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    1. Building a Department Store

      by , 09-28-2013 at 02:04 PM
      09-28-2013 -- Long one, but many of the details are too visual to describe. Starts with me from a great height, preparing to dive into a pool, but the pool keeps shifting and changing. As I get closer and closer, the pool is turning more into a sort of neighborhood being built, and I am looking down at a few streets and houses.

      As I get ever closer, I am being sent here to work security, and am wearing an Argenbright heavy jacket, but underneath it I have been told to wear street clothes, and warned this may not be a typical security job. Somehow I am looking at a sort of blue print or map, then looking at the site, itself, and I can see (highlighted with white light) the small sections so far that have been built, or are being built.

      I am kind of able to highlight new sections on the map to select them, point them at the right place (kind of like a jigsaw puzzle, the place where they fit in), and have them start to be built there. There are two other people here ... a fairly nice lady who seems to be in charge, and a less friendly one who is also finding new sections on the map to have built. I think she feels we're in competition, which is why she isn't too friendly.

      Anyway, at this point we're on the ground, in the dirt, surrounded by bricks and building supplies, earth movers, and big rigs. The woman in charge is pointing us to building various buildings, and doing color selections and the like, and it turns out that, unlike what it first looked like, all these places are not almost the same, but range from packed-tight one room suites to four and five bedroom full houses. She says I should make sure to do a good job on one of the one room suites, because she is going to give it to me while I work here, so I will always be on site.

      This just keeps making the other lady more angry, and she tries to work ever better and faster to show me up, somehow printing up the lettering to go on the maps, but they are huge, so we have these 20 to 30 inch tall letters, but they aren't printed on anything, they are just kind of floating there in the air, waiting to be placed on the map. This isn't too bad for the black letters, meant to go on a white background, but there are also reverse letters meant to go on a black background that aren't white, but just letter-shaped holes floating in midair. Very strange.

      At this point the construction site is changing, and instead of being a residential street, it is turning into what looks much more like a giant warehouse or manufacturing site, tall walls, a ceiling perhaps 25 or 30 feet overhead, warehouse racks. I have just helped run a phone line from where the lady in charge is to where we are working, and I am now being ordered by another woman (unfriendly) to run another phone line from the main office to the locker room.

      So I take the large spool of phone wire that I am handed, and head out looking for the locker room. The problem is, the locker room has not been built yet. There are no signs for it. I just have to wander around looking for areas that look like they might eventually become the locker room, and ask anybody in the area if that might be what they are building.

      While looking around for the right place, I stumble into Rosemary, one of my past landlords. She is looking for help on something, and I don't have what she is looking for, but then Shannon (who was another roommate, but one who didn't work, never paid any rent, and just helped out around the place a little) steps up and provides her with whatever it is. She starts making comments about how he is the only one doing anything around the place, and I am absolutely worthless. I blow up at her because just because I can't help with whatever specifically she was looking for, doesn't mean I am not doing important work.

      Meanwhile, I finally find where the locker room is supposed to be, and it is in a completely different area than where I dragged the phone line, so I go back to where I left it, and start wrapping it up around my hand and elbow, then start moving it over to the proper place. The problem is, I was handed a 150' phone line, and the distance from the office to the locker room is more like 200' if the phone line is run along the walls. The mean woman is back, and wanting to know why I haven't finished yet, and I explain about the distance, and needing more phone line. She seems upset with me, and tells me to just drop it, and go looking for "something" street or something like that, and to find and plant some pineapple trees or something like that.

      So I go looking for this particular street she mentioned, except that it isn't a street, but a department in the store, which is what the whole place is turning into ... a huge department store, probably the biggest in the world. and still with 30 or 40 foot ceilings. Much of it is still just ground being moved around, but then other areas we can see internal walls going up, and in yet other areas there are furnishings or racks of clothes or the like, so there are all stages of construction in different parts of the building.

      Meanwhile, the unfriendly woman is more and more quickly turning into Dolores Umbridge, which explains why she is so unpleasant. She is always walking around holding a baseball bat and slapping it in her palm, like she is just looking for a reason to hit people with it, and as she sends me off looking for these pineapple trees, she is telling me not to forget to take a bat of my own along, and indeed there are several packages of numerous redwood bats wrapped in plastic wrap.

      So I start looking for the 'street' where I am supposed to handle these pineapple trees, and am having no luck because again, nothing is labeled, and somehow I end up walking around on what might be the roof, about 40 feet in the air, walking along the roof beams and things. Mike Sullins is one of the construction workers below, and he is calling to me, so I step off the beam and plunge toward the ground, yet somehow I slow down just as I am about to hit, and touch down gently. I have no idea how I can do this, but others are doing the same thing.

      Mike points me in the right direction, and soon I find myself in one of the more complete areas, where they are setting up furniture displays, and I find two 'packs' of large, prickly seeds (which seem like slightly thinner full-size pineapples, themselves) to grow the pineapple trees wrapped in manilla envelopes. I know that these seeds are supposed to be loaded into a shotgun and shot into the ground, but the nice woman is here, and explains how she is not going to trust many of these crazies with a shot gun, so she never ordered it. Instead I am going to have to take a planter, pull most of the contents partly out, then kind of wriggle the huge seed through the tiny top of the vase-like planter, and somehow hook it in the proper place inside. I am mumbling about how it's all insane, but am not seriously bothered by it.

      So now I have the seeds themselves, and I have to continue looking around the various departments to try and find the right one, and find the two planters that do not yet have the first buds of pineapple trees starting to grow out of them, while all the while Umbridge is running around complaining about everybody.
    2. The Hickory Sniper and the Spy Job

      by , 09-26-2013 at 01:42 PM
      09-24-2013 -- I'm walking down Hickory toward Greenleaf, just passing the Goodwin house when somebody comes running, screaming, out of the house and into the street, which causes somebody who was driving down the street to swerve onto the lawn, causing me to have to dive out of the way to avoid being hit.

      This causes me to roll out of the way, and into the Goodwins' back yard, where I find the police are looking around, and I start to learn what is going on. A mad gunman has fired on some people, perhaps even killed some people, and they have him trapped here in the Goodwins' house, but he's hiding inside, and they don't know exactly where he is, and he could pop out at any time and shoot somebody, so they are being really cautious.

      I slowly make my way around the back yard and then the side yard, feeling like I am being watched the entire time, and like he has a gun trained on me ... very nerve-wracking. I eventually make it to the front yard, then start heading down the street toward Greenleaf again, but now I am going for help, though I don't really know where or what kind of help. A sports car pulls up and offers me a ride wherever I am going, and it is the guy who almost ran me over, and turns out to be a friend of mine.

      The guy is sort of a cross of Dave D, Sean S, and Phil L, a nice guy, but a little bit of a trouble-maker, and I am ribbing him about almost running me over, and he explains that the gunman shot at him and he was trying to avoid hitting the woman that ran into the street, and it is not his fault ... and I am never going to let him live this down, am I? And I tell him no, I'm not, but I am starting to climb into the car with him.

      That's when his older sister shows up. She is rather pushy and unfriendly (reminds me of Tina, the older sister of another of my childhood friends) and explains that he had no permission to borrow the car, and was already going to be in big trouble with his parents, but now that he's crashed it into the tree in the Goodwins' yard .... He goes off with her in the car, and I am forced back on my feet to try and find help. I am now right by the corner of Hickory and Greenleaf, and may be renting a bike to ride while looking for help.

      I am considering a particular model because it is being advertised by a Brian Keith-like curmudgeony sales person who is pushing that model, and I am soon walking it by the house with the hedges. I notice that a dog who has always been loud and unfriendly and kind of scary now seems to want to be friendly, and the neighbors are talking about the killer down the street, and I now find myself going home.

      Soon I am at the Hickory house, collecting mail at the front door, and as I walk inside, I find somebody who is an odd cross between my cousin Lyle, Horatio from CSI:Miami and James Spader, and he is proposing theories about the killer while running a long strip of film negatives through his hands. He seems to be developing the film, and drying the various chemicals off the strip.

      Mom doesn't buy his theories, and doesn't seem to trust him at all. She says he can't claim to have had knowledge about this months ago when it only happened in the last day or two. (Strangely, I haven't heard him say a word about knowing about this months ago, and it has only happened in the last few minutes, so I have no idea what she is talking about.)

      Soon the area is turning into a cross between a school (large school, high school or college, not a small grade school), and they are trying to recruit mom to do some kind of undercover investigation where she would be posing as a returning student, but she doesn't want to do it. I think she is afraid she'll find she likes it too much, and will really go back to school, and she doesn't want to do that.

      She finally agrees, and steps into the hospital / college / whatever it is, and starts having to dodge several young men with very Weasley-red hair and bearing, who are running around trying to find food that they can reheat for more and larger meals. Meanwhile, mom is dodging around doing her investigation, and I find the place is turning into more of a cross between the TAMS facility and Hewitt, and I am on the second floor in the offices trying to find an attractive young lady who I may have a thing for, and trying to stay out of trouble.
    3. Video Game Battle with Jeff

      by , 07-25-2013 at 02:03 AM
      07-23-2013 -- Find myself playing video games with a grown up Jeff (childhood friend.) His joystick seems kind of sluggish, so he is hooking up a different joystick to play with, but it doesn't seem to work. He is just about to detach it when the screen flashes and I tell it him try it again. It seems it took the system a few seconds to recognize the new joystick. So we're playing this video game that involves shooting at robots and space ships and such in a sort of a maze-like building, and it is a game that I have never played before, so Jeff is kind of teaching it to me. As I approach the space ship and start firing on it, drawing it's attention to me, he explains that you have to hit the spaceship on the sides or behind with ten shots to disable it. Now he tells me! My weapon is almost drained from all the shots I am firing worthlessly at it's forward shields, and it is starting to fire back at me, and I am almost instantly destroyed.

      We begin to play again, and this time I have a better idea what I am doing, but suddenly the game is gone, and this is now live. We are in a large room, perhaps 100 feet square, perhaps 100 meters, and maybe 30 or 40 feet tall. The space ship is in here with us, along with a lot of robots that are attacking us. This time I manage to get behind the space ship and fire on it, and I eventually manage to disable it, but I've almost drained my weapon, and am going to have to wait a while for it to recharge. Meanwhile I am being attacked by more and more robots, including ones with energy weapons, and one that advances on me, blowing large (perhaps about a foot in diameter) bubbles. If the bubbles hit me, they make me slippery. If they don't, they still land on the floor and pop, making it slippery. So whether he hits me or not, anywhere he has been becomes a dangerously slick surface.

      The bubble blower has managed to grab my wrist, and is holding me, so it is easier for the rest of the robots to reach me, but I manage to twist free, and run for it. There seem to be more and more robots pursuing me through the room, and there is no sign of Jeff, so I look around and find a doorway in the west wall, right near where it intersects with the north wall. I run through and find myself in another large room about the size of the last one, but this one, instead of being wide open, is like a maze, with no big alien space ship, but lots of the robots wandering around, chasing me. I keep going through several of these rooms (I can only remember 4 or 5, but it feels like a dozen or so) generally alternating between a single large space and mazes, until I finally come into another room that looks almost identical to the first, including a large space ship in it. But everything is still.

      I make my way south in the room and find a door like the one I entered my room through, and open it to find myself looking out at a classroom of late teens or adults (late high school or perhaps college students) and I am embarrassed about interrupting their class, so I hurredly shut the door, but might have just spotted Jeff sitting at the teacher's desk. As I start back through the room, I find the space ship and robots are now beginning to move, and I figure I have triggered them by opening the outer door. I realize Jeff may soon be bringing an entire room full of people after me, and also that, by solving the maze all the way through, I may have also provided that solution for the others. And I don't know if it will be all of us against the machines, or also against each other. I decide the safest thing to do is return to the room where I started, and already defeated the space ship, so I move to the top right corner and the door to the next room, and find myself looking at a straight run through all the rooms, with no maze passages. No idea where they went, but it makes it quick and easy to return to my starting space.

      The area is a little calmer now. The space ship is still disabled, and most of the robots that were attacking me are now scattered throughout the entire maze. I fight a few more robots, including bubble blowers, and by now my weapon is recharged. Soon there are some others running around, and though they don't attack me, they do seem to be on a different team, so I figure they are probably Jeff's students. I find them moving a small, disabled vehicle (think the fast sleds that dropped off the rocket launching guys in the X-Men video game) out of the doorway to the next room, seemingly in preparation to seal the door, and I don't want to be trapped in here, so I rush for the exit to try and push my way through before they seal it off.

      Meanwhile, I notice most of the others are wearing more and better equipment than I am, and wonder if they have earned it over the course of many skirmishes, or if they scavenged it during this game, and find myself thinking I should have broken into the space ship once I disabled it, and seen if there was any equipment within that I could have used. Oh well ... I'm still learning this. Most of the robots have now been destroyed, though some of the guys are still busy feeling up the chests of some of the female robots, while the ladies look on in disgust. There are some burgers available that seem quite thick, but not all that large around, but they take forever to eat, and are really, really filling.

      Scattered throughout the maze are models of scientific principles, including the occasional tongue-in-cheek version. Instead of the five balls hanging from strings they have a full-size model of the cartoon floating around the internet with the five kids sitting on the swingset and the teacher standing to the side pulling one to the side, about to show conservation of motion or whatever the principle is. Somebody notices that I am not one of them, and asks me what I am doing here, and I am explaining my friend Jeff and the game, and they are also wondering if it is their professor.

      One of the guys, who seems to have a bit of history, and a really good record (and a bit of an ego as well) is building a burger and is demanding to know where the mayo and the tomatoes are. He may be half-blind, because the mayo is right in front of him, but I think we're already completely out of tomatoes. Too bad, Mr. Attitude Guy!
    4. Dream Bits: Rabbit/Chickens Take Over the World and Balloons and Car Accidents

      by , 07-20-2013 at 02:22 AM
      07-17-2013 -- Short but fun. I seem to be kind of hanging out at Robbie's house as a late teen, while there are a lot of wild little kids running around yelling and screaming, and somehow doing weird science stuff. One of them has somehow created a creature that is half-chicken and half-rabbit. It is really cute, but almost instantly reproduces, so there are more and more of the critters running around by the second.

      Robbie's younger sister (he doesn't have a younger sister AFAIK, but it wasn't Tina, his older sister) is keeping an eye on them. She is a sweet young woman, and kind of attractive. She is dressed in very loose shorts and a tank top and has her legs spread as she sits on the car hood in the garage, and I suddenly realise I can see her bush and her pussy lips. Nice view. But she's had enough of the craziness, so somehow vanishes all the chickens before she stalks off.

      There's now an older woman wandering through, trying to calm down the kids, and I find myself petting Black Lightning, my cat, even though she died almost a decade ago. I am thinking of leaving when I find a bee and a wasp flying around me, and before I can get away, each one stings me in one of my feet. Don't have to worry about it on the wasp, but I am trying to get a grip on the bee stinger to try and remove it.


      07-16-2013 -- I am standing on the corner of La Palma and Stanton when BM drives by in her new mobile home. Unfortunately she is not paying enough attention and lets somebody run into her, crunching part of her vehicle. Meanwhile, I have stopped by to see her, but she doesn't want to see me, and tells me she doesn't need me to do balloons anymore. There is a bit of a stuck up punk here that is challenging her to a contest to blow up a Mickey Mouse balloon, and when she pops it while trying to squeeze air into one of the ears he laughs at her, even though he did the same thing at the same point.

      After that, he tells her he has a balloon gig for her in an hour, if she is sure she can be ready on time, and she agrees, even though she has to go home, put on hr clown face and costume, and make it to the location of the gig in such a short time. So she is off at high speed, and more accidents are happening as she drives off, though I manage to avoid being in any of them.
    5. The Color War and the Adventurers Club Reunion

      by , 07-20-2013 at 02:19 AM
      07-18-2013 -- A hint of superheroes but nothing I can remember. I soon find myself in a half-life half-computer-game war of colors. We are on a large hexagonal 'circle' surrounding a sort of hexagonal mountain. Each hexagon forming the circle is kind of large, perhaps 40 or 50 meters per side. I'd say we started at about 8:00 and moved counter-clockwise.

      There were six color choices, and a large, slightly pixilated 'paintbrush' that seemed to be in different shapes for different colors, and you half reached for it and half grabbed it with your mind, moving it around the landscape to sort of 'paint' the ground and claim it. I am not sure what color I started with, but I changed colors a couple of times in the first few seconds as I ran like a mad-man painting my colors in every direction.

      There were a bunch of other kids/teen playing, grabbing other colors and spraying them, though some moved faster than others. I think I settled on purple fairly early on, and with some others went sprinting counter-clockwise. By the time we reached around 4:00 there were two or three of the colors battling it out for the area, and the ones slower to catch on, still around the 8:00 or 7:00 position realized they were never going to catch up with us in that direction, and figured they better start painting and claiming ground going clockwise.

      Since we had a lead, we matched up with some of the other colors around the 12:00 position, and as both sets of groups rushed at each other I sprinted to the meeting point to claim to be the first one to have made it 'round the world.' It made more sense within the dream logic. Somehow though I had been purple throughout the entire thing so far, by the time I came against blue at 12:00, I seem to have changed to green and to have been green the entire time.

      Purple turned out to be lead by Pricilla Mooseburger in a very professional purple clown costume. Being as I was not on her team, I think that is why I was suddenly green (though with purple leanings.) [Didn't realize it until now, but the purple/green conflict might have been caused by a Drazi episode of Babylon 5.] Graham seems to be 'leading' the green group (though not as Hathaway, which might have made sense) and he is reminiscing with some of us about the Adventurers Club and how we all miss it, and talking about some upcoming event where we'll all get together to do a 5 year celebration or something, with some of the other regulars around.

      I find myself talking to Joe Simon about old Disneyland shows, and a time I bought a drink at the Disneyland Hotel (which the event I was recalling was actually from some other dream in a pub in England) and he is trying to relate it to a non-alcoholic drink, but I say no, it was something alcoholic. Reminds me of one of my friends who could never remember whether it was the yakoose juice or the kungaloosh that was alcoholic.

      Meanwhile Graham is handing out large strings of Mardi Gras beads (where the individual beads are about 4" diamond shapes) usually in the color of the person's team, but somehow he can't decide if I am purple or green, so he gives me both, which somehow goes well with my scarf, even if it is purple and blue. Soon we are taking pictures near a parade float which is actually a three level ice skating rink which Priscilla is skating on, and it is some sort of publicity photo, as we have been a part of a fund raising program for some sort of orphan charity or something.

      We're told to hug up on one another and I end up with Abby (NCIS) in my arms for a kiss, though soon she is a different woman, and then a third, Chris Townley, who I knew from school. The woman keeps shifting. It's like there is really some chemistry between Abby and I, but I don't know if I have the nerve to say anything to see if it can become something. Meanwhile, Priscilla seems to have a bit of an attitude with me (all in fun, I think) and is asking us if the next time we can avoid looking like a brother and sister kissing.

      After the photo taking, we're moving back to the parade-float ice rink, which has now turned into a small purple stage with signs on it warning people to stay out from under it, and Priscilla is about to do a magic show (which is why she doesn't want people under the stage getting into her props) and I decide to grab a seat in the front row, planning to heckle her in return for her photo comments. (I know how you did that one ... I'm not going to tell, but I know ... that one, too ....)
    6. Guns and Paranoia, a Huge Earthquake, and Janet doing Preston's in Europe

      by , 06-17-2013 at 05:49 AM
      06-16-2013 -- [Most dreams have been skimpy and unmemorable recently, so I haven't been bothering with them as much. We'll see how entering them in goes, now.] I find myself at the Hickory house, where, oddly, Rosemary is trying to pressure me to move out. It's late at night, and I am in my second bedroom, trying to play some sort of computer game or something. Hints of adventure games and roller coaster tycoon, but no details. Rosemary is turning into mom, but still kind of half pressuring me to move.

      Mom wants me out, but she also wants me safe, and starts lecturing me about why I am not carrying around my gun at all times. She is actually putting up a sort of chain link/barbed wire fence separating the living room from the rest of the house, so that if people break in through the sliding glass door, they can't move on to the rest of the house as easily. She's getting rather paranoid.

      Meanwhile, I am looking for the gun I can seem to remember from another dream halfway recently ... one where I had something along the lines of a revolver that I seemed to be shooting at fireworks or something. (I think this was an honest dream I had somewhere in the last year or two, but have no idea if it ever got written down.) To keep it safe, I had it separated into several pieces, and I am now gathering those pieces and trying to put it back together, but the first two or three times, I get it wrong and end up with things like the sight under the barrel, rather than on top. I do manage to eventually get it put together correctly, though, and soon have the shot gun put back together, as well. I gather up my ammo and start loading both guns. Both use the same ammo, something that I think was on Carolyn's advice.

      The tough guy sitting together putting other guns together and planning strategies for possible fights is either Dave D. Or Nick W., I'm not sure which. I walk out into the front yard, preparing to test fire the guns to be sure they work well and I can still remember how to shoot, but I find myself wondering what to shoot at to try and avoid getting in any trouble. I figure out a safe shot shooting a tree across the street or something, but I may have done something wrong because the bullets are moving really slowly out of the gun, and bounce off the tree, coming back at me. I catch the bullets and figure the guns may still need some more work.

      I end up trying to stay in a room kind of connected to the garage for a bit, as a way to get out of mom's hair, yet still be at the house I grew up in, but it is dirty, and has bugs or critters in it, and there is a really beat up kitten with badly matted fur and lots of scabs that I decide I don't want to be around, as well as a really strange girl who seems kind of prone to violence, so I give up and head back inside.

      I'm about to talk to mom, when the place starts shaking really badly, and I quickly realize there is an earthquake happening. It is a major one, and seems to go on for at least five minutes, and it is really bad. The house is breaking up around me, and starting to sink into the ground, as massive cracks start splitting the floor. I decide to head to the front door, and as things continue, into the front yard, trying to get out in the street, and away from collapsing trees, as the entire house seems to be collapsing out of sight. I look a couple of doors down, where Don D. is also out in the street. And even though we're standing here on Hickory, we're both kind of shocked at the earthquake. We would expect it in California, but here in Florida, it was unexpected. [The Hickory house and the neighbor were both in California, no matter what this dream thinks.]


      06-16-2013 -- Earlier bits that are entirely sketchy ... driving somewhere with Carl, getting the mail at the Hickory house, and then watching the washing machine in the garage (oddly a front-loader, which we never had at that location) as it starts to flood, since the door is open, yet strangely doesn't. Then I step out of the garage ....

      And find myself in a European hotel somewhere that bears a striking resemblance to Sargent Preston's. Somehow, Janet is about to perform as Klondike Kate in this knock-off of the original club, and though none of the other performers are working here, the replacements have been trained up well enough that the whole thing has the proper feel.

      The manager of the place is wandering around selling desserts that are actually pretty decent clones of what they had at the original Preston's, but not exact. (Preston's never actually sold the kinds of cakes I was dreaming of.) Dale tries exactly one bite, but won't eat any more because they are made with alcohol. As the show is just about to begin, I am thinking of video taping it, but decide not to.

      A few seconds later, when the show has started and Janet is singing "Hey Big Spender," it sounds exactly like her singing it in real life, and the band is doing a perfect job with it, as well. I am singing along in perfect time under my breath, and dancing back and forth slightly to get the best views as I suddenly am video taping, regardless of what I decided a few seconds ago. And through all this, Janet has not noticed me there, yet, and I'm waiting for her to spot me.
    7. Harry Potter and the Evil Spirit / Time Travel with Steve Hite

      by , 06-07-2013 at 05:23 PM
      06-03-2013 -- [Guessing on the date. Was somewhere between 05-30 and 06-05. For once, didn't write the date down.] I am Harry Potter, and I am facing off against some sort of evil spirit. I was trusting Dumbledore to take care of it, but he wasn't firm enough, tried to forgive it and rehabilitate it, and ended up getting himself possessed by it, so now I find myself having to take care of it. Hermione is with me, but has no power against this thing. Thankfully, Cedric is also with us, and he and I both have enough power to try and stand against it, and the two of us join our wills ad magic together and manage to force the black shadow out of the area.

      Soon we find ourselves looking around the small town that we seem to be in, and are getting to know the town and it's people. We are approached by a very military-looking young man who has just wandered into town, and amazingly enough, I find I recognize him. It is Steve Hite, looking younger than the first time I ever met him (when I was a kid, about 6 or 7, he was probably about 25, but now I am in my 40s, and I find myself meeting him when he looks about 19 or 20.)

      We're putting together some sort of town newspaper, and as I tell the people I am working with that Steve is going to be very helpful in helping to train and raise up the kids in the town, they ask me how I know. I can't explain in depth, because I don't know, myself, but I explain there is some kind of time travel thing going on, and that he helped raise me when I was a little kid. They accept that, and tell me that, though each of us has our own story to work on, when we see a reason, we can add information from the other people's stories at the last minute, so lots of helpful stuff about Steve goes into the paper in everybody's stories, and he ends up being made the fire chief of the town.

      Meanwhile, there is some small foreign kid who doesn't know how to eat the way we do, and everybody is freaking out about it, so I am trying to get him to come over to me so I can teach him how we eat around here, but as I keep trying to call him over, he eventually turns into a dog, and nobody expects a dog to have good table manners, anyway. Weird little extra bit.

      Soon we're standing in front of a store with a roll-down chain front (kind of like the rolldown doors the stores have in shopping malls). We've been given some orders by a corrupt politician (kind of Fudge from the Ministry of Magic) to do something inside, and as we head in, we have to descend a small cliff. The guy with me decides to kind of MacGuyver a rickety zip line, and starts down the slope. I just grab the actual, real zip line just a few feet away, and zip down much faster than him. His, however, takes him exactly where he wants it to, while mine is only into the general area.

      Meanwhile, while we are gathering the boxes and things that we are supposed to find, I find myself wondering if I am likely to find the pre-Hite Debbie Hite in this town, as well. In the dream, I know her actual maiden name, but can't remember it, awake. I also have no idea whether or not the dream name was accurate.
    8. Alvin Maker Vs King George and Sailing a Theme Park River

      by , 06-07-2013 at 04:27 PM
      05-31-2013 -- [Earlier bits, good stuff with some chases and some signs of dream powers, but nothing I can remember in detail. Then the parts that I can remember, which I enjoyed quite a bit, and which ties in to many other dreams I have had.]

      At breakfast, and am refusing some sort of hard, nutty Grapenuts-type cereal because I am trying to learn to make some sort of incredibly decadent breakfast food made of eggs, milk, and obscene amounts of butter. It seems to be some extremely overdone cross between an omelet and french toast. Reading a sort of picture book, and I think it is one of the Alvin Maker books. But it is oddly like the start of Disney's animated Sleeping Beauty in that I turn the page, look at the picture, and it comes to life before me and plays out for me.

      Story seems to take place in Colonial times, and somehow Alvin has pissed off King George, and is being banished from both England and the Colonies, but I have missed how, and so am turning back a couple of pages to try and find out what happened (sort of time travel by page turning.) It never comes all that clear, but it more or less boils down to Alvin couldn't help but make a rude comment after King George said something extremely stupid, and in a fit of anger, was banished.

      Things are turning live, and we've been banished and are about to board a ship bound for somewhere in Europe where we can try to make a new start, but all the ship's crew is making threats and giving us insults, mad that we dared to say anything negative to King George, and we're starting to get annoyed. There are three or four of us at this point. I think Alvin, two of his brothers (I am one of these) and little Arthur Stuart. The ship's captain is coming on to my two older brothers, but not me (because in the dream I am my real fat, somewhat ugly self), and though at first he is polite about it, he is getting more rude and pushy all the time.

      So as we're getting annoyed, the older brother sneaks off the ship and grabs a small wooden rowboat and brings it back aboard. He is sneaking up behind the captain, as he is pressuring Alvin to give in to his advances, and a cross between a young cabin boy and Arthur Stuart is trying to warn the captain, but he is too involved in his wooing, so the older brother just sneaks up behind him, knocks him on the head with the rowboat, and knocks him out. We set him adrift in the same rowboat we hit him with, and steal his ship, starting a sort of pirate motif.

      I raise the sails, but don't know how to properly tie them off, so have to settle for wrapping the rope around the metal thingy several times, and hope it will be good enough, and we sail off into the sunset. But as we sail, things change. What was a huge ship on a huge ocean is turning into a ever-shrinking ship on a ever-shrinking river, and is soon turning into a cross between Knott's Berry Farm and Eisenhower Park, a sort of river that I have frequently dreamed about. The ship probably started out looking like the Columbia (big sailing ship at Disneyland), but has now shrunk to look much the same (but with Jolly Roger sails) but about twice the size of Mike Fink's Gullywhumper (a much smaller ship at Disney).

      We're now on a river encircling an island, but the island is largely square. Alvin and Arthur have kind of faded away, Dave D. (I think) is now with me, and we've also got a woman with us. We have two ships, the 'big' one (which isn't so big anymore) and a smaller one that is kind of a cross between a canoe and a rowboat which Dave and the woman have been fishing in. Eventually, the woman goes off fishing by herself, and Dave and I are now on the pirate ship.

      Things are changing, and we are now on this river in an amusement park, but they've closed down this entire section of the park, and eventually plan to remove it. We've stolen the boat to go sailing and playing around the area we used to play around as kids, once more before they tear it all out. So we're on the 'back' side of the river, to the south, and are sailing through rapids-like waters, through narrow paths, over small waterfalls, and occasionally through some very sharp rocks that I am afraid may tear out the bottom of the boat, but thankfully, that never happens.

      We come to the east side of the river, and the water levels are getting lower, the river is becoming a narrow stream, and on the island I can see the wooden remains of a large lift hill (or perhaps a drop, who can tell, with the poor condition it is in) of a huge logride they were once trying to build, but which was abandoned long ago. We continue around, counter-clockwise to the north side, and the water is lower, still. The stream is breaking up into several small channels, lower and narrower than they used to be.

      Soon we're on the west side again, where we originally stole the ship, but what was a virtual ocean is now narrow paths of water that we can barely fit the ship in, at all. Then we're on the south side and back to the east side again, and this time around, I am more interested in the partly-built log ride, and am trying to get a closer look at it, but as it shrinks, the water of the river is getting ever-further away from it. By the point we're back to the north side, we're going through larger and larger sections where there is no water left at all, but the ship keeps moving all right, so I am beginning to wonder if it has wheels on the bottom of it.

      Soon I think I have taken a slightly wrong turn, because by the time I am on the west side again, I seem to be almost in a sort of cave passage, and there is no water at all. I glance to my right through a gap in the cave wall and find myself looking up about ten feet to the actual river bed. Yeah, I got in a wrong channel, and am now in a narrow cave passage on the edge of the island, itself. I find an opening where I can cross back into the river, and the boat somehow manages the slight slope back up. It seems there were several passages that were lower than the level of the river, itself, that criss-crossed the island. Guests never saw them because the water level was too high, but they allowed park workers access to the stalagtited caverns the log ride would have partly ridden through.

      At this point for a little while, Dave and I were on different ships, and we came close to crashing in to each other a couple of times as we started to explore these tunnels under the island. I miss the water, and seeing large, black pipes that are part of the emergency sprinkler system, I find myself wishing one of them would break, and start providing us with more water. I guess my wishes are powerful, because suddenly several do, and huge streams of water are now falling from the 'sky' (we're under an island, remember). I try to get closer to the lift hill to look at it, but the repair workers who are suddenly appearing to fix the sprinkler system are too close, so I have to veer away.

      By this time we're swinging around from the east side to the north side again, and it now once again has the appearance of a huge, placid river (or even ocean), so those broken pipes really filled things up quickly! Problem is, security is now after us, as well, and they are catching up quickly. There are a couple of big, tough guys, but they are being led by a very attractive blond lady. We hear workers telling her they found small wheel tracks that indicated somebody ran into the sprinkler pipes, and they are placing the blame on us. I would swear that we came nowhere near hitting the pipes, but they don't believe us. Somehow I talk the beautiful lady into coming out on the ship's figurehead with me, and it actually is a wooden recreation of Elliot the dragon's (Pete's Dragon) neck and head. I show her it, as the tallest point of the ship, never could have reached the pipe, and am trying to come on to her at the same time.

      Very pleasant dream. Lots of fun.
    9. Monsters, Silverware, and Kevin Plays Trombone at Preston's in Europe

      by , 01-23-2013 at 11:51 PM
      01-22-2013 -- I find myself standing in the side yard at the Hickory house, between the garage and the neighbor's garage at the Conrad place. Somehow there is a very sort of haunted house kind of feel, with monsters running around the side yard and the Conrads' house, and I am trying to save people. There are hideous creature-style monsters, and a Michael Myers-style serial killer both to contend with, while I run back and forth, trying to keep myself well and help others. It is very long, and involved, with lots of chasing and the like, but the details don't come through, so it seems like a much shorter bit when written down. Maybe slight hints of a tie-in to the spooky park scenario in roller coaster tycoon which I was playing a day or two ago.

      So soon I walk into the Hickory house through the side garage door, and I am feeling kind of hungry, so I am thinking about preparing some food, but instead I just walk into my second bedroom, thinking about relaxing. Hard to do, though, as the room is an absolute mess. The desk is covered with dozens and dozens of pieces of silverware that have been sitting around for weeks, encrusted in dust and old, dried food. I start gathering maybe fifteen pieces at a time, and carrying them to the kitchen sink to soak.

      Oddly, though my second bedroom has a door opening right on to the kitchen, in this dream it is never used, and every time I exit the bedroom and walk to the kitchen, it is through the other door, walking through the living room and dining room each and every time. When I reach the kitchen and try to add the silverware to the sink, it is so full that it causes the water to start to overflow, so I quickly remove the drain plug so some of the water can drain out.

      Somehow at the same time I am gathering more of the silverware to take to the sink, there are also silver push pins holding letters on to a sewing project sitting on the love seat, and I seem to be removing the pins, and some of them are falling on the carpet, where I am afraid I will step on them and hurt my feet. But I continue to remove the silverware from my room in large handfuls.

      Meanwhile, there is a young couple sitting in the living room making some sort of comments about there not being enough silverware in the house, and as I am placing ever more of it to soak in the sink, and going back for more, I am hinting they might want to try and wash some of it. I wander back to my room. The desk is finally silverware-free, but I find I am still finding more and more silverware on the floor in old, empty frozen food containers lying around the floor, and I keep gathering it up.

      But soon I find myself out driving somewhere in Europe. It might be England, but it might not be. There is a sort of speed bump that has been laid in the road, but instead of stretching horizontally across the road, it is running vertically, maybe a foot from the curb, and it seems to be causing all kinds of drivers problems, as they keep getting too close and running up on it. It isn't causing me all that much trouble, though. I just stay a little further to the left in the lane, and I'm fine.

      There are some police here that seem to be writing tickets for some people, and just helping others out, and I ask why they seem to be having so much trouble with this. The cop explains the speed bump is very new, and people just aren't used to it, yet. He tells me that I really ought to speak to the people at Prudential Insurance about it, and point me at a building. They tell me the company is located on the 8th floor, but the building only looks like it is four floors tall.

      I walk inside, and find the building has four floors above ground, and maybe 16 or so underground, and so the floor labeled as 8 is actually something like 12 floors underground or something. I'm trying to work out the math in my head, but we forget to press any of the buttons, and end up on what is probably the wrong floor, perhaps either seven or nine. My friend (who is turning into Kevin B.) thinks we have the right floor, and I am almost sure we don't, but I walk off to check.

      Nope. Different company, entirely. We have to go one more floor. Kevin was supposed to hold the elevator, but he stepped off it, so actually we now need to wait for it again, so we can get the final floor we need. Soon it comes, and we step back on and push the button.

      So the elevator opens again, and I find myself walking into a sort of lounge or bar, and I find that the Claim Jumpers Band from Preston's is about to play. Trapper John is trading some quips with people, and as is often the case, he seems to be kind of negative about it. Somehow he ends up quipping with Kevin B. who is with me, and he ends up annoying Kevin, who bends down and opens up a case, and pulls out his trombone. He is annoyed enough that he is going to play along with the band, hoping to annoy John.

      Meanwhile, the Preston's band just finished playing one of the introductory bits that the Good Time Band at Rosie's actually used to play, and a slightly hippie-looking guy is walking away from John, who announces "we have a request to play a song that goes kind of like bum, bum bum, bum bum, bum bum. Hey, we know a song that kind of starts bum, bum bum, bum bum, bum bum!" And they launch into Old Time Rock and Roll. Kevin hears the first few notes, recognizes the song, and promptly fits an odd sort of attachment onto his trombone that lets it power a set of bag pipes, and starts to play along. Very strange.

      There's somebody passing around some advertising flyers, and they are annoying me, so I just crumple mine up to toss it away, but it makes a huge amount of noise, drawing attention to me. Meanwhile, Kevin has stopped playing, and is just sort of wandering around, kind of distracted. But when I ask him, he says he is fine. Meanwhile, I find myself remembering a Victor story that I got a good five or six chapters into (in another dream, I think), and wondering why I haven't found the time and energy to finish writing it yet. About this time, I wake up.
    10. The Boring Log Ride and the Sweet and Sour Sauce

      by , 01-13-2013 at 01:35 PM
      01-13-2013 -- [Any earlier bits are long gone.] I find myself waiting in a ride line at Disney. It is a very long queue and lots of people in line. Occasionally the line has fallen behind because somebody hasn't moved when the line does, and suddenly we find ourselves moving fairly large distances in the line, and sometimes passing people in the other line unexpectedly.

      Eventually get to the front of the line, and it seems to have been the line for a roller coaster. The person seating people seems to be Shawn Spencer (Psych), and he is just about to get off work, and is upset they are forcing him to seat a few more people before they let him get off. But finally he is let off, right after he seats me in the front car, and he climbs into the seat behind me.

      The ride almost immediately turns into a log ride, though it is a very simple (and not very great) one, since there is one tall ramp, followed immediately by the big drop and the end of the ride. Since Shawn is right behind me, unhappy, and seems to be trying to prank me or something, I am actually kind of turned around in the log, keeping an eye on him, instead of the ride, itself. When we are just about to drop down the ramp on the other side, I turn around fast, but because of the motion, I look really strange in the on-ride picture (which is projected while we are still on the ride.)

      The splash-down is fairly large, and I get nicely soaked, and soon we exit the ride. We seem to exit about where we would from the Matterhorn at Disneyland, and it seems we are at Disneyland, since there is a parade going right by us. We're trying to figure where to go next. The easy path to Main Street and the exit is blocked by the parade. There is a close parade crossing that we could use to head over to the Frontierland area, but it would be a long walk. Or we could head the other way and move on to Tomorrowland. Shawn is even thinking of leading me backstage, but we know that could cause trouble.

      About this time, we run into Michael Murphy, whom I haven't seen (in dream or real life) in many, many years. We're just chatting for a few minutes, when he suddenly remembers something, and hauls out a sort of soda bottle, and tells me something like "It works. It still works." He explains that he fills the bottle daily with some red liquid that is not the soda I thought it was. Instead, it is some kind of gunk that he has kept in the freezer that I gave him many years ago.

      It is something like the mushroom stuff that Pat had given me, that is supposed to continue growing, and be really, really healthy for you. I gave it to him, and he never believed it would work, but eventually it did, and for years since, he has taken some of it every day in the soda bottle and drank it during the course of the day. I ask him what it does for him, and it turns out he has no idea. But it is something Chinese, and he figures he can ask for information at a Chinese food cart right next to us.

      It tastes slightly weird and quite sweet, and looks kind of like a sweet and sour sauce. He asks the Chinese lady at the food cart if she knows what it is, and what kind of health benefits it might have, but she only seems to be annoyed with him, and doesn't want to talk to him. Instead she tries to wander off. We try to follow, but she goes up a ladder and through a hatch, and as we are considering following, the hatch is becoming harder and harder to open, and the ladder is becoming less and less stable.

      It has turned into the entrance into some sort of strange business involving buying and selling things. By this point, Geoffrey from Waiting For God is here, and is kind of in charge of the business. There are six people who each have a portion of the business. One has 3 clients, another has 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 for the last one. Each client is represented by a coin or some other small token, and a different type of token for each person.

      For some reason, though they are in charge of their clients, they are all being told to give me their tokens, so I will get the money and credit for all their work. They aren't pleased with this, of course. I am neither pleased nor displeased, but I can remember the last time I had to do all the work for all the clients, and got no credit, so this does seem to be balancing things out. Very strange.

      Suddenly I find myself driving in a familiar area, perhaps on Harbor in Garden Grove. It is an area I have driven a lot in dreams, but I don't think it really is a place from real life. I think I have just gone over an overpass hill, and am now coming up to a light where I will make a left turn and head north to drive a couple of miles and reach Disneyland again.
    11. Disneyland Paris, People Peeing, and Constant Dream Issues

      by , 01-06-2013 at 07:57 AM
      01-04-2013 -- [This one contained a bit of everything, failed dream checks, eventually becoming lucid, the switch from writing my dreams on envelopes to using a fully proper dream journal again for the first time in years (bought two weeks ago), remembering several other recent dreams in the dream ... all kinds of great things.]

      Out somewhere with Dale, seems to be a shopping mall. People are gathering around in the area, and taking seats in much the same area we are. It seems some sort of show or presentation is about to take place. Some people start talking to us, but whatever we're waiting for never seems to actually happen. There is one lady here who seems to be an interpreter for the deaf, who is talking in sign language, and Dale is replying the same way. Odd.

      Her pants are half-undone, and her underwear is peaking out, yet oddly she seems to be wearing sweats. This is the first point where I start wondering if this might be a dream. The thing ends, and Dale disappears. I'm wondering where he might have gone to. I walk a little bit south, and end up taking a seat on a curb, waiting for Dale to turn up again. Instead, Dave D, a childhood friend, wanders up, recognizes me, and starts a conversation.

      We talk for a while, and he eventually morphs into a high school friend, Chris V. I am getting kind of hungry, and want something to snack on, so I reach into my pocket and bring out a small brown sack. It turns out this contains the jawbreakers I bought a couple of days ago in this dream. They aren't very good, have kind of part dissolved, and are rather sticky. Yuck. Won't make jawbreakers there again!

      Chris is drinking a beer, and I continue to talk to him. He reaches the point of having to go to the bathroom, but for some reason he doesn't want to get up, so he just kind of hauls it out and starts peeing on the ground and himself, still chatting away like nothing is happening. As it starts to spread, I grab my backpack and put it on my shoulder to keep it, and my new dream journal, dry. After he is done, he stands up and walks away without a word. Very strange.

      His pool of pee is still spreading, so I step off the curb and start to walk across the street. I pass some people carrying a bag with the Carl's Jr logo on it, and wonder if I am back in California? On the other side of the street, there is a kind of courtyard, so I take a seat on a bench that is maybe 30 or 35 feet in from the street. I am far enough back that I am afraid nobody will find me.

      But just a minute or two later, Dale walks right up to me, and we start walking and talking, back to the area where the dream first started. I tell him this weird situation I just ran into with Dave ... erm ... I mean Chris. Wait a minute.... As I realize Dave turned into a Chris, I really ask myself if I am dreaming, and try to push a couple of my fingers through my palm. Nothing happens. So I guess I am not dreaming.

      Dale and I are in Disneyland Paris, and I ask him where we are going now. "Don't say Fantasyland, please ... from here, that's the furthest place in the whole park!" His reply is that he thinks the furthest place in the park from here is actually Splash Mountain, which is the other direction. I don't argue with him, but I know a short-cut to Splash, which begins right about where we are. But it seems we are walking to Fantasyland.

      We reach the new Orleans Square type of area (which actually doesn't exist in Disneyland Paris) and find ourselves standing outside the Phantom Manor. The line is quite long, stretching outside the queue, so we probably won't go on that. Somehow we find ourselves listening to an argument involving different cast members and guests about homosexuality, and I'm not getting involved with the conversation, but can't help but think it is not something to argue about in the middle of a theme park.

      Dale has disappeared again. I glance at the line, and he isn't there. I glance in the direction we were walking, and he is nowhere in front of me. I have no idea where he has gotten to. I continue walking, hoping to find him, and pull out my cell phone to give him a call, but my cell phone keeps cutting out. Just then I get a call, but it isn't from him. It is from a performer at the Adventurers Club that was trying to warn me off her in a previous dream [might have been in this dream, though I didn't remember the warning off bit when I was typing up the dream]. We're arguing about how strong a weak a person she is, but again the call keeps breaking up, so the conversation can't really get anywhere.

      By this point, I am now deep into Fantasyland, near the very end of the park. There has still been no sign of Dale, but I am trying to push both my cell phone and its charger back in my pockets, when I find the wires running from my pocket to another guy's hands. He was trying to pick my pocket and got caught. He tries to act nonchalant, but really, how caught in the act can you get?

      As I continue walking, a couple of other people are trying to steal things from me, and I am starting to get worried. I remember reading about how bad the pickpockets are in some tourist areas in Europe, and moment by moment I am carrying more and more stuff, which would make me easier and easier to steal from. I think I now have a video game system in my hands, as well, or maybe a microwave. Very bulky.

      I've now managed to wander right out of the theme park, into a residential street, and since there were no limiting gates or turnstiles, I am hoping it is a residential area for cast members. But whatever it is, I obviously don't belong here. I turn around and start back for the archway that I just walked through to exit the park. But there are now several punks trying to steer me off the path, and away from the gate, to somewhere they can mug me for my stuff, since pickpocketing hasn't succeeded. I push past them, and force my way back into the park.

      I find myself being followed by Pluto, who it turns out was one of the 'people' trying to pickpocket me (find myself thinking of one of the Capital Steps parodies, 'You're a Pest'), but now that we're back in the park, he has to behave. I need to use the restroom by this point, so I go into one, and find they have very, very large stalls, but with very low partitions, so while in them, you can see the rest of the restroom. I remember something about people reaching under stall doors to steal stuff, so I am trying to set down all my stuff far enough away from the stall door that it is safe.

      Again, I have more and more stuff with me, including my backpack, my dream journal, a towel, extra clothes, more electronics. It almost seems to be multiplying. Others are now walking in, and some of them are women. I again start to wonder if I am dreaming, since this is one of my common dream situations, but I think 'I'm in Paris. They could have some unisex bathrooms. As long as there is no nudity where I can see it, this probably isn't a dream.' Then one of the ladies takes off her top, and we've got boobs!

      I notice a sound, glance down, and notice I am peeing on the floor, facing away from the toilet, watching these people. I turn around and finish my business, while thinking more and more that I am dreaming. I try pushing my fingers through my palm, and again it doesn't work. Then I remember a recent dream where I proved I was dreaming by looking at my hand, where my fingers were damaged, wrinkled, bent at weird angles, or even cut off, and I bring my hand up to my face and stare at it.

      It looks perfectly normal. I continue to stare, and as I do, it seems to wrinkle and whither slightly, but not enough to prove I am dreaming. Then suddenly, my fingers and thumbs start to stretch and morph, and I am suddenly turning into Edward Scissorhands, and am terrified, wondering what I am going to do ... then I start to laugh and it registers ... yup, I know I am dreaming now! Time to have some fun! And I immediately wake up.
    12. The Get-Rich-Quick Meeting

      by , 01-02-2013 at 06:01 PM
      01-02-2013 -- This one seems to start almost as a gas station mystery shop. I am at the pumps at a gas station, getting ready to maybe pump some gas, and also looking around at outside displays, thinking to maybe get some oil. I suddenly realize I brought oil with me, and it is already mine, even as I am pulling it off the display, and am hoping I don't get in trouble for using my own oil, because it sure doesn't look right, the way it is going down.

      Soon I stumble into a sort of meeting of an organization that seems to be kind of a get-rich-quick thing. You know ... the various real estate gurus who advertise buying property with no money down and making a fortune. There is a sort of feeling of some kind of scam going on, and though no characters appear, there is a strong feeling of something connected to Psych. The guy leading things seems to be Alexandre O., a pastor I knew from my days at Hosanna Printing.

      My cell phone rings, and I am asked to turn it off, as they want no recording of the meeting. My phone quickly turns into a small hand-held cassette recorder, and though I try to turn it off, the wheels keep turning and the tape keeps moving, so I think it is still recording. They don't think it is a problem, though, since that is what everybody else's recorders are doing. (Just how many people are recording this thing when they aren't supposed to?)

      It is a longish meeting, and there is a lot going on. It goes on for quite a while, but not in any detail I can put down here, except in a few small scenes. At one point they give a small, meek, slightly Oriental girl (think Amy from Futurama) a lot of money, several thousands of dollars that they collected from the rest of us at the meeting, and she is insisting that it is too much. The guy in charge interrupts her, and demands she tell us her name, and this shy girl who has barely spoken to us, and has identified herself as Amy in a whisper speaks out loud and clear, and gives her full name in a forceful manner. His point? Money has a large effect on a person's self confidence.

      They bring a pizza in, and ask me to try the first piece, and I could swear it was the pizza that was made in my last dream (see Harry Potter, Voldemort, and the Pizza). It looks like the pizza from Aldi's, as it did, and is also fairly mangled. At one place, the crust has bubbled up, but instead of just a bubble in the crust, it bulges up and almost looks like a small planet on a column rising up from the crust, and I am really not sure about eating it.

      Soon the meeting has been thinning out, and I have been asked to do something to show some sort of talent or skill that I will use to make something of myself. I grab a rather basic and simple guitar and start to try and play it (rather badly, as I have no idea how to play the guitar) and one of the other people takes it away from me. They somehow kind of unfold it into a much larger string instrument like a bull fiddle or something, and start to play amazingly on it.

      I am embarrassed, but I start to sing along as they play. I have a lovely voice, and sing really well, but very softly because of my throat. [I have had no voice for about five years.] Soon we have moved away from the hotel we were in for this meeting, and Alexandre has turned into what almost looks like Peter David, and I find myself actually kind of whining about how I'm not actually good enough at anything, as we are trying to cross a really busy street to get back to the hotel.

      The street crossing was fairly realistic, except for trying to dodge into too small of gaps in the traffic, when we can see much larger gaps a few seconds away, and would have just waited for them in real life. As we finish running across the street, Peter David has turned into Dale, and he has accidentally run behind a fence which separates the street from the sidewalk, so he has to back-track to get around the fence. I expect to beat him to the hotel because of this, but he still gets there first.

      We head inside, and I note in passing that it is a nice hotel, but when I push the button for the elevator, and the doors slide open, they don't open onto an actual elevator, but onto a hallway containing the elevators. Weird. I glance at our room number, which is something like 5641 or some such, and hit the button for floor five, but that's not where we want to go. The rooms are not numbered by floor, but sequentially, and we have to read a sort of chart to figure out which floor our room is on.
    13. The Injury at the Water Park

      by , 12-27-2012 at 04:27 PM
      12-01-2012 -- I'm running across town with Rosemary, Cheryl, and the kids, heading for Wet 'n Wild or some such place. It is the end of November or the beginning of December, and at one point we are even running through snow, but we're all in bathing suits. We're carrying a Slip 'n Slide of all things, planning to ride it down the slides to make them slide better, except eventually the kids forget about it, so I have to wrap it up and half-carry, half-drag it.

      The water park is one that is very close to what I've been dreaming about the last few years, not like the ones I dreamed about decades ago, and I think it is a Disney water park, though perhaps not based on a real one. Cheryl has gotten quite a bit ahead of us, the kids are more or less with me, and Rosemary has fallen behind as we reach the place. Cheryl has already run through and paid, and we come running up, explaining we're with her. There's no problem with the kids, but me they aren't sure of. Before it can become a problem, however, the guy questioning me has disappeared, and we're inside.

      We have to pass the main pool area to reach the locker areas, and the beginnings of the paths up to the water slides. There is no firm division between the male and female portions of the locker rooms, so people are just changing everywhere, and I am a little shy, but am trying to look without looking at some attractive ladies, but it doesn't yet register that this is dream stuff.

      I'm heading up through the almost empty lines because we're so close to winter, until I come to the lowest of the water slides. This thing only seems to have a single loop to the slide before it drops into the water ... and when I try to ride it, the dream even skips most of that, and just drops me into the pool at the end, but it is still fun. I go up again, and slide back down again, and in the dream I am having fun, but looking back, it wasn't all that special.

      At one point the slides are turning more into a log ride, and I am riding it without one of the logs, as usual. There also seems to be some guy threatening me, but I am trying to ignore him. Soon things are turning back into regular water slides.

      There is some lightening and thunder, and some rain that is getting heavier and heavier, and rumors of possible flooding. I'm surprised the place is still open. Cheryl is in front of me in the lines, and disappears into the crowds, but them comes back for me. "Come on, come on," she's calling out, urging one of the kids to catch up to her, just before one of the sets of switch-backs in the lines. The kid cuts through a narrow area between the wall and the lines, but I look at it, and there is no way I'm going to have a chance to fit.

      Finally I decide to give up on it, and just turn around to exit the line, but the crowds keep growing, and now I am having to kind of push my way through them even to get out. I make my way back to the locker room, and it is still sort of combined. I am glancing around to see if I can see anything nice, but I can't. Too bad, I'm thinking to myself. If I could see a little female nudity here, I would know I'm dreaming. [Conveniently forgetting the nudity I saw earlier, passing through.]

      Turns out somebody got hurt, so the line quit going forward, which is why it is now backing up so quickly. There are sirens, and the paramedics are coming through with stretchers, trying to reach the person who got hurt. They push their way deeper and deeper through the crowds. Meanwhile, I am on the outermost portion of the line, and I find myself standing by a stretcher, watching it for them. The crowds are so thick, the paramedics end up passing the girl through the air over people's heads, with the crowds helping out. It seems to be a bit of a cross between Amy F. from high school, and somebody in a badly sewn Catwoman costume.

      I help to position her on the stretcher, and start to move her out, figuring the paramedics will catch up with us soon, but somehow I accidentally drop her on a weird sort of elevator going back up into the ride. Darn! I wait, knowing somebody will bring her back out again, soon. There are people that I actually know in the line ... Bud DeVries from Cadets, and a couple of people from high school (including a person who was a punk in the past, but has since apologized for it, who I am being kind of snotty to).

      The girl is being passed back my way, and by this point is a completely random dream character. Somehow I have now come to realize I am dreaming, so I am planning to heal the girl with a touch, and then have a little bit of naughty dream fun with her. But as she is passed nearer and nearer to me, she slowly disappears. "No big deal," I think. "I'll just find another girl to have some fun with."

      I'm just starting to look for one when I run into Kevin. Unlike usual, I am actually thinking it is a good thing that his brother Dale isn't around, because I know he wouldn't approve of what I have planned. I glance up at the boat I am leaning against, and darn it, there is Dale, dressed in Runescape-like fishing gear, and fishing from the boat. I'm really disappointed because he is really straight-laced, and won't approve of me having the kind of fun I'm thinking of, even in a dream!
    14. The Affair and the Time Travellers Hotel

      by , 12-20-2012 at 07:37 PM
      12-20-2012 -- [First bits very limited, and might even be other dreams during the night.]

      I find myself working somewhere that seems to be a sort of a transportation shop ... repair bays, possibly loading bays, things like that. I am scrubbing floors, even as large vehicles are moving in and out. Somebody doesn't like me, and comes very close to hitting me with something very large (a bus?) that is in front of me in a flash, though I manage not to react.

      Nobody likes me and they seem to be kind of hazing me. They cause me lots of problems, but I just keep dodging around everybody as I continue to mop the floor, getting more and more of it completed.

      Soon I find myself visiting with Dale, Kevin and Fred on the last day of their trip to Disney World, before they fly home, and I am unhappy they have to leave so soon. I find myself thinking if I win the lotto tonight, they can come back tomorrow, and that would be nice.

      Soon I find myself in a different place, a sort of casino or nightclub. A fully grown Daphne Greengrass is here, has been involved in some dates or something, and has not been treated very well. She's not been having a good time. I am hoping to step in, change that for her, and have a rather good time myself, since in the dream she is gorgeous. I'm waiting for her to come back from her room or the restroom or wherever sh has gone.

      Unfortunately I find myself facing off with an annoyed JK, who is cheating on CK by being here, and is supposed to be the next one with Daphne. I'm disgusted with him for cheating on his wife,and doubly disgusted that he travelled back in time to do so, risking the space-time continuum for such a purpose. And he is telling me to stay out of it. Pah!

      We are probably in a nightclub, might be a casino, or perhaps an arcade. I am not sure. But there are a couple of what seem to be pinball games that are somehow trying to block me or interfere with me doing anything about all this, and I eventually stalk off in disgust. I just want to get out of here.

      Somehow I have travelled back in time several years. Not sure how many, but almost certainly sometime since I have come to Florida. I find myself approaching what I think is an airport, at first, because I am dodging the main security check point to try and get into the building, using my future knowledge of the place. I step through a side door and enter a sort of lobby.

      Unfortunately, the time displacement seems to have a negative affect on a person's biology, and I find myself with a bit of acid reflux, and a mouthful of partly digested food. I run over to a restroom and push open the door. Most of the doors are missing on the stalls, and I can see almost every stall is both very messy, and occupied. I do find one stall that is messy (smeared, unflushed) but empty, and run in and spit out the junk in my mouth. But as I leave, the acid reflux is trying to create more, and I am trying to force the horrid feeling down.

      As I walk out of the bathroom, it has become a hotel, instead of an airport, and I am approaching the front desk. I find myself facing a desk clerk that I know quite well from the future, though at this point he has never met me. For some fool reason, I start right in, explaining I am here to book a bunch of rooms for time travellers coming back to the past to vacation.

      He considers me mad, of course, but to humor me, he asks me how many rooms I need. He starts to wonder, though, when I tell him he still has 20 rooms available, but I will only take 19 of them, because in the course of the night he will find there is some sort of mechanical problem in room xxx, and I don't want to have to deal with it. (In the dream I knew a room number, but I can't remember it now.)

      I find myself quite happy with my new job of making travel arrangements for time travellers, and find myself thinking randomly that at this time Rosie's is still open, also, and I ought to be able to take in a few more great shows there.
    15. Harry Potter and the Common Room Passwords plus The Online Game and the Song

      by , 12-08-2012 at 04:53 PM
      12-08-2012 -- [First dream was after about five hours uninterrupted sleep. It was fairly long and involved, but even from the moment I woke, it was disappearing from memory, so I can't remember it in nearly the detail I would like. Much more to it than the little I can remember to post here.]

      I'm Harry Potter at Hogwarts. The entire dream is confined to the school, and there aren't even hints of the outside world, though the evil jerk characters are still mostly evil jerk characters.

      Earliest parts have bits with Malfoy being a jerk, and us having to react to him and deal with him. Snape is a pain, and trouble, but not as much as he is sometimes portrayed as being. In some way, for a while, Snape is in charge of assigning passwords to the dorms, and he is being miserable about it, using either questions of such an advanced nature that nobody but Hermione would be able to answer them (ala his questions on Harry's first ever potion lesson with him) or rude, obnoxious, insulting passwords of a nature that remind me of Paige's computer password in the Foxtrot comic strip: "Even if he can figure it out, he could never bring himself to type it."

      Somehow it is soon Harry's chance to set the passwords, and he is being completely reasonable and polite about it, and is annoying Snape incredibly by being the bigger man, and acting like an adult, leaving Snape nothing to complain about. Then there is another character, fairly young woman, blond, attractive, probably not an actual Harry Potter character, but who knows ... might be. She is using knowledge question passwords, but they are reasonable, and Harry is learning from her what he needs to know to pass the information on to the Gryffindors.

      There is lots more, including minor character interactions, and running up and down elevators in a giant department store, which is actually Hogwarts in the dream instead, but nothing more that stuck enough to be remembered, darn it.


      [Second dream came as I was trying to remember the first, and drifted back to sleep. Probably slept for less than an hour, had a very short dream with not much to it, but far more detail than I can remember from the first, more interesting one. Le sigh.]

      I'm in my room in a house that most resembles the Pageant house, except the room is much larger than usual. I'm sitting on my bed, or perhaps at a desk, playing some sort of computer game. It seems to be a cross between Warlords:Battlecry, Runescape, and some kind of Facebook game. I think I've watched as somebody else battles some huge guy on a chariot (Lord Bane from Warcraft?) It is an impressive battle, and the character was defeated.

      There is a chat window like in Runescape, and there was a quick line of yellow text that almost immediately disappears against the background, almost impossible to see. I am trying to scroll back to it because it seemed like something very good that I might want. Kind of a cross between a wall post from a Facebook game and a drop in Runescape. I'm trying to claim it, while thinking I didn't kill the bad guy, so I'm not likely to be able to get the drop. Meanwhile, one of the horse-like characters that was pulling the chariot, huge, kind of blueish-purple, and somewhat alien-looking, is starting to break free, and may be a threat.

      The game kind of fades away from my attention, and I find a couple of lines of a song running through my head. I don't think it is something I've ever heard, I am pretty sure it is something I was writing, myself. [I did used to write songs, wrote hundreds of them while I was in love with somebody. Even got 10 of them played, recorded, and sung, and made an album, but haven't done anything with music since then, about fifteen years ago.]

      It seems like a quite good couple of lines, and I am trying to find a scrap of paper to write it on, and repeating it over and over again, to try and remember it, as I do so. The couple of lines come out something like Leading with the Spirit, hope within their eyes; hearts filled with compassion, taken by surprise; I could hear the tune for it, as well. Anyway, I keep singing the two lines over and over again, trying to keep them in memory as I scramble for scraps of paper or envelopes. But everything I grab either already has dreams written on them, or in a few occasions have ads on them, and if I try to write over them, they'll be as hard to read as that yellow text on the busy background.

      I'm in bed, wrapped in my blue velour blanket (its kind of like being wrapped up in a cuddly plush toy) scrambling for envelope bits, and suddenly Nick W. is in my room with me. He's chatting a mile a minute about all kinds of things, but nothing important, and I'm still humming the song bit, trying to not forget it, and wishing he would shut up for a minute.

      He throws himself to the ground on the east side of the bed, trying to say something, but not being able to get it out. It seems to be important, though, unlike the rest of what he's been saying. Suddenly I am convinced he is going to confess his love for me, and I'm terrified that I'm going to have to explain to him that I don't swing that way, and break his heart. Very uncomfortable.

      The room keeps switching around on me. The bed is always in the southwest portion of the room, but sometimes it runs north/south with the headboard at the south wall, and sometimes it runs east/west with the headboard on the west wall. When he falls to the floor, the bed is north/south, with him on the east side, but suddenly he is on the west side in the approximately two foot area between the bed and the wall. He is completely wrapped in my old blue and white flowered blanket from when I was a little kid, and he still can't get out what he wants to say.

      I'm thinking of asking him to just spit it out, but instead he seems to be playing with the stereo, changing the station and the volume. But he's wrapped in the blanket and isn't touching the radio, and I suddenly realize he isn't coming on to me, he's trying to get up the nerve to tell me he's discovered he has some psychokinetic powers! Thank God! That's not nearly so awkward. I know we're going to have to talk about this, but I'm trying to turn down the stereo because I'm really afraid he's going to wake mom up, and she's going to come in and yell at me for still being awake, and send him home.

      Except it isn't mom who comes bustling in, but Rosemary (my current landlord), showing the house to some friends. I feign sleep, while glancing around the room. It is a mess, but not as bad as it sometimes is. Thankfully at the moment there aren't a lot of pizza boxes or fast food wrappers laying around. I think while feigning sleep, I really fall asleep for a few minutes or something, because suddenly I wake, and find it is now pitch dark, as she turned out the light. Nick is still on the floor, also feigning sleep, and I am certain it has only been a minute or two.

      I find myself glancing around the large room, looking at the other three or four beds, thinking about how there is no privacy, and figuring how we have room to add a few internal walls, make four proper, private bedrooms and a small hallway. I can remember the construction in enlarging the area, about six months ago [in real life about a year ago, Rosemary added on another three bedrooms and a bathroom to the house] and the dream somewhat connects to a dream I had three or four months ago, where the house was being enlarged. I think that one was actually posted here, and I may go back and link to it.

      And all this time I was still trying to remember the lyrics and the tune to the brief bit of song. When I really woke up, it was the first thing I wrote down, before I could lose it.
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