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    1. Lucid Dream #56

      by , 12-28-2011 at 07:35 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 6/10
      Vividness: 7/10
      Length: ~3 Min.

      I was with another girl when I became lucid. We were supposed to go somewhere so I ran, I hit the walls and everything. Then I found a bathtub, we both got in and then for some reason she turned into a doll. I was like "whatever" and started washing her up. At times I had to do the rubbing hands trick to become more lucid, but I still gradually started to lose lucidity.
    2. Ryan, the Fancy Bathrub, and a Sex Fragment

      by , 08-29-2011 at 03:02 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was with Ryan in a big house. I think my family may have been there too, but I'm not sure. At any rate, they weren't with us.

      We were on vacation somewhere. Ryan and I were walking through the house. We kept holding hands and hugging, but we weren't together. Every time one of us would reach for the other one, I'd think "But we aren't together..."

      We were then upstairs in the bathroom. It was kind of dim in the room. We were checking out the bathtub/shower. It looked kind of old-timey with its claw feet, but it was modern and fancy at the same time. The tub was a dark red color. I remember wanting to try it out with Ryan. I was going to suggest we take one together, but I chickened out. He said he wanted to try out the tub first. The tub started to fill with soapy, bubbly water.

      I then remember that we all were on our way out of the vacation home, presumably on our way to our final destination, and I remembered that the tub still had water in it.


      I was having sex with some dude. He was really toned and kind of built. Its no one I recognize from waking life. I know there was more than that to this dream, but I can't remember.
    3. Building of the pyramids / Dream Journals are important

      , 08-12-2011 at 03:31 AM (Hyu's Adventures)
      So here's a tip:
      If you ever find yourself with no time to lucid dream, do NOT stop updating your dream journal. :/
      I stopped updating mine for a few weeks, and when I tried to LD again I noticed my dream recall was nearly nonexistent.
      It took me the past two weeks to have a moderately long lucid, and going through this after having had sort of regular lucids is quite a frustrating experience.
      So yeah, dream journals seem to be quite a bit more important than I thought.
      Anyways, enough rambling.

      I'm taking a bath. The water is very soapy and I'm sort of lost in thoughts.
      Somehow I feel that it is weird that I have a bathtub, I used to have only a shower.
      But I make up some excuse to justify the presence of the tub and continue idling.
      I think about a girl I met a few days ago for some reason, and suddenly I notice that someone is with me in the bathtub.
      There's a naked girl right in front of me, though not the one I was thinking of, I don't know her.

      I don't really realize that this situation is weird, I even sort of ignore the girl until I feel the urge to touch her arm because I have the impression that it's supposed to feel weird.
      I touch her arm and gently brush over it with a finger, and I notice that it feels extremely realistic even though it shouldn't.

      Wait... why is it supposed to... oh!
      Am I dreaming?
      I look at the girl, whom is smiling at me and she proceeds to vanish into thin air.

      I am now certain that I am dreaming, but I feel the urge to RC, I feel like I need the shock of awareness.

      As I do the nose pinch RC I remember that I haven't RC'ed like this in a long time.
      Usually I just become aware that I am dreaming, or I realize inconsistencies as to how I ended up where I am.
      I think I stopped doing 'standard' RC's after WakingNomad had suggested other forms of increasing awareness on these forums.

      The RC succeeds and I get quite excited that I finally induced an LD again, and I immediately feel the urge to do something with the limited time that is given to me.
      I jump out of the tub ready to search my house for anything exciting.

      Stop! What am I doing?
      I haven't stabilized the dream, I'm running around aimlessly, this is bad!
      I try to calm down and attempt to stabilize the dream.
      That was close, my surroundings had already darkened quite a bit.

      I try to open a portal on a wall. I have no destination in mind, I have no goals and just seem to do the first thing that crosses my mind.
      As I walk through it I wonder why I've bothered with a portal when I can just teleport with my wings, plus I'm assuming the portal won't work
      because I haven't set a destination... but it does!

      I find myself in the desert, on a sand dune.
      This is odd, usually my dreams are dominated by cold colors and watery landscapes.
      This is pretty much the exact opposite.
      I see some construction work going on and approach it.
      As I look at my surroundings, I realize that I must be in the past, considering what people are wearing and the kinds of buildings that exist.

      This place seems oddly familiar though... and then I finally get it.
      They're building the pyramids! I'm in Egypt!
      Of course! I've been here before in waking life, how interesting!

      "It is, isn't it?"

      Huh? It's the girl from the bathtub again, except she's dressed now.
      She's wearing some sort of white gown and her hair is braided.

      "You're the girl from before!"
      "Yeeees... ?"
      "Do I know you?"
      "... are you fucking serious?"
      "Err... oh! Faye?"
      "Yes Faye! Dude!"
      "I'm sorry... haven't had a lucid in a while, I feel like I've forgotten everything"
      "You'll be fine."
      "Yeah this is good, if I remember this dream it'll boost my confidence."
      "Good good, time to wake up now."
      "Huh, why?"
      "Your phone is ringing"

      I wake up and sure enough, my mobile is ringing.
    4. lucid fragment

      by , 03-13-2011 at 04:58 AM
      My recall has been really terrible lately, likely due to being stressed out about school right now. I do remember a bit from my dream last night though.

      I'm in some house that I don't recognize. My friends are outside in the backyard, but for some reason I don't want them to know I'm there. I'm in the bathroom, and the bathtub is full. I don't want to let the water out through the drain because it will make noise that could potentially alert the others of my position. I pick up a bucket and start bailing the bath water out of the window. Then I realize that I have been soaking all the people outside. They are angry, and run inside to find me. I panic and run into a nearby room. I climb out of a window, onto some industrial scaffolding. I'm climbing around on this for a while and then I realize that I must be dreaming. I rub my hands on the metal of the scaffolding and tell myself over and over that I'm dreaming, trying to stabilize and retain lucidity.
      Then my boyfriend shifted positions in the bed, briefly waking me up. I didn't stay lucid when I fell back into the dream.
      Tags: bathtub, climbing
      lucid , dream fragment
    5. 15 Dec: Reptilians

      by , 12-19-2010 at 10:17 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      22:30 GMT

      Some revolution is going on but I have a hard time telling the good guys from the bad guys.

      2:00 GMT

      Tiny world inside the bathbub
      I’m in the bathroom and I see my cat’s head coming out of the drainage hole. I don’t have a clue how's that possible but I fear he might be trapped in there and I want to help. I break the tub and I put my hand through the hollow interior to get the cat. But instead of finding the cat, the interior of the tub walls have divisions and it is like a miniature house, with tiny figurines that come to life. I then become part of the action on this little world.

      Injured animals
      A cute puppy appears but he’s injured in his head and bleeding. I take care of him and as I clean the wounds, he becomes a man. He lays down to rest. We are now in my grandma’s kitchen. Then my dad is also present and he tells me he thinks he is not going to survive. But the bleeding seems to stop so I am hopeful. I then hear what seems like another injured animal screaming outside but all I see is some kids doing something. As I fear they might be hurting an animal I go screaming at them, saying I will call the police. Then I realise they were doing nothing wrong and there's no animal and they look at me like I’m some crazy lady.

      3:20 GMT

      Reptilians I
      I was accepted at some kind of college fraternity or secret society group. We are on what seems to be an improvised court of law. We’re wearing the college uniform. I and another girl are new to the group and we’re a bit lost with the whole ceremony. We have to repeat some kind of oath and the other girl is so nervous she messes up. They are a bit harsh on us, but we know it’s normal that first time we fail, because we never saw this text before.
      After the ceremony, the ones who are there for longer time go to a room upstairs to deliberate or something - they have a secret meeting we cannot attend. But I go upstairs to do something else and out of distraction I open the wrong door and enter their meeting. They are all in reptilian form and I realise this is their natural selves. Surprised by my presence, some of them try to quickly go back to their human shape, but it’s too late, I already know. I don’t feel scared though. I ask them why they let us in their group if we’re not like them. I wonder if they are my enemies but for some reason want to keep me close so they have an eye on me. But as we look at each other, waiting for one another to speak, a group of guys from another fraternity/group invades this house where we are, to kill me and the other girl. The reptilians protect us. I am totally confused. I run from them and I get trapped on a balcony. From there I see down below an interior patio surrounded by walls and a gate. This group just chased outside two guys from "my" group and hammered one in the head leaving him dead on the ground. The other is still being chased into the woods, beyond the gate. I remember I can fly, so I fly over them and I pick up the guy running, trying to lift him off the ground to save him. He is heavy, but I somehow manage to drag him along. We arrive at a train station and I have a car parked there. We enter the car and we escape.

      4:45 GMT

      Reptilians II
      I am back to same dream. I am trying to dig some answers. I try to find out why I am being both chased and protected. I meet a reporter who’s also researching these groups and what they’re up to. We meet at some public place. When she leaves I see the frat boys again in the crowd. Because we’re on a public place, I hope they won’t kill me there, but still they are closing me in and they attack me in the crowd. I threaten them by saying I’ve told everything I knew about the dead and missing college kids to the press. They don’t seem bothered at all. In the fight I get hurt and they seem to be pretty interested in one of my fingers. I look at it and the skin got off from the fight, exposing reptile skin under. Oh my god, I’m one of them! (Second time I dream I'm a reptilian)

      6:45 GMT
    6. 6 Sep: conference, college, failed sex fantasy and chasing thieves

      by , 09-07-2010 at 10:59 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      A shitty night. I was very tired but still I tried so hard to set my mind to the elevator task (task of the month). I did dream about elevators a lot, but unfortunately it wasn’t good enough to accomplish the task.

      0:20 GMT – Sleep

      Can’t recall any dream, just thoughts come to my mind, but I doubt they are related to what I was dreaming.

      3:30 GMT

      Participating at a conference
      Remember vaguely a train travel (recurrent), being in a palace-like house (another recurrent) and taking an elevator (could have been the elevator task of the month, don’t know).
      Then I remember a bit better being with my mom at some conference room. We arrived late and were going to sit on the floor on the aisle, as we couldn’t find any available seats, but someone just arranged us two seats, lateral, but close enough to the front. No idea what the conference was about, but there was some person speaking and it was something political.
      Then I also remember being with my mom at some snack-bar or small dinner (maybe cafeteria of this conference place) and the menu was all around pasta dishes. I had a big fattening pasta dish wish cream sauce and I still had to eat part of my mothers dish because she didn’t want to eat it all and I always feel bad about leaving food on the plate.

      6:40 GMT

      College residences
      I’m staying with colleagues at what seems to be a college residence. From the main hallway, there were stairs leading to some kind of inner courts – shared rooms for groups of students – then leading to individual rooms. These common rooms were quite colourful and artistic, leaving me the impression that some of these students were art or fashion students.
      We are all departing the next day to someplace all together. Some already departed today. I just realise that I was supposed to go with today’s group and I’m pissed that now I have to spend money changing my ticket for the next day.
      When going from one group common room to my own, I have to go to the floor upstairs and on my way I encounter this little baby from this couple that is staying on their own separate double room with direct access to the hallway. The baby is lovely but too small to be playing alone in the hallway, so I stop and play with him, waiting for his parents to appear. I tickle him and he laughs like crazy. Then his parents do appear but they don’t seem so happy with what I’m doing. I try to break the ice saying I was just looking over the baby so he was safe and offer to babysit him whenever they need – “just knock on my door.”.

      Not my sexual fantasy, sorry
      I’m on the shower with my boyfriend when some other couple I never saw in my life join us on the opposite side of the shower. Thank god the bathtub was long and we didn’t even need to be close. I felt a bit uncomfortable, but hey, it’s just a shower, everyone’s naked, no reason to feel so embarrassed. I’m just curious where they came from and why. But then they start having sex, more specifically, the guy starts doing oral sex on the girl.
      I am shocked. They didn’t even say a word to us but then feel free to do that in front of us? But my boyfriend is getting horny and wants to play along. I am doubly shocked! I mean, I’m not extremely puritan, but I can’t do certain things with people I never saw before, there needs to be some emotional connection. So I just grab a towel and leave. But when I open the bathroom door, it goes directly to the street. I don’t care. I am wet, barefoot and half-naked but I just want to go away from that dream and do something else. Then I’m walking the streets, semi-lucid, enjoying being half-naked in a fancy neighbourhood, and guys in jaguars pass by and look totally surprised at me.

      Chasing thieves
      I’m coming out of a supermarket with my mom, carrying a trolley full of groceries. The supermarket is on a upper floor of some building and the parking lot is underground or ground level and with the trolley we need to take the elevator to get there.
      We are approached by a begging couple who offers to carry the trolley in exchange for some coins. We are not very willing to do so, but we agree. Then they enter the elevator with the trolley and there’s not enough space for us all. They tell us to go next that they’ll be waiting for us, but it smells fishy to me. I immediately sense that it’s a scheme just to rob us. I tell my mother to stay there and I basically jump all those floors – maybe 10 – through the centre of the stairways. I manage to arrive at the door of the elevator when they have just come out of it. The problem is they have an accomplice waiting and one manages to stall me while the other runs with the trolley. But not for long. I kick his ass, capture the other guy and also kick his ass and recover my trolley. Then I go back to the elevator to go up. But strangely enough, now it is too small, only has space for myself (I guess the trolley is now bye-bye from this dream) and I can’t even move. Once again I feel claustrophobic, so I decide to close my eyes until it stops. But it starts moving slower, I feel upset with that and I wake up. (Another lost opportunity for the task of the month).

      8:15 GMT – Wake up

      Updated 09-07-2010 at 11:07 PM by 34880

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Preventing rape- 7-25-10

      by , 07-25-2010 at 02:02 PM (My Randomness)
      thank god this one turned out ok, that would suck to have a rape dream. anyway, im in this apartment, or hotel room, and im investigating a possible future rape. its all detective like, and im the detective. theres some sort of paper on a counter in front of me, and i see a knife on it, positioned just right to make some letters appear. i move the knife and i see the word "RAPE" among other letters. i then hear a walkie talkie say "hes in there, hurry!". i run into the next room and theres a blonde woman being held by a muscular bald guy, my subconscious is so stereotypical lol. this is where it gets strange. for some reason, to stop the bad guy from raping her, i have to throw around a plastic bottle of some sort of spice as hard as i could, and pretend it was the rapist. apparently it worked! the blonde woman thanked me, and we sat down on the floor. i then was looking at the bathroom, and we went over to examine the bathtub, which was weird. there was this space at the corner, to catch escaping water from the tub. before i saw the corner, she was like "where does the water go.....?" i looked, saw the corner, and said "it goes over the side...." wondering how she couldn't see it. then, her date came back from wherever he was, and i said something like "well, i'll leave and let you two get back to whatever you were doing...", implying sex. i think they were prom dates or something, and the dude had a hotel room. i went over to the other side of the room and grabbed my shoes, which were apparently off the entire time lol.

      Updated 07-26-2010 at 06:57 PM by 27356

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