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    1. Revolving TV

      by , 12-25-2016 at 04:25 PM
      The dream takes place in an apartment with some old Mount Carmel people like Jippy, Lauren M., Melissa M., etc. Additionally grandma Phelps is randomly there sitting on the same couch as me. She asks me a question but I kind of ignore it and feel really uncomfortable in general at this party. I don't really know anyone there well but decide to wait a little while to leave. One cool thing that happens is that they have a TV that revolves in the wall around with a hidden side for storing jewelry. Eventually I don't want to be there anymore and so I look for a way out. I see an elevator in the apartment and it is made out of glass. There are about 6 Chinese people in the elevator and they are all masturbating which makes me think this is a lucid dream. I perform a finger into hand reality check but it doesn't seem to work. Despite this, I know that I am lucid. I just cannot seem to gain full lucidity. I decide to take the elevator a floor up and explore around. I walk into an office of people where I don't belong and make the whole office not react by using my expectations. I walk around and then leave feeling annoyed that I know I'm lucid but cannot get the reality check to work.
    2. Warhammer Store

      by , 12-25-2016 at 04:24 PM
      In the dream I am at a really cool warhammer store with Michi and Sammy. We walk around and see that they have set up several stations for battling other Warhammers around the store and we go around to each station taking the Warhammers we battled after we win. We got around the whole store like this and have a box of a lot of Warhammers and I grab a couple other supplies as well. Finally at the end of the store we ask if we can take them all home but they say we need a subscription in order to do all the battles in the store and end up giving everything back. Michi tries to pay for everything with 200 dollars but it only costs 4 dollars since I want one small thing.
    3. Football Ride

      by , 12-25-2016 at 04:24 PM
      The dream takes place in Vaughn's car with his dad driving us to a football game. They pick me up at my house and my dad wants to know the details of my game so he texts me 12 times asking about it. Interestingly it is an 8 PM game but we have practice before the game at 6. In order to find out when the game is I look online at a pop-warner site even though it is a high school game.
    4. Beer for Grandpa

      by , 12-25-2016 at 04:23 PM
      The dream takes place at grandma Gourley's house for a family reunion or something. We are all upstairs at a table in grandpa's room at one point and Jonathon asks if I can grab him a beer. Grandpa then asks me if I can grab him a beer too but a light beer instead so that he can chug it. I search around in the kitchen for a light beer but then Jonathon comes down and grabs one himself. I notice grandma is downstairs as well making little bags of banana bread.
    5. Illuminated Waterfall

      by , 12-25-2016 at 04:22 PM
      The dream takes place in a jungle like scene where Dave B. is hiking with me up a river to a waterfall. We go up many steps filled with water and finally at the top reach the waterfalls which are illuminated with many different colored lights. There is also a bridge leading to the waterfall and a restaurant or something on top. Dave tells me that you can get there by car and that I should bring Michi. After we decide to head back and Niki and dad are with us. After we descend the steps we enter an underwater cave where we have to hold our breath and swim through different parts to get out. My dad leads and Niki swims behind me but runs out of breath at the last part so I have to go save her.
    6. Obi Wan Adventure

      by , 12-25-2016 at 04:18 PM
      The dream takes place once again in third person where I am watching Obi Wan escape from something. He is running away while at the same time using his lightsaber to deflect shots from drones and using some badass moves to kill the drones. He also is doing some crazy moves like running up walls and using the force to get his lightsaber back if he loses it in the action. The dream then at some point transforms into me as the jedi still running away from some people. I use the lightsaber to kill many more drones and at some point meet up with some friends who also are running away from whoever these bad guys are. We take a staircase up what seems to be a parking garage and jump from one level to another until we finally find a way out. We are then in a desert like star wars environment with our enemies trailing behind us. We find a large block with some cover and jump up to start shooting at the bad guys. I find a ton of guns near our cover and start giving them to my friends who begin shooting. Suddenly we notice that the guns are air soft guns but seem to be fairly effective.
    7. Family Vacation Town

      by , 12-25-2016 at 03:58 PM
      The dream is about a family trip to the movies where some guy tries to give me a new red phoenix jersey in the bathroom but then had to sign up for it. I sit down and start filling out the paperwork for the jersey but my dad said we have to go because the film was starting. Interestingly, the dream takes place in a town that is very familiar in my dreams. I am sure I have been there before and the location is some type of vacation town with several old western like saloon places. Also located near that town there is a sunsplash that I have had a recurring dream of in the past.
    8. Healing

      by , 12-25-2016 at 12:41 PM
      I was somewhere very hot, seems like Greece, the sun was scorching, possibly noon outside.
      In a hospital ward, with sick children laying in bed. One child has long straight blonde hair and a dark plain dress.
      I recognise her and i'm lucid. I try using my powers to heal her. We go along the intensely bright road in the sweltering heat.
      We travel in an old dark brown ford along the scrubby, tree lined road. Reaching her mothers house, who strangely enough is the same person just older but with same blonde her, but with a neat office suit on. I make out with the mother.
      Spoiler for may contain nudity but not enough really:
      Tags: blonde, heat, hospital, sun
      lucid , non-lucid
    9. Hand

      , 12-25-2016 at 05:53 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Last night bed around 9 - 10pm - 3:45am

      Recall today.

      I was at work, when I look at my right hand and wonder why. Then I remembered a dream. My right hand was all bruised and a bit bloody. Not sure what happened, but it hurt.

      Had a bunch of other, non specific dreams.
    10. Patronus Lucid

      by , 12-25-2016 at 01:14 AM (Journeys through Spacetime)
      I become lucid. I am walking down a path, attempting to remember the TOTM. I remember the advanced task(spin and teleport somewhere random). I decide not to because I am attempting to walk somewhere.
      I remember my goal to summon my Patronus. I yell Expecto Patronum! several times, but give up after a DC starts complaining about the noise. I decide to attempt it silently, and wisp by wisp, a 'thing' appears.
      Spoiler for patronus:

      Click on the image for full resolution.
      It appears just like the painting.
      Suddenly, as I am still building it up, the dream go's grey. I panic, but quickly stabilise myself. I visualize the scene back, and soon I am back into the lucid dream. Phew! I however decide to not continue the patronus.

      Updated 12-25-2016 at 07:30 AM by 91855

      Tags: lucid, patronus
      lucid , memorable
    11. Bonus totm december

      by , 12-25-2016 at 12:41 AM
      I had two lucids this night in that I attempted bonus totm. I write them down just fast and shortly because this tablet is shitty and my recall is not the best.

      - I am in a street running around approaching a building getting lucid. I fly up on a balcony and enter the room. I taste some salat (DTR). I remember the totm and concentrate on my goal to fast foreword time. I write with my hand on the wall something like "100 years in the future" I strengthen my intention by repeating it in my head for several times. I move back out on the balcony and jump/fall down from it and the dream is pretty unstable. I rub my hands and the visuals come back. In the first moment it looks like nothing changed but I try to keep my thoughts positive and keep looking around. I see a police car that looks unusual.I go around the corner and see more and more untypical stuff. There are two police motorbikes that look bulgy in the front.( reminded me of a whale of some kind) I see no people or atleast they don't seem striking. I keep moving the street and notice a building that seem to be a hospital but it has huge similarity to a church because it has a green glowing cross as a sign. A garage door opens and a small car sized spaceship flys out and in the sky. Shortly after I think I wake up.
      All in all this future was more dirty and let's call it poor like in a dystopia. Maybe comperable to battlestar Galactica where its not this typical sci fi overload.

      -i get lucid again with low awareness. I try to make a car explode by holding my hand at the fuel opening and make it hot. It don't work. I take a big chocolate house in my hands and it melts down with no problem. I try throwing some fireballs on the car but with no success. I keep moving and after I walk into a house and then into the next one.there is a friend of mine and I go into the kitchen and take a chocolate bar and wonder that it is not so sweet like I expected. I tell him I want to fast forward time and ask him if he has a watch for me. He puts a wristwatch on the table and I put my finger over the seconds hand an start spinning. I don't see that the watch moves faster but I keep doing it. Then I phase out of the house and look around. This time nothing seems to have changed. We walk around and up a street. There are sime people but not to many. I think about that If I want to see more people I should go in a bigger city. A truck approaches us and I make him stop and then throw him on its back. I need two attempts for this. We keep going and I see a girl and with her I visit her friends in a house. From here I tart caveman but am not to successful and wake up because its very late in the morning and my sleep seem to be very light and the dream quality pretty bad.
    12. City Escapades

      by , 12-24-2016 at 09:29 PM
      I am driving with my son along a city street. Out on the horizon, looming majestically beyond the skyline are Jupiter and Saturn, side by side. Their spheres are massive and the whole sky is filled with their radiance. They exude a golden sparkle. Pink Floyd's "Astronomy Domine" begins playing. We stop the car to look at them through a telescope. I adjust the telescope's focus to get them as clear as I can and then I stand aside to let my son take a look. These displays of cosmic luminaries in our stratosphere are a common dream sign, especially when they occur over water. Fade out.

      I am in another city now (Dallas), but my son is no longer with me. I am wandering the streets and attempting to have various homosexual encounters with strangers. Before the encounters can begin, however, a biker always appears. He is off his motorcycle and just following me around. He has a big beard and looks homeless. I yell at him to go away. As he reluctantly departs he gives me a sad look. When I try to have another homosexual encounter, the same thing happens: the biker appears before anything can be initiated. The second time he leaves, I decide to follow him.

      I follow him to his bike, which has a ladder fastened to it. I discover that he and his wife are roofers from Austin and they travelled up to Dallas with their ladder to work a hailstorm. I follow him back to a house where I see a boy with no shirt. I try to sew him a shirt, but he won't stand still long enough for me to complete it. And so I chase him. He has a toy gun and a bow without an arrow. He aims his arrowless bow at me and laughs. At that moment, a woman comes out of the house and tells me to "just grab the little sonofabitch, 'cause that's what he is".

      Back inside the house they are putting hundreds of Lincoln Logs together. The house has a peculiar smell, like new plastic toys and fresh cedar. We sit at a table and discuss what we're going to make the kids for dinner. I feel good being with this family. I suddenly remember my attempts to have a homosexual encounter, and how I spoke rudely to the biker, and I feel shameful. I now consider them my friends, and want to be accepted by them. Dreamt 12/13/2016

      Updated 12-31-2016 at 03:18 AM by 92342

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. Another Rainbow (DWILD)

      by , 12-24-2016 at 08:09 PM
      Ritual: WTB 2am, woke up after a couple hours and strapped on the Motivaider, timed for 30m intervals. I woke up again after what I thought must be at least an hour and hadn't felt any vibrations. I decided that my awareness was not sufficient tonight to continue, removed the device, and went back to sleep. But apparently this process created an anchor for the idea of lucidity, because in my next sleep interval I became aware of lying in that intermediate state between sleeping and waking and went through the motions of getting up into a WILD. However, in retrospect it is clear that I was already dreaming at the start of this experience, so it was not a genuine WILD but a dreamed WILD (hence DWILD). It was 5:45am when I woke from the dream.

      DWILD, "Another rainbow": I am lying on the flat surface of a wooden table as though it were a bed in a large, strange room with a distant, domed ceiling. I feel groggily half-asleep, but notice the distinctive sensations in my body that make me wonder if I'm close to the dream state. I start playing with it as I would when inducing a WILD, attempting to roll and rotate my body while avoiding real physical movement. When I find myself face down and succeed in getting up on my hands and knees, I'm sure that I'm sufficiently integrated with my dream body to get off the table and explore the dream—and given that in retrospect I know was dreaming all along, it is apparent that the sense of difficulty that I experience as I carefully maneuver myself into a standing position, similar to what I experience in real WILDs, must be wholly a mental fabrication.

      My awareness is still low and initially lacking in agency, so I go along with the dream narrative for a while. The space in which I find myself is strange and hard to describe. There's a kind of reflective dome above me that rotates and shifts to reflect different parts of an upper floor or balcony. The dome moves until it is showing a distorted reflection of what looks like an early twentieth-century radio, one of the elegant ones in a large wooden cabinet. I am aware that seated up by the radio there is an older man who owns this place, and I am his guest. After this is a scene in which someone tells my brother that if he wants to get along with this man then he should take up shortwave radio as a hobby.

      Then a bunch of us are seated at a long table for a dinner party. [Source: Order of the Phoenix was on TV last night, and it has a number of scenes with people seated at long tables.] Plates are served and they all contain huge sandwiches. The older man that I saw in the balcony earlier is picking disinterestedly at his sandwich and asks where the other food is, the stuff that had been simmering in the crockpot. My brother, who had put together the food, says that it will be coming up as the next course. I'm seated directly across from the older man, who I think of as our "host," and can tell from his expression he doesn't want to eat the sandwich. I decide to be helpful and comment loudly: "That's a huge sandwich! I couldn't eat all that even for one meal." Although this is true, my intention in speaking was to save face for the other man by legitimizing the option of leaving the sandwich uneaten while waiting for the next course.

      After the sandwich course, we take a break from the meal and everyone who was at the table, about a dozen people in all, are standing in another room. The host is there, and a bunch of vague random people I don't recognize, as well as DC versions of my brother, mom, and dad. For some reason, maybe because of the lull in the narrative, I finally remember my intended task, the leprechaun TOTY, as well as how I had planned to accomplish it. My chief difficulty in previous attempts had been that once I managed to create the necessary rainbow, I got thwarted in my attempts to seek the end of it. As I had earlier been pondering this difficulty, a straightforward solution, perfectly obvious in retrospect, finally occurred to me: why not create the rainbow such that it ends right in front of where I'm standing?

      "Okay everyone, we're going to play a game, kind of like a party game." I smile at the host and add, "It'll give you time to digest before the next course." I reach out and pat his belly, an oddly familiar gesture given that the DC did not scan as anyone I know in WL. [Possible source: yesterday I was doing research related to Budai, the so-called "Laughing Buddha," and rubbing his belly is a recognized ritual gesture. But the DC did not in any other respect remind me of Budai.] I complete my announcement by telling the group: "We're going to make a rainbow!"

      The room we are in is walled entirely with glass on two sides, like a skyscraper, and I recognize that this clear view of the sky will be helpful for the task. I'm slightly more concerned about the fact that we're three or four storeys up, which means that if the rainbow ends here and I start digging through the floor, I won't actually be digging in solid ground. I remind myself that it is silly to maintain these kind waking life assumptions in the dream state. It can be solid ground if it wants to be, or maybe I can find the leprechaun in the room below us. Dream is nothing but malleable, so I really don't need to be this finicky.

      I continue with my instructions to the group: "What we need to do is hold hands and create the end of the rainbow right here." I gesture to indicate the patch of floor in middle of our circle of people. "Then we'll go through, fight the leprechaun, and take his gold." I look around to gauge the response and decide the DCs need a little more incentive. "We can split the money," I add, and am pleased to see that this perks up their interest.

      We join hands around a large circle. I feel that my shirt cuffs are too long and and getting in the way, so I have to break off and fold them up in order to get proper skin contact with the people around me. Once again I wonder if I'm being too finicky. Probably. Even the hand-holding seems like overkill, but I thought it might help us join our focus on the same goal.

      My assumption had been that the assistance of the DCs would help my own confidence and focus on the task. This idea was probably based on my last rainbow-making dream, when I really did feel like I benefited from the help volunteered by the little girl. But this group of DCs is not helping at all. Like typical adults in a social setting, they are only marginally interested in my unusual party game. While I'm trying to concentrate on making a rainbow, the others are getting distracted and starting to chit-chat among themselves. This is distracting me in turn.

      "Quiet!" I rebuke them sharply. "No talking, please. I need you to concentrate. Focus your intention." I figure they could use a reminder of the goal of our task: "We're going to create a rainbow"

      Periodically I've been glancing out the windows to see if a rainbow is visible in the sky yet. This time I notice that the weather has changed. The sky is grey and a steady rain is now pouring down. Rain, well, that's halfway to a rainbow, isn't it? I let myself be encouraged that the environment is showing some response.

      I continue attempting to focus, and the DCs continue to stand around without helping much. They're quieter after my reprimand but still distracted, and I have the impression that they don't seem to know how to focus their intentions properly. This is exasperating. What good are dream characters who don't even know how to interact with a dream? My mom starts speaking and I almost raise my hand to swat at her, irritated by yet another interruption, until I realize that what she's saying might actually be helpful. She is commenting on the light, how it needs to filter through the water particles a certain way to create a rainbow.

      I had never intended to create a rainbow with meteorological accuracy, but hey, since it's already raining outside, we might as well give it a shot. If we can just get the right sort of light, it might encourage our expectations in a way that will make this easier. You know how when it rains and then you see the light break through the clouds, and you wonder if you will see a rainbow? That's the expeirence I was now trying to recreate. I look out the window and sure enough, in one direction bright sunlight is now alternating with the dark clouds. Very well, the rainbow can come from that direction.

      Once again I concentrate, reminding myself that rainbows consist of light broken into the spectrum of colors. I think I almost see them in front of me, faint and translucent, but I can't tell if I'm only imagining them until the DCs all break out into "oohs" and "ahs," and saying things like "amazing!" I smile triumphantly, amused that everyone is acting so impressed after their earlier disengagement.

      (While it seems odd to make the above distinction between something that "happens" in a dream and something I'm "only imagining," given the many times I have attempted to complete some task by imagining the outcome and it has not tangibly manifested in the dream, some such distinction seems warranted, if much less clear and stark than the difference between imagining and experiencing in waking life.)

      It is a bit odd to try to look at a rainbow head on, from immediate proximity, but I do see a faint shimmering band extending from the lit quarter of the clouds to the floor right in front of my feet. I remind everyone that creating the rainbow was only the first step. "Now we have to dig through the floor." I start scrabbling at the smooth wooden boards, trying to imagine that the floor is soft and that my hands can scoop it up like clay. I feel everyone watching (no one else is trying to help) and their expressions are dubious. If merely creating a rainbow surprised them, imagine the skepticism they must feel watching me try to break through solid floor with my hands! I wonder if I can better align the expectations of the onlookers if I use some sort of tool to dig with, but I can't think of what might be handy.

      This time it is my dad who speaks up with some advice: "The location of the floor isn't localized on the floor." I don't understand what he's trying to tell me, and I don't have long to think about it because I feel myself waking. I lose the dream and lay still for a few minutes, feeling to see if I can DEILD, but no, my body is fully awake now.

      Updated 12-24-2016 at 08:17 PM by 34973

      lucid , task of the year
    14. Vampire

      by , 12-24-2016 at 06:56 PM (Eonnn's Akashic Records)
      I had a sort of astral projection experience where I was sleeping on my bed and could feel my astral body separating from my physical body. I could hear a faint musical rhyme that seemed to be lulling me out of my body. The only words I remember from the rhyme were "dominus invictus" yeah it was in latin and I don't speak latin. The musical rhyme was pleasant and it was a pleasant sensation being slowly pulled away from my physical body lying on the bed. I let the feeling carry me away and I started floating away through my apartment and out the door. I kept letting the rhyme and sensation guide me, letting myself be pulled or attracted to it's source.

      It's night outside and I'm drifting along above the streets below me when I reach a park. I start getting closer to the ground and I see a dark figure running really fast towards me. He jumps up and tries to grab me so I put my hand out to stop him and he bites straight onto my hand. I'm pulled down to the ground and he starts sucking the blood out of me. I can feel it being drained and getting weaker. I keep fighting him and manage to break free, then I wake up in my bed.
    15. A Roof for Audrey

      by , 12-24-2016 at 06:43 PM
      I am in a building that resembles a doctor's office. I recognize a woman in it; she reminds me of an an old neighbor I once had. In the dream my construction company replaced her roof, or was preparing to replace it. While looking at her, my cell phone butt-dials a lady named Audrey. Audrey does not know me. I tell her that we had discussed my company possibly replacing her roof from all the recent storm damage. I go through my sales presentation with her (this is an actual sales presentation I had been working on in real life), and eventually gain her confidence and close the deal over the phone.

      Now that the deal was closed, we begin discussing personal information. We exchange ages (in the dream I am 52 and she is 67). It suddenly dawns on me that I know this woman personally...and intimately. She then materializes before me and I recognize her face from another dream where we had had sex. I pick her up in my arms and carry her over to a table. When I put her down she is naked and stiff, like a corpse. Dreamt 12/11/2016

      Updated 12-24-2016 at 06:50 PM by 92342
