I was once again criticising the nonsense being posted on LinkedIn, just to get approached by Disney to be working on their next cartoon which was gonna be super abstract "inspired by that recent vaporwave trend", kinda Regular Show type of episodes. Imagine my disappointment as I woke up in my tent realising it was a dream T_T
I'm checking doors to make sure they're locked. It's cold and rainy outside. I realize that I might have forgotten to lock the backdoor after I took the trash out earlier. I go over and confirm it isn't locked. Suddenly, it bursts open, rainfall flooding in. My brother is there with a knife, stabbing at me. I slam the door shut and try to hold it but he is pushing back and stabbing wildly at the openings of the door. I hear myself making moaning sounds. I'm trying to scream through sleep paralysis. I heard myself because GF is waking me up. I'm in band class. My GF and I are near the front of the room, surrounded by a bunch of percussion instruments. There's a stack of symbols, and I carefully try to maneuver out of the center of them, and I dodge the first bunch. I sarcastically brag about it and then knock over a different one on accident. GF sighs. I make my way to my instrument case. I'm wanting to go warm up and get past being embarrassed. Some time later, I'm eating some sugary chocolate ice cream drink while wading through a pool. Apparently I'm on the Jungle Cruise in Disneyland, but in pool form. The group of band people is on the other side of a bar sitting and watching me wade across this pool expectantly. It seems like a positive experience, where the staff is encouraging me. The ice cream was actually pretty tasty. I make it to the end, and everybody cheers. I get up about 4:30AM and perform a WBTB (planned this time, no supplements). I stayed up for about 20-30 minutes. I fail to perform a WILD, and I don't have any recall after the WBTB. I'm thinking this may have been too long to stay awake for me.
Updated 03-08-2023 at 05:33 PM by 99808
I had this werid dream a couple of weeks ago. For some reason Mom had gotten me a lot of junk cereal. One I don't think was a real cereal (Can't remember what it was called but the colours were simliar to Cimminaon toast crunch) but I do remember that on the front had Donald Duck on it. I think that was after an entirely different dream which involved Disney ducks and an area and hockey and Hockey I Shrank the Kid/Honey we Shrunk Ourselves and Murphy's law all mixed in one. . Let's just say the hockey game was one Murphya's law after another. But in the cereal dream beside Mom buying me the boxes of ever-single-possible-junk food we had to put the junk cereal everwwhere on both sides of the railing which seperates the living room from the dinning room.
Updated 08-26-2021 at 04:11 AM by 33295
I tried to write this dream down in a false awakening, but suddenly my equipment turned into items to dispense and serve sweet cherry wine for the movie's premiere. As a result, I feel like a good chunk of the movie's plot was lost in me trying to record it. The film started with a live action component, that I vaguely recall starring Will Smih. I think he was trying to break into the disney vaults in the manner of a heist movie, but suddenly, he gets stopped my Deadpool (specifically the Ryan Reynolds one), and probably killed. Deadpool goes to talk to the audience, which ends up in a theatrical segment that took place in the movie theater, where a guy in a deadpool suit ran around the movie theater. He works the classic Marvel/DC rivalry by commenting on the flaws of the various DC Universe cast. Anothe theatrical segment, and the movie theater's side doors open up to reveal two podiums/pillars, one green, and one red. Deadpool then goes on to talk about "the greatest simp in animation history" and talks a little about who it might be. But he leaves the audience to guess, saying "I'll be making donuts in the car park, which kind? You'll never know. Hopefully it's gonna be christopher robin," The movie then shows a title card of two ambiguous faces with, "The Simps" as the main title. We then transition to a reading of a Winnie the Pooh story book that appears to be a crossover with other Disney properties and the themes from them, occasionally one would get commentary from Deadpool regarding the characters, as well. The overall plot of the segment was that the disney Winnie the Pooh characters had crossed their paths with mickey mouse's friends, and they were traveling the continent, trying to keep people from obtaining this crystal. By this point, Christopher Robin had fully grown up,and was still reluctantly leading most of the stuffed animals in the quest. Occasionally, the story would transition verbatim to a narrated storybook format, and my general impression of the tone of the movie was that it was like a more adult version of an older disney film targeted at kids. The characters also seemed to know what was going to happen at certain points, as if this segment was a reanimated version of a pre-existing film that the characters somehow knew about. The steampunk-y aesthetic was similar to some of Disney's later attempts at animated movies. Unfortunately, a lot of the film's dialogue cannot be remembered upon waking up, so I guess it's an odd form of lost media. After a while, a subplot emerged about a rival to Christopher Robin who acted like a stereoptyical Disney villain I think he also wanted the item that the main team had, and had evil doppelgangers of the rest of the main Winnie the Pooh cast, one line of dialogue from rabbit I remember was, "Why, I can't tell us apart!". Also at one point in the narrative, Eeyore kinda just showed up and didn't say anything, which was probably meant to be comical within the context of the film. After the whole "Simp" segment, there was a dark-ride-style tour through the disney vaults, as different clips for the Disney animated films played out in 3D, as if they were being filmed.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening At a bridge, looking at a map on the phone. I am in California, its nighttime. I am supposed to go see a place that is still a bit far. Because it is late, I choose instead to visit an alternative coffee shop nearby. It has several floors, it is know for famous people going there. I don't see any. Go to the roof terrace, very cool for photos. From there I see a multiplex cinema on the other side of a river. There is a small island in the middle of the river. I go there and find a beautiful young feline there that I become friends with. Not sure what species it is, but looks like a jaguar. Then I see also some babies that she is nursing. Undercover in a bad neighborhood to expose some drug dealers. There are people of all ethnicities and nationalities living and doing business there. Most are selling clothes, but many are just covers to the real drug business. I go through an alley with a chinese shop and I am approached by two men selling shirts. I have a bunch of money, so I show them trying to expose them as drug sellers. But they just sell me shirts. One guy has good quality clothes but the other tries to sell me an old ripped coat and I reject his offer. He doesn't like my rejection and I feel something is wrong with this, don't understand his game. Later I spot him following me. When night falls he runs towards me in a deserted area but I step aside and push him to the road. He falls on the asphalt and a high speed car runs over him before he can get up. Then I turn to another street and there is a parade going on and I blend with it. Madonna is leading the parade in a car and part of the theme is Disneyworld and I can't resist to take some photos.
Fragment where I'm on some sort of flying platform with a group of people. We are flying above a lake that has a city around it. There's floating docks with disney characters on them. I remember someone was pointing out the different disney exhibits on each different floating island. There were people swimming in the water up to the docks to go to the exhibits and townhouses on docks surrounding them. At some point we flew down and joined an exhibit with cannons shooting fire. Different location where I'm at a beach house with people from my childhood. I'm up on the second floor with some old man telling me things that will happen while we're lying in bed. I look up and see an old man and I feel that I'm working at a spa. The man starts to pleasure himself as myself and the workers are yelling at him to stop. I wake up out of bed and the old man is telling me that was going to happen. At some point I'm downstairs at the pool of the house. I see my friend and during conversation I say something like "I told you so Chappy." I see my childhood friend's dad named Frank and another dad so I greet them. We have small talk. Jaden Smith is there and whatever he is performing is just awful. I'm jumping in and out of the pool. The dream interrupts. I realize that I'm in sleep paralysis and am sort of thrown off. I didn't expect this to happen. Usually when sleep paralysis happens I sort of see it coming and then get hit by it, but this was instant. I'm lying in my sister's bed at home. There is not a door right in front of the bed IRL but in my actual room there is so in the sleep paralysis I imagine one. As soon as I imagine it I know where this is heading. As the door appears I close my eyes. I hear it slam open. I can feel my body flinch into my bed although I could not move. I try to throw myself upwards but nothing budges. My imagination brings someone into the room. I know who it is, it's Pennywise the dancing clown. My eyes are closed. I feel the vibration as he walks up to the bed. His deep voice speaks at me from my right. He says "I told you not to say this Grey." I can feel that when he says that, he moves very close to me. I become very calm as I want him to come closer. I wake up not wanting to go back to bed.
07-03-2017 -- I'm headed to the Adventurers Club for the evening, as I always do, and have a small part to play in the show (kind of like Margaret had one line she always threw in at Preston's, just to give them the start of a joke, if nobody else did), but tonight it seems someone is missing, and Graham decides to use me to solve the problem. He grabs me, pulls me back stage, and starts throwing me into a costume, planning to make me a larger part of the show. Meanwhile, I am being forced to swap out some of my regular clothes for the costume parts, and getting ready, and I run into Anne (who is doing Pamelia for the first part of the night), who sees I am helping out, and decides to apologize for the way she's been acting to me the last few years, which kind of blows my mind. Anyway, I'm now dressed in a bit of a pirate costume, and am being dragged through some of the backstage passages and the off-limits cast elevator that I've known from multiple past dreams, while I'm keeping my head down so that the wide-brimmed hat I'm wearing hides my face, in case the Disneyland supervisor who was always trying to cause me trouble happened to be around. Anyway, I'm walking along with several of the guys, including Glenn, Jay, Karl, and Joe (as well as Graham). I soon find myself being kind of forced into the Beezel 'mask' and being told to read the prompts that are being projected in front of me, but the mask is blocking my vision almost entirely, so I just can't read it, and I'm stumbling along, which is ruining the show. They pull me out, and ridicule me slightly, but it's still friendly and good-natured, and they just cancel that Treasure Room show. I'm trying to get back out of the mask and ready for the Hoopla, but unfortunately it is taking time, and I end up missing it. I'm just reaching the area when the other performers come running backstage. It must be some sort of Halloween show or something, because all the ladies are kind of half-wrapped up in bandages and wet plaster, and Fairies (one of the female performers whose name I don't know, but she used to sing a song about fairies in her garden) is kind of freaking out an urging people to get the stuff off of her. It seems she is kind of claustrophobic or something, and having all this stuff stuck on her is really difficult for her. I'm commenting on not having realized just how much the ladies had to deal with, while wondering what happened to Anne, since Fairies only plays the Pamelia role. Soon we're all back in the dressing room, and I'm being told to take off all the costume bits, including the slightly lacy/ruffled undershirt that was comfortable enough that I forgot I was wearing it. Meanwhile, it seems the female performers wanted to thank me for helping out today, so they all decided to flash me for just an instant, but somehow I just knew what they were going to do, and at that particular moment it didn't feel right, so I turned around at just the right moment to miss it. Meanwhile, I'm still struggling to get out of my tights. Sheesh! Soon we're all in our street clothes, and ready to exit the dressing room, and moving on we're going to have to pass through a gauntlet of fans, and the others have decided to stop and pose for some photos, just so they can pull me into them and make sure I'm credited for my evening's work, seeming to not realize how much I have having my picture taken. Meanwhile, I somehow have a basketball in my shirt, and I am trying to get rid of it. I pose in the back, where I am mostly blocked by the others, and give a little wave at people, and then we're about to move on, heading to the employee exit. The problem is, I glance down at my feet and realize I have no shoes or socks. I must have left them in the dressing room. I tell the others I'll be right back. So I make it back to the dressing room, and I manage to quickly find both my shoes and one sock. But the other one is missing. They are the short ankle socks, in the dark grays. I also explain to Andre, the wardrobe guy, why I am back, and that I am not trying to steal any of the costume bits, just get my shoes. Soon I'm heading back out, and trying to catch up with all the others. I hurry through a backstage section that I am not at all familiar with, and eventually catch up with a couple of the ladies in a bit of an obstacle course kind of area, and they are forcing me to swing on a bit of a trapese (half trapese, half zip line) to cross the room. Since it is only about a foot above the floor, it is no big deal, but I land on a trap door which drops me down to the next room, so its still a bit startling. In the new room, the third female performer is complaining that the other two forced me into using that method of getting through the room before I was ready, and goes back to give them a piece of her mind. Meanwhile, I continue forward through what almost seems to be a warehouse of magical props, as I am glancing at sponge balls and colorful cups and linking rings and scarves and the rest. Cool dream, overall.
...And the secret was getting 7.75 hours of sleep, apparently. I'm going to try and continue this trend. Regardless of how intense the week is, I will do my best to get enough sleep on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. Which, for me, will be hugely beneficial I think. So here's a list of all the many dreams I have recalled from last night: Dream 1: Non-lucid; experienced during first 20 minutes of sleep. I fell asleep at roughly 12:10 AM, and had a dream about hanging out with my sister, my brother or friend (I think?), and a friend of my sister's. My sister went to use the bathroom, and the other guy I was with was talking with me and her friend. We were talking about her, but I don't precisely remember what we were talking about specifically. When she finished using the bathroom, she came out and said "You know I heard you while I was in there", because IRL my sister really does have good hearing. So maybe it was something embarrassing, but I don't really know for sure. I woke up and it was only 12:32 AM, so my brain had apparently launched me pretty quickly into REM again for some reason. Dream 2: Non-lucid, but very close to lucidity. Good vs. evil! A giant snake was trying to kill me and two other people. However, my stuffed snake, Snakey, my tulpa, and I were destined to save us all! (I actually do have a stuffed snake, and he is actually named Snakey. He is the coolest. However, he is at my parent's house right now. :p In the dream, he had become real.) We prayed that we would be able to triumph over the snake. Then, we felt like we should just will it away, because -- get this -- we recognized that it was only in our heads and wasn't actually real. This one was SO CLOSE to being lucid, because of that realization, but not quite! We willed it away, and it worked! Dream 3: Non-lucid. This is a fuzzier dream that I experienced during what felt like deeper sleep. Arguably it would've been significantly harder to become lucid during this one because of this fact. This one occurred in the middle of the night, if I recall correctly. IRL, I work part-time as a computer science TA at my university, helping students debug Java and Android programs. In this dream, the other TAs and I apparently "did not want to stop believing OR coding". I believe some malevolent individual was trying to get us to stop believing in God or something and also stop programming. Someone said that he would kill us all if we didn't do this. He had an army of supporters to back him up. Then, it faded and we were in a theme park. I dream a LOT about theme parks. Anyway, we were on the rides, but I was watching from a distance despite being on a ride technically myself. (?) Some of my fellow TAs were riding on a white roller coaster. The evil guy's plan was to hack into all the rides while we we're still on them, and somehow harm us. Maybe shut them down. I don't really know. I was worried for the others. Then, it faded again, and we were on a revolving turntable, much like the turntable by the roundhouse in Thomas the Train, but indoor and stark and depressing. I got onto it, and the evil guys had surrounded us. However, I somehow knew that we were going to be safe, and we were saved. I don't remember how. Dream 4: Non-lucid. I was in a lecture hall of some sort for artists. The lady teaching was trying to tell us that 3D artists should NOT learn to draw or digitally paint, because apparently it would actually make us worse, since it would take time away from learning how to model and render a scene. I was really ticked because I definitely disagree with that philosophy, and I believe that the general 3D community would agree with me. Dream 5: The DILD! Sort of. I didn't have a specific reality check that worked this time. But when I sleep 8 hours or close to it, my body starts waking up more and more as my actual wakeup time approaches. I will often physically wake up to use the bathroom or get a drink of water, and then go back to sleep for a while longer. This is the most natural thing for me. As I do this, I have more and more dreams, and more and more REM sleep. Then, I am much more likely to recall dreams, and also much more likely to become lucid. Hard work pays off, guys! First, I was on the internet. Some girl said that she had recently had a week-long paid internship with Disney, where they were basically paid to ride rides all day long. They were supposed to observe the culture of theme parks, or something. Then, I suddenly found myself on a cart or truck thing going to a theme park. It was presumably Disney, but there were a lot of rides that Disney definitely doesn't have IRL. All these other people were on the truck, too, but they were official interns and wore brown vests. I was there, but I didn't have a vest, so apparently I wasn't an official intern. I was worried I'd get in trouble for being on the truck despite not being officially hired, and wasn't sure how I even got there in the first place. My mom and my brother were there, too. And neither of them had vests. I went to go sit by my mom, but as I sat down beside her, she disappeared. I felt that she was still there, but had no idea why she had just randomly become invisible. Also, the seats were tiny, so my butt barely fit on them. We were in the back of the truck, in the open air with just a pavilion thing over us. So if it would have been raining, we would've been sheltered, but we still got fresh air. We kept riding in the truck, looking at the rides that we would soon ride. I then realized that I was dreaming, because Disneyland does not look like that IRL. Too many thrill rides. Well, that and my mom randomly disappearing. So I sat by my brother, and told him, "I think we're in a dream right now." And he said something like "We definitely could be. Is everything out of focus?" I said that yes, everything most certainly was out of focus. So he said that it probably was a dream. Suddenly, instead of being inside of a truck, it was just me and him and the (inferred) driver inside of an SUV or a Jeep Cherokee or something, and there were suddenly windows. So I clambered out the window, which was partially rolled down, and flew towards one of the rides! It was a water ride with boats that looked like Perilous Plunge, an old ride from Knott's Berry Farm that I never actually went on. It went inside of a brown artificial mountain, and it was super cool. But just as I was about to reach a boat to get on it, I woke up. D: NOOOOOO! The dream was still fuzzy, too. I wish it was more vivid, but mentally I was so close to awakening that I did accidentally wake myself up. -_- Also, my notes read "still had sizzle". Nope, no idea what I meant by that. o.o Dream 6: I tried to re-enter the previous dream, but to no avail. I do have a note that said "she knew I wanted it lol." Don't recall what that means, but I can guarantee you that it was not appropriate. Dream 7: I had a dream. There may have been a girl but I can't really read my notes. This was more like a fragment. My alarm woke me up before I could get any further. And that's it.
Updated 02-05-2017 at 06:23 PM by 58176
First remembered dream of the new year (so two nights ago, Dec. 31-Jan. 1): I was at an art store, possibly Michael's or something similar, buying supplies. My calculus teacher was there, working as a cashier for some reason. In the dream, I had a memory of recently receiving a math lesson from him, like the day before or something. I asked him for some clarification on a concept, and he explained it. So essentially he was doing two jobs at the same time. I also saw lots of girls in the shop wearing DeviantArt T-shirts and some guys as well. Then, it faded into watching some sailors load stuff into a ship. My dream journal reads this, exactly: "Apparently, people who wear jeans are more depressed because sailor boys had a depressing job, despite appearing happy, and they wore Levis and black jackets." This was apparently a thought that occurred to me during the dream which seemed perfectly rational at the time. :p Then Jafar from Aladdin appeared, cackling evilly. It freaked me out so much that I woke up. Silly, as in waking life he's just a fun Disney villain. But I think the cackle was what did it. Or the spontaneity. Last night, I have the following note on my phone at 6:06 AM: "New traveling companion who exists neither in space nor in time." I was excited to meet this individual, but then my alarm went off. -_- Ah. I really don't want to start college again in a week. Not that I dislike it or anything, but the stress and lack of sleep....aaaaugh!
I'm in a hotel, checking in. Go to the front desk to pick up my keys and they tell me I'm in room 135. There's not a lot of people in the lobby. I get into an elevator for the first floor. Why I needed to get on an elevator, no idea. So I'm in a hallway looking at all the plaques on the walls in front of all the doors for my room number. The numbers aren't in any sort of order, but they do all start with one. Then I realize, there's way too many people hanging out in the hall. I finally get to my door, use the actual key, not a key card, open the door, and something just doesn't feel right. The lights are on, I barely peek my head in and I just have a bad feeling. The coat rack is knocked over. So I decide to go back to the front desk. I turn around and there's still a lot of people in the hallway, just sort of milling about. In all my time in hotels, there's never been this many people in the hotel hallway, not even on Spring Break. Then I'm taking a closer look at the people... and they're definitely zombies. But they're not attacking me, like zombies are traditionally known to do. So I wonder... am I a zombie? And then I realize that if I'm having any cognizant thoughts at all, I must not be a zombie. But why aren't they attacking me? ::shrug:: So I get to the elevator, and someone else is in there with me, not a zombie. I look for the button for the 8th floor and realize that it's already lit. A bunch of numbers are lit. Then the elevator doors close, and I'm on the Tower of Terror at Disney. We're flying up and down and I notice there's someone in the corner operating the elevator. Looks evil. But smiles? Anyway. I realize that this is a ride at a theme park, thank the operator, and get out of the elevator. I think I'm in my bedroom at my parents; house. Or the guest room. Anyway, I've been watching a lot of Charmed recently. Piper is in my room. I'm super attracted to her in my dream. We're all smiley and giggly. I lean in to her and say, "I really, really like you!" And I remember thinking, girl is totally straight, what the fuck am I even doing? But what the hell, I'll tell her anyway, what's the worst that can happen? So we start kissing and everything's cool. Then she's not there anymore, I'm still in the room and in my hands is a magazine open to an article about Japanese sex dolls, and what they all do, and rating them 1-10 and giving a description, etc. I am perplexed and sort of disgusted by this. Then I throw the magazine down and walk out of the room, and someone comes out of the other room. I look at the wall and make a comment about how the decals look good there. There were some tribal sort of decals on the wall, and they really didn't look good there at all come to think of it. ANYWAY!
Non-lucid, Lucid, [Commentary written while awake] I'm in the office building complex north of Disneyland. I'm there to be cast in a show or parade there. [I don't specifically remember becoming lucid, but I do remember being lucid.] I'm floating around up by the ceiling, which is a high ceiling, when the casting director walks into the room below me. When I see her enter, I float down so I can talk to her. "Hi," I say while descending. She says I've been cast in [whatever show or parade it was], and to go and change into my costume for the show. I head out of the building to do so. Outside the building, I stand on a stretch of grass that ends at the top of a concrete block wall, about twelve feet high, at the bottom of which is a sidewalk. I need to get down onto the sidewalk to get back to my car. I know I can do a controlled fall, so I do. I jump off the top of the wall, control my descent speed, and land easily on the sidewalk. When I get back to my car, I realize I don't have any underclothes with me, and I can't be in the performance without any. I realize I'll have to go to a Walmart or Target and buy new ones, but I don't even know where there is one around here. I decide to set off and go looking for one. I'm at a freeway onramp, on my bicycle, still on my way to find the nearest Target or Walmart. [Why am I on my bicycle and not in my car? I dunno.] The onramp runs next to a high, tan-colored wall. On this wall, about a quarter to a third of the way down the ramp, there is a traffic sign that reads "NO BICYCLES ON FREEWAY." I start bicycling down the ramp, but when I get to the sign, I read it, sigh, and say, "All right, fine. This is me, not riding my bicycle on the freeway." I get off my bike, turn around, walk it back up the onramp, and start looking for another route that doesn't involve taking the freeway.
Awake, Non-lucid dream, Lucid dream, [Commentary made while awake] [Sorry this post is so fragmented. Lately, I seem to be able to recall individual dream scenes, but not the transitions between them. I don't remember specifically when or how I became lucid last night, either.] I'm in a shop filled with soft slippers, which are all hung on a giant, high white wall display as well as family formal wear in the section furthest back. I see a pair of soft, purple thong slippers that I really want, but I have to ask the store clerk to get them down from the wall for me. I'm at the Matterhorn in Disneyland. I look up and see people emerging from a hole in it, and standing on the terraced stage built into the south side. There are stairs leading down from the and into the mountain. There are a whole bunch of people up there; they're all part of a wedding party and are posing for a picture. [I think I may have become lucid at this point, or maybe it was at the beginning of this scene, I don't remember.] I come closer and see that there is an open space in the bottom of the mountain, which is set up as a wedding chapel. I look up from it into the hollow, rocky interior of the mountain, thinking that the roller coaster track must spiral around the outside. There's someone kneeling down at the front of the chapel space to pray; I feel like I ought to do the same, but I decide to keep on walking out of the chapel and keep exploring. I enter another building of some kind, where there is a woman sitting behind a desk. She talks to me at length about something [I don't recall what]. Fully lucid by this point, I say in a rather rude and snippy tone, "I'm leaving to find something more interesting to do." I turn and walk out the door. [I work in tech support; I have to be nice to people I talk to on the phone. I'm not surprised that I was inclined to be snippy toward one of my DCs; it's a good way to release stress and frustration without hurting a real person's feelings.] I wander around outside in a city. I look at a handheld GPS device, and it shows me that I am at the edge of one of many irregularly-shaped city blocks, separated by streets that go in all different directions with no pattern. I observe aloud, "GPS works in a dream because I expect it to." Two adjacent blocks are labeled "Omaha" and "Paris," yet when I turn around and look up, I see what is clearly the tallest tower from the LA skyline. I smile at this juxtaposition and say, "I love the dream world." At this point, the dream begins to fade, and I begin to be aware of my real body again. I think, "I don't want to wake up yet!" I try to visualize the dream environment I was just in. The mental image becomes clearer, and I successfully get back into the dream without having woken up fully. [Amazing! I've never had a dream re-entry that smooth or elegant before. I didn't know I could do that!] I'm exploring the entrance to a long, narrow storage room in another house. The room extends off to the left of the narrow door. While trying to get something out, I accidentally cause the two layers of freestanding shelves that run the length of the room to collapse sideways and to the left. I step back and try to restore the shelves by snapping my fingers, like a Q from Star Trek. It doesn't work the first two times. I try to concentrate and focus my intentions more clearly and specifically on what I am trying to do, and then snap my fingers again. It still doesn't work. My real-life friend JB and I are in a house that belongs to some intelligent dragons. He talks to the dragons for a bit, and then he leaves to continue the quest he's on. As he leaves the house, icons appear in the air around him, representing his current quest statistics (money, inventory, life points, goals achieved, and so on), like in a computer RPG.
I'm out front pulling weeds and pulling pretty big sticks out of the yard with a rake and there are three long big ones that I pull and then realize it was a tree. I think, "oh well, there's not much of a root system there" and drag it to the curb with the rest of the stuff. There was snow in the yard and I was throwing snowballs (one of my cat's name in WL is Snowball) at the kids. There's snow on the ground but I'm not cold. Too bad that didn't make me wonder and go lucid!! I'm in an upstairs window watching all of the kids in costume from the play go by. They're going to dinner. I'm alone in my robe. I see one of the girls notice me but I continue to look beyond her. I have a semi-smile on my face and don't want her to feel badly because I'm alone. They all look so pretty. I think it's a lot of Disney characters like Snow White and Cinderella. I'm going to a car at the bottom of the hill covered with snow. I take a few steps and then lean back on my heels and ski the rest of the way - it was fun. Now I'm going to tell my husband because I'm proud I could ski. There are girls waiting saying the teacher left without them. I ask them what time they were supposed to meet him and they say, "7:10". I look at my watch and it says 7:15 and I think to myself, hmmm five minutes is five minutes.
05.09.2014Disney Tower Terror Mayhem (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID This is a very weeeeeeeeeeeeeird dream... I tell ya! I haven't been watching any Disney movies lately, despite I love them... but haven't been watching them... so who knows where this comes from. In addition, I had a lot of struggle to write it down, I almost would fall asleep writing it, and might have written some with my eyes closed. I entered a tower with a few friends, and each of the floors of the tower, had like an entire world, a world of Disney movies that's it. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/i...9_ACnrs1PTMc6D I wanted to go to the highest floor and then, I appeared into a scenery that appeared to be Mulan. (I have not even watched Mulan, I just know the characters.) And a little red dragon asked me to help him from some emperor. I wanted to help him get out of there, but as I was trying to find a way out, suddenly some emperor started to follow me. Might be this one: And I felt it was better to get my butt out of there for a reason. So I walked through some doors without success. For some reason, this small dragon started to breath fire everywhere, and I felt like the world world was going to consume, including myself, so I tried my best to flee and I finally walked through a door and got into the stairs of the tower. As I ran down the stairs, the dragon was gone, too bad for him. I entered another door and I reached the world of The Little Mermaid. I was walking through this world (despite being underwater It seems, that my challenge and lesson here was to keep the water within (I know this does not make a lot of sense.) So as I was exploring this world, I saw how the water was starting to vanish and I needed to make sure this world stayed full of water and save all the characters life. I did not see Ariel, but I did find Ursula, who was chanting a spell that was going to hurt me big time: I considered it would be the best to just leave this place, as Ursula was really creeping me for some reason. It started to be hard for me to move, despite the fact I was walking, there was a very strong current that felt like a super strong wind and I had to struggle to be able to keep walking and quit the place. As I reached a door and I exited this place, I felt the water coming out from the door, and getting into the "real world" where this tower was. I could also hear the sound of fire burning up the top floor of this tower, so I somehow ruined two Disney worlds already or I was unable to save them. As I walked down the stairs, I heard sounds of angry soldiers, who were trying to find out what was going on with the Tower. I assumed they would blame me for everything, so I hided inside a closet, or what I thought it was a closet, when it was another door to another world instead, This time, I found myself in Alice in Wonderland... like if I needed more madness! I was told by a voice that I needed to converse my sanity here. The world started to melt by itself and the very existancer of where I was, started to be a very weird experience. So weird that I do not recall what happened here. The next thing I recall, was exiting this world, and the word itself where I was (The tower) started to suffer like distortions... like the reality was becoming more and more twisted here. I ran downstairs to the ground floor and I saw some of my friends, who appeared to be happy, enjoying a great time with Aladdin and the Genie of the Lamp. There were getting a party ready, and there was a huge table with a lot of settings. I started to feel that it could not be good that characters from Aladdin would be wandering around the tower, after all, each Disney movie world was locked behind a door and not wandering around the tower. I was going to ask my friends what was going on, but then I saw Alice running freaking out and screaming and climbed a different set of stairs I did not see before. I figured that I left the Wonderland door open and things were getting even messier. I started to hear, "Off with their heads!!!!!!!!" In a very loud voice. I figured it would be the Queen of Hearts, mad for some stupid nonsense reason: She was the last one I wanted to deal with, so I run through a third set of stairs I found, and I found myself on the top of another tower. As I looked outside the window, I could see a very cartoonish garden and I could hear lots of screams and threatening calls coming from the tower. I wanted to hide somewhere before I was spotted and I saw another tower, where the Queen of Hearts was messing up a drawer, looking for something or for someone. She was very angry. I felt I was trapped in this tower and that if she decided to climb to it, I was going to die, as I had no way to scape. I figured what if I jumped through the window, even though probably not even my head would fit. A little after, I woke up.
14/8/2014 0000-0730 I was in line to go to a Disney park that looked like a castle. I saw my friend B. We talked about the castle. I remember talking about it being a great fortification if there were a bunch of machine guns on top of it. But also it would suck in an air attack. B didn't seem to care. I remember thinking about it in terms of Arma 2. Later, I got into the park and went on a roller coaster and that high tower chair ride. That's all.