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    1. Dream Journal Entry 14: Three fragments -04-24-2013-

      by , 04-24-2013 at 01:16 PM (The Land of Dreams - SilentEternity's Dream Journal)
      Two fragments.

      Dream 1 (fragment): False awakening. I woke up and glanced around my room. It was a bright, sunny day outside. I did not leave my bed, and fell back asleep.

      Dream 2 (fragment): I was driving past some stores. One of them was a jewelry store - with no front wall. It was also a bright, sunny day.

      Note - Today is rather cloudy.

      EDIT: I remembered one more thing after posting this, but only got the chance to edit this entry now.

      Dream 3 (fragment): I was in an elevator. There were two people with me - I seemed to recognize one, but the other I did not. I exited the elevator, heard something about artists being untrustworthy, and entered what resembled my grandmother's condo. I was wearing some kind of cross between a trenchcoat and a raincoat - and it was blue.

      Updated 04-24-2013 at 10:21 PM by 62260

      non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment
    2. Dream Journal Entry 13: False awakening. -04-22-2013-

      by , 04-22-2013 at 01:09 PM (The Land of Dreams - SilentEternity's Dream Journal)
      One fragment - and a false awakening, at that.

      Dream (fragment): False awakening. I woke up, performed a failed reality check, then actually woke up.
    3. Dream Journal Entry 11: One fragment, Superman -04-19-2013-

      by , 04-19-2013 at 04:08 PM (The Land of Dreams - SilentEternity's Dream Journal)
      I only remembered one fragment today, though I do remember it being somewhat longer.

      Dream 1 (fragment): I was playing AI War: Fleet Command, and I had some insanely powerful unit, and it was chasing around a unit representing Superman all over an empty map. I got him down to 1/4 his HP, but then I woke up.
    4. Dream Journal Entry 9: One Fragment -04-16-2013-

      by , 04-16-2013 at 09:57 PM (The Land of Dreams - SilentEternity's Dream Journal)
      Only one fragment, sadly.

      Dream (fragment): I was playing a game that looked suspiciously like (ie. nearly identical to, save for graphics) AI War: Fleet Command and was scouting around on the galaxy map.

      I suppose I had to make up for the past 2 recalls.
    5. Dream Journal Entry 7: Many dreams -04-14-2013-

      by , 04-14-2013 at 04:27 PM (The Land of Dreams - SilentEternity's Dream Journal)
      Three dreams tonight, and two fragments.

      Dream 1: I was outside a school, apparently mine, except it was in a completely different location and appeared completely different.

      It was about...five to ten times longer than it was wide, and had a complicated network of small flights of stairs and small rooms instead of reasonably large hallways and classrooms. The color scheme was a beige color for the walls, floor and ceiling, with a brown for the doors. Everything was also a mess. Chairs were randomly placed around rooms and such, and there were no tables. I wandered around for a bit, finding the aforementioned information, talked with a few DCs (though I do not recall the conversations), and the dream ended.

      Dream 2: I was playing some kind of third-person stealth shooter with a friend, and I cannot recall any details about him. There are a variety of scenes I remember, such as a wooden bridge spanning a cliff in a desert, with a guard at one end. There was also something about a dragon, which I cannot fully remember, but it was green and resembled a plushie, to an extent.

      At one point, we were infiltrating the enemy base or some such, and it had overly-large hallways, as if they would move tanks around or something. The color scheme was blue. For anyone who has played Lost Planet 2, there was one level that resembled this. There were windows and guards everywhere, but we were somehow not detected. There was one part in particular where there were two paths - one forward, turning right, and an offshoot to the right, which led to some kind of security room to the left, and a lounge/bathrooms to the right. Proceeding down the hall and turning right, there was some kind of dual-gate security checkpoint.

      At this point, it was less "playing a game" and more "controlling the character directly from a third-person perspective." I knew there was a guard on the other side of the door, but I thought I could take care of him. I closed the first door I passed through, and went to open the second one.

      In retrospect, as I am recalling this, I distinctly remember never actually having any weapons of any description. I also apparently referenced the Metal Gear (Solid) series when referring to the guards - though I have only played MGS4.

      So, the second door closes. I am facing the second door, and turn to the right - there is a window looking out into the corridor. Of all things, I see...a Heavy from TF2 run past, and it starts opening the door. The door opens and the Heavy kills me.

      I woke up briefly at this point, did a RC, and it was not a false awakening. It was about...5:30AM.

      Dream 3: I was driving to school. The route is completely different. There was someone who looked like he was wearing three traffic cones (one over each leg and one over his torso), and he was jumping back and forth on the road...at 60kph. Another driver and I passed him by driving into the oncoming traffic lane over a divider, then ran a red light.

      Note - this is definitely not an accurate representation of my driving skill.

      We eventually come to some kind of mall or some such - which is full of those large cargo containers you find on trains and the large cargo ships. We park, and I suddenly find myself outside the car. This "mall" was open on two sides - "open" as in "did not have an exterior wall" - something that would definitely never happen in Winnipeg. Maybe in Hawaii. The roof resembled the interior roof at one section of a place I worked - a greenhouse, though not the "greenhouse" part. My mother apparently buys me these two magnets, with an odd shape - an oval, with a name of some university, then a connecting bar, then a rectangle. On one of them it said something about preferring yellow silk over black gold.

      While silk is nice, oil is somewhat important, dream characters....

      Anyways, at one point I look up, and seem to briefly drift into something of a daydream/fantasy/what have you - one that occurs in real life from time to time, and I speak to this other character (specifically, Lucina from Fire Emblem: Awakening), and mutter something about "being home." (Note - I use these "daydreams" for lack of a better term to interact with whatever characters are present in whatever game I'm playing to pass the time, or to relieve boredom). We get up to the "school" which is an incomprehensible mess of what looks like oddly-shaped vehicles and buses parked together. I'm looking around for an entrance, and see some of my (IRL) friends.

      We chat briefly, and I ask where an entrance is - one of them says that they are waiting for people to get out of the way, as all of the entrances were blocked. So we wait about five seconds, and walk up some stairs. We enter this "bus" for lack of a better term, and I sit down next to them (not noticing that they are already sitting - and they were definitely behind me). Another friend of mine sits down next to me. I notice a third friend on the other side of the "bus." The second friend goes over to her. I look across, and I see something about free lunches, with a cost of "5" "10" "100" (no currency given), etc. and they were denoted by traffic cones of three sizes and shades - not much difference between them, they were all orange.

      At this point I noticed I had no shirt on, but before I could do a reality check, the dream ended.

      I think, at this point, I'll consider stairs and traffic cones dream signs until proven otherwise, and perform reality checks as normal.

      Dream 4 (fragment): I was playing some kind of turn-based grid-based strategy game resembling Fire Emblem: Awakening. There was a level involving clouds, and I was apparently levelling up the character Morgan (...also from Fire Emblem: Awakening). I also was apparently going to recruit another character on this level, but there were special spaces (which resembled wooden posts) where if I attacked them large sections of the level (which looked like a circle about 6 tiles thick, with a ~5 tile thick bar on the top) would cease to exist, obliterating any non-flying unit beneath them. I accidentally obliterated the character I was going to recruit with Morgan, despite Morgan being on the other side of the map, outside of movement range and such.

      I'm not sure whether or not I should play more Fire Emblem or less. Having the characters as DCs should be entertaining, if nothing else.

      Dream 5 (fragment): This one was a false awakening, though I forgot to do a reality check - I apparently woke up, and walked over to my closet, which had a white, sliding door on it. I open it up, and walk in. While my closet is a walk-in closet, this one was smaller and wider, and had a peaked ceiling. There was a second sliding door, also peaked, and somehow worked. Opening it, there were several shelves with towels. Dream ends.

      All of these dreams were...rather vivid, actually. A shame they were not lucid. I do know which friends of mine were present in Dream 3, I am simply not mentioning their names.
    6. text message

      by , 02-15-2013 at 06:30 PM
      I was just looking at a text message Ihad got from my friend jesse, forgot what it said..

      also had a dream where my mom lost her credit card, she asked me if i had seen it

      Updated 02-15-2013 at 07:23 PM by 60885

    7. Claiming what is mine

      by , 02-05-2013 at 06:52 PM
      Apparently my brother and his friends are sleeping in my room and they are using my stuff for a snowboarding trip. Which is ridiculous even in this dream world so I start taking all my stuff, my sleeping bag, my snowboard pants, and my jeans. The sleeping bags were all laid out in a row and I look for the one that is mine, its the orange one inbetween a green and white one and a blue one. The outsides of all the sleeping bags were grey but the insides were where the colors were. and I begin to zip up my sleeping bag and pack it. And for some reason I sit in a chair and try on the snowboard pants and the jeans when I hear my mom walking upstairs. I just take off the snowboard pants and I have my jeans on, (they are my weird skinny white jeans that I own that I never wear), and I felt as if I should hide the fact that I'm taking my stuff back from my brother. then the dream ends. I had other dreams but I forgot to record them in my journal. I'm going to begin to attempt DEILD, starting today.
    8. Horrible Dream Recall

      by , 01-31-2013 at 07:21 PM
      Sleep: 1 - 8:00
      Methods: WILD, DEILD

      It might have something to do with the laziness I seem to have in the morning, I forgot to put a pen and paper next to my bed to record my dreams, I know I had at least 4 dreams last night, but probably 5 or 6. After each dream I barely remembered anything from it and during the dream it was very vague in the first place. I obviously have a very long way to go with dream recall. I should begin a mnemonic or mantra tonight. I can only remember how boring and mundane the last dream was, It was just a forum and I was reading something slightly funny.
      dream fragment
    9. My Wallet!

      by , 01-30-2013 at 03:43 PM
      I had many dreams but I only remember the last one, me and two other anonymous people were on a road trip and we stopped by a fast food station. The overall theme of the restaurant was mostly white with like blue and brown cushions on the seats. Usually my dreams have extremely weird architecture so this dream was rare because it was a normal set up. We sat in one booth and we all left temporarily at the same time, probably to a bathroom? the dream was really fuzzy at this point. At that point I realize I left my wallet on the table. I feel like someone is stealing my money because we are in a fast food restaurant. I go back to the table and theres three guys with one guy "exchanging money" and theres less money but he says he was just trading my 20 for his change. In the dream somehow this is something thats technically ok to do for some reason. I start getting angry and ask for my wallet back, they throw it at me and I catch it but my hand hits a guy behind me. The guy behind me starts saying like wtf why did you do that, i said its cause these three retards threw it and I would have beat them up or called the police or something but that's when my dream ended.
    10. Absurdity to awakening

      by , 01-17-2013 at 06:23 PM
      The first dream I had was circled on a park, nearly like a Jurassic Park of modern times sans dinos. Families from all over came with survival possessions, their family, pets, and anything else they thought they needed. I wasn't conscious of the end point of this park, what was the point; however, I was well aware that this park was a kill or be killed kind of park. We needed to be the last family standing, by any means necessary. In this kind of primal world, my family chose to bring ourselves, the dogs, and our cars, which weren't really our cars...

      I don't remember much of this one, but some parts I do remember were quite vivid. It was a lush forest with plants that grew too high to be natural. The air was fresh and crisp, yet there was always a sense of tension, a sense of someone watching you from the shadows. We were taking a short break by a beautiful park when we came across another family. Nothing was said, but we immediately started attacking each other. After an unsuccessful few minutes, the other family decided to get in their car and speed away, making me miss some poorly thrown javelins by me. We decided to get in our car and go after them, but before we set off, my mother suggested putting one of the cars inside the other (we apparently had come with two cars...or the other was simply procured magically). I don't know how, but one of the cars fit inside the other, and we were fussing about which car had to have its windows down so that we could have access to the windows in general. While my mother and I were getting the window situation squared away, my father was looking and calling for my dogs, not quite sure of where they went. My mother kept telling him they were inside the car(s), and I realised they had both magically fit on the floor of the back row with plenty of room to walk around and lay down and things...these dogs can't remotely do that with our cars, they're far too large an animal for a space that's kinda tight. It was then I rethought the absurdity of this proposition, and then it got me thinking about the impossible nature of me having a javelin in the first place to throw, and finally settled on the fact that cars can magically fit inside each other and be fully operational. I came to these conclusions rather quickly and my dreamworld collapsed; then I woke up.

      I was awake for a while and then went back to sleep; sadly, I did not remember any more dreams
    11. Dream Fragment #1

      by , 12-18-2012 at 10:01 AM
      I remember being in an office with lots of computers and old CRT monitors. I was in a meeting and left back to my office where I saw my real-life boss who was sharing the office with me in a cramped tiny room. A co-worker walked in and I started explaining to him how I should start using some of the monitors lying around to dual screen my computer, and then he asked whats the point and all I kept saying is I would have more desktop space to work on.

      Thats all I remember, although I do want to note that at one point in time I clearly remember 3 old dusty black CRT monitors sitting above my desk on a small platform and they had incredible detail.
    12. A snail having his birthday celebrated!

      by , 12-01-2012 at 12:11 PM
      Non-lucid | Lucid | Extra notes

      Since my latest DJ post, I've started putting on earplugs at night and I also have taken the habit of opening my window to get some fresh air and thus avoid to wake up in the middle of my sleep sweating a lot.

      Dream fragment 1: I'm unsure I even dreamed about this but I feel it's important to note it down. It was a short vision of an empty-town road, in a mixed Thai-Italian architecture style. There were little shops with their displays (some wooden tables topped with wooden boxes) on both sides of the road (which in itself was pretty wide; you could easily drive a car there). All of those shops were aligned and continued all the way down the road, and there were some square-ish buildings behind them. Though, there was literally noone and the displays were empty.

      Dream fragment 2: A little bit of background is required to understand this. I'm part of a gaming clan playing on a rather realistic game where we often plan out house breaches & raids. We have a helicopter support unit (TAU) which I've helped with some old paperwork yesterday. None of my real-life friends are in this clan.
      In this dream fragment, I saw myself in a history lesson in our usual classroom. People in the room were gathered in groups to do some work (which is something we always do in French lessons). We set the tables in a way that they'd form squares of tables. Then I saw two friends of mine, A and C, asking me whether I had seen the TAU "activity checks"; I told them I had not, as I was not a part of TAU. They told me they talked about me in a positive way in those checks even though I have nothing to do with TAU (besides that paperwork). So I stood up, turned towards another real-life mate which I called by a TAU officer's in-game name (D. L.) and asked him if he had read the checks. He hadn't. (Side note: as I turned the tables were in their normal organization, spread across either sides of the classroom in a straight line). Then I looked towards the window to find my two good friends A and C (the same as in A stressful night... - Dream Journals - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views) and asked them once again. They answered they had not seen the TAU activity checks yet. I assume the dream then ended.

      Dream fragment 3: This time, I was having a maths lesson in the classroom that is normally used for German lessons. I was sitted in the middle-back of the room and we started doing an exercise, that was to complete individually. Now I consider myself a pretty good student in maths due to my marks, but for some reason I badly struggled and could barely read, let alone understand the exercise. I was frowning my eyebrows while I had my gaze locked onto the exercise book. My maths teacher, which I've had for three years so far, walked up to me and told me that it wasn't such a big problem I was... dyslexic. I was surprised at first then she kept on talking about dyslexia and saying I should receive help but that I shouldn't fear failing. I was feeling really bad and sort of misunderstood. Unfortunately, I can't recall anymore of this dream.

      Dream 4: THE longest dream I had. It might have spread over 2 REM cycles considering its length. At the beginning, I was supposed to show a few of my friends (four or five max) my apartment, and the dream started in the hallway of the building I live in. My friends following me, including A which came to my house with S and D this very Thursday to celebrate D's birthday at lunch. We headed to the lift and stepped in, and found ourselves on the landing of my apartment. Then, the dream sort of returned back into time and I found myself in the lift with JC and another friend. My apartment's on the 6th floor of the building. This time, the lift interior was made of classy stainless steel but was a bit smaller than the real one; and its doors opened as we reached the first floor. I saw an immense hotel or conference center interior, which was extremely bright (lots of windows around the hotel, thus a lot of light came in), with what could have been a bar or a reception desk (it was basically a huge marble cylinder and there was a counter surrounding it in a circular way) to our far left, a dark and round marble pillar in front of us (although it was a bit in the background), and lots of shiny white light to our right. The hotel interior itself was circular and if I'm not mistaken, we could see a dome on our far upper left corner as we looked up, exclusively made of window panes which flooded the hotel with pure light. It was quite a magnificent sight. We also saw a few people in front of the lift exit, doing their business, really. Then the lift doors closed and we went up to the second floor; once again, the doors opened and we could see the same interior but a man in his late forties or early fifties (tall, approx. 1m90, with a bit of grey short hair), who was wearing a suit and a nice, black coat that stopped at his knees. He entered the lift and smiled at us, but I do not remember seeing him any longer. We finally reached the third floor and the lift stopped in the middle of an apartment entrance, the said apartment being very dark as there was no light at all. There was a path leading right ahead on our left and a couple of stairs on our right, with a huge wall/closet (similar to the one in my dentist's office) separating those two ways. We went for the stairs and we saw a little table on our left with a mom and her kid; she was taking care of him. There also was a kitchen. And again there was a right turn leading to a bedroom but I can't remember its looks, although I'm almost sure it wasn't mine. From there on we walked back to the kitchen and surprisingly, around ten people had joined. Everyone was celebrating... a snail's birthday! There was a mini rectangular shaped cake with two blades of grasses on its both extremities. I started cheering up just as everyone else in the room and the mini-snail (it was nowhere near the size of a real one) crawled onto the top of the cake and started eating the grass. Suddenly, a similar second snail came and helped the first one to finish the remaining blade of grass. All of that was pretty funny and I remember laughing. BREAK!

      Once again - back into my hallway. But this time... there were at least 40 persons! My friends, a couple of adults, and LOTS of elementary school children who were wearing dark blue smocks. I was kind of overwhelmed but I still realized I had to make them visit my apartment; so I opened up the door that led to the lift with my key and pretty much everyone started flooding in this little bit of space in front of the lift exit. I started thinking that our lift could only handle 8-9 persons at a time so I told other people to wait for their turns but I went up first - and if I remember correctly there only were my friends with me. At this point the lift didn't stop as it was climbing but I felt it went higher than the last time; everything around me was sort of white and blurry. It eventually dropped us in the same interior and I quickly walked up to the bedroom (the same one). I widened my eyes... because I honestly had no idea why the bedroom looked like that. It was filled with gigantic bookcases containing tons of old yet beautiful books (those magic spells books you see in Harry Potter). The bookcases were organized in a trail, which went from the right of my room to the left whilst leaving a space in the middle. The floor was a wooden parquet that looked brownish and rusty. The only light in the room was an extremely dim light but I managed to spot a double-decker bed, the upper couch having two, seemingly comfortable, black and red pillows. Those pillows were laid against the wooden border of the bed. At first sight, my hands grasped onto my hair as I thought; "What's this? They're not supposed to see that...".
      The dream ended there.
    13. A stressful night...

      by , 11-26-2012 at 12:56 PM
      Non-lucid | Lucid | Extra notes

      That wasn't quite a good night. My dad was snoring and I couldn't manage to focus on repeating my mantras while falling asleep, but I do remember a few dream fragments. All of them are non-lucid, and might not necessarily be in the order in which they happened.

      Dream Fragment #1: I'm sitting at the dining table in my living room with two friends, A and P, and the first also brought his sister. For some reason, I thought we stood as the only guitarists in my school and that we were the "guitarists' club"; I remember turning myself towards a table (that does actually exist) to grasp onto something but the dream either faded away or I can't remember more than that.

      Dream/Dream Fragment #2: This one is longer than the first one. I basically dreamed of having a work experience in some kind of Paris' suburbs, working if I can recall well enough in a laboratory or a research center. First of all, I was in a dark, hotel-looking room, and I could see a road through the window. Moments later, I found myself in a bus, making my way back towards Paris, then some three or four friends of mine (including C), whom sat almost next to me, started talking to me and said we'd be late by more than one hour for our next class, considering the school was far away from the laboratory. However, we arrived in a courtyard shortly after she'd said that and I saw two, if not more, other friends (A, and P from dream #1). A was walking on a fence, laughing and shouting while P might have stood below A on the ground. Here's the end of the dream or it is at least all I can remember.

      I know for a fact that those two dreams were the last ones I had this night, as I struggled to fall asleep and kept moving in my bed due to being uncomfy. I might seriously use earplugs at night, considering that'd help to avoid hearing my dad's snoring.
    14. Disturbing Dream Fragment

      by , 04-29-2012 at 08:02 PM (Meanwhile In My Dreams...)
      I'm down on the West Side of town and I walk into a two story house. once I walk in the door I notice I am in a basement and not sure how I got there I turn around and the door is gone. I hook my dog up to the bottom of the stairs. I then walk up the stairs to see a bunch of my family and friends down the hallway to my right and a bathroom to my left. I then feel some of my teeth are falling out....

      I am staring In a mirror and the top front half of my teeth are missing, and I kind of look like a snake...

      Now I am in the basement again and my dog has became rabid...
    15. Schools and euros and pasta-flavoured-baguettes, oh my

      by , 04-17-2012 at 03:39 PM
      I'm in some sort of school. Not my own school, it's a primary I think, and I'm my little brother and a bunch of his friends in one of the classrooms. We're waiting for something. I look out of a little window in the wall and we're surrounded by nature of some sort.

      Then I'm in a small tuck shop of some sort. There's a man behind the counter who kind of looks like the guy on Cake Boss, that Italian American dude who speaks really loudly and makes cakes.
      I look around a bit and I see rows of sandwiches and baguettes. The guy implies I should hurry because he's closing soon. I pick out a baguette which has a picture of penne/farfalle with red sauce on the packet thing. This is strange, but I go along with it.

      I pay the guy, and he starts telling me I should tell people about his shop, which is called Mirabella or something which sounds close to that. Then I know that the valley in which the school is located, in the last years of the 18th Century (I live in Malta, which Napoleon occupied for two years from 1798-1800) some workers were building something which he didn't like, and Napoleon starting pleading desperately with them to stop (I see a vision of a list, with pleading words Napoleon used and gentlemanly words he didn't use while pleading, a woman's voice narrates). I'm still in the shop and as he narrates, I lean on the counter and the Cake Boss' little daughter is next to him. I pull away and everything melts.

      I wake up.

      (For the record, this dream was so deeply strange and random I am disappointed I didn't become lucid)
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