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    1. the lady in the spotlight

      by , 05-03-2011 at 08:00 AM
      An auditorium, dark with rising seats and ceiling,with stage rounding low but off the floor, with a wonderful lady dressed like dorothy, no like alice, no like both singing, clapping, glowing from the spotlight, reflecting like the moon..Now the conductor of the instruments, play, and singer on the floor, a woman with a stick, directing,conducting the stage and the lady up high, the audience in the darkness, now watching, now listening, now mind wandering, going on living their life, without the singing lady nothing would work because its a musical, a dance of life, the mother of the dance alone but cheerful, and actress performing, doing her best, sacrificing beautifully, now getting attention, now guiding, now singing, alone, reflecting love, now judged, now laughed at, now admired, never fully appreciated but always beautiful,always facilitating the play, the audience and working with and by the conductress/director. Now Im in the play, now I'm in the audience, Now I'm finding money, Now Im asking for advice from the old actor wise one who gives flawed knowledge as I participate in the play. She watches, she sings, she loves all. She is not overdone because her love shines thru to genuine. She is the mother of the play, the dance, the musical, the auditorium. It is dark except the lit rounded stageway off the floor on which is the musicians and the conductress. It is dark in the rising chairs but high above she is lit and reflects the light as the moon and loves and gives and is loved by me.
    2. Portal and The Desert

      by , 05-03-2011 at 06:54 AM
      The first dream starts off where I and some random people are picked out to test the portal gun. We go through all the tests normally. I have to say though, it was pretty fun and make sense when I think back. The last test I can remember had me jump really high up to get to the final location. What's odd is that when I jumped up and down, the feeling would normally wake me up, but this time it hadn't. I was just jumping up and down before finally landing on the platform and going through a door. That's when I woke up.

      After falling back asleep, the next dream had I remembered was leaving my house to go to some other place. I had taken the local highway out of Tucson and began on my way. Except there was something strange, I wasn't in a car at all. I was flying. But what was weird was that I didn't actually have a body, it was kind of like typing 'noclip' into a game and flying around like that. I had gone up a couple of hills before coming to a billboard where I rested. I then looked at the time and noticed my watch wasn't working, and being in what was pretty much the middle of the desert, I decided to fly off the road in hopes of trying to find a watch repairman. One thing that I remember about the setting of where I was at, was that it was at dusk. The dust in the air had this golden glow that shined on all of plants.

      As I continued, I had come across this house that had a few people living in it. It looked like any normal house with a nice front yard. I remember talking to the owners where they handed me a pamphlet of some guy you traveled around the desert repairing watches. I went outside thinking to myself, "How in the world was I supposed to find this traveling watch repairman in the desert?" As I continued to travel in the direction that I was traveling in before, I came across this wooden house. Inside it lived an old lady who gave off this creepy vibe. Things get stranger when I hear a loud crash and a giant mech sort of thing starts fighting with the old lady and the owners I had just recently talked with. The old lady puts a curse on the mech before being crushed and one of the owners is knocked unconscious. After which the mech explodes leaving behind it's weapon which I run up and grab. But because this weapon has some sort of tracking device on it, a person up in an alien space station disables it rendering it useless. So, I wait a while before heading back feeling guilty about the whole situation. I get back to the house to find that the resulting explosion had destroy both the old lady's house and the original one. It was sad to watch as I saw one of the owners hug the other one who had been missing her legs and the rest of their family and roommates comfort her.

      After that, I decided that I should be on my way. I flew back to the billboard before continuing on the road. I recall that this experience was a lot more appealing considering that the old dry desert gave way to a lush, forest type area. There was a river at the bottom and a couple of waterfalls on the side of cliffs. It wasn't flat, it was more mountainous. It was a nice little town that had adapted to the cliffs, although there were some roads that did lead to the top of the mountains where there were either more buildings, or parks. I remember being in a car at this point driving over dams that served as the towns electric provider that had water going over the top rather than the bottom. I also remember the radio being on some 80's station as David Bowie's "Let's Dance" came on along with "Sweet Dreams" and "Girls Just Want to Have Fun". Which surprisingly, now that I think about it, it sounded pretty clear and accurate in the dream. The dream concludes as I drive up to a park that has a sign that says "Assembly Park".

      Well, this certainly concludes the long dry-spell that I've been having. Although I can't believe I missed the chances to become lucid. Although overall I feel pretty happy about this despite the fact that I've been sick this past weekend. xD
      non-lucid , memorable
    3. (05-02-11) - Electrokinesis!

      by , 05-03-2011 at 06:24 AM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      So last night I had a brief, but very highly lucid dream. First one in a while; I haven't been able to put much effort into lucid dreaming, so any that I have right now are random and unintentional.

      Someone was hunting me down, for reasons I cannot recall. I had been on the run from them, but now I was back in my house. All I knew is that I had to get out of there before they caught me, and before I got out of there, I had to get a very important email from my computer. It held in it some form of proof that would end my problems (details of the contents are vague). So I sneaked upstairs to my computer, and tried to turn it on so as to get the email, but my pursuer was too smart. They cut the power to my house which of course immediately caused my PC to shut off as well. I suddenly got a feeling that I only get in dreams--a feeling of being utterly trapped by some power that I cannot see, but that I know is there, without any possibility of escape.

      That triggered lucidity, and I instantly realized that I did not have to be trapped any longer. I recognized completely that I was in a dream and could control it how I pleased, so I held out my hand towards the computer to channel my energy properly, and with minor effort was able to power it up with Electrokinesis. I had hoped that once the power got stable I could draw my hand back and the PC would continue to operate without further active control, but unfortunately it did not. If I retracted me hand and withdrew the effort, the computer would immediately shut down.

      There was no time to fool with that, so I tried to keep the computer powered on with my left hand while navigating to the email with my right. Now, my PC is rather powerful, and requires a lot of energy to keep running. It was draining my own energy very quickly, and I was having to put more and more effort in all the time.
      (Pause here for a moment: I know it doesn't sound very epic, but picture what all this was really like: the room was dark from lack of electricity, I had someone drawing nearer trying to kill me, and I was forcing myself to do something potentially 'fatal'. Not to mention that sparks were falling from the ceiling as lights and other nearby electrical objects were picking up on the current and breaking. It was a very intense, epic moment )

      I had just gotten the email to open, and was about to read what it said, when suddenly the effort grew to be too much for me. The electricity overwhelmed me, resulting in a shock that hit from the inside out, as if coming from my brain, which threw me backwards onto the floor, bringing my chair with me. At this point I knew I would be defeated by the dream if I remained inside, so I just tried to break the dream into a million pieces, and I was awake instantly (that trick always works for me).

      It's been far too long since I've had lucid experiences like this one. Call me an adrenaline junkie, but I love intense circumstances like that where lucid dream powers come particularly in handy
      lucid , memorable
    4. "Home Made Potato Soup" August 9, 2010 (first dream i documented after waking just to document)

      by , 05-03-2011 at 05:04 AM
      I was at the farm house. (This is the most jumpy dream I remember having) Many people were there. I took Simon upstairs to the bedroom to play with my nieces. The bed had a canopy over it and it was darker than I expected to see a kids room. I left Simon there to play. Bam I'm watching Curtis do something. I don't remember what but I didn't feel the presence of my body and it was similar to watching a movie) then bam I'm at the store down one of the isles with my grandma and grandpa on my mom's side. She's taking about how sick she's been and how she's craving potato soup. She reaches for a a can of soup. I tell her "oh you don't need to buy that, I know how to make home made, that canned shit ain't going to make you feel better anyway" My grandma then looks at Jim and he scoffed a laugh like I wasn't going to do it, or couldn't (I can) but she put the can back. A scene of curtis again but don't remember. I'm back at the farm house again walking up the stairs to check on simon and him and the girls were still playing. The room was colorful now in decor. I then went out side to get fresh onions out of the garden. I went threw the double doors in the living room to the out side. As I was picking them I felt like someone was watching me. I looked around the yard. I seen some one crawling threw shortly cut grass in a cameo out fit and thought it was silly. When he was closer I realized it was James (bf friend) he had his face done up in cameo. He told me "Tyler's hiding in the grass" an found the statement stupid because the grass was short. Then I thought about how I couldn't see all of the yard. Then bam back to curtis but I remember the scene I saw this time. He was standing outside a yard to a house next to a white picket fence. There were two people there with him. One he was arguing with. They got into a fight. Curtis won. (Curtis is an old friend in high school)
      non-lucid , memorable
    5. "Sparkling Water" (dreams b4 dj) 18

      by , 05-03-2011 at 04:21 AM
      I was running from something with the figure if a man and seen nothing but a coat that went to the ground with a hood over his head. It seemed like he floated behind me. I seen a cliff in front if me and spotted and entrance to a cave. I ran in. I stumbled and looked behind me and didn't see him behind me and knew he was still after me. When picking myself up I felt water at my hands and it was cold and could tell it was flowing. I became suddenly intensely thirsty and stuck my head in the water and started drinking it. I felt it go down my throat and fill my mouth. It was perfectly cold to my taste and the best water I've ever had. I knew that "man" was still after me and did not care. I woke up still drinking and still thirsty. Its the first time I ever remembered tasting something in a dream.
      non-lucid , memorable
    6. "The White Jeep" (dreams b4 dj) 17

      by , 05-03-2011 at 03:56 AM
      I was sitting in a car with jr and simon. (Bf/father and son) I recognized where I was. It is the gas station at the end of town next to Mcdonald's at Poplar Bluff. We were parked there for some reason. Then I notice a white jeep that is exacly the same as mine, but mine is black) pull up with a few people in it. Then the driver gets out and it's my x bf getting gas. He seen me, grinned walked over. I felt nervous and awkward because my boy friend in the car. I introduced him to my son and boy friend and he kisses me in front of them. I kissed him back. Then without saying goodbye he walked back to his car and left. I woke up.

      The next time I seen him after this dream he had a jeep exactly like mine but white.
      non-lucid , memorable
    7. "Tylers New Girlfriend" (dreams b4 dj) ?

      by , 05-03-2011 at 03:38 AM
      Supposed to be before "jr's death" and after wear wolf at the farm house"

      I was standing in Tyler's living room. (His grandparents house) I was in a doorway talking to him. He said something and I don't remember what it was. I knew he was leaving me. I looked past him and seen his new girlfriend. I got angry with him. I yelled at him. I felt betrayed that he found someone before leaving me and breaking up with me in front of her. He didn't care and walked away with her and out the door. I don't know how he beat me to the door because I was running and he looked like he just walked out. He shut the door. I reached for the knob. I woke up.

      that is similar to how he broke up with me 2 months later. His new girlfriend was there at his house while he broke up with me on the phone. He put her on the phone is why I know she was there.
    8. Dark Magic in the Park and Fragment (May 1, 2011, Dream 1)

      by , 05-03-2011 at 03:33 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)
      General Text Dream Lucid Awake

      I could remember 3 dreams and 1 fragment this night. My dreams also didn't skip around scenes that much. Sadly the the first one is kind of a nightmare. I can at least laugh at it a little now though.

      Dark Magic in the Park

      The first dream of the night started with me standing on the sidewalk. In front of me was a large metal gate to the park. The dream started out pretty peaceful and normal (if you can call it that). I walked through the gate and I noticed a rhino and a lion standing at the side of the gate. "Hi Bull. Hi Tigger." I said to them casually. "Have fun at the park!" Bull told me.

      The park was mostly just a large open area of grass. There were also some trees, a few benches, some people, and a lot of squirrels running around. As I walked into the center of the park, I noticed a small hill with stone steps leading up to the top. When I reached the top of the hill, I saw quite a few people in red ceremonial robes, making a circle around a large rock. I think there were about 8-10 of them. As I approached them, they sensed my presence, and one man shouted, "Quick! Cast the spell now!"

      The sky dimmed a little, the rock started to glow, and I can only describe the feeling of it as evil. I ran back and ducked down behind the hill. There was a Japanese lady hiding behind the hill too. She was trying to protect a little girl. I realized that there were other people at the park in danger other than myself. I climbed back over the hill and yelled, "Stop the ritual!" As soon as I said this, one of the women in the group stared at me blankly. She reached out her hand towards me. She whispered, "Die..." A lightning bolt crashed down right in front of me. The blast sent me flying back to the bottom of the hill.

      The wind started to pick up, I could hear thunder, and there was lightning flashing in the sky. I heard one of the women in the group scream, "It's too powerful!" Another woman shouted, "We lost control of the spell!" I got back up and looked back over the hill again. "Uh oh..." Said one of the men in the group. I think I even heard one say, "lol wut?" I saw another flash in the sky and I made time slow down. A lightning bolt was slowly coming down right at the stone. I dived back down over the hill. I then heard an explosion fallowed by screams. So now the cultists were dead and they left us with storm of chaos. I looked back at the lady and little girl from earlier, but a orange lightning bolt hit the lady. She was able to protect the little girl, but she was erased from existance. I then decided to grab the girl and get away from the park.

      I started to run to the other side of the park, but orange lightning bolts were landing behind me and creating mini nuclear explosions. "Faster! Faster!" I started to say to myself to boost speed. The squirrels from earlier had red eyes now, and they started to bite at my legs. "Ow! Ow! Damn it! Ouch!" I continued to run though and then they were all killed by lightning bolt. This made me pick up speed and scream like a girl... "Aaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!" I approached the gate, but Bull and Tigger had red eyes and blocked my exit. "BULL!" (lol dream pun?) Even though there was a rhino and an oversized lion blocking the way I ran towards them anyways. I don't remember what happened from that point on.


      I was standing on the street with another Japanese woman. She was a news reporter, and I was told she was deaf. Although I was told she was deaf, in the dream I couldn't hear anything. She started to interview me. I was somehow able to guess what she was saying even though I was deaf. Sadly she was speaking Japanese and it was too fast for me to translate.

      I remember waking up after the fragment. I rolled over and wrote down a few notes about the dream in my journal. Thinking about the dream and the fragment started to confuse me so I just went back to sleep.

      My Thoughts on this Dream

      Ok so the rhino's name was Bull and the lion's name was Tigger? I guess those can be linked somehow...

      What can we learn from this? Lightning and explosions hurt, little furry creatures can never be trusted, and evil cultists are stupid.

      A question also just came to mind. How did the cultists get away with dark magic, in a public park, and in the middle of the day?

      Updated 05-04-2011 at 04:58 PM by 32005

      non-lucid , nightmare , dream fragment
    9. "Wear Wolf at the Farm House" (Dreams B4 DJ) ?

      by , 05-03-2011 at 03:19 AM
      This is supposed to be listed before "Jr's death" dream.

      I was standing in my closet. Tyler was with me. It was dark but bright enough to see. He turned into a wear wolf. I ran past him and into my bedroom while he as transforming. The light was on and I could see my bed. I crawled ou the window and ran to Rum Bauer. I ran into a car and tried to get it to start. I could see him behind me smashing cars as he jumped on them getting closer. I couldn't get the car to start and I woke up thinking I was going to get smashed.
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    10. "Running From Nature" (Dreams B4 DJ) 17

      by , 05-03-2011 at 03:10 AM
      I was standing on a road close to "the farm house". I was close to the iron bridge that's over the St. Francis river. It was sunny but as I looked at the sky more closely I seen a tornado coming from the east and a second coming from the west. I ran down the gravel road trying to reach my house. (I don't know why this seemed logical at the time, the bridge would have been better than a basement less house and the fact that both of seemed to be heading toward the house makes it stupid to even consider running there) I reached the drive way so fast. Faster than I thought I would. But the tornado from the east was behind me. My feet took longer and longer to reach the ground with each step I took untill I left it completely behind and was sucked up. I woke up before seeing the inside of it from the feeling of leaving the ground.

      This is another tornado dream I had but its just a fragment.

      I was in a house and I heard there was a tornado somewhere. I remember floating in the air away from my body and viewing what they were caqlling a tornado and finding it humorous.
    11. "Running North" (dreams b4 dj) 15

      by , 05-03-2011 at 02:48 AM
      This is two different dreams. But their so similar and short I'm putting them together.

      Me, Jr, kyle, and Calub were traveling North to get away from zombies. We pulled over to stop at a hotel. We stole towels and toothbrushes, shampoo. We were going to stay the night there.

      I was hiding in a house were the town reminded me of Puxico from zombies.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Super Mario Brothers Pinball Car!

      by , 05-03-2011 at 02:34 AM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: May 2, 2011 – 7:30AM (USA Eastern)
      Text color legend: · NON-DREAM · NOTES · DREAM · LUCID ·

      I am playing a pinball game called Super Mario Brothers Pinball. The balls drop from the top and bounce down through to the bottom. There are a couple of canons that shoot the ball back out once it goes into a side pocket, or drops off the bottom of the game. I can't seem to find the flippers, but they are not needed as there are enough things that bounce the balls around on their own.

      After playing for a while, the game starts to malfunction and get into endless loops of bouncing the ball from a canon back into one of the side pockets. Sometimes, all 4 of the balls fall out at once and get stuck bouncing in various directions. The balls make the Super Mario Brothers “jump” sound whenever they hit something.

      The TV that the game is on turns into a car, and the game gets into an endless loop where the ball drops from the start tube, hits the first canon, then launches back into the start tube and completely out of the game. The balls launch out of the car and start bouncing around the city. I fly away from the car and get into another car so I can watch from a distance.

      I pull over into a parking lot and watch as the car stops in the middle of the road and backs slightly to align the flying balls so they bounce around between the other cars and some of the buildings. After a while, the power suddenly goes out in the city and everything goes dark. A few more balls launch out, then the lights and power in the car start to go out.

      The power comes back on and the car starts to drive away. A DC sees that the game system is left lying in the middle of the road, so he grabs it and starts running after the car. I drive up and grab the game system from him and start chasing the car, but I lost track of it. The DC points and says the car pulled into a convenience store parking lot. I missed the entrance, so I pull into the next parking lot at a gas station. I get out and start running toward the game car, but I wake up before arriving.

      I hope my dry spell is over. I quit smoking cigarettes about a month and a half ago and have had terrible recall during this time. I had two good fragments earlier in the night while I was sleeping on a friend's couch, then this one happened when I came home and went back to bed for a couple of hours before getting up for work.

      Updated 05-30-2016 at 04:22 AM by 36447 (spelling)

    13. First lucid and dream within an dream?! May 02 (11:30 - 6:15)

      by , 05-03-2011 at 02:04 AM
      This was a very unclear dream, yet I remember a slight moment when I was lucid.

      The dream started off when we were taking DF home from baseball practice. But we weren't actually taking him home we were taking something to his house for him. He lives in some kind of trailer park in like a jungle/forest of some kind and we take a bunch of short cuts and weird routes to get there. We are in a small car. We arrive at his house and his dad walks out and we give him whatever it was we were delivering. The dream kinda changes now and I am somewhere (I'm not exactly sure where I was). I decide to do a reality check and at first my hand looks normal but then my pinky starts to look distorted and stretched out. I realize I am dreaming and instantly become excited. The first thing I think about is flying. Then all of a sudden I wake in my bed (but I am still in a dream). So I was in a dream inside a dream. I get excited and call my friend who has also been attempting lucid dreaming and tell him I had one. Then I wake up.
    14. Persecution

      by , 05-03-2011 at 01:59 AM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      I slept forever yesterday and today, but I still only recall fragments of dreams.

      The most disturbing one was of religious persecution against Jehovah's Witnesses. They were on the run and I was a sympathizer but that's really all I recall other than there being a video which was made of the whole thing and Bon Jovi (sp) was one of the actors. I liked his character the most because he reminded me of the younger brother from the show "Numbers" (which I had watched hours of lol)

      In another dream, which may have tied into the one above, there was a woman on the run, hiding with her young daughter. They were staying in a huge run-down bus. There was litter strewn about the inside of the bus and crystals were growing in one corner where water had dripped for years. I told myself that shouldn't be possible, lol, but the dream continued. I had no role at all.

      In another dream, a car fell off a very tall bridge and flew down onto a roadway underneath it. (I've had that dream several times before. The roads remind me of amusement park rides which are impossibly high in the air).

      There was a dead body in one dream, a little girl who had mutated to having 5 breasts- some of which looked almost decaying. I had a baby in one dream, and in another I fought with my mom telling her I was going to run off and live in the woods like I had always wanted to.

      That's it.
    15. Ripto's Lab (April 30, 2011, Dream 2)

      by , 05-03-2011 at 01:54 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)
      General text non-lucid awake lucid

      This was the second dream of the night I could remember. It was kind of funny. It was also a little creepy because the cake fallowed me...

      Ripto's Lab

      This dream started with me standing at the bottom of a grassy hill. I wasn't really thinking much about anything until a man called for me. I looked at the top of a hill and I saw a man that looked a lot like Ripto. He was short, orange, and had a horn on his head. Close enough. He was also wearing a lab coat, which was a little too big for him. "Would you mind coming to my lab and running some tests with me?" he asked. "Sure." I answered without thinking.

      I ran up the hill, and as I reached the top, I saw apiece of cake on the ground. It was just like the cake from the last dream. I ran past it at first, but then I ran back for it and took it with me. I ate it as I fallowed Ripto to a group of metalic blue buildings. They felt kind of sci-fi. He led me to a very tall building to the right. There were 3 doors to the building. There was also graffiti on the wall next to one door. It read, "Attention workers! This door is now uncool from over use. Use the one to the left now." I looked at the one to the left. There was a sign on the door that read, "Out of order." I started to laugh at how retarded both of these signs were, but I used the 3rd door anyways. This door led to a large elevator that took a very long ride to the 3rd floor.

      To break the silence, Ripto started to talk about the meaning of life. "You know, the concept of life is quite a remarkable thing. I remember when it all started! The meaning of life..." Once we were on the 3rd floor and walked out the elevator, we were suddenly seperated. I then heard Ripto's voice say, "Solve the maze to find the giant tv screen." I looked in front of me and the giant screen was just down the hallway. I walked up to it and Ripto appeared right next to me. "Very good. Now onto phase 2..."

      Out of nowhere I started to play pokemon. I was in a double battle against a spearow and diglet. My pokemon were turtwig and sphinx. Diglet used earthquake and nearly killed spearow, but not my pokemon. "Haha! Stupid diglet!" Spearow then used some move callled "feather" after that. Feathers flew by, turtwig and sphinx were paralyzed, and spearow got all his HP back. "No! No! No!" I said as I watched sphinx's hp drop. Sphinx lost all his hp and died. "BULL!"

      I woke up after that. The main thing on my mind now was why cake? I rolled over and saw a plate covered with cake crumbs on the floor. "Oh yeah... I ate cake before bed..."

      My Thoughts on this Dream

      Never expected Ripto to be a life loving scientist. He's usually a little more, "Grr I'ma kill you with mah sceptor!" I also hate pokemon now. -.-

      Updated 12-07-2011 at 01:07 AM by 32005
