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    1. An Odd Assignment, An Old-School Game, and a Crazy Elevator Ride

      by , 08-29-2012 at 03:22 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was at what looked exactly like Jake's apartment with a bunch of other people, including my friend Rachel, and one of my old teachers from college, Mr. H. Apparently, it was some sort of class.

      Mr. H told us all to go around the apartment and memorize as many items that were there as we could "in order", whatever that meant. We all then started, and I stuck by Rachel. We named off all these items as we all scattered across the apartment. I remember seeing a lot of vegetables in the kitchen area. The one I specifically remember is cucumbers for some reason. I named off other items in my head, talking to Rachel about them. Everyone seemed excited.

      We only had a short amount of time to do this. Mr. H soon called us back, and we all sat on the couch in the living room (even the couch was the exact same as in Jake's apartment). He gave us worksheets, and we had to name off the items we remembered "in order", and answer some other questions about them. I had been trying to remember all the items I encountered, beginning with the first one, but I started to get confused, and just wrote down each of the individual vegetables and some other random things. That question was actually closer to the bottom of the worksheet.

      I noticed that others were having little to no trouble remembering the items; one girl even had over 500 items listed, I think the exact number was 534. Many were already turning in their assignments, which Mr. H was grading right away, and they were getting good grades. I know at least one person got a 100.

      I think I was the last to finish the assignment. I felt like I wasn't going to do very well. I turned it in to Mr. H, who was sitting on a kitchen chair in the living room, close to the door. I sat down in another kitchen chair close to him and waited. He gave my paper back shortly, and it said 54 on the top. Great. I got a 54. And everyone else is musing about their awesome 100s and such. Ugh, I feel like a complete idiot.

      But then, Mr. H pointed something out to me. There was some weird, small white sign between us with a red number on it. There was the number 119 written over the 54. I guess I got a 119. Um...yeah, I can live with that, that's awesome as fuck, but wtf?


      I was sitting outside my front door on the red brick stairs that lead up to it. It was sunny and nice outside; a great day. I want to say it was morning, actually. A small calico cat came up to me, and I started to pet her. She was so sweet! I was talking to her, saying she was adorable and such, and then I looked to my right, and there was a cop just sitting there, in his uniform, drinking a mug of coffee (I'm pretty sure it was coffee). He looked fairly young and had short dark brown hair and a mustache. Internally, I freaked out at first, then realized I had absolutely nothing to hide, nothing to freak out about. He looked at me. He looked content and relaxed with a happy look about his face, though not overly so. He said something about the cat's owner, whom I think was actually him.

      Then, I was playing this PC game that I used to play when I was a kid.
      I'm going to break from the dream for a second to explain the actual game. It was one of the first online games I ever played. It had come with this other game I had, some game from the "Jump-Start" series of PC games. I want to say the game was called Knowledge Land. You "walk" (slide) around a coarse 3-D world with other players with an avatar, the most common avatar being a mouse. You earned other avatars, such as tigers and even humans, by collecting different types of cards, some of which you earned by going into this cave thing and answering questions that this computer asked you, and some of which you could just pick up off the ground.

      Anyway, I was playing that for some reason, and I felt like I was a little old for it, and the game was waaay outdated, so I would more than likely be the only person playing it. But I was wrong, there were others playing. I was friends on there with some guy with a Japanese-type robot avatar. The game in the dream had the same idea as the real Knowledge Land, but it was very different graphic-wise; there was a more extensive 3-D world, and you could move about it more freely. I was helping the robot guy with something, though I can't remember what.

      Then, I was in an elevator with Andy, I think Jase, and some other guys. They were holding up these Star Wars t-shirts to their bodies, showing them off since they had just bought them. They were excited about them. I commented on Andy's, saying it was really cool.

      Then, the elevator started to move down very quickly, and I started to freak out a little because I was floating up towards the ceiling from the speed we were traveling. Everyone else seemed to be grounded but me. They were holding onto some railing I think. I was commenting on it to them. I then thought about curling into a fetal position as I usually do in these dreams with the elevator (a fairly common theme for me), but I started trying to get a handle on the handrail so I could stay put, even though I actually started to really enjoy the floating.

      The elevator then started moving in other directions, like forward and down hills and stuff.
      "Wooo!" I said, "It's like a roller coaster!"
      I was having fun. I could even see out these windows that were now in the elevator. We were being carried on this rail that was above us. There was water around I believe, and we were traveling through a building. I remember seeing lots of metal bars.

      We finally stopped and got off the elevator. I think we were in some sort of parking garage.


      I had another dream this morning, but I can't remember it right now.

      Updated 08-29-2012 at 04:10 PM by 32059

      non-lucid , memorable
    2. Zelda Crossovers with Everything

      by , 08-29-2012 at 03:17 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      I was playing Spirit Tracks. It was at the part where Link and Zelda play the sacred duet before the final battle. Afterwards, instead of going onto the final battle, I was taken to a map screen (not the rail map). I had to choose one of three places - stay and fight Malladus, go to some place I can't remember now, or go to some strange tower (not the Tower of Spirits). I selected the tower.

      When I entered the tower, it turned into a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon-esque game, though battles worked the same way as in the main series games (judging by the graphics, I'd say G/S/C). I can't remember what my main Pokemon was, but I ended up entering a battle with 1 HP left. I was afraid I might have to switch out to Zubat, which I really didn't want to, as I only used Zubat as an HM slave (I suppose I was on a one-Pokemon challenge).

      Just as the other Pokemon had started to attack, I yelled out, "Stop!", pausing the battle. I searched desperately for any healing items I may have. Nothing. I reluctantly allowed the battle to continue. The wild Pokemon finished its attack, causing mine to lose its remaining hit point. However, it wasn't defeated, despite its remaining HP being displayed as "nil". It also gained a new move in the top slot (overwriting whatever was already there, I guess). I can't remember what the move was called, but it was a special move, only usable by Pokemon with no HP remaining (kind of like how Struggle can only be used by Pokemon with no PP on any move). I used this new move to restore more HP.

      After the battle, I found myself in Vermillion City (you know, I think this may have been Pokemon Blue - there was little variation in colour, save for a bluish tint on everything now, and it had 8-bit graphics, of course). My Pokemon forgot its new move, which was replaced by Clamp.

      Some point soon after, I woke up. I looked at the time - it was already 11:00! I got up, and, in the living room, I found a book that read "Oracle of Ages" on the side. I picked it up and looked at the cover. It appeared to be some crossover between The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages and... Star Wars. I decided that was ridiculous and not worth reading.

      I woke up again and looked at the clock. It was actually almost 7 AM.

      I went back to sleep and had another dream in which I was in the car, thinking about another Zelda game - Minish Cap this time. This one happened to be a crossover with Vocaloid. I was trying to remember who I'd decided to play as (since I'd only borrowed the game, so I don't still have it). I had a feeling I'd picked Len, but then I thought I may have chosen Rin instead. I knew I'd picked one of the Kagamine twins.

      Soon, we arrived at home. Inside, I saw my cat, Princess, sitting happily inside a large cardboard box (she loved boxes). I remembered that Princess died last fall and, realizing that it couldn't be her, asked my mom where this cat had come from. She told me she'd taken it in; it was a stray she'd found on our porch.

      Next thing I knew, there were now two of these cats. At first, I thought that Princess had come to see the new cat, but, like before, I remembered that it couldn't be her because she was dead. Again, I asked my mom where the second cat had come from. Before she answered, I decided it would be a good idea to do a reality check, given the strangeness of the situation, but I woke up before I could.
    3. I Ride a Boat Full of Cats to Disney World

      by , 08-29-2012 at 03:13 PM
      I’m on a boat with my family. The inside of the boat is full of water, and we’re all just floating around in it. But then, I guess the water drains out because suddenly it’s all gone.

      I’m talking to my sisters, when suddenly I remember that I might have forgotten to pack my laptop. Part of me doesn’t care that much because apparently we’re going to be somewhere that doesn’t have any Internet access anyway, but I still wanted my laptop around so that I could write on it and stuff. So, I go to double-check my luggage. There are some plastic bags lying around and I start looking through them, but they’re all just full of shoes. Finally, I find my backpack, but it looks like I didn’t pack anything very useful. Apparently I only packed a few items of clothing and then a bunch of Beanie Babies. And I stuffed everything into the front pocket instead of packing it in the main part of the backpack.

      So, I stand up again. And right then I become lucid for like two seconds. It just randomly occurs to me that I’m dreaming, and I run out onto the deck of the boat saying, “I’m lucid! I’m lucid!” I decide I’m going to jump off the boat and into the water. So, I do that. But, as soon as I do, I just find myself back on the boat again and I’m no longer lucid. Oh well.

      When I’m back on the boat, I see that my dad is standing at a stove and cooking something. When I get closer, I see he’s frying a bunch of snails in a pan. And they’re not normal snails, either … They’re like, super gigantic snails that are probably like six inches long. My mom is standing nearby and starts complaining about how disgusting it is and how my dad will just have to eat those by himself.

      At that point, I start walking up some stairs, because apparently the boat has two floors. On the second floor, there are a few rooms that look like bedrooms, and one room that looks like a kitchen. For some reason, I’m convinced that my friend Hannah lives on the second floor of the boat.

      There are a ton of cats on the second floor. I don’t remember all of them, but … There’s this one, huge fat grey and white cat that’s just sitting around. There are a couple of small, grey kittens. And then there’s this really exotic-looking cat who has a black head, but the rest of her body is orange (possibly with some white … I don’t remember very clearly). She has abnormally large ears. And when she blinks, her face kind of like, folds in on itself so you can’t see it. It’s weird. But anyway, I really like this cat and start petting her. Just then, Hannah’s mom comes up the stairs, and I feel guilty because apparently the cat is hers, and it was in her bedroom. But she doesn’t seem to care I’m there. Suddenly, all of my family comes upstairs and they’re all wandering around.

      I start playing with one of the kittens, and I try to pick him up, but he scratches my finger. I look down and see that my index finger is bleeding. I walk over to the exotic-looking cat and let her lick the cut. My mom is watching and she’s like, “Awwwww.”

      We’re now standing in the kitchen on the second floor, and everyone is pouring cereal into plastic bags and then … layering the plastic bags on top of each other. It’s sort of hard to describe. But anyway.

      Apparently the whole time, we were taking the boat to a family reunion of some sort. It’s at some theme park––I guess kind of like Disney World? Anyway, I end up waiting around for this Cinderella-themed ride. It’s this huge white and gold boat that just like, flies up into the sky and swings around.

      So, the boat comes down out of the sky, and two ladies dressed as the evil stepsisters get off it, complaining that the ride has no seatbelts. So I’m like, “Oh boy.” Just then, two of my sisters show up and we all get on the ride.

      Sure enough, there are no seatbelts. There are just a bunch of benches running across the boat. There’s this random Asian guy sitting at one end of the boat dressed as Prince Charming and he’s like, “HELLOOO.” And we’re all like, “… Hi.”

      The boat flies up into the sky and starts swinging back and forth. And we’re all pretty much just sliding around like crazy. And I’m afraid I might fall off, except there are a bunch of these wire fence-type things around the sides of the boat, so I figure I’ll be okay.

      Even though only my sisters and I got on the boat to begin with, there are suddenly a lot of other people on the ride as well. The ride keeps going upside down, and when it does, we all just have to sort of hook our feet under the benches and hang there. Then there’s some point where the benches detach from the inside of the boat––and we all have to hold on to a bench as it shoots off into the sky. And when that happens, everyone has a ray of magical color streaming out behind them, and it forms a rainbow.

      After that part, there’s this other part where each person gets filmed individually while they dance around holding a fake gun. Apparently there’s going to be some event where we all pretend to shoot each other, for some reason. I stand in front of a computer, watching the people who have been filmed so far. Everyone has to dance against some weird, purple background.

      Anyway, I wander off and then my mom and I start talking to some old guy who is apparently related to me. He talks about how he loves that ride that I just went on, and how his favorite part is the shooting part, because it reminds him of when he fought in some war. Then he starts talking about the war and about how horrific it was. And he talks about how he had this wound in his leg, which he claims looked like a gaping mouth with razor-sharp teeth or something. And I’m like, “… What.”

      I start thinking about how horrible it would be to be in a war. And suddenly I’m afraid I’m going to get drafted into a war or something, and I’m going to die.

      Then one of my younger siblings comes up to me––I think Annabelle––and she wants me to come with her, to find some fireworks that are apparently going on. So, I go with her to look for them. For some reason, she thinks they’re in this nearby dark room. But nothing is going on in there, and there are people in there sleeping in sleeping bags. So we leave.

      And I think that’s all.
    4. Dimensional Space

      by , 08-29-2012 at 03:07 PM (Robo's Dreams)
      I was in some strange blue-grey Dimensional space. The laws of physics could be changed by a thought. I was taking a class with about 10 other people learning how to manipulate things in this place. We took turns manipulating, as we finished the instructor would give us advice on how to improve. The person sitting next to me was both a friend I know, (D) and Zero from the Megaman X series of video games () he went right before me showing an impressive display of manipulation that I don't really remember.

      When it was my turn, a large "M" appeared in front of me that was doing some sort of crab walk on it's two legs. I mimicked the Letter to form a sort of connection, then changed my own walk cycle to change the way the M was walking to a sort of sideways crab walk. After I was finished with my display, class was dismissed and everyone disappeared except for me and D/Zero. I felt as if I could stay in the space forever if I so chose, and I chose to stay, for awhile anyway. I practiced manipulation with my friend, though after some time, It became a bit boring. I decided I would leave... I realized I didn't know how. I didn't even remember how I got there in the first place.

      I thought for a moment and remembered a door. I turned around and saw an open door. I jogged up to it and through it saw my high-school gym. I saw myself on the other side, sitting up hanging my head as if I were passed out. I figured I had passed out at the gym and was having a dream or something. I walked up to my body, briefly worrying about a feedback loop forming, but quickly dismissed the thought, as it hadn't formed yet. I shook myself awake and tried to merge with him, failing. then I tried to bring him into the dimensional room, but he resisted saying, "Only one soul can reside in a body." I was confused, but I gathered it ment he didn't want to go into that room, so I left him in the gym and returned to the room alone.

      Still unsure how to leave the dimensional space, I continued mucking around manipulating things. I could have been there for minutes, or hours, I couldn't tell, but at some point everything started to break down and become illogical, myself included, so I didn't notice it happening. About a minute passes and I regain some of my senses. I just sigh and decide, "Screw it I'm done" and wake myself up.
    5. Washing face with drugs

      by , 08-29-2012 at 03:05 PM
      Had only two beers last night at the bar before going to bed but felt terrible afterwards and it effected my sleep. I was so groggy in the morning and couldn't recall one dream. By the way, bars seem to be a dream sign so I did a few reality checks while I was there.

      I was in the kitchen of my house and I was washing my face over the sink with liquid scopolamine (I had watched a documentary about this before going off to the bar). I was careful not to get any in my mouth or to sniff any of it because I didn't want to lose control of myself and be drugged. I think my mother came in for a while. I think I might have accidentally swallowed some and I was waiting nervously for the onset of the effects.
    6. kisses

      by , 08-29-2012 at 02:33 PM
      this dream was rather strange. i drempt i was on my street with some blonde girl who kinda remindeed my of a blonde versisno of katelyn hartey. she had big tits. we kept kissing in my car and i was sucking on her tits and i just wanted to park so she could suck my dick over at the park but she kept trying to park the car nd was jus fuken up.. so i took the wheel and parked it then went to get a go kart out of my backyard cause it was in the way nd it actually went kinda fast. i let cody take it since he was goin to the movie with his girl. iwoke up soon after to my alarm
    7. Werewolves and a Portal 2 beta

      by , 08-29-2012 at 02:10 PM
      Two dreams last night...

      1. ) Not a very long dream.
      I am at my grandma's house with my mom, my sister, and someone else I don't know. I had apparently been bitten by a werewolf and was in the beginning stages of transformation with just the long teeth and ears (which made everything in the dream super loud). I had agreed in the beginning to be locked in a room in case I went "insane" but I had gotten so hungry that I couldn't stand it any more... No one was around to unlock the door so I bit into the doorknob and ripped it from the door which released the lock. My sister freaks out when she sees me and I wake up. Never had a dream with enhanced senses before...

      2. Portal)
      I am playing an unreleased version of Portal 2.
      I load up the first level as I get sucked into the game. GLaDOS says the intro line from Portal 1 and I run towards a platform. There is a solid gold turret on the platform which has fallen over because of the weight of the gold. It says, "Please help me. Up." in the sad voice they all speak in. After putting it back on it's "feet", I portal up to the top platform and ride the elevator to the next chamber. There is a cube and button here as well as what looks like a holographic false wall. As I approach the cube to pick it up, GLaDOS says, "Cube and button based testing is arguably the most important research to be done here since the invention of magnesium. Be warned that some cubes have short-range airbourne diseases, which may, *czzzzzt*." As I approach the button with the cube, she shouts "DIE!" and drops three turrets in front of me. I run towards the holographic wall and pass through it into a holding chamber full of test subjects. Using my portal gun, we escape into a post-apocalyptic wasteland-type area, and I wake up.

      Updated 08-29-2012 at 03:11 PM by 57641

    8. Drumline Debacle

      by , 08-29-2012 at 02:07 PM (Inner Sanctum)
      The dream started inside a basketball gym. I quickly recognized i was at a high school drumline competition. I was with my old drum line that i was the captain of in high school. We were just there as alumni, spectating. For some reason i was off by myself at one time, and i was just standing against a wall. There was a girl sitting next to where i was standing. We made eye contact, but i didn't start flirting or anything, because i have a girlfriend anyway lol. She started to get up and as she did, she sounded like she was gonna ask me if i wanted to go get something to eat. But by the time she stood up, she realized how much taller than me she was. The girl was like 6'8 or something. She laughed and said some form of "never mind" in an awkward "i'm so embarrassed" kind of way. But we both just laughed it off because we knew why.

      This girl at a table close to where we were sitting noticed what had happened. She gave me a dirty look and called me an asshole. I walked over and told her what happened and told her that she needed to mind her business. She had the look of defeat on her face, like she knew she was out of line. I guess she thought that i was laughing at the tall girl for whatever reason.

      I walked away and stood back where i was before, but right before i got comfortable, some guy comes walkin' up to me. I knew he was mad just by his body language. The first thing i thought was: "that was his girlfriend, he saw me tell her to mind her business. He probably wants to fight me.". But instead, this asshole says i don't look like a high school student and that he needs to see I.D. That's when it clicked in my head who he was. He was this guy i went to high school with for about a year. He was in the percussion ensemble in class, but he wasn't good enough to be on the drum line. And as i remember, he was pretty immature. I told him i wasn't in high school, that i was in college and i was just here watching. But at this point he already pissed me off with his tone of voice. He was acting like he was a cop or something, when in reality, he was just some high school kid with a few weight lifting classes. We argued back and forth for a while, then i finally showed him my ID so he'd shut the fuck up. He gave some smart remark and then walked off yelling that he was "THE PROBLEM AROUND HERE!" as if he'd just won a fist fight in the cafeteria in front of his crush.

      I went outside to cool off because i was pretty mad. My homie came outside to see what had happened, and by that time i was just laughing it off. Then the dream faded.
    9. Sean Connery's Hideout and Tommy Lee Jones, Penetrating Contest (SDE Day 15)

      by , 08-29-2012 at 01:59 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Sean Connery's Hideout and Tommy Lee Jones (Non-lucid)


      Sean Connery and me were at a beach, and he's just wearing a dark blue beach underwear. He presses some button near some rocks, which opens up a secret door. We quickly go in and it closes, and the insides of this place consists of shades of brown.

      The place was fairly small, but pretty nice for one person living here. I see Sean Connery, though I can't remember what he's wearing exactly, probably a dark brown sweater and khaki pants now instead.

      He's walking around, and I'm just standing there watching him move around his hideout. I try to make conversation with him and tell him,

      "You keep this place pretty clean Connery," and I also mentioned something else about the place he's hiding in, probably related to what conceals the place.

      He moves around a bit some more and tells me,

      "There's still some bottles on the floor."

      I didn't know what to say after that, so I decided to look around the place myself. I looked at window curtains, which completely covered the windows. They had some weird colors, but most of them were dark colors, maybe some white too. I take a slight peek to see what's outside, and I see a lot of houses that are packed together.

      They were long sideways but not so much in length. Most of the houses I'm looking at had bright colors like light yellow for the base and dark colors like dark borwn for the roof. The back of some houses were supported by these thick wooden structures that were deep into the ground, and some houses were even above a slight downward slope.

      I look around a bit, and this place seems peaceful, and at some point in the dream I decided to go to the exit, but not open anything. It was like a big pipe entry that was cut in half. I look around the walls and floor, and one part was different from the rest. Instead of being a darker shade of brown, it looked like it had a gold-ish type of color.

      Maybe that was the switch to activate the exit, beats me. I go back in, and probably did more searching around the house while Connery was busy doing something else.

      The dream shifts, and apparently, someone has found out about Connery's hideout. He's out defending himself, and I'm only watching him, but I'm not part of the action at all. He's just using a pistol, dodging bullets while staying near the secret entrance that's covered up.

      But the environment now changes from a beach to some kind of construction area. The secret entrance was to the left of a small sandy hill that almost went over a gray wired fence. Connery was on that slope, and barely takes any shots at people.

      The dream shifts again, and I don't see Connery anymore, and I'm pointing a gun at someone, but it doesn't seem like they're going to do anything to me. I'm still being cautious because I don't know how I got inside this bus in the first place.

      The inside walls and ceiling were light green, and the seats had a dark turquoise type of color, and this whole section felt so old to me. I had a feeling I ran out of ammo, so I quickly too some gun magazine and quickly slide it into the slot of the gun.

      I put the magazine in the wrong way, because while I'm still holding a gun, I get an angle where I can see under me, and the magazine is clearly not inserted right.


      I had to do something quick, so I pretended to act all serious again in front of these people, and quickly take out the magazine and put it in correctly this time. I aim the gun left and right at the three people near me just to make sure none of them don't pull a fast one on me.

      By this time, the third person was outside of the bus near the opened window behind the driver's seat. I don't recognize her visage at all, looks like a randomly generated dream character. Most of them are wearing white dress shirts and black pants, almost like fancy pilots and flight attendants.

      Then Tommy Lee Jones, a fairly old version of him, comes in out nowhere, and walks slowly towards me. While he's walking on the left side getting closer and closer, he looks at me for a little while, stops where he's at,
      and after that, I forget what happens next.

      Penetrating Contest (Non-lucid)


      This dream is weird.

      Spoiler for 18+:

      Updated 08-29-2012 at 02:05 PM by 47756

    10. Just a fragment =.=

      by , 08-29-2012 at 12:08 PM
      1-My mom's ex boyfriend walks in. He hasn't seen me in forever. I go to my room some time later, and he's there giving me a hug.

      2-There are 2 sticky traps beside each other, each filled with crickets.
      dream fragment
    11. A small lucid, but a lucid all the same!

      by , 08-29-2012 at 10:13 AM
      This one came completely out of the blue. Did not expect it at all since my last lucid knocked my recall out for about a week.

      Anyways from what I remember I was falling, after being fired out of a cannon by my friends. I was falling fast and I looked below me to see some play equipment, this made sense since I was at the park. The play equipment was a metal cube with metal bars going across the inside, a little bit like this:

      except it was flat on the ground. I decided that falling on that would be extremely painful, this is where I became lucid. Not wanting to feel the pain made me realise it was a dream, how strange. Anyway I didn't have long to react as the metal cube came rushing up pretty quickly. The only thing I could think to do was to fly, the skill that I'd practiced for so long, would it work when I really needed it to?
      It did, I slowed down and hovered just a few metres above the metal cube. I breathed a huge sigh of relief and flew over to my friend who was stood nearby watching me fall. He was gobsmacked that I could fly, I landed and walked over to him. He told me it was cool and then walked off still slightly amazed.
      I then lost lucidity and remember no more.

      I've decided it would be useful to put the conditions under which I slept so I can try and find what works best for me so here goes:

      Time I went to bed: 11.12pm
      Listened to Beta Binaural beats for 20 mins whilst reading
      Set up the app Dream:ON on my iPod for the Lucid Rainforest soundtrack
      Set the app's alarm to 6am
      woke up at 6, turned the alarm off
      slept again until 7.30am
      Tags: flying, park
    12. WTF? Flying Fish. *2 LUCIDS* DEILD

      by , 08-29-2012 at 10:12 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      DILD to DEILD to FA

      I am at my wife's cousin's Karen's house. There is something about my bike being there. I bring it outside. I was thinking about riding it home and leaving my car. I look up and see a bright light. It flew between some clouds and lit them up. I knew this was unusual for an airplane. Some tree branches got in my view as I was walking. I back up and instead of this light I see what looks like 5 or 6 fish swimming in the sky. I say, "What the fuck?!" I look more intently and yes they are fish. They are a play golden color with a redish strip at the gills and blue face with the golden color at the mouth. I can see the scales. I see how the glisten in the eveing light. I stare bumbfounded. All I can say is, "What the fuck? What the fuck? What the FUCK?"

      "OOOOOHHHHHH!" I finally realize that I am dreaming. I start to fly but everything fades to black very fast. I am in my bed. I don't move, I clear my mind and try not to think about the dream too much. I only know that I had a really short lucid.

      I instinctively DEILD without much thought. I hit SP right away. It last for a few seconds and evens out to a dim hum. I just get out of bed like I would any other time. I know my body is paralysed. It is of course dark and I am blind. I tell myself that there is light coming from the window and I imagine seeing. Slowy I visualize and begin to see the room. (Next time I will visualize some other place. I am tire of seeing my house lol) I open the bedroom door and the world fades to black. There is nothing to grab on to visually. I feel a little panic that I will wake up. I use my meditation calm technique and rub my hands together and focus on seeing something. I come back. But I am really near sighted. So I crawl and focus on the baseboard and hardwood floor. It stabilizes a bit. I come to a dining room chair. (I have no real plan. I actually doubted that I would have a lucid tonight because we planned to get up early. Now that I think about it I did wake up at like midnight and pee. I went back to bed with a mantra "I will remember the dream and become lucid" until I feel asleep. So really that first maybe was a MILD not DILD?)

      So I dont know what to do and you never think clearly in a LD. I see a book on the chair.I decide to read it. It looks like colorful recipes or menu. I focus really hard to read a line of text. Finally I make out the words in white. 'CHEESE CON QUESO'. I think I thought I was going the advanced TOTM. (I should have really done it) I decide it will be fun to move the book to the TV and see if I really moved it in real life. (I have no such book) After I place it on/near the TV my head totally clears. I actually believe that I woke up during my lucid. I really think I am awake walking around my house. I go back to the bedroom and lay down.

      I have a false awakening. Something about the phone waking me up. There a tv on in the room. I get up on the other side of the bed. Then the alarm clock wakes me up for real.

      I would have forgotten this LD if I hadn't had an alarm. So hears my take on forgetting LDs. Sageous seems to question if it was a true LD if you forget it. He says that he believes we are wired to forget NLDs and remember LDs. My thing is if you go from LD to NLD/FA it can be real easy to forget.

      OK now I got to get ready. We have to be at the hospital at 5AM. My pregnant wife is to be induced to labor!
    13. In the court of the king.

      by , 08-29-2012 at 09:09 AM
      I was in a castle in the presence of an evil king, and I was waiting for my turn to be interrogated by him about the theft of some object. Befor me he was questioning other travelers. The first managed to convince the king that he was innocent, but the king's evil advisor convinced him to put him to death because in prison (which was very nice and on a lake) there was no room. Then he fled to a mountain road. Another traveler, ill-natured, and perhaps the culprit is questioned and blamed, again due to the servant, and fleeing he steals three rings located on the stairs of the building. At that point, the royal guards reached him, but he put them on the run with some bats he called for support, and managed to escape.
    14. Hello Ladies.. DRAT! - Wednesday - 2012-08-29

      by , 08-29-2012 at 08:23 AM (The Path of Iapetos)
      [COLOR="royalblue"]Non-Aware (Dream)[/COLOR] - [COLOR="blue"]Partially Aware (Lucid Dream)[/COLOR] - [COLOR="navy"]Fully Aware and Vivid (Astral Projection(OOBE)[/COLOR]

      I did the fluid routine tonight as well. I drank 1 glass of apple juice and 1 glass of milk then I went to bed 22:05
      I did not meditate or calmed my mind or anything this night, just to see what would happen and I trusted that I would wake up during the night no matter what! Even though I feared a little that I might close my eyes and the next thing I know it would be morning. But no... This night worked out as good as the previous night.

      I have always convinced myself that my meditation routine before bed makes my dreams more stable and not chaotic and random and therefore easier to become aware of. Well I was right....

      [COLOR="royalblue"]I had a really weird dream about me and my friend Axel doing parkour in an old city very high up. But I felt no fear I just jumped over buildings like nothing. I had some more dream scenarios here but I can't remember them because I didn't note them.[/COLOR]

      I woke up 01:15 and since I sort of knew it was the first REM period I tried to DEILD. I thought to myself "Ok now I am going to wait 10 seconds and then if I feel different I will try to put my finger through my hand!". Nothing happened and I didn't do a reality check (maybe I should have). I was too tired to record my dreams so I fell back to sleep.

      [COLOR="royalblue"]I were in a school and I think I were with, ehm you probably don't know what it is but in Sweden we call it "Jönsson ligan"(The Jönsson league) . We were going to crush a wall a steal a safe. But nobody did their job so we failed. Although my dreaming self changed and I was myself and I saw my old french teacher, which I hate.
      He gave me the only F I have. My dad were with me for some reason so I told him "That is Nils...". And my dad answered "But he looks like a good teacher, well dressed and a smile." "I don' t care dad! He sucks!".
      I walked towards him and said "Hi do you remember me douche bag?" and he just did his annoying giggle and said "No I don't who might you be?" "It's me Christian from your class in 2012" but he answered "Is this a joke the year now is 1999". o. O
      I walked inside some other classroom and see my old classmates and I was aware enough to realize that I was dreaming.[/COLOR]
      [COLOR="blue"]I remember that I said something witty can't remember now though, and everybody laughed except the teacher. I started talking to two hot girls.... Lucidity gone. :roll: (I never learn)[/COLOR]
      The dream started to fade and I was staring at my eyelids. I tried to DEILD, nothing happened so I went up and recorded my dreams. The times was now 04:08

      [COLOR="royalblue"] I remember talking to an hot girl from my previous class, but I can't remember about what anymore.
      Then I was looking inside my wallet and saw that my legitimation and bank card were gone and I got super nervous and knew that my dad was going to be furious. I have some notes about a talking Donald Duck and a TV but can't remember that anymore either. Then I woke up 05: 55 and closed my eyes, I thought about writing down my dreams and for some reason I started to dream that I did write them down but I didn't... So all I remembered upon awakening was some keywords.

      UFO - I dreamed that I saw flying aircraft that didn't looked man made.
      Devil - I dreamed that I was fighting the Devil.
      HIMYM French - This dream was interesting because I heard French! I were out with Ted to buy a present to Barney and some woman started to talk French with Ted I asked the woman what she said but then she just said Tralablablaolala in french accent. Not sure if I really heard French at first though since I don't speak it myself, I might have heard stuff that my brain remember though.[/COLOR]

      And I finally woke up around 07:13 to go to the bathroom :)

      This night's dreams were too chaotic for me to become lucid in, so the next night I am going to do my regular meditation routine and see if I notice any differences.

      Updated 08-29-2012 at 08:26 AM by 55868

      lucid , non-lucid
    15. Tues. Aug. 28

      by , 08-29-2012 at 07:59 AM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      Sentient Jaguar

      Suddenly I spot a mouse running along the side of the room. This mouse has been hiding in our house for a while now, so I'm really excited that we'll finally get a chance to catch it. I send Mom to get a plastic cup or something that we can use to scoop up the rodent. While she's gone, I try to grab the mouse with my bare hands, and I'm surprised to find that I succeed. I guess mice aren't really as fast as I've always thought they were. But then suddenly I realize that it will be able to bite me, so I rewind and try to catch the mouse again, this time in a slightly safer way that keeps its teeth away from my hand. Then Mom comes back with a square Tupperware container, I drop the mouse inside, and we snap on the lid. Excitedly, I run upstairs, showing the mouse to all of my family members on the way, mostly just to see their scared/grossed-out reactions when they realize what it is. Then I go out onto the back porch. In one motion, I take off the lid and flick sharply the container, so the mouse goes flying out into the yard. I watch the grass sway as it runs through the lawn, and suddenly another larger animal comes out of the night to start chasing the mouse! It's a squirrel!

      Wait, aren't squirrels herbivores?

      Oh, oops, trick of the light, it's actually a jaguar. They're native to North America, you know. I realize this jaguar could be dangerous to me as well, so I hurry back inside the house. Then I realize our pet dog is still leashed outside, so I slide open the door and start calling her back. She seems interested by the jaguar, but with my sister's help, we manage to get her back inside. A few moments later, I notice that the dog is back outside, and I wonder what happened until my sister says she didn't realize we weren't supposed to let the dog back out again.

      Later, I'm hiding in a side room, watching through a window as something walks around in the kitchen. It's walking on two legs, and it's wearing a hat. I think it might be the jaguar. Admittedly, its behavior is rather human-like (at one point, it starts dancing around the kitchen, moving its hips and waving its arms), but this only makes me more nervous. A sentient predator is just that much more dangerous. I decide to go outside and hide somewhere.

      Once outside, I decide the roof would be a good place to hide. But once I get up there, I see another shape moving around in the driveway on the other side of the house. It starts coming onto the roof as well. Maybe it's just a person, but I'm not about to wait around and see. I jump back down and go back inside.

      Soon after, my parents introduce me to the man in the kitchen. Turns out it was just a neighbor. And the person outside is his son. Oops. I hope they don't think I was rude.

      Clock Bomb

      There's a bomb that looks like a clock. The second hand ticks from number to number, and the numbers go dark once the hand reaches them. Each tick is accompanied by a kind of high-pitched squeak. Halfway through the countdown, I wake up to realize that the squeak is coming from an insect or a bird (or something) outside my window.

      • looking up terms in the glossary of the fantasy book series I'm currently reading (namely, The Wheel of Time)
      Tags: enemy, family