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    1. Night 3 (8/11-12/10)

      by , 08-18-2010 at 07:15 PM
      I was working at Office Depot, and I was stocking merchandise and dealing with customers who were quite weird. One lady was chewing 4 month old gum and had what looked like a big seed stuck under her tongue. She reminded me of a parrot in regards to this, because when I saw it, all I saw was a tongue that looked exactly like a parrot's. I did not see her face or anything else, just a vision of her tongue and a seed under it.

      Very Strange Dream...

      Updated 08-18-2010 at 07:22 PM by 35606 (forgot to put date)

    2. Night 2 (8/10-11/10)

      by , 08-18-2010 at 07:09 PM
      This was my first really interesting/cool dream since starting my DJ.

      I was working in a store with my younger brother and some other people. All of us had Superpowers/abilities, but I can only remember that I could fly. A group attacked us and killed a lot of us. In the center of the store there was a Tree that extended up to the ceiling. It had a secret area inside that was a sort of base for us. Anyway, we were rescuing survivors and I spotted my brother surrounded by fire and I knew that he was in danger. Since I could fly, I flew down and grabbed him and flew him back up to the entrance to the tree. The others worried that people may have seen, and that the secret might have been revealed.

      Updated 08-18-2010 at 07:23 PM by 35606 (Forgot to put category and date)

      non-lucid , memorable
    3. Night 1 (8/09-10/10)

      by , 08-18-2010 at 07:02 PM
      I was very congested this night, so my dreams were kind of short. Before going to sleep, I repeated some mantras to myself over and over as I had seen that on the forums. Here was the result:

      I was picking herbs out of a woman's garden. I knew the woman, but I do not know her name, nor can I place her face.

      I was woken up by my nose, and did not remember any other dreams after going back to bed.

      Updated 08-18-2010 at 07:24 PM by 35606 (forgot category and date)

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. August 18, 2010

      by , 08-18-2010 at 06:35 PM (Requiem's DJ)
      no recall

      my dog woke me up and I remembered something about a great big fat girl but then I fell back to sleep. i was exhausted.
    5. 17 to 19 August - 6 dreams per night

      by , 08-18-2010 at 06:19 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      Night one (17/08/10):
      I'm on the phone with my mother, an earthquake stikes. It gets really bad, my house is shaking a lot and I think I might die, but miraculously, there's no damage to the building whatsoever. We talk about it for some time on the phone and the feeling of having survived is incredible.
      Then I'm on some island with a group, hikking on a volcano side. Suddendly it shows signs that it will erupt and we try to get the hell out of there. Then it gets blurred.
      Then I'm wandering on a shopping center -
      I get lucid, I think about the future and future lives and I'm carried into a new dream in the future.
      I'm orbiting the earth on a ship, seeing the planet through a window. Someone by my side tells me that the graphics on the screen (some orange areas overlapping the poles) are sites where the atmosphere is in serious state of degradation and will soon disrupt. I feel his worry and want to know more but it ends there.

      Not lucid anymore, I'm now helping some young people renewing a house they occupied, when the police comes to arrest us. They offer no resistance but I hide and run away. Then I start being chased and I use my ability to fly to get out of there. But there's this guy, not wearing a police uniform, and he can also fly! I think "shit" and he soon gets to me. Strangely enough, when he gets me, I feel extremely attracted to him, I seduce him and I kiss him. He offers no resistance and it gets hot.

      Night two (17/08/10):
      I recall being on a city, on the subway, but no details.
      Then I'm on a train, my boyfriend is there with me, along with other people. We need to get out at a certain station and I have my bags ready. Unfortunately my boyfriend forgot to pack and all his stuff is still in the sleeping cabine. When we reach destination he just gets out and I'm left behind packing his stuff. I feel upset but decide to get out on next station and come back to meet him.
      Then I'm on a public pool or aquatic park. Lots of people, lots of fun, but I'm just watching from this platform/balcony and passing by.
      Apparently I'm again with my friends from the train or whatever. We're walking a deserted area, when some strange aircraft flies over and drops ahead some kind of gadget - looks like a missile. One of the guys goes to see what it is and takes a little box containing a little insect-like spy robot from the thing. As a group of agents/militaries approach the place, we try to get out of their way and watch what's going on. They see us but realize we have no clue what's going on, so they just take the stuff with them and go away.
      Later I'm again with these friends on some mountain with view to the ocean or a lake. We are in a kind of gathering, with a guru, everybody sitting on a circle on pillows. But it seems to be quite a silly thing what is going on, so one of the guys comes to me and suggests that we go do something else. We go downhill to the water and I realise I'm also very attracted to him. For some reason there's a point on the dream in which I start to sing "Mi Chico Latino" from Geri Hallywell (go figure, maybe the guy was latino, but I didn't notice). He dives on the water, clothes and all and I'm feeling quite happy, almost like a teenager in love.
      Maybe because our other friend kept the tiny robot he had stolen, the camp is attacked by agents - bombs exploding everywhere. But we are by the water and we hide behind a boat.

      Night three (18/08/10):
      It started with the classical dream of zombie's attack. I came in contact with some kind of "alien" creature that was "infecting" people to become zombies at his service. He saw that I saw and he chased me. He could send laser-like rays through his eyes and he managed to burn me a little. I almost died but escaped.
      Then I tried to warn everybody, but the zombie people looked entirely normal so they were already on the subways and on the streets and they spread exponentially. Soon after it was impossible to be on the streets because they were everywhere. Don't remember what happened then, maybe I just got tired of the dream and moved on.
      In another dream I was again with some anonymous group of people. We were outside, I think there was a wall behind us and I was feeling frisky. I started flirting with a guy and he wasn't even interesting. He offered some resistance so I ended up playing alone, if you know what I mean.
      So I found myself in a house. I remember being on a balcony and realising I was in some foreign country.
      I walked around visiting the place but not really sure of where I was. I had a plane in 3 hours to return home so I needed to go back and get my bag from the house, but I saw this Zara shop (of clothes) and fell in love with a red dress for only 6 EUR! I bought it with debit card and realized that the people on the store were speaking spanish. When they realised I was portuguese they started talking to me trying to convince me to register for some kind of event. I told them I was just departing.
      Then I had another dream where I was watching a conversation between two people that I know, they were talking about having some money to spend and I approached them with a concrete suggestion of how to apply that money (something that I'm actually organizing in my wake life). We were standing on the lawn in front of a house and all of a sudden there was an explosion and all the glass, wood, concrete, was flying in our direction. Everything was in slow motion, I threw myself on the floor but was aware that I would be hit by some of those debris. Althoug I wasn't fully lucid, I was kind of aware it was a dream, so it was interesting to think about how it would hurt me, but didn't feel afraid.

      What I found most interesting in these dreams is that I had the feeling that some of the DCs were actually dreamers sharing the dream with me. The guy that was chasing me through the air, the guy I flierted with, the guy who stole the robot and the guy that invited me to the water, they all had something more than regular DCs, they left an impression on me that they were actual people.

      Updated 08-20-2010 at 12:37 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Overboard

      by , 08-18-2010 at 06:08 PM
      Myself and David (an acquaintance from work) find ourselves in the ocean at night. We were aboard a cruise ship which we see sailing away from us and can see all the bright lights of the ship. We are swimming but keep being obstructed by orange colored nets in the water. For some reason I am not panicking even though in RL I am not a strong swimmer. As we continue to swim we observe the cruise ship making a left turn and no longer in our line of vision. We get to a wall and I see a sidewalk. I tell David that I need to get out of the ocean and walk as I am tired of swimming. I am almost collapsing with exhaustion as we walk along the sidewalk.
    7. Nearly lost the whole night

      by , 08-18-2010 at 06:00 PM
      My first waking thought this morning was "fuck, I can't remember any dreams, what the hell am I gonna write in my DJ?" So at the very least you folks should take heart that you've already wormed your way that deeply into my brain. Fortunately I retrieved one piece of it just a few minutes later when I wasn't trying so hard, and one dream memory led to another. It's much more fragmented than I'd like, but at least there's something.

      My friend "P" had moved to Alaska in the dream. She was using some kind of camera to show me her house which basically was an excuse for my brain to make it look like I was there even though I wasn't in the context of the story (that framing device went away pretty soon anyway). I was on the edge of a ridiculously huge cliff overlooking a deep valley. It was winter and everything was covered in snow. The whole mountain was heavily wooded except for the areas where there were houses.* Someone had gone missing, so I wound up watching news coverage of the search (without silly things like a television frame or anything, naturally), which devolved into just looking at the different crazy modes of transport on the steep hills. One was a set of skis with a small paddle motor in the back for skiing uphill, and the reporter was about to follow someone else downhill on a snowmobile. The slope was at like a 50% grade, and I was scared of falling down just standing there.

      Secret Identity
      I was some kind of a superhero and I wound up blowing my secret identity hard, but the woman who figured me out didn't do so until I was over in the bathroom. She tried to break into the room, but I braced myself on something and held the door shut. Unfortunately, two of the hinges were already broken and it didn't take long before she wrenched the other one out of the doorjam and pulled the door out of the wall completely. There was an awkward "now what?" moment, and I wound up going along with whatever she wanted because I didn't want a fight.

      I had chopped up some chicken with the intent of making some chicken alfredo but someone put it all back in the freezer. The kitchen was dark and had roughly the same layout of the kitchen in my first apartment. There was a family there (possibly the simpsons?) that had fallen apart utterly in a paranormal sense. They were trying to contact either the daughter or the mother who was no longer on the physical plane because they couldn't provide even the most basic essentials for themselves without her. It was a lot more depressing than you think.

      I had a mustache. It was huge and creepy and I hated it.

      * This landscape actually appeared in another dream a while ago. It was springtime in the earlier dream, and everything was grassy. I can't even describe the scale of everything, it was enormous. In the valley there was a large warehouse several football fields long and built like an old tobacco shed with a railway going through it. The houses were on little outcroppings that were surprisingly flat and grassy; even though they were small compared to the mountains they were attached to, there was enough room for a full neighborhood on each one.
    8. Lucid Dream #3

      by , 08-18-2010 at 05:48 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 6/10
      Vividness: 7/10
      Length: ~8 Min.

      OK, I can't remember much of this one. But I know that it was really long.

      I remember when I became lucid though. And parts after that. I remember that I was a pirate and we landed on an Island, it was very big and was almost completely covered in water.

      For some reason I was in a castle and there were three other people with me, I followed them for a minute and then they went through a window and I looked down and when I did it was like 30Ft. down, then I became lucid. When I did, I got the idea of just floating down there. And when I looked down there again there was some sort of wall there. But I kinda floated by it and landed safely. When I walked towards those guys that I saw. Some hot broad was like flashing at me and she wanted me to take her for a ride (sex). But I just ignored her and walked away. Then I found a tree that was all weird and I ran towards it and I started to fly, it was really cool. Then people were walking towards me and saying. "He did it, he settled a tree. My boy, you deserve a promotion." Or something like that. Then I was trying to be Spider-Man by shooting webs out of my wrists, but it kept shooting out all over the place. And for some reason I had a lazy eye like in real life. That's how used to it I am. So I finally gave it up after trying for like 3 minutes and just followed some people that I saw. The next thing I knew I was walking in a big hall way and some guy was forcing me to go down the hall way. When I did I saw three girls in front of me and they were strip dancing. And below them was some guy that I can't recall very well. And to my left was a door. I went in the door and there was a bath tub in the room. I was like "what the fuck. I'm leaving, or maybe I could stay a while." Some broad appeared out of nowhere and started to talk to me. She wanted to have sex with me. I didn't really want to, but if I don't wake up there's not a problem. I went out the door and picked up a hooker and she turned into a bottle? So I told the guy that was sitting there that I would take this one and he could take the other two. He was like "OK." After I went inside I put some of that stuff in my mouth. She said it was for oral sex. Then I looked away and looked back and guess what, she disappeared. That's such a surprise (not really), but I tried to make her appear nothing happened. I tried making little spinner things in the bath tub and it worked, but a human being wont. That sucks. Anyways, I found her in a little Hamitic to my left and she was sleeping. So I woke her up and the next thing I knew I was walking around outside. I was in a small city, like Carson City. With a bunch of stores. So she said that Oral sex was illegal and I said "In this city or in my mind" or something like that. She didn't respond but for some reason my teeth were hurting a lot. I tried to ignore it but it didn't work. The next thing I knew was that I was trying to hump her doggy style and it didn't work. So we walked back and it got dark and I saw some broad that looked OK. So I asked her if she would give me a blow job and she said OK. So I told her to stay there and kept walking. Then it got pitch black and we looked in a store window, it kinda looked like a diner. That was completely lit up. And a bunch of guys in glowing blue masks looked at us. It was really scary. So we started to walk back again and when we made it to her store it was a relief. Then the sun started to come out and the dream faded into real life. This one is my favorite one so far. This just keeps getting better and better.

      Updated 08-19-2010 at 08:24 PM by 33643

      lucid , nightmare , memorable , side notes
    9. Night Driving...

      by , 08-18-2010 at 05:20 PM
      This is just a fragment of a dream I had last night. Just a warning, it was unusually boring.

      I was driving on a four lane highway with a concrete divider that had a fence high enough to where I didn’t see oncoming traffic. It was night and I was in the slow lane. A thought came to me, almost a warning that I should be in the slow lane because other vehicles would collide with me. Just then I saw the lights of multiple vehicles in the fast lane driving towards me. A mild sense of panic came over me and I resolved myself for the impact but it didn’t come. They passed me with the sound of small gusts of wind and left me in the darkness of night again.

      It was a while before I came upon a gas station sitting alone at a t-junction in the freeway. The junction was little more than the end of one road (perhaps one lane as I don’t remember two) and the sharp curving of another road (almost 90 degrees at the junction but the road had it’s own curve facing away). It had steel rail guards on the far side. I pulled into the gas station and as I got out of my car I noticed the pump had 135 octane for a $1.42 a gallon. I thought it odd and looked for the brand of gas station. It was labeled Isuzu, with blue, white and some other color perhaps. At that point I woke up.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Exploding a Little Girl's Head LD, Killer, Crash, Gymnast in the Air

      by , 08-18-2010 at 05:16 PM (Hopeless Wanderings)
      regular/lucid dreams: 8-18-10

      Exploding a Little Girl's Head LD(My first DEILD)

      I was starting to wake up, and that's when I realized I was lucid. I decided to look down at my hands just for the heck of it, and I had more fingers than I normally would(unlike in my last lucid, which I had less fngers). Everything seemed really clear and life-like, so I was scared that I would wake myself up but I think I'm getting better at controlling that, because I became very stable. I was in my house again, and decided to go outside and experiment and have some fun. As I was walking out across my lawn, I would jump in the air and see how high I could float. One of those times I decided to jump and then flap my arms and "swim" up and see how far I could go. I got to be about 4 or 5 stories up I think when I started heading back down. I'm not too good with flying yet. So then I saw these two sisters walking down the sidewalk, the older one(8? years old) pushing the younger one(around 4) in a stroller. I don't know why, but I wanted to make the younger one's head explode, just for a quick experiment before I went on to do something else. I focused on her head and imagined it exploding. I did this for awhile, and nothing happened except the little one started crying and the older one got really mad at me. I must have lost lucidity after this because I don't remember anything else.


      I don't remember the first part of this too clearly, so these are just some details. I was at my house with some older people, I don't rememer who, when some woman turned evil and wanted to kill me. She said that I "had to die." I ran to my dad's room and went on his bed and had an explosive in my hand that you would light up and the flame would go down the string uptil it reached the bomb part. When she came in, I tried to throw it at her but missed, then somehow got into the garage and tried again, but missed again and this time set the garage on fire. I had to get out of there, but she stood in the way of the door. I somehow managed to get out and on the roof. I saw an elderly couple walking towards the house as if nothing had happened, so I jumped off the roof down to them and kept screaming "CALL 911! CALL 911 NOW!!" but they kept saying "What??" like they couldn't hear me. I even screaming their ears but they still couldn't hear me! Then I ran to the bushes behind my house to hide and called 911 myself.

      Then I met this other girl in the bushes who was wearing this huge puffy pink dress. I called her by what I thought was her name, but later found out that she changes her name 4 times a year, depending on the season. Anyways, we ran into the neighborhoods behind my house and it was around midnight or so. Every once in awhile, I would jump up really high in the air and go above the trees and houses just for the fun of it. At one time, one of my neighbors came out of her house and complained, but not at us. Apparently her car? or something was making noises and keeping her awake.

      I don't remember what happened after this, but eventually I was back at my house and the next day, the cop finally showed up. He was cautiously going into the bushes, where I told him I was hiding. I went outside to tell him that I was fine and he was super late but couldn't find him.


      Me and Ali were planning on going on a road trip to this really pretty island thing in the middle of Colorado(which was only like 1 or 2 state away when I looked at the map, but in reality its more than that). She said she could get us free plane tickets(we took the car anyway, so what's the point?). So I told my parents and they said it was okay. We were going to take my sister's car and we were going to take my parents with us and drop them off somewhere on the way to Colorado. On the way to pick up Ali, my dad went the wrong way and went to my other friend's house instead(I don't know why, because its super easy to get to Ali's house, it's close by mine). I told him to turn right at the next stop sign but he turned left, and we went into this section where there were snow covered hills that looked like mountains and the road was really curvy and went up and down. It was like a smaller version of the roads you would see in Colorado, and I thought it was really cool. Anyway, we eventually finally somehow got my friend in the car, and started driving to CO. The roads were really dangerous now. They were up really high in the sky, and there were tons of cut-offs that you could take and go the wrong way on accident, really sharp turns, and all the cars were going like 100mph. Ali was driving and I was nervous for her because, well, the roads were terrible! We were approaching a tight curve when two cars in front of us crashed into each other. Time seemed to stop, and everything was going really really slowly. The cars were just in front of us now, and it seemed like there was no way to get around. Then my mom told us to back up, so somehow I helped as we slowly backed up as everything around us was frozen. This way, the cars could go off the side of the road(there weren't any walls in this section, which was weird because why wouldn't there be walls on the CURVED section??) and fall back to Earth.. and die. So we did just that and it looked like we were going to be safe..
      but then I woke up.

      Gymnast in the Air

      I was walking over this tall bridge/road thing when I saw an outdoor gymnasium. I looked down and saw some people down there practicing gymnastics. There was a billboard right by the bridge, and some girls from my school were on it, practicing(more like showing off) gymnastics on it with no safety ropes or anything. I don't know why, but I decided to go onto the billboard with them just to check it out. I somehow managed to get on it and saw more girls from my school doing gymnastics. One girl laid a balance beam(a floor one) down in mid air and started walking across it. I was really scared that she was going to fall off it, and I think I actually had to catch her and all the other girls at one point. They were hanging onto strings below me and I was holding them. It was really heavy but I had to hold on until I made it back to the bridge. I got back safely, but I think one of the girls died.
    11. Water, Water Everywhere

      by , 08-18-2010 at 04:42 PM (My Official Journey Into Lucid Dreaming)
      Recall has been decent, although I cannot remember the entire dream. This one has a common theme: water. Seems like I dream about water a lot.

      I am at the Baltimore Inner Harbor, or something similar. The water is clear, and under the water, I can see plants and people using remote control submarines. For some reason, there was a flood, and now water is everywhere.

      None of this made any sense, but I awoke with a feeling of dread. I think there was more to the dream, and I just don't remember it all.

      Fell asleep: 12:00 am
      2400 mg of Omega 3-6 Fish Oil

    12. Wednesday, August 18, 2010

      by , 08-18-2010 at 04:37 PM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)

      I remembered to set my WBTB alarm...but I forgot to actually turn it on...so of course I didn't wake up at the appropriate time to make a WILD attempt. Oh well...at least I was able to remember a couple dreams, and this time after I had already gotten up and things were against me remembering them at all!

      Dream 1: I was in a mix of Bioshock and Mass Effect. Geth were attacking (I guess I should be giving them more validity as a dream sign if the buggers are going to keep showing up...I haven't even played Mass Effect in a while, but for some reason Geth have been everywhere lately!) and everyone in the facility was defenseless. I was being chased by one of the machines when I dove around a corner and hid behind a pile of crates. The Geth fired at me as I fled, but missed and instead took out one of the crates on the top of the pile. I covered my head as debris and the objects inside the crate came crashing down, but managed to remain silent, so the Geth moved on down the hallway without noticing my hiding place.

      Once I had opened my eyes again, I saw what had fallen out of the broken crate: plasmids. I picked up the first one and saw the Electro Bolt symbol on it, then took a deep breath and injected it into my arm. It felt very realistic...and the DNA re-writing process felt weird, too. A rush of body heat, increased clarity of vision...and finally, a lot of little lightning bolts coming from my left hand. Encouraged, I also grabbed an Incinerate and stuck it in my pocket, but didn't inject it.

      The Geth that had tried to kill me was still in sight down the hall a ways, so I jumped out of my hiding place and with a yell I let out a bolt of lightning right on the blasted thing. Being mechanical, the electricity instantly shorted out the Geth's hardware and made it fall to the ground, useless.

      Unfortunately, I had been a bit too quick to jump out and attack. Now everyone knew where I was, and a million Geth began slowly advancing down the hallway from the opposite direction. I tried to shoot out lightning once again, but this time it only flickered faintly in my hand; I couldn't produce a real bolt. I desperately pulled out the Incinerate plasmid as I backed down the hallway one step at a time. I tried to use pyrokinesis, but I barely generated enough heat to create viscosity in the air.

      "Uh oh."

      I turned and ran back for the crates then as a million bullets flew at me. Somehow I managed to reach safety before any of them hit.

      "Hypo, hypo, where's an EVE hypo?!" I said to myself as I searched through the other crates.

      Finally I found one, stuck it in my arm, and I was able to emit a burst of flames from my hand. I jumped out from hiding and began spraying fire at every Geth I could see. The realism of the fire was awesome; the hallway and Geth were all made of metal, and they appropriately blackened or glowed orange-hot, not to mention the light simply reflected in a very accurate and detailed way.

      I woke up sometime around then.

      Dream 2: I'm low on time, so I'll have to keep this one short. I was basically seeing a replay of a memory from one of my filming jobs. At first things were accurate, but then the wrong music started to play in the background.

      "Wait a minute, that's not right..." I thought to myself. "I didn't choose this music!"

      I didn't go lucid, though, I just figured someone else had made a last-minute change. But then other things started being different than they were supposed to be, and I couldn't ignore them as easily.

      "This just isn't right! What's going on here?"

      Then someone tapped me on the shoulder and told me to get ready, because we would all have to leave in 18 minutes.

      I started to head out and get my things together, but I kept an eye over my shoulder, wondering what was going on. Then...SMACK! I ran right into the doorframe because of my carelessness.

      I woke up with my nose bleeding...probably coincidence. This isn't the Matrix, after all.
      non-lucid , memorable
    13. Regular sleep = better dream recall.

      by , 08-18-2010 at 04:17 PM (The Mind is Power; My Dream Journal)
      So I finally got a good nights sleep and I remembered four dreams. I only managed to write down three of them, however.

      I'm in some kinda wal mart and I am trying to be nice to this guy and group of people that all play this game together. For some reason they are mean and I manage to stGe a fKe funeral for them. So I do and trick everyone until this guy that looks like Jake k. comes in. He's part of the grpup I tricked people about. So I immediately sprint off down an aisle to try and get away but he keeps popping up. He seems almost chill about the whole thing but I know he's mad and can't let him catch me. I go diving outta these steel truck bay doors and take this huge jump and i go flying through the air. Right before I do I see a stack of kids toys that toys geared towards liberals. Then I go sliding out the truck door and taking a huge jump. Right as I jump I hear some more conservative style folks talking crap about what I did. And now I'm flying through the air and everything is smaller. I hear someone mention something about soldiers and then I start to land.
      I'm hanging out now in front of a house right across the street from a basketball court. It's getting dark out but I don't care. I call my friend Austin and ask him to come over and play ball with us (and I don't know who 'us' is). So he shows up and then I wake up
      or some reason I'm driving over to where I assume my buddy Austin lives. I get there in time to see another friend go inside. I follow him inside. The house is cluttered and two stories. There is stuff everywhere. Austin comes down the stairs and tells us to follow him upstairs as he has a treat for both of us. We follow and for some reason I'm suddenly holding two bowling balls. One I really did used to own and the other I'm not sure where I found/got it. It was jarring enough that I think I came close to lucidity.

      Updated 08-20-2010 at 04:59 AM by 33935

    14. Recalling!

      by , 08-18-2010 at 04:14 PM
      I recalled one long dream last night, but it was really weird. PM me if you really want to know lol, it was bad, it as just weird.
    15. #5

      by , 08-18-2010 at 04:10 PM
      I am at a christian meeting, I like everyone there, but i cannot agree with them over their views on homosexuals This leads to friction and a tense atmosphere...the dream is blurry but i can remember being in a room with a lot of christian propganda and the passage by leviticus ( dont know if this is real or created ) which states a man and another man should not be together.