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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. The Beautiful Arch thing/Protected In The Dream

      by , 11-16-2014 at 10:54 PM
      Dream 1

      I was in a car with my brothers and my mom. My mom told us to pick out our stuff so we ran into the supermarket and started taking stuff like cookies and cake. *w* I was so happy but when I brought the cake to the cashier it was kind of mushy and squashed. My brothers and me dropped the rest of the stuff and the cashier girl said it was 300 coins. I was upset though cause I felt it was too much. " Its suppose to be 210 coins!" I said. She than realized her mistake and I gave her the cash.

      After that my brothers, mom and I went back home. But there was something wrong with this house. It was huge and looked sort of historical.Another strange thing is that when my mom stepped in and a DC lady who was supposedly her friend came in they kissed on the lips right in front of me. I was like ! "Did they just kiss on the lips or was it just my eyes!?As I continued to walk I noticed how dusty and old some parts of this house or mansion was. So I took a broom and decided to clean the place up.

      Seeing the crowd of people and how big this place was though made me realize I was dreaming. As I was walking around with a broom in a dark purple room I could hear a faint voice of a girl. It sounded like she was a bad and mad spirit. She shouted " Why are there less chairs than before!? Who moved the chairs that were here!? " I got scared that she would take her anger out at me so I started running. But what I came across was the most beautiful door or window I have ever seen. It was gynormous and shaped like a arch.Painted gold and filled with brightly lit diamonds of many colors. I was admiring it and was about to climb up the stairs to it when suddenly a tall guy in a suit flew really fast and crashed through it.

      I went out through a door and ran to the guy who was laying on his back on the cement."Are you okay?" I asked him. His outfit was yellow and looked like a iron man suit. He said he was fine. Knowing it was a dream I decided to carry him up the steps somewhere but he was sort of heavy so I told him I had to drop him. He was ok with that but all of a sudden a man came up behind me and yelled "Cut!". I was confused and the man said he didn't like me carrying the guy in his movie. After that a few old cartoonish looking shows appeared. They were short though.

      When it was over I appeared in a big store where I was telling my brothers I wanted to buy a gold fish that was in a bag. The gold fish was evil though because a spirit was inside it. I than appeared in my room trying to keep the spirit in a sock or tube but it came out.
      Somehow I defeated it than went to the backyard of the house that was now a gray building.There was a rainbow, a small little blue dog house and plants all around. A cat that had grey and other colored fur came up from behind me and took a pile of grass out with its mouth. Than I woke up.

      Dream 2

      There was a crazy girl with needles trying to hurt me. But a strong cool looking anime guy was protecting me from every sneaky move she had. It was great~ xD

      Updated 11-16-2014 at 11:04 PM by 67570

      lucid , non-lucid
    2. False RCs

      by , 11-16-2014 at 09:08 PM
      In reality, I have stopped smoking cigarette since June 17th, 2014.

      In some of my dreams lately, I'm smoking and it's always a trigger to try and become lucid, but last night I couldn't convince myself that I was dreaming despite reality checks. I don't remember all of the reality checks that I did, but I know I tried looking at my hands and at the time and at my phone and surroundings and felt convinced I was not dreaming. I may have even tried plugging my nose, all I remember is that nothing I tried worked to convince myself I was dreaming. Yet I was dreaming.

      Maybe I just need to learn some more effective Reality Checks
      Tags: checks, false, reality
    3. Train Troubles

      by , 11-16-2014 at 08:58 PM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      November 15, 2014

      I was on a train with my dad, and there was some sort of trouble. He had to get off the train so he could get some gas for his car, for some reason. He would rive the car to the next stop and get back on the train. We were going through the Midwest on our way to the West Coast (having gotten on the train in New York)

      When he got off the train, I went to sit with an older, friendly looking hiker.

      I spaced out and someone else had joined us. We all became friends, and there was a long break stop. They wanted to get some fresh air, so they got off the train and I stayed to watch all their stuff. But the train only stopped for like a minute and left without them! I was worried, because I still had all their stuff and was wondering how they would get back to where they needed to go...

      There was a point where it was night time, and the train was on a super elevated rail above a fairly large city. It may or may not have been the Big City on my dream map, but I don't think it was. If felt more like a different coastal city I often dreamt about when I was a kid. Anyways, all the pretty lights were going by, and the buildings were all so colorfully lit. It was fascinating and I just watched it for the longest time.

      Eventually I got to the destination, got off the train with my lost companions' things, and found my mom and brothers waiting for me. I called my dad to let him know I had gotten off the train (it was actually a few stops before I had planned to arrive at)
      Tags: car, city, family, train
    4. The Odyssey

      by , 11-16-2014 at 08:07 PM
      My dream reminded me of the book The Odyssey so that is what I am calling it. If you don't know the plot of The Odyssey don't worry about it; it has no significance in the dream.

      The setting of this dream was medieval/wild west/modern. People wore medieval armor and carried swords, but they usually also had guns like winchesters, revolvers, etc. Besides that, things were modern. There were phones, trains, cars, etc.

      I was an older brother, and my younger brother had sworn an oath against me or something. He might have been a step-brother or something. It was not a love-hate relationship though, it was a hate-hate-hate relationship. He used anything he could to ruin things for me. He would lie, cheat, steal and manipulate his way into ruining my day and taking my things.

      Fast forward awhile, until we were both well into our twenties and living on our own (I think we were kids before, or younger adults). I was doing pretty well for myself. This part is really hazy, but I knew he did something really bad.

      Fast forward another 20 years or so. I had grey hair now, and I was doing very well. I had a wife and kids, and a very nice house. My brother hadn't done anything for a long time. One day, him and a bunch of scary looking wild west type people showed up at my house and evicted me. They had legal leverage as well as force, and they would probably kill me if I refused. So they smashed my house, and kicked me out (my family didn't play a big part in the dream, I only saw them like twice). He wanted the house, and he wanted to ruin my livelihood, but he also had some kind of scheme for himself and for some reason a key part of it was me going into "foreclosure".

      I moved to some island. It was about the size of an estate. I could build a nice grand house, a dock, and I could have a nice life going in no time. There was also a WWII tank on the island for some reason. It was fully functional except for the gun, which was malfunctioning. Suddenly I realized there was a modern tank next to me (I was in the old one). A voice came out of it, "Hey, I just want to talk". It was my brother. He said, "You see, foreclosure means you can't own any property, so unfortunately I can't let you live here". I was already enraged at the fact that he would even show his face near me, but when he said this I came close to attacking him. Until I realized he had a modern tank (with the gun functioning) and a band of really scary looking 1800s dudes with guns.

      So I left, and went to some family gathering on my wife's side of the family. There, I realized, was my salvation. I gathered up willing members of her family, and my friend, who had his own posse of people. We got our weapons and prepared to take back what was mine.

      It turned into a massive horse-back wild west gunfight, but everyone had armor. Somehow I lost my horse and as I was running over a bridge I saw one of my guys bleeding out on the ground. I splashed some water on the wound, which apparently made it better, and continued. I eventually reached my brother's hide-out. He only had one goon left, but that guy had a dagger and was about to kill two of my guys. I ran up and hit him in the head with an axe I was holding. Then, I saw my brother, and all his servants. Some of them had wronged me, but the worst of them were traitors who I had trusted. They were just sneering. For some reason there were also people who were not involved in the conflict. They were just bystanders, but they were in the group of people that I was fighting. I charged, swinging my axe left and right until there was only my brother left (and the bystanders, of course.... strangely, they didn't seem to care that there was a bloody battle going on right in front of them). For some reason I randomly forgave him, and decided that instead of killing him I would just banish him from my life forever.

      Updated 11-16-2014 at 08:09 PM by 70554

    5. 16/11/2014

      by , 11-16-2014 at 06:57 PM (LucasPotter's DJ)
      I don't remember much, so...

      I know I was with my parents. We're going to NY in January, and I think I was dreaming about that. We got into a building and we had made reservations. The doorman told us to take the elevator cause the doctor (?) was waiting for us. So we took the elevator, and it was really old. It kinda broke down, the doors opened. There were lots of people outside. They were trying to open a door to the stairs, but they couldn't and they were desperate. Finally, I saw a corridor that would lead us to reception area, where there were also some restaurants.

      We left the elevator, got to the reception area and sat down. Lots of people were there, it looked a but like an airport. Then, this man showed up. I knew he was evil. Suddenly, I knew I had to leave, so I started taking my stuff (which, for some reason, included random pieces of clothes I had put on a chair and my laptop). This being (?) opened a hole at the wall for me, so I told my parents to go first and I'd keep the evil man busy. I dunno what I told him, but he finally agreed to let us leave, but I'd have to take a woman with me. She was his partner? ally? Something. Anyway, she left the shower wearing a towel, so I showed her I had taken some stuff already, including a hairbrush. She was mad, not at me, but she was all "that bastard cheated on me and left that stupid hairbrush here and there's pee on it". So I took my dog, that showed up there out of the blue, and ran away.
    6. Prince and the River

      by , 11-16-2014 at 05:39 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a field. There are many people. It's really crowded. There was a young prince we're supposed to protect/attack. A child? There's a decoy.

      The "prince" was on a runaway horse, and it went directly to traffic/the highway. I chased after it (not sure how; skateboard?). I was able to get rescue him and avoid dangerous cars. We kept going.

      The prince is a puppy (or some sort of small animal). I was in a forest-like area. People are making offerings there for safety and wishes. I wished that the pet/prince have a peaceful life in a farm. Something about organic.

      I was talking with a small group of people. One is the scientist Reina. We were in an area close to the Pasig river. We were talking of making river "buses" to go throughout Manila. Reina said this isn't viable.
    7. Went to sleep around 1, woke up around 4 or so

      by , 11-16-2014 at 11:17 AM
      non-dream dream lucid

      Would be the perfect WBTB actually.

      Nonetheless I do remember a dream, just not with too much detail.

      I am in a store, running around.
      A DC is with me as well, telling me what to do.
      I remember walking out of the store and it's during night, but the parking lot is well lit by the lights?

      Updated 11-16-2014 at 02:15 PM by 24562

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Long Bus Ride OST + DA + DILD

      by , 11-16-2014 at 01:39 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I got on a school bus and quickly took my seat. The bus continue to move, there was a person three seats behind me. We began talking about future accomplishments and how to go about them. Then we discuss about smoking and I ask him why was he interested since he knew it would only end up killing him. He said didn't mind the harmful effects. A kid one seat beside me was looking at me with disgust. I don't hate people smoke, I just don't see the point I said. That's when the bus stop and both of the kids I were talking to left. Then another kid sat next to me and ask me what are good ways to fall asleep faster? He proclaimed that he wanted to take a quick nap before his stop arrives. I began to tell him to close his eyes and to think about any question that can keep him guessing while also lying completely down. He ask me can he move while being in this process. I told him yes, but try not to move much. He smiled, and not long he fell asleep. The bus has stop, it was my time to leave. The bus driver got up and gave me a handshake, telling me he heard some great things in school about me. I thought he was joking because I recalled before in this dream that I had got in trouble. I pat him on the back and left. When I got off I was instantly inside my father room. I notice this and began wondering if this is a dream? I knew something was wrong because usually I would have t walk a long way to get to the house. I look at my fingers and realize they are bleeding with precise cuts on the very tip of them. That's not right, when has this ever happen? I quickly took off the short sleeve button shirt as I never recalled having it. But when I did take the shirt off my arms came off as well. That's when I lost the lucidity and began smashing my head against the wall for some reason. I soon woke up. Lucidity Time: 8 seconds
      lucid , non-lucid
    9. The WBTB into Sonic 06 followed by DEILD spammage

      by , 11-16-2014 at 01:18 AM
      non-dream dream lucid

      Stayed up a long time again due to Desert Bus for Hope. (Damn they have a nice stream layout this year and I've seen some awesome stream layouts.)

      I started up my WBTB clock (goes off 4 hours after its started up regardless of when its started up) and went to sleep.

      Woke up once, 2 hours before the clock, and immediately went back to sleep, woke up again 4 mins before the alarm and closed it.

      I then practiced SSILD cycles, and went back to sleep.

      I recall jumping in between falling shipping containers. I then recall gliding down a curved rail that almost looks like a spring.
      I am then on a menu where OverTheGun is talking about saving the birds or something like that.
      I am looking through a container with a glass window.

      Eventually I'm in my back yard, the game having ended. It's very similar to IWL except the house is longer and there's more trees. Everything's also very blue strangely enough.

      I'm here with the DCs from the ending of the game, sitting in a ditch. There's a bunch of kittens here.
      I am talking to one DC, and then I start getting aware.
      I start looking around almost immediately.
      I then realize
      I'm dreaming, and I continue to look around for a bit, looking at how real everything looks. I feel the grass and I hear what it sounds like. I then say "I'm dreaming". I then realize that I'm probably about to wake up soon, so I tell the DCs that I'm about to wake up.

      Everything starts getting really blurry, and I get pulled out of the dream. I then
      feel myself in my bed.

      "Don't move! You can still continue! Just think about the dream lightly!"
      I lay there for a few seconds, before a DEILD begins.

      I'm in my basement after the DEILD, and I look around.
      My mom is there, and I yell "I'M DREAMING!" right out of the Stanley parable.

      My mom comes over and asks what's up, and i tell her "I'm dreaming right now". She starts hugging me and telling me "You're alright!". I feel the dream start to destabilize.

      I tell her "The dream is destabilizing!" and I start rubbing my hands together. I can feel my hands rubbing together bug it feels very blurry as well.

      It comes back but its slow. I then get up and look around, and everything looks crystal clear. The basement is much larger than IWL and there's more wood than normal. Most of my vision is taken up by mom though, oddly enough. I ask her "What is the best dream stabilization technique for me?". She doesn't talk, but instead she just grabs me by the nose and pulls me forward towards the steps.

      We start walking up the steps and I recall the other LD where I woke up walking up the steps. I start thinking "This is bad shit, don't go up there!" but by doing this the dream is destroyed and I
      wake up.

      I DEILD again.

      I open my eyes in my kitchen, on a bed. Already strange as obviously there isn't a bed hovering in my kitchen IWL, and even if there was, you wouldn't want to sleep there.

      I look around and everything is blurry but I notice that the walls of the kitchen are of the same siding that the living room is made out of. It's very dark brown. I get up and do a nose pinch RC, and I can breath through, noticing the same effect from the last LD. Interestingly I don't slip while doing it as well.

      I then walk into the living room. Most of the stuff from IWL is here except it has a Victorian style. I look around again and everything is blurry, but I notice that if I stair at the same scene for more than a few seconds, that it becomes crystal clear. Clearer than IWL.

      I walk into the hallway, and I look around again.
      It's almost identical to the hallway IWL. There's a vacuum cleaner in the corner, and the white shelf from IWL isn't there. I walk towards the bathroom door, but I don't open it.

      I notice a towel on the vacuum cleaner, and I look at it. I look at how real it is. I can look at every single thread on the towel with surprising accuracy.

      I start walking towards the end of the hallway where the steps are, and everything feels completely real. To the point where the omnipresent dream feeling goes away and I have to actually verbally remind myself that I'm dreaming.

      I then say "This is why you don't just become lucid from any random dream, THIS. Look how friggin real everything looks!". I look at the gate that blocks off the stairs (not that I was planning to go down them). I then turn around and walk back to the living room where everything fades and
      I wake up again.

      I start doing DEILD again but I can feel my breathing this time. I then think about it for a bit before deciding to just
      get up.

      I then start writing this down.

      Spoiler for Temp:

      Updated 11-16-2014 at 04:19 AM by 24562

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    10. Zombies Again/Reappearing/Raspberry Jewls

      by , 11-15-2014 at 09:19 PM
      Dream 1

      I had a little sister in the dream and was trying to make a jam sandwhich with her. But I saw that it had something white in it and complained about it. When my mom heard me she said I was being a bad romodel and I needed to learn to try new things. Hearing her say that I just ate the sandwhich with a sad face. After that I recall a DC who was supposedly my mom's friend saying that I had to leave the house quickly to look for some ingredient that will cure a imperfection in the blood. They opened the front door and to my dismay there were lots of zombies walking outside and moaning.I was aware it was a dream at that time but hearing all the zombies moaning and vivid scenery made me want to stay inside. The DC started begging me to go out before it was too late but I said " It's already too late. The zombies are right in front of us." Than I just layed on the ground waiting for the zombies.

      However, the zombies soon dissapeared and a lady who was supposedly my mom's friend came in. She said If I continued to lay on the floor I wouldn't win a free juice or candy. I got up and went to a table where I saw a bag and thought my mom bought me hair accessories. I was eager to try them but when I called my mom she wasn't answering me back. The scene than changed after that and I was in a hospital or the place where they take care of old people. There was a blonde nurse saying her temples and head hurt real bad as they were trying to get the old people to another room. When they were done me and a group of people around my age walked into a room where we could hang out and play games. There was a guy who looked Asian holding a deck of cards. I told him to let me try giving out the cards and he gave it to me. A girl than asked me if I knew how to shuffle. I said no. It didn't matter though because the Asian guy just started talking to a Asian girl and the whole group separated from me and left me alone. I think one of the African girls came to taunt me and a guy who was her boyfriend after they saw me alone. They were speaking another language and I asked if that was a language that started with a P? The girl paused for a moment than said no. I noticed the group of people around me was closer and out of no where it was like I got knocked out. I saw a beautiful forest scenery than woke up.

      Dream 2

      I was at my house and screamed at my cousin and my brother's friends for making too much noise at night. Than I went back to bed.
      I woke up on a bed downstairs and new it was a dream but I felt sort of sick. I went upstairs and saw a anime boy walking around and my parakeets flying. My birds were guiding me somewhere but than I appeared in the same bed I was in again. I bit my finger to see if it was a dream and it was. I went through the window, jumped the fence and started walking but than turned around to see a white van drive into my backyard. I pulled a bystander DC as a barrier and saw a cop running in slow motion in front of me. A guy with two guns was about to shoot me so I grabbed the cop's gun and shot him. His last words were " Do you know why I shot you in the left and the right?" Than I woke up

      Dream 3

      I was at my house and my younger brother was having a party because he was coming back home from school. I was annoyed though cause I had to do a lot of stuff for it even though I did not want to. I found a computer and started to message to my brother how stupid he was instead. I walked to a store to get something after that and a old lady started to beg me to buy something. She showed me a juice but I said I was going to get granola bars instead. I took it but than started looking at a statue of a iguana and jewels that were called the raspberry jewels. But than thieves came and started shooting at innocent people. They wanted to steal the jewels. I think the cops got them in time and I woke up after that.

      Updated 11-15-2014 at 09:37 PM by 67570

      lucid , non-lucid
    11. I stayed up way too late last night

      by , 11-15-2014 at 04:08 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I was up until 1:30 and went to bed with no intention of lucid dreaming.

      Some old 8-bit game involving a rocket scientist who goes back in time to claim a rocket engine that he invented from another scientist who stole his idea. He travels back to 1929 or 1934 (Can't recall but those years were important to the story somehow.) In the end, he travels back to the present.
      There was something to do with this huge fuel silo.
      He then designs this weird asymmetric spaceship that falls apart before it even launches. He starts re-designing it.

      The end.
    12. Hotels galore: the scatterbrain

      by , 11-15-2014 at 04:34 AM (My smashed up joy ride of dreaming)
      I remember I was on vacation and I came back to this hotel. Very vivid and semi-lucid. I lose lucidity and come back to the very orange hotel with one of the capacious foyers visible from space that recur in my dreams. Nevertheless I show up and my $200 room is 12 square feet. I'm calling the cops on these assholes now because I am angry, but feel calm (dream emotion?) I just leave and stop at a different hotel. It's surrounded by trees. The road pattern is similar to the development I live near.

      The second building came right out of SC 2013. I walk in and go to the elevator, but my luggage is missing. I have to go back to floor one. That is very unpleasant. I am on floor 64 and the time the elevator moves is always the same. At this height, the elevator might as well be free-falling downward. It's slightly painful when I "land", (at least the dream is vivid, I guess). With that bad memory, I leave.

      Skating down, the neighbourhood, I fall after a complex series of tricks. I'm on a bike, running from a blob eating away from existence behind me

      Now I'm in a car driving away from a wall killing everything and moving along the road. Now it's a twisted BMW commercial where the driver needn't worry while carnage and screams of horror are emitted behind him. I point out eventually he'll die too.

      I go to a third hotel, somewhere where I won't be scammed. You have to climb scaffolding not very sturdy, but it's a nice room. Yet again, it's the foyer that seals the deal. It's like they care more about attracting than returning customers. Everything's white or wooden brown. Not Mirror's edge white, a wood paint white easier on the eye. There are tables for a buffet and obligatory steak joint. New dream exposition. I visited a relative and I'm leaving now. I feel oddly satisfied.
      non-lucid , memorable
    13. 11/11/2014

      by , 11-15-2014 at 02:46 AM
      I was in Belen at night at the police station asking the Lieutenant why I didn't make it on. The Lt. said to look over my file but I somehow knew they had shredded it earlier. I asked again and the Lt replied "You didn't have confidence in your answers". He gave me the keys to a storage room where they keep files and I went through people's files, seeing what got them to pass. There was a loud knock on the door, which was weird so I found a way outside and made my way around the building.
      I saw 2 guys trying to break in and a firefight started between us. The first guy went down pretty quick and I exchanged gunfire with the other one, who eventually went down. It was difficult to hit them because I wasn't aiming properly. I approached their bodies but found out that they were playing dead as they opened fire on me. I ran back around a wall and reloaded my pistol, which was extremely easy to do, and shot back. I knew the guys had me confused with someone else and when I finally killed the bald guy with the white shirt, I called 911 on my phone, which was hard to do because of how slow my phone was. The Lt I was talking to earlier showed up and we arrested the guy that was still alive.
    14. 11/10/2014

      by , 11-15-2014 at 02:39 AM
      I was at a bar on a mountain or hill and ended up getting into a fight with some drunk guy. I got arrested for fighting and got sent to the prison I worked at. I was there for a few days while the cops investigated the case. I knew what to do in the prison as an inmate because I had worked there and as I lined up for Medline, all of us inmates got sent into a room. I recognized a lot of people and people recognized me, especially the inmates. After we got dismissed, I went to south housing where the grill was closed. I said "Hey Harold, open up so I can do a round!" He opened the grill and was surprised I was there.
    15. 11/9/2014

      by , 11-15-2014 at 02:37 AM
      I was outside at a large lake with a small building in the middle. It was some sort of swimming park but since it was so cold, people were just hanging out instead of swimming . Megan was there but she was hanging out with some guy and a black kid. They left and were going to the guy's house, which made me pretty jealous. When they got back, I saw the guy she was with and saw that he wasn't as attractive as me so I said that Megan didn't deserve me and took of my workout shirt and dove into the water, which was actually pretty warm compared to the outside temperature. I swam around and checked out the girls in the area but none of them were attractive. I was arguing with some girl that wanted to live off grid, trying to explain to her that doing that sort of stuff is difficult.
      I kept swimming and saw Megan looking for something and talking to one of her friends in a building filled with water. I swam into the building and swam upwards towards the roof, grabbing onto some pipes. I said "This is so awesome!" I noticed that the dream had vibrant colors and I said "This can't be a dream, the colors are too vibrant." I decided to do a reality check and since I didn't have my watch, I just counted my fingers. I counted 6 and Megan saw me looking at her. We smiled at each other and I snapped that I didn't have the right amount of fingers. Shortly after I woke up.