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    1. Night of Tuesday 9/5/23 (Comp Night 5)

      by , 09-06-2023 at 05:21 PM (Dreamlog)
      The Gym Kitten
      I'm at my childhood home laying in my parents' bed.
      I have a longhair black kitten. Reminds me of Oreo a bit.
      Kitten is very cute. Sleeps a lot.
      At one point I went downstairs into the kitchen.
      It is accurate to how I remember it in waking memory.
      A bit unorganized, dirty.
      I'm standing by the shelf left of the fridge (where there were often fruit flies from uneaten fruit).
      There is a plastic container of frosted cookies that have been picked over. Half cookies, cookies eaten out of order.
      Later, I'm at the gym. It resembles the gym I frequent in the present day.
      The kitten is still with me. It is laying on one of the benches on its back.
      I have an ACME 5-piece package but I can't recall what was in it. Maybe a container like a lunchbox.
      The 4th piece of the set might have been a type of ink-pen, "nothing ink" and it was a golden tube-like object.
      I had a toothbrush, and remarked that I didn't need something from the pack due to that.

      Recorded at 5AM, just after sleep cycle 4.

      Crashing the Banquet
      I'm in a banquet hall at a round table.
      Reminds me of the reception from KB's wedding, but don't think it was one.
      My brother A is there with his wife K. He is wearing a somehow formal version of an Ace Ventura shirt, with the buttons undone.
      My friend D is also there, and he tells me I look hot.
      There was some discussion about whether I was going to attend the event (while I was already at the event).
      I eventually decided to attend. When I come to this conclusion, I'm in a sitting room that reminds me of my ex H's.
      Since I am going to attend, I will need to go home and change.
      I get up and leave.
      Later I am in a palace-like building. It's like my previous rental home, except big and fancy.
      My girlfriend S' mom is showering in the bathroom, which is open and around the corner to the bedroom I am in.
      I wander over and accidently see her, but don't make out any detail. Embarrassed, I worry about whether she noticed me.
      Then I'm driving my car now down a snowy highway road.
      I start to lose control of the car and spin out.
      The car spins very fast and I try to stay calm.
      When the car stops spinning, I am in a neighborhood reminiscent of a childhood one.
      I haven't hit anyone or anything.
      A man approaches the car and I feel his bad intent.
      He starts to flip the car. I notice the car is now a white van.
      A couple other men help him.
      I get upset and try to yell at them, but I can't. I get frustrated.
      I get out of the car and try to confront him, but I can't move or yell.
      The man gets into the drivers seat and starts to drive off.
      I try to chase and yell but I just create mumbling noises.
      There is a box that has some kind of monster in it on the driveway nearby. Maybe a large scorpion.

      Recorded at 7AM, 33% through sleep cycle 6.

      Updated 09-08-2023 at 06:26 PM by 99808

    2. Strange Fragment of a Nightmare

      by , 03-28-2014 at 03:26 AM (Dreamer's Dream World ☾)
      I'm going to try doing a DJ here, although I'm not so sure I'll be posting much. I haven't really had any majorly interesting dreams (not recently anyway), but I did have one strange dream last night that I suppose could be categorised as a nightmare. I can't remember it too well, though and it's quite short (may have been a fragment).

      I was in my house I believe, and it was very dark. I knew I wasn't alone because I had this feeling. The feeling I always have in nightmares; the feeling something bad will happen. There were dark monsters or something there (they looked kind of human, but also...not) and I just knew they were going to attack me or kill me. I was scared at first, but then I realised it doesn't matter because they can't really hurt me (I must've realised it was a dream). I then just stood there, arms spread out, and waited for them to come at me but something happened. It was like they jumped into me and I got this... dark feeling inside of me. It was scary. That's all I remember. I woke up before anything else happened.

      Dreams are so strange and freaky sometimes..
    3. Operation Homicide - Ep. 102 The Warehouse

      by , 06-21-2013 at 04:23 PM
      Operation Homicide is a series of my dreams where I take on the character of Bad-Ass McCoy, and kick ass. Whether it be random villains or Albanian drug lords, Bad-Ass can handle it all. So get your guns ready, cock 'em, and hand 'em over, because I'm about to do all the shooting.

      Level of Lucidity: 9
      Level of Clarity: 5
      Level of Realism: 6
      (levels based 0-10, 0-5 being low - good 5-10 being great - extreme)

      Method: WILD/WBTB
      WBTB Time: 6:25 AM - Stayed awake for 20 minutes - Using smart alarm to subtly start the alarm, then progressively increase the volume.

      Operation Homicide Ep. 102: I was laying in bed after my WBTB and trying to keep still and relaxed. I couldn't help but move a couple of times to stay comfortable, and eventually simply rolled onto my side. After laying there for a little while I felt myself slipping into sleep. I was very aware of myself and of the fact I was trying to perform a WBTB WILD. As I was laying there about to fall asleep I heard the most TERRIBLE noise in the world! It was such a loud screeching I thought I was about to break my ear drums. It sounded like my grandmother was being torn apart by a pack of wolves, and I literally had that thought go through my mind. This of course was just my imagination and fear getting the better of me. I remembered reading a thread on DV about hearing this sound that sounded like the fibers of the universe were ripping, and that's EXACTLY what it sounded like. It took everything I had not to throw my hands up to my ears to cover them. Each time I heard it I started yelling. The first few times that I felt these waves of sounds coming I kept yelling and I kept snapping back to reality saying that it's just part of the WILD process, and to stay calm, I'm entering the dream, but they never seemed to end. After about 5x of listening to this hell, I finally hit the big one and it felt like I was falling at a very high rate down a worm hole. I watch "Through The Wormhole With Morgan Freeman" all the time, which is a show about space time and how space and the universe work, and black holes and wormholes, and I literally saw, felt, and thought that the Earth had been swallowed by either a black hole, or a wormhole and was seeing the last seconds of my life.

      I quickly thought to myself "Wait! I must be dreaming!" even though I wasn't fully asleep yet... as soon as that happened I snapped awake and sat up in my bed. I heard a knock at the door, and figured my grandma in the next room heard me yelling, I told her to come inside. I kept looking down at my sheets and had the idea to RC just to make sure it's not a false awakening. I tried the finger through hand thing, and the RC failed, my finger wouldn't go through. It was my uncle who walked in my room, not grandmother. He walked over to my dresser and kind of stood there awkwardly. He started talking but I couldn't hear him. I asked him to speak up. I had a bit of a small realization... my uncle usually talks with a loud voice, this is strange. Suddenly he starts shouting as loud as he possibly can and black smoke surrounds him and he is about 7' tall! Scared out of my mind, I remembered reading right before my WBTB that this guy entered a FA and realized it after he did multiple RC's, because the finger through palm method didn't work, but the nose plug technique did. I did the nose plug, and had to try for a few seconds and REALLY focus on what was happening in my nose, which was hard with a 7' demon standing in front of me. Suddenly it hit me! I'M ASLEEP! I remembered something I had read about dream control, and shouted "THIS IS MY DREAM!" He didn't seem affected. I tried shouting it again, no result. I knew not to be afraid of him, but naturally was a little intimidated by the looming dark presence. I closed my eyes and shouted "BE GONE!!" When I opened them he was gone. I stood up and looked around. I suddenly heard my grandma talking, but I realized it's in real life, talking to my grandfather, so I quickly and calmly jumped into my bed, laid down, and prepared for a DEILD. Success! I DEILD'ed and when I opened my eyes I was in a warehouse of sorts.

      The warehouse had furniture around it, and had pictures on the walls, and a large garage that opened. It seemed kinda like a hipster lounge and I was just chilling there. There was a large opening in the wall, probably for driving cars to the back of the warehouse, and I walked through it.

      The dream gets very fuzzy from here, because I had a couple more dreams after this one. I remember standing in the warehouse and looking around. I thought "Wow.. I'm really thirsty..." and walked over to where a wall was. There was someone else there and he seemed to be my friend, so I just went with the flow. I stood next to the wall and looked at the lower part of the wall about a foot off the ground. In my mind I imagined a small spout coming out of the wall like you'd use to attach a hose. Just as I pictured it sliding out of the wall, a guy walked up behind us with a hose in his hands, and offered it to us. Funny how my mind doesn't work JUST the way I want it, but it still gets the job done.

      I thought to myself "What do I want to do...?" Then I remembered a dream series I started a couple of nights ago about a loose canon justifier named Bad-Ass McCoy. So I said "Ok, Bad-Ass, let's kick some ass." I briefly thought of the TOTM to go para-sailing over the ocean, but thought "Eh, fuck it."

      The rest of the dream is kind of fuzzy and skips around a lot unfortunately. But after all, this is my FIRST WILD ever! So I'm pleased with the fact I remained lucid for at least a bit.

      I remember a few times I could hear someone talking... and then I realized it's my grandmother in the other room talking to my grandfather, who is very hard at hearing, so she was in a sense shouting at him. I remembered what I had read, and stabilized the dream by rubbing my hands together. A couple of times I took a look at my hands to check how many fingers I had. I got a VERY creepy and strange feeling when I looked at my hands that SNAPPED me back into the dream. (I had 6 fingers, and sometimes 5) I vaguely remember that at one point I had a gun, and was just about to go on Homicide Duty... but I felt myself start to wake up so I laid down and waiting with my eyes closed so I could continue in a DEILD.

      When I opened my eyes I was in a fancy cabana type place, and had a look around, then lost all lucidity and it turned into a normal dream. (To read more about this "cabana type" dream, check out my dream journal, it will be a separate entry.)

      Updated 06-22-2013 at 05:28 AM by 63661

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening , dream fragment
    4. Operation Homicide - Ep. 101 Bad-Ass McCoy

      by , 06-19-2013 at 10:17 PM
      Operation Homicide - Ep. 101 Bad-Ass McCoy is a series of my dreams where I take on the character of Bad-Ass McCoy, and kick ass. Whether it be random villains or Albanian drug lords, Bad-Ass can handle it all. So get your guns ready, cock 'em, and hand 'em over, because I'm about to do all the shooting.

      Level of Lucidity: 1
      Level of Clarity: 4
      Level of Realism: 4
      (levels based 0-10, 0-5 being low - good 5-10 being great - extreme)

      Operation Homicide Ep. 101: There I am. In a fancy, modern style apartment building. I'm standing in a large ground floor room, that seems to be partially a gym, and partially a recreational room. There's quite a few dream characters around me, and I seem very confident in my ability to walk from one side of the room to the other. I walk to the other side of the room, and find a doorway with a staircase behind it. I climb the stairs for about four flights, and then the stairs simply end, with a ladder and a small roof door above it that requires the climber to push it open to continue their ascent.

      I pushed it open, and had a look around. It was a standard apartment roof and seemed completely normal, but I did notice that it was a very hard angle to pull myself up and onto the roof from the ladder, so I just stayed on the ladder and looked around. After a few brief moments of looking, I began to lower myself down the ladder and descend to the ground floor. When I got the the ground floor, mostly everything was the same, except for the fact that most of the walls had been replaced with large ceiling to ground windows. Similar to this, but without the window pains:

      Suddenly someone walks in and starts an argument with a lady behind one of the park benches conveniently located in the middle of the room. He then turned his head and stared dead at me. I felt something in the back waistband of my pants, and quickly reached back and whipped out a pistol. The man whipped out a pistol too, and began to fire at me. Luckily he was a retard when it comes to aim, and I managed to shoot him square in the chest, I believe killing him.

      After that everyone looked semi-relieved. All of a sudden two more men come busting through one of the ceiling to ground windows. They both have guns but for some reason decide to run at me instead of shooting me. I decided not to shoot them and instead turn around and begin running up the stairs. (Dream logic...)

      They weren't far behind me, but as I began to run up more and more stairs, I started skipping stairs and climbing 3-4 stairs with each step. I got quite a ways ahead of them, but then I got to the ladder. I climbed up it with ease, but then had trouble pushing the latch open to finish my escape onto the roof. The enemy caught up with me and one of the men grabbed a hold on my foot.

      I looked down to the guy and said "Wait a second guys, let me get up here, I don't wanna fall."

      The two enemies nodded their heads and said "Okay, good point" and then let my foot go so I could safely open the latch. I then decided it best to perhaps go back downstairs and make an exit instead of jumping off of a roof. The guys understood and followed me down. The guys and I commenced to telling some jokes and laughing on the way down about the guy who I killed. By the time we reached the bottom floor I snapped back to my senses and whipped my pistol around and shot both guys, but neither died.

      I ran through the window that they busted when they made their entrance and I was just out of their reach of being able to grab my shirt. I ran around the back of the building and came all the way around to the side opposite of where they busted in. There was a bench outside of the window I was running towards, and everything suddenly moved in extreme slow motion. I ran up to the bench and jumped just enough so that my left leg landed on the seat of the bench. I looked back and thought to myself "Maybe they won't know how to jump and will just trip on the bench." It made zero sense, but after seeing what a derp their friend was, anything was possible. I jumped up and over the bench, and dived through the window, landing in a somersault.

      The two guys simply walked around the bench and walked into the building through the giant hole I just made in the glass. I turned to them and without thinking shot both of them.

      Everyone in the lounge area seemed very surprised and scared at the fact that I just fired my pistol indoors, and less surprised or scared that I just killed 3 people.

      Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and looked at me, until one guy shouted "Go get-em Bad-Ass McCoy!"

      I casually walked out of the building through the front door with my new idenetity, feeling totally, 100%... bad-ass.

      Updated 06-20-2013 at 04:22 AM by 63661

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    5. Caught (Oct 9 - Oct 10, 2012)

      by , 10-10-2012 at 08:30 PM (Realm of Insanity)
      I am in the computer room, writing down something on Word and I think i'm browsing dreamviews. I hear the walks from my mother coming down the stairs and I hurry out of the computer room and into the kithen as if I had always been there.
      "Can I use the computer for work?" I ask.
      "Whatever," she replies. Then she walks to the foot of the stairs and yells up at my dad that I'm going to use the computer.
      He says that he needs to do something first and starts coming down the stairs. I hide and he comes in and does some thing he then exits and I leave a few second after him still hiding. I step out into the kitchen and all I see is him staring at me with an mad face.

      I am in a building on the back of a truck and I a am using a machine gun to shoot at the people coming at us.
      Tags: bad, dream, violence
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. *Smbdy. had died and I was crafted with a dog's DNA

      by , 03-16-2012 at 04:05 PM
      This is all a dream I had this night.
      1: Smbdy had died and I was half human
      Walking up the streets with A-T, not talking much.
      "You know, I was glad it happened with you." I said, referring to her and the rest of the "flock"*, as in, her IRL friends. And saying that, I was actually subcon. quoting something she had said to me earlier IRL.
      *False memory- Me and the rest of us, as in A-T and some of her friends, had been made into part human part dog, as in Maximum Ride where the characters are 2% avian.
      change of scene
      My friends and a couple o' their new friends were gathered at a kind of wood montage at a hill. We were mourning, especially me. I was not only mourning, inside me was a aching empty black hole, wondering how I could go on in life. If there ever was more for me. How could this be possible? It can't be possible. Please no.
      Smbdy had died, *** had went gone. Gone. Maybe in a car crash or some accident. But it just couldn't be true.¨
      A friend of mine, M., that has no real connection with smbdy ran off, up in a three. And I was the one to go after her. She cried, and it was something about boy she'd liked before, Choco we call him. And I had to bring her back up from her sobs, and to get together with the rest.
      No one agonized with my pain, or even knew how much I was suffering.

      Later in the dream, I was having a presentation before a gathering of my class. They were circled around me and the powerpoint. My teacher were writing notes on how good I did. The presentation was in aftermath.. There I stood, sobbing in my words, having nothin' to really come to say about it. It was tough.

      2: Curling iron
      My mommy had invented a curling iron, and she said that just one curl on one of the sides of the hair was just perfect. But that's what I already have, I thought.

      3: E. and N. "Have a clue what I dreamt?"
      Me and N. and E. (my old best friend) was standing in the end of the hall with wardrobes in my school. I lent towards the window. N. was standing to my right, seemingly behind a window, outside, yet I could hear him speaking. E. was standing on the other side of the entrance, in front of me.
      I decided to test 'em a bit, I think.
      "Have a clue what I have dreamt?" I mouthed, looking at N. in a side glance.
      "Wha?" he asked, looking at me dumbly.
      "Know what I dreamt?" E. said shortly. He had understood. I was not shocked, but a very lesser degree of it. More like accomplishment.

      Updated 03-16-2012 at 10:14 PM by 53379

      Tags: bad, dark, death, e.., n.., oddly, scary
      non-lucid , nightmare
    7. The Jewels

      by , 11-01-2011 at 05:49 PM (The Absurd Adventures of CWHunt)
      Very vivid dream when I took a nap a few minutes ago. Interesting too.

      The dream started out pretty normal. I was off to school one morning and I was walking with my friends. This school I went to was a sort of museum. It held tons of priceless artifacts, and we were always told not to touch the items. Well, we get to school and some random guy walks up to us. He tells us we need to get these three diamonds or else really bad things were going to happen. My two friends and I agree to this and go into school to set up a plan.
      The dream skips to the night where we have infiltrated the school and we go up to the diamonds. We open the case and grab them without setting off the alarm. We are standing in the middle of this hallway when suddenly the diamonds are forced out of our hands as they float above us. We are pushed back by a strange force coming from the diamonds as some strange government looking men come up to us. They ask for the diamonds and they promise if we give them to them we won't be hurt. I quickly jump on and grab the diamonds as we make our escape from these men.
      The next day I begin to feel odd about this. It feels like a movie I have seen before. While waiting for lunch at school me and my friends start talking and I swear everything we are saying is right from the script of this movie I can't think of. We need to find out what to do next to keep these diamonds safe from whoever wants them.
      As we exit school we are kidnapped and put onto a moving train. They somehow got the diamonds and were going to use them for evil. We push the men off the train and grab the diamonds, saving the day. I then wake up.

      This is probably one of the first dreams where the story that started in the dream was actually finished!
    8. WWE Event

      by , 10-10-2011 at 08:20 AM
      Dream 1

      A guy called Rad Bad Debone won the hardcore title. Randy Orton beat Kane in a match and was going to have another match. But since he just had a hard match against Kane he didn't want to wrestle.

      The enxt week Undertaker said that Randy Orton should wrestle and that "he should talk".

      Most of the dream was on a mountain.
    9. Exam Festival

      by , 09-06-2011 at 11:52 AM (The first foothold of Arch.)
      I am at some sort of festival. Im really drunk, and Im with alot of the people from my school, from my year and the year below.
      I walk around aimlessly for awhile, and then for some reason I have to sit my Maths Core 3 exam, drunk and only learnt a third of the course.
      There is two exams for some reason and I'm so impaired that I barely finish the first one.
      My friend tells me he did bad too, which is some comfort.

      Comments: I think this reflects on my attempt to take on such a large work load, I am quite intimidated and unmotivated, but hopefully it will be ok.
    10. Saving The Park

      by , 08-13-2011 at 06:48 AM
      This dream was like an episode of Regular Show.Something bad happened at the park. Me and Rigby went to the city to clear up what went wrong. I can't remember what happened but when we went to the city it looked like the building from the other dream.

      This is the first time I've had dreams interlock after a day.
      Tags: audit, bad, park, regular, show, sue
    11. Three-Dimensional Breaking Bad Shirts

      by , 05-14-2011 at 05:14 PM
      Type: Regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      It was daytime. I was at a vacation resort in some country like Mexico. The buildings around me were colorful, and set up like shops that bordered around a large, square-shaped central clearing. They had arc-shaped entrances instead of doors.

      I walked over to one building and it had two basic, long cylindrical metal poles coming up out of the ground, with a clothesline going from the top of one to the other. A foot or so down the poles, there was another clothesline. Hanging from these two clotheslines, slightly overlapping each other, were white shirts (mainly t-shirts). I looked at them, and browsed for a few minutes. I recall seeing one with a t-rex on it, but the colors were too faded so I didn't want to buy it.

      The shopkeeper walked up to me while I was looking. He was wearing some sort of apron around his waist, and a light blue visor.

      "Why are the colors so faded?" I asked him.

      "They're 3D," was the reply, and he pointed to the shirts. I looked back at them and the layout of them changed, although I didn't notice this in the dream. Three Breaking Bad shirts, in the middle of the clothesline, stood out to me. I went to them right away because I'm a fan of Breaking Bad.

      The first t-shirt on the right had a portrait of Gale, one character from the series. It showed him from the shoulders-up, his two hands holding different objects - one was a marijuana leaf, and the other was a bag of what I presumed to be crystal meth. His face was intent and almost creeped me out a bit. I looked at the t-shirt in the center next. It had a very small picture of Jesse Pinkman in his hoodie. It was probably only three or four inches big. The last t-shirt had a picture of the Breaking Bad logo, with the smoky green background. The edges of the image blended out into the t-shirt, creating a nice transition. All three t-shirts had the faded colors, so I was still put off from buying one, but then I looked closer at this shirt. I moved myself up and down and realized it was three-dimensional, and almost played a short clip like a movie as you moved your position. You may have seen those "movie" bookmarks in a Hallmark or other cards store before. That's what they were like.

      Updated 05-17-2023 at 12:22 AM by 28408

    12. Extreme Deja Vu - Fugitive Status

      by , 09-10-2010 at 10:13 PM
      This is one of my
      Five-Star Dreams

      Type: regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      Every once in a while, I experience dreams that create intense deja vu sensations, which is pretty intriguing to me. This dream is an example of that.

      I had just walked into a public restroom. It was the kind you'd find at a McDonald's restaurant or a gas station; the cubicles were light, pale blue, and the sinks were white. As for the lighting, it was a bit dimmer than one would normally see in a public restroom, but it wasn't too noticeable and certainly wasn't an issue. The room itself was shaped like a rectangle; the entrance was along one of the longer walls, over to the right. Right when you'd walk in, there were four or five stalls in the light blue color in front of you, a few feet back against the other long wall. To the left, walk down the stalls and past them; you'd get to the sinks. They looked normal.

      I needed to go in a certain stall and get something I'd hidden there earlier. I entered the stall furthest to the right, against the corner of the room. For some reason, although I wasn't lucid, when I opened the door I expected a mirror to be on the back wall. The stall itself was fully closed, and there weren't any spaces underneath the dividers or door; finally, it was a bit narrower than a real cubicle but still spacious.

      I closed the door, sliding over a basic metal lock that was fairly rusty, and turned around to face the mirror. I can't remember exactly what I looked like, but I do know I looked fairly normal: blue eyes, brown hair, normal clothing (I can't recall what I was wearing, either). My hair was a bit messy, with some flyaways and stuff, but that was the extent of it. I looked into the mirror for a few instances, drew back, and then smashed it with my fist. Since I've used invulnerability so much in my lucids, I think it carried over into my normal dreams, and this one was no exception. I felt no pain, and saw no blood as my hand practically blasted into the mirror and into the concrete wall. The mirror shattered into larger-sized pieces and fell as one whole object onto the toilet. Behind it was a section that was punched-in because of me, and there was a small hole inside that area. I pulled a tightly-folded square piece of yellow paper out.

      The dream skipped and I was now in a mall-like setting: light-colored floor tiles, high ceilings, a few leather chairs in the aisle for people to sit down in. I was at the end of one wing of the mall, in a small Starbucks-like store right next to a major department store that was similar to Sears. It looked almost exactly like this (see the green sign on the left? That's where the store I was in was located).

      The Starbucks had a few bar tables against the walls, and a coffee shop-like atmosphere. The cashier desk was not against the wall like in a normal cafe, but by itself in the middle of the shop. There was nothing else around it; everything else, including the chairs, was against the bar tables. I was with one other person, a guy who was a bit older than me, and we were crouched down behind this cashier's desk, peering out the sides to see if anyone was coming. I knew that there was a big crowd coming after us, trying to kill us.

      I was also saying something extremely bizarre out loud. It wasn't just strange because I wasn't lucid, but also...

      "I've had this dream before... I know exactly what to do this time".

      I felt like I'd been in this dream before. I recognized the coffee shop, the mall, and the mob, and I also knew that another person would come and ruin my chances of escaping those people. I was expecting him to come, and I knew what to say this time so I wouldn't get caught. Last time, Jesse Pinkman (from the television series Breaking Bad) had come with a friend of his and asked where to hide the body of someone they killed. I'd told them to stash it in the car, which somehow caused the mob to find me and end the dream.

      Jesse and his friend appeared. They were both wearing dark gray hoodies and jeans, and Jesse was carrying a garbage bag with what looked like a body inside it. "Hey," Jesse asked with an anxious expression, "what do I do with this thing?"

      "Bury it," I said after a brief hesitation.

      They walked off, leaving me and my accomplice (just a guess) still sitting behind the bar. "We don't have to worry about the group of people anymore," I told him. "I fixed the dream."

      When I woke up, I realized I'd never dreamed of a scenario like that before, and the deja vu was generated entirely by the dream.

      Updated 05-19-2023 at 02:28 AM by 28408

      non-lucid , memorable
    13. Hank Schrader and a Pigeon

      by , 08-13-2010 at 01:03 PM
      Type: regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I was behind a square piece of hedge on the lawn of a rather modern-looking house; the exterior was saturated tan stucco with sienna brown accents, and the driveway was two flat slabs of yellow-tinted concrete. The location must have been set in a desert because the sky was blue and there wasn't much grass on the ground. I could see everything around me, even though it was fairly dark outside.

      I was looking at a man who was walking along the driveway. His name is Hank, a character from the AMC series Breaking Bad; he was wearing a black jacket, slightly baggy, and blue jeans. I saw a flash of a salmon-colored shirt underneath, where the jacket was unzipped. He looked the same as the image below, but obviously with different clothing.

      The car was red and fairly rusty; it looked like a van made in the 80's with sharper corners and less curves. There was a thin panel of polished wood placed horizontally around the vehicle as an accent.

      He got into the car without opening the door; instead, he slipped through the open window which was slightly larger than it should've been. He turned the car on with an exaggerated twist of his arm, turning the key, and began to back up. I moved along the hedge as the car backed up, and then pulled out a cell phone. Without dialing any numbers, I immediately began to speak into it. "He's here," I spoke into the phone.

      A pigeon appeared beside me; it was light gray and had black speckles all over its wings, as if someone had dusted it with pepper. It had the same cell phone stuck to the side of its head, without being propped up by anything. But it didn't speak, it just walked along the ground and disappeared on the other side of the hedge.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:40 AM by 28408

    14. Jesse in a Two-Piece

      by , 06-09-2010 at 07:58 PM
      Type: DILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I was in a large house, my house. But it wasn't really my house; this place was big and looked like a lodge. The walls were smoothed logs and the floors were hardwood, yet it didn't look like one of those old-fashioned cabins. It was almost modern, even though it was made of "traditional" materials. And I lived here.

      I was at the table with my sister and father, eating some sort of chicken and tomato dish off clean white plates. I realized that this was a dream and decided to not even consider the fact that I might not have any control. After all, I was going through a bad dryspell control-wise, and I didn't want to have a crappy dream control experience again. I decided to test my control by asking my father, "hey, is this a dream?" even though I knew very well that it was. I expected him to say no, and that's what he told me. "Well, I'd be able to stick my finger through my palm if this was a dream," I replied. I pushed my finger through my palm and it came through the other side, after a bit of effort. My dad chuckled and leaned back in his chair, but my sister didn't say anything the whole time.

      I got up and walked away from the table, hoping to summon someone and practice a bit of dream combat. I was prepared if my dream control were still to be in the process of coming back from the dryspell. I was now in the middle of a new room in the lodge; it had high ceilings and a set of stairs along the right wall that led up to the second floor. I didn't go up the stairs and just decided to summon Jesse Pinkman, a second main character from the television series Breaking Bad. I used my sneaky tactic of turning around and expecting the person to be behind me, eliminating the need to search all over for him; this is what I do whenever I summon DCs now. I did this, and wow, I was in for a surprise. He was behind me, looked normal...

      But his clothing choices were a bit bizarre.

      He was wearing a white t-shirt, baggy pants, and a sweater. This was all right, but underneath the slightly transparent shirt was the top piece of a yellow woman's swimsuit. I turned around immediately and tried to forget about that sight. It scorched my eyes, and it made me laugh pretty loudly. I turned around and tried the technique again, and he was still the same but with slightly longer hair. I had to do this once more and then he was wearing what I wanted him to: a yellow hoodie, slightly too large, and baggy blue jeans.

      We basically practiced some karate-like moves the rest of the dream. I'm not going to attempt to explain them, because it's pretty hard to, but they were pretty hardcore! At the end of the dream, a few seconds before I felt it starting to fade, I managed to blow Jesse away with invisible energy emanating from my hands.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 07:01 AM by 28408
