The school bathroom. I'm washing my hands in front of the mirror. When I try to enter the only stall, the door is locked, but I can hear people talking inside. Annoyed, I go into another bathroom. There are two stalls in here, but one seems to have been replaced with a blank wall while the other is also occupied. I bang on the door and hear a surprised noise from inside, so, feeling guilty for disturbing them, I turn to leave the room. But this time the door feels extremely heavy and it takes me a long struggle to get it open. As I'm pulling at it my vision seems to black out and I reel back from the effort. When I finally stumble out, I feel so disoriented, it's as if my mind is trying to pull away from my body. Finally I enter the third bathroom. By now I feel dizzy and can't see properly. Just as I get my bearings enough to register that there is a free stall I also see that someone else has come in after me and is about to enter it. I feel a sort of sinking despair and hopelessness at this. I stammer something out about how I was about to go in there. She takes a step back and offers to let me go first, but I, feeling sheepish, hurriedly refuse and resign myself to waiting. At no time in this dream - nor when I woke up - did I feel I needed the toilet. It's not one of those dreams that I often hear about. Strangely, this is the third time I can remember dreaming about being in an eerie and somewhat surreal school bathroom. All looked different but all of them left me with a similar feeling of disorientation and unhappy confusion.
Morning of September 1, 2015. Tuesday. My wife and children and I are living on Loomis Street, it seems (though my wife and children have never been to America). At least that is where my entire dream takes place; in the front part of the house. However, the house is mirrored from north to south - the first distortion of the Loomis Street house in this particular way that I remember. It does not trigger any degree of lucidity that the house is mirrored from my right to my left as such. My family seems to at least partly be living in the first small bedroom. My sister Marilyn makes an appearance as she was perhaps in the early 1970s (before I even moved back to Wisconsin). She seems healthy and happy. She goes to open her bedroom door and the door mostly falls off the hinges but is still partly attached at the top. She is annoyed and mentions something about how she wanted to listen to Neil Diamond with her door closed (apparently so as not to bother others, including her sickly husband). (This is odd, as she had never listened to Neil Diamond in real life regardless of her huge record, reel to reel, and cassette tape collection.) I go over and make the offer to fix it, but her husband Bob suddenly shows up as if having just arrived (possibly dropped off by his relatives or perhaps my sister Carol - this is not certain). He insists that he can do it. He looks very ill and begins at the top of the door frame. The hinges are not as they would be in reality. Each of the two hinges in the door frame (the ones that came loose) is held by two silver sets of nuts and bolts, the bolts facing outward from the door frame. He begins to work on the top nut by tightening it with his hands. The other nut below that is there but very loose. The other two nuts (for the bottom hinge) are somehow somewhere in that bedroom on the other side of the door (which is not logical, as the nuts would have rolled into the living room relating to how the door mostly came off, not the other direction). Just as he is tightening the top nut, he drops his left arm (the hinges are on the left side of the door from the living room perspective). He then seems to go into some sort of pseudo-ritualistic trance. I notice that there are dark reddish circles around his eyes and he is wearing no shirt. (He is just in his underwear.) He had arrived in only his underwear and had apparently been in the hospital for a week or more. He just stands there looking very ill. He starts chanting “Have a headache…don’t care…have a headache…don’t care…” (which seems to mean he does not care about anything in life, even continuing to fix the hinges). I get the strong impression that he is very close to death. I decide that I will manually tighten the other nuts myself, but just as I contemplate tightening the bottom nut of the top hinge, my dream fades. Zsuzsanna woke with a slight headache and a bit of nausea so it is possible our empathetic link projected into a different dream character (as this has happened before) - even though her character in my dream seemed healthy and happy. In fact, this metaphor (a door not being on all the hinges) does seem to have something to do with empathetic links that need to be strengthened for the health or vitality of both (including at different levels of thought). A door itself is a point between two rooms and often takes a dreamer into different levels of consciousness or awareness. Precognition unveils. Right after my wife had the television on (and just as I was ready to post this), the first thing she hears is “Neil Diamond…(pause)…No, it wasn’t Neil Diamond”. My wife just smiled at me and said “You’re funny”. Of course, this is a natural event via the Source, like digesting food, not an active “ability” for the most part (at least in this particular case).
Updated 09-01-2015 at 01:33 PM by 1390
False Awakening I got up from bed and felt extremely tired. I think I was headed to the bathroom. I had an intense headache. I lifted up my hands I don't know for what. I fell to the floor and last thing I remember was seeing Binks.
I'm with Kayley and her family (P&D) at a random house. I find out that she has lost her child due to a miscarriage. I'm trying to sleep on the couch, until Kayley's boyfriend arrives. I begin to rub my head due to have a headache/pressure in the head. The boyfriend asks what's wrong? I begin to tell him about my issue, but not long after I seem to stop talking out of my mouth and begin to start finishing the rest of the convocation through talking in my head. I tell him I'm sorry if you didn't get everything I was saying, because I finished the rest of the convocation in my head and couldn't help it. He understands and is all cool. I pass him a empty bottle of something, where I had my sweaty hands around the lid. Kayley and her BF decide to bake a cake. I joke around by saying is that gluten free cake?! and Kayley says yes in a sarcastic manner. I look at the mixture in the bowl and it looks pretty chunky, with apples through it. I'm thinking about maybe helping them. Dream Fragment: (DEILD attempt) I see myself in the mirror, and my body looks very defined, ripped lean muscle. I see the dream fading and I catch it and turn it into a DEILD. I focus on the last scene I saw in my dream and the scene begins to open up, but I get too excited and try to enter the scene too early, which ends my attempt. I've been impatient lately, I really need to just let it flow and happen
I had 4 False Awakenings in this dream. I became lucid on the 3rd, and retained it through to the 4th: Wake up in my own bed. I don't remember anything prior to this, so this is probably where my dream started. I hear people calling me from downstairs, but I'm in a bad mood from my waking life, so I ignore them. It sounds more and more desperate, but I persist; if it's THAT important, they can come up and get me. I know this is a dream because they didn't. Try to go back to sleep. Wake up in my own bed once more. I have a smoke in my room and go downstairs, leaving the light on and closing the door behind me, because it's early, and I didn't want to wake up my mom. Go downstairs and see the Easter Chocolate on the table (my parents still give us some chocolate at Easter, but don't make us look for it anymore). Look at the card, it's from my dad, and says "I owe you 80 dollars." Huh? I look up the stairs to see light. Damn, my cat opened my door (Which isn't TOO weird, my cats can do that in waking life). Have huge fight with mom, she says she hates me, etc. etc. etc. Wake up third time. At my dad's old house, in his room. Of all things, a silhouette of Ghastley from pokemon is clouding my vision. Realize this makes no sense, therefore, I must be dreaming. I flinch at the incoming nightmare (all of my dreams become nightmares when I realize I am dreaming), but it never comes. I rub my hands together to stabilize. I go downstairs, and the house is empty. I go into the kitchen. Everything looks like it is normal, except for the kitchen, where the space between the counter-top and the bottom of the cupboards is far too low. Don't remember what happened, but something woke me up... ...In my dad's old bedroom again. Retain lucidity. Start rubbing my hands together and feeling the blanket I am holding to keep myself there. Decide to parkour over the railing instead of walking downstairs. It works alright, but I fell too fast (somehow I expected gravity would be slower, but it wasn't. Still a good landing, though.) My brother is on the computer with two girl friends. Say I've never met them before, and ask for their names. I don't remember what they responded with, but I remarked that (A) looked like one of my brother's IRL male friends. There's nothing noteworthy about (B). I ask my brother if I can trust him, and he says yes. For some reason, I am hesitant to tell him, but then I explain that I am dreaming. Brother and (B) both laugh at me. (A) says nothing. I say "whatever, I'm going to get food." As I walk into the kitchen, (A) says something along the lines of "If I were dreaming, I'd use ice to stabilize. Simulates the sense of touch." I turn around and look at her, confused, and she gives me this understanding wink, as though we had some form of rapport. I smile at her, realizing she is the only one who knows this is a dream, too. I walk over to the freezer, and she shouts "Chili tastes good in dreams." (I don't know either) and grab some ice. I rub it on my arm, and I feel nothing. I ask "am I supposed to feel anything?". "Not yet", she responds, or something like that. I think a few more things happened, and then I woke up. 1st question: Is it possible (A) is a dream guide of some sort? Kinda confused by her presence, as I could SWEAR I've seen (B) before in waking life, but (A) seems as though she was created for the dream. Sorry, I'm tired, and rambling at this point. 2nd. Anyone get headaches from lucid dreams? All of my other lucids have lasted less than 30 seconds, but this was almost 20 minutes, and I woke up with a headache. And I never actually WAKE UP with a headache. Usually if I am going to have a morning headache, it'll happen 30 minutes after waking up, but this time I woke into the headache. Thanks for reading
Dream Fragment Non-LucidBefore I went to sleep, I had a terrible headache and couldn't think strait, so I didn't even try to remember a dream, but I did anyways. I was in a house with my dad, and my head felt like it was going to explode. I could barely walk, and even think without my head hurting. It was one of the most terrible pains I had ever felt. Ever.
I've had a bad night with insomnia, but after many hours, I finally felt asleep, and had some interesting dreams, and I can remember 6 of them. No, bang, I can remember one more! It's a weird one, haha! :insomnia: The Mine I found myself under the ground.. Or, it was so dark, so I couldn't find anything. I found some fire, and saw my friends. They screamed, because it all shaked. We all had orange hats on, to protect our heads. There was kind of an elevator. The stones began to fall down, and we all ran over to the elevator. All my friends came in, and it made me happy. I was a few meters from it, when a big stone hitted my head, and everything became black. And I woke up with a terribly head ache!
11-07-11 I was lying in bed trying to remeber any dream. Couldn't recall anything, could the severe headaches and illness be the cause of this?