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    1. Cartoon Tanks; Me and a friend; Lucid Pool Side

      by , 12-09-2015 at 10:57 PM (Visual Space)
      Dont remember much, need to work on recall a lot

      I remember a large warehouse filled witj various sizes of red and white tanks like from airmech, but more curved and bubble looking. They were on some conveyer belt that was not moving, the warehouse looked old. The sky was a whitish blue, the sun was beaming on this warehouse, and there was someone in black.

      In Co-op with a friend (Satie) and seem to be very close. We were talking while walking downstairs and I trip over a blue slippery mat on the floor. She laughs, still wearing the same black hoodie and black frilly long hair high school. We go to the library and write on the tables there. I sit down while she stands and leans near me to write as well. She smells sweet.

      Small snippet if me and family arguing over food and chocolates. Then me and friends fool around with stuff and I threw a Gallon if milk on the ground.

      *Woke up, drink coffee, went and took a nap at 11:45 A.M.*

      Very short lucid DILD. was at a pool resort onside this building of many people. Soon after I went to sit down alongside the pool, I talked with this girl whom she took interest, but had a man. He came and I was sitting on his longboard. He was very tall and built, we chatted a bit about the very good food there such as the buffalo wings and sushi.

      Then I started playing with my penny board riding around doing tricks and then 2 African girls showed. We talked a little and one of them mentions about lucid dreaming. This is where I got lucid for a short time. I got off the wall I was leaning on and began to be more engaged with them conversing. Then one of them gets really close and we began flirting and kiss. She saying im interested in her, then I woke up.
    2. DJ#35: Metal Book

      by , 12-09-2015 at 09:53 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Some pretty interesting dreams, shame I've forgotten a little bit. 9/12/15

      1: I was staying at a small shack on a windswept, dark and stormy coast, working on a special book, either as a present to someone or for myself. The book was a large, think volume bound in black leather with thick pages. What I was doing was scratching into each page special lines that would reflect the light when it was held at certain angles. I'm not sure if the book as meant to be magic or what, but it was pretty cool. I had been ignoring/procrastinating the book for some time, however, and eventually the due date came around and I was sure I had failed, only starting to do the lines on 2 pages as it was such an arduous task. I disappointedly flipped through the book showing it to someone when the light on the pages caught my eye. On those two pages I had actually succeeded! This gave me a rush of confidence and I resolved to finish the book, not for whatever original reason but for myself, as a piece of art and craftsmanship.

      2: I can't remember the start of the dream or what prompted my escape, but I was originally in some part of Africa I believe and I had to escape back to America. I had to travel to Canada instead because of support I had showed for Russia during my escapades. I remember touching down in Canada and being met by protestors and government officials, allowing me to give a speech on my political views.

      3: I was at Disneyland with my family. We were at a food bar, ordering all sort of different things, however all of the foo was made out of jelly-like lollies. My brother and I were meant to be ding some sor of undercover mission I think, but I'm not quite sure.
      Tags: non - lucid
    3. #177 - Music / Save me / Sneezy approach

      by , 12-09-2015 at 09:16 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      SC 1 - 02:00
      Dream - Music
      This dream felt more like a series of images followed by the sound of classical music.
      I see a blonde girl in a room, I think it's a hospital, there's the sound of classical music humming through the air. The room seems familiar somehow, and I feel like it's a place to take music lessons too. I think I can remember the wind blowing through the window, causing the white curtains to billow around. This dream wasn't particularly visual, but more auditory.

      After waking up the first time I struggled to get up again. I think it's because I had a blood test yesterday which caused me to become unfocused throughout the day and a little bit dizzy.

      SC 3 or 4 - 06:42
      Dream - Save me
      Another primarily auditory dream with weak visuals.
      I see a kid and there's a song going "Save meeee, I'm looost" (which I googled, the song is called 'Show me what I'm looking for') playing in my head. I think I reach my hand out, which had something to do the song. Like I was trying to be saved/save someone.

      SC 4 or 5 - 07:42
      Dream - Sneezy approach
      This dream was more visual this time.
      I'm watching a movie called 'Sneezy Approach' which is some RomCom produced by Adam Sandler with Vince Vaughn as one of the main actors. I think he gets punch in the face and his teeth get all screwed up, he's always had bad luck with women prior to that. At the end of the movie he's a total boss when it comes to women, and a hot redhead walks up to him, pulls out his two front teeth and throws them away and they start kissing like crazy (as if it were the ending of a movie saying 'and they lived happily ever after'), it was like they had just gotten married.
    4. Smoking, Doing Laundry, and Chatting

      by , 12-09-2015 at 05:59 PM
      I was behind my parent's house smoking a cigarette, drawing the smoke way into my lungs but then I became concerned about my health so I stopped inhaling the smoke so much.

      (Smoking cigarettes may be a dreamsign for me since I don't usually do that IWL.)

      Then I was in my apartment doing laundry with and talking to a guy from my class who I have never actually spoken to IWL. He told me about his friend peeing in cups at some other guys house and then I told him about my boyfriend peeing in beer bottles.
    5. Morning - Non-lucid - Granny

      by , 12-09-2015 at 05:27 PM (Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream)
      I don't feel very aware in my dreams, which bugs me because instead of encountering something weird and going "Oh, maybe this is a dream," I just accept it. Guess I should practice my reality checks. Probably something like "what if this right now is a dream?" and then giving everything a good hard look would help. And also being like "wait maybe this is a dream" and doing a reality check every time something weird happens.


      Dream: "It's Not the Actual Her"
      Dreamed that various relatives had gathered for whatever reason, which was fine by me except that one of them was my recently dead Granny. She seemed to be acting pretty normal, so it wasn't as if the doll-looking thing that served as her corpse in the viewing had been cruelly reanimated. It really was like she'd somehow come back to life. And I was like, what, this is impossible (because I do have SOME dream awareness, I guess). I said as much to my sister, who scoffed and said that of course it wasn't the actual Granny. And then something like, "It's like if they made another one of you. It wouldn't be the actual you." So then I was thinking, what, like a clone? They grew a clone of Granny in that little time and now it's here? They could make a clone of me? And I was just, like, confused. But I didn't think it was a dream. FOOLISH ME

      Then there was a bit about Granny being casually psychic her whole life and not wanting the ability to go to waste, so sometimes she'd inform us of stuff she knew. Like, okay, to describe it more fully, I was in some building, and when I looked out one of the windows I saw a younger Granny driving her car and boasting of her never-wrong ability to just know things, viewed from the perspective of the front seat. So I was like yo, cool, if she's 100% psychic then maybe I'm like, 25% psychic?

      Then I was in the 1319 house and saw these two black cats outside in the rain, so I let one in (the other was still away from the door for some reason) and got a towel to dry it off with. And it was very well-mannered about this, snuggling into the towel to make things easier, and I was like yo this cat's pretty smart. But again, even though I got this mental ping like "that's weird" it didn't translate into a reality check. I needa practice these things IWL aaaaa.

      Eventually I let the other cat in and toweled him off as well, and it was pretty vivid. So that was cool. Tryna dry off these cats. Man, they were really soaked.

      I woke up and I was like ehhh I could use more dreams, maybe I could WILD? And then I just fell back asleep like normal so whoops.

      Dream: Chillin' with the Bae
      Then I dreamed the bae and I actually lived within walking distance of each other, which I then got totally confused with waking life. I was like, dude, we live so close to each other, how come we don't hang out like this all the time? So I was a little confused. Also I was going to college, and although we didn't really go to the same college we'd walk to class together. It was super nice tho. Bein' able to hang out with him.

      Ugh I am too lazy to remember much more, but there was some part where I think the bae and I went to some kinda welcoming seminar to welcome me back to college, and it was pretty hella boring. Oh right, and then I met Mang0 the melee player which was rad. He was super chill.

      Updated 12-09-2015 at 11:06 PM by 39676

      Tags: 1319, granny, the bae
    6. Troubled night, partly in Nigeria

      by , 12-09-2015 at 04:33 PM
      I slept a long time, and took a nighttime cold medicine before sleep.

      My dreams were troubled and convoluted. Don't remember much. But I think mostly the characters in these dreams were strangers. At least part of a dream was in Nigeria and part of someone from Nigeria in the US. There was also a Skype scene with two strange men and one of them indecently exposing himself.

      Ay, my mind when attacked by cold virus and on cold meds is an effed up mind.
    7. Sensei handed me over his "persistent ring"

      by , 12-09-2015 at 03:16 PM
      So some of my actual goals are summon fire in my hand and to teleport.
      i tried both now several times and have more or less difficulties with it. i thought about how to approach this goal or problem and how i could solve it. i longer thought about to ask a dc to help me but i never know who might be a good candidate because either i dont know them or they are not practiced in lucid dreaming so it would be "harder" to convince myself that in-dream this is THE right person to show me something.

      i had some days ago a low level lucid/semilucid where someone showed me how he uses fire with his hands with channeling his energy thru a ring. i liked the idea. but again thought about where to get a ring with a history (not just summon out of pocket and expect it to be special but have a story for it) i thought about an antiquarian where i would "find" one but it was too much incubation and too locationdependend... so i forgot about this for some time again.
      yesterday i talked to Fryingman and how he tried to summon Sensei...
      later in the night i had a micro-wbtb and thought about some goals i want to do in my next lucid. suddenly i had THE idea i could summon Sensei. i had a lot of contact with him so i kind of know him and he is very experienced in lucid dreaming, he can teleport so i dont need a special place for him and so on. he seem like the perfect in-dream-mentor! i was pretty exited so i needed to focus on my mantra and not get too awake from this thought...

      Here comes the dream:
      i am in a university library and have 3 books in my hand i want to borrow. i also have my phone in my hand and read a message. one of my (not so liked) Professors stands at a computer and wants to search for a book? he has some problems. i see it and out of reflex snort with laughter. he turns around and i look fast down on my phone. he starts choleric to complain: "i am sick of it that people are laughing about me, that is it, its enough blabla" i justify myself telling him that i dont laugh about him but i got a message and laughed about that. he dont belief me and keeps complaining. after some time i finally can convince him that it has nothing to do with him and he should stop... i turn around and want to go. i say "have a good success finding what you are looking for!" he answers " yea i need more luck that success..." i look down and suddenly have only two books in my hand. i see the third on a shelf right next to me... wait a minute that makes no sense. i pick it up again and it looks different. i do a nosepinch and i am lucid. my first thought is: "Ah this lucid is not worth it... it is over soon anyway..." but then i am like "wait you dont know you can atleast try."
      i go out of the room put my hand behind my back and say:
      "hey sensei take my hand"
      i nearly immediately feel a small rather soft hand. i turn around and a big guy is standing infront of me. he is atleast 2m big. he has short blond hair and looks rather calm and reserved. he looks younger than me and smiles softly.
      i start right up
      "Hey senei... wait you are sensei right?"
      He just nods and smile calmly .
      "okay so you helped me alot and i know that you have persistent items and among others a ring right? and you now are very experienced and have over 1000 lucids so would you give me your ring please and show me how to make fire with my hands?"
      He nods again and give me a 2€ coin.
      Phone Call WOOHOO!!!!-2euro_a.jpg
      i look at it and i am a little confused because its not a ring but i dont hang up on this thought and look at him. he starts telling me something and says i should put it on. i try to but i cant get the coin on my finger. i tell him:
      "Sensei this is a coin, i cant put it on my finger?!"
      He just answers
      "This is all in your mind"
      i get it and tap some times with my finger against the coin until it feels a little liquid and sticky. i then just push my index finger thru it and the coin/ring sits on my finger. i am exited and tell him:
      "Hey i got it i just need to tap some times on it and it gets permeable"
      He says something like:
      "Yea the frequency and combination of tapping is relevant"
      Suddenly a woman i saw some times IWL turns to me and says:
      "Yea i use tapping too sometimes."
      I turn again to Sensei and say to him:
      "Now show me how you make a fireball in your hand."
      He starts bending is hand and concentrating but i just dont wait and do it on my own and without any effort a little fireball instantly appear in my hand. I freak out of excitement and am super happy and i hear him say something. i dont get the words but i feel like he regret a little he gave me the ring and want it back when i am done with it.

      because i am sooo excited i wake up prematurely like it didnt happen for month^^

      This was sooooo awesome because everything fitted exactly and perfectly together i didnt have to convince myself about anything or belief in the result because it was consistent. sensei can teleport, i know he has persistent items and he is very experienced so he can show me new dreamcontrol and should have no problem with sharing his item with me. it worked like a charm!
      i think i will summon him from now on way more often to show me stuff. he is already my mentor so why not use him as a mentor in my dreams too?
      i also thought now that he handed me a ring and i kind of know it is a "persistant ring" i should summon it out of my pocket and just know that it is THE ring and not just some ring. the only thing is that it is a coin maybe i will use it nevertheless and find someone who can craft it into a ring for me
      but now i have a really good starting point in creating my first "persistant items" and how i can channel my power when i might have some problems with any dreamcontrol i can take my ring and see if i can fix my doubts then and straighten my expactations

      later that night i had another lucid:
      i need to bring two things to someone i go up the street and to a busstop here i need to deposit the things. i did it already once (dejavue) but i cant remember to whom exactly. there is more than one person. another girl seems to need to do the same thing and she asks around. a girl with a cart seems to be the person of interest. i give her my dreamjournal. and say "ah with all this dreamjournals you know a lot secrets about the persons right?" "Nah they are boring" "i dont read my dreamjournal too often" i say. "why not what sense does it have then?" "i just dont have the time but it still helps me LD." i go away with her into some basement. i want to get my botany book back i forgot last year... some book is missing and she thinks someone stole it. they first think it was the girl who asked around whom to give the DJ. she is there and says "i feel uncomfortable hearing you talking about me..." "no we know it was not you we think it was this guy" and they point at me. "he seems poor so probably he stole it"... i tell them "I dont care about fukkin botany at all i did only two semesters my basic lectures i needed to do and i just dont care about your field of science AT ALL!" she is pissed a little because of my attitude but she seems to belief me. i go to a bookshelf and find the book i was looking for. i try to recognize if it is really mine. i look into the pages and on one stands the name of a friend of mine. i show it to her and say "this is my book i taking it. here you can see the name of a friend of mine so cya" she is not amused but dont stop me. i go outside to "my" car with a backpack where i put the book in. i want to open the trunk. i suddenly think wait is this my car? (IWL i dont have a car xD) i turn around and expect the car to be blue instead of wine-red. i turn around but it is still the same car. nevertheless i do a nosepinch and can breath clearly. i already opend the driver door and put in the key. a girl comes and is like "hey this is my car right?" I tell her "yea whatever drive away with it" and go away. i want to summon sensei again but i am not in a relaxed mood. i put my hand behind my back and say "hey sensei take my hand" but i am unsure about the result and fair enough noone takes my hand... i keep going and enter a bar. i go to the counter and see an old friend from school. i ask him if he knows where sensei is and describe him as a big guy with blond hair. he nods and starts walking with me and point on a random big guy at at table. "no its not him" okay we keep going and he points on a lot of guy that are random but tall. we go in the direction of the exit und suddenly a lot of people are coming and all are atleast two heads taller than me. even the girls are huge. i start feeling overwhelmed and pressed. i want to get out of the throng and shout out "Sensei" i hear somewhere a "Wuhu" and i go in the direction but the dream gets unstable and i wake up.

      so here again i was to much in a rush... i sometimes have this dreams where i want something to deperate and it just dont work i get hectic and the dreams get an unpleasent touch. next time i will try to ground myself first and then do it "Zen-Style"

      Updated 12-09-2015 at 03:32 PM by 87116

      lucid , memorable , side notes
    8. 2015-12-09 just some frags

      by , 12-09-2015 at 01:36 PM
      Early morning appointment and to bed late, so I focused just on sleep.
      Some fragments and a short dream/long fragment

      + (f) I'm infiltrating and planting explosives to blow up a (space ship?). This repeats several times.

      + (f) a vicious dog gets out of the door in the (garage) blocking it in and it is threatening me. I'm trying to shove it back in and get the door to close properly

      + I'm outside a house on a front lawn which is several feet higher than the street and the sidewalk that goes by the house. My pool table is there in the yard. I see evidence (footprints, things are messed up) that some trespassers have climbed up onto the lawn and been messing around with the pool table. I think about racking the balls and playing a bit but I'm a bit concerned about people seeing me play outside like that and messing with my table. I think about putting up some sharpened stakes to stop people from entering the yard

      + (f) I'm in a utility/sport room inside with a girl and her mother and we're playing ping pong. The girl stops playing before the game is finished and I'm frustrated and I'm going to get revenge somehow.

      + (f) there are other tables set up next to ours and other girls are playing ping pong
    9. Dead People Hangout

      by , 12-09-2015 at 11:25 AM
      I was in the woods behind a house where I used to live. A creature came out and told me to make my way to the red building. It was dark and I couldn't see and I had to make my way through the woods to the red building even though I didn't want to. I told the creature I didn't know how to get there. I couldn't see anything. Everything was black but I was instructed by the creature to continue moving. I had to push branches out of the way the whole time as my body seemed to be moving by a force out of my control.

      I eventually made my way to a red tent. I was instructed by the creature to reach inside. I reached inside and found a key. Then I went underground, down some cement stairs, and through some underground tunnels until I was in an underground room under a hospital. In the small room with white walls there were some of my family members, both alive and dead ones, and some other people. The dead ones looked alive and as normal as the alive ones. The family and other people just hung out and talked and decided to meet again. I told my mom about the tunnel and we would go there and bring other members of the family down and show them how the people were still alive (although they were actually still dead and couldn't leave the white room) and they would be happy to see each other again. We planned to have a little party together and we were going to bring some food even though I think the dead people couldn't eat but some alive people were coming too.

      A man in his twenties walks into a shed near my grandpa's trailer. In the shed, sitting on a couch, is a dead man with his head decapitated, sitting next to his body. He is one of the dead people who is still alive; he can move his head and body and think. He is evil. The first man has come to the dead man wanting to make some kind of bargain with the dead man. But after hearing the dead man's side of the bargain, the other man doesn't like it because he has to chop off his arm and give part of his soul or something and he tries to leave but the dead man is mad and invokes some kind of supernatural powers and the other man can't get out of the shed.

      Then there are men are outside of my grandpa's trailer with guns. One of them is the man that tried to make the bargain with the dead man and the other is a man that was already in the shed with the dead man when the other man arrived. I am inside, along with a man and my grandpa. The man notices the men with guns and tries to figure out what to do. My grandpa is somewhere else and doesn't notice the men outside with guns. Then the door and part of the walls are made of glass and my grandpa is in front of it. My cat Kitty is outside the door scratching and trying to get in but I can't let her in. The men with the guns see my grandpa and are about to break in and shoot but then they become distracted.

      In the front yard, the man who made the bargain with the dead man was attacked by the supernatural powers of the dead man (who was still in the shed). One of his arms was ripped off at the elbow and a leg ripped off at the knee. As if on an invisible, giant fishing pole, a black hoodie with white letters on it floated through the air and was presented by the dead man to him. The man was on the ground. He got an erection that broke through his jeans and started masturbating. People with colored animal masks showed up and started singing a happy song in the yard.
    10. Seeing god and losing control

      by , 12-09-2015 at 08:36 AM
      I recently had a dream where I was going blind, and everything went very watery. I asked for help but was being ignored. I later went with my family to go to a hotel. I ran into someone who supposedly was my friend, but he seemed very mad at me. I for some reason kept complimenting him and trying to make him feel good, but he kept finding reasons to get mad at me. as we we're walking, we ran into a police officer who had a quick conversation with us, but as we we're walking away, he stopped and told my "friend" very fearfully "what the f**k is in your hand?" I became very nervous and backed away, expecting him to open his hand holding a knife, but it was just a red pen cap, though the police officer looked shocked and seemed like it was a lot worse than a knife. right at that point I became blind again, but lost control. I looked up, and saw an extremely bright white light break through the ceiling, that had a bunch of random shapes and colors in it. As I was looking into the light, I lost touch with everything, almost as it was like I shouldn't have been looking into the light, but I was. I somehow knew that this light was "god". as I was looking into it, I felt like the light was looking at me in the eyes. everything started shaking, and the more I embraced it, the more everything shaked violently. I woke up left with a horrible feeling, which made me feel very bad for the rest of the day.
      nightmare , memorable , non-lucid
    11. Read my mind

      by , 12-09-2015 at 06:54 AM
      I knew that I was dreaming while being in a apartment complex with two people under a gazebo. For some reason the idea came to my mind to ask a dream character to read my mind. I asked the dream character to tell me which number I was thinking of in my head I chose 7. The dream character then told me the number I was thinking of was 7. Then I asked the dream character to choose a number and I was going to read their mind. I tried to guess their number but I got it wrong. Then I thought how can I read a mind that doesn't exist this is my dream.
    12. Read my mind

      by , 12-09-2015 at 06:54 AM
      MILD(before sleep)

      I knew that I was dreaming while being in a apartment complex with two people under a gazebo. For some reason the idea came to my mind to ask a dream character to read my mind. I asked the dream character to tell me which number I was thinking of in my head I chose 7. The dream character then told me the number I was thinking of was 7. Then I asked the dream character to choose a number and I was going to read their mind. I tried to guess their number but I got it wrong. Then I thought how can I read a mind that doesn't exist this is my dream.
    13. Something about a gold ring and a nervous partner

      by , 12-09-2015 at 04:10 AM
      In my dream earlier I was going shopping with my relatives and at some point two of my closest cousins left me alone and walked as quickly away from me as possible.Then I gave up searching for them and as I turned my head to the left,I saw a chinese lady in a gold accessory shop.To be honest,I'm not really into all these gold and silver jewelleries but in my dream,I went to her and commence observing all the expensive things.

      I saw many rings with jade,amethyst,garnet,ruby but what attracted me the most was the classic gold one with white diamond welded onto it.At this stage,I remembered to do some reality check and I realised this was a dream.Weirdly,the chinese lady,apparently knew I was realising the very fact and she totally urged me to buy the ring.She started speaking in a fast pace that I honestly couldn't fathom and gave me all the paper so I could sign it and bought it.The dream started crashing at this point and the scene blurred,turning into one,black view.

      Somehow,I was transferred to a fancy,posh restaurant and I was wearing this golden gown and beautiful necklace.I was acting very ladylike on contrary to my real self.( that made me wanna laugh so badly)My partner was a raven haired and blue eyed guy who looked so nervous and puked everytime I wanna speak,he said he was so 'mesmerised'.(cue me laughing again in real life when I woke up)We ate for a while and after we finished,he took me out for some fresh air and kissed me...Of course,he already wiped clean his mouth.

      I woke up after that,feeling so weirded out by my dream.Maybe it's a sign that I will soon become a woman? Uh-oh,I better cherish my youth before it's too late then.

      After all,girls just wanna have fun.

      Updated 12-09-2015 at 04:14 AM by 89449 (because there are some details that is not precise and ambiguous.)

      Tags: lucid dream
    14. Transcription problems / Missing hymnals

      by , 12-09-2015 at 03:55 AM
      Bed @ 2245 - took a B multivitamin
      Woke @ 0245

      Transcription problems
      I'm watching events, hearing a narrator describe them, and transcribing them. There's no 'me', yet I can feel the keyboard under my fingers. At first, I'm keeping up with the narrator completely. Now I'm having a lot of trouble keeping up. I'm only able to type a word here and there; it's taking me multiple seconds to type out each word. The narrator says "Saudi Arabia" and it takes me ages to figure out how to spell it. I start just typing random words he says, not even trying to capture complete sentences or key words - I'm just trying to get something, anything. Now I'm seeing lots of school buses driving around. My perspective is high enough that I can see their roofs and the words written there. I start 'cheating' by copying the words I can see so I don't have to process what I'm hearing. Each bus has words written in various different spots, each one in a different orientation. Finally, I tell one of the kids to pause the video; I just can't do this any more.

      Missing hymnals
      I'm in the sanctuary at church looking at the hymnals. I've realized that some rows only have a couple of them, and that's just not enough. I'm kind of confused that there seems to be a Psalter at every seat - I thought I remembered that we had enough hymnals for every seat but only enough Psalters for every other seat. Oh well, clearly I remembered incorrectly. I consider having my kids look around the church for the missing hymnals and then put them on rows that need them, or perhaps even redistribute them from rows that have enough, but then I figure that there must be someone tasked with doing something like that during the week - since every Sunday things are laid out well - and I don't want to do something that would mess them up even further. Now I see Alex one row over holding a hymnal.

      Fragment: I'm in a fairly dark room. My mother-in-law has lined up half-gallon Mason jars along the counter. They're all filled with something syrupy.

      BTB @ 0300
      Woke @ 0600 (alarm)

      I'm driving with my youngest daughter is in the passenger seat. We cross a small intersection in a city. It's dark.

      I do a nose-pinch RC. A little air passes through, and I assume I didn't pinch right. I adjust my grip and try again, and I'm satisfied that I'm awake.
    15. Lucid Kinda with a skunk

      by , 12-09-2015 at 01:46 AM
      Early in the night (forgot to record the time) I'm pretty sure I succeeded at LD.. though the images in my dream weren't as clear and precise as I hoped for. How it started isn't very clear to me, but I was aware that I was in control, whether I was actually aware I was dreaming I'm not sure because I didn't actually RC. The first thing I thought of to create was a world that was a video game where I had to collect jewels... then when that was boring, could've been a couple seconds I thought of creating a scene where I was a kid playing in a room full of toys. After that I summoned a skunk (something I had decided I was going to do before hand because they have been a very prominent theme in my life lately). I meant to ask the skunk what it was teaching me... but I feel like I asked it something else entirely because it was showing my these furry, two dimensional tag things that were possibly shaped like animal heads... I think it was like a pick an animal to donate money to each month type of thing.. I thought of completing the other thing I wanted to do, which was summon my boyfriend into my dream, but it didn't work immediately and I woke up very soon after, like I ran out of dream.

      The dream right before I woke up was the same sort of vibe, I'm pretty sure I was in control, but not aware that I was dreaming, which is disappointing because it was abut my ex boyfriend (who is supposed to be one of my dream queues). This is like the fourth night in a row I have dreamt of him... like I must summon him into my dreams all the time... some cycle I must be completing. I came out of this dream a couple of times and willed myself to fall back into it. I had no desire to change the scene though... except when I tried to convince my ex's brother that Aaron and I should be together; he would not change his stance on that.. toward the end a woman told me that she was learning so much being in the house with all of us (in the midst of all the drama). She pointed out some plants that were in the room, they looked like they were in pots, but I could see the roots clinging to the dirt. The roots looked moldy. Later in WL I made the association of over watering them...
      lucid , non-lucid
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