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    1. After a long break... 101215: The Bank Teller, Cheesecake for All, Meeting Duchovny

      by , 12-10-2015 at 10:02 PM (The Dream Journal)
      I'm in a bank, dark outside the windows, small lamps on the wooden teller desks. There is only myself and one teller. She is a young, attractive blonde woman in very nice business clothes. I don't think she is a teller at all, someone a little higher in management. I ask what my balance is on my account and she says 6000€. I'm totally amazed, how did I get so much? After she says that she begins to flirt with me. Is it only because of the money I have that she is showing this interest? Despite thinking this, I feel good that she is showing interest in me. She puts her arms around my neck and begins to stroke the back of my neck.

      I'm in the middle of the city and night. It might just be the evening though, it is dark. Orange street lights illuminate the old roads and tall buildings on either side. I see a friend of mine and she says she has hooked up her electricity to an older system and if I could add something to it. I look at it, it looks like wires everywhere. I try to adjust one and the light begin to flicker. I push the wire a little more until the power comes back. The whole system is really sensitive. She says her boyfriend is getting them a new cable card so they can hook up the electricity better.

      I go to a old-timey bakery. There are lots of cakes on sale in the sale windows under the counter. I see they are selling the last ones of the day. I say I'll take them all. Back at my friends place, I see my sister and some other friends. I tell them that everyone can have cake, I feel good that I'm able to offer everyone cake. Everyone smiles and is ready for a piece.

      I go and pick up the cakes. Back at the bakery I tell them I bought them and I'm going to pick them up. They say they don't have them anymore. I'm surprised, how is this possible? They say I shouldn't have just left the cakes here. I angrily take out a receipt and say that I arranged to pick them up later. They apologize and give me the cakes and the loafs of bread I reserved. The loaves look like large rocks, I see they have baked dried tomatoes and olives into them.

      I'm back in the gas station doing a night shift. It's toward the end, the morning has come but it is still pitch black outside. I've been talking to the other employee all night and I feel guilty that I didn't do everything I was supposed to do. It's been a while. As I start to do my neglected jobs I see David Duchovny. I'm shocked. I can't believe it! Why is he here? I run to the other counter and say I have to take a break, ijust have to. I go downstairs into the locker room and pull a piece of thin cardboard. I need his autograph. I run upstairs and I see he has entered with Gillain Anderson and another man. I'm starstruck, I can barely blurt out "I love the X-files can I have your autograph?". Duchovny says he doesn't always want to be remembered as Mulder. I feel bad about it but I want to tell him what kind of massive effect the show had on me and how important it was and is still. I see a large line forming and I have to go take care of the line and I ask him if he and Gillian Anderson can sign my little ripped up piece of cardboard.

      I go to the cash register. There is a large line and people are being rude, looking at me meanly. Some people are cutting in line and this aggravates me.
      Tags: bank, bread, cake, x-files
    2. Advice given by stranger regarding obstacles in practice

      by , 12-10-2015 at 09:50 PM

      *There was an explaination of advice given as scene of a side of a mountain appeared. An unknown figure pointed to a board displaying the obstacle that was being talked about. The message was something along the lines of how drugs could distract you from the spiritual path so be careful.
    3. DJ#36: School Dreams

      by , 12-10-2015 at 09:08 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      My mind is taking me back to school 10/12/15

      Dream 1: Something about being at a country school during the day and there being a fire alarm going off.

      Fragment: Something about being at a university at night time.

      Dream 2: I dreamed about my school graduation. Everyone was all dressed up fancily, yet for some reason the only way into the graduation was through a giant toboggan/water slide. It was 2 to a cart, so me and someone else jumped in and off we went, hemmed in on either side by other people. Eventually however everyone had stopped as the slide was blocked up. Our coordinators voice came through speakers and told us that there was a blockage due to flooding at the bottom of the slide. He said they would try to fix it but most likely wouldn't be able to so the guys should take off their suit jackets in case they got ruined. While this was happening inexplicably a black and white cat appeared and started jumping in between the carts, nestling up against people and seeking attention. After a while everything started moving again and we eventually got to the bottom of the slide. It was indeed flooded and we had to tippytoe out and dry ourselves off a bit.
      Once inside I saw it a long rectangular room which looked a bit like a library as there were bookshelves on the walls. A teacher gave me a pamphlet thingy and then I found a seat next to some people from my media class. The librarian at the school started giving a speech, casually insulting some of the students, and then the dux was being announced. There was a twist however. There wasn't one dux, or two, but six! The names listed off were.. me (lol), Luke, Emily, David and Reza (only 5 I know but I'm sure these were the only names. All in all it was quite strange, particularly how my brother didn't get anything, probably representing my subconscious yearnings haha.
      Tags: non - lucid
      non-lucid , memorable
    4. Thor’s Missing Clothes

      by , 12-10-2015 at 06:10 PM
      Morning of December 10, 2015. Thursday.

      The first segment of my dream is a vague grocery shopping event of a type I have had since the late 1970s, though in this case, my wife Zsuzsanna and children are known as they are now in reality. Still, the store does not seem familiar, though it is only rendered in my immediate surroundings and “foggy” beyond about eight feet in all directions. Based on the real directional orientation of our bed, it seems I am going easterly through the checkout. I do not notice any other people except for the (unfamiliar) cashier.

      From here, there is some sort of abstract distortion about having action figures all over a bed (dream sign) along with random (human) clothes and accessories for the action figures as well as a few unrelated miscellaneous items. One of the action figures is Thor. Thor is slightly smaller in scale than the other action figures, just enough to notice. Other action figures are Jean Grey, Wolverine, Magneto, Iron Man, and a few others. Jean Grey is actually the largest in scale compared to the others.

      There is some sort of confusion about playing a game with the action figures, which possibly relates to a board game. Thor’s clothes are missing and as such, he might as well be a Ken doll, it seems. I am also annoyed at the disorder of the various toys and game pieces and the apparent difficulty in quickly finding something. However, I eventually find Thor’s outfit (next to the other miscellaneous items and clothes, under my shirt) and am able to interact with my family in the informal game (which seems more like random playing around). I notice that Jean Grey has a large monochrome plastic basket (not that realistic in detail as it seems to resemble a My Little Pet Shop accessory) which seems to have a smaller basket extending from the side (this being oddly like a previous dream where a pot of gold icon had a smaller one right next to it - in the same orientation - on the left from my view). It is empty and may be unrelated to the game. Not much else happens. The setting is not rendered that clearly.
    5. I was framed!

      by , 12-10-2015 at 05:58 PM (Visual Space)
      A dream of me and a friend trapped in a kingdom for a crime we were framed for. We were dragged into this place where the king was at to be executed. A large room that was made out of tan stones and pillars. The king had a pope looking hat and wore a orange and white robe. We were thought to die there but instead we were to fight. As we were sitting near a wall watching people lose against these 2 built guys, a pretty girl with long purple hair and white dress walks to give us a manga. My friend gets a magazine type one and I get a large book. We were talking with her and she then kisses me to surprise me and pushes away. I kept a straight face and she kisses me again but this time a make out session.

      The king gets fed up and announces me in to fight. A large African guy shirtless walks in. He's bald and looks like LL Cool J with black sweats. We begin fighting in this large tarmac arena with people watching. I kept blocking his kicks and punches and people are shocked. I say your pretty good. And then he gets wide eyed but then grins. I dash back and the guy tells the king to get rid of the timer.

      I get serious and began stomping the ground into a fighting stance like Akuma but scream like martial law. The guy stomps and goes into his stance but silently. We begin and I start punching his kidneys and other weak points in such a swift way he can't keep up. I pick him up and slam him. Everyone is in shock. He is on the ground in pain but soon gets up. He charges and kicks but I block it with my knee and swift jabs to his neck. He backs off leaving his stomach open and I dash at it with a strong punch and connect. Gets on one knee holding it and in disbelief that someone as small as me is this strong. Everyone Is screaming in shock again and the king is speechless. My friend and the girl greet with joy but its not over.

      I wake up.
    6. The Corrupt Vs The Star

      by , 12-10-2015 at 05:48 PM (Visual Space)
      On the bus heading to a school trip with S. We are eating different snacks such as chips and muffins. He talks to a girl named Shane who looks like someone I knew from school. She had on a black shirt, gray sweats, and white shoes. She also had a long ponytail and was african. We joke around and soon heads to the front of the bus as we are in the back. Soon afterwards a cute girl gets on the bus I never seen before. She had a pink t shirt, black yoga pants, pale skin, glasses, jet black hair in a ponytail and black slip ons that are pointy at the end. She sits at the front as well

      The bus begins moving through a highway and soon after we hear an argument in the front. Its between Shane and the cute girl I dont know. They are arguing about different things and from what I am hearing from people on the bus, Shane is in the wrong. Me and S continue to eat a big muffin when Claire *finally hear her name* starts yelling louder and saying to Shane to look at herself and her life if she wants the things she wants. And then there was something about ten dollars I cannot remember thoroughly.

      Soon Shane was about to get up and fight Claire. I see S get up and sat down Shane in the front while She continues yelling over S.* Claire then moves to the back with me and S and talks to us. She wonders why we are in a corrupt class when we are definitely not. Apparently the school has a *Shining Star, ethic, and corrupt classes.* me and S exclaim that we just didn't fit well. I soon said that I was just lazy and didn't do work. She chuckles and says we are definitely not corrupt.

      We arrive at our destination and we all stood up. The bus stops abruptly and Claire nearly falls backwards but I catch her since I was behind her. We both smile and laugh. I can't locate S and soon wake up.

      There was also a dream of robots fighting each other with crazy weapons, and the robots fighting a boss that shot fireballs. Its very distant. Gahhh my recall needs improvement.
    7. Church Dinner

      by , 12-10-2015 at 03:25 PM
      I don't remember much. First I was at a creek with a bunch of people playing and swimming in the creek and it was warm for December. Then I was at a church dinner and the plates were all served with marijuana leaves as garnishes.

      I know I had other dreams but I was distracted with taking care of Kitty in the middle of the night because one time she was lying on my back making me too hot and another time she threw up on me.
    8. Morning - Non-lucid

      by , 12-10-2015 at 02:53 PM (Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream)
      this is really tricky to try to remember

      okay so there was this queen and I was this worker dude, really more like a peasant, who wanted to be all subversive and it's hard to remember more details than that? But I know at one point that like, I was uselessly messin' around with bales of hay on a long cart (which was my main purpose, it seemed), and out of nowhere a couple of arrows whistled right past my head from below me. There was this guy hiding in the corn right next to the cart who was, I think, angrily posting to his twitter account about how he didn't like the queen so he was taking it out on her workers, which maybe inspired me to start posting on MY twitter account about the "literal" (I made very sure to note that these were literal arrows and not, say, metaphorical ones) arrows that some madman had just fired at my head because he hated someone else entirely (surprisingly I did not then attempt to hunt down the perpetrator in question, who I'm pretty sure was still RIGHT THERE in the corn posting on his twitter account).

      And there was something earlier about how I was a gay dude looking at a guy on the front of a magazine and it was like, my favorite magazine cover of all time. Which reminds me of other things but honestly this dream does not translate to reality very well at all.
    9. 2015-12-10 gardens

      by , 12-10-2015 at 11:45 AM
      Again focusing on fast back to sleep without much recall work. Recall definitely suffers.

      + in my previous adult home back garden with wife. There are tall interesting plants, like vertical succulents next to small pine trees. I see the evidence of lines of water cascading from the higher portions of the garden to the lower portions, via tracks in the ground that are green with ground covering.

      + outdoors, packing up some stuff (in the boy scouts?). A very large (1 foot long) toothbrush (pink) falls out of something I'm unrolling. I hold it in my hands and think if I can use it. I could always keep it to clean my shoes with or something [IWL went to dentist and get a new, pink toothbrush]

      + I'm walking towards a large open planned garden. I reach it and and standing among it looking at it closely. It is in the garden of a wealthy person who is landscaping a large area. The area is divided into rows of about 1-meter-square chunks, and in each chunk is planted a very specific pattern of several different varieties of plants. I'm standing in the newest planted area with very small young plants, farther on I see more mature, larger plants. I walk to the left and encounter a cousin who says s.l. "these plants are <???> [meaning hybrid]", I say "I know.

      My cousin PR is there and says that there are peanut plants as well. I look down and see a ground-cover plant with dime-sized (leaf shaped though) light-green leaves spread over about 1 square meter. I kneel down on the ground and look at a plant growing in soil and think I see a bunch of peanuts (ready to eat) in the soil, covered in dirt, I look closer and they're not peanuts but small slices of root? PR then says here are some baby peanuts, and pours them into my hand. They are tiny, each one like like the size of a grain of millet. I toss the little handful into my mouth and chew and (get a faint taste of peanuts?)

      Wake up and am amazed that that last memory came from a dream.
    10. #53: iPhones / Levitate / Tiled garden

      by , 12-10-2015 at 10:22 AM
      I went to bed around midnight. I woke up around 07:00 after a lucid. Couldn't fall back asleep for a while, then had another (mini)-lucid.

      I'm on the couch in my mom's living room. My mom is also in the living room, though not on the couch. She hands me my cousin's old iPhone 5, though it looks exactly like an iPhone 4, except it's slightly elongated. I can have this phone if I want. I consider it for a moment. It's an upgrade from my 4S, though only a minor one. I examine the phone. Mine is still in perfect condition, but this one has a cracked screen. After turning it over a bit more I detect more flaws. I'm still considering it. I have a simcard cutter in my room, so I could cut the simcard to the right size if necessary.

      I'm at the Deen [supermarket] with my cousin. We've just arrived at the registers and he stands in line at one. I point to the one to the left of it, which has no line. It's manned by our friend Robin. My cousin tells me he wants to continue waiting in line. I look at the girl behind the register and see that it's Roos. Ah so that's why. Sure. There's only 2 people in front of him anyway. Skip forward to the moment where I've paid for my groceries. Roos tells me to have a nice day, or something along those standard employee lines. I give her a smooth wink. I even remember the right eye being the one I closed.

      It's daytime. I'm walking with my cousin past an area where there used to be an apartmentcomplex. Instead I see a bunch of cows standing next to one another, fenced in. They don't have that much space to move. One of the cows is laying down. We're a bit further along and we're handing each other some stuff. Perhaps the groceries. I think my cousin messes around with a kite for a moment. A bit further again, he tells me he suddenly remembers that he still owes Anthony money. He takes out his wallet and takes out a €50,- bill. I give him some basic financial advice: either start spending less or start earning more. I suddenly realise that this Anthony must be the guy who my little brother owes money to as well. We're a bit further along again. I kick a small stone that's on the sidewalk. I don't kick it particularly hard, but it bounces and makes a 90° turn and ends up on the other side of the road, on the roof of a driving car. It's Anthony's car. He stops and starts shouting. My cousin sort of tries to take the blame for it. A bit further along, we're in my mom's street now. Anthony comes up to me. He's an Indian guy and as small as a toddler. I think we exchange some words and then my cousin and I continue walking to my mom's home. I make a call with my iPhone 5. Anthony sends his goon after me, a white guy named Robin. I think about how it wasn't wise to take out my phone, as he might try to steal it. At this point it's a 'glitch in the matrix' kind of thing, meaning it happens several times. Robin wraps his arms around me to restrain my movement. Nothing else happens. The second time this happens I move/roll forward and lodge myself free. The third time we both end up on the ground and I kick Anthony, figuring that Robin will let me go if his boss is dead, cause then he has no reason to harm me.

      I'm in my room in my student house. I'm looking at my hands, which are dark skinned, just like in reality. I look in the mirror. My face is white! I have Robin's face. But my hands are still black. I figure that this must be some kind of curse that Robin put on me. "My" face looks a bit mad and intimidating, much more than Anthony.
      I realise I must be dreaming. I walk away from the mirror for a moment. What shall I do with my lucidity? I should be careful. For some reason I figure that if I look in the mirror I will cement the fact that I'm dreaming. I shouldn't do that until I'm ready, to prevent the dream from destabilising. I should definitely summon someone. Sukma? Alexandra? Lets go with Alexandra. I make a small jump into the air and retract my legs, sitting like Buddha, but floating in the air. I make my way towards the mirror, but before I've reached it I hear an old school digital alarm going off in the real world. Fuck, it's gonna pull me away. Focus! It's no use, it's too distracting. I wake up. There's no alarm

      I was lucid, but I didn't have that much control. The levitating just happened naturally without me thinking about it, as if I was merely raising an arm. I also had a dream goal for myself to attempt telekinesis, but I apparently totally forgot about that and pretty much immediately went to 'I should summon X'.

      Tiled garden
      I'm in my student room. I see a girl walking towards my window [my window isn't on ground level, so that's a pretty neat trick I'd say]. I look straight at her and I'm about to get up to open the window for her. The fact that she felt it was necessary to still knock on my window to announce her presence annoyed me slightly. I open the window for her and she has a bag and says something about this being from/for my housemate who forget it or something along the lines. She's a bit quick in telling what she wants to tell. I don't notice that she's likely floating, but I do notice that the garden below has tiles. It's a bit difficult to look at this garden as I can't bring my eyes to focus on it. It remains a bit blurry. Wait, isn't this garden supposed to have grass instead of tiles? I force myself to think about what the garden should look like in reality. I wake up.. again

      Updated 12-10-2015 at 10:34 AM by 71740

    11. I miss smoking cannabis

      by , 12-10-2015 at 07:14 AM

      * I thought about how I miss smoking weed and how I should smoke soon to relax.
      *I was riding in the car with a person who I do not know and I noticed that they purposely crashed into a big truck. I was mad at this person and quickly left the scene after the crash.
      * I was in a head shop when I noticed that they were selling piracetam for cheap. I asked the clerk how much it was and he gave me a price also telling me that it did not work for a lot of people. I told the clerk that I want to give it a shot and that I would buy a lot of the piracetam.
      *I was praying to vishnu and feeling a blessing.