Last time sleeping in my apartment in Berlin, moving out today. Kept having the same dream about turning in my keys and catching the train home before waking up every ten minutes, except each dream the locations looked differently, sometimes I'd miss the train, or a woman being an imaginary family member of my mom's side would show up.
My last work day was today and I had a taxi cab to work booked at 11 am to return my hardware. I had several dreams about either missing my taxi cab, showing up to work and getting my hardware wrong, Or having my whole work day done already just to wake up several times. Finally, I woke up somewhere at 5 am in the morning as my body's response was to wake me up just to be sure I wouldn't be late. It was a relaxing workday, by the way! Glad that it is now over!
[07.07.2021] Disgusting worm Some sort of scientist created a worm that looks like a vein and is apparently parasitic. The worm is for some reason in my home and everything is flooded. Apparently, this is also a recurring dream. I try to grab the worm with tweezers, but it tries to attack my hand so I accidentally drop it in a cup of tea or coffee. Then it's on the ground again and I ask my mother where my garden gloves went. She says she doesn't know, but shortly after, I find them on top of a cupboard and put them on to protect myself from it when using tweezers again. [08.07.2021] Losing a friend I am at some sort of massive forge with a friend or two. We have to do some sort of task where we have to ascend a platform while everything is breaking down and there's a great risk of death. In the end, all but one friend manages to get on the platform and that friend who didn't make it died. Then, we have hope that they are still alive and try to look for them. Eventually, we find a YouTube channel of them that is apparently still posting some sort of Minecraft content and we find them in a jungle that looks like the jungle area in Just Cause 4.
[This is a series of dreams that occured over three nights, from June 13 to June 15 in 2017.] [June 13] I am at a festival sort of place, where there are dirt paths and stalls selling things. There are many events going on. One "show" has recently been cancelled, something about the building being unsafe. There is something amiss at this festival; children are going missing. I am trying to gather all the children without families (which is most of them) and take them to a cave, a designated "safe place". The cave seems to have a magical barrier to keep negativity out. At one point I find a little blonde girl and try to coax her into coming with me, but she disappears when I turn around and look back. [June 14] Continuing from last night, I am at the same festival, but my girlfriend is kind-of there (it's weird, she was blurry, like she was phased in from somewhere else] and a frantic young man is following me. He is shorter than me - natural, as I am my alternate self which is rather tall - and has curly brown hair and black-rimmed glasses. He is trying to tell me something, something about a bad thing going to happen. I listen to him casually while walking until a loud rumbling begins. The grond shakes, and people start running and screaming. The guy tries to say something along the lines of "I told you!" but I shoo him off and forge my own way. I am surprisingly calm for someone who thinks this is all real, slowly moving through the crowd and keeping an eye on the sky; the sky is beautiful, a prismatic shatter of color that slowly turns black. I make my way out of the festival and to a nearby farm house. There are many people inside that aren't too happy about me intruding in on their space, but I ignore it. An old man, presumably the keeper of the house, tries to trap me in an upstairs room. I easily resist his attempts and look for something I'm apparently looking for. I eventually find it: a trap door that leads to a huge underground factory. It is big enough for me to transform into my royal form, wings spread and all. I try to fly but find it difficult, and the dream fades. [June 15] I make it out of the factory and am somehow back at a different sort of festival, an indoor one. I end up at something that is drawing a crowd, some famous performer doing something I cannot remember. I watch until two officers come up to me with handcuffs and tell me to come with them. I get the feeling I should listen, so I comply without protest. On the way to their vehicle, cuffed and all, I feel a man press a key into my palm and whisper to hold onto it. I stuff it on the side of my panties, where they hopefully won't search. We drive to the holding station, where I sit on a bench and the officers explain the "situation" to someone else. Somehow, my cuffs loosen, and I sneak away. I go through a few doors and am suddenly in an underground mountainous area, airy and full of light yet so artificial. As I walk through here, a voice begins speaking to me: the man from earlier. He tell me where to go and I eventually am led to a door with a key slot. I still have the key he gave me, and it fits perfectly. Thing is, it only opens to more scenery. The voice tells me to be patient. I trust him and keep going; a little hiking and a weird cougar later, I stop at the mouth of a waterfall. The voice tells me to go through the waterfall. A strange blue creature comes forth from the falls, beckoning me in. I obey, going through. Things are strange on the other side. So much so, that my first reaction is to turn back around...but then walk back in. The place has many vivid colors and strange creatures, plants, and such glowing, odd scenery in general (think Wonderland, really). A pink creature greets me, and then I wake up.
Lucidity Dreams Real Life Side Notes Dream Fragments Opinion I found myself in a very active community, everyone knew everyone else, literally and took the time to interact with each other. It was very friendly. The news was on and reporting that war had broken out overseas. I was in a high rise block of flats and as is the way of dreams, I could see the war overseas from the window. All of a sudden I saw a missile launched and with a feeling of complete dread - not terror as you would imagine - I watched it as it soared up into the air, then it turned and made a B line towards the building I was in. I held my breath and closed my eyes as it hit the building and waited for the explosion. There was none. However as I opened my eyes to assess the situation, I saw the destruction you'd expect from a nuclear explosion. I found myself breaking into cars to steal for transport, some of the cars I was trying to break into were not like the cars we know of and are used to. They were operated and even started differently and try as I might, I couldn't figure out how to get them started. There was an incident were someone was trying to hurt my dogs and steal the food we had, but I don't remember the details. I have had recurring dreams throughout my life about nuclear war/bombs, the type of dreams that carry over into waking life for a moment or two, but not enough or as often to use them as dream signs. For some reason, I can't find the rest of the dream I put down on paper, so that's all I have for now, sorry. Nicho...!
So I was having a school dream, which I have had about 3 or 4 in the last few weeks, and they have all been based around the same schedule and been going through the days of school. Yesterday I was supposed to go to my 2nd period, but I was forgetting which class was my 2nd class. I went to my first period class first which was Spanish, but it obviously wasn't my class and I didn't recognize anyone. I had to ask my girlfriend what class I was supposed to be in and she told me, so I went down the hall to my AP Lit class. I went inside, and somebody told me they had a bug infestation but we were staying in there anyways. We were watching a documentary on bees, and the bugs that were in there were bees, spiders, and one more thing I don't remember. They were in designated areas across the room. At one point my dream was about to transform into another dream. There was some guy that said he could mess with the bees, hop on a motorcycle and get away from them. He tried it and EVERY bee chased after him and ended up killing him, but the bee infestation was gone. So that was a step up. But then the dream began to change and I was on a boat I believe? I was with many people I had never seen and this part is pretty hazy. There were areas for each age group, up to 18 I believe. You were supposed to watch over the age group below you, so 17 - 18 watches over the 15-16 year olds. Which I am a part of. They would mess with us pretty often though. But it wasn't too big a deal. I don't remember much else, but a bunch of people were saying they saw a person that looked like Bruce Wayne, from Batman, but I didn't see it, but I did see that it was just my friend Trent. And he does not look much like him at all.
Ok so I broke up with my boyfriend a week ago and this is when this dream started! For the past 6 days its been the same dream. The dream inside the dream is me at a party with alot of friends and this one guy I've had a crush on for a while (Austin) now was there and he was following me around the party and grabbing my hands and waist like we were a couple and i was walking around as if i was trying to make sure none of my crazy party animal friends didnt get hurt.Which is really weird because im crazy like that i dont know why i took this role of a "chaperone" in this dream.Then a while after i would wake from that dream and i would be in the other dream where i am laying down and that guy (austin) is on the foot of my bed sitting watching me and my band director is looking at me standing over austin and my best friend is turned around facing the wall. My band director looks angry and Austin looks like he wants to say something but no one talks.Then i wake up I dont understand why this is a recurring dream, maybe my band director being there was a sign that i should practice because band camp starts in 2 weeks and we need music memorized but it was just weird like i've never had a dream like this recurring so often exactly the same
I was young when I had this dream. Maybe 7-9. It starts off with me standing on a long wooden type of balcony. In front is me is a rope bridge with wooden planks. Around the planks you cannot see the ground. It was just like clouds and bright light. I go across the bridge and into this house sort of a thing. If i had to describe it, I would say it is wooden and looks like what I might imagine a tree house to look like. without the tree. It floats in mid-air. I go into the place and there is a old man. It looks like a mini library with books all over. I read some stories with the old man then he says its time to go and I go back across the bridge to the balcony and wake up. The 2nd time I had this dream was two years later. Around my birthday I think. This time it still starts off with me on the balcony again. The light and clouds are the same but the bridge seems to have aged. I walk across again and this time there is a old man and a old woman. I wander around this time instead of reading. The windows are dustier and there are less books. The old man says its time to go so I walk across the bridge to the balcony and wake up. The 3rd time I had this dream was again two years later but I do not remember exactly when. I started off walking on the side of the balcony to the part I am usually at. I do not see anything but the balcony. When I reach the bridge, I see that it is falling apart, the rope is worn out, and it looks very old. The clouds and light are gone. Tit is now only a pit of darkness. I manage to cross the bridge and go into the house. The windows are broken and there is glass on the floors. There are no books and the old woman and man are not there. In the corner, there is a cage. Inside the cage, is a wolf and it is barking loudly and looks ferocious. I felt threatened and scared. Even so, for some reason, I let it out of the cage, thinking it would resolve the situation. I run out of the room with the wolf chasing me. I run into the porch of my old house and I see the old woman there. She runs to the wolf in a effort to protect me. The wolf claws her chest, I see blood on her shirt and she disappears. I felt extremely mad and took a wire from somewhere. I jump onto the wolf and put the wire on its neck and jerk my hands back. I see blood and know I killed it. Then I drop the wire, step off of the wolf, and walk away calmly. I walk out of the porch, back into the room, and across the bridge with no fear. I turn back to look. I see it, then wake up.
Updated 06-08-2011 at 08:47 PM by 47732 (Addition of all times I had the recurring dream)
Originally Posted by OLD - 05 | NONLUCID I am being chased by futurist cops for some reason and I have some sort of chip in the back of my head that they are using to track me and they are trying to somehow get information records from the chip which somehow takes video footage from my vision. I go down a staircase on the edge of a dark town. I go through a broken down looking wooden doorway across a board to a very run-down wooden building. I am in a dark room and there is furniture everywhere. Bed sheets are hanging from bedposts and the ceiling and I start crawling under all the furniture so as not to be seen. I am going somewhere but I'm not sure. I know that this is the "head quarters" for the cops. They are police but they also seem very much like a mafia group. I sneak out of the building again and go back out the rickety wooden boards and up the stairs. I talk to the head cop but he can't arrest me or anything and he shows me surveillance of me talking to some guy in a trench-coat outside of what appears to be a grocery store. I then go back to the hq building. I sneak through again but I am caught and have to fight the mafia cops. I fight them off and run into a room that is let up blue by very advanced looking computer equipment. I rip the chip out of the back of my head and download the information to the computer. I see a progress bar on the screen. "come on, come on... " I am very anxious. Finally the download finishes. I remove the chip and destroy it. I then load the information onto a flash drive and take it. I win. The dream ends. A recurrence of this dream only instead of succeeding and removing the chip, The mafia cops had managed to download the information remotely first so I got in a huge fight with them and won.
Morning of April 3, 2010. Saturday. This has been recurring to some extent for years, so I might as well include a partial scene of it. I am seemingly on the highest floor of a tall apartment building, though it could be a fancy hotel as I do not think I live there permanently (though if I am in transit, I am not sure of the “before” and “after” locations, either). Looking out from the window, it is higher than all other buildings by several floors. I am not sure of the location or even the country. It is later at night, perhaps near eleven o'clock and there is a strong and steady rain but only mild thunder and lightning. At times, it almost seems like the building is part of a different (higher) dimension, but unlikely, as if it were it would look completely different and not be discernible as a building unless its higher construct was some sort of enigmatic implied 4D hyper-polyhedron that looked like a building from one point of 3D view (or rather the inside of one) - a better term would be an alternate three-dimensional structure in a parallel world, with the window being the portal, I suppose. There is an enhanced sense of intimacy, of lovemaking (symbolic). This is of a different nature and at far more than one level. I move to the window (which has no screen), being half in the room and half outside. I sit on the window sill after rigging a makeshift seat along one side with a larger pillow folded somewhat L-shaped (because it is a sliding window and the base with the runners would be a bit uncomfortable to straddle directly), my left side evenly staying in the semi-lit warm room and my right side exposed to the cool outside, but the heavier rain is partially tamed by the (unseen) features of the building, it seems - whatever rain drops reach me are like cold forces of physical bliss - almost bordering on “unbearably sweet”. Outside the window is some sort of balcony - with a solid barrier about waist-high, ahead from where I am facing, the balcony has normal access from a door to outside. I still get a very light awareness of being between worlds or taking “my world” into the exotic and beautiful construct of another, though technically I am not certain if all of this world is as one domain. Still, it seems more intimate and body-wide than an actual act of lovemaking - sort of as an act of joining one physical world to another with my body and overall presence as the “bridge”, due to the whole body being involved in a half and half experience of different sensual cues. I suppose it is hard to describe and I even sway side to side very slightly. This awareness seems to come and go in a strange way, between absentminded ecstasy and a puzzlement as to my present position and what my next event will be or need to be. I deliberately try to be perfectly half and half, although my legs are in different positions each side - no effect on my head in a physical sense other than a slight tingling on one side that does not grow in intensity. I do not really want to leave. I want to be here always and I want the cold hard rain to evenly fall always. Always night and always a semi-lit room to my left. This seems to be some sort of Yin and Yang state where I am both at the same time. I am reminded of an unusual “trick” where you have your hand and upper arm in cold water on one side and hot water for the other hand, and then switch hands after a time - it is a very strange experience as if the mind cannot deal with the changeover.
Updated 06-19-2015 at 07:48 PM by 1390