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    1. Most terrifying lucid experience for me.

      by , 03-14-2011 at 08:36 AM
      The dream seemed to last forever. I think I got to the middle of it and that's where I pick up on remembering. We're in our trailer house, with our son who is 5 months. It's how it was when I went to bed an hour ago, but my son had just learned to crawl and he was crawling around everywhere and picking things up. There were people in our kitchen for some reason, and it's really late at night, and they're all playing some kind of RP board game. But they won't talk to me cause they are "sticking to character" which was kind of pissing me off. anyway, my dream is creepy and for some reason it feels like the world is ending. I'm feeling really scared. My fiance and I are standing by the door which is shut but unlocked and our son is on the floor next to me. We hear a woman's voice talking to someone and they're right behind the door. I locked the deadbolt then and stepped back from the door. She said something about me locking it and I grabbed my son and walked toward the hallway. (I was feeling so scared, my eyes are watering just typing it.) I started telling my fiance, come on, let's go to bed, they can't get in. He seemed amused by the people trying to get in our house.

      Then I remember the people all got up to leave and went to the back door, I was being really sarcastic towards them and I said "Oh, they'll sit in my kitchen and have fun but they won't even say goodbye." I started cursing at them and yelling, they weren't too happy about it but kept to character anyway. They went out and I opened my front door, the women were gone and it was sunny out. The people had come around the house this way and I was still shouting at them and they started cursing back at me. I walked back in the house and noticed we had a screen door, which we don't have in waking life. I notice a couple of jungle animals run by, then a smaller giraffe and a tiger running side by side. The Tiger though, unlike the giraffe, was enormous and ferocious looking. I told my fiance to look at this freaking tiger but he acted like it was no big deal and kept playing on the computer. The tiger picked up on my voice and started to stalk over to the front door. I started shouting at my fiance saying he's coming for us, but he still just sat there, in shock. I had a few pens in my hand. The tiger came inside and was walking towards T who was paying very little attention to it. I threw a pen at it and it seemed to annoy him, I ran around T towards the knife set we have but before I could make it the tiger was staring me down in the face.

      Quite literally, the thing was on top of me and huge, the size of a fucking rhino. It was right then that I had realized I was dreaming. I thought about waking myself up, then decided to face it. I reached up and as I did it gave me a confused but still very ferocious look. I started scratching his nose and trying to play with him, for a split second he seemed like he was still going to tear me apart and I almost thought the dream was real and that this was the end of the world. Then all of a sudden this enormous tiger was an enormous dog and it started licking me. After it morphed, of course, I felt extreme relief, but I also decided this dream had been too much for me and I woke myself up on purpose, which is pretty much the first time I've ever wanted out of a lucid dream, especially after I had JUST become lucid. As I started to force myself awake, I saw other creatures' outlines forming and I think one was a dinosaur.

      Updated 03-14-2011 at 03:09 PM by 38721

    2. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 03-14-2011 at 06:11 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      ¡Single Sentence Sizzler!®

      3 Lucids 1 Sentence (DILD)

      Quote Originally Posted by Mzzkc View Post
      Plagued by a shadowy dog, black as the deepest night, yellow eyes alight with a fiendish glow, I worked to release the many seals (set upon me to reduce my powers to a mere glimmer of what I possess) in order to fight back and reclaim my territory, my soul, myself.
    3. 03/13/11 Shared Dream, MoSh and Raven Knight

      by , 03-14-2011 at 05:48 AM
      Raven Knight's Dream:

      I am in a place I don't recognize, but somehow it doesn't seem strange that I'm there. I am sitting at a bar and drinking a beer. This is odd since I don't even like the taste of beer, but again, this strangeness doesn't seem out of place to me at the time. The bartender comes over and starts hitting on me, and I am able to milk his interest enough to get a free beer out of it. A little flattery, a bit of flirting... I am drinking this second beer when I do something else I never do in my waking life. I bum a cigarette off of a guy sitting near me at the bar and then I bum a light off of him as well and I start smoking. I have never smoked in my life! So there I am at a bar I don't recognize drinking beer which I don't like and smoking a cigarette when I never smoke, and it doesn't occur to me to do a reality check. As I am sitting there, I hear a bit of an argument going on. I am unable to hear exactly what is being said, but when I look over I see a couple of women getting into it with each other. It quickly escalates with one of them throwing something at the other, and the other breaks out with some karate moves. One man looks like he's going to go over and interfere, but a second man blocks his path but physically and with a plaintive whining argument, "But it's a girl fight! You never break up a girl fight!"

      MoSh's Dream:

      Bitch fight

      Dreamed that I was some young woman at a bar where some other drunk girl didn't like me for whatever reason. I remember fighting her, slapping her and then doing a few kung fu moves on her.
    4. 03/13/11 Going Clubbing

      by , 03-14-2011 at 05:44 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      I am in a place I don't recognize, but somehow it doesn't seem strange that I'm there. I am sitting at a bar and drinking a beer. This is odd since I don't even like the taste of beer, but again, this strangeness doesn't seem out of place to me at the time. The bartender comes over and starts hitting on me, and I am able to milk his interest enough to get a free beer out of it. A little flattery, a bit of flirting... I am drinking this second beer when I do something else I never do in my waking life. I bum a cigarette off of a guy sitting near me at the bar and then I bum a light off of him as well and I start smoking. I have never smoked in my life! So there I am at a bar I don't recognize drinking beer which I don't like and smoking a cigarette when I never smoke, and it doesn't occur to me to do a reality check. As I am sitting there, I hear a bit of an argument going on. I am unable to hear exactly what is being said, but when I look over I see a couple of women getting into it with each other. It quickly escalates with one of them throwing something at the other, and the other breaks out with some karate moves. One man looks like he's going to go over and interfere, but a second man blocks his path but physically and with a plaintive whining argument, "But it's a girl fight! You never break up a girl fight!"
    5. More climbing

      by , 03-14-2011 at 05:21 AM
      1. I'm swimming in some stream with my boyfriend. The stream is pretty deep but the current isn't very strong. There are lots of ducks in the stream. I keep laughing at them quacking and swimming about. I tickle one of the ducks' feet under the water, and the duck quacked angrily and flapped away, causing me to laugh hysterically.

      2. I'm packing in a hurry, but I don't know where I'm going. Someone is telling me that people are coming to get us and take us somewhere, but we are going to be unconscious for the trip. Once we finish packing, they tell us to look left, right, up and down. We all pass out and I vaguely feel my wrists being bound together.

      We have woken up in some strange mansion. They dressed us all very fancy. We have dinner in a huge dining room. There is a very elegant dark haired woman sitting at the end of the table. She is very polite but seems very cold. I have a note in my hand that I am supposed to give her. I walk over to her, and for some reason I start speaking in French. I say "J'ai une note pour vous", and she nods as I hand her the note.

      3. I'm climbing up some kind of wooden structure, and I can never seem to get to the top. This reminds me of my dream that I had the other night, and I suddenly realize that I am on the street, feeling the pavement, trying to stay lucid. It must not have worked, because I can't remember what happened after this.

      Updated 03-14-2011 at 07:50 AM by 41911

      lucid , non-lucid
    6. Techno music and Olde London

      by , 03-14-2011 at 03:43 AM
      March 12, 2011

      Last night's LD was a visit to the dreamscape of Tech. I felt like spending some time at several of the clubs, listening to their unique themes and styles.
      It was during my visit to the third club of the night that I ran into Amanda. It was completely by accident that I even spotted her amongst the crowded booths. She was sitting by herself, looking as if she was waiting for someone. I figured to stop by just to say hi before I would soon move to the next club. But she caught sight of me and beat me to the punch.
      "Geoff!" Amanda greeted me over the loud music. "What're you doing here?"
      "Aside from that I made this place?" I shrugged, "music, really."
      Amanda grinned. "There's plenty of space here, wanna sit?"
      "I'm all right, I'm just passing through. Were you waiting for someone?"
      "No," Amanda shook her head. "Just felt like sitting around here, listening to music. I didn't have much to do today, but I also didn't want to stay home."
      I nodded, "sounds fun."
      "Where were you going after this?"
      "I"m just hopping from club to club, checking out the music. Wasn't really going to sit down or anything."
      "Well if you get tired of walking around, drop by again and join me."
      I nodded. "I'll keep that in mind. I'll see you around."
      I continued on my way through the club while listening to the music until I walked out.
      Two clubs later, I woke myself up.

      March 13, 2011

      Last night's LD was a random one that left me standing in the middle of some rainy street in what looked like a 1500's version of London. Lamps were dimly lit in the murky dark of the heavy rain. Distant flashes of light marked the passing of lightning. Laying on the cobblestones of the street, a boy was shaking the fallen form of a man.
      I started walking towards them, rain loudly pattering against my Battle Armor and e-visor helmet, with a thought command, my e-visor slid open and folded into my collar-guard.
      "What's the matter, lad?" I asked, "what happened here?"
      The kid looked up at me, his face was red from crying. "Pa won't wake up."
      "Well what's wrong? What happened to him?" I knelt next to the fallen man, across from the child.
      "He stopped moving. We were going home."
      How old was the kid? He looked no older than maybe... six, seven maybe?
      "Stopped moving?" I asked. With a thought command, I changed my vision to thermal and it became clear, the man was dead, very dead, his body's heat almost completely gone as the rain continued to fall. "I see..."
      The kid looked down at his father and started trying to shake him.
      "Hey, hold on a second," I reached out and placed a hand on the kid's shoulder. "Why don't you take a few steps back and let me see if I can help your Pa wake up, all right? It seems like he was very tired before he stopped moving."
      The kid seemed reluctant, so I nodded in encouragement and he finally stood up and backed away a little.
      I leaned over the dead man, placing a hand on his head. I then whispered into the man's ear.

      "Get up."

      Suddenly the man's eyes shot open, his mouth gaping as his lungs were no doubt trying to get what air it could in as quick as possible. Through my vision, I could see his brain firing up, his heart beating once more, his body heating back up.
      With a thought command, I quickly entered the Grey and zipped over to an alley I spotted just several buildings away. Changing my vision back to normal, I observed the father and son as they were reunited.
      After a few moments, the two finally went on their way, wherever their home was.
      Satisfied, I decided to leave them be and make my way through the city. If I was here, I might as well explore!
      With a thought command, my Battle Armor phased out and was replaced by a set of winter-suitable clothes, topped with a slightly-weather proof shale-coloured trench coat.
      Sure, my clothes were a few centuries ahead, but it looked a lot less conspicuous than a suit of near-indestructible powered armor.
      Unfortunately, it seemed like every place I looked was closed for the rest of the day. So I simply took in what sights I could.
      After a while, the rain finally stopped, and people started coming out.
      Unfortunately, by the time the city was bustling with activity, I had to wake myself up.
    7. Happy Prison

      by , 03-14-2011 at 02:49 AM
      So everybody here is my first entery in my dream journal.

      I was looking at some big gray prison with a group in the middle of nowhere during winter in a forest. My group starts talking about the prison like it is some tourist attraction. All I want to do is slide down this hill in front of me towards the prison and that is all I do the whole time they are talking. We are suddenly walking through the courtyard looking at stuff, I get separated form my group while looking at a celar door. Now my group is gone and I am an inmate. As I continue walking some inmates are having some costume party/dance in a big room to my right. To my left some inmates were eating lunch outside on some tables; I go up some stairs and jump into a hot tub with some inmates. We then start to play water polo in the hot tub; then some inmate was complaining about trying to find something(can't remember what). So some inmate grabs some kind of wierd gun and shoots a portal into the wall so the inmate could find what he was looking for.

      That's all I could remember.
    8. A tale of two Ships (Non lucid, bits and pieces)

      by , 03-14-2011 at 02:08 AM
      I have a faint memory of these two spaceships ships. we appear to be in the middle of space, my dream memory jumps to our two ships meting these aliens I the middle of space. For some reason I feel like the name of the aliens were Zerg. (Like starcraft Zerg).
      For some reason we attack each other, our two ships get manhandle to say the least. I then find myself on planet earth which i believe I fiqured was already destroyed. It's night time and I start running down this street as the zerg are still after me.
      I continue to run when I see some fellow humans, their technology is pittiful compared to what we had before, I thought to myself how they would be slaughtered if I didn't warn them just how strong the zerg was that not even our previous technology wasn't able to stop them, let alone their inferior technology.

      they are charging up the hill, I seem to run into the "leader" I stick with him, me and him run down the hill to hide. We reach a good area to hide, when some special enemy enters the battle, the leader tells me to run and don't stop. I run down the hill.
      The dream gets hazy but I remember that I continued to find my self in the middle of the battle unarmed and I'm usually saved by a member of the "army"

      (Dream was extremely hazy, I only just remembered this dream during a meditation/wild attempt.)
    9. lucid dream in a dream

      by , 03-14-2011 at 02:03 AM (a teahouse inside my head.)
      So, I went on a camping trip and I was too cold/tired/busy and it was too dark to keep my dream journal. When I came back I didn't have time to keep track of my dreams. I have been having some cool dreams lately though and I am going to attempt what I was doing before (keeping my hard copy dream journal and then posting when I have anything particularly interesting). I would like to mention a cool dream I had on my camping trip though.

      I had a lucid dream inside of a dream. I was dreaming, and I was in control of the dream (I was shopping and I bought this green floral dress and befriended the shop keeper and then ended up having a huge party in the dressing room area) then I woke up and I was like "Oh, I have to write that down" so I wrote it down and I went down to breakfast with my mom (we were staying in a hotel or something) and this lady was offering me all of these brightly colored pastries for dessert (they weren't cooking from the menu that morning for some reason) so I got this green cake thing.

      Then I woke up and I was in my tent and it was such an odd feeling. I hadn't really been controlling my "lucid dream" I just thought I was having a lucid dream. It's difficult to explain, but I am 100% sure I wasn't actually lucid, I just thought I was.
    10. Endless "Laffy-Taffy-like-substance" coming out of my Mouth.

      by , 03-14-2011 at 01:31 AM
      Last night I had a dream in which I remember becoming aware that I was in a dream, but I didn't have any control over anything.
      I remember wanting to hide away from people because I had to go take something out of my mouth, I kept hesitating to look at myself in the mirror,
      because I was afraid of how my reflection would look.
      I don't remember the details of how my face looked, all of a sudden the only thing I could see was the inside of my mouth.
      2 of my teeth became really really small and crushed until I spit them out after that , this white substance almost like gum or laffy taffy kept growing
      along every angle of my gums, I had to keep pulling at it to take it off and no matter how much I pulled to take the peices out of my mouth
      more and more kept coming back , it was never ending !!

      I tried a google search for the "meaning" behind this.
      And after several years, I finally found some what of an answer that perhaps makes some sense out of this strange re-occuring dream.
      (Yes , I've had this same dream many times through out my life)

      So anyways, what I read was this dream could mean that I hold back a lot on what I'm trying to say , that there are things in my life I want to say ,
      but I just don't know how to say them or get my feelings across.... so I'm trapped in a vicious cycle of keeping my thoughts to myself and keeping my mouth shut.
      Another interpretation was that perhaps I'm getting rid of all the negative energy inside me, by pulling it out....

      And it's funny because it is in fact hard for me to talk "in real life" I always hold back the things I want to say...
      Because I'm really shy person and I think too much before I say something..
      so in the end, I usually keep my thoughts to myself....

      Has anyone else had this dream?

      Updated 03-14-2011 at 01:37 AM by 42565 (typo.. and forgot to add something.)

      dream fragment
    11. Deleted

      by , 03-14-2011 at 12:02 AM (Torra)

      Updated 11-06-2011 at 02:35 AM by 39215

      non-lucid , nightmare , dream fragment
    12. Deleted

      by , 03-13-2011 at 11:42 PM (Torra)

      Updated 11-06-2011 at 02:33 AM by 39215

    13. Grrrr

      by , 03-13-2011 at 10:18 PM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      After I wrote my last entry I fell back to sleep and didn't wake up until 3:30! I couldn't believe how late it was.
      Hubby called as I was putting my night shirt on (I sleep nude). I arranged to pick up $50. then I left right away. Which sucks because I had an awesomely epic dream.

      All I really recall of it was creatures and watery passages. I watched a show called Primal yesterday that featured caves and a watery passage. And before I went to sleep, I started watching a show called Monsters that had octopus looking aliens floating in the sky.
      Both those movies appeared in the dream in one fashion or another.

      Toward the end of the dream, I was trying to catch smaller alien creatures. Sometimes they looked like fish, other times they were furry-ish. I was capturing them with my ex-husband.
      There was a baby in the dream at some point. I was teaching it about the history of the family and showing it how to swim from one passage to another. Opening certain latches would cause water pressure to build in other areas. There was a feud going on over one of the houses connected by the passages.

      I really wish I had taken the time to record these.
      Oh well...
    14. Mini Nap Dreams

      by , 03-13-2011 at 09:32 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid - AP

      I barely got any sleep last night, so I don't remember anything. However, I just got home from work and took a nap, and had a series of mini-dreams.

      I was in what was supposed to be my old roommate, Katherine's new apartment with her new roommate. She was talking to me about the apartment, telling me all about it. Covering a corner of the room was a light pinkish-purple sheet hanging from the ceiling. It was covering a window, and maybe a desk. I could see these things through the sheet because of the way the light was shining through it.


      I was at the bowling alley with Grace and I think her boyfriend. We were waiting in line at the concessions bar. Grace asked if I wanted something to drink. Then, I couldn't decide whether she was talking to me or her boyfriend.


      I was sitting on a bed watching TV with Ryan. I "remembered" him touching my crotch a few minutes before, but couldn't decide if it had really happened. We were watching Winnie the Pooh, and he commented saying that he used to watch that show when he was little. It was some racing episode, with the characters in a car race of some sort. There was a wolf character who exclaimed something, but I can't remember what. I did know, however, that he was supposed to say a phrase containing the word "ass", but it had been censored, and replaced with a different phrase since the show was on a family-oriented TV station. When the character's mouth moved while saying the alternate phrase, it didn't sync up with what he was saying. I told Ryan the character was supposed to say the phrase with the word "ass". Ryan then moved under the covers and laid across me.

      Updated 03-13-2011 at 09:35 PM by 32059

      Tags: symbolism
    15. Lucid Dream #9: DILD

      by , 03-13-2011 at 09:07 PM (Siuol's Dream Journal)
      Lucid Non-Lucid

      The non-lucid part of this isnt really importaint, but it started off with me visiting a mansion, and ended with me stuck in a small cage and an evil clown (i believe it may have been ronald mcdonald) trying to kill me with a bulldozer. yea i think its wierd too. anyway, i kinda just got freaked out by the clown and got lucid, and got my ass out of there. i walked from the mansion down the steps to the bottom of the hill i was on. it was in the middle of the forest, and when i came out of the woods i was near my nana and papas street, except the road was 20 feet below me. i smiled because it was the perfect place to test out a teleportation techinque. i jumped, and dived to the ground pretending it was water, and i dove right through the road. on the other side gravity worked the other way so i fell back onto my feet, but i would have been upside down underneath the road if you could view both at once. so i wondered what i should do, and i wanted to see if i could make objects appear. i wanted to start out easy, by walking up to a house and expecting a girl i like to be there. and it worked... almost... she was really disfigured, so i just said "oh you must be her sister, ill find her upstairs". i went upstairs and couldnt find her, but almost fell out a window. the distorted version of the girl followed me up, so i tried to fix her, but then i woke up.

      Updated 06-21-2011 at 09:55 PM by 39322
