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    1. Catastrophe

      by , 12-25-2015 at 11:35 PM
      just a fragment - some kind of catastrophe with destruction of a building and some fire that I was being blamed for but I was so tired I didn't care
    2. DJ#51: Doomsday

      by , 12-25-2015 at 10:59 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      25/12/15: Some pretty detailed dreams .

      Dream 1: I was a teenage or twenty-so girl and I started working at a hospital. I walked through a bit of a tiered garden at then walked into the hospital. I got shown around the hospital a bit and then I started working there. After a little while though I started getting a bit suspicious about the hospital, the patients seemed to be held there against their will and it seemed more like an experimental mental asylum than an ordinary hospital. I confronted my supervisor and asked him about it. He got very defensive and threatened me unless I kept silent about this. I agreed, but my conscience wouldn't allow me to keep silent about this so I ran out of the building and tried to get help from the local people. The town I ran out into was sort of like Venice, with tiered layers and canals. I ended up getting dragged into some big boat race along the canals along with almost a hundred other people. I think that if I won the race then I would have the platform to tell everyone about the injustices going on at the hospital. The boats were large yachts with a single mast, everything made out of polished wood, and the canals were extremely crowded with boats jostling each other for position. I'm not sure what happened with the race, but I remember seeing some of the hospital staff chasing after me on the shore.

      Dream 2: I went into a cave in a sandy desert, alone. I thought there was nothing in the cave, but I soon found a trapdoor at the back. I climbed through and went down the ladder, and after 20 metres or so A large cavern opened up. There was a huge open area surrounded by red-brown rock with rows and rows of computers and people milling about everywhere. A large screen on the other side of the cavern was partially covered by a large missile, and I realised this was a secret weapons bunker. I heard voices coming from beneath me, so I silently crawled down a bit of the ladder until I came upon a door going into the wall. The door was slightly ajar and inside was a meeting room with half a dozen people in it. 2 of the people were talking about how they had just perfected the nuclear decay ratio and they would be ready to launch the missile in 24 hours. I gasped. this was a nuclear bunker! I clambered back up the ladder and ran out of the cave to try and warn people about the impending disaster.

      The scene jumped a little and I was at a McDonalds with a couple of friends, talking with them and trying to figure out what to do. Our plan of action lied with talking with some super powerful guy who was behind a locked door in the McDonalds, but we would have to defeat his minions first before he would allow us to speak with him. I knew that there was a special vial containing 3 fire demons down at the lake, so I ran out to get them. I fished my fingers underneath the water and found the 3 vials, surprised at how easily I had found them. I ran back to the McDonalds and met back up with the others and asked a staff member to let us into the locked room. He begrudgingly agreed, and we walked in full of trepidation. Beyond the door was a small, dark room with a single light bulb illuminating a door on the other side of the room. That door slowly swung open and a horde of ghosts swarmed through. I threw down the vials on the floor, but as they broke some yellow stuff crackled around them and they didn't really form like they were supposed to. Realizing we would be killed if we stayed in there we sprinted out and slammed the door shut. I was really shook up by this, but one of my friends suggested that the radiation I had received in the bunker was messing up the stuff around me. I had begun feeling sick from the effects of radiation poisoning and I knew my time was short.

      Luckily, as I walked outside I saw my Chinese teacher and a few of the people from the class. I ran over to them and quickly explained the situation to them, begging the teacher to drive me back to the bunker. He agreed and soon I was back in the cave. My sickness was getting worse and I knew I didn't have much time. I wasn't sure what I was going to do but I started going back down the ladder to the cavern. This time I went all the way down to the ground floor and started sneaking about, hoping to find a main control area. A few scientists in white coats spotted me and started asking some questions. Soon enough an alarm started and I began sprinting towards the missile, hoping to knock it over or something. My head was feeling ready to explode from the sickness and I began stumbling, hoping I could close the distance before I gave out. At some stage before the guards caught me and before I reached the missile however I woke up.
      Tags: non - lucid
      non-lucid , memorable
    3. Too many Dreams..Old Houses and Mustang discussion.

      by , 12-25-2015 at 06:07 PM
      Cold medicine screwed my dreams up, they all bleed together into a soup of nonsense.

      I remember me and a group of people we were outside this really old stone mansion. Parts of the home still had wooden interior but it was water damaged and stunk. Someone had purchased the home and I got the feeling they made a big mistake. There seemed to be no roof and while sitting on a swinging bench with some woman, I looked up to see the huge full moon. There was a cabinet with 13 shotguns, and a weird device that was dripping water. When I walked back outside it was day light and I began moving some fallen limbs from nearby trees. I saw that one of the limbs had fallen with a bird house and I started removing the pieces when i heard a hissing and a snake came out. It had been eating the baby birds and was trying to get away. It was about 6 feet long and silver with yellow spots. I tried to chase it, and that's where the dream turned to me being indoors at my parents house and the snake retreated to the spare bedroom.

      The next hing I remember was riding around on what looked like a small motorcycle that someone had gotten for Christmas. There was this stranger there and we started talking about cars. I asked her to tell what the fastest stock model Mustang was, and began to tell her about the 1992 Fox body mustang the police used to drive. For some reason I was convinced that this model was the fastest ( probably because I used to have one)

      Later in the morning after i had awaken a few times I tried to focus on the target mission of the great pyramids but only briefly did I actually see them, and there was no one there. Diphenhydramine was playing a number on my concentration as I found myself in the weirdest places and not able to stay connected to Egypt....at all. I'll try again tonight.

      Updated 12-25-2015 at 06:11 PM by 89588

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. The Valley

      by , 12-25-2015 at 02:35 PM
      I was walking through big city. Concrete everywhere... High buildings. I felt lost. I felt gloomy, without connection. There was one young man going after me. He was quiet. I told him some of my thoughts, from time to time, but he was quiet.
      Then I found big parkland. I told to young man:Look nowhere anything green, no tree and here, here is big old park. It was like small dense wood growing in concrete jungle. I felt connection to that piece of land. I walked into park... in between the trees. And I saw end of that park. It may be some 200 m afar. And I saw that park was in fact valley. Valley ended with wall of soil, with growing trees on it. And I walked there. I told to young man: This is wonderful do you feel it? Do you hear it? It is as if there is no city close by. Walls of valley were growing higher as I went deeper into valley. I almost wasn't able to see buildings. After a few minutes of slow walking I came to the end of valley. The wall was maybe 30 m high with about 70 degrees slope. It was overgrown by old trees. I didn't hear city anymore. I didn't see city through trees. It was calm. It was quiet. Sun was shining in between trees. And I sat down on roots of big old tree facing the Sun. The starting end of valley we came from had the same slope overgrown by old trees... I felt great. It was joy of balance. I took quietness inside of me. Meditation. No thoughts. Feeling of belonging. The slopes of valley had grown to maybe 100 m high.
      Young man, which was following me, was in panic mode. He was thinking that he is trapped there. He ran around in panic.
      And I saw myself sitting on air maybe 1 m above roots of tree I was sitting before. There was pale blue aura around my body going into deep violet further away. My eyes were closed. I had strange clothes... like sheets of textile.

      It started nonlucid. I achieved lucidity when I saw the Valley.
      lucid , non-lucid
    5. Dream entry #2- a pretty lucid and an almost scary test.

      , 12-25-2015 at 02:33 PM
      First dream took place in my science class. I was sitting in the front of the classroom' which is different from my normal seat. I was taking a mid term exam, and the entire time I found it extremely hard to concentrate. I couldn't answer any questions. Then the bell rang and the entire class left except me. Now worried, I began rushing, and checked the amount of pages left, and couldn't believe how many. Then the teacher came over and I started to cry. She looked down at me disappointed, and too me to hurry up.

      My second dream was my best and longest lucid. However it was very unstable, and I didn't even have lucidity the entire time. It started off with me just realizing it was a dream. I was shocked that I was actually dreaming. I instantly did a RC nose plug, and examined my fingers. Again I was amazed how easily I could breath through my nose, and how deformed my fingers looked. Now lucid I proceded to explore. This is when I loose lucidity. I'm really captivated by the world I'm in. It's at night, but the places lit up my the moon,a nod some lights. It looks like a campus, but also a large castle made of marble. I'm standing on a smoothly paved road, it what seems like a courtyard with well kept grass and bushes. Then I realize that I'm dreaming again, and do a nose plug RC. That's when I remembered that demanding lucidity would give Lethe best clarity. I decide to try, and scream out as loud as I can that I demand clarity. My voice sounds extremely powerful, and the sould can be heard every where. When I finish, splits of neon orange and read appear on my vision. Then before I can calm down, I hear a loud screeching scream, which scares me a lot. I turn around to look at a circular patch of grass with a women with tourn white dress, a pale face, and raggedy black hair. Instantly she looks at me, and I know it's where the scream came from. I became scared, and began to run. I could feel her getting closer. I still knew it was a dream, and nothing could happen. However I couldn't bear the fear, and decided to sacrifice the dream by closing my eyes so I wake up. After that I remember a fragment from another dream where I was laying on a bed in a dim lit room with a women.
    6. 2015-12-25 long bizarre dream

      by , 12-25-2015 at 11:17 AM
      + (FA) in bed, mom's in next parallel bed, unknown room (large), must choose glasses to wear to bed that are comfortable with your head on the pillow, like mom. Maybe I don't need them. fake memory: did I make out with childhood neighborhood crush KH earlier on this bed? More memories come to build a backstory, seeing her older sister JH.

      + (vague, f) some sexy times, mostly forgotten, some time with ex-gf SB, also vague/forgotten

      + long, bizarre, dream, in some town where everyone is a villain and every place is dangerous. A restaurant where they murder the patrons. A take-out middle-eastern style (Turkish?) restaurant where they have live fish burritos: the whole, live fish are still wigging in the burritos (you're supposed to cook them at home?). These burritos are sitting in some huge dome-topped steamer, the guy opens it and hands 3 of them to me. I see the strange (catfish-looking, dark, with whiskers?) fish wiggling in the burritos.

      Outside, an intersection. Some horseman arrives on the scene galloping down a hillside, he's a fireman in the town?

      Digging up some guy buried by villains. Digging up cigarette butts and ashes through a grate at first. Then in the widening hole, pulling up a series of conical covers. Eventually one is revealed which has an embossed cross on it. The guys who did this will be caught, they thought this grave was well hidden Then the grave is opened, I expect to see rotting remains, but instead a "live" guy (covered in tatoos?) sits up suddenly. The investigator is shocked. The grave-guy lifts up his arms to the investigator and calls out, "HOLD ME!" (because he's cold?).

      Opening a series of gates leading to some place (mausoleum? building? room?). The gates are covered with intricate designs in wrought iron, there are gates also in the floor. 2-3 gates slide open (each one with an ominous sound?).

      Inside a bizarre room, an insect museum? Huge insects are displayed there. It's difficult to make you way through this room. There's a guy there who pricks his finger on some strange long sharp things that are sticking out into the room "They're sharp!" he says.

      + consulting a friend on engagement ring choice. He wants to do what his mom says. We're standing in front of a display of many rings, I tell him to have a look through them, but to ignore the one that costs about $56,000.

      + (DO) following a guy escaping a bad place. He runs along the dock pushing his way by people waiting for their boats. He says something about them "and you're metal boats." The boat master at the end of the pier calls out after the escaping guy as he dives into his boat and sails away, "where are you going with your chocolate boat?" . The guy sails to the other side of the water (100 yards?) and parks his boat down an incline around a corner and continues his getaway
    7. Unparalleled Storm and City Of Many Clans

      by , 12-25-2015 at 09:02 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was standing on the track field of a very large school. It was big enough to be a university. The track field had flags with designs I had never seen before all around it. It reminded me of the field from Harry Potter where Harry played Quidditch. The grass was well trimmed and was perfectly green. Directly in front of me there was a golden tower. Out of the corner of my eye I see Dylan and Patrick walking up to it. "What's up Cory" Pat says. "What's up bro" I reply. I walk up a stair case to get onto the catwalk of this small tower, and it turns out to be an elevator. I speed up my pace to get in the elevator just to see how it works. Pat sees this and starts running to beat me to it(he does random stuff like this all the time). I get in the elevator. This elevator is all golden on the inside and it is big enough for only 2 people to fit in comfortably.
      Pat gets in the elevator and pushes me out in a non-serious way. "What the heck Pat" I say. I'm now back on the catwalk and Dylan is standing next to me. I look out onto the field once more and notice that my kind-of-friend Thomas is coming towards us. "Dude, what are you guys doing?" Thomas says. "Oh shit it's Thomas, I'm out" Pat says as he pushes the elevator button and the elevator goes up to who knows where. Dylan laughs.. Suddenly a loud siren starts going off. The siren is loud enough that you can hear it from anywhere in, or outside of the school. I can hear it echoing way beyond this school too. It's the kind of sirens the military uses when a bomb is about to be dropped. I run out onto the field in an anxious manner. "Holy shit, are we about to be bombed?" I think to myself.
      I see everyone that was on the field or outside of the school start running to get inside, and it was alot of people considering there were already alot of people on the field alone. I look up into the sky and stand in shock as I see the already overcast sky start to form about 10 tornadoes. All of these tornadoes that are forming are right over the school, and they are huge. A man that works for the school yells out and I can barely hear him say, "Everyone inside right now! Hurry hurry!!". I start sprinting towards him to get inside of the school to take cover. About halfway across the huge field that I'm on, the sky turns into a dark gray color and thunderclouds form. Lightening starts striking as well. I finally reach the school doors where the worker is waiting for me and I run inside.
      As I run inside I notice that the inside of this school already looks hectic. Papers are everywhere and it looks like an entire stampede of panicking people ran through it. I took an elevator to get to the section of the school where the dorms were located so I could take cover in one of them. I pressed a button and the elevator doors closed. It then started going up but seconds into doing so it stopped and the lights in the elevator flickered on and off as though they were shorting out along with the rest of the elevator. "Fuck! No no no, not now!" I yell out. A few more seconds later the elevator starts working again and I find myself moving up once more. The elevator reaches the 2nd floor and I get off.
      I now find myself in the hallway where all the dorms are. I bang on the door of the nearest dorm to me. An asian student opens up the door and lets me in. I get inside and he quickly closes the door. Right as I do so, the power to the whole building goes out. I can tell the asian guy is scared shitless. There's also another guy in the room, but he's just crouched in the corner of the room next to the bed. I go up to the dorm window and push the curtains to the side to look out. As I do so, I see huge pitch black clouds making their way to us. One in particular stands out to me. Its a black cloud, but its really low to the ground and is moving extremely fast right at the window I'm looking out. I take a step back, but I forget to close the curtains. I can see the cloud getting closer and closer. Seconds later the cloud hits the window and shatters it.
      Glass flies everywhere. It flies in my face and the asian guys face. "Fuck!" I yell. Wind is blowing into the dorm at an extremely high speed now, its at least as 80 mph. Suddenly everything goes into slow motion. I look around me and see that the asian guy is on the floor covering his face; He's bleeding. Everything goes back up to normal speed. The asian guy gets back up and takes his hands off his face. He has his mouth wide open and I immediately notice that his 4 front teeth on the top row of his mouth are gone. I crouch down to prevent being hit by anything else and check to see if I still have my teeth. I feel around in my mouth and to my relief, all of my teeth are in place and okay.
      Next thing I know I'm riding with in a car with my parents. My dad is driving and the storm is still going on. "Where are we going?!?!" I ask out loud. "We're going to a barn for a Christmas get-together" my dad says. Soon after we pull into a parking lot in front of the barn. We all get out and walk into the barn. The inside is set up like the main area of a church. There are many rows of benches for people to sit in. They are all made of wood. At the front of this main area there is an elevated wooden platform and a podium. My parents start meeting and talking to everyone that's here. I stay back and think "Why the fuck are we doing this while there's a strong ass storm going on?". I then tell my parents, "Hey, the storms about to his this area, why are we here? We need to leave right now" I tell them. They both agree with me and we walk back outside and get in the car.
      The sky is still dark, but the worst part of the storm still hasn't hit yet.
      Next thing I know, the storm has passed and I'm in the same car with my dad and my sister, but my mom is gone. We are driving around the same area and almost every building is destroyed. Debris is everywhere. I look around in awe. My dad pulls over to an area where a big tree is and we all get out of the car. This tree seems to be the only thing that survived. Everything else around it is leveled. I go up to the tree and my sister follows. I run my hand through the leaves of it. Suddenly a small gerbil comes out from behind one of the leaves and crawls onto my hand. It's fur is white with brown spots. This gerbil is abnormally small too, it's like a mini version of an already small gerbil. I pet it and so does my sister. "Don't let it stay on your hand for to long or it will try to bury into it" my sister tells me. "What? What do you mean?" I ask. Just then, the gerbil digs into the palm of my hand and goes under my skin. To say the least, it hurt pretty bad. I can see the gerbil moving around under my skin.
      After a few seconds the gerbil comes back out. My hand is now bleeding, but its not bleeding normal blood. My blood is purple for some reason. I am now looking right at my hand(not sure why I didn't become lucid lmao) and I examine the gash.

      -I'll journal the other dreams later, its now 2:03 in the morning.
    8. Some Dream Parts

      by , 12-25-2015 at 08:00 AM
      There were two transparent spheres. One had a pink core and another had a green core. Extending from the core to the surface were things that somewhat resembled nerves.

      I was hauling a camper from my grandparents' house and an old rusty bike. I was unsure about hauling the camper because I didn't know how but I safely made it to my parents' old house where I used to live and parked it in the laundry room somehow because I wanted to hide it.

      I was waiting in a store at a checkout counter which was actually two guys sitting at a computer. I wanted to purchase my items but the cashier guys were just paying attention to the computer so I slowly placed my items on the counter and waited but then one of the guys grabbed me and was about to have sex with me but I jumped up and ran into the living room (sudden change of scene) and told my boyfriend what had just happened. It was like a dream within a dream because I was telling my boyfriend about my dream but I was still dreaming and didn't know it at the time.
    9. Such a wonder place to meditate, the temple.

      by , 12-25-2015 at 04:56 AM
      *Such a wonder place to meditate, the temple.
      *Strange apartmenr with old friends.