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    1. Fragment and Hypnagogic Sound

      by , 12-24-2015 at 10:49 PM (The Dream Cauldron)
      (Unconnected dreams indicated by a *. Connected dreams indicated by a •. )

      I call the sound hypnagogic because I was trying to sleep in. When I went downstairs to check, Mom didn't seem like she had called me. Also I am no longer in school and do not go to work so there is no reason she should have called me. It was clearly my name.

      * I am on the Magic School Bus.

      * My mom is calling my name.
    2. DJ#50: Christmas :P

      by , 12-24-2015 at 09:43 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      night of 24/12/15:

      Dream 1: I dreamt that my brother revealed that he was gay, which put me in a bit of a tricky position. I was at school and answering some questions about this from my teachers and classmates. Someone showed me this movie about New York, focusing on Time Square with some beautiful panoramic shots. One teacher in particular seemed quite interested in stuff.
      Tags: non - lucid
    3. 2015-12-24

      by , 12-24-2015 at 08:39 PM
      late to bed, family drama, 2mg melatonin, painful tooth, = not a great night.
      Got a good sleep inertia going into early afternoon, but was interrupted, and some recall vanished.

      + (f) slot cars

      + (f) going into the guy's house?

      + electric fence: outdoors, daylight. Touch it, it gives a strong shock. There are multiple rows of wire strung horizontally, and metal plates are hanging down in between each of the lines. Another guy in my group touches it too and gets shocked. We go to the end and step through it, there are some guys there (in a boat?) leaving this area?

      + company meeting in the prison yard: lots of people there, wow the group is big. computer screen showing assigned places in the meeting. Two prisoners in orange jumpsuits are carrying their (civilian clothing?) in bundles in their arms as they leave this yard, they can't be here when we're holding a meeting.

      + (f) bad guy shoots woman, she survives, she raises the shooter's abandoned child, (shooter is a prisoner in above dream?)
    4. The dream of partying with strangers.

      by , 12-24-2015 at 06:27 PM
      Had several dreams last night, only one was Lucid.

      First dream took place at an unfamiliar house, but in the dream the house belonged to me and it seemed as if this place was part central. All of the dream characters were strangers to me. Just your standard party dream with drinking and being stupid. Things got out of control eventually and faded to the next day where me and some dude were talking about maybe not having another party the next night. [ This is funny because I had just joined this site and my dream was full of strangers celebrating ] Later in the dream I was throwing a football with one my old college fraternity house brothers. I was telling him about the time i smoked dank and passed out standing up hahaha. He was like, "Yeah dude you can't hold that shit in too long or you will fall out". I have started actually talking outloud to characters in my dreams, and this has become a trigger because I wake up but stay in the dream state, because I can hear myself talking in reality, but the dream keeps right on playing. I have been tempted to try to stand up and remain in the dream state. For some reason I resort to whispering to dream characters because once I start talking out loud, I can't go back to mentally thinking what I want to tell everyone in the dream. So, later on in the dream it turns into my typical first person shooter [ Playing too much Farcry will do that] I rocket launchered a semi carrying a load of canned ham...then had to explain to police why my dream boiled over into reality and that I didn't really mean to shoot a RPG into traffic [ false awakening]. Then i woke up, saying WTF?
    5. Highschool

      by , 12-24-2015 at 02:55 PM (sparkley guy dream journal)
      I was on my way to school but it looked to be around 3 pm and it was summer out, none of my friends got on so it sucked, I remember when I got to my locker, I seen my friends and Darius had dyed blue hair but with glue all over it and some else did also. Next thing I remember is walking down the main hall and seeing my friends by the cafeteria and that's all, sorry for the messiness I just woke up lol.
    6. Suppressed Remnants, will rise again

      by , 12-24-2015 at 01:38 PM
      [dream was interesting due to the fact a) I thought issue was resolved b) didn't realise I was thinking about this in the day
      => unresolved & was not a verbalised thought but still there]

      D1 - At work, head was checking books, children had answered all questions wrong, even though they were simple for them 6-2=
      Other teachers defended me as if to say was not my teaching clearly children were not listening, or paying attention to their work.
      Outcome other manager set work for me to do.

      [Primal source of feelings]
      D2 - A silver tray is full of very gloopy redish pink viscous stuff with lumps of muscle or flesh in it. It is alive, the red is kind of blood.
      Someone is looking for me, but i am hidden, hidden inside the flesh and blood, the body.
      I jump out at the end. Ta dar! style.

      [Delay tactics 1,2 &3]
      D3 - I avoid submitting some artwork by sending different peices of art, they come alive and battle to delay the viewer.
      There are 3 waves of attack. The last is made up of lovely fiery bowpeople all in flames, firing arrows.

      It is interesting to see that it is not my actions of the day that are important but what resides in the background or behind my actions.
      I repressed thinking about work, reading a zombie book and doing artwork : these all plopped to the surface in my dreams.
    7. WBTB (5 hours) - Lucid - Bus

      by , 12-24-2015 at 01:13 PM (Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream)
      yoooo I got lucky

      So I dreamed I was a community college student again, and I would take the bus to get there and there was another student on the bus who'd done somethin' to me that I wanted revenge for. And I had this plan like yo, if I could beat this guy up with no consequences... was like I was hoping that soon I would be in a dream where I could beat him up, but then I was like yo lemme check and I did a nose-pinch check and realized I was already dreaming!

      So then I stood in the middle of the bus and raised my arms, willing the bus to lift into the air, and it somewhat reluctantly did, so I started talking excitedly to encourage it. That helped a lot, and pretty soon the bus was like, forty feet off the ground. Think my plan was to smash it on the ground, but I'm not sure how I thought that was gonna work out because one, there were a bunch of other people on the bus who had nothing to do with this guy, and two, I was still on the bus. But then I think instead I got sidetracked and forgot all about the dude because the fact that I was lucid in a dream was more interesting than this made-up lil dream character. That said, I don't remember what happened next. Good times tho. Glad I still got my same old lucid powers.
    8. #63: Penisslip / Gym / Sales / Rainbow carpet

      by , 12-24-2015 at 09:38 AM
      I was quite tired yesterday. Went to bed earlier than normal and read a chapter in my book. The chapter was so long that I ended up really going to bed around the same time as normal (about 23:45). I woke up around 08:30. It's now 09:00

      I'm in my mom's living room. I can tell by the big, black couch. I'm with my friend Sel. I can't recall why, but she is making me take off my shirt. There's nothing really sexual going on between us. I also have to take off my pants. Before doing so I take a moment to look which boxer I'm wearing, as I don't wanna embarrass myself with a childish boxer. It's an ok one. I pull my pants down, but the tip of my penis sticks out of the top of my boxer. Ah crap. I tuck it away asap, but Sel starts laughing and tells me she's already seen it. At this point I'm also hoping that I won't get a boner, because having a bulge in my boxer would be really obvious now. I'm hoping she will take something off as well. She is hot after all. She tells me that she is still dating Lukas. Really? Lukas? He is such a nerdy dude. I can't see them being together, her being out of his league. Also the thought that he is still with Lea is vaguely in the back of my mind.

      Gym (this dream is full of gaps)
      We have to travel a long way to a gym for some physical education class or something alike. We actually have to take the train or bus. The person I'm with and I decide to take the bus I think.

      I recall talking to a white male who was somewhat important. We're in a big room and he's showing us around a bit. He might be the dad of the person I'm with. Eventually we have to leave to take the bus again. It's gonna be a long ride.

      We're in the dressing room, along with some other people. It's time to go back home. Again we can choose between the train and the bus. I have a shitload of stuff to carry with me. I consider leaving some behind and picking it up on the second round, but then I remember how far it is and I don't want to do that.

      We narrowly miss the train I believe, so we decide to take the bus instead. While we're driving I come to the conclusion that I've left some stuff behind. Fuck. I call someone, but he's already left the gym as well.

      At some point while I'm still in the bus I hit the stop button, but I do so too early. I can see the train station a bit further in the distance. I consider getting off anyway, because I'm a bit embarrassed. The bus makes a stop, but I then realise I still have to put on my jacket and get all my stuff together. In the mean time some people start getting off. More and more until finally everyone has left. The bus continues driving with me on it and someone makes a comment which I can't remember. The bus descends rapidly as if I'm on a rollercoaster. I can actually feel the sensation and the tingling in my stomach. Then it's over and we've reached our destination.

      Outside of the bus there's a girl to greet me for some reason. A kind of hostess/promo girl. We strike up a conversation as we walk inside together. She talks about the time she had to sing for a group of people.

      » I'm looking at a fullscreen map of the Netherlands. It's all misshapen. Groningen [a city in the north-east] is in the south-west. The map shows some colouring that I don't understand around Groningen. It makes me wonder what it's supposed to represent.

      » My cousin tells us about how she was on the tram just now. She was seated and on the seats behind her, she had put two boxes. One were the parts for a very expensive cargo bike. Another was filled with baby stuff. When she turned around they were gone. Someone must've stolen them. I feel bummed out for her, but at the same time I wonder why she didn't switch places with her stuff so that she could keep an eye on it.

      » My friend Anthony has posted something on LinkedIn. I don't recall the exact message, but I recall thinking that this was more of a FB post. It's about being grateful or something and about a party. Next thing I'm walking in the park during daytime with my friend Jor. Anthony wants to join us, but apparently the two of them are having a fight. Anthony remains quite normal under it and gives me the gist of the story, whereas Jor definitely doesn't want to talk to him. This is a bit of a weird and uncomfortable situation. I pick out a spot in the park to put a blanket down and chill. At first I thought about getting myself involved, but they can figure it out for themselves.

      I'm the officemanager of a salescompany I used to work for. I'm surprised to find out myself, as I wasn't the best salesman. Even though I'm the manager, I don't know shit about shit and I feel like a fool. I get instructions rather than giving them. My people meet their targets though, which practically means free money for me.

      It's daytime and I'm in a public building where a kid is having his/her birthday party. We're out here to make some sales. I strike up a conversation with 1 or 2 people, but no success. Eventually we move outside, as there are more and more salespeople around this place, working for different charities. Outside are people from my office. It didn't occur to me, but suddenly I realise that I'm holding a BNN sign, which is a organisation that some of us are selling for. Not me though. I have a big laugh at this.

      Rainbow carpet
      Not sure if it's me or someone else, but someone is driving a car around and I'm in it. It's daytime and I can make out the street pattern quite well. At some point there is the consideration of where to park (as in, where is the free parking). I recall the places where you have to pay, so lets avoid those at least. We end up at a roundabout.

      The roundabout is a bit of a magical happy go lucky place. There's a fabric of some sorts which has been lain around the roundabout several times. It's rainbow coloured and quite soft and special. Polgara is also present. We are arranging the fabric again so that it's set properly. My little brother is there as well, sitting behind the computer. I tell him to come and help us. First he makes up the excuse that he's doing homework or something alike. Then he comes with a different excuse. And yet another. Dick.
    9. Bus Ride and Blowing Clouds

      by , 12-24-2015 at 08:56 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. It was nighttime and me, Patrick, and Trey, were all walking through a parking lot. The parking lot lights lit up the area pretty well. We walked to the edge of the parking lot and then walked into the grassy field beyond it. Not far ahead of us was a big hill, and right beyond that big hill was a ditch. We all made our way up the hill. At this point I was semi-lucid. Once we got to the top of the hill we stopped for a moment and looked down at the ditch. Suddenly Trey kicks the grass and as he does so his shoe flies off and into the ditch. "Well shittt" Trey says,"Looks like I'm gonna have to go down there and get it boys". The steepness of the hill we were on was at about a 75 to 80 degree angle. That being said, it would be very difficult for someone to just walk down the side of the hill and into the ditch.
      However, Trey saw no challenge in this and walked right down into the ditch. On his way down his slid a little bit but kept his footing. "Fuck that dude. I'm going around" Pat says. "For sure" I tell him. Pat and I make our way around the ditch to a section where it isn't as steep going down.

      2. I was riding the bus home, but my sister wasn't with me(I usually drive to and from school, but at the moment I'm grounded). The air inside of the bus felt really cool and comfortable. I watched through the window as the bus moved. We were inside of some neighborhood and it was really nice. At the first stop, people got off at usual, but for some reason the bus driver told me that I had to get off of the bus. It wasn't my normal bus driver either. I told this lady that she couldn't just kick me off of the bus for no reason at all and that that was discrimination and unfair treatment(There was alot more to the situation than that, but I can't remember it). I basically went off on her by telling her that she was violating my rights and some laws and stuff, which she was.
      However, this bus driver continued to get more and more heated. I decided I was just going to get off and stop wasting my time and get Pat to come pick me up. With that, I got up and got off the bus. Immediately as I did the bus driver closed the bus doors and drove off. I walked onto the sidewalk and texted Pat to come pick me up. While I was waiting I noticed a big boulder in the grass on the side of the sidewalk. On this boulder was a holographic projection of a red and blue monkey. The monkey was wearing a hat. Suddenly my sister shows up behind me. I tell her to look at the holographic monkey and she looked at in surprise. "This isn't something you see everyday" I told her(lmao, almost got Lucid).
      Next thing I know, Pat pulls up in his red truck. I get in the shotgun seat and close the door. "We're going to my mom's house" he tells me. With that he drives off and we make our way to his mom's house, completely leaving my sister behind(lmfao). On the way there Pat gets the AUX cord and we jam out to some trap music. Once we get to his mom's house he parks in the driveway and we both get out and go inside. His mom's house is 2 stories and looks very nice(in waking life it's only 1 story and alot smaller). We go straight upstairs and into Pat's room. I notice that his bed is in the top left corner of the room when you walk in. His walls are painted an off-white color and his carpet is the same color(In waking life he doesn't even have his own room at his mom's house). I look around the room. I see a two door closet and go and open it up. Inside is a whole pile of little kid toys, specifically for girls. I see some pink toys, some purple toys, and all of them looked very girly in general. In my head I was thinking "Why the fuck does Pat have all these toys, he's 17", but I wasn't aware at the moment so I didn't become lucid.
      I turn around and see Pat playing video games on his T.V. It seems as though the game is Halo 5, but I'm not to sure. I sit down on his bed and grab a controller and join in the game. After playing Halo for about a good 2 or 3 minutes, our friends Casey and Victor walk in. "What's up guys" Victor says. "Yooo, were just chilling man" I tell him. Casey then grabs Pat's 3rd and last controller and starts playing with us.

      3. I was in the cafeteria in school. It was lunchtime. I wasn't sitting with my good friends, but they were friends nonetheless. Joseph and Dylan were my only close friends there. "Yo lets chuck some huge ass clouds guys" Joseph says. I'm already thinking that that isn't a very good idea, but I still get out my box mod. Dylan gets out his mod and so do some of my other friends. We all turn on our mods and juice them. We all start blowing huge clouds into the air straight above us. Alot of people in the cafeteria look over at us in surprise. I look around for any Assistant Principles in the area, and sure enough, behind our table there is an assistant principle as well as a police officer. "Shit" I think to myself, "They can definitely see us.
      I turn around and tell everyone that we should probably stop if we didn't want to get arrested. Having any tobacco related products or nicotine products would get us arrested for sure. "No big deal" Joseph says as he chucks another cloud. I see the Assistant Principle and the cop look over at us and start making their way over. Immediately I turn back around and press on the firing button to my mod 5 times in order to turn it off, but it wasn't working though. My mod wouldn't turn off and for some reason it was still firing and producing vapor. I knew I was in for it lol.

      4. I was inside of some random building, and it had a Japanese style interior to it. I was walking down the main hall of this building with my girlfriend. Once we got to the end of the hall we opened a pair of doors to our left. Right as we opened these doors we were immediately confronted by a Japanese guy dressed in some sort of fighting clothes. "Who are you?" I asked him in an irritated tone. He then teleported right up to my girl and took her and teleported down the hall. "Holy shit this is not good" I thought to myself. I tried teleporting to him, and surprisingly it worked. I grabbed my girlfriend and started on my way out of the building.
      The Japanese dude then teleported in front of us. I kept on running and stiff armed him which put him on the floor. Almost immediately he got up and teleported behind us. I decided I wasn't gonna stop again, so I kinda just looked back at my girlfriend and gave her the "Don't worry I'll come back for you later" look. She returned the look of death to me as though she couldn't get any more pissed than she was at the present moment. I then continued my way out of the building. Once I got outside I looked for my car to drive away from there as fast as possible, but my car was gone. It was no where in sight. Suddenly my sister appears next to me(totally random). I see a futuristic Lamborghini with a chrome paint job not far in front of me.
      I go up to it with all intentions of stealing it. "Cory, the car is locked" my sister tells me. "This is a dream Kayla don't worry" I tell her as I open the driver door of the Lamborghini. I am now Lucid. My sister gets in the passenger seat just in time as I see the Japanese dude sprinting at full speed to stop me from stealing his car(even though he can teleport). I laugh and floor the accelerator and take off with the speed of a bullet. I am now going far above 65 miles per hour down a street in the middle of a heavily populated area. "This is fun" I say out loud.
      I then realize, "Why am I running away? That Japenese dude can't hurt me lmao". I drift and do a U-turn right in the middle of the road and start racing back to where I came from in order to show off this sick car to the huge crowd that was in the area. On the way there, the Japanese guy, who is now in another supercar somehow, tries crashing into me, but I just ram him off the road with ease.

      (Next dream is a little explicit)
      5. I was inside of some huge grocery store just walking around. Suddenly I encounter a girl in a dress. She just stares at me. Suddenly the silence breaks, "Are you gonna fuck me or what?" she asks. I become lucid. I put her against one of the glass doors on the frozen food aisle and rip her clothes off. I then fuck her from the back with an insane amount of force and not long into the session I cum and it makes a mess everywhere.

      Updated 12-24-2015 at 09:18 AM by 65076

    10. Dream assault on underground base.

      by , 12-24-2015 at 08:23 AM
      First entry, here it goes...try not to spook.

      Dream started off in a briefing room with about 20 people in chairs listening to the 1sgt give instructions for the attack. We were given instructions on how to lanyard our weapons to our bodies with two attachments. The weapon was similar to the machine guns in Starship Troopers ( this is getting exciting already). We were told that we would be crossing into enemy territory in broad daylight on foot, and that the base was underground approximately 1 square kilometer in size. We headed out running across an open field which soon turned into some kind of stadium where there was a sporting event taking place. As we ran by people didn't even notice us. I entered the base via a storm door, the kind where people run to during a tornado. I ran into an open area where people where sitting listening to a speaker give a lecture. That's when i opened up on them, full auto. Yes, it's kind of scary to put this out there given todays climate with terrorism, but that's what it was. Bad part is, nobody ran for cover or shot back at me. This lasted about a minute in dream time and I ran like hell out of the place, and onto a highway. The dream was extremely violent and very realistic, the vividness of it had me out of breath when i woke up. I remember thinking to myself, Oh my God why did I do that? It felt like someone else's memory or dreamscape. I really hope not, because it was evil.

      Updated 12-24-2015 at 08:27 AM by 89588

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    11. Losing track

      by , 12-24-2015 at 08:00 AM
      I remember the dream I had last night..!

      Part of it, that is..!

      But I got to join a group of mages on a quest..! Seemed fun at first, however I tried to follow a map and lost track of everyone else in my group.. Needless to say I ended up getting super lost..

      Even in dreams, my sense of directions are bad..! xD
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    12. Unlikely Furnace

      by , 12-24-2015 at 06:51 AM
      Morning of December 24, 2015. Thursday.

      …And so now it appears that I enter my yearly stage where the heat of our environment has the most influence on my dream states, at least during certain times in the morning.

      Yet again, twenty years or so of memories are seemingly randomly scrambled in the dream state (of course, only certain stages of certain dream states). I am at least living with my wife Zsuzsanna and our children but we are apparently living in some sort of altered version of the Loomis Street house (unlike any other altered version I had seen in any previous dream). A variation of the large reverse-L-shaped closet (that joins two bedrooms somewhat as a “hallway”) is mostly featured here.

      At one point, there seems to be a small fire inside the wall, visible through a small hole. When I go to check out the possible source and exact location (and to see how far it has spread assuming it has) and check the other side of the wall, there is an odd “secret” panel built into the wall which I may or may not have known of before, accessible from the front small bedroom (but still hard to reach through to), where there are two cream-colored dials (similar to the design of a 1960s radio), one above the other by about four inches and around the level of my lower chest. Each dial seems connected to some sort of isolated door-latch-like feature slightly above it, in a shallow recess. I am aware, oddly enough, that each dial controls a particular door elsewhere in the house, one being the bathroom, I think, and another, a different bedroom. In order to fully get to the dials, I need to unscrew two screws at opposite vertical ends of the panel. The act of doing this is very “realistic” and palpable, as well as with no time distortions (or typical dream “shortcuts”). I put the two screws on a shelf in the closet at about shoulder level. When I notice a sink in the closet (as if for a bathroom) it does not seem out of place. Regarding the two screws, it seems one is sliver and one is gold. (On a side note, the act of unscrewing two or more screws with such an extreme level of focus, clarity, and tangibility, seems to be something that has only happened in my dreams over the past couple of years or so - it may relate to “opening up” other levels of consciousness though this is not certain.)

      When I have easier access, the dials seem to be damaged from either lack of use or from the fire, which I do not presently see. There is some powdery substance around each small “latch” which seems to possibly be disintegrated wood or ash, seemingly causing the dial to not work as it should. I try to see if I can shut the relevant door located in another room by turning one dial, but it is difficult. I ask my wife to check, but nothing seems to be happening other than the other door slightly swaying. The remote shutting of a door in another part of the house by using a small dial built inside a wall is an intriguing concept and I think this is the first time it has featured as such in a dream (at least with more clarity). Still, how would I know when the door was actually open or shut (or locked) without a partner telling me from another room - otherwise I would have to wander back and forth numerous times (I think there is a “message” here somewhere). Apparently, if the latch-like feature above the dial clicks into a certain position (at “12 o'clock), I assume that means the unseen door in another room is shut - but again, it does not seem to work, the feel of the dial being too "soft” where it should probably click in its operation related to the other small feature.

      I am annoyed by the failure of the dials to operate either door, either in opening them or in keeping them closed and possibly even locked. I eventually notice a large fire under the sink (with no doors under the sink) again, inside the closet, facing east, where the closet door is. The fire is “supposed” to be there it seems, but seems just a bit too large and shooting out from the sides somewhat. (Of course, there was no sink - or a furnace - in this closet in reality.) My friend Rick S is in the house, possibly just visiting us, and I ask him to turn down the thermostat while I still examine the dials. Eventually, in addition to the adjustment near the sink-furnace composite I realize that the two dials are probably related to the thermostats in two different adjacent rooms rather than what I originally assumed them to be for. No wonder there has been a fire. The dials need to be turned back counterclockwise to at least “10 o'clock” so that the fire and heat is not as extreme.

      This dream is based on some real-life associations; firstly, the extreme heat, secondly, several of the doors in this house have always been problematic, opening up shortly after closing them (the back door and bathroom door in fact, needing to be locked to keep them closed - otherwise they will just pop open), and thirdly, one of the doors below the sink is off and needs to be replaced or reset with different holes and screws.
    13. Mazes DILD

      by , 12-24-2015 at 06:13 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I appear to be in a forest walking on the dirt road. There was another person with me and I believe we were trying to find a way out. I had some sort of vechile that allowed me to travel by leaping large distances. I soon found myself in a desert. The other person with me began yelling for me to come back down. As I did I told them we had to climb a mountain in order to find the exit. Stating that I wouldn't lie but they seem more concern with a candy bar at the moment. The scene change with me,my father and brother all walking in to a store. I caught on to the change and analyse the cinnamon filling bags. That's when I could feel the dream fading while the lights were going off and on. I knew I am dreaming now and prepared for DEILD. Later on to say it was unsuccessful.
      lucid , non-lucid
    14. A Gift and Drama at the Restaurant

      by , 12-24-2015 at 04:16 AM
      I remember a fragment of a dream where I opened a Christmas gift from my aunt and it was a jigsaw puzzle of an outdoor landscape.

      Then I walked into a restaurant where my boyfriend had gotten a job. In front of me a blonde-haired man walked in. The young, blonde-haired hostess happily greeted him with a smile but something about the quiver in the corner of her mouth indicated that something about the man made her uneasy.

      Then I was sitting at a table in the restaurant drinking a sweet tea. Then I was lying my head and upper half of my body across the table, napping with a blanket. Some people were talking at a nearby table. The waitress greeted me by asking if I am ok. "Yea," I said as I stirred from my short nap. The waitress asked me what I wanted to order and I put on my glasses that were lying on the table and picked up the menu to look at it. I told her I needed more time to order and she went away. I only had between two and three dollars in my bank account, only enough to pay for the tea, so I knew I couldn't order any food so I wanted to just leave but I had to pay for the tea so I realized I would have to wait for the waitress to come back so I could tell her there wasn't anything on the menu I wanted.

      Then my boyfriend came and sat down at the table. He offered to pay for the tea and buy me food but I told him I didn't want any. He said something like "Don't evaluate your life situation after tea." I asked him why and he wouldn't answer. He told me to find something from the menu that I wanted. As I was looking at the menu a different waitress came to take my order. I was about to tell her I didn't want anything when simultaneously the menu turned blue and I asked myself "Am I dreaming?" But just as I realized I was dreaming everything turned black and I thought I had woken up but I'm not sure.

      With all lucidity lost, the dream continued and the next thing I remember I was walking out of the restaurant with my boyfriend. On the way out he flirted with a girl so when we got outside I jumped on him and we wrestled around some before I broke away running yelling "I am going to break up with you." He yelled back "No, I am good for you." I continued to run towards my car as fast as I could with my boyfriend chasing after me. Behind the restaurant there were people sitting on top of cars partying but my car wasn't there so I realized I must have parked in front of the restaurant. I thought my boyfriend would be mad at me for forgetting where I parked because for some reason it was an unusually long walk from the back of the restaurant to the front.
    15. 12/20/15: Ice Bars, Facehuggers, and Hoverballs (Plain)

      by , 12-24-2015 at 02:19 AM
      - Meh, not too much. at the beginning of a not-stressful week.

      [Dream 1]:
      This truck (blue or red) and my advisor for chem who is my dad in the dream were out in this field, apparently to do a photo shoot. He's carrying this metal mesh that he's ripped into three or so peices, but suddently this facehugger/horseshoe crab hops out and stings him on the shoulder, and continues to jump around. Apparently, it's poisonous.

      [Dream 2]:
      I'm at this "Ice Bar" for some sort of community outreach program. It's this big chunky white building, possibly inspired by a Minecraft mod. It's rather empty on the inside, outside of a couple spinny/lawn chairs. Me, L, and S are all in there. S is clearly high as usual and asks me if I want to "hang out" like he usually does, and I reject. L laughs, and I leave...

      [The dream fragments...]
      non-lucid , side notes