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    1. DJ Entry 3 12/18/2015

      by , 12-18-2015 at 10:38 PM
      I Can't Recall Much, But Here's What I Remember. I Was Waking Up In A Different Living Room Than Mine, Which I Might Have Been Lucid. In The Living Room, I Remember Seeing Lots Of Pets. For Some Reason, They Were Gone, But It Didn't Bother Me All That Much Knowing I Was Lucid. Few Minutes Later, I Saw A Human Sized Robot For Whatever Reason, I Thought It Was Just My Subconcience Probably

      Later I Got On A Computer, BTW, I Don't Think I Was Lucid BEFORE This, But For Whatever Reason, The Computer Was Not The Normal 8. Instead, It For Some Reason Was 2000. Tried To See If I Could Get On Minecraft, But All The Sudden, I See A Bunch Of Viruses And Adware Pop Up In An Old Styled Computer Fashion. This Is Where I Get Lucid. I Tried To Teleport To My School, Just To Explore Around A Little.

      For Some Reason, It Has Two Extra Floors And... A Walmart Behind It? I Had Earlier Also Remember Eggnog At The Back Of The Fridge. I Didn't Even Have That, But That Certainly Would Not Make Me Lucid As It Is Close To The Holidays. Anyways, For Some Reason When I Stepped Into The Walmart Area In The Back Of My School I Ended Up Waking Up (For Real)

      Sorry If This Dream Is Kind Of Boring :/. I Honestly Didn't Create Anything As I Just Wanted To Explore. Sorry.
    2. DJ#44: Tavern Plans

      by , 12-18-2015 at 09:30 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      A short fragment about being in a dark medieval inn, torches flickering, discussing rebellious plans with a group of people.
      dream fragment
    3. VR gaming dream

      by , 12-18-2015 at 09:28 PM
      Three kid playing CS(fps game) on VR headset on 2nd floor, The 2nd floor house have balcony at the back with stairs to outside first floor. Every once a while weird stuff happen in the house like things weren't at the same place, light was turn off but came home with light on
      There is this old dirty and crazy lady that talks to her self in a language no body can understand live near by, Every once a while she will wonder up to the house and look into windows many times she walk to the back of the house up the balcony looking into the house.
      So back to the 3 kid that was playing the game on VR headset. The game glitch out stuck on the same screen for few sec and came back glitchy, Is was really weird normally when game glitch/stuck you will get log off or just unplayable, all of the sudden the game gets really bloody, player gets kill by flying cars fly and crash people to dead they were able to see all the details like body crush to pieces. One of the 3 kids got board of it and took off the VR headset trying to reset it to normal another yell why you took it off you haven't even quit the game yet (sounded horrific) and all of the sudden the guy took the VR headset drop to the ground. Those guys hear a loud falling sound quit the game and check what is going on one of the kid standing near the stairs fell a cold breeze and notice the front door were slightly open down stairs he runs down stairs to check if anyone was home trying to get some help the guy at 2nd floor yells HIS DEAD. that kid ran back up stairs he saw that dead kids face look totally deform his tongue were handing out eyes wild opens. he pick up the phone dialing 911 while on the phone both of them hear someone is talking at the back of the house on the balcony when they look over they saw the shadow of that old lady hunchback. One guy walk up to window so close to that old lady he can see every detail on her,messy white hair with the tooth looking like piranha. That old lady start to get really mad ran back down and up while yelling. Seems like she's talking to ghost around her all of the sudden she had a straight eye contact with the kid by the window she start to walking away down to the stairs. This guy felt like his frd death have something to do with this old lady he opens the back door of balcony that old lady ran back so fast in a flash . He try to punch her the old lady bite hand off and I woke up.
    4. 2015-12-18 pretty long non-lucid sex dream, very vivid at end

      by , 12-18-2015 at 08:58 PM
      The sex dream wiped out the rest of the recall for the night.

      + not great recall of it now, but it was quite intense and seemed fairly long.
      Coming down (escalator) to area (filming?) where lots of kinky/fetishy things were going on. BJ from girl with long snake neck, her head turning around in circles on that stalk. Intercourse with another. Another at a table?

      Then I'm entering a bus parked outside. There is a rocky lava step leading up to the bus with a sleeping bag laid across it. Inside, I hear a guy and a girl going at it in the bus, she's moaning loudly. I lie down and pretend to be asleep on the stairs of the bus. They stop and the guy (I sense) is in the front seat looking down at me while I pretend to sleep. At one point I blink my eyes and just look at the floor.

      Then I'm approaching a large conference center. I hear an amplified voice, the speaker. It's a conference for pregnant women. "Lots of females here!" I think and go inside. Yup, seems like all the women are pregnant and that's not my thing. I find one girl who's attractive and go up to her. Everything seems so vivid, I'm starting to doubt [that it's a dream? I do not think "dream". That what I'm doing is without consequences?]. I drop my pants in front of her (she's sitting on a couch) and I wonder if she is going to go crazy at this. She accepts it and starts in and the dream fades.
    5. #184 - My house

      by , 12-18-2015 at 08:56 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      SC4) 05:30
      Dream - My house
      I'm in a modern house which I seem to own. It's at least 2 stories tall and has a soft grey carpet and glass window railings you can see over to look at the first floor. It's night time and I keep getting up from bed to go to the toilet and also to fill up my water bottle. The toilet is on the other side of the house which is quite far to walk. I do this a couple times, the second time I think to myself that I should just use the toilet next to my room. Why am I walking all the way over here if there's a toilet next to my room? Also, it's so dark and scary over here. There's so many shadows that it feels like someone is hiding in, I'm going to lock this side of the house. I think to myself that I need to find the keys near my room then come back here and lock the door, then I can go sleep in peace again.

      Struggled to wake up at all, I seemed to sleep like a brick right until 5:30. I remember that I did have a few other dreams but I didn't manage to write them down and they never stay in my head until the morning.
    6. Basic Task Completed!

      by , 12-18-2015 at 07:47 PM (The Dream Cauldron)
      (Unconnected dreams indicated by a *. Connected dreams indicated by a •. )

      This dream was written in past tense because I was so excited at completing the basic task that I forgot to write in present tense.

      • I fell asleep at 7 AM and soon found myself in a dream. At first, I only thought I was waking up after my nap. But after I witnessed time shifting (first I saw the evening star, then it was morning again, then night) in front of my eyes out my window, I did a nose pinch RC and realised I was dreaming. I got out of bed and walked downstairs. I looked into the dining room where I saw my mom. I then had a false awakening. My suspicion caused me to do another RC. I could breathe, so I knew I was still dreaming. I went to the fridge and opened it, and saw it was full of pudding cups. I decided since this was a dream, I could eat as many as I wanted. I ate a burger and it tasted like the real thing but the flavor was a bit weaker. I tried to utilize some dream control by conjuring up a backpack to put the pudding cups in. The backpack didn't appear even after I believed it would (heard you should believe, not try), but I just pretended to unzip the backpack and put the pudding cups in. I then walked out the door, pretending to be carrying a backpack, and decided to take a walk. I then remembered that I wanted to do the task of the month, which was laugh in a DCs face. I walked past a few people, then came across a guy who was fixing his fence. I walked up to him and proceeded to laugh right in his face. It was weak laughter, but that was probably due to it being a dream. I DID try to raise my chin and laugh like a villian in a cartoon, no matter how weak the laughter was. The man didn't give me a response.

      Updated 12-18-2015 at 07:56 PM by 64918

      lucid , false awakening , memorable , task of the month
    7. Stalker

      by , 12-18-2015 at 06:19 PM
      I’m in New Zealand mountain biking by myself. I’m catching tons of air and biking on very narrow and uneven passages but I’m not scared at all. Something happens that keeps me for a long time and when I go to return the bikes it’s night time and the gates are closed. I don't know what I’m going to do. Then I realized that the blue gate is motion sensored, so i get in. The workers take my bike and I get ushered to the front of the line.

      I’m playing a game with a group of people. We are listening to a recording and watching a screen of random images and we have to come up with a good catchphrase in under 1.5 minutes. My recorder isn’t working at first. I see an aerial view of the flight paths to and from New Zealand and think of saying something about a plane but I don’t know enough about them. There is an underwater mountain range to the north east of NZ and an island called New Delhi.. Then I see an image of a woman in the ocean and one her breasts is sticking out of the water. I decide on “Tits: Because everything in the ocean is naked anyway” and I think it is so hilarious. All of a sudden I’m in the ocean swimming with B&A. There’s a koi fish following me and I try to bop it away because it grosses me out. A looks scared and tells me to swim fast. I assume it’s a shark and know that I’m not fast enough to out-swim a shark. I swim toward the boat and am amazed how fast I am. Turns out it was a massive group of koi fish chasing us. I wake up within another dream and tell my husband about my hilarious catchphrase.

      I see a series of small children doing a funny hobbit dance in hobbit style clothes. It is so cute. I find out that they belong to attractive, young, trendy lesbians. All of them adopted except for one girl who claims to be the only one with both of her mothers’ genes. I’m not sure how that’s possible. Perhaps a three way mixture of both eggs and the donor sperm. I’m in the dining room and one of the lesbians who looks a bit asian american is painting henna free-hand on the wall. She tells me I need to unleash the intense creative power within me.
      I’m renting out a duplex with my older sister. There’s a couple that live next door, but our places are also connected from the inside. Sometimes we use their bathroom. Once the man knocked on our door, asking to hang out. My sister is uncomfortable but I feel like we owe him so I allow him in. I go to sleep at some point and wake up in the middle of the night with him next to me. He’s pinning me down. He tries to tickle me a little bit. I scream at him but can't make any sound. I weakly realize it's because I'm dreaming. I try to get away. I finally break free and he follows me. I get my sister and tell that we need to leave now. She’s paralyzed with fear so I carry her out to the side of the road that looks like my parent’s street. There are a lot of white cars and I don’t know which one is ours. I unlock one and he gets in the driver seat and drives away, thinking I’m in there with him. I unlock my mom’s van and we frantically get inside and peel out. We’re taking an alternate route to my mom’s work. When I get to her work I write what happened with a quill and ink on a belt and in a black and white fashion magazine. Then I go to work, which happens to be a high end fashion show. He’s there and part of the show. Everyone loves him and thinks he’s so sweet and innocent. It makes me sick. My husband is there. After the show he goes to work an Asian breakfast restaurant and ignores us when my husband gently confronts him. I go home. I turn on the light in my bedroom and he’s laying in my bed with sunglasses. This is the second time he’s done that. “I told you you have to stop doing that!” I yell at him. At this point I decide that my best strategy is manipulating him, since resisting hasn’t worked. I get in bed and ask him why he’s doing this. We have an argument about dolphin swimming and water depth. He tries to impress me by showing me the millions of “stickies” he has under the covers for his cell phone. We go together to a different room that looks like my mom’s room. We’re playing baseball with a bunch of older kids in there. He’s the coach. Everything is disorganized. I bide my time and then after a while, say I have to go to the bathroom. I grab my phone that I left the previous night and I go into my bedroom. I contemplate that it’s a lot like Becky’s old bedroom. I try and think of a solution to my predicament. I think of asking people on dream views how to get rid of a stalker. But I realize it would be a dream stalker, following me and assaulting me in all of my dreams.

      Updated 12-18-2015 at 07:46 PM by 70665 (Remembered more)

      Tags: semi-lucid
      non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    8. Ghost of winter past and Dream Ink

      by , 12-18-2015 at 06:03 PM (Here be dragons)
      I'm at tha old university, there seem to be a problem with my diploma and the administration is as helping as usual. I get fed up and frustrated and walk out to get a breather. Here I met with a young man*, talking with me about my training period under his wing and being pretty clueless and hurtful. I get even more upset and get away from him, goign to the hospital collaborating with the university. I get down to the basement, which has turned into a sort of warehouse full of glimmering machinery. Operating one of those is the man I worked with, tinkering with it while someone watch. I notice a woman and a toddler off to the side, and while I can't see their face I know that they are his wife and son. I'm happy to see them well and happy; the boy is playing and squealing when his mother give him ice chips to eat. She propose me one and her husband mock-scold her about it; I say that I'll never pass the occasion to eat a book, and she hands me some "dictionnary ice". It doesn't have any particular taste, but I thank her. The man and me talk a little, sharing news. He seem pretty upset that I left the university and the project we worked on, and I try to tell him how hard it was for me, but I make myself upset and can't say the words. He seem to understand and stops me. Before I leave he looks like he's going to hug me, but both of us are too shy and akward for it.

      *my superior was a young woman, but she had a lot of students to work with so I was left to my own devices a lot.

      I woke up pretty early and decided to go for a WBTB.

      I'm slightly lucid, enough that I want to track down the forceful man. The sky is overcast again, the colors both muted and intense. I find myself in a busy crowd, walking on a path in a park. It got a nice landscaping, with stones paths like the one I'm walking on, with nice half buried archways providing shadows in the summer, ponds and old trees, but the paths are riddled with potholes, and this one is caked with feces and sick. It's disgusting and people around me are obvious to it, except a woman who is desesperatly trying not to step in it. I follow her steps and we end up in a store, as crowded as the park, but at least it's clean. I caught a glimpse of a blond-haired man dark clothing, his hair silvery in the artificial light, but he disappear before I can reach him. I fall back to the woman I was with, she's arguing with a vendor about something. Finally she get her bag and smile to me, so we get out together. I ask her about the man I'm looking for, and she seem pretty disaprouving. She tells me he live on the upper hills, in a castle or a manor. I ask her to guide me, and that's the last lucid thing I do, but she say I can't go now. She takes me back to the park, in a nook that's cleaner that the rest, with a old bathtub with clawed feets. The bathtub is full of soapy water, and I strip off to get in and wash off the filth from earlier. The air os cold but the water warm, so I only let my head out of it. The woman unbraids my hair and wash it, before pulling out of her bag a big comb made of black, shining wood with a ivory and onyx handle, curved like a vine and orned with a flower. She starts to comb my hair, taking strands of it out the tub to do so then putting it back in. It float around me, filling half of the tub and covering me like algae.
      She then tells me I need some markings to do what I have in mind. She asks me to sit up and I do, shivering in the cold air. She put something cold and hard against my back, between the shoulderblades, telling me it's for speed and flight, and then show me the metallic plate she used: on it is a creature that at first glance looks like a eastern dragon, a snake body with a horned horse head and insect-like wings. It's six limbs are strangely human, and it's warped on itself in a mess of wings and coils. I barely have to see it before she puts my legs out of the water, my head going under and my exposed skin erupting in goose-bumps. I push my head out, spultering, as she pushes two similar plates against my inner thighs, close to my panties. She tells me I'm wearing Lilith's hands* now, and when she takes out the plates I can see that I've got two very intricate design of hands tatooed on my skin in back ink, left hand on right thigh, right hand on left thigh. It's slightly innerving; it looks like the right hand has a eye embedded in it, and as if someone is pushing my legs appart.

      *Lilith is supposed to be the mother of monsters, and I birthed a snake in a previous dream. I don't know if it's linked, but it's there.

      Updated 12-18-2015 at 06:07 PM by 88858

    9. Back-to-back YA dreams (this happened last week, too)

      by , 12-18-2015 at 03:16 PM (Journal #86)
      12-18-15: Everything's been up and down like somewhat of a crazy game of Magic # (a Pricing Game on The Price Is Right with an impressive design that scared the crap out of me when I was younger when it appeared from a fade-in) months after I updated my Dream Journal. Also, I've been busy with other things, including a personal blog during that time.

      Last night, however, left me with some inspiration to write after a heck of a bad day, as most of the stuff (the plot, some characters) in Secret Agent 25, or SA-025, for short (my attempt at a YA novel), are inspired by dreams I have had since the 1992-93 year living in Maryland (when my parents separated in 1991-92 and I was 6 going on 7 at the time) to now.

      Ever since I started on SA-025, I have had a series of strange dreams involving possible characters, and most of those DCs had no spoken lines--even Wednesday (which was uneventful) and last week when it marked the return of the 'office buildings outside my room window' dream, something recurring since 2006-07.

      This time, it was a possible scene from later on in the series of SA-025, where possibly another Agent 25 was talking to someone, and this transpired:
      "Does this mean we'll move to South Florida?" Agent 25 asked.
      "No." A female chaperone said, sternly.

      Later on, Agent 25 and the woman went inside the building, looking like a library, where there was another woman sounding like a strict teacher I had at Southeast Raleigh Magnet High in the 2001-02 year, trying to give words of motivation, and just before the dream ends, there's a teenage girl with what appears to be a Surface tablet and it appears she is logged on to Twitter at a table, similar to a dream I had in the 2014-15 year, having brown eyes and brown hair, but she has no spoken lines as Agent 25 looks over her shoulder like a teacher. She also had a pink case to carry her Surface.

      I have a feeling this may have taken place in Hemet, California, as the villainous Sterling clan's mansion in SA-025 is there, and the dream suggested it gets turned into an underground library. It could also have taken place somewhere in North Carolina, too, where a building for villains may have also been turned into an underground library.

      I also have a tendency to throw DCs into my book as well, so I'll see what happens. Turning the Sterlings' mansion in my attempt at a YA novel into an underground library may not be such a bad idea. I don't mind getting dreams like this, personally.

      (For those who don't understand, YA stands for young-adult fiction. It is a popular genre of books amongst teenagers.)
    10. #57: Persistent housemate / WILD

      by , 12-18-2015 at 09:07 AM
      I went to bed at 23:30. I woke up around 07:00, rolled around in my bed for a while and eventually fell asleep again. It's now 08:45 (I snoozed a few times).

      » It's already dark outside. I'm in a park. I'm following a guy who seems quite creepy and pervy. I kill him, I believe because someone gave me the assignment to do so.

      Persistent housemate
      I'm standing in a kitchen. I'm not myself. Instead I'm Garion, one of the main characters from a book I'm reading. There's another person in the kitchen. A guy, I think my housemate. I have been assigned to kill him in a very specific way that involves poisoning him. It's too complicated and I go for another method. Eventually I decide to throw two knifes at his chest. He throws one knife back and I'm scared for a moment. I'm sort of frozen in fear and can't do much to evade the knife. I'm lucky however, as the hilt of the knife hits me in the throat, leaving me unharmed. I don't think he also threw the second knife back. He doesn't make much of an effort to fend of this attack. I take a metal watercooker and hit him with it several times. It's still warm. So warm that I can't have my skin touch the metal for too long, cause it hurts. I decide to push the metal against his.. face? This guy is still alive. I consider pouring the hot water over him, though I can't recall actually doing so. At some point Polgara, another character from the book, joins me in the kitchen. She doesn't do anything though. I feel like she is on my side and 'outranks' me a bit. Eventually I'm in the hallway with my housemate and I throw him down the stairs. Just at the moment that I let go, someone rings the doorbell. I mention to Polgara, who is still standing in the kitchen, that this is just perfect. We'll pretend he fell down the stairs while wanting to answer the doorbell and that's how he died. I'm aware of the fact that I'm ignoring the knife wounds in his chest, but I honestly don't really care anymore. That guy was insanely difficult to kill. I go down to answer the door. My housemate has someone ended up outside. I walk outside (it's daytime) and I look at the remains of his body. There's barely half a body left. There are two men standing in the garden basically not caring at all. I still pretend to be shocked by the fact that I have just found my housemate in this condition. The guys are gangsters of sorts and they wanted to deal with my housemate and his girlfriend I think. They go up the stairs and towards one floor above the kitchen, where my housemate's room is.

      After waking up I laid down comfortably again. After a while I noticed that I was quite aware while I was transitioning into a dream. The dream hadn't stabilised yet though, which made me wonder if perhaps I was just caught up in my thoughts. I could still hear a sound from the real world. I didn't consider the idea that I was WILDing and I moved around a bit, which snapped me out of it.
    11. #183 - True SC1 / Boar hunt / Bomb shelter / Balding / Restaurant / Disgusting Toes

      by , 12-18-2015 at 06:43 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      SC1) 12:51
      True SC1
      I woke up and had some small memories of dreamlets but nothing solid enough to put on paper. I did a WBTB to let the cat out of my room and also to eat some apple crumble (because why not? )

      I don't usually wake up at this time so this is the first I've woken up for the 1st sleep cycle of the night.

      SC2) 02:32
      Dream - Boar hunt
      I was in my house, yet it didn't exactly resemble it at first. It seemed that we were on a camp (university camp?) and I found out there was a huge pig/boar running around in the house. I decide to deal with it, it's in a small room that has a refrigerator and other food stuff in it. I knock the boar unconscious somehow and wonder if I should put it into the freezer and let it die that way? Hmm oh well I'll leave it for now. I decide to go ask for help, I head outside and on my way out of the small room I see a stack of bagged pig meat and blood and guts. When I get outside I see 3 guys and maybe 4 girls all sunbathing. The guys have their shirts off and the girls are bikinis, they're all lying on beach towels on the back deck of my house (though it's clear it's not my 'house' if that makes sense). I also remember one of the guys who was called Alex Sigley. I speak up and ask if someone wants to go half with me on the boar I just killed, 3 of the guys say yes but none of the girls want any. One girl then gets up with a sigh as she knows how to deal with the boar (butchering it or something) which is what I wanted, I have no clue how to deal with this thing.

      My current WBTB alarm is set to 02:00 and I need to set it to 02:30 I think, as that seems to be the right time to wake up.

      SC3) 04:18
      Dream - Bomb shelter
      I'm on a road near where I live there the road forks off. There was quite a few people here on the road with me and we were chatting (though I don't remember who they were). We must have been doing some sort of roadworks. Things were pretty happy during most of the dream but towards the end a train arrived. It turned the corner out of one of the roads that forked off and headed onto our road (this is impossible, and also there's no train there in RL). We alert each other to the train and head over to the pavement, I have to pull along a retard who was clapping his hands. There's a person doing the announcements, he berates us and I notice we're missing some people. The missing people had been 'dealt with'. "Keep away from the manhole cover!" the announcer announced angrily. I can tell he's evil. The manhole cover he spoke of was a sort of 'time capsule' for the rich, so they could be protected in the case of nuclear fallout (Fallout 4 reference I guess). There's a bunch of rich folk (who look like they're from the 1950s) streaming out of the train I think, but they had also supposedly just exited the manhole, but they were walking towards the manhole (rather than away from it), and also seemed to be walking past it. (Poor dream logic but I didn't catch on so no lucid ).

      SC4) 05:58
      Dream - Balding
      I'm in the bathroom looking into the mirror, WHAT THE HELL. My hair has bald patches all through it! Ugh, oh no... This can't be real? I have a FA and I'm in the bathroom again, but this time my hair is normal. Phew, it was just a dream . I keep looking at the mirror just to make sure, my reflection is quite accurate. But as I look at my eyes... My iris' don't seem right, they look like solid green disks with a black pupil that isn't quite in the center. Hmm??? It changes a couple times, why is it doing that? Oh wait, I must be dreaming. It all seems so obvious now. I take a step back and my vision is that of a severely drunk person, why can't I see well? I decide on going straight to doing telekinesis on the toilet. I raise my hand and will the toilet to float but to no avail. Meanwhile I'm still seeing the world in a sort of drunken state. Geeze maybe that's why I can't do telekinesis? Oh! It must be because I went cross-eyed looking at my reflection earlier? ( best dream logic) I 'uncross' my eyes and the dream becomes less shaky. That's better. I walk out of the bathroom and to my room, I try to do telekinesis again but my vision kind of becomes a bit drunk once more and I'm unsuccessful at telekinesis.

      SC5) 07:00
      Dream - Restaurant
      I remember being in a restaurant and I think I'm an employee. The restaurant has a dark wooden texture and has an appropriate dim mood-light setting for dining out. I'm at the checkout talking to an Indian girl who is a fellow employee, I think we're talking about something and she might be teaching me how to work here. Her face is next to mine, side by side with a bit of a gap between us. She says something and it's a bit flirtatious and she moves in to kiss me. Our lips touch and I'm like 'Oh shit, have I just cheated on my gf? Well... I'm in the middle of the kiss, I'll wait until it's over' (for some reason I thought this was the only option ). The kiss was very vivid, I remember closing my eyes to it and feeling the texture of her lips, they soft and have a smooth feeling which made me think it wasn't quite right for how kissing should feel. She gets into the kiss, I wake up before it finishes.

      I tried writing this down but all I wrote was 'Kiss in restaurant, I'm an employee'. I must have really struggled to stay awake O_O

      Dream fragment - Disgusting Toes
      I'm in the living room at home and see that my mum has just gotten home from work. She's taking her shoes off as I go and talk to her about my toes. They have these absolutely revolting, putrid, disgusting bubbly veruca wart growths on them, mostly on my big left toe, the bottom of the toe next to it and a couple other toes. My mum doesn't take it seriously enough, can she see how disgusting it looks? I'm a little stressed and anxious about the whole thing. I remember that I may have gotten them from an earlier dream in the night where I was running at night time with a couple people. Something happened and there was broken glass on the ground which had the blood of someone else I was with on it. I got a few shards in my toes and that's how my foot got infected it seems.
    12. #182 - Home / WILD

      by , 12-18-2015 at 05:56 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Dream - Home
      I'm at home in my room, yet outside is the back deck rather than the front deck and sitting at a round wooden table are two girls drinking coffee. I'm trying not to be caught I think, as I think me and another girl are doing 'things' in my room. Are the deed is done I think I clean up my room a bit, and I remember that the 2 girls outside had vivid outfits, one I think was wearing blue and yellow gym gear and the other was wearing red and blue. The curtains (which were drawn so no one could see into my room) were the same as the ones I had when I was a kid, with little animals and stuff on it. I think my cat Peaches was in my room too.

      SC2) 04:50
      Dream - WILD
      After waking up from my last dream I didn't manage to get back to sleep. I had done a WBTB and must have woken myself up too much. After rolling around in bed for over an hour I ended up getting visuals and sensations but I didn't manage to fully transition to a dream. Eventually I realize I'm in a dream right as it started ---> I'm at home in the family room sitting on the sofa, there's a few people and everything is very realistic. Someone says something which slightly deviates from what I remember to be the truth which spurs me to do a RC. It succeeds and I'm a little unsure, this is so real, how can it be a dream? I reality check several times and confirm that it's definitely a dream so I walk on outside and try to stabilize (even though it's actually quite stable already) by shouting "Stabilize!" loudly, yet it isn't as loud as it should be. I try this several times, I'm hoping to boost the stability and depth of the lucid dream but it backfires as I end up destabilizing the dream.
      lucid , non-lucid
    13. Watching water stunts

      by , 12-18-2015 at 04:54 AM

      *Watching water stunts.
      *Using kratom to be more social at max.
      *Giving my mother advice about her living situation. Uncomfortable phone conversation because of Jeffrey.
      *Shopping for house items for my mother.
    14. Purple dinosaurs / Side-scroller novice / In System Shock

      by , 12-18-2015 at 03:31 AM
      Purple dinosaurs
      I'm sitting at my desk in the office. I'm scrolling through a web page full of pictures of a purple dinosaur-like creature laying eggs. I'm confused by the order of the pictures. *

      Side-scroller novice
      I'm watching the screen of someone playing a side-scrolling video game. Now the player's character has dropped into a new area (falling through some kind of portal) and has become a small frog. As it hops along to the right it runs into a number of flies, which it eats, then it runs into something larger which eats it. Whoever is playing is younger and rather inexperienced with gaming, so I give some tips on how to survive longer.

      In System Shock
      I'm physically present in a first person video game. I'm standing in a white hallway which extends off into the distance to my right and to a dead-end about 10 feet to my left. In front of me is another hallway, but this one is filled with some kind of laser traps and has a platform at the end which moves up and down. I think it's going to be tricky to time things right to get to the platform and ride it up without being touched by a laser. To the left and right of the hallway are large floor buttons. I step on one, expecting some lasers to turn on, but nothing happens. I reason that nothing will happen unless both buttons are pushed at the same time.

      Now I'm watching a woman under the platform. The platform is moving down towards her, and I look away, not wanting to watch her get squished.

      Now I'm in the next hallway, except it's totally different. There are shelves full of junk everywhere. I'm looking through the stuff on the shelves looking for anything useful, and I'm especially keeping my eye out for cyber modules. I know John and the woman have already looked through here, but I'm pretty confident they missed something. I'm trying to move quickly, because I feel bad holding them up - I should have gone through here with them instead of behind them. I hear the woman I'm playing with speak over the in-game voice chat saying how glad she is that she spent the $20 on System Shock 2, that she never would have thought she'd enjoy it as much as she is.
    15. At a buffet

      by , 12-18-2015 at 12:21 AM
      In last night dream my husband and I were at a buffet. We were standing in line, and a man who seemed to be a friend of my husband's took out a badge that said "School Inspector" and showed it to us. Then I was getting sliced meat and I wished to get only one slice, but could not communicate it to the person carving it because he did not speak English, so he gave me three slices of meat, and I did not know what to do since i wanted to have room on my plate to take more variety.