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    1. Half-Life 2 and imbalanced transformation | [26.07.2021]

      by , 07-26-2021 at 08:10 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Half-Life 2 and imbalanced transformation
      Apparently, I am Gordon from Half-Life 2 in this scene. Dr. Kleiner is with me in a half-destroyed room. There are big holes in the wall and debris on the floor, as well as a bridge made of metal grating and a pulley mechanism attached to it, which can be drawn in/out from within this room to pass over to another building, like in Half-Life 2: Episode One. He tells me to do something with suit batteries, and I jokingly think that it's weird that the level designers did this, when in the original Half-Life 2 game, they used car batteries.

      Scene change. I am in the same room of my home where the 3rd dream, 19.07.2021 ended, and am myself again. I am tending to my water snails which are in a jar between many plant pots. Then, I have a fake memory where my mother apparently blew into something which resembles a fallen-off flower blossom, which can apparently transform you into whatever you are currently thinking about when you blow into it, but apparently, she gave it to me but I threw it away for some reason. Now, I want it again, so I look for another one and find one I think resembles it. I know it could be poisonous, so I am a bit anxious, but I blow into it to see if it would work. Instead of doing what I hoped for, it blew up into poisonous plant sap.

      Scene change. The previous scene transitions by me running backwards into another room of sorts which is hard to describe. It is dark and there is another metal grating bridge, and apparently, if you fall down, you fall into the bathroom of my home from the ceiling. I sit on a duplicate of the sink in my bathroom. Apparently, blowing into the blossom did do something, but it does not work because it's apparently unbalancing the forces, or something, so bad things will happen because of that.

      Waking up from that was really weird. For a few minutes, I couldn't remember where and who I was and had great difficulty to notice that the dream didn't really happen.
    2. Survival in chaos and war in my home | [11.07.2021]

      by , 07-11-2021 at 02:09 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Survival in chaos
      Dream fragment. There was some sort of survival situation, it seems to be happening with some sort of massive creatures or robots the dream itself compares to war of the worlds. At some point, at the location shown below (map day2_coast_09, Half-Life 2), a character imagined what it'd be like to be so powerful, which the dream illustrated. First, you saw a war of the worlds tripod emerge from the ocean, then, as it passed through an area where you can't see it, it turned into this large, bulky, and black robot and approaches something to fight it.

      War in my home
      There is a war in my home, and I am laying in a bed of sort with a friend who is fighting with me. He expresses his concerns if this position is safe, but I say that I can just play dead, but he doesn't feel safe so he runs away. Then, suddenly somebody discovers me, somebody with a female voice, who insults me and then crushes my skull. After just a second, it switches to the view of my friend.

      Then, there's a scene change. The war's over. A man is running around and complaining that he has to clean up. Apparently, there's a bunch of scorpions around because somebody broke a terrarium of sort. He puts away a few flower pots on the window sill and sees many small scorpions, which he crushes. Then, he sees what seems to be a dead tarantula on a cardboard box, which I know he thinks is a scorpion, which he whacks with something to make sure it's dead. Then, what appears to be an extremely agile spider jumps towards the man and I switch from spectator to active, as I then run away from the spider thing, which is now a butterfly or moth. It lands right in my face, and I try to wipe it off but it won't come off, which I explain to myself as the fact that it is way too flat. Then, somebody comes and gives me something which makes it easier to remove.

      Coast screenshot:
      Test tube baby Jesus-20210711141824_1.jpg
    3. 3rd Oct 2013 Video games, secret ending of half-life 2?, videoception

      by , 10-04-2013 at 01:00 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was playing some video game where i had to find something.

      Dream 2:

      I was playing some video games and there was one which was mix of half-life 2 and STALKER, plus it had wanzers from front mission 3 apparently. I was doing one of the last levels which was happening in some dark open hanger, there were snipers and i had to guard some NPCs, i also had 'editor mode' with which i was fixing lack of detail in some parts. Then there was end part but i accidentally fell down and found some stuff happening which i managed to prevent, then i've found out that there's secret ending can be triggered. Building now was rather ruined and there was Prof. Kleiner trying to do something in an office, then something was about gun and i was transported into some glitch dimension filled with colors and GMod stuff, like floating Heavy's heads. I fought stuff at first but then figured out that to trigger secret ending i've had to go through this area without damaging or touching any enemy. Luckily gravity was rather low so i managed to jump over most of enemies through the level. There was last segment where i had to run to teleporter while dodging a group of G-Man's with sniper rifles. At that the game just ended. Then i've started talking to a dragon with which i was apparently playing this game coop this whole time or something?

      Dream 3:

      I was watching yogscast video, it was something about minecraft server. They were creative mode-flying around and then Simon started punching cows into holes that were leading into abyss. Then they went into building where game turned to be GMod, they were talking about stuff and then went to cinema. They started watching another video.
      That video was about console gamers that were playing some fighting/racing game, they got bored and started watching another video.
      And then that video was about some anime people with swords arguing about something and then two of them started chasing another one around the pool and then slashing him.

      Dream 4(fragment):

      Big dragon was talking to two smaller ones.
    4. A nice dream :)

      by , 04-05-2011 at 12:51 PM
      Non-dream | Dream

      Side notes:

      I couldn't recall my dreams for the few last days... more than a week, actually! It was quite frustrating. Hopefully, my recall's coming back .


      The friend I'm talking about is a funny guy, who's really nice. He loves making jokes and such... anyway. My old math teacher is surely the teacher I respect the most, since she was my best teacher . Recently, I've seen her at my school and we talked a bit about how I was doing. I also bought Half-Life 2.


      My first dream happened while I wasn't fully aslept and yet a little bit conscious. I was simply playing (passively) to Half-Life 2, seeing how I was progressing through the game. There were a few scenes I'd have already played.

      The "real" dream starts here. I'm in my school, going down the stairways. There are lots of people -- maybe all of the school's classes. I see a friend of mine and two little girls stopping in a little corridor. One girl starts playing with a big circle made of lace, goldly-boarded. She throws two half-circles and a full one, and my friend gets out his pack of YuGiOh cards (even though he has never played to YuGiOh) and throws a card.

      Then, I find myself in a gigantic room -- a grand hall --. There are lots of people and I'm with my friend. The two girls sit down next to us again, and my friend and them play the same game they had.

      Next, I'm in my old classroom (the one I was in last year). It's quite deformed and there are way more people than there should be. My old math teacher keeps shouting "Shut up! Shut up!", while the whole class is messing around, chatting, screaming, etc.

      Here it goes for my dream! Another side note: I don't know if it is related, but I went to bed a bit earlier and my recall came back (not totally though).