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    1. Monday 21st May 2012

      by , 05-21-2012 at 11:15 PM
      Last Nights Dream.

      I'm in a games arcade and my daughter J is with me but in my dream she is fatter . J is sad for some reason so to cheer her up I give her £2.80p and she goes straight over to the penny machine. I go over to her and say "don't spend it all on this!" and J says "yes" and she ends up loosing all her money. I think "awww shit!!!" and look at where you put your money and I see lots of silver money stuck and the bit where you put it looks a little broke or badly damaged. I twist the money that is stuck and gently pull on it and wiggle it and one by one the coins start to come out. There's lots of money stuck in there and I want it all but the rest won't come out or I can't reach it . I count all the money that I have in my and and I have £2.60p, I look at all the stuck money in the machine to see if I can see a 20p to make her money back up to £2.80p but all that's left is coppers and it's not worth my effort trying to get 1p's and 2p's out. I now remember that I did have some money in the side pocket of my bag so I take a look and see some pounds and silver coins. I grab a 20p and pull it out but instead a long ruler comes out so I now try and get a 20p out again and this time I get it. I say to J "here's your money back but don't spend it in that machine again, not now I've got it all back" J says "no". ((Dream Skip))
      I'm walking about in this big place and see a woman who is cleaning. I walk around a little more and see one of those rides that you stand up in and it spins you around, I notice that the woman I saw cleaning is on it. This ride now turns into like a transporter machine, you know, like the pod things in the film "the fly", there are 2 of these pods. In the other pod I see a young girl, about 17, she has her earphones in, she is listening to her music and having a jig about to it . The 2 women don't realise what these machines are. All of a sudden I see blue and purple go through the wires and hear the crackle of electricity. I look at the pods and now the girls body is where the woman's was and the woman's is where the girls was. The girl screams wildly but she has the woman's voice so now I know they have swapped bodies and think "holy shit!!!!".
    2. The Joker

      by , 05-21-2012 at 11:12 PM
      Before I sleep tonight I will just say:

      *"Qwer*shuffled a deck of cards, randomly picked one, and put it somewere were no one could get it.

      and i will go look at it and tell Qwer what it is!

      In tonights dream."

      It is 6pm here Qwer. (Monday 21/May/2012). I will post any dream I remember tomorrow morning in my DJ.

      12:07am Tues 22/May now going to bed.

      7:25 am now and just woke-up, Qwer.

      Rose to almost waking conscious several times. Each time felt something like strong time and dayt. To begin with 20 later 80 later still 800.

      Just before now there was an old bent over shrewed man looking at me, (sid-on). He had a floppy three pointed hat on.

      All actual dreams before the time-date hipnapops and sherwed looking man in hat hipnapops, faded too quick for me to catch.

      Just a bit of fun to me Qwer. Thank you for the oppotunity.

      If they dont corrospond with target maybe wait and see if another Dreamviewer participates and later I would like to play again if you're up-to-it.
    3. Non-lucid Dream A:112 as my final grade in math?

      by , 05-21-2012 at 10:57 PM
      BG INFO: The women in this dream has a resemblance to Po.
      Dream start:
      I am in my school.I appear to be in the hallway leading to my Science Class.Turns out it is, so I start walking into the classroom.I see and feel that it IS my Science class.I see the students like I would normally and see my science teacher.While I start walking up to him and stare and the ground for a second and I look back at my teacher and He transforms into a woman I saw in my School a couple of times, then I " FEEL " the classroom "transform" into my Math classroom.The women asks me "Do want to see your grade for the quarter?" "Yes" I replied.She says "112, for the quarter.I questioned her "That is not possible.That...(I get really happy/excited) That is not possible...in..(I try to stop the hysterical laughter that WILL come)..In(I tried to say "Real life" but for some reason, I could not.)here..." She replied "Yes it does.<This is real life>(she some how put in my mind)"she continues "And it is also your final grade of the year." I start to wake up, and as I do, I feel a faint feeling of laughing, a creepy feeling of evil laughing.
      Dream End.
    4. Deep Dreaming - Barfight - Earth from Space - Exploring Childhood Dreams - Yuya

      , 05-21-2012 at 10:51 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      I can't really keep up with my DJ, which is sort of a good thing I guess?
      I've stopped journaling non-lucids entirely and I'm skipping unimportant details in my lucids.
      For example I skip details such as becoming lucid or doing mental stabilization etc.

      I'm pretty sure this is the longest dream I've ever had.
      It definitely felt "deep", which is how Yuya describes it, which is oddly enough a term WakingNomad uses as well.
      It feels very rewarding to have such a dream after spending dream time "training" to achieve this.

      Day 1: Barfight - Earth from Space

      ... It takes longer than usual to locate Yuya's aura.
      Where... what the hell?
      Is that a bar?
      I also vaguely feel a demonic presence near her.

      I decide not to teleport straight to her, but instead teleport to outside of the bar.
      I'm not really sure what's going on and I don't want to cause a scene.

      I end up in front of what appears to be a bar from an old western.
      It's on top of a cliff with nothing but desert surrounding it.
      The demonic presence is more clear now.
      There's multiple instances, but they all seem weak.
      I decide to mask my own aura after I notice that Yuya is masking hers.
      That's probably why I had trouble locating her.

      I enter the bar, acting as if I belong here.
      I spot Yuya sitting at the bar. She's wearing a brown coat?
      Probably trying to look inconspicuous or something. (Or a firefly reference you idiot)
      I on the other hand am wearing my typical attire.
      But it doesn't matter. If you mask your aura people barely notice you unless you talk to them direcly.
      And even then they usually don't notice any oddities and forget you quickly.
      This works only on weaker minds of course, who don't fully use their 6th sense.

      I sit down next to Yuya and order a beer.
      A passively scan the surrounding aura's.
      Yep, just as I thought, they're all kind of weak. And they are all of demonic nature?
      They are all oddly similar, even though the creatures are of different species.
      Most are humanoid though.
      They must belong together in some way.

      The beer is mediocre. It's lukewarm. Beh.

      "So... What's going on?"
      She grins.
      I hear someone drop a glass in the background and it shatters.
      Then it happens again in another corner of the room.
      Yuya's expression reveals that she's responsible for this.
      She's controlling the water molecules in the drinks to throw them off the table.
      It will take these people some time to figure out what's going on.
      The bartender will probably notice first, he has the strongest aura.
      I can already see it in his eyes that he has noticed that something is wrong.
      So... Yuya appears to be starting a barfight.
      Ha, this is kind of fun.
      Since I've started time dilation training we've deliberately gotten ourselves into a lot of trouble.
      Fully emerging myself into the dream allows me to stay for really long times.
      I've managed to stay many hours a few times in a row now.
      The only thing I haven't managed yet is to go to sleep without waking up.

      The bartender looks straight into Yuya's eyes.
      Even if he doesn't notice her aura, he'll be able to tell by her eyes that she's not a demon and that she doesn't belong here.

      "What? Who are you?"
      "*smile* Trouble!"

      The bartender then proceeds to lift up a double barreled shotgun from under the bar and aims it at Yuya's chest.
      I look at Yuya.

      "Have a safe trip."

      The shotgun blast propels her off her chair into the back off the room and she crashes into one of the tables.
      A fight breaks loose.
      This is starting to become very comical.
      Yuya won't need any help. I do kinda want to get involved in the fight though.
      But... priorities!
      I still have that shitty beer taste in my mouth.
      Fortunately I spot a bottle of whiskey.
      The bottle is kind of dirty.
      I grab it, clearly annoying the gentlemen whom it belongs to.
      I take a few big sips directly from the bottle.


      I unleash a rather colossal burp, and to my surprise I spit quite a bit of fire in the process. Oops.

      "Hey Yuya, I think I just figured out where that whole 'dragons spit fire' thing comes from."
      "Congratu fucking lations."

      She sounds rather occupied defending herself.
      They're attacking her with wooden chairs, how cute.
      Guy next to me I stole the whiskey bottle from has obviously figured out that I'm not supposed to be here.
      He decides to run away... and there I was hoping to throw him across the room.

      My fine bottle of whiskey is shattered by some dude crashing into me.

      "Yuya... did you just throw this guy at me?"

      I'll better return him.
      I pick the guy up and throw him back at Yuya.
      It's funny how that works. It feels like throwing a tennis ball.
      I have only fought properly strong opponents lately, I completely forgot how ridiculous my power is compared to normal beings.
      Well, not normal. They are actually halfway decent demons.
      But with mine or Yuya's power it really doesn't make a difference.

      I enter the fight and start throwing more people around.
      This is kinda fun. I like smashing the furniture into pieces.
      Some of them shoot at me with revolvers. This is adorable.
      Do they really think they stand a chance?
      Well, they actually might.
      My aura is probably so intense and overwhelming for them that they can't feel it at all.

      Mid-fight I organize myself a new bottle of whiskey, because I still have some of that atrocious taste in my mouth.
      This one is actually pretty good.
      Most people start running away after they realize that we're completely out of their league.
      Yuya sits down next to me on the only table that is still intact and I share the bottle with her.

      "So. I take it 'start a barfight' is off the list then?"
      "Haha. I think this makes me a bad person."
      "Heh. I wonder what the gods would have thought of this back in the days."
      "Oh boy, I would have been in so much trouble."

      Huh? "The gods?"
      Yuya used to be the goddess of water... uuuuuh.
      There were more gods obviously, but I can't remember.
      I wonder if they're still around.

      A slightly stronger aura emerges from the distance.
      Shortly after what appears to be the town sheriff enters the room pointing a rifle at us.

      "Yeah, good luck with that."

      That poor guy. He actually catches a glimpse of our true strength.
      He must be terrified. I feel kinda bad now.

      "Dude, don't worry, we'll leave."
      "Yeah... we really should go..."

      We get up and Yuya tosses a coin at the sheriff.
      I draw my phoenix wings to teleport us out but I'm not really sure where to go.
      Oh! I have an idea!
      I grab Yuya's hand.

      "I'll show you something interesting."

      I want to show her Earth from the ISS.
      It actually takes me a few seconds to find it within all the crap that is in orbit around our planet.
      And something is off, I can't locate any auras within it.
      The port feels different. It feels like the first port I make when I become lucid, not like the kind of port I make to change locations later.
      Am I bringing us back into my private dreams?

      The first thing I notice when we emerge is that it is rather unpleasant being in space.
      My body instinctively reinforces a layer of energy around itself to protect me from the cold, vacuum and radiation.
      We float a few meters and sit on the ISS.

      This is exactly what I wanted to show Yuya.
      Earth is such a beautiful planet. And only a handful of astronauts get to see it at a time.


      It's difficult to surprise Yuya like this.
      She's seen so many wonderful things in her life.
      But it seems I have found one that is worthy to be added to that list.

      "She's such a beauty."
      "Yeah... I wonder if I'll ever get to see her like this in my life."
      "But... surely you will? You have had the technology to go to space for many years?"
      "Oh... I don't really understand why this isn't moving forward."
      "*sigh* There's not enough funding because the people in power don't care about it?"
      "How can you not care about it? It's fucking space!"
      "Yeah it's really sad. They argue that we should first solve our problems down on earth instead of bringing them with us to space."
      "That is the most idiotic argument I have ever heard."
      "Yep. And many people hear that and agree with it because they don't know any better."
      "They don't see how much good has come from space exploration."
      "It's the only thing that has managed to unite us as a species, which is kind of sad actually."

      Well shit, I wanted to show Yuya something really cool and beautiful, and now I find myself rambling about the state of our space program.

      "But there's hope! Private companies are getting involved who want to get commercial programs started."
      "So... I'm still confused about this."
      "Are we in your world or in my dream space right now?"
      "... How can you not know this?"
      "I don't know..."
      "We're in your dream space or bubble or whatever you want to call it of course."
      "Right. Because the ISS doesn't exist in your world."
      "But Earth does?"
      "Yes, but it's another Earth. It's another dimension entirely."
      "And the Moon"
      "The green Moon"
      "Ha. Wasn't that one of you dreamers who did that?"
      "Heh. He sounds like an interesting fellow."

      I spot someone in the Cupola module gazing at Earth as well.

      If this were the real world and she saw 2 guys sitting in outer space she'd probably have a heart attack.
      I start to feel tired. Took me a long time to get lucid, then we had a barfight and now I'm resisting the dangers of outer space.

      "Yeah, we should go to bed, I haven't slept in 22 hours."
      "Does Teraluna have a 24 hour cycle as well?"
      "No, it's about 28 hours."

      I summon my phoenix wings and target Teraluna.

      "Can you really not feel it?"
      "The difference between the universes, or planes or whatever. Like, when you target Teraluna, can you not feel how it isn't a location created by your own mind?"
      "Uh. I guess... I always assumed that anything I target with the wings must be in your world."
      "Huh, that's really weird. You dreamers really seem to have a hard time perceiving these kind of things."

      We teleport to Teraluna.
      It's nighttime. We both walk under one of the many small waterfalls within Yuya's place before getting to bed.
      This is how you shower on Teraluna. There is something cleansing about these things.
      It's much more practical than using soap, and you can also dry yourself up with some quick magic tricks.
      I simply boil the remaining water on my skin away.
      We need this stuff in waking life. And also magic.
      Everything is better with magic.

      We get into bed.
      I love this ridiculously large bed.
      It got these satin-like bed sheets that are kind of cold and feel super refreshing.
      They also smell really nice.
      And the mattress is sooo soft.
      I quickly feel rather dizzy and my vision becomes all fuzzy.
      I don't have time to think about the issues I've been having with sleeping dreams, which might be a good thing though.
      I fall asleep. I clearly feel my dream body turning off.
      My eyes close automatically, but my vision remains very active.
      I see colorful plasma clouds and a lot of pink noise.

      I feel cold wind on my skin as images are coming into existence.
      They're memory flashes mixed with some really odd things I do not know.
      The word "Ravenclaw" pops into my head.
      Then I see tribal dragons and ravens flying around...

      Day 2: Exploring Childhood Dreams

      ... Mmmh. I want to sleep some more.
      I nest myself deeper into the bedsheets without any intention of getting up.

      "Uuuh, we should really get up."
      "I don't wanna."

      She starts poking me relentlessly until I get our of bed.
      Everything is a bit of a blur.

      We have breakfast when it finally strikes me.
      I finally managed to sleep in a dream!
      Holy shit!
      And it feels quite odd.
      The "omgthisisamazing imsuperexcited" train of thought is certainly there but I don't feel it?
      That tension in your body you feel when you get extremely excited which can cause you to wake up?
      It's not there. It doesn't make it feel any less of an achievement, but I perceive it as rather odd that the sensation is missing.
      This is a good thing though I suppose.

      Yuya's expression changes to a rather intriguing smile.

      "Hyu... do you think you are ready for me to show you something about your past?"

      She's excited.

      "Yes. Of course! What do you want to show me?"

      Part of me hopes that it might be about how we've met, but I know that's not going to happen anytime soon.

      "I need you to close your eyes."

      Sure. I just slept without waking up like a boss, shouldn't be a problem to close my eyes.
      ... sleeping without waking up. One of those things that only makes sense in a dream.
      I hear Yuya approaching and she sits down on my lap.
      She seems to look into my closed eyes.
      I can feel her thoughts entering my head.
      They feel so different from my own.

      I can see a scene materializing. Just like when you WILD. I get incoherent flashes first, and then everything stabilizes.

      "Open your eyes."

      I open them and see both her and the scene from my imagination.
      She's drawn into my eyes and after a moment of heavy confusion we find ourselves in this new place.
      I look around. It appears that we're on some sort of rather huge space station.

      We're standing on the outer hull. There's gravity and an atmosphere, and temperatures appear to be normal.
      There must be some kind of forcefield surrounding the station that prevents the atmosphere from escaping.

      And then I suddenly get chills.
      Holy shit!
      I know this place!

      "This is..."
      "Oh my god... this is..."
      "Fuck, I can't remember the name... it's... there's the motorcycle races and colony and mining and..."

      Ugh, too much information at once.

      "Take it easy. You have all the time you need."
      "This is from my dreams. These were like my first consistent lucid dreams."
      "Except I didn't know what lucid dreams were..."
      "Wow, I must have been like... not even in my teens yet."

      My memories are vague, but I start to recall the global setting.
      This is a slave colony built around a big asteroid.
      The slaves are forced to harvest it, which is a rather difficult task.
      There were these bunk rooms were you live with 20ish other people.
      Then every day you get up, go mine.
      If you find valuable minerals you can trade them for food.
      I was one of these slaves.
      During some event I escaped the system and was able to enter the automated regions of the station,
      where there are no cameras.
      I Mcgyvered myself a small sleeping compartment in between some plasma conduits.
      Nobody dares to get close to them, so I was safe there.
      I got my water from the automated water recycling system and traded it and some things I've built for food with people in similar situations than myself.

      And then there were the motorcycle races.
      Holy shit those were amazing... and scary... and... batshit insane!
      There were different racing classes, much like in a video game.
      Starts out at D, then goes up to C, B, A and finally S.

      D is comparable to superbikes in waking life.
      Then with C class you get electric downforce systems.
      They produce downforce without creating drag. Something with artificial gravity or magnets, I can't remember.
      But you get the idea. You have ludicrous grip with these modules, so you're able to put down
      a lot more power, break much harder and later, and corner at multiple g's.

      The races were held on the outer hull of the station. The outside got pressurizes for maintenance on a regular basis,
      just like it is now, so you can walk around and race motorcycle outside.
      The higher classes had actual race tracks that surrounded the whole station, and they were insanely dangerous.
      The station owners obviously knew about this and about all of the slaves that had escaped to the automated regions, but they didn't care.
      They probably made a ton of money with the races, so why would they?

      Races were properly dangerous as I already mentioned.
      Not only do the motorcycles go way too fast, but all of them are tinkered together.
      When you win races you get money, which is useless except for buying new parts.
      They make you faster, you get into higher classes, win more money etc.
      You're pushing most of the components way past their limit once you get into the higher classes.
      It's perfectly normal for one or two bikes to blow up during a race and people dying because their brakes failed or they cornered a split second too late.

      You can get to A class on the parts you can buy, but winning A races or getting into S requires you to build your own custom stuff.
      I had a few useful contacts that could forge things for me if I gave them blueprints, but obviously you can't test anything.
      You have an idea, you build it, install it and hope you'll somehow survive the next race.

      "This was pretty sick. And by that I don't mean awesome... well, maybe a little."
      "But... this was a bit messed up though. How did I come up with that?"

      "Eh, video games might have played a role."

      We walk around and I remember most locations.
      The world is frozen though. It's like walking through a memory snapshot.
      I can move things, but nothing will act on its own and all characters are frozen in time.
      Most of them have blurry faces, which I assume is because I don't remember how they looked.

      I find a small hangar which I shared with another racer. Both of our bikes should be in there.
      I open the hangar using a hidden button on the outside.
      And sure enough, both bikes are there.
      The other racer is also there, and I can actually see his face.
      He played a major role in those dreams. He was also the one who got me my first bike.

      (Imagine this, except longer, twice as fat, and an engine that barely fits)

      I sit on my old bike and turn on the systems.
      Ecu, ignition, fuel 1, fuel 2...
      Xgc? No idea what that was but better turn it on.
      Throttle to 2% and a strong kick to the starter.

      I nearly shit my pants as the engine comes to life.
      I remembered it as pretty brutal, but mother of god...
      I immediately let go of the throttle.
      The revs drop to about ~4,5k where the engine begins to idle very roughly.
      It idles at 4500rpm? holy shit!
      Further inspection reveals that the rev indicator goes all the way up to 20k.
      Redline starts at 14.000 but I remember reving it to over 17.000 on a regular basis.
      The cooling systems can take it just barely.

      I rev the engine gently and it immediately shoots up high into the rev range.
      These things don't really have flywheels. The clutch is pretty much an on/off switch.
      You use it once to get going and from there on you shift sequentially.
      Investigating the engine, the exhaust manifolds indicate a V10 engine.
      But then I spot another set coming from below. An X20?
      The exhaust manifolds feed into two massive turbochargers that finally lead to 4 straight exhausts.
      Even though the engine is idling, the pipes are glowing all the way back.
      The bike is huge, but the engine barely fits.

      I wonder how much power this has.
      I remember getting it up past 700km/h on a straight runway, and just over 900 on a few suicidal runways that had
      track parts that pointed straight down for a few kilometers.
      At these speeds, even if you hide your face behind the tiny windshield, you simply cannot breathe.
      You just hold it in until the next corner, and hope you don't black out during breaking.
      I turn the engine off... now is not the time to race it. I'll definitely come back though.

      I investigate the rest of the station with Yuya and try to remember things.
      We talk about the only guy I can remember mostly.
      I explain to Yuya what he did, how he got me my first bike and taught me how to upgrade it etc.
      During that I realize that he was a dream guide.
      I ask Yuya if he's Faye without thinking, which she laughs at.
      Obviously he wasn't.

      "So, what was the reason for racing? I mean sure, it's exciting, but also quite suicidal."
      "Yeah... there was a rumor that when you win the S cup you can buy your freedom."
      "They'll give you your identity back and get you to the next tradehub with some money."
      "Ah. That makes sense."
      "Yeah... it was a scam though. Only people with superhuman capabilities could get into S class and actually win."
      "Obviously such a person would win nearly all races once he becomes skilled enough."
      "That is a problem for the station owners because if the same person wins every time it becomes boring and they make less money."
      "So once every S cup, they sell 'freedom' to the best guy. It's a good excuse for making someone disappear really."
      "It gives all the racers a reason to race and keeps the crowd entertained. In the end they just kill you though."

      But she already knew that, she asked to help me remember.
      Fuck, this whole setting was dark.
      Young me had some messed up dreams.

      After spending half a day exploring old dreams we get back to Teraluna, where we proceed to drink and smoke what resembles weed.
      It tastes different though, but it does a rather good job at getting you high.

      We go to bed where I snuggle with Yuya.
      Before falling asleep I make a rather overwhelming discovery.
      Except it's... well it's not.

      I'm holding Yuya in my arms as we fall asleep and I can feel her chest expanding as she breathes.
      I can even feel her heartbeat.
      Now, this is obviously perfectly normal, but for some reason I cannot help thinking:
      "She is real!" as if this was some kind of proof of her existence.
      This makes me think of waking life for the first time in many hours.
      I question the reasoning I make in waking life but know that there's nothing I can do about it.
      I think differently here.

      I fall asleep and get pretty interesting visuals.
      It's mostly very vividly colored plasma clouds and some geometric shapes.
      It looks really interesting and makes me feel blissful.

      Day 3: Yuya

      I can't remember waking up, but I'm still on Teraluna.
      It's afternoon and I'm coloring Yuya's back with some kind of dragon like tribal patterns.

      There's a dance this evening which is why I'm doing this.
      I have to be careful not to color over the tiny things living in her back, and on all the other citizens of Teraluna.
      They grow up there using the body heat and Teralunas atmosphere.
      If you leave they hide in a deeper layer of your skin.
      When they have matured they fly away and new ones settle in in their place.
      They're pretty cool because they glow in the dark.

      I'm not really drawing these things myself. I just let dragonic energy slowly flow into some sort of pen and everything else just happens.
      My hand moves on its own. I couldn't draw like that.
      Then it suddenly strikes me.
      Yuya is naked.
      Well... yeah. Obviously duh. How else could I paint her entire back?

      I gently kiss her on her neck.
      What am I doing?
      I wouldn't have dared to do that not too long ago.
      I used to feel so shy around her, but that's gone completely.
      She enjoys it, so I kiss her again, which starts a series of events leading to her bedroom.
      It's very different from a recent dream with the hibiscus girl.
      It probably helps that I didn't turn into a fucking animal, which still weirds me out thinking back.
      I'm more like myself. The whole experience is very blissful, but even more powerful in emotions.
      It's very difficult to explain. Everything is just right. I'm at peace...

      We're at the party were we dance to music that bears a strong resemblance to vocal trance.
      Liv is there as well, and it takes us half an eternity to motivate her to join us on the dance floor.
      My vision becomes messed up because the scene is very dark, but lights are flashing everywhere.

      I also start seeing the music at some point. Deep tones warp the entire field of vision whereas
      high tones influence the colors I'm seeing.
      At some point I loose it and wake up.

      I'm properly confused for one or two seconds, thinking I woke up in a wrong bed and that I must have a false awakening.
      Logic kicks in quickly though and everything is perfectly clear.
      I close my eyes again and go through the dream backwards, trying to remember every detail.
      Then I get up and immediately write the whole thing down rather than taking dream notes.

      Updated 05-21-2012 at 11:14 PM by 37117

      lucid , memorable , side notes
    5. Chocotoast

      by , 05-21-2012 at 10:37 PM
      I was awake in bed, going over a dream from earlier in the night when I must have dozed off.

      I'm in an airport, I think. It's a large indoor space with an escalator leading to another level. There was a moment of confusion because I remembered being in bed and I can still hear someone moving around in the room next to mine. I realized that I must have fallen asleep while still aware, something I usually have trouble with. My first thought was that I'm going to oversleep and I should get up now, but then I thought, "Why not enjoy this for a little bit? I want ice cream since I wasn't able to have some yesterday!"

      I rub my hands together, then step onto the escalator and grip the handrail since stabilizing a lucid dream always gives me trouble. On the upper level, I can see the outline of storefronts to my left. One of them has to be an ice cream store, I think. I head in that direction, only to find a concrete barrier blocking access to the storefronts. Ahead of me is a door. I step through it, thinking that it will get me to the drop-off area for the airport. I see a street, but the sun is blinding me. The street fades and I find myself on my patio. There's a table in front of me and a loaf of rye bread. I take the package and reach in, pulling out a slice of bread. This doesn't seem to appetizing on the surface, but I know that it could taste differently in a dream. I bite into the bread and find it tastes like rich chocolate ice cream! Having achieved my goal, I wake up.

      Updated 06-03-2012 at 03:49 PM by 54978

    6. House Rules

      by , 05-21-2012 at 10:19 PM
      I was staying in some sort of group home where most of the residents were teenagers younger than me. There was also an older woman (older than me, at least) who owned the house, and a guy who I thought was her boyfriend. The front hallway had three funny-looking payphones, and I went to get a closer look at them because it had been so long since I'd used one. One of the teen girls joined me. Two guys showed up at the door, explaining that they work for a new burger joint in the area and were giving out samples. The teen girl got a burger, but the only sample they gave me was some kind of small grilled cactus leaf. I felt I was getting gypped. But how do you argue with free samples? They also gave us some fliers, which become important later.

      I went to the kitchen where some of the other kids were gathered. The teen girl followed a few minutes later, complaining that the burger guys had called her on the phone and made a whole bunch of nasty comments. I got mad. I went back to the hallway with the payphones to call the burger place using the number on their flier so I could complain. But I was having trouble figuring out the number on the flier. I put a quarter in the slot, then realized that the number on the flier was a toll-free 888 number, so I tried to get my quarter back from the phone. Then I looked a little closer and the flier actually says, "Don't call 1-888-555-5555 because it's a scam." Why would they put that on an advertising flier?

      Just as I started to put two and two together, the older woman's boyfriend turned up and distracted me by flirting with me. It was a little confusing, but I was definitely enjoying it! He told me that he never really was going out with the homeowner, and I realize that he really was closer to my age than hers.

      I went into the basement to find the older woman. She was busy cleaning and I wanted to ask her if the guy was her boyfriend, but I was too afraid to interrupt her. Eventually, she got irritated. She told me that if I didn't have anything to do, I could go out into the yard and clean out the storage shed. On my way out, I ran into the guy. I told him, "Guess I'm going to get all hot and sticky in the shed. Wanna join me?" We reached the shed and find that it's empty, so with nothing else to do, we started making out!

      After a while, we headed back into the house with the intention of spending more time alone together. But there's two teen girls who just came home and I could see that they were upset. We sat down with them and they talked about how scared they are about the future. I told about how I tackled scary things in the past and how I still get scared sometimes before I woke up.
    7. Oh lol

      by , 05-21-2012 at 07:35 PM (Adventures in Dreamland)
      My friends and I were eating lunch at my old high school. We ate cookies, chicken fried steak, and drank orange juice and Koolaid.

      I also had a sort of FA where I was lying in my bed at another house I used to live in and I did a RC. I just kinda faded to black and wasn't able to do anything, though :<
    8. 5/21/12

      by , 05-21-2012 at 06:57 PM
      My hubby is out today, so I've got a chance to write a normal dream journal entry

      Dream One: I'm in a white gazebo in the middle of a grassy field. There is a shelf that goes all the way around the gazebo at about waist height. on the shelf are lots of little net bags with something inside them (maybe tea leaves or something? It definitely looked like tiny bits of plant material) and there are little tags hanging off from each bag with words on them. The bags are lines up all along the shelf all around me. The only way I can get out is to find three bags, and put them in the correct order as is indicated in a poem on a slip of paper I am holding. I actually find the three bags in the first five bags I check, but I don't want to be wrong, so I go all around the entire gazebo and read all the tags in case I made a mistake, then take the three bags I'm supposed to and then I wake up.

      Dream Two: My husband and I are hanging out at my Grandpa's house (he took his own life last year, so this is a very creepy place for me) We're coming out of the woods, so I assume we had been taking a walk around the paths I played in as a child. We decide to go inside and have some lunch. We walk inside, and grab food from the fridge and pour ourselves cups of soda. We sit down in the living room and start eating. Suddenly I remember, My grandpa died! His house was sold off to someone else. We're in someone else's home. This is a big illegal mistake! I tell my husband he needs to hurry up and wash the dishes and make it look like we were never there while I finish eating bc I'm a slow eater. When I finish up, I take my plate and cup into the kitchen to wash them, and the whole sink is full of dishes, and I'm about to cry! Then I decide I don't want them to come home and find us still in their house, so we just leave the dishes, lol. I go next door to my aunts house and tell her what happened, and she laughs and says it's ok, they won't mind, they'll find it funny! and she wants to video tape their reaction when they come home and see that they forgot to lock the door and we waltzed in and ate their food!

      Dream Three: I'm at the mall, talking to a lady whos running a stand. I get the idea that we're friends, or maybe she's a teacher or something. My phone rings, and I answer it. It's my BFF Ambies, she's working for an accessories store and just discovered that when she was carting things from the old shop in the mall to the new shop in the mall one of her totes had a hole in it and she's dropped a bunch of headband and belts. She tells me that her boss said to write it off as a loss for the claims department and just forget about it, so if I happen to see them I'm welcome to take them home. I take this as she wants me to go find them, so I do. I see girls grabbing them up left and right, so I grab as many as I can, then I start to walk in the direction I think Ambies' new store is. I pass the lady in the stand I was talking to before, and she calls out to me. I shove the belts and headbands in my pocket because I don't want her to think I'm stealing them and stop trusting me. I tell her I'm taking something to Ambies, and I'll be back in a little bit. She says ok, and I keep on my way. I walk down a set of stairs and there's a big crowd of people. a couple of guys step out of the crowd and start being total jerks by pointing and laughing at me because of my clothes. I turn around to walk away, not wanting to hear this crap, and then they start following me and poking me in the butt! I turn around and tell them if they don't leave me the fuck alone I'm going to kick them in the balls. They laugh, and one pokes me in the boob, so I pull my leg back to kick him. He just laughs and is like, "Was that supposed to hurt?!" I try again, this time he grabs my leg before I can kick him, and he lifts it up knocking me off balance and I fall backwards and hit the ground. I start yelling calling him and jerk and thrashing around on the ground trying to kick him but not succeeding. Then a couple of tall and skinny guys in preppy clothes (one had a red shirt on and that really stuck with me for some reason?) come over and start pushing the jerks around and telling them that they need to pick on someone their own size and leave that poor girl alone. I'm still on the floor, just watching the confrontation. The jerks finally throw their hands up and lumber off. The preppy guys don't turn around to help me up or anything though, they seem to think their civic duty is done and walk off in the other direction. I'm so upset, but I get up and try to put on a blank face. I start to walk off, and I hear someone call my name. It's a girl I used to go to school with inside a store. I walk towards her, but when I get in the store I can't find her, and one of the clerks point to the register and tell me she's helping customers right now and will get to me in a minute. When the customers are checked out and leave, the girl, D, starts telling me that she's going to hire me to work in her store. I try to politely decline and tell her I can't get a job right now. She says the guys were picking on me because of my poor clothes and if I had a job and bought prettier clothes I wouldn't be made fun of. I try to explain I can afford "prettier" clothes, I just don't like to wear them, and how I stay at home with my kids I can't get a job until they're in school. Then I just walk away because I'm mortified she'd think I needed money that bad. Then I realize, I don't have my bag! I must have dropped it when the jerks were picking on me. I start freaking out, and run back to where I was fighting those guys. There's my bag, spilled out on the floor. I stay crying knowing someone has probably gone through it and stolen my debit card and cash. I drop to my knees and frantically search through my bag. Nothing is missing. I'm crying tears of relief now. A guy walks up and asks me if everything is accounted for, and I nodd yes. Then He proudly puffs out his chest and says, "I'm glad! I've been watching that bag for the last five minutes waiting for it's owner to show up and claim it. I was making sure no one stole your things miss!" I thank him, but I'm still crying, so he offers me his hand to help me up. He's not at all attractive, but I don't care, I take his hand anyways and let him help me up. I wipe my eyes and then thank him again and start towards Ambies' new store. Unfortunately, he decides to follow me around the rest of the dream, thankfully quietly though! In Ambies store, there are rolls and rolls of ribbon, ruffles and tule. I realize that her job isn't just to sell accessories, but to make them as well. She says hey, and asks me what brings me by, I hold out the belts and headbands I had collected off the floor for her, and told her I was returning these to her. She seemed pretty happy and relieved that I was able to recover some of the lost goods. Then I wake up.

      Dream Four:I'm in a movie theater. It's dark, and there's someone standing in front of the screen talking. It sounds like the person is doing some sort of ritual that the audience is a part of. The screen is playing a clip of a full moon over a graveyard. I'm sitting with my best friend Ambies, and we're bored. We get up and leave the theater and try to find the car. I think I've parked a couple streets over, and we start walking in that direction. Instead of finding my car, we end up coming up to this giant crumbling building covered in gothic church like windows. It's shaped like an office building, with rows and rows of windows, but the windows are shaped like church windows. There are gargoyles on the corners and top of the building too. It's really creepy but awesome at the same time. I pull out my phone to take pictures of the building, but the building is too big to get the whole thing in the picture. Then I see something else cool, a skull with bone ears. The ears are shaped like elven ears. It looks really cool, especially considering that ears don't even have bones! I have to take a picture of it, and I notice that when I take the pictures, the lighting make it look like the empty eye sockets glow red. I think that's cool and go to show Ambies, but she is taking pictures too, of sticks, lol, and she wants to show me her pictures. I look, then we remember we're trying to find my car and start walking again. We come across a graveyard with the full moon, and it reminds me of the movie theater before. Someone's set a puppet theater in front of a grave to complete the effect. We keep walking after remarking about the similarities. We walk through someone's back yard, and see a bunch of dogs rolling around on the ground making weird noises. One is chained up, the rest aren't though. Then I realize they all look identical. My dream logic tells me that the chained up dog is the only real dog, and he's having a seizure, which is normal for that dog, and that the dog has this weird phenomenon that when it has a seizure it can project a bunch of copies of it's self also seizuring into the world so it looks like there are a bunch of dogs to distract predators. I tell Ambies whats going on and that we don't need to worry about it, then as we're crossing the road, the dogs owners pull up in a black SUV. We yell out to them that their dog is having a seizure, and they thank us for telling them and go to the backyard to check on him. Just then I notice the Burger King mascot a few blocks over. Only he's four stories tall! I decide then that he's a robot for the parade and festival going on. Another block down we see a bounce house with the Mcdonalds logo on it. There's another platform near it where they've got a big projector screen set up and are showing a movie trailer. Apparently they have a bunch of actors and actresses promoting some kids movie. The main character of the kids movie is a little girl who is half doll, so the little actress playing her is wearing plushy leggings to make her look like she's half human half stuffed doll. There are also a bunch of male actors who are mostly in their twenties but look young for their age so they can play the kids in the school without the movie company having to pay for private tutors. They're all introducing themselves and talking about the movie. One of the guys points at me and says he plays a kid my age. I yell out to him how young do you think I am?! and he says 16, and I yell out that I'm 25, that makes me older than him! and then start to leave. I notice a Blonde guy, and realize I want to talk to him. I feel like I have important questions to ask him. I look at him for a bit, waiting for him to look up and make eye contact. At some point a purple haired guy walks by and I think that his hair is awesome! Finally, blondie looks up at me, and I tilt my head in a follow me type motion, then start walking down some stairs off the platform and away from the set. Someone taps me on my shoulder, and it's not the blond guy following me, but instead it's the brown haired guy who had thought I was 16. I tell him not very nicely to go away, I wasn't beckoning him to come with me, I was trying to get the blond to follow me. Then I keep walking away, fast! lol I end up walking into this card shop that my son and I have started going to play play Pokemon cards on Tuesdays (Yes, I'm totally using pokemon cards to teach him addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division... I'm either the coolest parent ever or the lamest, lol) I find my husband and son are already there, and my husband is so happy I'm finally there to wake over because he doesn't know how to play Pokemon cards and he is sick of our sons whining. I take my son, who is somehow three years younger and easy to carry. Then I wake up.
    9. Lucid Dream class? 5/20/12

      by , 05-21-2012 at 06:46 PM (The Infinite Domain)
      Lucid Dream class?
      This was a shorter and less vivid dream and possibly a dream fragment, as I only got about 6 hours of sleep...
      I'm sitting in an assembly hall, totally oblivious what's going on. This room looks very familiar to the assembly center at my old high school... But an Asian lady is lecturing on Lucid dreaming, and I am wondering why this is relevant..

      Then I wake up...
      I was going to attempt a WILD last night after 4.5 hrs of sleep, but my phone's alarm is dysfunctional, and I never got the chance to

      Going to make my lucid dream compilation in a little bit. Ciao!
    10. Dixieland Delight

      by , 05-21-2012 at 05:04 PM
      Yesterday I also had a old country song I remembered in my dream. Though I don't remember the dream that well, I think I might have been driving a pickup though. When I woke up though the song was still running through my head. I googled the lyrics and found it was called Dixieland Delight by Alabama. It was so cool because I haven't heard that song in ages.

      Tags: country song
    11. How I Learned to Possess Dream Characters

      by , 05-21-2012 at 04:45 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      Awake, Lucid dream, [Commentary made while awake]

      After I've woken up in the night and am going back to sleep, I feel that sensation of floating, of being untethered from gravity and from anything else physical. I know that I can enter a dream from here if I let myself float away. I do so, and immediately find myself in a dream. [I have to admit, though, I'm not 100% certain that my consciousness remained continuous from the time I woke up to the time I entered the dream, so I'm only willing to use my WBTB and DILD tags for this entry, not my WILD one.]

      I'm in a bright, sunny, pedestrian-oriented shopping area, with a wide, winding sidewalk that leads between a series of large, curving, mostly-white buildings, each of which contains many different shops and restaurants. One of them has a large Cold Stone Creamery sign on the outside. It's very pretty, and looks very real. I'm very pleased to be in a lucid dream again.

      At some point while exploring this new dreamscape, I see several friends of mine from earlier periods of my life
      [high school and/or college - I don't remember this part all that clearly]. Then, I wander through a small exterior door in one of the buildings, which leads into a classroom. In this classroom, the desks are set up in several sets of rows that are set at right angles to each other. The aisle between the rows of desks begins near the door and goes right through where the corners of those right angles would be. All the desks are filled with young adults, like me, but I don't know any of them. I walk down the aisle toward the front of the classroom. There is a male teacher there, leading the class in a discussion about something, but he doesn't complain or try to shut me up when I interrupt him and say to the class:

      “Anyone want to help me out with this possession thing?”

      [Or some similar words to that effect.] By this point, I've remembered one of the current Tasks of the Month and decided that with all these DCs around, it should be easy to give it a try. [I'm not surprised that I asked if one of my DCs would willingly act as the possessee. Possessing someone by force or surprise doesn't appeal to me at all; I already knew that about myself.]

      A woman in the front row, on my left (the teacher's right), raises her hand and stands up. She's maybe an inch taller than I am, but stockier, and has dark red hair and green eyes. Both of us are wearing jeans. She follows me to the back of the classroom.

      “I want my gold star, dammit!” I say, just before I go to work on possessing her.
      [I was talking about the gold wings I was going to earn here on DreamViews (or rather, the silver wings - in the excitement of the moment, I completely forgot that we had switched the basic and advanced tasks early in the month), but my exclamation came out as the commonplace expression meaning a reward or recognition for an achievement. My subconscious betrays my true colors: I really want recognition for my lucid dreaming achievements. Wow, I'm shallow. :blush: ]

      My method of possessing people is as follows: I stand directly behind the red-haired woman, and we clasp hands with our fingers interlaced. Then, I press the trunk of my body into her back, with our shoulders aligned, and push myself forward until our bodies merge. It's a somewhat slow process at first, since the substance of her body offers some resistance to mine, but it works. [I already know how to become intangible to walk through things in dreams; why didn't I think to make use of that ability and adapt it to this purpose? I don't know.] In a few moments, I'm standing in her body and controlling it from the inside. It has an awkward, heavy feeling to it, but it's really cool. When I've made it all the way forward, I notice that I've done an incomplete job; I can still feel our hands clasped together, and my feet are sticking out above hers, because she was taller than me to begin with. “We're supposed to merge them together,” I say. I straighten out my fingers and merge them with hers, and push down with my feet so they're merged properly. Then, I walk forward, one step at a time. It feels heavy and awkward, like I'm wearing several layers of really heavy clothes. I walk out through the door of the classroom into the sunlit walkway. Then, I collapse onto the ground and try to extricate myself from my DC. I only succeed in discarding the pair of jeans the DC was wearing, leaving them lying on the ground.

      I get up, go back into the classroom, and try again to release my DC from possession. This time, it works. The DC steps forward and away from me, and calmly walks back to her seat. The other DCs in the class seem to approve of the successful possession.
      [If my DC now wasn't wearing pants, none of the characters in the dream seemed to take any notice, including the red-haired DC herself. I think she just had a long, dress-like blouse on.]

      I want to practice this newfound skill again, so I look around the classroom. In an aisle seat on my right (the teacher's left), a man with black hair in a ponytail is sitting. That'll be different, I think. [Being in a man's body will be different, I mean.] I look at him, and he gets up and allows me to take possession of him in the same way. This time, it's a little bit easier and goes a little faster. Unfortunately, I woke up shortly after this point.
    12. Flight (from yesterday 5-20)

      by , 05-21-2012 at 04:11 PM
      I was in a car when I became lucid. It was some type of bad situation I wanted to get away from. I don't think I really liked the DCs in the car with me either, I was a passenger in the backseat. Once I became lucid, I remembered that I could fly. Since I was sitting in a car, I couldn't do my normal method to get airborne. Instead I decided I could fly through the roof of the car, as if I were bursting out of a tin can. I launched myself with my whole will and the maximum physical force I could. Not only did I explode out of the car roof, leaving a hole with peeled back metal, but I ended up flying so fast straight up that I went into space in just a second or two. I could tell I was somewhere between the earth and the moon when I stopped and looked down at the earth. The earth from my height looked about the size of a volleyball held at arms length. I could see North America and the eastern seaboard of the USA, that is where I flew back to. I was trying to make it back home, but I landed elsewhere in the US. I figured I was close enough for now, and could fly again once I got my bearings. But I didn't have to, either I woke up or transitioned to the next dream where I lost lucidity.
    13. The Elder Places

      by , 05-21-2012 at 03:43 PM
      I seemed to be in a magical fantasy land, where some of the Dungeons and Dragons type creatures were real. I remember seeing the trees and rocks come alive for sure, and I think there were some other plants too. The trees were treants walking around and talking like normal DCs, as well as the rock creatures. The rock creatures were golems. I interacted with some and talked to them. I should have wrote it down earlier, kinda sketchy now. There was something coming towards the group of them that spooked all the creatures, they ran away from whatever it was and locked themselves behind a steel gate. The gate was set in a high stone wall that circled and enclosed a large area. I never seen what spooked them, but they slowly came out again when it was safe.

      Later on, I was helping these two massive stones set one on another, they were a foundation for a building. They could talk, but didn't move. Actually the lower stone was wobbly, and I was trying to re-secure it in its position so it would be stable again. These stones were huge though, they must have weighed at least 20 tons each. They were taller than me, and bigger than I could reach across. Dispite their immense size and weight I could still move the one I was working on. I was talking to the stones as I worked, but don't remember what was said.
    14. the night star

      by , 05-21-2012 at 02:36 PM
      as with most of my other lucid dreams i begin in the front of my house towards the door. i do a reality check and my two fingers pass slightly through the palm of my other hand letting me know then and there that i am dreaming and in the usual routine i speak it "I AM DREAMING!" i open the solid door to reveal the screen door. as i look outside i notice that it is nighttime, i would go outside if it where daytime so i decide to make it daytime. i put up my hands, close my eyes, and focus on making the sun rise while imagining it. i open my eyes to see a luminescent blue star at about 2:00 in the sky. as i break my focus it shoots back down leaving no moon nor star in the pitch black sky. i go back inside and notice my "parents" in the kitchen so i attempt convincing them that it is a dream. i walk into the room and ask, "do you know this is a dream?" they don't believe me and respond with a,
      "Naaaa" as the dream fades out in my memory the only other thing i recall is something about me not being from this planet.
    15. 05.20.12

      by , 05-21-2012 at 12:19 PM
      No lucids. But I sure had a lot dreams! Five dreams/fragments in total. Which is probably a record for me. There seemed to be a cluster of them in the hour before waking up.

      As usual I was woken up separately by my dog and both kids. Which was fine as I'd planned to just sleep and not worry about LD's or AP's. However I had my dream #1 early on (around midnight) about reality star I'm not fond of.

      After waking up the first time I fell into dream #2 about a mother getting shot at a graduation ceremony and the ensuing panic among students and faculty. There was a brief discussion about the culprit. And I actually saw a DC's mouth move. - I woke up at the end. But was so bothered by the shooting I imagined a different scenario and ended up in dream #3.

      Dream #3 took place in the same auditorium only this time it was full of younger kids. School was letting out and I had equipment to take to my car. It was raining and I had to walk down a slippery hill to get to my car. Kids were playing football with sanitation workers on the hill. Since my trunk was wet I carefully broke my equipment down and placed it in the back seat.

      Dream #4 was a fragment about working out. I looked awesome!

      Dream #5 was about a woman on Long Island letting her teenage son have an overnight visit with his girlfriend at an Island Resort on "Pia" Island. I looked at her like she had two heads (LOL)!

      The last 3 dreams occurred in the last hour of sleep....like a dream chain. Seemed as if each of them lasted a long time. But they had to be just a few minutes long. Not sure why I couldn't remain lucid when the dreams kicked in. One minute I was imagining something and the next I was dreaming. I don't recall any transitions at all!
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