with numerous other people my age where a collection of chairs placed in a circular manner where waiting. Everyone got to the center and the (host) said "hats are required." I stood up from the chair and by some unknown force was thrown to the polished floor, I tried to move but I was not able to, the floor seemed frictionless, I was slightly pushed into the air and forward by what seemed to be an opposing force, I landed back on the ground and somehow worked my way forward. The (host) talking the entire time I now felt was an evil force, I got to a point where the floor transitioned to grayish carpet, I stood up and walked over to (my stuff) and grabbed a hat with a blond afro on top of it, I stopped for a second, put it on and was able to seamlessly walk all the way back to the center. I sat for a minute forced to listen to the (host) and then he seemed to disappear and I saw a person with brown hair and eyes talking about band and YouTube. I asked this person what they where talking about, (it seemed like they went to my school) they said "I am going on YouTube the year after next" I said "I will go on YouTube" they then replied "don't blow it." the host reappeared and the person I was talking to asked if he could work on band, the host said "go ahead." before fading away agin. The person walked over to another circular place and I followed, we sat down and I noticed there was a strange bricked instrument and I began playing the cello solo to Saharan crossing, on the other side where he was sitting was a plucked instrument with metal prongs. We talked a little bit...
      Recorded April 30 2012
      Someone else and I where wrapping orange insulated wire around my I pod and a mifi portable wifi device so I could get "free Internet" (we where talking as we where doing so and the word intranet was used allot.) i was somewhere when a zombie invasion was starting...
      I remember saying "see, I did dream about a zombies." and for this reason I consider this a lucid dream, however if I where to do a reality check I would most likely have had a full L.D.
      Recorded may 1 2012
      I say to someone "did you know there is a metroid game with banjo kazooie in it?" they replied "what, do you just wait on him throughout the game?" I said "ya" then he said something about Russian relet, I quickly said in response "how does that work, if your only weapon is a banjo and a boomerang?"-
      I looked at my brine shrimp tank and noticed there was more algae in it than usual, I felt the algae and it was comparable to carpet or rough cloth. ( I felt the algae had come from another tank that was sitting outside because I remembered I had used the same pipet for the two, (in the dream that is.) I also remember something about my shoe being untied and finding another ferrite toroid to put on the string.
      Recorded may 2 2012
      I hold a jar or a glass with a little bit of water in it up to someone and say "I only have that much left."
      Recorded may 3 2012
      A teacher talks about the yearbook, I vividly hear my name spoken by a bit of a freakish voice (and open my eyes to see the glow given off by a barley rising sun.)
      Recorded may 4 2012
      I was having fun making a yeti/abominable snow man mad at me, it was more than 12 feet tall and 5 feet wide. I began throwing snow balls at it and a snowman appeared on the opposite side of it and threw a snow ball at it as well, we continued bombarding the beast with snow balls witch was great fun. The snow man disappeared and I began leading it around, I quickly climbed up a large snow mound and as it jumped up I jumped off and slid down. It seemed the yeti wasn't able to follow. At this point I was laughing so hard at the creature I couldn't stop.
      Recorded may 5 2012
      I preform a reality check and I think I count six fingers, unsure I recount and realize that I am dreaming. However I could feel the dream slipping away and within a minute op becoming lucid a false awakening occurs placing me back in my room and reverting this into a normal dream. I get out of bed and grab a large glass jar full of propane, I walk outside and place it near the edge of the road, I look at it and think it is too near to cars so I replaced it and backed away. The gas inside it began to expand and stretching out the glass like a balloon. It seemed like it was going to explode.
      May 6 2012
      I consider this to be my third full lucid dream, the setting was my house and I preformed a reality check. (recently, I added a noseplug to the end of my R.C. and this is what made me realize that I was dreaming, my Mother was standing next to me and after a minute of thinking I decided to do a few "magic tricks" I got her attention and walked up to the front door, I said, "my hand will fit in there" as I open the wooden door and place my hand in-between it and the screen door. I slam the door shut with my hand in it's path, my wrist painlessly flattens like soft rubber. I open the door agin to pull my hand out and have the thought of clapping. So I put my hands up and say that they Should go through each other, however when they meet they stopped in their tracks, I try this several more times before everything is superimposed with a golden glow and I open my eyes.
      May 7 2012
      A moth was waiting at a door and I was going to help it get outside, I do not recall if I opened the door or not for it however.
      i also remember asking someone if atari was colored or black and white.
    10. Dreams last weekend

      by , 05-07-2012 at 02:08 PM
      Alright, I'll write down all dreams & fragments I remember from the week.

      The media school dream:
      I'd just started a new school, about media. It looked like my previous school, but still different.
      We were walking around with a teacher that showed us around, and then we had lunch.
      The lunch were at same place as my previous school, but there was stairs above, so people were sitting on the staircase while eating. It was quite hard to walk by them.
      Then I met my dad outside and we talked some, I also noticed I'd pink socks with hearts on my feets. But I thought it didn't matter that much.

      The harry p place
      I was at some place, looked like some parking place. I knew somehow I was in some harry potter scene. I knew it was a release at year 2007. Then somehow a flood of water came by.

      Me and my GF were at my dads home (where I live). And she had forgot an iron handle or something.

      That was dreams/fragments from the past days.
      Here comes what I'd today

      Todays dream:

      My GF was at my house. We were up late and my dad was already sleeping.
      We were in my room where I'd alot of stuffs everywhere.
      Suddenly my GF got mad at me because I'd broken comic books, but I told her as it was, that I've got them from my sister and that's why it is. But she didn't want to listen, instead she went out from the room and went to my sisters old room.
      I then heard other people coming into the house, it was some guys and I got abit worried.
      Then I heard her taking pills, so I walked outside around the kitchen where I saw her with some guy, she said "Oh hi" or something similar. I just passed by them and went into my room again.
      I prepared to go sleep, putted away stuffs from my bed and putted on a blanket in front of the window so it would be so light when waking up.
      Time was 11pm and I set time on 7am.
      But even though I went up again, met my GF in the laundry room where she rided me.

      Weird dream, seems like it was alright at the end though.

      SUPPLAMENTS on todays dream: B75 vitamin
      Time of sleep: 00:00 - 07:40
    11. 'Killer' Dream

      by , 05-07-2012 at 12:52 PM
      We were exploring what looking like an abandoned mine. i was with 3 other people, didnt know who.
      one of the guys killed one of the group and then chased us out.
      my phone screen had a hinge. strange eh?
      i remember seeing a dog chase us out the cave after the man was killed.
      i remember being dead, or i think i was, but came back to life.
      could not run properly when being chased.
    12. 'Shed car' Dream

      by , 05-07-2012 at 12:48 PM
      cant reember where i was i think it was my grandpa's house.
      My brother was 'driving' the garden shed (he turned it into a car with wheels.)
      i was expecting my grandad to arrive and i thought i was giving my family the impression i didnt want to see him.
      and my brother crashed the shed car at the bottom of the garden.
      dream fragment
    13. Creative Revolution

      by , 05-07-2012 at 11:45 AM (Talk About Being a Dreamer)
      The president spoke to us on the radio, and it was like everyone was suddenly caught up in his instructions, which were about doing something. Our something was to start drawing a picture of a doctor, and even though neither my husband nor I can draw, we were drawing an amazing sketch of a man.

      One of my friends came over equally entranced, and she was working on a drawing, as well. On the radio they were talking about "Where were you when the president spoke?" and were all recounting the projects they were now working on, including musical pieces and novels.
    14. Lucid. Shooting. Yay.

      by , 05-07-2012 at 11:05 AM (~Cookieh's Land of Cookies~)
      [COLOR="#2e8b57"]I'm at this daycare, there are around 10 tables all over the room (you'd think they were flipped, but no, they are standing ;D) and there's a blackboard on the wall.

      Some drawings are on the wall, I think the walls are yellow and beige. I am sitting in one of the tables with the little hostages, a "teacher" sits in the table right behind me.

      I am sitting there, thinking, what if I want to make this a lucid? I'm already aware that it's a dream, it's not very stable. I reality check. I kind of can and can't breathe. I hold my nose until I can breathe easily, just to be sure.

      The RC failed and I abruptly stand up and turn around, I see that there's suddenly a gun in my hand. I shoot the "teachers" (several times ;)) and get the kids to the dressing room.

      For some odd reason I ask them to raise their hand, if they want to live. [/COLOR][SIZE="1"](like mah status if ya like puppeehs! :'D)[/SIZE]

      Then I woke, I wouldn't want to know what came next anyways. I had like 2 other shooting dreams last night O__o.

      Updated 05-07-2012 at 11:19 AM by 50369

    15. Clone of Lucy, Basic TotM

      by , 05-07-2012 at 10:51 AM (Zoe's weird things)
      [Basically i woke up myself with an alarm at 3AM for a WILD attempt, which failed. After this i was just sleeping, didn't even do a WBTB today]
      [This dream happened at around 10:20AM]

      I was just watching my family at a restaurant, as they were eating icecream and they acted like they didn't know me, it got me lucid.
      At first the dream was kinda instabile, i could feel it, so i decided to do some RCs. This was the first time i tried the nose pinch RC in a dream, it worked interestingly well and it also stabilized the dream for a while.
      I was at some kind of crossroads, which had a little grassy park in the middle, it looked like an interesting place, definitely not something that i've seen before.

      My first thought was that i have no time to waste now [like i did in the last LD], so i decided to try and summon Lucy around me, to make it easier and faster to find her, just in case the dream would get instabile again.
      I kept thinking that she is near me, to summon her and i was turning all around slowly. I could only see random people walk be in every direction in the park. At first i noticed a smaller girl coming towards me, but i knew that it's not her.
      Then i thought that it won't work and shouted "Lucy!".
      Just when i did this, i felt that someone gently grabbed my arm. I looked around and noticed a nice looking girl with blonde hair and some freckles on her face.
      [I was confused, as her hair is supposed to be black and not blonde... but this wasn't the first time she changed her look. I was a little suspicious, whether it's really her or not, but i've got the feeling that it is].

      She started talking:
      - I'm here
      I was looking at her in awe for some seconds, because i thought that she'll just attack me, but she smiled and was nice to me. Then i asked:
      - Why is your hair blonde?
      - Don't worry! /playful laugh/

      I got a little calm and was happy that maybe she finally decided to be friendly to me and help. Just as i was wondering, we kept going as she holded my hand.
      Suddenly i noticed that someone grabbed my other hand and forced it behind my back. I couldn't look around fully, but i noticed a girl looking exactly like Lucy, but with black hair. I heard some quiet laughter or something and started seeing dark flames everywhere as it tries to consume me.

      [I didn't worry that much, i kept in mind that if she acts scary, i can fight her off, this is my dream].
      I shouted to them "This is my dream, you won't do this to me!"
      But just as i did, i woke up as i couldn't see anything from the dark flames.

      [I went back to the dream with DEILD].

      When i was back in again, i couldn't see Lucy or her clone either. I still felt like they are close, so i flew up in the air to check, but couldn't see them from there either.
      It got a little dark in the meanwhile, i did some more stabilization as well. The first thing that popped in my mind now was that i could try doing the TotM challenges, as Lucy was gone already and it seems that she doesn't want to cooperate today. Then decided to try to find a well lit place, just to be sure.
      Suddenly i found myself in our house, but i just flew through the window [through the glass, like usual] and landed in our garden. I wanted to try teleporting to the sports centre that is always fully lit, even at night. I did some attempts, but my eyes always unintentionally closed a little, so i decided that this is not good, i should think out a better teleporting style later.
      [Just then i woke up again, but went back with DEILD again].

      When i was back in again, i was now standing close to that sports centre that i wanted to teleport to, but it was daytime already. I kept the TotM challenge in mind. I noticed a bus coming by that had a lot of teenagers on it, i just knew that they were going on a tour or something. I flew through the back of the bus, and sit down inside.
      Nobody seemed to notice me at first, so i just kept wondering which challenge to try first... I decided with the advanced one. I started walking slowly and focusing that my plushie shark would appear on the seat near a girl that i was focusing on. I checked, but it was nowhere.
      Then i decided with doing the basic task, it will be much easier, there were a lot of people on the bus.

      At first i wanted to make sure my body is safe, before i take over someone else's, so i asked a girl to take care of my body in the meanwhile and don't let it fall down or something. So i sit down on her lap and asked her to hold me. I got out of my body fast and easily, i was floating as some kind of invisible gas or something, it was really easy to move around. I looked around a little and found a girl who's body will be okay. [It was mostly girls on the bus, but i didn't want to take over a boy's body anyway].
      I just flew into her mouth and the next thing i noticed that i was in control of her. The others were watching with surprise what i did. I smiled at them, making sure for them that their friend is gone, it's me now. They looked a little scared, but i didn't care.
      I didn't really know what to do now, as i already took over a DCs body, but it would've been too boring to leave it at it.
      So.. i thought about a little fun. I walked back to my real body, which the other girl was holding, and i climbed on top of it. It was an interesting and weird feeling that i'm laying on my own body... I smiled a little at this, then kissed my real body. I was laughing in my mind, but it felt good anyway

      After this i descended back into my own body and jumped through the right side of the bus.
      Interestingly, i was still in the same place where i entered the bus, like it didn't move at all. I was walking on the street a little, while some weird dog vaccination ads were popping in from nowhere, for some seconds i could only see these. When it was over, i took a huge car from the street and thrown it on another and i decided to stop the dream now, because if i keep going i might forget some parts.

      [I woke up by myself, which might sound stupid, but i wanted to make sure i remember everything ]
      [I had some more unintentional awakenings, but i could always go back with DEILD. I didn't mention each of them, because i just can't remember where exactly did they happen]

      Updated 05-10-2012 at 03:10 PM by 54420

      lucid , task of the month
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