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    1. Classic Supernatural Horror Movie

      by , 11-02-2013 at 06:21 AM
      So the dream started off normal and very ordinary. I was originally at what seemed to be a lecture hall of sorts filled with about fifty people or so. I was here with one of my convention friends, he and I simply sitting there chatting about non-important things.

      Suddenly the situation begins to escalate quickly. Another girl that I vaguely knew suddenly came into the room and grabbed the hand of my friend, quickly muttering something about "needing to get out now." Not explaining anything to me, she and the other occupants of the room began exiting in a chaos almost, leaving me as the last to exit.

      When I left the room the environment was absolutely different from what I expected. It suddenly appeared as a very old country town, with the majority of the homes being made of logs and old, antique wood. The first person I came across had a very demonic aura to her, and was not a face that I could fathom or recognize. Coming quickly up to me she tried grabbing at me with clawed fingers but I ran away screaming from her.

      As it turns out, there was a group of these evil beings that seemed out to kill me. No matter how hard I kept hiding in different spots they kept showing up to claw at me and trying to murder me. Eventually I hid under a sort of gap between a porch and the ground, thinking I was safe. I hid here for an excruciatingly long time before another of those faces appeared before me. Realizing where I was the other creature/humanoids began circling the awning, keeping me trapped underneath. It seemed like what appeared to be a bulldozer of some sorts came up, crashing into the house and destroying the foundations. As the house started falling down upon me, I woke up from the dream.
    2. MasterChef at a UFO convention

      by , 09-22-2013 at 11:53 PM (Mouka's Mind Palace)
      (This is from September 17.)

      I was attending some kind of UFO/conspiracy convention with Cory. There were lots of people dressed as aliens and stuff, and just general alien items everywhere. It was kind of embarrassing for me, because even though I wanted to be there, I didn't want him to think I was some kind of crazy conspiracy nut. So when we were sitting together at this long lunchroom-type table with a bunch of other people, I would whisper to the others around me so Cory couldn't hear what I was saying. I remember telling a guy next to me, who said he was an alien from Orion, that I wanted to get the Pleiades tattooed on my stomach. Then one of the convention leaders put out a stack of pamphlets about a Bigfoot-like pig creature, and we all went up and looked over the pamphlet. After a while, Gordon Ramsey appeared and had a small MasterChef-style competition right there at the convention. Cory and I joined. We had to do a tag team thing, and I decided to give Cory the moose meat because Gordon said it only had to be cooked a few seconds, so I assumed we could do that easily. Cory didn't hear him about the cooking time and left the meat in the oven during his turn. Then when my turn came around I raced to pull it out of the oven before it overcooked, I was so into it that I even grabbed the pan out of the oven with nothing but a towel and endured the heat, even though normally I can't get near an open oven because of heat intolerance. Unfortunately, it was too late, and the moose meat started dissolving before my eyes, and we lost because we had no dish since the meat completely evaporated into the air.
    3. Ace Attorney

      by , 09-15-2012 at 06:07 PM
      lol, my usual DJ is currently out of reach of my bed, so I'm writing this here

      I dreamt that I went to a local sci-fi con to see the Ace Attorney movie. It was different from the real one. After I watched it, I went to this room where they were going to show it on a TV. When I got there, though, the actors for Phoenix and Edgeworth were outside. I shook hands with Phoenix, then tried to shake hands with Edgeworth but I put out the wrong hand and it was awkward. As I was walking inside, there were a few more actors along the wall. One was an old lady who had played Oldbag. Then there were 2 people who apparently had played Layton characters, and their actual faces were all deformed like Layton side characters tend to be. Their faces were all tiny and squished to the bottom of their round heads with no chins.

      I finally got inside, it had already started and I looked to see a small TV behind me on the wall, plus a few rows of plastic chairs. Trying not to block it, I was going to try to find this girl I follow on tumblr. I saw her, then realized I'd never talked to her so she would have no idea who I was. I found a friend and sat down next to them, looked back up, and suddenly it was the actors putting on a live play about the movie. Someone from the audience disturbed them, and they worked it into the play somehow.

      I left at some point and saw a girl sitting outside the room under a table, drawing on some paper that was on the ground. I'd met her before, so went over to talk to her. It was suddenly inside a dimly-lit but nice mall. She was sitting next to a pile of small packages wrapped in brown paper, and we were trying to figure out what they were for. I realized they were prizes for a draw. They all had names and the item that was inside written on them, and most of them were iPods. I looked and found a package for me, but it was an AA related item, possibly a bag.
    4. Wed. Aug. 15

      by , 08-15-2012 at 04:40 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      Wrecking Ball

      The dorm I live in is about to undergo some major remodeling. They want to add more bathrooms, so they're going to demolish and rebuild an entire wing. A friend and I are sitting with a map of the place in front of us, trying to work out where they're going to find room for all of the people who currently sleep in that wing. It's not easy. I wonder if it's wise to be reducing sleeping room at a time when this university should really be building new residence halls to house the growing undergraduate population.

      I need to go to the bathroom, but the bathrooms are all in the wing that's being destroyed. Still, I haven't felt any thunderous booms from the wrecking ball hitting the building, so I decide to go over there anyway. When I look out the bathroom window, I see that the wrecking machine isn't even on right now. (You can tell because when it's on, the wrecking ball swings back and forth like a pendulum, gradually sweeping wider and wider arcs.) However, apparently there's been some work done on the inside of the building, because none of the toilets work. Notwithstanding this, I spend some time in the bathroom. At one point I wonder if all of my changes of clothes are in the wing that's soon to be destroyed. Then a guy comes running into the bathroom to tell me that I'd better hurry up because the wrecking machine's started warming up! Sure enough, when I look out the window, I see the wrecking ball swinging back and forth a little. I do hurry. But it turns out the machine is aimed at another part of the wing, where some students are currently eating lunch on the roof. As I watch through the window, all of them soon leave, all except one, who's either trolling the machine operator or just very stupid. The machine operator can't start working until this student leaves, and he's visibly annoyed.

      Math Meeting

      Someone in the math department is telling us that Prof. S has released the results of his annual "Favorite Teachers" survey, and as always it "just happens" that he tops the list. The announcer apparently thinks that the second-place professor (whom I've never heard of) is a better one. I decide to see if I can take a class with this other professor and form my own opinion. Anyway, it only makes sense for Prof. S to put himself at the top of his list. It's a demonstration of self-confidence, or something.

      Now Prof. S himself is leading the meeting, and he's gone through a list of important characteristics for any math teacher to have. He's taken a break from talking so that the listeners can discuss these ideas among themselves. I wasn't paying the closest attention, so I look over at Prof. B's notes, which he's been typing on his laptop. It's a list of five desirable characteristics in a math teacher. Suddenly Prof. S calls on me and asks what I think of what he just said. I try to keep my voice calm and formulate an intelligent response--something about trying to work out which teachers in the department have which of these five characteristics he's just mentioned.

      "Characteristics?" says he. "What characteristics?"

      I read off the first two items on the list, and he interrupts me to say that those are not characteristics but "methodologies." Oops. Now it's clear I was reading from Prof. B's notes. I hope he doesn't mind too much. Thankfully, Prof. S soon changes the subject.

      • Something happens inside a convention center.
    5. 24th July 2012 - 16th Lucid Dream [My sub-conscious sure is creative....]

      by , 07-24-2012 at 11:42 PM
      Italic Text = Personal Thoughts
      Normal Text = Non-Lucid Segment
      Light Purple Text = Partially Lucid Segment
      Purple Text = Lucid Segment

      I'm at a convention of sorts, similar to ComicCon, there's people all around in costumes and lots of booths for all different kinds of TV Shows and games.

      I'm fighting my way through the hustle and bustle when I realise that I've lost my friends. I look around for them but can't seem to find them anywhere, when I notice a board that mentions a chess tournament will be happening in a few minutes, something that my dream self was really interested in going to. Though I don't know why, I never play chess in waking life!

      I head to the conference hall where the tournament was being held and queue up. There are a lot of people apparently wanting to play chess, as the queue is ridiculously long. Eventually when I get inside I'm guided to a table and sit down with this old man and a girl with long, ginger hair.

      I immediately notice the intricacies of the table and the chess board that's built into it. It's made of some kind of expensive wood and looks like it must have taken hours to craft all of the details in the chess pieces and the table itself.

      The tournament is about to start when I notice I'm missing a sheet of paper, which was required to partake in the tournament as we had to note something or other down, though, I forget what exactly. I ask for a piece of paper from the tournament host, she walks away and brings me this blank sheet of paper.

      I look up, thank her, and when I look down again my sheet of paper is now filled with text that I can't make out, besides the name "Jane" signed at the bottom. I flip it over and it's blank on this side, but I'm becoming suspicious. When I look away and back again, this side is now filled with words too.

      The ginger girl sitting on the table turns around and mentions that I got handed an already filled piece of paper to the tournament host, while I look down at my hands and reality check. I become lucid, though because of the long dream beforehand I guess I was nearing the end of my dream and I can feel the dream fading after the bump in consciousness.

      I'm focusing on the wrinkles in my hands to stabilise a bit, before swiping my hands over the wooden table to solidify my presence in the dream world and everything comes back into view.

      Ginger girl is still talking to the tournament host, I stand up and for some reason my not fully conscious lucid-dreaming self decides to attempt to blast wind from my hands to make her hair poof up, as if she was in a hurricane. I set up expectation and imagine how it would occur and gesture my hands towards her. Nothing happens with her hair but she simply shouts out "POOF!" in the middle of talking to the tournament host.

      I try again and again, "POOF!, POOF!, POOOOOFFF!" until she turns her head and glares at me, clearly angry that I keep interrupting her conversation. I'm somewhat startled and the dream fades to black and I find myself back in my bed.

      I briefly attempt a DEILD but my mind seems to wander too much and I can't fall back asleep anyway, presumably because of how late it was in my sleep cycle (already about 8 hours) and decide to just get up and write down my dream.

      Updated 07-24-2012 at 11:45 PM by 54730

      lucid , non-lucid
    6. NerdCON

      by , 04-03-2012 at 02:31 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I was in the living room of my own house, and there was this convention-type thing going on. But everything in the convention including me was very small. I was probably only a couple inches tall.
      The first thing I remember was this robot battle arena thing. There were these two robots. One was small and more human-like, while the other looked sort of big and hulking. I can't remember them actually fighting though.
      Then, I went by the part of the convention where people were selling their old toys, comics, etc. I found a bin of action figures I decided I wanted, but I could not find the guy selling them.
      I went up to the booth next to him and asked the guy standing there where the guy selling the toys I wanted was. he said he had already left and that the convention was over.
      Then I realized that everyone was packing up and I just decided to take the action figures. Since the guy who left them must've not cared about them.

      I was at the park by my neighborhood. I wanted to go on the swing, but there were two girls from my class on the swing.
      "Crap, now what am I supposed to do."
      Both of the girls jumped off and I got on one of them. Then the girls stood in front of the swing and wanted high-fives from me every time I swung close to them.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:16 PM by 53527

    7. Battleships, Stoves, and Canyons

      by , 12-10-2011 at 09:19 PM
      Awake - Dream - Lucid
      "..." shows where time in the dream is missing.

      Time: Morning of 12/10/11

      This was interesting. I'm hoping that I got down all the details.

      I had gotten up at around 6:00 AM to look at the lunar eclipse. My dad had woken me up to look at it. He and my little sister were leaving for a swim meet. After they left, I went back to bed and listened to internet radio on my iPod. I was listening to old archive clips of Phil Hendrie. I hadn't been using any sort of induction technique for the past several weeks.

      I was on some sort of massive beach, which was crowded with hundreds of people at tables and in front of consoles. It seemed like it was some sort of convention for RC boats and also large ships. The sky was grayish blue, and the water was very dark and kind of choppy, but it was warm, and there was no wind...
      I'm riding one of the small RC aircraft carriers out into the water, which was congested with other boats and ships...
      Everyone is talking about some new sort of war ship that the military is looking into...
      Writing this, I can't remember what was so special about it!
      Now I'm in back of what I think must have been one of the new ships. There is a large patio and there are people sitting and chatting. I somehow pull down from the back of this ship (which didn't appear to be in the water) a massive round grate, like the one you'd find over the gas outlet on a gas stove. I twist something under the grate, and a massive fire is lighted beneath it. This grate was massive, and for this scene of the dream, my view appeared to be flying overhead, even though I felt like my body was still on the ship. Everyone loved the stove top thing. They praised my accomplishment. Then I tried to turn it off, but it was very hot and I had to use massive pliers to twist the valve shut... I don't remember if I actually succeeded in getting the thing turned off.
      Everything seemed to skip ahead one year. I was coming back to the convention this year, accompanied by my dad this time. He said everyone would want a setup spot next to me because I had become famous at last year's convention. As he said this, we were wondering a back gravel path past wood cabins in what seemed to be a forest. There was a little snow on the ground, but I didn't feel cold. Apparently these were all convention spots; we just had to get to the beach. Everyone tried to talk to me as we passed. Eventually we rounded a corner at the end of the string of cabins, and there was the beach, packed with people. I wondered off to my spot, which I somehow knew. Next to my spot, I saw someone who I edit videos for on YouTube, but had never actually met in person. He apparently had the spot next to mine. He was busy setting up an RC boat. I said hi and without looking up he said "hey, buddy." Then we got to talking and I noticed that he seemed to be made out of the same material as egg cartons are. I asked him about it and he said something which I can't remember. I said to him, "this is the first time I've actually met you in person." He replied, but I can't remember how. A bunch of people were coming up to me and asking if I was going to do the stove top again this year. I said I would...
      Now we are on board one of the new military ships again. I seem to suddenly be accompanied by some friends from school. The halls inside the ship are dim with a greenish tint. Eventually I find my way to a computer and look at the screen...
      Now I'm at the top of a cliff at a smooth-faced orange canyon. At the bottom, there is blue water, clear enough to see to the bottom. The cliffs weren't too high, maybe 100 feet or so. I make some remark about this being the perfect place for the stove, because there is a lot of space in the gorge...
      Now I am at a beach, but it doesn't seem to be the same one. It is very sunny and the water is calm, and there are no other people besides my group. Next to the water, I am setting up some apparatus necessary for the stove top. I am with someone else, but I don't remember who. A sound startles us and we look around, to see a group of basketball-sized colored spheres, all with cartoonish faces, moving along in a line and making some sort of song. I walk up to them, and they greet me and tell me they are on some sort of mission. We go back around a hill that was behind us...
      My group of friends and the spheres chat for a while, saying they need to explore the surrounding system. We chat for a while. I then go back out to the canyon, and as I get to where I would be setting up the stove top, I hear a sound behind me. I look over a rock and see another sphere, with round glasses and a long white beard. Somehow, I seem to recognize this sphere, and I go and talk to him...

      Between there and the next part, I'm sure something else happened, but I can't remember what. I don't want to trick myself into making up details that weren't really there, so I won't try to write anything.
      We are talking with the spheres, and they put up on a screen what their planned path around the area was for their mission. It was a map that should looping lines, like an orbital path. Chris, a friend of mine from school, added a separate path branching off from the main loops, saying that would add some fun...
      Now I just see an overview of the original crowded beach. A voice is talking about that military ship again, describing it. It says something like "It looks like a battleship, but it mainly works as a
      *can't remember*. I then see a side view of the ship, with the water underneath translucent. The ship sinks, and I begin to hear parts of my online radio.

      I wake up, turn off the radio, and check the clock. It's somewhere around 11:30. I decide to get up and write this down.

      This dream seemed to be more coherent than the last one I posted. There are still bits missing, but it seems to be more complete. I enjoyed this dream a lot, but I'm not sure exactly why.

      • The dream had a positive feel to it.
      • This dream also involved people I really knew, which I find interesting. For me, that hasn't been common.
    8. Anime con

      by , 08-04-2011 at 11:08 PM
      I was going to Animaritime alone and it was in a hotel. The registration was in a large yellow room with tables along the walls, chairs off to one side, and a red/gold carpeted floor. I had a pre-reg booklet thing that said "HUMANE" on the front in letter stickers, then the next time I looked it said "HUMANO". I talked to a lady at one of the tables, gave her my booklet, and she gave me two tickets taped to a sheet of paper which I could use to get in.
      Tags: anime, convention
    9. Fragment - Planning Something

      by , 08-26-2010 at 01:57 PM
      Type: regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I was in a convention center with pretty high ceilings; it actually looked like an art gallery. The floors were yellow cream tile, the walls white, and the lighting was coming from many light bulbs in circular encasements right in the ceiling.

      There were two floors to this building: the main floor, and the basement. The main floor was of the layout described above, but the basement was mostly shiny beige-painted concrete, and had a much lower ceiling, only around ten feet from the ground. I was taking an escalator down to the basement, and while I was standing there, going down, I was going over some sort of plan. "Build" is the only word I can remember, but it definitely wasn't anything bad.

      On the way down I saw Gilbert Huph (Mr. Incredible's boss) sitting on the escalator rail, going up, while I was going downwards. He looked at me and said, "did you just say bomb"? I didn't, so I spent a few moments saying "no" and trying to convince him. Ultimately he just laughed, hopped off the escalator at the end, and walked away.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:35 AM by 28408

      non-lucid , dream fragment
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