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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Mysterious Girl covered in Mud

      by , 03-02-2014 at 06:21 PM
      March 2nd, 2014

      8:37am non-lucid

      Had a dream I went to TBS studio (the American TBS station, not Japanese). Also, despite being TBS, the studio seemed to have featured serious dramas rather than comedy. I met all sorts of famous people from shows I don't know. No actual celebrities from real life were in the dream. Went in a limo ride with the producers. Because I was alone with two men (though at one point there was a woman with blonde hair in the limo), I was a little scared of being taken advantage of sexually, but made it out of the limo unharmed. Though, for some reason, when I exited the limo I was naked. I grabbed a beige towel (the same one I have at my apartment in real life) quickly to cover myself.

      Before going to the TBS studio, I was going to try out for something (the Olympics?), but was worried about what to wear on TV. Finally, found a good outfit, but was late and missed my chance to try out. This somehow transitioned into my trip to the TBS studio, I think because a celebrity recognized how fashionably I dressed and invited me to the studio.

      11:13am non-lucid

      Driving somewhere alone. Will meet my husband there. I think I was driving to church, but went to a hotel instead.

      As I packed to leave the hotel, there was a replica of my bed side table with everything on it that is normally there in real life. I think to myself, "I don't remember packing this stuff."

      At some point, there was this girl covered in mud that entered the dream. She would appear behind me in photos. There was more to this story, but beyond the existence of this girl, I don't remember what. This part of the dream was very interesting.
      Tags: nudity
    2. Getting ready for a fight

      , 03-02-2014 at 02:30 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      3,2,14 Sunday

      Last night, bed 11pm - 5am

      DR around 4am

      I'm walking with another person. Looks like a wrap-around balcony, but it's on the inside. So it's looking over the ground floor of a large room. (Sometimes you see a running track in a gym like that).

      So, it looks like a grocery store, because there are items hanging on the walls. I'm looking for a large knife, or a small machete. We are in kitchen equipment isle and I pick up a large knife w/white handle. I'm thinking I could use a little bit bigger one, but this one will do. I like how it feels in my hand.

      Oh, we are picking knives, because we are on oour way to fight some monster or something.
    3. Pinworm Paraphernalia at the King Street Boarding House

      by , 03-02-2014 at 09:02 AM
      Morning of March 2, 2014. Sunday.

      I still have a cold (trying to keep it in the “background” other than with the cough on the first few days), but it is being “knocked back” day by day over seven days (had a lot of exercise today shopping and pushing heavy stuff around) - do not know how I ended up with a cold - as I said before, did not feel it “come in” like I did in the past. I can keep myself “out” of the cold, “in state” (which a special sound pulsing I have used all my life) for several hours or more, but it flows back in each time I “return” (a bit “weaker” each time, though) - so apparently even the universe cannot cure a cold (like it instantly removes a toothache, rebuilt my left forearm nerves and muscle over time, and healed my wife’s right leg from leaking cartilage, and several other things I can be thankful for and one more thing people “do not believe in” but I care not) - or maybe I have not found the exact “trigger” or symbolic phrasing to do it yet. I guess I still have patterns to learn. Exact pattern nuances can be tricky and completely unpredictable (at first) as I have learned - and they never use a word with even the slightest negative connotations unlike all the commercial rubbish out there (such as “I am not” this, “I no longer” that, “I will stop smoking”, “I will lose weight”, and so on - absurd and completely wrong phrasing in every way imaginable - and they actually make money with this fraud).

      In my dream, I am at my sister Marilyn’s house. Though I have validated many instances of legitimate “communication” with my relatives (far outside of what is considered “possible” by other people which of course means nothing to me in light of actual experience) when alive or in the actual state of dying (even of John Belushi), I still wonder somewhat if potential contact after their passing on holds any merit. In the case of my parents, I am certain enough that it was “something more” (and unexplainable by normal means), but not sure about other connections at certain levels. This dream is somewhat “average” (actually much lower than average in the second section) and I do not consider it paranormal in any way in contrast to the precognitive/telepathic ones where I learned about sister Marilyn in the first place in such detail and those were validated at other composite levels (regarding additional and unrelated yet-to-be experiences) with intriguing precision as is often the case.

      I go into the front room and call to Marilyn and try to “force” an association and encounter (even though this is not a lucid dream, oddly enough). I seem very mournful. Marilyn was like a “second mother” to me in my later years. She eventually does appear in another room (the smaller northeast one) and comes out and gives me a hug and it seems to go on for some time. She appears as she did when I was about twenty. There is no sense of additional energy or external presence as with some encounters in dreams, not even as much energy as some tulpas, but there is still a deep comfort. In another recent dream, it was brother Jim that gave me hugs (although that was far more vivid with more energy).

      Later, I find myself with a need to go somewhere, though I do not recall the details. This dream introduces a brand new composite. My sister’s backyard, instead of leading into the north/south-oriented alley as in real life, leads out directly onto Tenth Street on the other side of town, which is perpendicular to King Street, and the boarding house is there on the corner, appearing much as in reality. It is wintertime (well, it would be there in reality as well) and ice and snow is everywhere. Leonard the pinhead and another person who lived there for a short time nicknamed “Squeaky” are out on the sidewalk, across from each other (“Squeaky” on the front lawn and Leonard on the boulevard). Leonard seems to be picking at loose skin on his left index finger and seems more aware and “present” than in life. (He also actually speaks like a normal person - which is intriguing in afterthought.) Squeaky got his name from attempting to go near the pinhead’s living area (when he was sleeping) without being heard and stepped on a particular board near the doorway that made a loud squeak - and he accidentally repeated this a few times no matter how careful he tried to be.

      I ask Leonard about his finger but notice that I should probably be picking up some of the ice from the sidewalk in order to (if only symbolically) “pay back” the owners for ways that they had helped me in the past. I start picking up the ice chunks from the sidewalk and throw the pieces into the yard. They are about the size of a larger hardcover book and larger (and like most “ice dreams”, this part becomes a bit more vivid). Leonard says that his finger is recovering from the pinworm they (I assume legitimate doctors) took out recently. (This makes little sense as pinworms are “small threadlike worms infesting human intestines especially in children”. It is probably some sort of play on “pinhead”.) He talks about the “paraphernalia” they were looking for - a word that I have not heard in a long time (which oddly does not have the definition I am familiar with in the free dictionary site I mostly only use to quickly check spellings, as it gives suggestions for any word it does not have in it). Paraphernalia can be found at a “head shop” and is used by police to describe hash pipes and anything to describe items that are used for illegal drug usage. I am a bit confused though, as I am fairly certain that, other than a can of beer a couple of times a year or so, neither Squeaky nor Leonard used any sort of recreational drug even though there seems a vague concern about such matters at this point within my dream. As I continue to remove the ice, I see a few instances of desiccated dog poo (that had been frozen for awhile, I guess) near the edge of the sidewalk - and decide not to help the owners anymore (who I do not actually see at any time)…

      Obviously, my dream, at least in part, is a play on “trying to get rid of a cold so I can move on” (or to “clear out” the cold/ice to walk on down the street…) and the dog poo represents that the virus’s effects are still a part of my present physiology - even though the “worm” itself is gone. “Paraphernalia” seems the clearest expression from the pinhead, which is possibly a play on “Pariah” in his case. I was his only friend for a time. One of his only day to day activities was fishing (with worms). As such, this may also be related to a distorted fishing concept, which symbolizes emergence from sleep.

      Updated 08-24-2016 at 09:25 AM by 1390

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Still Collecting Stamps…

      by , 03-02-2014 at 09:02 AM
      Night of March 2, 2014. Sunday.

      I am younger and in a stage of collecting stamps. My sister Marilyn (half-sister on my mother’s side) is alive again in the opening of my dream, but her face is changing back and forth from various unusual colors, somewhat reminiscent of how a series of usually smaller and older foreign stamps has the same face on different postal values but with different colors for each; red, yellow, purple, green, and so on, in various shades. She is at a table in her living room and appears to be having a small meal.

      Later, during the more vivid and longer part of my dream, I am not certain of where I am, but I own at least one very large cardboard box full of materials mostly relating to a stamp collection. As I dig deeper down into the box, more and more complete letters and catalog-sized envelopes, most from primarily Eastern Europe, China, and India, are visible (with the stamps still on the original mailings - most of them unopened or resealed perhaps). There is also a smaller stamp album where the stamps (Poland, Hungary, and Romania, I believe - those countries often had the most attractive postage stamps during one time period) are displayed in rows held by thin sheets of transparent plastic in no particular order.

      The beauty of the stamps and other variously-colored and textured paper materials is impressive to me. As I go deeper (placing some of the materials on an adjacent table), there are several old but unopened A4 manilla envelopes from India near the bottom with at least seven or eight older India stamps (1940s-1950s) in each upper right corner, some with various types of “scribbling” as cancellation/postal marks and other features. Eventually, I also notice black and white graphic novels, similar to the type of the older Warren publications. I do not understand the plot, though, as the writing is mostly all in Sanskrit, although some like a mix of Hindi and Chinese, with only a few English translations written by hand here and there. I feel very peaceful and happy about the box for some reason. There are a few other unknown characters around. I am proud of my collection and enjoying the multicolored pleasures of what almost seems to hold endless potential.

      There are a few other pages of comic-book-like papers, seemingly in English, but the individual letters are spread out somewhat web-like and too “blurry” to read (much like ghost frequencies on a spectrograph in appearance). (This part was precognitive. I just recently found a link on the “Wayback Machine” that had a lot of older comic books in PDF format. Most of them are readable, it seems. Some of them, though, were identical in appearance to the effect in this dream, probably from being saved in too low a resolution and unreadable. Also, many turned out to be older Warren publications as my dream implied - I had not used the site in that particular manner or purpose at any earlier time.)

      Part of this is also based on real life. Years ago, as a young teen, I sometimes bought a larger bulk pack of discarded postal materials, usually envelopes and such with the stamps still on them in various conditions - of which I actually preferred to isolating and collecting the individual stamps themselves regardless of the fair amount of space they took up (I even had chests-of-drawers sitting atop other chests-of-drawers for extra storage space). The envelopes were of various colors and intriguing textures and all the various addresses in different languages still on the envelopes and used postcards and such. During this time, I decided to give one of my favorites, an unusual envelope (with several stamps, a few still in blocks) from India with a sort of almost corrugated-like texture and writing all over it, to my sister Marilyn by mailing it to her (Florida to Wisconsin). She liked getting it and asked me where I got it. Apparently they did not have these bulk collections available where she lived at the time. Eventually, I sold a part of my collection for only a hundred dollars when I needed more money (by which in afterthought I should have sold to a collector instead of a company).

      Finishing this entry for the online version, I noted this from a website (linns.com, under “Soaker’s remorse”.) “How many interesting, valuable or historically significant old folded letters or envelopes with stamps and postmarks (known as "covers” to stamp collectors) do you suppose have been destroyed by people who did not know what they were doing?“

      Interesting. Another play on "everyman” (or “normal” society) I think.

      Tags: stamps
    5. The Dreaming Dead Chapter 4: "Gas Station Hold Out"

      by , 03-02-2014 at 05:49 AM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      Its' been awhile, but I finally had another zombie dream. Sadly i don't recall too much of this one, but oh well. So let us continue on with my subconscious' story.

      It's been a very difficult journey so far. We've lost many and gained but none thus far. However soon the group would come across what seemed to be a small beacon of hope. We had just recently been chased out of our base by another group of survivors, according to the conversation other members were having. We were out on the streets by ourselves with nothing but biters all around. We would surely die out here in a few days time.

      However after all hope of our survival seemed to be gone, something had come up. I brought the group to a halt as I spotted something very out of the norm. Down the road was a gas station, and we made our way to it. We were amazed. Inside, there was tons of food, beverages, and electricity. We didn't hesitate another moment and made our way inside. There was supplies everywhere! It had appeared we had found a new safe haven as well. The building was perfectly covered, and there was an extra secure second floor. So the group got themselves comfortable and we stored all of our supplies around.

      The last part I can remember is being in the upstairs part of the station. My Dad and brother were inside with us when we heard people talking outside. I looked out of a window and saw a couple survivors looking at the gas station in all of its glory. They were a threat thought. This station was too valuable to risk losing.

      I now rushed over to our weapons stash and pulled out a Remington 870 MCS shotgun. I then loaded in several red shells of Double-00 buckshot. I began heading outside but then I
    6. Almost missed bus

      , 03-02-2014 at 01:53 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      3.1.14 Saturday

      Last night, slept 10:30 -4:45

      Came home from work today at noon and took a nap 2:12-4:40

      I'm on a bus. For some reason some people get off, as there is a brief layower or something. I get off, and I'm watching as a new driver comes to the bus and gets on. I start running and waving at him, bus starts moving, and then I see that he spotted me and is waiting for me. I get on and look for my spot where I left my purse and a jacket. Woman sits next to it, and her son is sitting on the other side of her. She puts his head down, so he can sleep.
      Tags: bus
    7. Virutal Reality or Lucidity?

      by , 03-02-2014 at 01:13 AM (Lucid Time!)
      Well my goal for this year was to every month complete the TOTM and have 8 lucid dreams each month.

      In January, I had 8 lucids but didn't complete the TOTM

      In Febuary, I only had 4 lucids (DRY SPELL!! ), but completed a basic TOTM

      So this month, let's try and do both. This may not be lucid, but it means my recall is holding strong.

      Location 1: Magma Refinery

      I start off learning from some "presence" that what I am experiencing is not real life. It is not a dream either. I am in fact in a computer simulation game that takes elements from every book, movie, video game and art piece in the world and does it's best to make them "work" in one universe.
      So basically a dream.
      And it is for that reason this entire entry has been done in my "semi-lucid" teal color.
      The presence then explains to me that additionally this simulation is currently constrained to 20-30 locations based around my dream journal. Each location procedurally generates (like a Minecraft world) but has a set edge. Every location also goes by a special set of rules to ensure that it maintains a dedicated theme. The location we are in now is called Magma Refinery, although this location can randomly generate to be any industrial setting. This is also supposedly one of the rarest locations to get to. The location itself seems to be built on the flank of a volcano... It... er basically picture an oil drilling platform built onto the side of an active volcano. Only the platform wasn't a square shape like an oil platform, but rather a long rectangle running along the side of the volcano.
      There are a couple of other dream characters present in this location. The presence tells me that I have the ability to import any object that I have on file, or any superpower. I bring up a holographic computer menu. (This is a power I generally have while lucid.)
      I look through it. This isn't a complete catolouge, not by a long shot. I can tell that most what is in here is among the most basic items. There is a list of basic superpowers, things like flying and pyrokenisis. There is a list of basic objects you can add to the world, things such as crates and chairs. There is even a short list of characters that you can either become or place in the world.
      I don't recognize many of the characters on this list, but there is one that I know. Axton the Commando from Borderlands 2. So I spawn him into the world. As soon as I do, he throws down his sentry turret and sits idle awaiting enemies. There are no enemies spawned in this world, so this is boring.
      Then I decide that I'll be the enemy for him. I look through the catolouge again and find a character that I can become. I find Danny Phantom (why do I dream about him so much, I haven't seen that show in five years.) And become him. I am taken into third person. The presence explains that this is a bug in the coding and that users of this simulation cannot become anything other than their default avatars. So in order to control anything other than their default avatar, they must be in third person.
      I have most of his basic powers. I instantly nail the flying, I figure out how to use the ghost ray. (Witch is more of just a green energy ball that you throw. In order for you to use it effectively you must spam the attack.) I also figure out how to turn invisible/intangible and fly through the magma refinery structure a couple times.
      I start fighting with Axton. I just spam the ghost ray power, and, like a computer simulation he repeats the same animation and sound every time I throw one. I destroy his turret. Axton keeps fighting me, but I phase through his bullets.
      Just as the fight is reaching its climax, Axton stops fighting. I try to get him angered by throwing more ghost rays at him, but he seems invulnerable. The presence explains that this a glitch. Becuase neither of these characters are fully implemented into the coding.

      Location 2: Paradise Island

      The presence ends the Magma Refinery simulation and announces that it is now taking me to one of the first areas that he began programming. This is area has much more freedom when it comes to generation as well and can access a larger catolouge of objects, textures and characters for its generation. I ask the presence if I can be given a blank world to build whatever I want on it, but the presence states that presently, the procedural generation is unable to be turned off, so this will be generating an entire dream. The world size is also larger as well.
      The world generates two islands. There is a small crescent shaped island that is devoid of any objects or people. It has some large rocky outcroppings and some palm trees and grass. In fact, the island looked very computer generated. There were only three palm trees that were copied over and over and rotated slightly to give the effect of variety. There was no variation in the grass, it was all the same height and color. And I could see that there were polygons on the shore of the island.
      The larger island is the one I am. There is a large road circling the island with a small town on the side facing the crescent island. There is a small mountain in the middle of the island with a castle tower on it. And... this is the best part. All of the trees on the larger island were Minecraft trees.
      I was on a beach just outside the town. A group of dream characters spawned, resembling my family. I think my dream guide may have spawned as well. I took a few moments to notice that the sand on the main island was... well like real sand, while the sand on the crescent island looked like computer generated polygons.
      At first, I was somewhat frustrated. I wanted a blank slate world to build whatever I wanted. I began using a selection box to select and delete characters and objects in the city, but it seemed slow and some objects were unable to be removed from the world. And it was a really weird assortment of objects as well. For example, I tried to delete a building at one point, but the top and bottom floors registered as separate objects, and only the bottom floor was able to be deleted. I had selected this along with a bunch of other objects and pressed delete. It left the second floor floating there.
      This was taking way too long, and was rather pointless. I just decide I'll go away from the town area. I find a large flat area with some trees in it. I try to select and delete some of the Minecraft trees to give myself a space to work, but the presence explains that these trees are glitchy too, but there is a way to get rid of them.
      I open the menu and find that a part of the vast object catolouge are all of the Iron Minecraft tools. So I spawn myself an axe and begin cutting down the trees that way. As soon as I picked up a block of wood, the presence explained that I had activated the Minecraft coding in the game, and that the entire thing would now function more like Minecraft.
      My cousin comes into the area that I have just cleared. He seems to have the holographic menu that can allow him to bring up objects and settings like I could.
      We just sort of goofed around, and I can't recall the details of what we did. We cut down a bunch of the Minecraft trees and dug some blocks of dirt from the ground. When we used a shovel (my cousin spawned it in) the whole ground in the field regenerated and became Minecraft themed. Not the entire island, just a big square are of land that we were in.
      I can remember having the hotbar at the bottom of my field of view, and I crafted a bunch of tools that I could bring up from the hotbar. We built some structures out of wood, then brought up pyrokenisis abilities and burned them down.

      Location 3: Pollution City

      I don't recall too much about this location. It was meant to generate an entire metropolitan area, but was unfinished and would therefore only generate a small town and a large natural area around it. The presence explains that this is the largest area in the game. 100,000 by 100,000. Feet? Meters? Inches? I don't know. If it was feet than the area would have been roughly 20 miles square. Meters, 60 miles square. Inches, still more than a mile on edge.
      The area is entirely filled with all of this orange-sh fog restricting your view to about a mile. All of the trees look dead and the water in the lakes and rivers has been replaced with black oil. There were a couple of huge oil rig structures built above the dead forests and polluted lakes. There were also these huge flying tanker ships moving about in the sky. I even spawned on a small technologic looking platform.
      Now what I do recall was flying. I brought up a flying ability from the holographic menu. And selected the flying ability from superpowers and I was off.
      And despite the depressing setting, I have to say that this was some of the best flying I've done in a lucid dream. The experience was very vivid. For one, I felt the effects of G-forces on my body as I would bank and do turns, something that I haven't really experienced all too much. (Usually because I fly too slow.) I was probably flying about 100 miles per hour.
      Another thing that I can recall was that there seemed to be a disconnect between the scenery and the sensory experience. While flying through the air, the air tasted clean, like flying through a spring rainstorm. And at one point, I pulled low over one of the lakes, and the energy field or whatever was propelling me along splashed up some water and got me wet. The water touched my body and turned from polluted oil muck to clean water. A little got in my mouth and tasted fresh and pure.
      This is an interesting location to fly around in too. I buzz some of the oil rig structures and lumbering tanker spaceships, just to examine the details.
      Eventually, the presence initiates a mini-game where I have to fly through these high-tech looking rings that are positioned in various places in the sky. The flying fades and I move to the next area.

      Bonus Location: Construction Grid

      The presence says that the next area that I will be going to is a very rare area to get to, but that now that I've gone there, I will be able to revisit this location whenever I want. The location places you on a grid in a grey void. There are red and green lines crisscrossing the ground as far as the eye can see and my holographic display has a palate of tools.
      And it's basically like Google Sketchup or any 3D modeling program. I can design whatever I want here. Copy it. Save it. Import it into another location. The presence will take what I create and work to code it and ensure that it behaves properly in the world. In essence, I can help it complete that catolouge of objects. I try to make a tree, but I am not very experienced. I can't figure out how to apply textures to objects so my tree just ends up being a tall white cylinder with a white sphere on top. The presence states that it wants to show me one more area and says that I can return here later.

      Location 4: Familiar Subdivision

      The presence states that this is the most developed location that it has created. It has the least glitches, and has the most complete and organized catolouge of objects set to spawn.
      The location is called "Familiar Subdivision" (The presence actually had a name for this, unlike the first two locations.) and is based off of all of the dreams I've documented that take place in a suburban environment. (So a lot of dreams.)
      The presence states that it will stop talking to me now in order to further my experience.

      And so I guess this was the part where the dream got bored, because whatever rhyme or reason we had going got completely wiped out in the last portion of this dream.
      Anyways, I am in a suburban environment, and I get onto a bike along with encouragement from some other dream characters. We start riding... somewhere. This location feels a little like a heavily rearranged version of my own hometown.
      We start riding, I take note that there is a large chain-link fence on the left hand side of the path we are riding down. There are railroad tracks on the other side of the fence. We pull out into a large meadow area and there is a wooden structure over the pathway. The structure reminded me of a covered bridge, only the bridge did not lead over any water or valley.
      Some other bikers show up and somehow lifted me up. My bike gets balanced by its front wheel on the heads of one of the other bikers. He has this small attachment on the top of his helmet that locks my tire into his bike. Then the biker that I'm on top of gets lifted up and locked into place. So now we are a tower of three bikers each on top of each others heads with me on the top.
      I guess these were like some kind of traveling stuntmen who would sometimes incorporate bystanders into their strange stunts. Somebody took my picture while I was atop them. We got to the end of the covered bridge and there was a large waterside. (Watersides=New Dream Sign) They say that I can get down off of the bike tower by going down the water slide. [Dream Logic] The water slide has no railing or stairs to get up to the start of it. It just kind of starts. [/Dream Logic]. The biker guy below me takes me and my bike off of his head, and passes my bike to the guy below him who puts it on the ground, then tries to deposit me at the top of the random waterside but drops me and I just fall to the ground.
      I get up, dust off and thank the stuntmen for (doing whatever the heck they just did.) And I wake up.

      Updated 08-12-2014 at 02:53 AM by 53527

      non-lucid , memorable
    8. Looking for elves in underhill

      by , 03-01-2014 at 09:58 PM
      As Louis, I'm standing next to Lestat and looking down into the hold of a ship. It seems very dark, and I'm remembering a previous incident where he left me trapped somewhere. I tell him, "I've learned," and we're not going to go through that again. He acts exasperated, like I'm being ridiculous, and of course he wouldn't do that to me again, that was centuries ago, don't be so paranoid.

      (Woke up. Back to sleep.)

      After trouble trying to talk to my IRL father on the phone - I couldn't hear him clearly, but I also couldn't make the phone disconnect - I'm now meeting him at some event. I'm trying to save four or five seats, but that causes trouble with the people next to me; I get the seats I wanted, but the group of teenage guys sitting next to us are annoyed with me now. The one right next to me puts his feet up on the row of seats in front of us at an angle, crowding into my space, until he's practically in my lap. I call him a gay slur, then immediately wonder why I said that; meanwhile, he backs off and looks hurt. One of the other guys with him starts getting into my face, and at one point he suggests that maybe everyone here is dead - "I'm dead, you're dead, we're all dead," in a sing-song tone. I say to him, sure. Land of the dead, dreams, Underhill, it's all the same thing. Everyone around me has a rather unpleasant look on their face after that, and I think it's because I mentioned that this is a dream; then I think that this only happened because I picked up that expectation from other lucid dreamers. In any case, I get up and walk out of the room into the hall.

      Thinking about that Underhill reference, I think it's important that I find elves - they're much preferable to the people who think they're dead - and I look for a door, but this building is built on an open sort of plan, with rooms opening onto each other at strange angles, not easy for me to control. I eventually come around to the back of the building and walk out a door, trying to use the door as a portal and thinking about elves, but feeling like I had only limited success. The door opens onto a stable, and there's a car parked here, and a woman in a ballgown getting into the car with a man who's wearing a uniform indicating he works here. On a closer look, he looks rather elfish. I think about hitching a ride.

      Bit of a fragmented memory after that - I don't wind up getting into the car, but me and that guy walked out of that stable and into the woods, where we had some encounter with someone else. False awakening after that: waking up in an unfamiliar bedroom, I get my journal out of my backpack beside the bed and start writing down a dream about a (nonexistent) vampire movie involving that woman in the ballgown; as I was writing I believed it to be based on a real movie.

      Updated 03-01-2014 at 10:04 PM by 64691

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    9. 2-28-14

      by , 03-01-2014 at 07:59 PM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      I remembered a dream as I was going through my palace last night and found a trigger I almost forgot was there.

      I was with a group of people in a dark storage unit. I was wearing my long-sleeved dark shirt with flowers and a ribbon. We’re assessing the stuff inside to steal, which is mostly made up of exercise equipment. I find a nice elliptical machine and point it out.

      Suddenly, we hear a noise at the door and voices. We freeze and wait in hopes that they’ll move on. I think they have dogs.

      They burst in. We make a run for it. We get across a fence and are running across grass as the police chase and shoot us down from behind.

      Inspiration: Me thinking about my elliptical, my zombie wearing a uniform trigger (had to look up ‘white uniforms’ when I was adding it and police outfits were the results).

      Updated 03-01-2014 at 08:11 PM by 20026

      non-lucid , side notes
    10. Asking a guy if i am lucid - 28th february to 1st march 2014

      by , 03-01-2014 at 07:33 PM
      Today i dreamt i was in some kind of office, i did thumb reality check and it worked. i saw my thumb trespassing my hand
      although i didn't get lucid, i kept doing the reality check because i thought it was cool
      someone came in the office and i asked "Am i lucid?" then i did the thumb reality check in front of him
      and it worked but i said "This reality check works, but the others don't. So am i awake or dreaming?"
      for a few seconds my mind woke up on that dream, and i asked myself again "Am i wake up or dreaming?"

      Dream elements:

      -Reality check

      Technique used: WBTB

      hours slept: 8 hours

      Updated 03-02-2014 at 12:48 AM by 62470

    11. Supercars in castelo branco - 28th to 1st march 2014

      by , 03-01-2014 at 06:09 PM
      today i dreamt i was in a car, my brother was driving back to home and it was night.
      My brother was surprised to see such supercars in our country and that city. he said
      "Most of these cars are from girls" I looked the back seat mirror of the car and i counted like
      5 lamborghinis, i was surprised as well. then i saw a subaru impreza coming after our car.
      and i said to my brother: "Look!, it's an impreza behind us" i was happy to see that car because it's
      my favourite car. i said again "It's not the impreza i like but it's still cool, i prefer the one that is in setubal (city i live in)"
      my brother said softly: "yeah, that one is cool"

      Dream elements:

      -At night
      -Castelo branco

      Technique used: WBTB

      hours slept: 8 hours
    12. Supercars in castelo branco - 28th to 1st march 2014

      by , 03-01-2014 at 06:09 PM
      today i dreamt i was in a car, my brother was driving back to home and it was night.
      My brother was surprised to see such supercars in our country and that city. he said
      "Most of these cars are from girls" I looked the back seat mirror of the car and i counted like
      5 lamborghinis, i was surprised as well. then i saw a subaru impreza coming after our car.
      and i said to my brother: "Look!, it's an impreza behind us" i was happy to see that car because it's
      my favourite car. i said again "It's not the impreza i like but it's still cool, i prefer the one that is in setubal (city i live in)"
      my brother said softly: "yeah, that one is cool"

      Dream elements:

      -At night
      -Castelo branco

      Technique used: WBTB

      hours slept: 8 hours
    13. Adventure to get lucid - 28th february to 1st march

      by , 03-01-2014 at 05:47 PM
      Today i dreamt i was on a top of a building, i had to reach the highest skies to become lucid.
      I launched out and started to fly above at a high speed, i wanted to be lucid no matter what.
      I thought to myself: "I have to fight the sky to become lucid, i'll become lucid no matter what!"
      But suddenly i started to feel i couldn't fly anymore, i was out of energy, so i started to fall down
      I noticed i had a energy limit for flying, so i landed on that building again. when i landed, something told me i had
      to found an eye to become lucid. I started to look for that eye in other places, but couldn't find it

      Dream elements:


      Technique used: WBTB

      hours slept: 8 hours
    14. Lifetime supply of toothpaste

      , 03-01-2014 at 02:48 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Feb 28, 2014

      I found a box. I can see some colored small boxes in it. Looks like smarties, the candy from UK. So I'm thinking, yeey, candy. I open the box, and it's full of neatly stacked small, travel size boxes of toothpaste. And I just rememebred, that years ago, I have won a lifetime supply of toothpaste.

      I pick up one of them, and it has large colored dots, or balloons on it. It's a toothpaste for kids. I'm kinda disappointed. I don't like that flawored one. I pick one up from the other end, and this is Rembrant whitening for adults. Yeey, now that's more like it. I share in my god fortune with others and I give them a few boxes.
    15. Mario( video game character)

      by , 03-01-2014 at 02:24 PM
      This is just a little fragment I remember.

      I was walking into a field/ park( with that green chain link fence) and I saw Mario( the Video game character). I was supposed to distract him, although at the time I didn't know it. I went over to talk to him and we decided in a challenge to climb trees to reach a person. As we got to the trees I distinctly remember commenting that the trees were poplar and I touched the bark. Mario agreed and we began to climb. I beat him to the top and there was a man and I grabbed him.
      Then I was in a comic store and the male cashier showed me a message from my three sisters and a guy and they were drunk. And then I chose toothpaste from the glass case. There was two kinds but one was actually acid. It was like a trick but I decided on the first one and the man got it for me and brushed his own teeth. I kept hearing bubbling noises but it I had chosen the non acid toothpaste. Then the man told me that a series of events could have been avoided if I hadn't taken so long with Mario. I was like, "of course if I has just given him cheese". And then I saw a scene of Mario eating cheese.