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    1. Not withough my hard drive!

      by , 05-03-2011 at 05:29 PM (Trial and Error)
      I started out doing what I was doing before I fell asleep, which was working on homework for school on my roommates computer. Only I am on her computer in what looks like an elementary school classroom. With a whole bunch of desks you can put things in. My boss (irl) Charlene and friend from school (irl) La La are randomly there too.

      Suddenly Larry C. (friend from school irl) runs into the door way armed with some kind of weapon that looks like a taser, Charlene and La La seem to know exactly what is going on and start running for the door. Before they can get there Larry fires hitting all of us with some kind of medical suction cup and begins electrocuting us.

      I fall instantly to the floor in horrible pain, writhing as the jolts go in waves through my body. I the suction cup begin to get warm, hot, and then start burning. Soon my whole back is hot, and my muscles are so tense they feel like they are going to snap. La La begins to say how she can not believe that a "Burn-y" is so intense. I figure she has been shocked more than once, and that this is not even the worse of it.

      It seems to go on for minuets but finally subsides, leaving me as an exhausted, fried heap. Charlene is up in an instant and grabs me saying "Get up we gotta GO!" I can barely move my body at all but force myself to my feet. She begins to put me towards the door but I resist saying "No I have to eject my hard drive first! I can't leave yet!" She lets me go to the computer and eject my drive. They keep giggling at me in almost a mocking way. I realize they are laughing at me because I am white.

      After I get my drive we run out of the room and down a hallway. I start hearing small beeping noises as we are walking, and think that there must be motion detectors along the floor. So I jump and begin to glide through the hall way using my arms to keep myself buoyant and to steer.

      We leave the building to see the entire "gang" (or whatever) that is trying to attack us. I jump again and try to gain distance above them, but I can't get enough air. I am high enough to stay out of reach as everyone grabs at me but I am sinking in the air.

      I end us where the leader is. He is much larger that everyone else and quickly snatches me out of the air. He holds me up by my wrist and gives me a look. I know he wants to break my fingers so I begin to try and wiggle away.

      That is when I wake up.
    2. Medieval Suicide, and Drunk at the Liquor Store

      by , 05-03-2011 at 05:00 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was in some medieval castle in medieval times. I was someone else, I remember I had a different name, but I can't remember what it was anymore. I was with two other people. At first I thought I was a man, but then maybe I wasn't, I can't remember for sure. I was still me, in a way, but different...if that makes sense. I was me in a different body in a different time.

      Anyway, the two other people I was with were killing themselves by taking a sword and slashing it through their stomachs. It would leave 3 gashes, which slowly bled out. I had to do it for some reason, but I didn't want to. If I was going to do that, I'd want to make it quicker than bleeding out so slowly.

      Then, an executioner approached me with a giant ax. The ax had some sort of protective cover on the blade that could be removed. He asked me if I just wanted to be beheaded, and I said no. That wasn't how I was supposed to go out.

      I don't ever remember slashing myself with the sword, but I guess it happened somehow, because I remember bleeding out slowly and becoming lightheaded and woozy from blood loss.


      I remember being in a very small liquor store with Ryan. I was sitting in a shopping cart, like where a child would sit. I was already drunk. I asked Ryan to find some Yellowtail Riesling. He looked, but said
      "They don't have it."
      I said
      "Ok, just get some sparkling wine then."
      He looked.
      "They don't have that either."
      I told him to look in the refrigerated section, but then got up and did it myself, searching for a bottle. Man, this liquor store doesn't have anything. I didn't even see any vodka, mostly it was just beers.

      I then remember Ryan picking up a bottle of gin. It looked old and antiquey. The store owner said something about it being an antique. It looked like it had some weird filtration system built into it. Ryan asked me if it was ok if we got the gin. I said yes.


      I was watching something on live TV about the Japanese bombing my town and college. I remember seeing a view of their radar system, which was like a blue, slightly fuzzy 3-D picture of the town in the POV of the aircraft dropping the bombs. I remember seeing them bomb a computer lab on campus. I saw the damage of the building from the inside. I wondered if everyone had escaped. They never announced any casualties on TV.

      I remember asking my mom whether or not our home would get bombed. She said that we were in Sector 1, and the Japanese had declared war on Sector 5. She did say, however, that they had originally declared war on Sector 1.

      Updated 05-03-2011 at 07:22 PM by 32059

    3. Alligator eggs and new Zelda

      by , 05-03-2011 at 04:12 PM
      I'm reading a book in my living room when my mom, my friends mom, and her boyfriend or something walk out of my kitchen toward the front door. They say there gonna watch a movie in the guys expensive car that has 4 t.vs in it, I kind of drown out what they say about it but I can see a picture of the front cover in my mind, it's like an oil drum going into a big vortex, I say no lol.

      I'm in some kind of board game land. I'm just outside the house I'm supposed to be living in. My dog is fed these jelly alligator looking things, like dead little alligators with no bones, just a mesh of transparent red jelly like flesh and a white fatty substance. While my dog is eating it I notice that the red stuff and the white stuff become more distinct from each other the deeper it goes. I pick it up and kind of look around. I find a red heart and open it up. Inside is a little white sack. I go inside the house to show somebody and my mom is sitting at a desk on a computer. While showing her I squeeze it too hard and all these little spherical eggs pop out. My mom suddenly becomes Geddy Lee from Rush. The computer is playing a Rush video from like 1976 (which he says he gets a little self conscious about lol) and looks mad at me like I've asked him to sit here and watch it. He gets up and leaves. Then he turns back into my mom and shes like sorry I got mad these eggs are actually a really cool finding. hahaha wtf

      I'm in my grandpop's living room with some family and some family friends. I ask my mom if she's ever been in a band. She answers immediately yes. My Grandfather's band Integro (which I assume is my unconscious's best guess for "Integrity" in Italian lol) They say there's a movie about it somewhere in the house and I feel like I've seen parts of it before so I ask my dad to help me find it. I look under a piece of furniture and for some reason a pokemon game I assumed was mine (a ds version of ruby lol) was broken under one of the legs of the chair. I turn to my brother and I'm like doesn't this suck... and he looks like he doesn't care and he's like eh, while playing his own game, and I'm like yeah you wouldn't be like that if it happened to you. My dad finds some like 1950s movie he used to like and puts it in the vcr. I'm like wtf is this I want to watch the one we were looking for. He ignores me and keeps on about how its so funny. I'm like "This movie F***in sucks" and go to hit the eject button. He try's to pull me away from it and we're sitting there struggling with each others hands until I wake up lol.

      I'm walking down my old houses street and find my old skateboard all beat up and worn. Next thing I remember I'm with a friend who I used to skateboard with and I tell him that I just ordered a new skateboard and he tells me the trucks I ordered make are one of the worst. I tell him that I should just return it when I get it because I don't skate anymore anyway lol.

      Next dream I remember is that I'm Link in a new Zelda game. I start at a little wooden house. There are other wooden houses in a row parallel to that one with fields of green in between. There are woods you can't go through on the bottom and the top, making sure you go through all the houses. I experience actually being Link, but I also have a bird's eye view of the game at the same time. After walking through a house with an old man in it who tells me about my journey, I see a sword in a stone with the triforce on it. I pull it out and beams of light come out of the stone. The story of the game flashes to two kids hiding in an attic type place. I experience being one of them and feel like my brother is the other. Everything was in surreal cartoonish graphics of the Windwaker. We're hiding in the mansion we live in from our ultra strict family. The feeling is really scary, like life or death depends on our hiding. We hear the maid opening the attic type door and we know we have to take her out, so right when she opens the door I jump straight on her so we hit the floor high up from the attic type place hopefully knocking her out. We find ourselves in a cellar, it turns out the "attic" was a pantry storage in the basement. We walk around the huge mansion trying to find a way out I guess and hear a bunch of people coming. We get separated trying to hide and I find a little nook between two staircases. It was a really weird room because there were like 4 stair cases kind of intertwining each other. I feared my life as all these people were passing by me. They were getting ready for dinner. A few old people passed by the nook real slowly and I hoped they wouldn't turn. A girl passed by me really exited and saying how hungry she was. Finally a big lady walks real slowly by, and sits in a chair facing my line of sight. She acts like she doesn't see me and asks why are you hiding? I promise.... something I don't remember... if you just tell me. I knew I couldn't say anything and that I had to get out of there and I woke up.

      Updated 05-03-2011 at 04:33 PM by 19797

    4. School Glow

      by , 05-03-2011 at 02:57 PM (Ancient Memories)
      May 3, 2011

      Non-lucid, fragment

      I am in a classroom at school. I walk up to the board to write down some notes. When I sit back down, my teacher is rolling around the room in his chair, and a large amount of glowing dust is floating in the air, much like the compound from a glowstick when you break it. My friends and I walk around during the lunch break.

      My next lucid must be sometime soon, as it's been a while with just non-lucid dreams. I'm feeling overdue for a good lucid
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Taking KristaNicole to Teraluna

      , 05-03-2011 at 02:53 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      I'm trying to exit my room, but for some reason, opening the door requires an abnormal amount of force.
      I realize that I'm dreaming and the door suddenly gives in and acts normally.
      Ha, how weird.

      For some reason I remember one of KristaNicole's recent DJ entries, where she RC'ed by counting her fingers.
      I never do that, I wonder if my finger count would be correct?
      I look at my hands, and although they look normal, I do count 6 fingers on my left hand.
      Wait.... what am I doing? I should try to visit her!

      I summon my phoenix wings and search for her aura, which surprisingly, I find immediately.
      I take a step through the fabric of space and find myself in an unknown building.
      At first I have a feeling that I don't belong here, but it immediately goes away.
      I look around trying to find Krista.

      I notice that my surroundings make little sense, something is just off.
      When I look at a shelf, then away, and back to the shelf, it looks completely different.
      I'm getting distracted again... I try to sense Krista's presence and approach it.
      Then I finally spot her behind some sort of desk, but it changes shape whenever I don't concentrate on it.

      I understand that this is the shop she has mentioned a few times in her DJ.
      She's dreaming, but she most likely isn't lucid.
      I approach her, wondering how I should make her become lucid.
      I think about projecting the thought directly into her head, like I do with Yuya sometimes, but it feels wrong, like it would be invading her privacy.
      For some reason I also feel that I can't just tell her she's dreaming, she has to figure it out on her own.

      As I stand in front of her, she looks at me and clearly finds my appearance quite weird.
      No wonder, I'm just wearing loose white pants and nothing else.

      "Can I help you?"
      "Hi Krista."
      "... do we know each other?"
      "Of course we do... even though we have never met."
      "It's weird, isn't it, you didn't even see me come in."
      "... err"

      I hold out my right hand.

      "How would you like to go on an adventure with me?"

      Krista looks at her hands. Yes! she's doing an RC.
      She looks back at me astonished, then she looks at my hand, clearly pondering whether or not she should take it.
      I act all confident, like I knew exactly what I was doing just now to make her become lucid,
      even though I had no idea what I was doing, I just went with what felt right.

      To my surprise, Krista then walks straight through the desk between us, and grabs my hand.
      I summon my wings again, and take us both to Teraluna.

      For some reason we end up in a lookout spot, at the top of Haven. You can see the whole city from here.

      "Welcome to Teraluna."

      Krista looks at the two suns, the planet Teraluna is orbiting, and finally at the city beneath us.
      She's wearing different clothes now, more comfortable ones, though I cannot remember what she was wearing before.
      For some weird reason I feel the urge count my fingers, because I feel that the count wouldn't be off now that I'm here.
      5 on the left, 5 on the right, everything seems perfectly clear...
      What am I doing...?

      I look at Krista, she's still staring at the city. I wonder if it looks anything the same for her as it does for me.
      She looks back at me, and I notice the incredible amount of excitement in her face.
      I want to calm her down, I know I lost quite a few dreams by getting overexcited, but I don't know how.


      She vanishes in front of my eyes.
      I should probably have warned her about getting too excited...

      I feel happy that I remembered one of my goals, and that I was able to make Krista become lucid.
      I wonder if any of this really happened, even though right now I know it did.
      But I also know that I probably won't believe it anymore once I wake up.
      I realize that I have asked myself this question too many times, and it is a waste of time because it cannot be answered.

      I try to meditate but I wake up.
    6. a job at some weird institution

      by , 05-03-2011 at 02:41 PM
      i was offered a job i in some kind of institution for kids and grownups, where they practiced som kind of rehabilitation program.
      i waws only going to be the nightwatch though. i remember the place to be fine building, but in the night it sure was showing it darker sides, as was what i felt. the leaders and teachers as they were called, had a very strange way of punishing the population, in a way i dont want to speak of. I confronted the leaders about their ways, instead they punished me.
    7. Dead, alive, or something else?

      by , 05-03-2011 at 02:17 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      I was in a lab type environment. I guess it was a medical facility.
      A cop was asking a doctor about a patient (whom I never saw). The doctor
      answered the cop stating that the patient was either (something), dead, or alive.
      What that something was I can't remember for the life of me.

      The doctor then said, I can't really say.
      The cop responded, "You have to be able to say."
      The doctor then said, "His eye is out with an I.C.U. to see." This meant that
      their was something like a fiber optic strand put through his eye so he could see.
    8. Possible Dream Guide, and my future self?

      by , 05-03-2011 at 01:45 PM (Robo's Dreams)
      I have been taking a long break from Dream Views, and dreams in general, not intentionally, I just got lazy I guess. But when I had this dream, I had to write it down, and I figured I might as well write it down here too.

      I am on the pathway I often walk when I walk to school. The stars are out, and there is a woman with me. we are talking about spiritual things. we get to the end of the pathway, and the stars become much more visible as we emerge from the obstructing hills on either side of us. she says, "do you see that?" I look at the stars, and see a black outline of a figure. I look at it for a longer period of time, and it becomes more defined and detailed. I see the figure in full detail, the woman says it is my future self.

      It looks to me like a male angel with black wings. It is hovering above a large body of water. It slowly floats downward, and lands on the water. the water becomes brighter, and begins doing something... bubbling? but the vision ends and I am snapped back to the clearing with the woman before I get a good look at what the water is doing.

      the woman is in the sky now, lining up with a constellation, the one that seems to have triggered the vision, I notice that she is drawing some sort of box in the stars, about to show me something else.

      I say I need to go to the bathroom, she hesitates, saying somthing, but I Retort, "When Cavemen went to the bathroom, they wanted their privacy too." and I left for a bathroom, then I woke up.

      (I think she was going to show me something about cavemen, hence the random remark)
      non-lucid , memorable
    9. The Search for My Father

      by , 05-03-2011 at 12:19 PM (Brainy Vapours)
      Me and this random guy are looking for our estranged fathers. We're in some retreat kind of place for people who are looking for lost family members. In our research we discover that we actually have the same father and are in fact brother and sister. We plan to track down our father together and tell him who we are.

      We do find a man whom we know to be the one we've been searching for, we succeed in getting him to come to the retreat often, and we get to know him well. He looks a bit ZZ Top-ish, with a long white beards and glasses that always hide his eyes. I get the impression he's a trucker or something, and his accent is American, which is odd to me.

      My brother is supposed to be around a lot more than he is, but he's gotten involved with some sort of television reality show like Pop Idol or something. Because of this, he is always busy and never around to help me with the plan anymore. I decide that I am tired of waiting around for my brother, I will tell our father who we are on my own. I decide to construct an art project and give it to the man as a gift, but the twist is that the art will be of an obvious sort that will send the message that the receiver is, in fact, my father. I create the piece and it ends up incredibly random (has a hockey stick in it?!?) but dream logic tells me that he will know what it means.

      I present the artwork to my father and his reaction is not at all positive. He is defensive, confused, angry, and yet he does know what it means. I tell him about my brother, his son, as well. It does not go over well.

      I do actually have an estranged father, but he is actually British and not American. Interesting what my subconscious came up with as my father figure. ZZ Top? Lol!
    10. Thought I Overslept

      by , 05-03-2011 at 11:53 AM
      I "woke" up and saw my room was bright with sunlight. I looked at my phone clock and it said 7:36. I then got worried and was about to wake me parents. I looked at my phone clock again and strangely it was 8:06. I thought it was weird but was to worried about school at the moment. I then woke up.
      non-lucid , false awakening
    11. School Girl and her Gender Issues

      by , 05-03-2011 at 11:48 AM (Brainy Vapours)
      I am an omnipresence for most of this dream, as well as a character in it
      There is a girl in school, not really sure of the age, maybe 14 or so. She's not very feminine looking, for this reason she gets teased mercilessly by the boys. She has to take a sex education course as part of her required courses, but she starts to miss her classes. The teacher feels it would be better for her to talk to one of her fellow students, so he sends me out to find out what is going on with her.

      She tells me about her problems with the boys, how they tease her and call her names. While we are talking some kid chases after her and makes a big show of cutting off her hair, making her look even more masculine. She's very upset. Another student is sent to help her, talk to her, a pretty and popular girl. Over a short time this girl student makes her way into the trust of the tortured girl. As a sort of half baked "test", she decides to make a pass at the butch girl to see how she will respond. Rather than push the popular girl away, the butch girl reacts passionately, fully into making out with the pretty girl.

      Shocked, the pretty girl pushes her away after she's felt something pushing against her that should not be included in the female anatomy. The butch girl freaks out, crying out of shame and embarrassment. Now the whole school will know her secret.

      It is revealed that the butch girl's parents made their daughter take hormones and undergo a cosmetic procedure to change her into a girl when she was a baby, but she was actually born a boy. She feels betrayed by her parents but finally free in a way to finally know the truth.
    12. lesbian pillow love; college store; looking for cups with bardot; breaking up with a man

      by , 05-03-2011 at 11:46 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in a bedroom that had a window wall revealing a hallway like an office hallway. My boss may actually have been in or just beyond the hallway. Some thick, grey curtains were mostly drawn over the window. But there were still some places where people could peep in.

      The bedroom was huge and it had a really big bed in it. I had a pillow that was as long as my body. I sat with my back to the foot of the bed and my knees drawn up to my chest, cuddling the pillow. I came up with a sexual fantasy with two lesbian women. I thought I'd act out the fantasy with the pillow.

      For some reason my boss and a colleague of his came to the door. I opened the door a crack and said something or other to them. They walked away, but I wasn't sure they weren't coming back.

      I got in bed with the pillow. I may have had some small device on which I could watch lesbian porn while I was acting out my lesbian fantasy on this pillow. But I was kind of afraid to get started. I didn't want my boss to come in and see me.

      Dream #2

      I was in a place that was like a college bookstore, a supermarket, and the children's section of the library all mixed together. The area was crowded with young people who were sitting at tables. I was sitting with a couple young guys.

      This was something like the first or last day of classes of some kind. If it was the last day, we were also being prepared for the following year of classes. A woman was engaged in calling each of us out. She was on some kind of speaker system. She sounded nice, kind of young as well.

      The woman called out some guy who sat at a chair and used a grocery store conveyor belt as a table. The guy was skinny, with pale, olive skin and a shaved head. He wore a grey and white striped hoodie. The woman said something about how the guy had gotten his last mark of development in 1999.

      The guys at my table groaned a little. One of them said, "1999? What's that guy been doing for the past ten years?"

      I looked down at the floor. I thought, Well that's not too different from my situation. I can't criticize the guy.

      Dream #3

      I was in a grocery store. I may have been with a couple of my "friends," who were Latino. One of them may have been wearing a red hoodie.

      I went off by myself to find paper cups and plastic sipping lids. I seemed to have a lot of trouble finding them. I ran into a cute, blonde worker who wore a 1960s style store mini-dress and wore her hair up in a loose, 1960s style. I told the woman I couldn't find the paper cups. She said she'd help me find them.

      We walked left down one aisle. Halfway down the aisle I saw the paper cups and plastic lids. I ran to them. There was only one sleeve left for each thing. I pulled them off the top shelf. Each sleeve appeared already to have been opened, and half the stuff was missing. But I figured this was good enough.

      I thanked the girl, who was now Bridgette Bardot -- and naked (?). We had apparently worked on some films together, so we walked along the store aisles, talking about the times we'd had together.

      As we walked along some back aisle, which opened out to more of a department store area, like a display of furniture, I started having touble with dates. It seemed like I was trying to pinpoint the start of Bardot's career, as if I had been there. But Bardot's career "had started" in 1967, which was a decade before I was born. It didn't make sense.

      Dream #4

      I was an attractive, blonde woman. I was naked and in a hotel room with a black man who was maybe in his forties. We had probably just finished having sex.

      I walked out of the room. I was dressed and was with "some of my girlfriends." We were in some small, fluorescent-lit room, like a coffee break room. I was laughing with the girls about how I would have to break up with this guy now, and how I was afraid he would just think I was playing around with him.

      I was back in the hotel room, naked. There were two beds, and only one table lamp was on. I lay on one bed, drinking from a bottle of Coke. It was a 20 oz., but I had for some reason also gotten a 16 oz. bottle. I lay on my stomach. The man was somewhere else, maybe in the bathroom, at first. But he walked into the room as I was talking.

      I was trying to tell the man as nicely as I could that I didn't think we were made for each other. I eventually sat down on the floor between the two beds, trying to drink from both Cokes. The man sat down on the other bed. He was probably wearing boxers and big, nerdy glasses. He had black and grey hair.

      The man already seemed to understand what I was getting at. He chuckled a little bit. He took both Coke bottles out of my hands. He stood them on the bed with him. I realized I hadn't shared any Coke with the man. The man looked at the bottles for a moment, then handed me the 20 oz. bottle, because it had less soda remaining in it.
    13. Questionable Lucid and Fragment I don't Care about.

      by , 05-03-2011 at 11:43 AM (Typho's DJ)

      Updated 03-19-2012 at 05:07 AM by 44350

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. Strange Warriors

      by , 05-03-2011 at 11:36 AM
      There was a warrior man and a female archer deep within a forest. They had long been rivals since before I spotted them. They did not want to talk they wanted to fight. The archer let off an arrow and quickly the fighter grabed it with both hands right before it would go through his heart he then charged her and she fired again. This time the man dodged. To bad for me i woke up before i knew why they fought and who won.

      Updated 05-03-2011 at 11:55 AM by 45476

    15. New Familly Members

      by , 05-03-2011 at 11:32 AM
      I had another uncle his wife and his daughter we all conversed like family. I had a nice feeling about my family there. My uncle after a long visit knew I would be departing and as a departing gift he split a big sandwich with me, it was ham and cheese with lettuce and spinblend. Then I departed. As I woke up for the first time i felt sad about leaving a dream behind as if it where real. My uncle seemed so real and seemed so filled with kindness beyond most people I encounter on earth. Everyone seemed so real. I hope i can see them again and learn thire names lol.

      Updated 05-03-2011 at 11:55 AM by 45476

      non-lucid , memorable