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    1. At the Mall

      by , 05-07-2012 at 11:59 PM (Second Reality Experiences)
      I am with Ray at a mall. We go into a nice restaurant and as we walk we pass by my old art teacher Ms. Greene. She's sitting at a table with a glass of wine.

      "If you want some wine it's free over there at the bar," she says pointing toward it.

      Ray starts heading in that direction, but he goes a weird alternate route that doesn't make any sense and took much longer than needed.

      ....I start exploring on my own and find an opening to a secret unused part of the mall. It looks like several kid rides were constructed in this area. It kind of looks like a carnival in the mall- but abandoned...

      ...Ray and I are back walking through the mall again....

      I start to question my reality. Am I dreaming? Everything looks so real though! I try to do a reality check. I look at a Starbucks coffee shop and study the logo. I look away and look back. Everything is still the same and perfect. So much for looking at text! I look at shoppers and study their faces trying to find flaws. They all look normal and vivid. The racks of clothes in the shops look perfect. I even widen my eyes in an attempt to wake up. Nothing happens. Everything is so realistic - more real than I've ever experienced in a dream before and I've had some pretty good ones! Unsure of myself I walk up to a man who looked to be in his 50s. He was slightly overweight with long graying hair.

      "What do you represent?"

      He gives me a strange look, "Uh...What? What a weird question!"

      I start doubting myself. This might not be a dream after all...I turn around and see Ray.

      "Ray, I know this is going to sound crazy but I can't tell if I am dreaming or if this is real life!"

      He rolls his eyes,"You're losing it Nick. Of COURSE this is real! I'm real! You're not sleeping!"

      "But that's what a Dream Character would say!!!" I yell, clearly frustrated. I feel like I am going mad. Everything then fades away - confirming that I was in fact dreaming.

      I have a false awakening. I am on the floor in a sleeping bag and I hear my sister Ashley getting up. The clock reads 7:00. Apparently I am at her place and we are getting up early to go to the beach. I look around for my dream journal....

      Then I wake up for real.
      Tags: mall, ray
      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    2. Stress + lack of sleep = fragments/nothing

      by , 05-07-2012 at 10:56 PM
      Dream fragment
      I've been reading an excerpt from George Orwell's Animal Farm earlier, and I dreamed about the CIA being pigs/teletubbies. Fancy that.
      Dream 1 (2?)
      At a 7/11-esque boutique with timetables hanging on the walls above the entrance. A voice introduces the following segment by yelling in quite a dramatic fashion: ''how crows saved the world!''. Seconds later, an infinite amount of crows come flying out of the timetables, trashing the entire place in an apeshit rampage.
      The only question here is whether my brain is a closet pot-smoker or not.

      Updated 05-08-2012 at 11:17 PM by 54266

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. The dead remains of Athena

      by , 05-07-2012 at 10:40 PM
      So me, my neighbor, and my brother are going to a amusement park. It's nighttime. We go to a fast food place and there is a girl cashier. We order shakes. We have two options, one is something along the lines of a sick shake, the other a vomit shake( not made of, but if you drink and go to the amusement park that's what will happen eg.) We leave. My brother is gone and my neighbor pulls up a car, which is actually a box. Inside the box is dead remains of what was Athena. I told him let me drive the box. I woke up
    4. A Being of Light, Me and Mila Kunis, Me and Natalia take a night out.

      by , 05-07-2012 at 10:37 PM (My Dream Records)
      Black means non lucid
      Orange means semi lucid
      Blue means lucid
      Red means dream characters talking
      Purple means possible shared dreaming person
      Green means notes

      Got it? Great! Now enjoy my dreams.

      Wishes, do they ever come true?

      Dream #1 A being of Light.

      Im in some room looking up outside the window. It is a full moon, and i am talking out aloud about searching for my Twin flame my other half. I begin getting emotional, telling my other half to please appear to me and enter my life soon. I wipe the tears away from my eyes, and walk outside. I look up and notice that there are hearts in the clouds, with the moon turning into a glowing purple colour. I stare in to the moon, and feel myself being filled with some type of loving calmness energy. I begin floating in the air and letting whatever takes me take everything of me.

      I sense a being of light, it is a female. She is beyond beautiful, I will try my best to describe her. Her eyes were like a million diamonds illuminating in the moonlight, Her hair was long brunette, and blowing in the wind. Her face was like the most beautiful and most precious of any newborn. She a had glowing bright white and purple light illuminating from her naked body. I was at awe with her beauty. Why, she was simply beyond words. Im now in what looks like an Infinite temple place. There are books and rooms with gold lights everywhere. There are animal stautues of wolves, birds, and different Deitys. and it had a very heavenly feeling to it. Everything feels familiar to me, Almost like this is my home in a way. She shows me a glimpse of what love looks like.

      "You are a compassinate and loving person. Do not dwell on the past so much. But move on and become an inspiration, and let your light shine, to make a new path for others."

      She then walked up to me and gave me the most powerful hug i have ever felt! It was not a suffocating hug, but a hug that can heal the most violent and destructive beasts and human beings. I begin tearing up from my eyes and telling her that i love her. And hearing her say she loves me too.

      I am now awaken in my bed with the most vibrant love of energy i have ever felt from a dream.

      3:20 - 3:45 am. Did plenty of reality checks with my totem. And did a little bit of subconscious training.

      Notes: Wanted to also try something different over the next couple of nights. Im listening to certain songs like music with love, to see if i am able to get more intimate moments in dreams. I set my alarm to a specific time to go off while i am asleep. I also assigned a certain ringtone to it to see how it will affect the mood of the dream. I keep the volume at a medium volume, and set it across the room to see if i can cue in on it. If it will make me lucid, or pull me out of the dream.

      Dream #2 Me and Mila Kunis.

      Im in a supermarket and i notice Mila Kunis is working there at the register. I walk up to her and she says..

      "Hey babe! Im almost done ok?"

      "Mkay, take ya time."

      She is looking good. Her hair is down, and she is wearing a green supermarket t shirt, with some beige pants, and black flats on. Im standing by some magazines and start reading thru one of them. (I think it was about good health or something like that)

      (Mila Kunis) "K, im ready babe."

      She pinches me on my butt and starts tongue kissing me. I put my arms around her, and we stare into eachothers eyes.

      "You know what im in the mood for?"

      "What sex?"

      (She hits me on my chest lightly)

      "Hah, noo. Ice cream!"

      (Me) "Oh."

      "Maybe later tonight ok?"

      We are now walking and holding hands. it is day time out, and we go to the ice cream parlor to get some ice cream. I hear a very mellow song from a oldies classic that sounds like its coming from in the background. (must be my alarm goin off on my cellphone)

      Spoiler for Lovers Music:

      Mila Kunis starts taking her ice cream cone and licking it very slowly.

      "Girl you better quit licking that ice cream like that for you get yourself in trouble."

      "Hah, what are you gonna do hm?"

      "You'll see, keep on."

      She starts doin it again, and i shake my head. She starts laughing, and ask if i wanted to lick it. I laughed and said..

      "Lick what? Yo ice cream?

      Oh see, now you tryna tempt me."

      She laughs again and takes the ice cream and puts it right in my face licking her fingers.

      "Hah, nice look Q!"

      I wipe my face with a napkin and tell her shes gonna get it. Im chasing her thru a grassy field where we roll around kissing and playing with one another. She is laying on her back and im on top of her. We both are fully clothed just a little bit of kissing and staring into eachothers eyes. We get up holding hands and start walking some more.

      The area where we are walking, is now in some sort of garden almost. There are rose bushes and colorful birds flying around. I take a rose and give it to Mila Kunis. She smiles at me and kisses me. I reach in my pocket and pull out my maroon colour maroon moonstone totem and say to her..

      "I want you to keep this. This token, will be a reminder of my love for you, and it means that i will always return to you ok?"

      (She tears up a bit wiping her eyes)

      She nods,
      And we hug tightly and i can feel the dream closing in on me and i wake up.

      5:15 - 5:35 Am. Did plenty of subconscious training.

      Dream #3 Natalia and me take a night out.

      Me and Natalia are in a fancy hotel walking downstairs to a lobby it looks night time outside. Natalia is wearing a very lovely dress, it is Red, and she has her hair in a ponytail, and wearing black strappy high heels.


      "Just relax ok?" It will get taken care of.

      "No Q, im fucking tired of relaxing! Shit...it seems like when i do try and relax, something always happens!"

      We are now in a limosine on our way to meet with some people. Im wearing a black and white suit, with my hair in a long braided pontail, looking at my reflection in the mirror in the limo.

      (Natalia talking)

      "You look good ok."

      "I should've worn my other suit."

      We get out the limo and enter this very fancy looking restaurant. There is classical music playing and me and Natalia have a seat. Some italian men sit down at the table to have dinner with us. They are explaining to us about some men ruining their business or something like that. Me and Natalia take a good long hard look at the pictures.

      I only remember frags here. Something about me and Natalia being in a hotel setting up cameras, and hot wiring a car.

      Notes: Im not sure if in my 1st dream if that was my Twin flame or not. But the energy that she carried certainly felt strong. I am most happy with all the dreams that i got. I think i may try and stick with what im doin so far to see how this will affect my dreams over the next few nights.
    5. Grandma's Ghost (LD #8)

      by , 05-07-2012 at 10:19 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I haven't had any recall since my last DJ entry, six days ago. Then I had this lucid dream out of the blue.

      So I was riding a bike in a large group of people, many of them being family members,friends and other people I know in general. We were riding though a forest/park setting. I can remember the sun was either rising or setting.
      I can't remember many details of what happened during the bike ride or if it was a race. I can remember talking with some of my friends from school for awhile but I can't remember what we were actually talking about.
      I can remember more clearly when we got off our bikes and got into some kind of vehicle. I could probably describe it as a mobile home or a semi-truck. I can remember it being all white with an orange stripe down the side, and a black windscreen. Some of the people that I knew got into it too.
      I was the one driving, and I drove for probably ten minutes. I can then remember pressing a button on the dashboard of the vehicle.
      It caused the front part to sort of collapse and crush me. The crushing was very uncomfortable and lasted about ten seconds. Out of pure stupidity, I pressed the button two or three additional times.
      We stopped in a parking lot when I realized that at the very back of the vehicle (The interior was a long, plain white room without any seats.) was my (now dead) grandmother. She was kind of a monochromatic blue color, and sort of hazy. I'm assuming she was a ghost. She was holding a knife. The knife on the other hand, was silver, with a brown handle. (As it should have been)
      She started killing everyone inside with the knife. Eventually, A friend from my school named A was the only one alive other than me, and he was wrestling with the ghost of my grandmother. It was obvious he would lose. My mind was racing. The first thing that struck me as odd was that I was seeing my grandparent again, when they have now been dead for almost a year. I questioned reality.

      From there I got lucid, just as A was overwhelmed and killed. I put my arms across my chest, then forced them out, pushing out to the sides. The vehicle around me exploded into several large pieces. The ghost of my grandmother was nowhere to be found.
      From here, I proceeded to stabilize the dream. I looked at a large oak tree at the side of the road, and tried to make out the details of the leaves, to some success.
      Behind me was a small building, with entirely glass walls. It was kind of horseshoe shaped and very small, only one floor. In the middle was a counter with a cashier and people waiting in line, I'm assuming to make purchases.
      I decided to try some dream control and went up to the man that was first in line. I can remember him having a sort of tall face, and being bald. I punched him in the cheek, while screaming "sonic punch". I had to reach up above my head because he was quite a tall man.
      When I hit him he just sort of looked at me for about half a second. My hand was still on his cheek and he just randomly flew back and hit the inside wall of the horseshoe shaped building.
      We got into a huge fight at this point. Knowing I was dreaming, I was doing these remarkable martial arts moves and the man that I was fighting was really no match for me.

      Eventually, I wound up standing on a table, holding a coffeepot. The man made some joke, I think it was related to World War II, but I can't remember it. I poured the coffee on him. At this point the dream destabilized. I knelt down on the table and screamed "stabilize dream!"

      I had a False awakening. I can't remember the details of it but I woke up, and went around my house telling family members and friends about the awesome lucid dream I just had.

      Updated 08-08-2014 at 05:53 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    6. 5/7/12 Fragment

      by , 05-07-2012 at 09:57 PM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      I remember running around outside my house with only a towel on. This usually happens often in my dreams; it's kind of embarrassing; especially when someone in my class ran up to me and started carrying me back into the house.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. An old friend changes sex and has metal rings for a stomach

      by , 05-07-2012 at 09:56 PM
      During a nap; Saturday, May 05, 2012

      An old friend and occasional bedfellow moved back to town, and came over to have a sleepover, as though we were children. He didn’t want to have sex, because he didn’t want to bring up old issues, but he wanted to sleep in my bed and wake up with me. He slept over, and I kept trying to kiss him. Then he turned into a girl, and I noticed that she had a series of rotating metal rings in different patterns where her stomach should have been. It reminded me of those ear piercings people get, the ones that stretch out the earlobe until it’s a huge hole surrounded by flesh. That’s what her stomach looked like; small metal rings around the border, on the same plane as what remained of her stomach, and larger rings on the inside at a right angle to the other rings. I asked her if she was commissioned to play robots in films, and she said she was. I remember wondering how we were going to sleep together now.
    8. One Hell of A Crazy Night of Dreaming

      by , 05-07-2012 at 09:24 PM (Dream Trek)
      To begin, I was being told that I needed to find a real job other than the volunteer work at the city hall that I was doing (I am not doing any volunteer work at the city hall. Perhaps inspired by my previous desire to join the volunteer fire department, or my past efforts of volunteering at city hall). I started to work at the local grocery store, "Read's Food Store". All was going well for most of the day, until the boss started being a pain in the neck. She told me to mop the floors - I began to mop the floors. But for some reason, she was yelling at me the whole time, saying things over and over again, effectively creating a scene. At one point she insulted my stepmother, who was present at the time that she said it! I occasionally corrected my boss's sideways logic, but other than that, I continued to work.

      When the day was over, I went to a table, which had all of my possessions on it. Including my dream journal and personal journal (I worried about having forgotten my dream journal throughout the dream, and never did a RC. Nice going). Instead of my Texas folks coming to pick me up, it was my Indiana folks. We hopped in the car and went off to a hotel that they were staying in. The notable thing about the hotel room was the urinal. It was a black panther in the stalking pose. With its mouth open round. In order to use the urinal, one would place his penis inside of the panther's mouth.

      Going back to mart, for parts of the dream that I don't know where to place chronologically.
      I was involved in some sort of spy mission, with T'Pol from Star Trek:Enterprise, and a random male figure.

      While taking a break from work at the grocery store, I was assigned to take photographs of the intersection at the single stoplight in town. I noticed like 3 police cars in the photo, going through the intersection (Likely caused by the amount of ridiculous police activity in town lately, and my having been followed and harassed by police in recent months). And somehow some way, in the photograph I was able to zoom in on one specific police car. As I zoomed in, the photograph followed the car as it drove down the road, dodged some folks crossing the street in the ghetto, then left town.

      When I turned to face the intersection again, I saw a badly damaged car that was flipped upside down, and a few meters away was a car with minor damage.
      The driver of the car with minor damage was seemingly upset about the dents on his own car, while the other bystanders and I were focusing on helping the person in the overturned car. I asked if anyone had called the fire department yet.. (In my town, we have to wait for EMS to come from the city - our volunteer fire department is our first response to emergencies)
      The man in the overturned car crawled out of the car. As it turns out, he was a conjoined twin... He had one body and two heads. His brother was complaining of his neck hurting badly and being "twisted", and the other brother was being relatively calm. A strange siren sounds, and a 1950s fire truck shows up.(Not out of place, actually. Our fire department consists of civilian pick up trucks and two old fire trucks from the 60s and 50s). I went back to work, as emergency response had come.

      Later on, I was in my room talking to T'Pol and the other spy. They said that our current mission was to destroy evidence and dispose of dead bodies. T'Pol was working on a USB drive, while the other guy is bagging bodies. T'Pol seems to think that smashing the USB connection piece would be sufficient. I tell her that we should get inside the USB drive and smash the ROM chip. So I begin to try to dismantle the drive, which is for some reason a zip-up bag... Every time I unzip a bag, there's another one inside to unzip! I continue this loop for a while before finally taking it apart and finding out that there's no more to a USB drive than the connector piece. That the connector piece is the only part of the USB drive and the rest of it is just a grip. I must have been fundamentally wrong about USB drives, right? I should have become lucid here lol

      I heard a noise - I go out in the hallway armed with a screwdriver... I kick the door open - It's just my brother. He tells me that my friend is over. "Tell him to come on up", I say. When I go back to my room, the male figure throws me a small foam basketball, made of the same material that the USB drive's bags were made of. The ball has some sort of text on it, and is perfectly crafted. My partners said that they made it out of the USB drive bags. No time! I tell them about my friend coming up, and suggest that they return to base. T'Pol tells me that it would be illogical to return to base because it would consume too many resources. So I come up with a plan to introduce the two to my friend as a regular friend.

      And then I woke up.
    9. 07 May 2012 Santa and blue tits

      by , 05-07-2012 at 07:51 PM
      I sat on a cough next to a guy that looked liked Santa but without the costume. He was reading a story from a book but he was confussed all the time and I had to help him. I felt really nice and comfortable next to him but the other people were jealous.
      Then I was in my mothers bedroom and she was asleep in her bed. I saw a blue tit who was feeding here baby's, they lived in the curtains, I found that very interesting.
    10. Ugh....

      by , 05-07-2012 at 07:17 PM (Meanwhile In My Dreams...)
      I pull up to my sisters house in my moms silver truck. I walk in and everyone is asleep. So quietly I move around and gather the rest of my stuff. I grab my Scott Pilgrim movie... I love that movie I think to myself. I go into my old room and grab A couple of bags, filled with clothes I forgot, and Im keyboard too. I run it all out to the truck because my hands are full. I come back in and start grabbing everything else I need and walk out... trying to stuff it all in the back seat of my moms truck feels like a chore but I do it because If I put it in the bed it might get wet, because of rain. Now I'm on my way back to my moms house with my stuff and I'm passing the tribal police station, as I go to take the corner, the truck slides into the parking lot and into a police cruiser. I start freaking out and a bunch of cops come running out the building all asking me questions at once. Finally they get ahold of themselves and start walking back inside, all but one cop, who's car I hit. Turns out it was a very sexy police woman, and she whispers I have half an hour till I'm off in my,stick around, in my ear.
    11. 4/7/12

      by , 05-07-2012 at 06:37 PM (Dreamscapes)
      Went to some really cool retreat with Leo Dina and Kara. There were monks there and a giant forest. We each took the pez. I took 8 drops. At first nothing happened and I did a really cool handstand where I bent my elbows and went over almost touching the ground. Then I slowly moved back into handstand. Eventually everything started getting really colorful. Flowers were changing into different colors and the sky was a deep purple. We were getting ready to go into the forest. Everything was really magical and I was having a great time. We ended up in some weird part of the forest that looked kind of spooky. There was a giant building hidden inside with a tiny door for entrance. We went inside and were instantly locked in. There was a broken down train in the building and we had to cross it to get to a other platform. As we crossed it the train came to life and tried to crush us. There was another woman with us that warned us of this place. She was ripped into the sky above and killed. We were scared and tried to make our way out. The door was locked and we were stuck. A voice came and said as Long as we were alive we would be stuck there. We figured we had to pretend our deaths. We got on the train and it rode us out to the front of the forest. We figured If we could hide in a cloud on top of the train it would think we died. Everyone got on their cloud and as I jumped onto mine I was launched at a blinding speed away from the train. It was really scary and I wanted to retry. It rewinded back to when I jumped on the cloud and this time I just tucked me in a space above the train. The train suddenly stopped and let people out. we were getting out. The dream changed and it was g who was hiding and Leo's dad lookin for him. He was up where to trunks were and Leo's dad was about to give up when g started moving. He was found and Leo's dad was relieved. He though he was dead.*
    12. 3rd Lucid Dream

      by , 05-07-2012 at 06:29 PM (My Dream Journal; Mentis est Infinata)
      Another DILD last night. I'm getting better at this.

      This time, I had much more lucidity and clarity than before. Still not enough to remember those dream commands, though.

      I don't remember what made me do a reality check, but I was lucid enough to remember to stabilize the dream. I did the trick where you rub your hands together. For some reason it didn't work. I didn't notice, though.

      The dream was very blurry. Can't remember anything. I remember stabilizing the dream and flying. That's all. I don't even remember doing a reality check.

      All I need to do is become lucid enough to remember the "More lucidity!" dream command. Then I'll be fine. D:

      Updated 05-25-2012 at 01:28 AM by 54449

      lucid , memorable , side notes
    13. first lucid drem on in april

      by , 05-07-2012 at 06:23 PM
      I was in my house like normal, it was at night, and then it randomly turned to day and i randomly teleported. I was in a truck with my friend and we were talking about lucid dreaming. I told him i knew i was dreaming and i did my reality check. My middle finger faded away. I jumped out of the truck and went in a room made primarily of minecraft blocks (if you dont know wat minecraft is its a game for the computer). I thought to myself to chage the colr of the blocks form blue to red. I concentrated and it turned purple, i concentrated harder and it turned red. I concentrated on being able to jump through the wall and i did. I met back up with my friend and random aliens attacked. We both got weapons and were fighting them when i got drowsy in the dream and started losing control. I stumbled into a wall and woke up. I thought to myself that i had a lucid dream.
      lucid , memorable
    14. Important Side Note: Lucy

      by , 05-07-2012 at 05:36 PM (Zoe's weird things)
      So, i thought that this is the time to give a little insight on Lucy I know that not many people read my DJ, but i guess it'll be much nicer for that few if they'll understand the thing behind Lucy.

      My plan is to make her be friends with me and maybe even become my Dream Guide. I can't imagine any other DC as a DG, she just seems more important and is actually more powerful than the usual DCs.

      I'll tell her story, list parts of dream stories where i've met her before the start of this DJ.


      Basically Lucy is a recurring DC, who first appeared in my very first Sleep Paralysis experience:

      "... it was getting darker and darker, when i lost the sight of the guy i was with, i was left alone in the dark. I kept shouting for him to help me and don't leave me, but he didn't listen. After this a small white dot started coming towards me from the darkness and everything started shaking, fear took over me as the white face reached me.
      I woke up just to see a tall black haired girl jump on me from the end of my bed and start shaking me violently. I couldn't see her face because her hair was in the way. I didn't know what was happening, i thought that i was having a False Awakening and kept thinking that she wants to kill me.
      It ended and i was so terrified that i questioned reality for the first time ever. I didn't want to believe that i'm not dreaming... I kept saying things out loudly, telling that scary girl to don't hurt me and never come back..."

      After this i read after Sleep Paralysis and understood it more, but the thought of this experience still scared me.
      It took around 4-5 days, when in an LD i met her again:

      "...I was in my room, when i turned around and noticed a black haired girl sitting on the end of my bed, her head looking the other way. I immediately realized who it was, the exact same girl that attacked me in SP. I got lucid by this thought, but i was too terrified of the memories of that experience and woke myself up..."

      She didn't do anything, but just her appearance was enough to freak me out.
      This time it was suspicious for me what she'd want, that she appeared twice already...
      After some time (i think it was weeks), she had an appearance again, in a non-lucid:

      "...I was laying on my bed in my old room, which is now my grandma's and looks totally different. At first i thought that i woke up in real, because it was pitch dark, but then i heard a noise. Someone laid down on the bed next to me, i could just feel it. Then i heard a voice of a girl, she was talking to me... My first thought was that it must be her, i just knew it for some reason. I don't remember what she said, and i was acting like i was sleeping, maybe she'll just go away.
      But she didn't. She started gently caressing my face, then lightly grabbed my hand and started caressing my belly as well. I was still scared of her and opened my eyes, grabbed her hand and tried to push it away from me. She became quiet and tried to hold my hands together, to don't let me push her away. She climbed on me and tried to hold me from moving. She laughed playfully like we were just playing.
      After all i succeeded and pushed her away, we both fell down to the ground from the bed. The lamp suddenly became lit and i could see everything perfectly, it was my old room, it was sure now.
      She kept trying to get hold of me and keep me close to herself, but i was trying to get away. We got into the corner of the room and we both stopped and just stared.
      Finally i was able to see her face for the first time, it was beautiful. She looked like a model of some kind and was around 20 years old. I took the opportunity to talk with her:

      - Who are you?
      /playful laugh/
      - What do you want from me?
      /playful laughter again/
      It was obvious that she didn't want to answer, as i wasn't lucid anyway. I got a little angry over this and pushed her away from me with my feet.
      She stopped laughing and looked a little sad and disappointed. She stood up and turned towards the window and just disappeared in front of my eyes...

      Later during that night:

      "...I was thinking about that last dream for a while in the bed, then decided to get back to sleep again.
      In this dream i was in the same old bed, which was in my old room. It was pitch dark again, but there was a little light at the end of the corridor that opens to the room. I heard a constant female-ish demonic voice from the corner of the room, that kept saying thing like this to me: "Come here now!" "You'll come here IMMEDIATELY!" "You'll listen to me and obey!"
      I felt a powerful energy, that kept pulling me towards the corner of the room where the voice came from. I tried to fight it and could keep it up, but it was pulling me constantly.
      There were some kind of flying messages in front of me, while i was staring at the corridor and trying to get away. These messages said things like "The solution to the problem is in the living room" "Get to the living room to escape" "You can get to the living room, don't give up"..."

      This nightmare kept repeating 5-6 times during that night and caused me to wake up early, i couldn't take it anymore. I knew that it was her in a demonic form and that she got angry because i pushed her away from me when she tried to be nice. This was the dream which after i decided to try and reason with her, try to make her forgive me and help.
      I decided to name her Lucy, because of the word "Lucid"

      For a long while i didn't hear from her and we didn't meet again, until i decided to try and find her in an LD, in which someone else acted like her, trying to fool me. It's not really worthy to write down, so let's skip a little.

      After some weeks i met her again in an LD:

      "...I just entered our house, the corridor was dark, only one room was lit, so i decided to go in there. I wanted to check the paper i placed on my desk in reality, so i started searching for it in the room, but i didn't realize that i'm not even in the same room. When i actually found this out, the first thought that striked me was that the last time i've met Lucy in this exact same room.
      I was a little worried that i just unintentionally summoned her somewhere, so i kept searching for that paper faster, even while i knew that i wasn't at the right place.
      Suddenly i heard a noise from the corridor and turned around. No surprise, Lucy was standing there, but she wasn't alone, she held a baby in her hands. She started coming towards me and when she got closer i realized that she looked dead, just like the baby in her hands. It really freaked me out, so i kicked her away from me and closed the door in front of her. I turned around to keep searching, but she appeared before me in the same form as before. She smiled weirdly and said "I'm back..." and everything started shaking heavily, which made me wake up."

      After this dream i was sure, that this won't be as easy as i expected at first.

      So these were the stories to be told, hopefully it gives a little more insight on why i want to find her and make her forgive me. She seems like a powerful DC, not like the usual ones, and i feel some kind of connection to her. Currently i'm working towards making her be nice to me and help me out and i don't plan to give up, no matter how hard it might be.
      She is kind of stubborn and seems to be evil in some part, but it would be nice to have a powerful companion like her

      Updated 05-10-2012 at 03:09 PM by 54420

      side notes
    15. Boss Hotel Room And Meeting Melanieb, Hopeless Love Addict, Elementary School Reunion

      by , 05-07-2012 at 05:21 PM
      I smoked some Alepidea amatymbica before going to bed last night to see if it would have a significant effect on my dreams, and it did seem to improve my recall from what it's been at lately. It's hard to say for sure, but next time I'll try to smoke it without smoking weed too close to it too so that I can get more accurate results.

      #1 - Boss Hotel Room And Meeting Melanieb [Non-Lucid]

      This dream is hard to remember as whole, it comes to me in a series of fragments, but I know that they're all connected. It started out with me and a few other people in this "boss hotel room", but the only other person I remember is this guy AB from high school. I vaguely remember doing something to have earned getting there and we were afraid that if we left the room the door would close and we wouldn't be able to come back, so AB took a laptop and held it up to the window. This caused a glow and a ray of light came out and he aimed it outside, as if it was like a system of mirrors reflecting the sun in a dark room or something. The next thing I remember is being at a restaurant in a casino, at least I think that's where we were.... I was with melanieb and she said she was going to help me be more social. I don't remember much else of that part. Next we were figuring out who was going to ride in which car to get back to the hotel room, and, though I can't remember this discussion at all, I know we collectively decided that there was "no sharing in group photos". After this my memory gets too fragmenty to put it in order. There was something with Kyle and Cartman from South Park, and then a panoramic view of the night sky with the backdrop of stars constantly spinning, and after that I woke up.

      #2 - Hopeless Love Addict [Non-Lucid]

      I followed someone, I think it was O, into a college class about how to eat lunch. Since I was just visiting I didn't have to do any of the graded assignments myself. Someone else was also there just sitting in, visiting Kenny from South Park who was sitting just a little bit behind me. I quickly befriended a girl who was sitting next to me and, of course, I started developing feelings for her. We were talking about some singer (who I don't think actually exists) that we were both fans of, though she was more of a true fan whereas I just loved listening to their music whenever it came on the radio. I don't think she liked me as much as I liked her. Eventually class ended and we started walking through the hallway together, but there was an enormous crowd of people and we got separated until I woke up.

      #3 - Elementary School Reunion [Non-Lucid]

      I was in another college class filled with people from my elementary school, mainly this guy NS and this girl J whose last name I don't remember but I knew lots of people (over the years, all the way up through high school) who had a crush on her. Uh... the basis of this dream is kind of private as I have a history with these people. But the point is that they were being really friendly to me, much more than normal, and NS even invited me to come to lunch with him after class, and it made me feel really good. We bonded a bit and then we got our report cards handed out (in college ) and ours were all terrible! My highest grade was a D, and my lowest one was an R. Mine was the worst of the three so I used that to cheer up NS and J. At some point I managed to come into possession of the couch pillow I normally throw around and keep next to my seat when I'm on my laptop at home, and I was trying to figure out how I was going to carry it to lunch with all of my stuff, but then I woke up.
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