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    1. Perplexis sperm ball

      by , 04-28-2016 at 11:42 PM
      Non-Lucid= My dreams were really jumbled today for some reason. The last one was really confusing. Me & a bunch of women were all around a Perplexis Game Ball. Instead of the metal ball inside of it that you use to navigate the maze while you turn the ball, there was sperm going through it & we were all hoping to get it somehow. Yup, that is so weird! I was so confused. So weird.

      stupid little balls-perplexis.jpg
      Tags: non - lucid
      lucid , dream fragment
    2. #135: Tooth

      by , 04-28-2016 at 09:50 PM
      The details are very blurry. I remember very clearly though that a tooth was bothering me. It was on the upper right side. I started fickling with it with my tongue and perhaps also with my finger(s). Eventually it dropped out of my mouth. I immediately realise that this never happens in real life, but does in my dreams every once in a while. I must be dreaming. I immediately try to push my fingers through the palm of my other hand. They don't go through. Hmm.. Perhaps I'm not dreaming then. I continue the dream, not realising it is one. It hurt a bit and made me think about my recent wisdom tooth extraction. I had some concerns over this tooth though, because it wasn't really supposed to fall out.

      At some point I am at what appears to be in a dentist's office. The walls are all white. There's a 'blood meter' somewhere, measuring how much blood people lose, I think while having their tooth extracted. Creepy.

      I also was talking about my thesis. One conversation was with my real life supervisor, another was with a lecturer from my bachelor, who in the dream is my second supervisor. They disagree about what I should do. Great. Caught in the middle.

      There was more, but I can't recall it.
      Tags: tooth, university
    3. Hedgerow at Dusk

      by , 04-28-2016 at 09:04 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      Laying in bed, my eyes open and I do a reality check by looking at my right hand in front of me. Something still feels strange about the situation, so I do a nose-plug and breath. I'm fully aware I'm dreaming, and I get up but for some reason have a difficult time with the gravity in the dream. I think critically to myself that 'this is a dream, just get up!'. I realize that I am in a room strongly resembling my childhood room at night time. I look left and decide not to go down the darkened hallway as I am more interested in the natural environment outside and possibly changing the dream scene. I make my way over to the window, yet have a tough time flying for some reason and feel a bit frustrated, yet I grab on to the windowsill, propel myself out and I finally start flying. Flying is pretty easy at this point, and I make my away along scattered shrubbery to a body of water resembling a pool. I take in the surroundings which are at the dead of night. The environment is filled with bushes, hedges, and trees. This area looks very similar to my childhood backyard. I start to work my memory to remember dream goals and start working on them. I shout out to the dream to help me build my lucid abilities. I then try to remember part II of my goals as I look toward the dark trees at the far edge of the area. I begin to shout to the dream to ask how to become lucid more often, but the dream cuts out midway through this question. I find myself talking to a co-worker about a crazy lucid dream I just had starting with an interesting FA experience .
    4. [28-04-2016]

      by , 04-28-2016 at 06:16 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      False awakening

      I woke up on a shelf in my kitchen, covered with bed sheets. The shelf wasn't hard for some reason, it was really dark, I could only see a clock lighted up on an oven panel. I wondered why I was lying there and then I woke up.


      I was in school, it was a cloudy afternoon. The building was a mix up of my previous and current school (as in my most school dreams). I wandered corridoors, going up and downstairs. Finally I sat down on a bench with another dude. We took towels out of a shelf and started hitting each other with them. Teacher - a blonde woman in late thirties came to stop us. She was wearing a black jacket and black skirt. I decided to go to another room - it was a huge storage, there were enormous shelves with towels lying on them.
    5. 28 April 2016

      by , 04-28-2016 at 03:35 PM
      28 April 2016

      I was in a parking lot, talking to an elder lady in regards to something hospital related I believe. Then somehow I was skateboarding but without a skateboard, only using my shoes. I was hopping over cars at times and eventually ended up at an outhouse in the middle of the parking lot where an MLP: FIM character "Tree Hugger" was in Human form along with her uncle (who resembles Asgore from Undertale) and a few other relatives in the distance. Tree Hugger was vomiting in the outhouse for taking five of something she should have only taken one or two of. I high fived her uncle.

      Later, I saw inside some building that had a pool of water at the bottom, designed that way. Being as if I'm playing a video game, the person I'm playing with is in a lower level of the building. There are rakghouls (or something?) chasing him and he uses some ridiculously overpowered nuclear weapon against them. I'm laying down on one of the floors above next to the railing, and this weapon causes quite a vortex as if it's out of the movie "The Arrival" with one of those devices that sucks everything (and everyone) around it in. I'm nearly taken from laying down on the floor above over the railing, but I'm not. The pool is now a deep blue. I then climb down the ladders around the pool to the only ladder that goes to the lower level, into the pool; it's incredibly radioactive as shown on the Fallout 3 esque Rads meter (the level per second is in the 500-600 range) and I can't stay in it. I then climb back up. The man below is wondering how to get back up. I'm out of the area and, first person, at some point am talking to him on the surface world with him sitting down and I'm wondering why he needs to get out if he's up here. The answer of course is more or less that he's the man I'm talking to while the one below is in the video game, I'm guessing. I then had in mind and believe I told him in essence "Go east then dig upwards in a spiral staircase fashion like in Minecraft" while I visualized doing that.

      EDIT: I didn't see him use the radioactive weapon. I also am not sure why I tagged this with "Undertale" so if you came here because of that tag, sorry. Maybe I dreamed of Undertale at some other point and didn't write it down.

      Updated 10-10-2016 at 12:23 PM by 61868

    6. Chimera

      by , 04-28-2016 at 03:22 PM
      Medium LD #401
      Something is wrong with my phone. It keeps playing the wrong video or music. Then I see that the curtains have been stuck out of the windows which are now closed, meaning the fabric is on the outside. I open the windows and pull the curtains back inside. While doing this my partner's car pulls up on the driveway so I rush downstairs to open the front door.

      Back inside the front room there is a game going on. I collect dice that are scattered on the floor. In a corner of the room is a d10 that is glowing bright white. Dice of power! Alright. I walk through into another room and someone attacks me. I reveal the dice of power clutched in my hand and they back off. Also, in my other hand, a blue triangular stone with a spiral inscribed on it has appeared.

      This makes me lucid and after a moment inspecting my hands and arms I look around seeing my sister and another DC. The only exit is a window. At first the glass is solid and resists any attempt to pass through it but after some effort it starts to stretch like molten plastic.

      Outside is a garden with a street at the far end. JR and a couple of other DCs are walking along it. Remembering the task of the year I call out for a goat.

      From the rocks and bushes at the side of the garden a rather small brown goat tumbles out. It bleats and picks itself up unsteadily. I check it is solid and can feel its coarse hair. "Now unleash the Chimera!" I gesture at the goat and tranform it. It grows to 3m tall and its body turns more lion like while its head and face become an angry predatory bird with a hooked beak.

      There's no one here though. "Attack!" I command the Chimera while spinning around and seeing some DCs further up the garden.

      The Chimera leaps up onto the rocks and the DCs panic. "Use your lightning powers!" The Chimera becomes covered in an aura of flashing blue lightning that electrocutes several DCs that fall to the ground.

      "Use fire breath!" The Chinera spins around and unleashes a flamethrower style gout of flame that incinerates a man running towards it. "Use your poison tail." The Chineras tail whips out and stabs a man in the chest. He staggers and falls down.

      The dream is starting to destabilise though... noooo...

      Before the final part can be completed the dreams fades. I stay perfectly still and DEILD back in.

      The reformed dream has me lying in bed though. Something in my mouth feels loose and I pull out a weird metal bracket. I'm still semi-lucid and trying to get back on track. There is a computer screen near the bed, so I use that to try and control the dream. The Chimera is on screen waiting, like a computer game. I'm about to send it off attacking enemies again when I realise the first part about transforming a goat... so I attempt to turn it into a goat and it shrinks into some weird little squid thing. Uh...

      The next attempt has it become a large cartoonish goat, in fact the graphics for the entire dream become 'warcraftish'. A DC tries to distract me by asking something but I ignore them. Waving my hands and chanting some magical made-up words I tranform the goat into my Chimera monster again. It has a similar form to before but more cartoony in fitting with the whole dream.

      This time the Chimera is under my telepathic control. Waves of enemies with swords and spears start charging in so I use lightning and flame breath kill them.

      The Chimera is perfectly under my control and breathes out an ice cloud that solidifies two more DCs. "Smash the ice!" Dutifully the Chimera raises up onto its hind legs then smashes down on the frozen figures with both front paws.

      Oh yeah poison tail... last one. The Chimera has a long lions tail but it is whipping around and is easy to imagine as a snake. It buries its fangs in one DCs neck but now the Chimera and myself have merged into one being and the enemies are swamping me. The crush of numbers starts to destabilise the dream and I wake up.
      lucid , task of the year
    7. Comparing my mate to a cat

      by , 04-28-2016 at 02:17 PM
      Had a dream that I was living in some sort of post-apocolyptic world, and my sister (plus the two teenage boys in my group) needed gf/bfs. I remember going out and trying to find survivors so that we could find them companions then Everything went kinda black.

      Dream skip

      Instead of one of the boys finding a companion he chose to become my companion. (sorry for the lack of detail I remember very little) I just got done hugging the guy and I remember two guys laughing at him (I believe they were gay) "Oy, the great schemer has linked up with a white boy." "You forget we are like two siamese cats in the prescence of a great persian:" Proceeds to laugh and mockingly bow. Shaking my head I remember walking away while smiling.
    8. 28.4.16

      by , 04-28-2016 at 12:07 PM
      I'm with a group of lads and where doing all sorts ot challanges, next thing I know I get something thrown at me and I don't know what so we all decide to put our boxing gloves on and let the girls take care of us. the boxing gloves are the comfiest gloves I've ever worn in my entire lad, they felt so nice and where designed really well. the girls seemed to like the gloves which is what made them be attractive to me! although it didn't last very long because we went back out side again. I remember being with some guy and we was on some home made slay and we came upto some bill and we went flying down so fast it looked amazing! going down so fast we fell off on the ground, we knock dead bodies and find zombies just laying there on the floor. we where trapped, I jumped over and the fat guy needed a hand but I didn't get him. the fat guy game into the field as a zombie, I start teasing him since he's a slow zombie, I start running away from him, running around him, close to him! i notice how someone tried to throw something at me this time, i unaware ot what it was, but it was some sort of stone and one of the lads asked what colour it was and I said jet back, then we knew who where throwing them, these 2 lads so a get back on our amazing gloves and head Inside to the girls.

      it was different this type of dream, there was 2 other girls and I fell in love with one. something bad happened but I'm not sure what but we went to my dads house in waking life ( I don't see him anymore) and it looked different the staircase an all. I had a dream about lucid dreaming once again, I was in some room, I seen a playlist and I scrolled through the playlist and seen WILD so I clicked and listened to it and then I took the head phones back off, as I have lots of trouble with WILD. Now, I am talking to a man and he says "if you dont work hard for something then you don't really want it" this is my favuroute thing about the dream, even though it's a short sentence it felt powerful. So since we did something wrong I go down to apologize to my dad for our behaviour, he is alot different in my dream, he's more gentle, more understanding, and I told him what he had done, he was not happy about it but then he whispered to me "I've done bad things too" and this made me feel a whole lot better. as I mentioned I don't see my dad in waking life, I seen presents on the side thinking they must be for me, but I didn't really pay attention to it. me and the gang are back out and we hunted a snake and killed it, because we turned into wolves!
    9. Dream fragment: Log 2 - Cats and mazes

      by , 04-28-2016 at 10:14 AM
      So last nights dream was very strange, to say the least. I was listening to music again and remember waking up to the hour long Odyssey mix form Monstercat's Discovery album.

      I remember walking through a sort of maze that was a muted blue colour, or sort of washed out. It had some child sized mouse holes for going under the walls which when I looked were actually little hidie-holes. Inside was a small room and in that room were people, usually one per room.

      This is where it got strange... Now I'm sure some readers here have seen the Doctor Who episode with the cars flying under the city and the Cat and Human couple with kittens as children... the people in these rooms that I found were giving birth to litters of kittens... I've only ever seen pictures of cats birthing and I have never seen the notorious 'Woman giving birth' health video at school so this really weirded me out...

      Updated 04-28-2016 at 10:19 AM by 90483

      dream fragment
    10. DJ#157: Metal Venue

      by , 04-28-2016 at 06:20 AM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: My little brother was playing on the couch. I was somewhere else in the room changing up my deck in Hearthstone.

      Dream 2: I was at a famous metal concert venue, the very first metal gig in history was played there. The likes of Black Sabbath, Mayhem and a made up solo woman had all played there. I was taking a tour around and the guide pointed out how the glass in the windows was double plated to withstand the sound waves, as well as the giant wall of amps that formed the backdrop of the stage.

      Fragment: Woman making out with me.
      Tags: non - lucid
    11. 4/27/15

      by , 04-28-2016 at 05:20 AM
      Dream 1: A girl from my old middle school named Breck was cyber-bullying me and calling me awful things. My friends wanted to get her expelled.
      Dream 2: I was with my supervisor at work who was giving a little boy a tour of a safari park. She let him pet most of the animals but said the zebra was dangerous.

      Updated 07-25-2016 at 06:54 PM by 90524

    12. Quick HH

      , 04-28-2016 at 05:09 AM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Morning nap little over 2 hrs after waking up.

      I want to revisit my desire to OBE/AP. Someone told me, that difference between LD and OBE is that in OBE we know it's OBE and not a dream. That we realize that.

      So my falling asleep mantra was "I am out of body" and "explore my room". But I'm realizing, that I need to focus on getting out as normally into a WILD and then to remember I'm OBE.

      Falling asleep I get a quick HH of my coworker A standing by magazines and he is about to write or draw in them. I turn back to watch him and I hope he is not gonna do it.

      Updated 04-28-2016 at 05:13 AM by 50242

    13. School Again

      by , 04-28-2016 at 04:44 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was inside of a classroom and once again on the freshman campus. I was standing at the back of the class next to the door. Class was about to end so everyone was standing around just socializing and whatnot. On the opposite end of the classroom I see her. She's wearing a green dress with dark boots. Her eyes look amazing and her hair was slightly curled. I put my attention to the students in front of me now. There is a group of 3 dudes, all with their backpacks on, standing about 10 feet away from me. They are talking about her. "Dude she's honestly such a slut" one says. "Right, always pulling up her shit and shit" another one says. "Damn, I know for a fact she's not a slut and she never does any of that" I thought to myself. I didn't say anything to the guys because I didn't feel like getting involved or starting anything. The only thing that mattered was that I knew who she truly was, and what everyone else thought about her meant nothing to me.
      Suddenly the bell signalling that class is over rings and everyone leaves class. I walk out of the door, out of the school, and into the parking lot. That was my last period of the day, 6th period, and now it was time to go home as I have early release. I find myself in the B parking lot next to the senior campus seconds later. The lot is packed and there are very few, if any, empty parking spots. I look around. The sky is partly cloudy, but the sun is still shining relatively brightly. I walk over to my car, get in, and start it up. As I pull out of my parking spot, so does someone else. This other person then proceeds to get in front of me and block my path. They then park they're car here. "Okay, what the fuck is this dude doing" I say out loud. I go in reverse and seconds later another car comes from behind me and blocks my path. I decide to also just park my car where it is currently at. I then get out of my car at the same time that the guy who blocked my path in front of me does.
      This guy seems to be in his mid 50s. He has medium length black hair that looks slightly greasy. He is dressed like some sort of rockstar. "Sorry about that" he says to me. I don't respond to him. He walks away and I don't see him again. "Well, I guess I'll just chill in the parking lot for now" I say out loud. Not far from me, on the side of the parking lot, is a golf cart. I walk over to the golf cart and see that the keys to it and just sitting on the seat. I sit down, put the keys in the ignition, and start the cart up. I then start to drive the cart around the parking lot, and I do so with ease considering it is way smaller than my car. I even drive between a few cars. Suddenly one of the school cops walks into the parking lot. I notice instantly that she is looking straight at me with a stern look. I drive up to her in the cart. "How's it going officer?" I ask. "What do you think you're doing!?!" she asks me. "I'm just chilling in the parking lot" I tell her with a neutral tone.
      "No you're skipping, and I'm going to get your AP" she says. "Are you kidding me? I have early release I can chill in the parking lot if I want" I say. "I don't want to hear it, tell it to your AP" she says. At this point I become a little frustrated, "Okay go right ahead, you can't do shit to me because I have early release" I tell her with a strong tone. Suddenly I find myself next the same officer, but now we are in the cafeteria on the senior campus. We are standing on the side of the cafeteria waiting for an AP. Just then an AP comes to the side of the cafeteria, but not for us. He is talking to another student who had just gotten in trouble. I decide to just walk away from the officer as I had had enough of her wasting my time. For some reason I walk into a classroom. The same teacher from the other class I left not long ago was in there, Mrs. Koenig.
      This classroom looks different though. The floor is covered in a blueish-gray carpet and the lighting in here seems a lot darker. All of the desks are facing towards the teachers desk. I see a few people I know, but other than that everyone else is a complete stranger. I go to the front of the class and sit in one of the first desks. I remember looking around to see who I knew specifically. Erika stood out to me immediately as we vibed really well. At some point in the class Mrs. Koenig came up to me. "Do you have your notebook? I need to check your warm ups" she says. I then open up my backpack and pull out two notebooks, not knowing which one I need to show her. One notebook is green, and the other is purple. I decide to hand her the purple one. She opens up the notebook and we both see that I only have one warm up. "If you get the rest of the warm ups soon then I'll give you a 100" she tells me. At this point I "remembered" that all of my warm ups were in the green notebook which I had just put on the floor on the left side of my desk.
      For some reason I get up out of my desk and walk to the left side of the classroom and sit on the floor. The class projector turns on and some sort of video starts playing. Suddenly Erika comes and sits on the floor right next to me. We talk and I tease her and all that stuff. We end up playing footsies for a few minutes. After this I get up and leave the class. I walk out to the bus ramp of the senior campus. The bell rings on my way out and tons of students rush out the doors with me. As I turn the corner on the bus ramp I see my friend Austin. "Cory, run this obstacle course with me" he says. "Aright lets do it dude" I reply. In front of us I can see a set of obstacles and also a large sand pit. Right as were about to start, a car busts through the wall to the right of us and drives off. "What the hell" I said. Me, Austin, and all of the students next to us looked at the wall in shock.
      After a few seconds our focus is back on the obstacle course. We start. I run and jump over many large horizontal bars. Eventually I come up to the large sandpit. In the sandpit, there are many arms emerging from the bottom of it. I figured we had to run across the sandpit without the arms dragging us down into the sand. Austin goes first and makes it across with ease. I start to run across and as I do the hands seem to get more violent. Many of the hands start to grab at me. Some actually manage to grab onto me, but I push through with force and free myself from their grip. As I make it across the sandpit, I turn around and look back. Now there are virtual coins and many small balls of energy glowing of many different colors all across the sandpit. Austin and I, along with all the students around us, go back into the sandpit to collect the coins and energy.
    14. Restless night

      by , 04-28-2016 at 02:26 AM
      I had dreams but because I got woke up so many times I just couldn't keep them fresh in my mind. My husband was all over the bed during the night & Meesha cat brought him a live mouse as a gift in our bed & after he left she brought me one too! She keeps bringing them in from the alley, lol. I think she killed the mother & is pillaging the rest. I can add this to my autobiography of weird shit that happens to me if I ever get around to writing it, lol.
      Tags: non- lucid
      non-lucid , side notes
    15. Suspicious Incident

      by , 04-28-2016 at 01:48 AM
      I was in a library of a university/hospital hybrid, maybe the medical sciences part of a university campus, checking out some books. When I walked to the car the hubcaps were all missing and the hood was up with most of the parts missing from under the hood. Some stuff had been stolen from inside the car too but I saw my cell phone in the back seat and picked it up. Then a guy showed up who was the one who did it. He chased me until I got away from him by running back inside. Then I walked into a hospital room where a girl threatened to torture me so I hit her in the head with a chair. She was either knocked unconscious or dead and I went back outside the building and tried to call my boyfriend. A different guy answered the phone and said my boyfriend had just went into the party. But then I became suspicious that my boyfriend's phone had been stolen and that it was connected to the car incident so I was scared. At that point I realized that my wireless mouse was functioning as a cell phone. I ran up six flights of stairs to get to the top floor of the building where I thought I would be safe from people trying to attack me, but I wasn't sure I was safe there so I decided to run back to the car. I was really scared and I hoped that I was only dreaming but thought I definitely wasn't when I glimpsed the girl still knocked out in her hospital room. On the way to the car I was carrying blankets and I dropped a bottle of laundry detergent but realized I didn't have my library books and was worried that I had lost them. When I saw the car, the hubcaps were there and the hood was down. I got in and cranked it up and it was working.
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