Dream One
"Breakaway Beach"
I was walking around on the beach, along the base of a cliff-side that approached the shoreline. With the left side of my body hugging the wall, I began to notice that the tide was steadily coming in, toward me. I started shifting my path to the left, getting pushed in toward the cliff by the water which came further and further up onto the beach with every subsequent wave. Eventually questioning just where I was, and how I got to this beach,
I realized I was dreaming. I tried to think of what my goal was, once I became lucid. I knew there was something I was intent on doing, but couldn't quite put my finger on it, at the time.
I was then distracted by the tide, which proved to be continuously rising, and I gradually started to climb up the side of the cliff as the water was now starting to flood the entire beach. The higher I climbed, the more the water level rose. It was soon breaking off large chunks of the cliff beneath me, causing me to scramble further, faster, toward the top. Looking down, I could see that I was a few dozen feet above sea level, but now I could see that not only had the tide come in, to cover the sand, but the clear, green-tinted waters of the shallow beach had turned almost black beneath me. This wasn't because the water, itself, had turned black, but because the shallow ground seemed to have completely dropped away, below the water, meaning that what once was a shallow beach in overwhelming tide, was now a deep, ocean trench. There was no hint of a ground beneath the surface. The water just stretched down into absolute nothingness.
Getting really disconcerted by my situation, being on a cliff-side over all this open water (which is a situation that always makes me uncomfortable, even when lucid), and with the ominous way this dream was heading, I lost all lucidity and just kept trying to climb higher and away from this crazy ocean.
Dream Two
"What Pills?"
I was camping with friends
(my roommate, and his wife, I believe. We had all done some camping recently in waking life), and we had some swanky log cabin, which sat out in a clearing the center of the woods. Sometime during our trip, I was wandering around through the woods, eventually rounding my way back toward the cabin. On the way there, I looked down and found a clear, plastic bag on the forest floor. A few, dozen yards away, there was a service truck parked, facing me, which looked like it might belong to a ranger or worker or something. I could see that the driver had noticed me, but didn't explicitly seem to be paying much attention to me.
Inside the bag, I could what I knew, immediately, were 3-4 pills of ecstacy
(which I used to do, back in the day, but I know that this particular part in the dream was inspired by a story my roommate just told me, this past weekend). I discretely reached down and picked up the bag, balling it into my hand so as not to broadcast what it was I had just acquired. Nonchalantly, I set my hands in my pockets and continued off on my walk. When I passed the man in the truck, he watched me out of the corner of his eye. Then, when I had gone by a good ways, he started up his truck, turned around and began following me.
The more he followed, the more nervous I got. Finally, before making it back to the cabin, I pulled out the pills from the bag and popped them all in my mouth, so that if the guy
was a cop, I wouldn't get caught holding them, or seen tossing them. The guy pulled up and actually started heckling me, because he saw what I did, and he was joking about how fucked up I was about to be. I played dumb and told him that I didn't know what the hell he was talking about, then just continued off to the cabin. The guy turned around and left, seeing as how there was nothing he could have done at the time, even if he was a cop.
When I got back to the cabin, having actually held the pills in my mouth, and not eaten them, I spit them all out. Since they hadn't completely dissolved, I believed I saved myself from having been too messed up, at a time when I hadn't even planned on taking them. The others and I enjoyed the rest of our time, and even had a fun sparring session, out in front of the cabin. There was a point where I was hanging from a wooden platform, by my hands, and I was using my feet to fight off the other two, blocking and pushing them with kicks and evasive footwork. I also remember letting go with one hand, and only hanging by the other, and using that free hand to aid in holding my own against my friends on the ground. We also played a game where we threw sponges at each other like shuriken. LOL. I dunno. It was weird...but fun!