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    1. The Importance of Keeping A Dream Journal

      by , 05-28-2012 at 01:33 AM
      The Importance of Keeping A Dream Journal

      It is relatively common when the subject of dreams is brought up that someone will say, "I never dream." Of course we know this isn't true. At the other extreme are individuals who claim, "I remember all of my dreams." This is also a delusion. In all instances, we simply don't remember the dreams we forget.

      Keeping a dream journal takes effort. Those who truly believe that they remember all of their dreams have the perfect excuse not to do it. It is easy for them to conclude (and I have personally heard it expressed), "Since I remember my dreams when I wake up, why should I keep a dream journal? It has the same effect, doesn't it?"

      Well, actually no. It does not have the same effect. Once you awaken to the realization that many, more accurately most, of your dreams are forgotten, you will either decide to keep a dream journal, or you will never improve your dream recall. Without adequate dream recall, there is very little chance that you will become a lucid dreamer. If you are unwilling to pay, you can't play. By keeping a dream journal and following a few fundamental rules, you will be granted access to a vast inner world with very few rules at all.

      Keeping a dream journal sounds much simpler than it is.. The strong urge to slip back into sleep when a dream is still fresh in your mind is a formidable adversary. Equally insidious is the almost irresistible belief that you can wait until morning to record the details of a vivid dream. Not only will you forget the details of the dream, it is even more likely that you wont even remember that you had it.

      In most cases, we only remember our last dream prior to awakening unless some waking event triggers the memory of an earlier one. Most of us have experienced this phenomenon. You must admit that without the coincidental event that stimulated the memory, you probably would never have recalled the dream. Consequently, the wisest course of action, when you wake up in the middle of the night with good memory of a dream, is to get it recorded while the getting is still good. Believe me, at the time, you will feel certain you will remember it. You won't.

      You can easily prove this to yourself. Some night, when you awaken from a clearly remembered dream, force yourself to jot down the key points along with a few unusual details. Go back to sleep. The following morning, dwell for a little while on all you think you remember about the dream before referring to the notes you scribbled a few hours earlier. I predict that you will be surprised to discover that there were significant elements in the dream that you had forgotten.

      Once you have gained respect for a dream journal's effectiveness in improving dream recall, you will be prepared to recognize a secondary benefit which is especially important for lucid dreamers. A dream journal will reveal personal "dreamsigns," a subject which is best covered in Stephen LaBerge's books. Briefly stated, these are objects, places or events which tend to occur repeatedly in your dreams. For me these include car trouble, violence, airline crashes, tornadoes, unusual attics or cellars, and provocative girls. Following Stephen LaBerge's advice, every time I experience any of these in "waking life," I immediately do a "reality check" to prove that I am indeed awake and not dreaming. By adhering to this simple discipline, you will certainly one day do a reality check when confronted by one of your dreamsigns - and lo and behold - you will discover that you are dreaming! If unfamiliar with reality testing techniques, see Stephen LaBerge's books or visit the Lucidity Institute website at Lucidity.com. (I am not affiliated or compensated.)

      Keeping a dream journal has other benefits. From a philosophical perspective, wherever you choose to put your attention, there you are. Expressed as a maxim, if you pay attention to your dreams, your dreams will pay attention to you. Just the decision to remember and document your dreams will increase your dream recall and, it follows, your likelihood of having a lucid dream.

      A good dream journal takes time, and for most of us, time is a precious commodity. If you are just starting and working to increase your overall dream recall, try to record each and every dream you remember. Even the ones that appear to be nonsense are initially useful. Once you have established a reliable routine and have identified your primary dreamsigns, you can back off a bit. Being experienced at lucid dreaming, I admit that I don't record every remembered dream. I quickly assess and rate my dreams. It is easy for me to distinguish between dreams that I consider significant from those that are confused, chaotic, or an apparent expression of my apparent hoard of fears and anxieties. I record and seriously reflect upon the former. I only briefly reflect upon the latter.

      If you sleep with anyone you care about keeping, you will very likely need to negotiate alternative arrangements on the nights you target for dreaming. This is one sacrifice that keeping a good dream journal typically requires. I also recommend spending a minor amount of money on a voice recorder (or use that feature on your smartphone). Writing out a long dream can sometimes make it difficult to get back to sleep, and you won't have to worry about trying to translate what usually looks like hieroglyphics the following morning. I reach for my recorder, conveniently placed. I begin drowsily talking. The next day (or whenever) I play it back. Listening to it brings the whole dream back into memory as though I just woke up. I then type it with acceptable grammar and spelling, and it gives me the opportunity to add retrospect impressions and comments.

      That's it. I hope this is helpful. Start a dream journal tonight. It speaks for itself in results. /Stephen Berlin
    2. I Feel Asleep 4 Times in 1 Expericence

      by , 05-27-2012 at 12:54 PM
      Sunday, May 27th. I woke up at 11:44 a.m and decided that I probably could sleep a little more. So I tried to get a lucid dream (without an alarm). So I got into the dream without knowing it, I was sitting with my mom and a bunch of other ppl, I can't remember who. I decided in my dream that I wanted to get lucid. So I woke up again but my RC failed, so I woke up in the dream and decided to try again.
      This time I woke up in the same room, there was an hallway and I went to check it out, but no one was in there, even though it was supposed to be a babys room. I wanted to go outside, but before I did a cat and another animal started walking beside me, so the I RC'ed and it worked. Suddenly I was stading outside on a road that I kinda knew, with my good friend who also does lucid dreams, so he guided me through the dream. While standing on the pavement a blue car drove by but stopped, Sebastian quickly told me to stabilize the dream, and the car started driving again, I wanted to jump in front of it, for the lulz, but I was too afraid..
    3. 1st Lucid Experience, uncalled for.

      by , 05-27-2012 at 12:33 PM
      So it's Friday and I woke up at 6:30 a.m because I wanted to get early to school. So, like any other lazy person I fell back asleep, now this is what is weird: I got an lucid experience without wanting it. I didn't want it because I felt it was too early. I was afraid of monsters and stuff, but I think my subconscious just wanted me to try it, and thank my "subthinking" for that!

      - THE DREAM -

      So, without knowing it was a dream I was sitting with my laptop on my lap. And syncing my iPhone. Now I'm pretty good at "daily awareness" so when I got a text from one of my good friends saying that he was gonna steal my girl, I knew something was wrong (cus he wouldn't do that). So I looked at my fingers and I had two extra fingers on my left. So now I knew i was dreaming but I got so over-excited that I woke up. Damn.
    4. UFOs and Aliens oh my! (Lucid)

      by , 04-11-2012 at 12:04 AM
      2005/2006 (From my old journal)

      I'm posting prior dreams here as I begin attempting to lucid dream again. This one and the Becoming Golden dream are two of my first. I cannot remember if this was first or the Golden Dream was first but both have never left me and were incredible dreams - both were lucid.

      I went to sleep as normal as I had not begun intentionally LD'ing or even trying to recall my dreams.

      While still dreaming, I found myself on a sidewalk, in my nightgown, at nighttime. A streetlight was to my left and I kind of was standing beneath it, I guess. I was on a corner and a traffic light was turning yellow and then red. I felt that I was waiting for something but I had no idea what i was waiting for. To my left, stood a lady, also in her pajamas. I didn't pay attention to what she wore. She had her head back and was staring up at the dark sky.

      I copied her and looked up at the stars. It was a clear night and the stars sparkled except for a dark patch that was shaped like a triangle. I heard a dog bark off in the distance and crickets were chirping. I kind of thought that was a weird detail for a dream. Anyways, after I noticed the dark triangle patch in the sky that blocked out the stars, I realized this dark patch was descending...or getting bigger. Then, I just said in my dream, "I knew they were real." And I turned to look at the lady beside me to see if she saw the craft too. Her head was still back. She had on a white nightgown - I now noticed. I think I snickered at her. I remember thinking - huh, they don't have any lights on, but why would they unless they wanted someone to see them.

      I turned my attention skyward again and the feakin' triangular thing was about 6 feet off the ground. It hovered above me! It blocked out the entire sky from my view. Now, light emmenated from beneath the object, but I couldn't detect or see any actual lights. It just glowed. (still not lucid)

      I spun in a circle. The woman was gone. I was now in the middle of the street, but I couldn't recall walking or moving to get there. A cool white light engulfed me, and, as if I'd turned a switch from off to on I arrived in a gray metallic room. My pulse pounded at my wrists. There was NO transition. No intermediate locale. I was standing in the street, outside, on the blacktop, and then I wasn't.

      (still not lucid but beginning to freak out)

      The room was dimly lit with the same kind of lights as were on the object's underbelly. I couldn't see a light bulb or any indentation where a light could be. No furniture. No pictures. Just a gray room. Except it was small - maybe 10X10 feet max.

      I wiped my hand on my thigh and realized I was still wearing my nightgown. (I think I started to become aware) I looked up and saw in the corner of the room a being - the typical big headed, black eyes, grayish body - standing. Whether she, and I say she because I knew it was female, had always been there in my dream or materialized, I don't know. Anyways, I noticed she had blonde hair. And that triggered my awareness. I don't know why but it was like I had been slowly waking up after I showed up in this gray room thing.

      I stared at this creature and thought, quite deliberately, You're not supposed to have hair. Pale blonde hair covered her light bulb shaped head! It has to be a wig, I thought, again quite intentionally. She tilted her big head and then sent me this thought. It was THE coolest thing! I just got like a complete sentence dumped into my consciousness: She wore it to make me comfortable. Her slit of a mouth never moved I felt her intention and I also felt comforted. She seemed to smile but her mouth remained motionless.

      Oh my God! They're real! They exist! And a big grin spread across my face. Then, I felt her happiness. I felt that she was pleased with my reaction.

      I spoke aloud, Am I dreaming? And it was at this point that I knew I was 'awake' because I began to feel more and question things. But as if in response to my own question I got the answer, No, you're not dreaming. It kind of echoed in my head, you're not dreaming. That freaked me out. I began to look around and realized that the other lady was not with me. So, I asked the creature, where the other lady was. She told me it was not my concern. She was on her own tour and not to worry! Holy crap!

      My heart started racing at this point because I just felt awake and I felt and saw everything. It was too freakin' wacky! My knees got wobbly yet I know outwardly I remained calm.

      She asked me, in my head, which is kind of weird because I was already in my head , if I wanted my tour now? She motioned with her long, bony arms toward a door behind me. I turned around and a door slid silently into a wall - like the ones on star trek, except this one made no sound.

      Outside was a hallway that was also gray (what is it with gray and my dreams???) and had subdued lighting. I followed her down this hall and it turned slightly and opened up. The lighting here was strong and bright. It was a white light but again no actual light bulbs could be seen. AND the fact that I was checking for freakin' light bulbs bothered me. This new area felt like and reminded me of the center of a mall. It was like the center of the craft??? It was all white and lit. There were many light bulb head creatures roaming around. Some held see through clipboard type things but they weren't clip boards. It was like a see through computer screen or something. I don't know. Anyways, they didn't seem to notice me or mind me.

      In the back of this space, was a cylinder, clear glass or plastic. And I watched a few aliens go into it and then it shot straight up - like an elevator. There were tropical plants in front of the tube elevator. These creatures wore tunic type of clothes with pants. The colors they wore were pastels - no primary colors - yet.

      We moved on and followed the curved wall in the hall. It seemed to go around this central hub. And as we walked I got this feeling she had a surprise for me. She hoped I 'd like it. At the end of this hall was another large room. It had row after row of seats - orange seats with a metal frame. The whole area seemed like an airport waiting area to me. On the left side of the room were windows - it was black outside though so I couldn't see anything out these windows. But the weirdest thing was these chairs and what was on them.

      On every single chair, was a photograph. Each photo was of a different person - all humans. She kept on walking until she got about halfway back and then she stopped. I got this feeling that I might see my grandparents who had been dead for many years. She motioned with her long, twig-like arm for me to move into the aisle. I shuffled down the aisle like I was in a movie theater. And when I was halfway down that aisle she motioned for me to stop by holding up her long arm with four spindly fingers. I looked down at the chairs and there was this photograph of a man, Indian in nationality. He had dark hair and dark skin, dark eyes. He appeared to be in his forties, maybe or fifties. I don't know. And to the chair on my left was a woman with dark hair in a bun on top of her head, I think. She too was Indian. I stared at the photos and then looked back at this alien. She 'asked' me if I knew these people. I did not.

      No sooner did I have that thought that everything changed.

      She put up this mental wall so I couldn't feel her anymore. I don't know how else to explain it. But I felt cold and alone and frightened. I felt as if I'd made a wrong choice or said the wrong thing and everything spiraled out of control. From the back of this room came ten or more of these creatures. They surrounded me and pushed the chairs out of the way. They forced me to the ground with my right shoulder down (I think) and left shoulder was up. I saw one of these freaks had a syringe in its hand that contained an orange, syrupy solution. I began to yell and thrash telling her I was sorry that I could try again. But I had no sense that she was even there anymore. Then, they stuck me with this syringe and....of course...I woke up!!! FREAKIN' WEIRD...
    5. Angels and Airwaves--Talking to Tom about Lucid Dreaming

      by , 01-25-2012 at 06:35 PM
      I just had one of those dreams where I am talking to someone about lucid dreaming and I don't get lucid. Neverthe less it was a nice dream.


      Jeff and I were going to see Angels and Airwaves play. The show was at the college we used to go to. To get to the room where the show was we had to climb this really tall weird staircase. The stairs weren't flat but round and wavy with large distances between "stairs". I was struggling near the top. I was worrying that I was going to fall backwards, but Jeff and Danny R were where giving me a hand.

      We got the the room where AVA were playing. It was like a large college classroom. We sat in metal chairs. Unfortunately we were near the back. But then they started playing and it was great. After about a half hour of playing Tom Delonge stopped and started talking to the audience. Then he started shaking hands were people. He got to our row and shook hands with both Jeff and I. He started talking to Jeff. What he said wasn't making sense. After that he said they were taking a break and would be back to finish the show in about 15 minutes. I asked Jeff if he thought Tom was drunk. Jeff shrugged.

      Jeff told me he wanted to wander the campus until we found the trophy that our band had won many years ago. So we did. We finally found the room where the trophies were and it was cool to see the trophy again.

      Then I had this sudden fear that way more than 15 minutes had passed. I started running back to the stairs to the room. At first I didn't want to climb the stairs again. I thought it would be faster to take the elevator. But suddenly I saw Tom Delonge about to go up the stairs. I was so glad that the show hadn't started again. I caught up to Tom and decided to ask him the first question that popped into my head. I said, 'I've got a quick question for you...are you a lucid dreamer?"

      He smiled and said, Yeah...well, no...not actually lucid dreaming....just vivid dreaming."

      I said, "You are always singing about dreaming...in all your songs. If you don't lucid dream now, you have to learn. I learned a few years ago and it changed my life. I can't even imagine the songs you would sing if you could lucid dream." And he sounded interested and agreed with me. Then he started talking to me about how he also planned to write a song about the Bentley Project. I wasn't sure what that was, but decided that I would look it up later. I assumed it had something to do with UFOs or the paranormal.

      As were were talking and climbing the stairs I saw that someone in front of me had dropped a cell phone. I picked it up. It was cool looking...clear and glowing. I carried it with me planning to ask the people at the show if they had dropped it.

      Then finally we were to the top of the stairs and Tom headed to the front of the room to start the show again. I called out to him, "If you need help with lucid dreaming, get on Dreamviews. I'm Twoshadows."

      And then AVA stated playing again.

    6. Beginner

      by , 12-23-2011 at 02:18 AM
      I recently found out about lucid dreaming and gained an instant interest. my first night i tried it i almost achieved it however once i realized it was a dream i got so excited i woke myself. i have been keeping track of my dreams and am starting to remember them more vividly. i was just wondering if anyone had any pointers to help my achieve a lucid dream, it would be much appreciated!
    7. Yozy's Diary of Dreams Entry 1

      by , 12-12-2011 at 02:00 PM
      I was in a dream where I was some type of 19th century explorer/geologist and I was at a place called Turunga (which I know in real life is a volcano off the coast of New Zealand. I was at the volcano with a group of other geologists trying to determine the eruption history of this volcano as it had been rumbling five years earlier and the government of New Zeeland wanted me to determine if this meant that it should evacuate the island as Maori lore had many destructive tales of this volcano. I am lucid this whole time because 1. I am a character and 2. I have never been to New Zeeland and 3. the volcano scape reminded me of a mix of Kings Canyon, a stone quarry, and Ringing Rocks in Pennsylvania. We were looking at the rocks determining the last time it erupted and the kind of lava it was erupting (to determine of we had to evacuate the Island or not) but then the volcano started rumbling and apparently, I was the only one on the team hired by the New Zealand government who thought this was the problem.
      So I am running down the mountain thinking something to the extent of "I don't want to be stuck in a pyroclastic flow because that would suck" and so I get to the bottom of the mountain where there is a beach. I can see the Ship we came in on off in the distance (which is like a small yacht sized boat) and I see the small rowboat we came in on. The rowboat is not much in fact it looks to be mcgivered out of a few sticks tied together with string. At the time I thought, well this is better than nothing and got in. As far as stability goes so far the dream has been very stable. There has been no fading and I still have all 5 senses which is good. As I am rowing out i notice that because the boat is basically just sticks tied together there is some water getting into the boat but i figured at least it is floating.
      Now it gets crazy because the rumbling has started again along with a huge explosion that causes a tsunami that is heading towards the boat. At this point I am extremely close to the boat so when it sways, it is going to hit me and pull me under so I had to use active control to basically keep the boat from swinging too much because of this not to mention keep it from falling apart. The good news was this worked the bad news was the dream was beginning to fade. I tried to stabilize it by thinking of what my character had to do in dream and how he now had to report back to the government it was was a problem.
      The end result of this was i stayed in character and the dream did stabilize, but in a way I had not anticipated. I ended up in character in a college dorm hall that was a mix of my college apartment and like a Mariot hotel and basically I just randomly walked into some random girl's room to ask her what was going on. She was tall and had green eyes and blonde hair. At first she almost beat me with a broom but then I noticed she was doing work on Greek mythology (which I am good at) and noticed she had a number of things wrong. This seemed to change her mind about me. The next thing that happened was her room mate came back in and when the room mate asked who I was she said I was her tutor for Ancient History class. So then the girl who was doing the ancient history homework took me by the hand and said we were going to study hall to discuss the homework because her room mate needed the room. The instant we got out of the dorm room door my alarm clock went off and I turned on the computer and proceeded to write all this down.

      Updated 12-12-2011 at 11:57 PM by 51662

    8. Lucid Dream #50

      by , 08-29-2011 at 07:16 AM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 8/10
      Vividness: 9/10
      Length: ~5 Min.

      I was in my room and I tried to turn on my lamp, it didn't work. I thought "well, that's weird" so I went over to my bedroom ceiling light and tried to turn that on, that didn't work either. I turned the hallway light on and I saw my brother playing games. I went back into my room and finally was able to turn my bedroom light on. Suddenly, the scenery changed around me. I was standing in the middle of a jungle. I thought "it was dark in my brother's room, so why is it so bright outside?" I found out that I was dreaming and I saw my bother and told him "Cameron, guess what. We're dreaming!" He didn't seem very thrilled of the idea, so I just floated off for a little while and saw a cabin, I flew into the cabin and stuff started disappearing. I made stuff disappear by waving my hand across my face and trying to ignore the flaws on the wall and it worked. The cabin looked much better. So, I looked to my left and imagined a hot girl sitting there and she was. She had very nice big tits so we both got on the bed and she started to get to work. I was concentrating very hard so I wouldn't wake up. When I started to feel my physical body in real life, I got prepared to DEILD. When I woke up, I sucked in a bunch of air because my nostrils were clogged, I was like "god, damn it!" and didn't fall asleep for a while.
    9. First LD through WILD :)

      by , 08-11-2011 at 11:30 AM
      I was at a hardware store holding one of those black foldy chairs. I then started to run and found myself at a costco. I remember thinking about looking for one of my friends and they appeared in one of the aisles to the right of me. I then "teleported" to a little shack where I saw one of my friends from elementary school. We were smoking pot and drinking for the rest of my dream.
    10. Fragments

      by , 07-06-2011 at 11:21 AM
      07-07-11 Two fragments: I am meeting up with Ronja, we are outside of what I believe to be a street side café or similar. The sun is shining very brightly. When she arrives she compliments my looks, which include an almost bald head and stubble. Think we hug or kiss each other's cheeks, but there is a moment of “too close for comfort”

      “Are you sure it isn't just to escape people”
      “Off course it is an escape from people, when I am dreaming”
      “No, I mean, what you are doing isn't it an escape from people in general?”
      *What do you mean”

      I want to tell this man that I am interested in hearing what he has to say and I won't take personal offence. I believe the topic of conversation is either lucid dreaming in general or my upcoming Bac project on the same subject.
      dream fragment
    11. Lucid Dream #40

      by , 06-14-2011 at 07:20 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 7/10
      Vividness 10/10
      Length: ~5 Min.

      I became lucid all of a sudden at the map Highrise from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 without doing a reality check. So I started walking towards the building to my right and jumped on top of it, there was another 10 floors so I jumped on those as well. When I found a door so I could try to find my friend Javier's mental dream body and attempt to make him lucid, I held on to the door knob and said "When I open this door Javier will be behind it!" and attempted to open it, when I did, it just opened up into the next room. So then I closed the door and rubbed my hands together to increase the dream time. But then for some reason I started to walk away from the door and I walked up some stairs, thinking it was real life.
    12. My success, and yours (maybe) too!

      by , 09-07-2010 at 05:01 PM
      Ive been practicing lucid dreaming for a little bit over 2 months now and ive had around 30 lucid dreams overall. Last night, I had 5 lucid dreams. Id say this is a hard to compare with success. I use several methods with great results. I dont even follow a steady sleep schedule. Here they are:

      1. Pay attention to the world around you. Keep an alert mind. Focus visually on the different patterns and shapes in the objects around you. This helps form a distinction between reality and dreams.

      2. Try to notice when you wake up. Dont open your eyes. Just lay there and think about a dreamscape. If you make this reflex, your mind will automatically chain lucid dreams together. The dreams will be easy to distinguish from reality because you had previously thought of them. They are your creation and you are going to grasp on to them. You will become lucid. Also, try to get into your 4th rem stage, wherever that is for you. It usually begins at around 6 and a half hours of sleep for me. This is where you will have the most satisfying lucid dreams. If I try to wild before getting any sleep, i can do it, but the dream is fuzzy and last only a couple minutes. wait until your rem periods are full and complete.

      3. What have you been doing with your life? Is your life complete? Are you holding off on your daily responsibilities? I find that my mind will only allow me to lucid dream once I have a sound mind. Otherwise, i just get dreams that express much symbolism, usually, after deciphering them, saying "Youre doing this wrong, and this isnt working out". So get a better grip on reality, and your mind will allow you to relax. You dont have to fix all of your problems until you start having many lucid dreams, just get a start on them. Let your mind know that you arent playing around anymore, you are going to fix things. Then you will have peace adequate to give leave to your dreaming mind, and you will be able to experiment as you wish.

      These are just my own personal findings. Who knows for who else they will work. Give them a try, and tell me about, if any, the successes you have.
    13. Five to Six Lucids, back to back!

      by , 09-05-2010 at 09:42 PM (Dreams I can Only Dream.)
      Date: Sept.5
      Time: 2:30pm-4:00pm

      So I tried a WILD and succeeded!, I was laying there for a good 20 minutes. Then SP came on, it scared the hell out of me. Anyways, I couldn't move and was trying to enter the void. My alarm went off but I ignored it. I fell asleep, but I knew I was in the void. I started to rock my conscious so to speak back and forth, and I slipped out of my bed into a FA. Once each dream ended, I would repeat the rocking method and do a DEILD. I at least had 5-7 lucid dreams. Maybe I can classify these as Astral Projections, since I used my conscious to get me into each dream.
      Description: I can only remember fragments of most of them, since I had so many. Except a couple I have a clear idea what I just experienced.

      LD 1: So I am waking up in my old childhood bedroom, I can't see anything, but I open the door in my room, and then I finally am able to "open my eyes" I start to walk through my door but stop. I realize I have to stabilize my dream, so I grabbed onto the wall, and started rubbing my hands. The dream became super vivid. I look to my right down the hall and see my parents room, it looks normal, I look down the hall and see my living room, but it was really different, it was a lot bigger than what it is. The room was mostly empty except for a brown desk/table in the middle. And a few boxes, I walk farther into it and see the two dog statues that we have in my real living room, but they weren't statues, they were real dogs. So I petted them. I black out, and I am back into the void.

      LD 2: Now I am waking up in my old bedroom again, it's like my conscious keeps going there, so I do the Roll technique and now I am standing with my eyes closed, I try to open them but I open my real eyes and wake up.

      I go back to sleep and reenter the void.

      Ld 3: So now I am redoing the roll to get out of my upstairs bedroom bed, so I don't wake my waking life body. I get out, as usual my sight is gone, but I can walk out the door, and I walk outside, the light outside in my backyard is enough for me to finally see everything, I rub my hands, and the dream gets super vivid, I look and see my sister Kim packing things into here old car. I walk towards the garage and here my sister say something, but I tell here I am dreaming, and I will be attempting to fly. She tells me I am crazy. So I step onto her car and make a dent and try jumping off of it, but I don't go anywhere as the dream begins to fade.

      Now I am back in the void, this time I am tapping my fingers for some reason. Kind of like how you do it when attempting the FILD technique. I wake up one more time, and fall back into the void.

      LD 4: I wake up in my old bedroom again, but I fall out of the bed. I go to open the door but decide to try the light switch RC, I start flipping the light switch, but it never turns on. I finally open the door but the dream fades.

      LD 5: I do the roll technique again, I walk outside into my backyard, I am standing near my gate. I remember what Stephen Laberge did, when I asked for the secrets of the universe. So I did the same thing, I screamed out into my dream to show me the secret of the universe. Next thing I know I am rising through the sky rapidly, I am now in space, it is very dark, but I am being taking deep into space, I see stars, purple cosmos, but I don't see any planets except for the earth when I passed it. The flight it takes me on ends in some weird looking temple, there are spinning stones. Floors have designs of swirls on them, with purple, pink, red, and orange, all blending in. There are countless doorways, and it drops me off at the center. Behind me there is a portal looking thing, it has water running down it, and I look around and there is little water ways all around, almost like an irrigation of some sort. I decide to go through the portal. I barely fit and I am taken back to the void.

      I remember waking up again at this point, but I decide to try to have some more. There are a couple but I don't remember anything but the attempts to get out of the bed, not my real bed, but the FA bed. And the following dream is the last one I had before I got to excited and woke up.

      LD 6: I wake up on in the front of some bar/inn. The dream looks like a cartoon, think of Arthur if you ever saw it. That is what it looked like. I enter the building and see a waitress walking around the some tables. I notice a guy talking to himself, I can't describe the guy, but I have a picture in my head. Again think of the cartoon Arthur, he looks like he came from one of those shows. I don't even know if he was human. I talk to him about getting married, somehow I knew what his problem was. He says no, that the love isn't there anymore, so he called it off. I asked about the family that was going to attend it, but he makes a really funny joke, I can't remember what it was but it made me laugh quite hard. He says some other things, but I can't remember them.

      I wake up for good, I rush upstairs and tell my mom about what just happened, she really doesn't care. So I started typing all of this.
    14. Lucidity Teacher

      by , 08-04-2010 at 12:29 PM (Dreams of the Maeniac)
      [B]#19, Undated[/B]
      [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]I'm walking over a bridge. Some guy is teaching me to fly[/COLOR]. I remember him as a small irish guy, even dressed in green and all that.
      [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]I never really get it right, except I'm able to hover on all my attempts, we jump down from pretty high places and I keep falling down, but a lot like a leaf trying to keep itself up. He tells me how I'm supposed to do it. I tell him I find it interesting because it's so much like in Lucid Dreaming, where it's a lot about your own attitude towards it, believeing and expecting it to happen.
      I go to a cinema with K and two of his friends who are total strangers to me. We get 4 tickets for 400 kr,- We sit at some computers doing 3d stuff. K shows me something he made, it's a dust simulation thing, very pretty to look at. I'm sceptic, though, since I think I've seen it before.
      Now I'm in Splinter Cell, sneaking around. I find a costume that makes me look like some "Buckingham". He has a white office-like shirt. Spies win.[/COLOR] ???
    15. My first lucid dream was an easy one

      by , 08-01-2010 at 09:08 PM
      I've been researching the subject for weeks. I had an awareness of Lucid Dreaming but never fully understood how it was possible. As something as wonderful as controlling your own dreams I wanted to try, being someone who has quite vivid dreams every night.

      I ignored the common techniques of checking my watch every hour, or drawing a sign on my hand, or looking in the mirror. I just figured that if I thought about lucid dreaming enough that It might just naturally occur. This only led to me falling asleep and completely forgetting LD ever existed or that I was trying to induce it in the first place.

      I was quite lucky I think, as I was given an extremely easy 'dream signal' to lead me to my first lucid dream. I was dreaming of a surrounding that I cannot recall now, and I started to feel the sensation of my teeth falling out. I could feel my tongue twisting round the tooth and it falling off with a tug and a spit of the mouth. Eventually I spat and a mouthful of blood and teeth fell into my hand. As I was looking at my teeth in my dream-like state, I thought to myself 'This is one of the most common dreams people have'. And just like that something signalled the process in my mind to make me realise that I was obviously in a dream at that time.

      This was not just me dreaming that I realised I was in a dream. I actually realised. And I panicked. I started to be aware that I was asleep in my bed and so to keep myself in a dream I remembered to rub my hands as suggested when trying to keep yourself asleep. However I suddenly felt myself awoken but with my eyes still closed, and when I opened them it was light outside but I was fully aware of what had just happened and what I had tried to achieve in my dream-like state.

      I went back to sleep but could not go back to my lucid dream. It was a miracle that I managed to do it in the first place considering how little time I have spent trying. I was lucky I was given such an obvious signal as teeth falling out.

      My plan now is to keep a dream journal of every night to make a record of my dreams in hope to realise more clearly when it is a dream, and when this happens to have a plan of what I want to achieve in this LD. Perhaps I shall try something simple like flying to begin with.

      Let the dreaming begin.
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