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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Zune HD Smashed Into Pieces, Biology Professor and Facebook (SDE Day 08)

      by , 08-22-2012 at 07:41 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      My Zune HD Smashed Into Pieces (Non-lucid)


      Thank goodness this was a dream.

      I remember talking a few people inside a fairly small building, I couldn't tell if it's an apartment entrance or a small store or coffee shop. I don't know how, but when the conversation was coming to a close, I told them how I had 150 videos on my Zune HD....

      That's waaaaaaaay too many videos dream self!

      I tried to pass what I said off as a joke, and even tried doing a fake laugh. The others fall for it, or are probably just being nice and laughing as well. There's more that I know that occurred before this, like meeting someone, and all I can feel from that is disappointment from the person. It was a female, she had some weird but positive aura in her.

      The dream setting was hard to tell, the area I'm in feels slightly dark, but there is still a little bit of sunlight. It could be the sun setting or rising.

      Then I find myself riding a bicycle, but I don't really pay too much attention to the details of it. It's a very ominous setting now with dark turquoise clouds and a cool atmosphere. It seems I'm riding on a new black tarred road and on each side, there's open fields everywhere, very beautiful. Even though I didn't pay too much attention to this large and expansive area, I could just feel how that despite the gloomy setting, it was still amazing.

      It seems I have my earphones on, and I guess I'm playing music on my Zune HD while riding my bicycle. I start riding a little faster, and then the earphones get caught on something below. I quickly look down and they get between the spokes of one of the bicycle wheel.

      Damn, and I knew I couldn't do anything about it, but I still tried to stop.

      That was the worst decision I could've made at that time.....

      The earphone and the wires connecting it start dangling rapidly through the spokes, and then I realize....

      Crap, the plug that usually stays firm inside the Zune plug-in must be out by now. I hear several clanking sounds, and decided to just press the brakes even harder because the last attempt was just just a progression rather than a complete one. I get off the bicycle, let it drop on the around, and I'm looking at metal trails along the road.

      No no no no no........

      No no no............I get closer and I look at my Zune HD, smashed to pieces. I start shaking the bottom of my mouth in shock. I really believed this was the actual Zune HD I have, and I start walking slowly thinking of how I made over $180 go to waste(probably more than that now that it's a discontinued product).

      I could do nothing but walk away, there's no pointing picking it up.........

      You know what's funny...it could just be coincidence, but I was watching a video on my Zune HD where a camera gets smashed into pieces because someone accidentally fell and crashed into it.

      Ha....Ha....Ha.....*starts getting paranoid* Don't LEAVE ME ZUNE HD, I NEED YOU TO PLAY MUSIC.

      Music, when you close your eyes and listen to it, and depending on the theme of the song, can really help with imagination.....Anyway, done with that dream.

      Biology Teacher and Facebook (Non-lucid)


      Finally we're getting somewhere related to the password experiment.....because there's no way in hell that I want to even be near that professor I had...ever...again...

      I go inside of a classroom, the size of it alone feels like I'm in Middle School or High School. There's the dark blue carpet mixed and drowning other small colors, light colored walls, and adequate lighting on top. I look over to someone on my right, and it's him.

      Let's call my previous professor "M." M looked over to me, started to lighten up his mood a bit, and he's actually enthusiastic to see me. Ha ha ha......right...

      I start putting on that horrible facade of tolerating others that I cannot stand to be around, and decided I might as well be nice around the guy. He was telling me a few things, but I was being distracted holding two sheets of something.

      It looked like tracing paper, it had the slight opacity that you would see in them, but it could've been overhead transparency sheets as well. There was something written and drawn on it, and it looks like==================== that I wanted to show to the participants in my attempts to find them.

      After going through the two sheets back and forth, I put them down, and M asked me if I could log onto Facebook for him. I wanted to ask him why, but just gave a questionable expression on my face and went around his desk. I think he already has the site open for me,
      and that's all I remember.


      Oh, and about the Zune HD dream, I was headed for the Biochemistry Department to send a letter for my adviser, and my sunglasses fell off while I tried to put them on while riding my bicycle. The moment that happen, I chuckled to myself on how this was just like the dream, except it was hot as hell out here.

      Updated 08-22-2012 at 07:59 PM by 47756

    2. dream...Nightmare?

      by , 08-22-2012 at 06:42 PM
      I found it difficult to get to sleep last night, when I eventually did I think it was some time around 3am.
      I had a dream that I was at my computer, and suddenly I was pulled through the screen, I was in a white void sort of space, like a blank document on word. But then huge letters started appearing, I couldn't read them but they where going to crush me. I was running but couldn't tell how fast I was moving, because all I could see was white empty space.
      Then I woke up.
      non-lucid , nightmare
    3. Don't be crass with the police!

      by , 08-22-2012 at 06:13 PM
      This dream once again occurred this morning, 23 August 2012. It contained some brief moments of lucidity, and was interruped when I woke up around 6 am.

      We begin in a university classroom, which for some reason looks very much like a classroom in a high school or elementary school. I'm sitting in for a social studies class, on the political history of the United States or something, and in contrast to my regular courses I don't find this interesting - I find it VERY interesting. Most of my friends in my program have already left. The teacher continues an explanation. By 11 am (or is it 1 pm?), I'll be beginning my first day in Physics class. My phone rings.

      The person hanging out outside appears to be me, but I can't really identify with this person, so maybe it's my alter-ego. For sanity purposes, I'll refer to this individual in the first person.

      I'm doing an extreme sports stunt on a bike, not a skateboard. The scene shifts toward somewhere else. Suddenly, the police catch us, and we're denied permission to enter my next class.

      I don't want to go with the cops, I think. Yet my phone prompts me to, and I enter the principal's office.

      Somewhere along the line, I'm walking in a hallway on campus in what seems to be a big environment building. I suddenly realize that I'm dreaming, and begin to look around at the walls, the windows, and the students.

      I drift in and out of consciousness, of sleep. The waking-life version of myself seems to be paralyzed, so I drift back into sleep, with much effort. The scene changes.

      I'm in the principal's office, and a thought drifts into my mind. I think of writing these things down, to publish certain things on Twitter when I wake up, with codes B, C, and D. The D code refers to detention, while the B code is something later on in the alphabet. The D code says to the teacher:

      "Am I in detention, or am I free to go?"

      This is something that I picked up from a video showing how to deal with the police. Rule number one is be calm and don't be crass.

      I'm given a list of options, from life in prison to one day free to whatever else. The best option, they say, is Baptism.

      The official looks rather puzzled and pauses for a moment, but after a while says that I'm free to go. I remember the buildings on campus, but I never make it to my physics class.

      At home, it seems that my dad has lesions on his neck, which look like cancerous lips protrouding from the base of the chin. We go to the doctor, and then suddenly I'm in this waiting room.

      I remember a TV commercial about healthcare options. Even though I know trhat I'm lucid, I think it would be wrong to change the scenery while I'm walking through that hallway again. So I walk up to the reporter at the receptionist desk:

      "Hi, I'm looking for healthcare options for my dad".

      The reporter, who seems to be African-Canadian, shakes his head.

      Flashback - in a dark cave dismantling something to the next level.

      The doctor finds that the lesions are cancerous, but traditional chemotherapy would have done more harm than good. A new emerging field in medicine, nutshot oncology, has proven that these lesions are treatable by other methods.

      Have a nice glass of glastnost!

      Jail or Baptism?

      On YouTube, the number of likes are hidden, but it's wavering around 50%. A certain scene is depicted, and the likes rise above the half-point mark when we win, and fall below when we lose. It shifts in a gyroscopic circular manner, like the Moon around the Earth around the Sun, and then the Moon will be flung away, pulling Earth-Moon out of its orbit.

      "But the Moon has been around for four billion years!"

      In high school, I send some people an email with facial icons for each of their respective profiles. For some reason, the guys' images are larger. I tell him not to skip class.

      In social studies class we talk about "nutshot porn". That's gross.

      As I walk outside my residence room in the morning, it's chilly. Yet, for whatever reason, my sweater is wet and damp.

      I wake up early to go swimming.
    4. Hack The System

      by , 08-22-2012 at 06:02 PM
      I have the craziest dreams. This is the one I had last night: so in the dream, the character seen by me is myself, but to all others I appear as a man. In the dream I am searching for someone. It is a male friend who had been taken to a hospital and put in some kind of psyche ward facility.

      I came to get him out, but when I got there- I saw him briefly, then I ended up wandering to the wrong section. It's a massive hospital, and I've visited there many times in dreaming. I enter through many vast corridors, until I find where I think he was prior. He must've escaped. Suddenly, they're saying I am him! Hence why I see myself as a man.

      I am trapped, there is no leaving. In a small rectangular area sectioned off from the rest of the high end hospital. Above me is a sign "Non-Interventional Facility" and below are moving chairs, with people dressed in orangey brown garb, much like a Zen Buddhist. These are all men, and they were meditating with some kind of power, brainwashing came to mind. The food they served were little packets of condensed pill meals.

      Also, they were given both drugs and electricity. I thought to myself, wow I've got to get out of here! So I walked to the male staff, and I asked them why they were keeping me here, and if they were going to brainwash me. They said, "Oh no this is no brainwashing facility. You won't be given meds or drugs." So I thought, they're going to implant me with something, and then possibly use this electromagnetic pulse on me like everyone else...who was sitting in futuristic charis that had three to a group, the interchanged and hovered above ground, surrounded by a white globe.

      Very science fiction like...I decided to play it cool, then, the real man came. He was my friend who was coming to rescue me. He got inducted after fighting them, so I slammed an emergency fire alarm, and ran out finding a door which was locked. A man came rushing through to see who had been trying to escape, and since he was after the other guy I followed him outside.

      There, I Found the other guy's motorcycle! I got on the motorcycle and raced to my house. This was the fun part, it seemed like days I traveled on the motorcycle. It was very realistic. Then I made it to my apartment, suddenly realizing they might be after me. Those who were in the facility escaped, but were also imposters like sleeper cell type imposters who were coming after me.

      I packed up my things, but then I heard someone. It was a girl who had escaped. Anyways, I didn't trust her or the three others. They cornered me, and then when I told them I was getting something, I found a canister of gas and gas'ed them, then I got on the woman's awesome futuristic motorcycle, but a man came out, and said I needed him to help me drive. So we were on together with him driving, out to somewhere city-like, when we ran into more imposters. We stopped for awhile, and saw helicopters that dropped parachutes of brainwashed citizens who were going to overtake us.

      The man I was with, took out a giant gun and blew up the parachutes with a gas-canister and then all the people who were after us passed out or died from the gas/bomb. Then me and him ran to a shelter, where women and children were being held as workers in some kind of labor camp in the past. But now it was deserted, and we were able to read into the past for when it was a concentration camp. They were ghosts speaking to us, little children, who told us how they had to work and etc. Mostly girls, and some boys who grew up there until they were teens, and then executed.

      "Almost always, the creative dedicated minority has made the world better."
      Martin Luther King, Jr.
    5. Wed. Aug. 22

      by , 08-22-2012 at 05:06 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      Professional Violinist

      The results of my friend's audition are not what I had hoped. He was beaten out by an older, long-haired man; a violinist. But today when I come to the meeting, the group leader tells me that he has a special announcement about that violinist. He won't tell me what, but he tries to get me to guess. I can't imagine what it would be; the only thing I remember about the man was that at a previous meeting he played a very legato piece that just kept going and going without giving the player much of a break.

      Once everyone gets there, the group leader makes the announcement. It's come to light that this violinist is actually a professional, and therefore disqualified for the competition. Hmmm. Maybe I could have guessed that if I'd realized that the legato piece was too difficult for anyone but a professional to prepare. It's confusing, though, to try and fit together all of the clues, so I give up. I wonder if the violinist feels angry about this disqualification, but no--it looks like he's just glad to be back on solid moral ground.


      It's time for break, so the group disperses throughout the city park to find a good place for lunch. I see a group of four of them heading over to the opposite side of the park, which seems like a good idea. I hurry after them, even though I'm a bit nervous because they're all a couple years older than I am. When I get there, they've set up a blanket on the ground to lay on, and there's a tennis match going on in the nearby courts. I wave and say "Hi!" as jovially as I can, and they're very polite about letting me join them. Only, when I try to lay down near this one guy, he grabs my shoulder, pulls me back, then sits me down in a nearby chair instead. The problem (although he never explained himself explicitly) was that I was going to block his view of the tennis match. I wonder whether the chair is his, or if he just took it from one of the nearby families who are also having lunch in the park.

      Later, a bunch of us have gone inside for a while, and now people are starting to leave again. There's something on the wall, a machine about the size of a paper towel dispenser, and we're supposed to use it on the way out. One person seems very nervous about this, looking over the machine very, very carefully before using it. But there aren't any apparent problems, and before long there are just two of us left: me and one other guy. Suddenly, a green bug with a body roughly the size and shape of a leaf comes crawling out of the cracks in the machine. That must have been what the guy was worried about. "Is that Leafblighter?" I ask. The bug crawls back in the machine, and we start hearing screams from a room beyond the wall and above us, which we know is a kitchen. (Not death screams, just I'm-afraid-of-bugs screams.)

      I try to continue as I was, but eventually I give up and announce, "You know what? I'm just going to finish my lunch outside." I walk over to the machine, but of course the bug is currently crawling around on it. I take my towel and swing it at the bug. It misses, but the bug does start running away, which means it's not on the machine any more. I use the machine, but then I look back at my towel to check for bug guts. I think I see a pair of antennae, but the towel's wrapped around my waist and I can't twist enough to see for sure. I take off the towel to get a closer look, and sure enough, there's an entire bug stuck to it. Suddenly, from the direction of the machine, a low, threatening voice shouts "Iba flogor!" and something heavy collides with the right side of my head.
      Tags: bathroom, bugs, music
    6. bull in chin SHOP

      by , 08-22-2012 at 02:05 PM
      i had trouble sleeping and remember breaking lots of shit in a store at nordstrums and my mom calling the police. The police was like okay just bring em to a class and come up with ur own punishment and thats good. later i was in the city with jajeh and he was like the tatoo mamsater and was given drew casella a hard time nd i didnt say anything
    7. Be patient

      by , 08-22-2012 at 01:29 PM
      i had a dream where i was to board a bus to my school from no where. i was trying to enter a public transport when a free bus going to my school drove by. i hoped in and we traveled to my school, but on our way the bus got spoiled and we were asked to alight. the cause of the problem was checked and nobody was able to repair it. so we waited for long hours to the extent we got tired of waiting.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Fragments - Wednesday - 2012-08-22

      by , 08-22-2012 at 09:39 AM (The Path of Iapetos)
      [COLOR="royalblue"]Non-Aware (Dream)[/COLOR] - [COLOR="blue"]Partially Aware (Lucid Dream)[/COLOR] - [COLOR="navy"]Fully Aware and Vivid (Astral Projection(OOBE)[/COLOR]

      This night I tried something different, but I know now that it did decrease my dream awareness and dream recall. But some dreams still were quite vivid.
      I went to bed 22:30 and set an alarm clock to wake me up 23:15 and then I would try a WBTB-WILD, but I ended up falling asleep immediately.

      I also thought that I would try to see what I remembered if I didn't note it upon awakening and well I didn't remember much at all..
      I could recall it if I would like to, but it wasn't so interesting dreams so I will just write down the dream fragments.

      [COLOR="royalblue"]Barbeque, Harry Potter and me using spells because I walked in areas forbidden for student, Strange school schema, Sebastian and me in Kiruna.
      And a dream where I chatted on msn for quite a while :/[/COLOR]

      Tonight I will do my regular sleep routine and see if I get better result.
    9. Tues. Aug. 21

      by , 08-22-2012 at 05:36 AM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      Group Project

      My group has to put together a project to present to the class. The project consists of two lessons. We have the first one more or less done, except that we still need to buy a few of the supplies, such as blue skin dye. But I'm having the hardest time getting my group to buckle down and choose what our second lesson will be. The presentation is coming up and we really ought to have decided by now.


      A spy has been caught by the bad guys. He takes out his pistol and tries to shoot one of them in the chest, but the bullets--all four of them--just flatten into metal splotches on his jacket. Obviously he's wearing a bulletproof vest. I have to wonder, though--doesn't he worry about getting shot in the head? He's wearing no protection for his face, so I guess he's banking on the spy being a bad enough shot (even from this ten-foot range) that none of the bullets will go that way.

      At this point, one of the bad guys in the room delivers a one-liner, something along the lines of "You'd best start thinking of compliments, because you're not in any position to be making threats."
      Tags: gun, unprepared
    10. Food Court 08/21/2012

      by , 08-22-2012 at 05:09 AM
      I was pushing a supermarket cart with PW and we went in to a building, it was like a food court. I asked her what should we get to eat and she asked me how about In-N-Out. I said I don't know and continued to walk around. I see only fast food restaurants like In-N-Out, McDonald's and Carl's Jr., etc. We took seats at a table.

      12AM - 8AM
    11. Crappy Wedding Gifts

      by , 08-22-2012 at 03:18 AM
      Non-Dream Dream

      Dream 1:

      I have to rescue my cats a bunch of times from the neighbors yard / house. I get caught inside of her house and she is very understanding.

      Dream 2:

      I have to pick up JK from some city past Anaheim Hills on the 91 freeway.

      Dream 3:

      M&J tell me about how they were in the finals for summer bowling but they got beat. Nobody liked them.

      Dream 4:

      I am opening wedding gifts and people are being very cheap. Getting $0-$50 checks.
    12. Driving a gay ass scion

      by , 08-22-2012 at 01:04 AM (Zack's dreams)
      Non lucid dream 8-21-12
      I was driving a car, I think it was a scion, at very high speeds and was with my sisters who were in the back seat. Every time we crashed we would change drivers. The next one to drive was kaitland and it made me feel kinda unsafe. She drove for a bit crashed. Then I was driving again and I was going pretty fast until I came to a corner flew off it and changed to third person, saw I was driving a Kia del sol, and flipped the car lAnding barely on the bottom of the cliff with water on the shore next to me. We made our way around got out of the car and now it was just me and Pamela and a puppy. We had to climb this rock to get back to the road we finally got to the top after some climbing and then I saw a redneck drive by and I said something I don't remember as did he which was funny but can't recall it now.
    13. 8/21/12

      by , 08-21-2012 at 09:41 PM (Into the Whirlpool)
      No recall for 8/20.

      Moving Day
      I'm moving into a college dorm of some sort, although I'm not carrying anything. I head up a stairway that's crowded with college-age kids, all chattering happily and getting to know each other. I see someone that looks an awful lot like Cara F. and for a second I think it actually is her, but then realize I'm wrong. The idea of a… dolphin-person?… comes into my head and I'm not sure whether I'm looking for a creature like this or if it's just a random mental image. There's a bend in the stairway and I continue up. Apparently Britney Spears is somewhere in the crowd; I pass a girl with black hair and hear her announce "I don't know about all that, I just know I'm talking to Britney Spears right now."

      The stairway lets into a lobby-like area. There's a board with a list of names and their expected arrival dates; I'm on there and my date is listed as the 18th, which I know is "today", at least as far as the dream goes. There are only a few people listed under this date, but a lot more are arriving on the 19th and 20th, so I must be a little on the early side. Next to my name (just my first name) is my email address, but it's written strangely, with parentheses inserted and the @ sign spelled out as "at". I realize it's a spam blocking measure… but everything on the chart is hand-written, so what's the point? Also, obfuscation aside, I don't think my email address is actually spelled correctly.

      I realize that instead of moving in right away I could be out socializing with the others and breaking the ice a little… it's typical of me not to think of something like that until after the fact.
    14. future culture gives homage to vishnu

      by , 08-21-2012 at 07:23 PM
      I am in a room were people from the future are all coming to together to chant vishnu over and over. I thought is exactly so special about vishnu. There seemed to be a very happy feeling in the room. I look over to the shrine slowly, what I saw were deep blue walls with a beautiful statue of vajradhara. I thought that doesn't look like vishnu but whatever. There were tall tormas and pictures of lamas setup everywhere. One I noticed looked like the 16th karmapa. The statue and the shrine were incredible!
    15. what is real?

      by , 08-21-2012 at 07:01 PM
      I was in a house and the walls floor and ceiling were wood it was my friends house but it looked nothing like it the house had no doors excepted the front and back I was standing in the doorway with someone next to me I think we were looking for something and apparently in this house some of the things weren’t real so my job was to “delete” the fake items to do this I would put my index and middle finger and thumb together in a diamond shape and a blue orb would expand 2 feet in all directions when I did this all the fake items in the room would vanish I went in the bath room and did these then I went under the sink and grabbed some underwear and put them on (WTF) I remember walking around in them and deleting stuff what was strange in that I was using lucid powers like behind this door in what im looking for but I wasn’t lucid
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable