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    1. What a mess!

      by , 03-06-2024 at 02:54 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Recall still shit. All I'm getting are flashes. I miss my longer dreams, even if they are non lucid.


      Was falling asleep briefly yesterday morning, Vaguely entertaining thoughts on Katelynn... when I had an Hypnagogic flash of a stop sign. Well, It's pretty clear what that means...


      A brief dream, that was entirely a shade of blue. Seemed to be having 2 dreams at once. In one I'm in Fortnite (Yes, I finally took over the household internet and briefly indulged in some video games) Someone shot at me and I did a 90 or something. suddenly I was in a restaurant and a familiar man was sitting at a table and having a coffee. He looked like Robin Williams. I went up to him and stated, "Wow, you look like Robin Williams!" He said that yes, he was Robin Williams. We began having a conversation when I woke up.

      Jamie 1

      I'm in the familiar black space with Jamie. She is turned around and I am helping her with a fancy hairstyle or something (I blame TikTok for this one, my feed started showing me how to braid and women's hairstyles. And well, I'm a guy, I like women with long hair. so, I found it satisfying to watch these videos). While I'm doing her hair She says, "Robert, My boyfriend..." And I'm thinking, "Her boyfriend what? Who's her boyfriend? and what was she going to say about him?" Then I realize that the tone she said it in sounded more like admiration and pride more like, "Robert My Boyfriend!" Ok, since when? How far into delusion land have I gone here? I guess in the unlikely scenario that Jamie reads my dreams, and we are connected telepathically through dreams, and she is deciding to actively participate in this. With all the dreams we've apparently shared and all the things we have done in them, I guess within the realm of only dreams and not physical reality, Her statement is true. Now I can live with that. But for how long?


      I'm in the black space again walking towards Jamie. It sounds like she is talking to someone that isn't there. She says, "Robert, I'm not breaking up with you."
      I go up to her and tell her I am right here. She keeps arguing with a voice in her head that apparently sounds like me. I then notice something behind her in the shadows it looks kind of like me but it is made up of burning papers or something... I grab Jamie's shoulder and turn her around and say, "Look, that isn't me." that's all I remember.
      However, I have written some years ago, that I was at that time experiencing something like a voice in my head that sounds like Jamie while awake. (I also had a dream at that time that Jamie was sitting in a chair and she was hearing voices in her head that sounded like me, So I wonder if she experiences this as well?) Me, being a Christian, we are all taught the devil likes to attack us through the mind, so, I am extremely skeptical. I've tried deliverance prayers, renouncing the voice i hear. I have even tried arguing with the voice telling it, "You're not real, leave me alone. Shut up!!!" etc. This stuff is the icing on the cake of what I experience that almost convinces me that I should check myself into a psych ward. If only there was a pill or some type of therapy that could make it stop. however, in conjunction with paranormal phenomena, dreams, impossible coincidences with messages, I'm convinced it's spiritual in nature. Especially now, since moving back to the area where she lives. The frequency of Jamie Dreams has increased as well as the intensity of the voice. The voice has Jamie's moods, seems thoughtful and loving, at most times. And also sometimes maintains her push/pull style. Here are some interesting experiences I've had with the voice:

      in 2019, I was into ghost hunting especially using EVP apps like "Echovox,". Well, the day after I sent Jamie my long message admitting everything, to her. I was on night shift with my co worker at mcdonald's. Mcdonald's night shift is terrifying, those places are haunted AF (A girl's hair was pulled in the freezer. A lot of staff members heard voices including me. Tongs flew off the table sometimes. not to mention when we had a power outage and everything was pitch black.) So on our smoke break, The day after I msgd Jamie, Me and the coworker decided to play around with the app. The second I turned it on, Jamie's voice was speaking, "I LOVE HIM, I LOVE HIM!!!" but it sounded creepy like she was saying it as she was breathing in. The co worker thought it was his girlfriend's voice. But he clearly heard the same thing. I once in a while, would play around with the app, to see if I could get Jamie's voice back. I eventually stopped it though due to the voice, in my head and on the app complaining about it and urging me to no longer use it.

      In recent instances on the day I saw Jamie in the store. On my way driving there I heard the voice say with OOMPH!, "You're going to see me today!" And I was like arguing like, "Yeah right, are you driving behind me?" "Maybe I am." I check and no one is following me. I go into the store, She's right there. Doesn't look at me when she leaves, and seems mad I'm even there. Well, for days I gave the voice shit, "Don't hype yourself to me, if you won't even look at me or even acknowledge my existence." The day I saw Jamie in the SUV I hard the same voice with OOMPH, "You're going to see me today!." Hours before. I notice this time she smiled and was looking at me.

      Another thing that might lend credulity to the voice. I was scrolling TikTok and came upon some Christian based descriptions of this paranormal interference and delusions in human relationships. Soul ties, and Kingdom Spouse. Again, I lump this in with Twin Flame, and Alien Love Bite category: take these things with a grain of salt. I focus more on the personal experiences that people go through and compare it to mine. I especially was fascinated reading the comments on the soul tie videos written by women, "I hear what he thinks, I know when he's eating, when he is sleeping..."

      So, If Jamie reads these entries, and she does indeed hear voices, and if she knows Jesus. Pray about it. For the past month, I do 20 minutes to half an hour of prayer daily. Only asking for the truth about all of this. Sometimes it quiets the voice, but not for long. If she feels that she is hearing multiple voices that sound like me. I experience that at times. Especially lately. Prayer should work. And if it's not working maybe there's something we're both doing that's inviting demons it. It could be an abuse of the voice. It could be something dream related... Whatever it is, we should probably stop doing it for a while, and see if it stops.

      And if all this is in my head and she reads these. Please let me know. I want to be free from this.

      This is also the 629'th dream journal entry.
    2. Chips and apples

      by , 03-05-2024 at 01:40 AM (My Robotic imagination)
      I'm at the apartments and I'm wlking down towards them as I do so I see little kids playing in the yard one has a bag of

      chips and is running with itIf Bush wins I'll *BLEEP* myself :P-a_candid_snapshot_of_a_person_walking_towards_a_.jpg. He somehow dorps the bag but not the chipIf Bush wins I'll *BLEEP* myself :P-the_kid_somehow_drops_the_bag_but_not_the_chip_.jpg. It was orange in color and I began to taste it

      Just frome looking at it! It tasted like sour cream chedder. then I'm near the park and I'm walking through foot high apple

      slices.If Bush wins I'll *BLEEP* myself :P-hen_im_near_the_park_and_im_walking_through_fo.jpg There are green apples and are wet to the touch. My feet are buried in them and I'm wonerin how this managed to

      happenIf Bush wins I'll *BLEEP* myself :P-i_pick_an_apple_up_and_take_a_bite_tasted_like_.jpg. I pick one up and take a bite. Tasted like juicy natural apples with no over aggzagerarted flavor. The meat of the

      apple looked natural, white and somewhat transparent.If Bush wins I'll *BLEEP* myself :P-a_very_thin_slice_of_apple_that_is_being_held_i.jpg

      Updated 03-05-2024 at 01:42 AM by 13650

    3. My robotic imagination Revival

      by , 03-04-2024 at 10:55 PM (My Robotic imagination)
      Hello My fella dreamers, It has been a wile since I have last posted. I am gonna be reviving my dream journal and updating them with imagery and new entries.

      Regular dreams will be in black (Everyday non-lucid/normal dreams)
      Nightmares in red (fear inducing)
      lucid in blue (knowning I'm in a dream)
      interpeted in gray (something simular happens in real life)
      fragmented in brown (can remember only a small part or bits and peices)
      reocurring in pink(Things, characters or people that have appeared in dreams more then once)
      Dream goal in orange (Attempt to do a dream task from the DV forums)
      Reacurring places in dark green (places that appear in dreams)
      HI Hypnogogic Imagery (Images that occur while entering sleep)
      HI Hypnopompic Images (Images that occur while waking up)

      I start off standing in a living room. The lights are on and there are DCs in it. One's a shadow and the other one was the

      same except it had some detailing. If Bush wins I'll *BLEEP* myself :P-a_captivating_cinematic_scene_of_the_furnace_ma.jpg The shadowy DC has committed a dream sin and is being punished for whatever it was he has done. The Punisher is talking to the committee about his actions and demands that he comes with him. He refuses and a fight.

      breaks out. If Bush wins I'll *BLEEP* myself :P-a_captivating_cinematic_scene_of_the_furnace_ma-2-.jpgThey grab at each other and then the punisher opens a pair of doors that was on his chest, grabs the committee.

      and presses his head up against the inner part of the left door and he yells out in pain as the hot metal burns his face.

      He pulls away and the furnace man grabs his arm and they fight yet again, punching and kicking at each other. This goes on.

      for some time with me witnessing them fighting, punching, kicking and burning each other. If Bush wins I'll *BLEEP* myself :P-a_captivating_cinematic_scene_of_the_furnace_ma-1-.jpg At some point in time, they fall

      on to the ground and roll around. The furnace man gets the committees head into the doors and stands up with only the head.

      sticking out. They are still yelling and arguing and the furnace guy burns him with the hot doors again and the committee

      screams again. This happens a few times and then the committee dose something dumb. He turns his head sideways and his chin.

      that was keeping his head out came off the edge of the furnace and he is pushed down into his chest and the doors closed.

      up. I can hear him really start to yell and scream as the furnace guy took him off, into another room. If Bush wins I'll *BLEEP* myself :P-a_well_lit_living_room_with_a_dreamer_there_in_.jpgAfter that it got

      quiet. From seeing all of this even though it didn't bother me I went down a hall and into a back room and collapsed on the

      floor in front of a doorless way. I heard the furnace guy call me, but I didn't respond. Soon he came out and gently held me.

      up.If Bush wins I'll *BLEEP* myself :P-a_striking_and_cinematic_scene_featuring_the_fu.jpg "Are you ok?" I nodded yes and stood up. I said something about being Lucid and hoped that this was a dream! Me and him

      talked about dream stuff until I woke up.

      Updated 03-04-2024 at 11:06 PM by 13650

    4. Fast food faux pas and penthouse drama

      by , 03-04-2024 at 08:17 PM (Lucid-Wannabe's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1: 12:00am - 4:30am

      Going through the drive-thru

      I’m going through a McDonalds drive-thru with some unknown friends. The driver pulls up enough that my window is lined up with the drive-thru window. I open the door and take the bags that are handed to me by a woman. I don’t know what I say to her but she misconstrues it as me asking for a free espresso which is part of some event going on. She looks at me like ‘really?’ and begins pouring an espresso, and then added whip cream to the top of it - all without taking her eyes off me or changing her expression.

      I feel bad about this for some reason and clumsily ask her “Uh, would you like anything?” (lol). She says she doesn’t drink coffee.

      To the party

      Some time passes and my friends and I arrive at our destination which is a fancy penthouse party. Everyone is dressed nicely and there are celebrities here. I get the vibe it’s some sort of award show after party, the atmosphere is relaxed and upbeat.

      I look at a man and I’m instantly transported to when he took his video that he submitted to compete in the event that led up to this party.

      It’s just him and one man filming him out in the wilderness, the ground and trees are covered in snow, it feels like it could be in Alaska. The man being filmed is a rapper, he has no shirt on and is only wearing shorts, his body is covered in tattoo’s and scarification tattoos. He has dark sclera contact lenses in and has heavy body modifications, his nostrils are removed and his upper lip is scarred and unusual. (This guy was influenced from a similar guy I’ve seen online recently)

      He’s rapping and the more I hear the more I don’t like him. The camera view changes - the view is now of the camera resting slightly sideways on the ground so that the snow on the ground takes up a lot of the view, and laying on the ground in front of it is the rapper's face. His eyes are wide open staring off to the sky as if he’s dead - his rapping continues over this shot. Very close to the camera are several rectangular pieces of his tattoo’d flesh that were removed, the blood lightly soaking into the top layer of the snow. The track title to the current song appeared in the bottom left hand corner of the screen, “redacted in on the loser”

      My presence is transported back into the party and now I see this man in a new light, he looks so different now in his dark suit. I turn my view and I see a Scottish looking man and again my presence goes to the video he produced. He was being recorded in a gymnasium, he was a top athlete in a rugby style game. Right before he began speaking I got the dream knowledge that he was the world's fastest speaker. Along with his accent and speed, I had no clue what he was saying. I think he had really long hair on the back of his calves too.

      I’m transported back to the event and there’s a commotion going on by the front door so I head over. Apparently an uninvited woman is trying to persuade her way in, the guy that was at the door asked me to watch it as he left to get someone. I begin having a conversation with the woman, she has black hair and vivid blue eyes and she’s absolutely beautiful. She’s saying that all I have to do is find a man named Eric here and he will vouch for her. I’m not really sure what the situation is and I know the other guy will come back soon so I just say let’s wait for him to come back and we’ll sort this out. We ended up joking around, laughing and flirting a lot.

      The suspension bridge

      I’m now hiking and crossing a suspension bridge up in some PNW mountains, as I cross it the vibrations dislodge some baseball sized rocks on the other side of the bridge which fall a great way down and just barely miss a man’s head. This really unsettles me.

      I performed several cycles of SSILD before drifting off to sleep again.

      Dream 2 5:00am - 8:00am

      To the cupcake place

      I'm out with some friends, we enter a 'cupcake restaurant' we're seated at a round table very close to the front door which I’m not too happy about. I head towards the side that is furthest from the door which has a bench but the seats are taken. I take the last seat which has my back right by the door. The tables and chairs are so low that it's really awkward to sit with my long limbs. The register is directly to my left and the hostess there sees me struggling. She apologizes for the awkward setup they have.

      While looking around at the place I absentmindedly grab some sort of cupcake off of my dish and take a bite. I look at my plate and it's full of partially eaten things by whoever was eating here last. The hostess notices this and apologizes profusely but also tries to blame me for sitting where I sat or something. All of these nuisances added up to too much, I stand up and say “you know what, I'm out” - I’m unusually aggravated.

      Hide and seek

      I leave the building and it's raining outside, I'm thinking about where I can go to get something to eat. I'm going back and forth on the ideas of fast food or somewhere nice.

      I'm now walking through a mall, the main walkway passes through a video game sort of store/section. A thin 17-ish year old guy screams at me "YOU!", I look at him and think that he may be autistic or something by the way his voice sounded and the way he looked. His eyes were bloodshot and his veins were standing out on his head.

      He quickly walked towards me and said something like "You took the last one!" And sort of punch/shoved me with both arms. He had so much more strength than he should have had for his size and I stumbled backwards.

      Behind him was what I considered to be his guardian, but he's also young - maybe 19. He's wearing a dark long sleeved shirt with his arms crossed, with a smirk on his face. This guy seems to make sure it’s at a distance but close enough to keep tabs on what’s going on.

      The angry one starts to come at me again and I try to calm him down, I slightly put my arms up with my palms facing him and quickly say "No no no, I didn't take anything!" in a friendly tone. He stops for a moment and looks at me wide-eyed like maybe he made a mistake, but then goes right back at it.

      I decided that the person he's with is possibly setting him on people like this and think it best to avoid the situation. So I start leaving this part of the mall and begin going down winding corridors. I know he's still following me so I sprint for a bit before resuming at a brisk walk.

      A woman is walking in my direction, when I try to walk to one side of the corridor she does the same thing. She's staring at me intently and unblinking - making sure that we're on a collision course. Similar to my last encounter, she has a man trailing her. Right before we collide I side- step to the right and get around her. Once we pass each other she’s immediately out of my mind, as if she was a car on the other side of a highway and now that we’ve left each other's vision we’re on our separate courses.

      I come up to a closed elevator door with someone standing facing it. I notice it's the kid I've been avoiding! I sneak up behind him and pull my fist back before becoming partially lucid. I think to myself 'what am I doing!?' I quietly back up and go around another corner, I end up in a store that must be unoccupied or something, the lights are all off and it's very dark.

      I go in to the right and back up against a small indented part in the wall and sit on the ground, suddenly exhausted. I see a long shadow of a figure from the light pouring in from the entrance on my left. The figure walks over directly to me and it's the kid again, it almost feels like playing a horror game and the killer found me. He’s cracking his knuckles.

      I slowly open my eyes a bit IWL and I'm in a very pleasant sleep paralysis. My whole body is really comfortable and nearly impossible to move, besides my eyes which are also very heavy. I had to choose between waking up and recording my dreams or potentially lucidly return to my dream. I decided on the former.

      Updated 03-04-2024 at 09:30 PM by 106

      non-lucid , memorable
    5. Night of Saturday 3/2/24

      by , 03-04-2024 at 02:37 AM (Dreamlog)
      I'm in my local downtown area, inside a restaurant. It looks like an Oregano's Pizza.
      I'm looking out the front door. I see my girlfriend with another guy. His hair looks big.
      I remember (within the story of the dream) that me and girlfriend had recently agreed to "take a break."
      The pain of seeing her with somebody else is immense. It feels like the real thing.
      I'm in a hallway that looks like one from my highschool. My girlfriend is there.
      I tell her I want to get back together, and she agrees. Happy embrace.
      I'm with her at a hotel pool. We are doing naughty things.

      Updated 03-04-2024 at 02:53 AM by 99808

      non-lucid , nightmare
    6. MICROWEED, mind and body merging

      by , 03-03-2024 at 11:09 PM (Lucid-Wannabe's Dream Journal)
      I've had a cold the last several days which put a pause on my dream journaling. I’m still not 100% but I made a point to focus on recalling my dreams last night.

      Dream 1

      This was a long dream but I only remember fragments from it that are out of order. I’m sitting in some sort of lobby with a friend seated to my right. There is a door in front of me that goes to a restaurant. In front of the door is a table, there are two identical containers on this table. Their labels are bright and punchy with very large labels that say “MICROWEED”, the letters are made out of very tiny marijuana leaves.

      I announce “MICROWEED!” in a deep voice like I’m a movie voice over guy or something right as two ladies come through the door and block my view of the containers, they look right at me bewildered and confused why I’m saying this to them and then burst out laughing. I laugh too over the absurdity of the whole situation.

      Fragment 1

      I have some sort of metal rod like weapon or something in my right hand and a flint stone in my left. I’m sitting in a van in a seat that is facing the side sliding door which is open. In front of me is a curb and a walkway that goes to the front door of a house. There’s a ‘bodyguard’ at the door, he approaches me as I strike the tip of my metal rod a few times, sharpening it. He hastily approaches me and I approach him, we are simultaneously fighting and having a friendly conversation.

      I jab the rod for his throat which he dodges and grabs the rod and asks “Is that a piece of flint you’ve got there?” I confirm that it is as I struggle to get the rod out of his hands. We talk about the flint and he’s really interested in seeing it as we continue to have this ‘friendly fight’.

      Fragment 2

      I’m talking with either Tami or RacheL at my place. It’s nighttime and someone is approaching the house which is Tami or RacheL, whichever one I’m not speaking with.

      Fragment 3

      I’m in an upscale restaurant speaking with some friends. One of the people we were with stepped out and I grabbed his napkin, something about germs.

      Fragment 4

      I think I’m in the Pennsylvania house, in the end of the hall left room. There is a woman with me and I possess her, my body vanishes and I am controlling her body. I can feel her inside of my mind and she’s excited to see how I react to being in a different person’s body. I go over to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror.

      I was in awe that it worked and how different I was. The body I’m in has strawberry blonde hair and my skin is very fair. It’s so weird looking into my eyes, it was looking into someone else’s eyes yet I was moving them, they were more of a pale blue compared to my own. I pulled my bangs back looking at a forehead that was unfamiliar. The whole experience was just mind blowing and I could feel the woman that I was sharing the body with laughing in our shared mind over feeling how crazy the experience was for me. I leaned forward and kissed the mirror, which I could feel caught my mind companion off guard.

      Fragment 5

      I see my head from a third person perspective. My hair seems to have been shaved off. I notice a small but deep scar on my right temple very close to my eye brow. I lightly massage it to feel if the bone underneath the skin had been deformed from whatever incident caused the scar. As I did this my right eye began twitching uncontrollably. I think ‘so that’s why my eye twitches all of the time!’ - even though it doesn’t IWL.
    7. Low recall

      by , 03-03-2024 at 02:37 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Trouble sleeping past few days. Trying wbtb but not falling asleep.


      Had a dream my brother's gf was trying to hook me up with Katelynn. ( I went for a smoke during wbtb, and my brother's gf was shoveling snow, and she said she had a dream that I was doing things with Katelynn in some bushes... And then she said that I should try to get with her. And I said: no, pretty sure she's raising a kid with a common law guy. I remember K was a friend in 2011 after I moved to Bowden. But we never even got close to hooking up, even after she invited me over for new years, and it was just me and her. The energy was just too frigid for me to try anything, and I never make a move unless I have an absolutely impossible to miss greenlight.) Anyway in the dream my brother and his gf were driving me and K to a date or something. I offered her the front seat, but she insisted on the backseat. Yeah, didn't seem to be comfortable with the idea either...

      Jamie 1

      Just a quick flash of Jamie leaning down to kiss me. And no, I won't explain why she had to lean down.

      Jamie 2

      Jamie is standing in a black space and to my right is a dream scene of a city or something. Her hair is very much like when I knew her. Jamie is leaning out of the shadow and asks, " Do you want to see me?" Then I wake up.

      I do.
      Tags: jamie, katelynn
      non-lucid , side notes
    8. February 29, 2024 ?:?? am

      by , 03-01-2024 at 01:07 AM
      Last time sleeping in my apartment in Berlin, moving out today.

      Kept having the same dream about turning in my keys and catching the train home before waking up every ten minutes, except each dream the locations looked differently, sometimes I'd miss the train, or a woman being an imaginary family member of my mom's side would show up.
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