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    1. Ceremony to reaffirm marriage vows

      by , 12-07-2015 at 09:48 PM
      I wanted to have one of those ceremonies to reaffirm our marriage vows at church. Only in the middle of the dream I realized that I had actually only been married two years, and that instead of being beautiful this just showed my insecurity.
    2. Visiting my pal

      by , 12-07-2015 at 09:07 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I woke up in my bed. It was midnight. I decided to visit my pal, so I went outside. It was dark all around. When I got to crossroad I saw that a shop was moved to another side. It was lit inside, there was somoene standing on the sidewalk. It was a man, he was wearing blue jacket and blue trousers. He was holding a bag in his hand. I thought "You haven't seen anything." and then he said "I haven't seen anything! I swear!" I moved on. Just as I left him behind I said "It's a dream. I'm dreaming.", and got to house of my pal. Instead of entering it through front door, I jumped through the window to his room. There was his brother inside, wearing a black suit and writing some words on a paper. I asked "Preparing for tomorrow?" and he replied "No, just writing. And when it comes to my brother, he's not home. He drove to some kind of a camp, and will be back in a week.". Then the dream ended.
      Tags: man, night, pal, shop
    3. DJ#33: Most Intense Game of Basketball Ever

      by , 12-07-2015 at 09:02 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      1: I was at a large building, sort of like a cross between a hotel and a town hall. I went up a flight of stairs and opened a door on my right. Inside the room was 3 girls and a guy. To of the girls and the guy were busy, so other said "I guess it is my turn with you", pulled me aside and we got it on.

      - A fragment about me and my mum standing outside a tent in the countryside.

      - A fragment about talking about soccer with some people at school.

      2: A dream about me playing some weird cross between basketball and snakes and ladders at school. We were split up into two teams, where we competed both in snakes and ladders and basketball, however the basketball itself was just like a scrunched up bit of paper. The game was very close for the majority of the time, however I shot a surprise 3 pointer to win the game. Everyone was cheering, and afterwoods at home I made my own snakes and ladders board so I could practice more.
      Tags: non - lucid
    4. Annoyances

      by , 12-07-2015 at 05:35 PM (Visual Space)
      Dream Lucid

      3 friends were at my house hangout and having fun. At first we were drinking water and juice in my basement just enjoying our jokes. Of course, my basement was arranged differently. Chairs I took out were there again replacing my futon, and the closet was not there. It was pretty much empty space. I was just drinking punch out of my water bottle while M and W were talking. (lets name them that, shall we?) There was also a miniature girl with her lower half replaced with a fruit powered jet propulsion following me around yet I payed no mind. She was blue skinned with navy blue long frilly hair and she word a red/silver jacket of some sorts, looked the size of a mouse.

      We were outside on the large hill near my house where M and W get into a large argument. It's sunny outside, cloudless and it looks like fall just hit as leaves were colored and began falling to the ground. W was being annoying to M for some reason. W was wearing a white T-shirt, black jeans, and black/white shoes with a black backpack. M was wearing pretty much all black, hoodie, jeans, shoes backpack, all dark. (I guess we were coming from school I suppose?) It was getting more fueled and M was pushing and shoving him. Then he tried to punch him but W dodges and jogs pass me laughing. M had enough and just walks back to my house. W just remains near this small blue house the size of a shed. My blanket was for some reason outside. (???)

      I pick it up near the tree and look up the hill to notice W is now wearing a red thermal, blue jeans, and Timberland boots and no longer has his backpack. He was running up the hill, on the phone, heading towards the school nearby, elementary. I'm taking long strides toward my house, almost gliding. I get there and ring the doorbell to which S opens the door. I told him to not let W in for reason and notice behind me, a Latino kid greeting his friend who goes to the back of the house. The kid is wearing a jean vest, neon blue sweatshirt, blue jeans and white shoes. he had a similar haircut to me. S agreed to not letting him in after being told what happened and the dream ends.

    5. Morning - Non-lucid

      by , 12-07-2015 at 05:10 PM (Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream)
      No lucidity but my dreams had some nice detail to them. Maybe I underestimate how vivid they already are?

      So my dreams weren't entirely interesting except for stuff like this:

      My boyfriend and I were riding around on the Metro and he told me about how he'd once been sent to some kinda adolescent jail for stealing a handgun with a little bayonet on it (Borderlands 2!). There, they put him in cryosleep for a few months. In the dream I'd just learned about prison cryosleep, so I knew it involved the person being layered in some strange fluffy white substance by a big machine, sorta like a giant 3D printer, and then idk they cryoslept. So then I was seeing this happening to my boyfriend and I was like... bummer. But it really seems like something that would happen to him, I mean not the part where he stole something but the part where as usual bad things are happening to him so points to my dream for being realistic.

      Then there was some Metro riding and at one point for whatever reason we got separated and then we reunited and it was great because reuniting with him is the best #longdistancerelationship.

      Then I rode trains with my sister and it was pretty chill, except that I didn't really have a working Metro card so I kept having to try to dive through when my sister would swipe HER card and it worked out pretty well. Like, sometimes the Metro peeps would notice and sometimes they wouldn't, but either way they let me get away with it. But what sucked was that "doing things I shouldn't be doing" is a dreamsign for me, like, I should've been thinking "maybe it doesn't matter, is this a dream?" And like, I gotta practice having that reaction to things. In real life. I gotta be like, well, normally I wouldn't be able to steal this car and go for a joyride, but... is this a dream? And then do a reality check. Oh man I love that idea it's so stupid.

      Then a Metro lady approached me while I was looking at the Metro map and talked all about what working at Metro was like and p much offered me a job on the spot because she liked me so much and THANKS BRAIN BUT WE'RE NOT WORRYING ABOUT THE JOBHUNT RIGHT NOW SO SHUT UP.

      And then outside my sister and I met up with my mom and I found a baby squirrel on the ground and just snatched it right up like YUP I'LL BE TAKING THIS. Then it tried to bite me and I waited to see whether that would hurt but it turned out the baby squirrel had no teeth! Its dumb gummy face just slid right off my finger and I was like "This baby squirrel has no teeth!" 'cause I was so excited about being able to hold this thing without getting covered in bites. Grabbing up small harmless animals is another dreamsign so I need to remember to start doing reality checks when I'm snatching baby animals away from their homes and stuff. Ugh, so much work.

      Updated 12-09-2015 at 11:05 PM by 39676

    6. Almost sex; Beer at work

      , 12-07-2015 at 05:08 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Slept through night, since I was off. Going to work tonight.

      I'm at work, sitting somewhere on some boxes, having lunch, holding a bottle of beer in my hand. I realize it and trying to figure out why I don't do this more often. Then I realize I'm at work : P So I rush to hide it and I put it on a shopping cart full of crap.

      I go upstairs and there are cubicles like on The West Wing. Lots of glass walls and doors. There is a former classmate there and we decide to do it. He goes to get ready to he bathroom while I start locking doors and closing shutters. One door is toally off the hinge so can't close it and there is lots of foot traffic. I know it's proly not gonna happen.
      Tags: sex, work
    7. Store Table and a Visit

      by , 12-07-2015 at 02:58 PM
      I was at a table in a department store and I wanted to put a tablecloth on the table.

      My boyfriend's mom randomly showed up at the apartment. I was embarrassed and it wasn't completely cleaned. She started looking around at everything and even opened the refrigerator. I was trying to pick up some dirty clothes from the living room. She started folding blankets and wanted to put them in the dresser and I had to open each drawer to show her there was no room. She showed me a picture of a random boy and said me and my boyfriend can have kids together; they will be pretty. Me and my boyfriend looked out the window while his mom was doing more nosing around the apartment.

      I was wondering what time it was because I had to go to class.
      Tags: boyfriend, class, kids, mom
    8. I was flying

      by , 12-07-2015 at 02:43 PM
      WBTB (gentle return to breath when I realized attention had wandered, fell asleep at some point and became lucid)
      I don't really remember how it started but I was flying all over the place and I was having a tough time staying very far away from the ground for some reason. I would let go and just be free for a minute and then I would soar, I would actually feel like I was climbing up into the sky. Then I would become afraid of losing it or I would become afraid of falling and I would. there was a couple different times I was coating like I was on a long board then I would keel over and wipe out. I became relaxed at one point like I could stay in the lucid forever, I wasn't worried about it ending and it really brought some peace and stability to it, I became very aware at that point ( like the headspace difference between having coffee one day and not having it sort of feeling)

      (non lucid) I also had a dream I was in a restaurant and I worked a whole shift during the dream, I don't remember a lot of it other then it was ending in the same spot it started and someone had asked me when my birthday was and I had told them feb 10th and it was the date feb 10th and they said happy birthday but I hadn't even realized it was my b-day until it had come up in convo then someone noticed the date. I also got a hernia or something working out there? it was a black and bruised spot where dads had been when he got one
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. tree and hoods a girl with brown hair

      by , 12-07-2015 at 12:26 PM
      I was working as a tree caregiver and I came across another group doing the same thing. there was a black dude from the group I ran into and he asked what tree I was doing and I looked over at a lonely pine tree on 14th street and started walking toward it and everyone luaghed at my joke then I said just kidding and we started bsing around. (the pine tree was missing a lot of branches and must have just been worked on, the joke invovled that it was the only one I had, the tree was also on a tree i recognized kind of, a tree on 14th street in between the old farm neighborhood and the one after the bridge, it was a pinetree that was extra tall. I crossed the street and it was kind of unfamiliar)I ended up leaving the crew pretty quick and ran into a brown haired girl that looked similar to L. sims I eneded up going around a neighborhood with her on foot then we were in the basement of a house and we started trying to escape out the windows and there was a bathroom attached after we couldnt make it out (there was an old lady coming down the stairs) I called the girl in and shut the door and we made it out ( the bathroom window was big enough but was smaller then the one she was trying to get out of orignially and bigger then the one I was trying to get out of originally) we made it out into the yard and there was a bird bath and a wooden fence and a young dude and ya she got her dress stuck on the bird bath and it took a hot minute to get it unstuck. (it was lace on the bottom so the teeth of the bird bath grabbed it)
    10. 7/12/2015

      by , 12-07-2015 at 10:48 AM
      Left it too late to remember much again. My dreams last night were exciting....

      I was trying to escape something and not be caught, it wasn't frightening but quite exciting. I remember running up and down a stairwell, then along corridors. I think I was plotting something. I went downstairs to a friend's office on the first floor and we lowered each other out of the window. There was much more to this dream that I remembered when I woke, now forgotten.

      I can't remember if it was the same dream but there was someone talking to a crowd in a large enclosed arena. my friend showed me a time altering device that we could throw somewhere and it would speed up or slow down time. We threw it at the speaker and he started talking very fast whilst we escaped.
    11. 2015-12-06 light recall, No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

      by , 12-07-2015 at 08:49 AM
      earlier: pretty much all forgotten

      + (f) on the backyard steps of my childhood home with uncles and dad, big and fat without shirts on, doing something with water and (Easter eggs?)

      + (f, impression) high school friends on a roller coaster?

      final dream of the night:

      + No Good Deed Goes Unpunished (fairly vivid and present)
      (I'm putting my bicycle into the back seat of my mom's car outside my childhood home?)
      I'm in a parking lot, I walk up to my truck [false] which is double parked. There is a black woman there who says she saw some guys come by and check out my car looking for parts to steal, but the didn't take anything. I (or she?) says that yeah there are guys always cruising the parking lots looking for cars to strip. I get in my truck and start slowly driving away while the woman is walking beside the car on the passenger side with the door open, I'm wondering when I can just drive away without being rude. I eventually say "thank you" and close the door and drive on.

      Right up ahead there are two convenience stores where I want to stop to get some breakfast, a couple sausage muffins I think, but I the woman is still walking there and it would be awkward for me to park and get out and meet her again.

      Then I'm walking on foot with my bicycle and looking for the place in front of the large grocery store where I can put it. I wonder if I have a lock, and I look down into my bike's basket and see my bike lock (cable and combo lock) and think ah great. So I look for bike racks and find a few different styles.

      I get down on the ground and inspect them. One is a low horizontal close to the ground piece of rebar with some cables strung about it. I'm closely inspecting it and trying to determine if I loop a cable lock over it if someone could simply pull the lock right off and take the bike and lock away together. Then I see some standing racks where you roll your front wheel into a slot where it holds up your bike and there's a little eyelet where you can run a cable through. I decide to use this one.

      I start putting my bike here. Then a family comes by with 3 little crying and screaming red haired children with a very severe mother who is yelling at them and pushing them down in the cart. The girl is screaming about how the boy had been pulling her hair. I decide to be a good samaritan and start talking to the kids and say "would you like to help me lock my bicycle?" The mother stops the cart and lets me do this. The children quiet down right away. I show them how to thread the two ends of the lock through the eyelet (and under the bike's drive chain) and put them together. The lock becomes an electrical extension cord with male and female plugs, and the (father?) says "don't get zapped" to the kids. They push it together and we all continue in to the grocery store together.

      I walk up to the mom and give her some advice, "I had two small boys myself, I understand what it's like, it really helps to keep them occupied instead of just screaming at them."

      I'm talking to somebody else by a display stand about how my cousins's family is spread all over the country for graduate school [false] but they get homesick and really look forwards to returning home (for the holidays?).

      Then I wake up (FA) in some back room of the store. I'm concerned about my bicycle. I realize that just simply using an electrical extension cord is a terrible lock, it could simply be unplugged and my bike stolen. I run in to the store and can't find my way to the front, I ask some people where the front of the store is and they point back through the back room where I woke up. I'm thinking now about biking the rest of the way to school, it should be easy since it is mostly downhill (flat, but tilting slightly downhill) the rest of the way. I don't want to arrive at school all sweaty.

      I pass through a large dim room where an Asian woman is doing Tai Chi and is saying how we all should be calm.

      I see up ahead a corner of an outdoor swimming pool and make for that and run outside. There is a young mother relaxing with her back up against the edge of a shallow (slightly deeper than a wading pool) pool, she has a small boy who is playing a few meters away from her. She is cute and my eyes linger on her for a few seconds as I run by, (she looks back at me?). A narrator says s.l. "this is the American way."

      I run by another small pool to the left where a husband has returned to his family carrying and shaking some flavored milk drinks in each hand.

      I make my way back to the front of the store and my heart sinks as I look over the bike area and don't see my bike. Some f^&*er has stolen my bike indeed. I look closer and see that all the pots and pans that I was carrying, including a dish brush, were taken out of my basket and piled there on the ground. An older woman is standing there saying that some guy had been there hammering, I think that must have been the guy who stole my bike.
    12. #51: Shitty dream

      by , 12-07-2015 at 08:46 AM
      I had troubles falling asleep again. I was awake until at least 01:30 and woke up around 07:30 I believe. Bless the man who invented the snooze button. I'm starting this DJ at 08:35.

      Shitty dream
      I'm in a lecture hall it seems. It's quite crowded. My best friend is seated on a chair all the way to the left and I'm seated right next to her. A few rows in front of us a woman is seated who I went out with once. She is seated next to a handsome guy I believe. My friend wants to sit next to that guy, so she starts talking about switching seats. Which will mean that I'll be sitting next to the woman. No! I really don't want to. I'm not sure if she actually pushed through with her plan.

      It seems a bit of a different location, but still inside a building. It is less crowded now. The woman is seated at a high table with her female friend. I come up to their table for a moment to grab my backpack. I also hold perhaps 6 tennisballs in a see through plastic bag in my hand. I walk away towards the exit. Behind me I can hear the woman say to her friend that she wonders if I play tennis. I think at this point I'm not really looking out of my own eyes, but can see myself. I stop and decide to turn back and show them that I juggle. I feel like showing off a little bit instead of just answering the question. I do it poorly though.

      I'm standing near a bathroom it seems. I am looking at myself in the mirror before I go 'outside' to the room where the woman is.
      Tags: friend
    13. No dreams remembered

      by , 12-07-2015 at 05:35 AM
      MILD attempt before sleepgnome

    14. Snorkeling in Sweden

      , 12-07-2015 at 03:07 AM (Turquoise Dreams)

      I worked yesterday, had night off today and tomorrow

      I'm told that I can move to an island off of Sweden. It's a manmade island made of wood. I'm under water, coming up to surface. There is lots of seaweed and light is filtered by them. I'm only few feet under the surface. I'm watching the bubbles rise, how the seaweed is moving with the waves and some sea slug on a large leaf. I'm amazed. I come up and see a large rectangular island that looks like a pontoon.

      Next I'm on the island and i feel sand under my feet. It's hard to believe that it's all on wood, because sand seems to be deep.

      Someone needs to poop, so they squat behind some drift wood. They cover it with showel and sand. I wonder if someone makes a hole next to it and they showel sand on it, if they uncover the old poop 0_0.
    15. Make your own fruit salad booth!

      by , 12-07-2015 at 02:12 AM (Pasta time with patches!)
      The other dreams I had today were too personal to share, but this one was neat:

      So, I'm pretty sure that I was in the dream version of my university, when I came across this fruit stall outside on a path/road. It had all different kinds of fruits on it, along with styrophome bowls for people to use.

      There were a few people moving around the stall thing (it was a big open table kind of thing sort of. Hard to describe), and I realized that the point was for you to chop your own fruit and put it in the bowl for a kind of fruit salad thing. So it was basically a 'make your own fruit salad' booth.

      I said to them that it was a great idea--much better than those stalls that sold fresh juice drinks. I think I either moved on or stopped dreaming before I tried to make my own fruit salad.

      I often dream about various food stalls/places in my dream university, but this certainly was unique.