This morning, I dreamed I was with a lot of friends at school. We were sitting in the auditorium. I see Sandy walking with Antoine and Kyan. I wonder if she lost the interest she seems to have in me to give to Antoine, since were no longer in the same bus. Then we all decide to play a pokemon match. Me and all my friends are lying on a floor in a place i cant recall. We all have our Nintendo DS. I ask them if they have some kind of special piece of equipement for the DS. It had a specific name but i dont remember it. Then we start our tournament and we seem to be in the game. I see at some point a transparent Gengar (my fav :3) and a crobat. I also see a machoke-like creature that gets hit by a one-hit KO. From afar, i hear Sev and Cat that talk about how they know the owner of the crobat. I have a crobat in real life too so. Then Julien asks me for a 1 on 1 battle. I accept but my mom says its no fun for the others. Then im inside my computer room and next to me is Sandy. I think its my sister and dont notice her. She asks me out but i refuse because i think shes my sis. I think we also had some link together, her father i think. Then she leaves and later my real sis comes to talk to me. It dawns on me and i ask her if she asked me out earlier. She says no. Then i think "I have to talk to Sandy" and my dream ends like that. I have to talk to Sandy.
Updated 08-01-2010 at 06:00 PM by 34603
10/05/09 OK, so school, life, etc. happened. But I was in Spanish class the other day and someone mentioned having "one of those dreams where you wake up and go to the bathroom and go back to bed and then you really wake up." Yes, totally, a false awakening, right? Yeah, that's what it's called! So I realized I totally miss my DJ. Here's some catch up dreams: Lately I've had a few dreams where I've been really pissed off at my dad. In one dream, I recall he had something really hot and pressed it to my face and was burning me with it and I was screaming at him that he doesn't even know what he's doing!!! In other dreams I'm just frustrated and mad at him. Last night I dreamed I had a fight with my sister on the phone. She said she was moving to Quebec. I told her I don't believe her because she lies all the time (true), I can't trust her (true), and I wish I didn't get stuck with a shitty sister like her anyway (also true)!!! It felt so so good to get that off my chest, even if it was only in a dream. I had a lucid where I couldn't gain control and I just remember it being a strange situation so I just rolled back into normal dreaming. OK, here's a weird one: I'm in a pet store like digging hamsters or guinea pigs out of the dirt in the floor... but they're in habitats and they're really hungry because they've been underground for so long. I try to get them some food when I walk by a wall of aquariums of various exotic fish. They look prehistoric. One tank has the lid off and there's what appears to be a tiny shark spitting water at me!! Then I hear a voice overhead saying that the end of the world is coming and there's nothing I can do to stop it. I have some more dreams of being in the bathroom and people walking in on me as usual. I had one last night or the night before about being a bird... and having a bird buddy with me watching some other birds hunt for worms. We decided they were from the Philippines. Then one little bird who was hurt was looking for some worms and I felt like he was scared that the other birds would attack him. So my bird buddy and I went and scooped him up and brought him to safety. The little hurt bird thanked us and said we should smoke with him. So we started smoking what looked like some thorny stems of plants and I don't even know how we lit it but we were smoking it! (I love the uncomplicated nature of dreams sometimes!) Anyway, I've had some pretty bizarre dreams as you can tell, and I hope to get more into my DJ on a regular and get into have more memorable lucids! It's good to be back!!
lol this one was funny. im inside this store, i think its home depot because were around these shelves with wood and carpet and other stuff. the floor is wooden at the start, but later it turns into tile. anyway, im with my sister and neighbor, were just standing around, when suddenly either me or K (neighbor) throws a handful of bird seed at each other, starting a big seed fight. i run off and hide behind a shelf. i see him and grab a handful of seeds, then jump out and throw them at him, but i think it misses. he then swings this really long yard stick at me, which i stop and grab right out of his hand, much to the surprise of everyone there. then this dude walks over, and we all run, i think he was the manager or something, coming to yell at us for throwing the seeds. thats all i remember.
Updated 07-29-2010 at 01:22 PM by 27356
this one is a fragment (obviously). im in a store, and im running or sliding or something down an isle. i then suddenly run into the shelves at the end, and fall over. me and a couple people nearby bust out laughing, i think one was my sister, i get up and try to play it off, like i didn't just knock a bunch of stuff off the shelf. me and a friend then run away, i see a person from school, and i start laughing when she looks at me, like she knew i just ran into the shelf. thats all i remember, it was pretty funny.
this one starts outside, i don't know where, its sunny out. me, my sister, my stepdad, and my mom are all standing near a bunch of trucks full of red dirt, or maybe it was brick dust, i dont know. we were all planning to steal some of it to cover something up, which just happened to be buried right next to the trucks lol. they start shoveling the stuff out, im standing a distance away, doing something. i then grab a different type of shovel and bring it over to my stepdad, who is doing all of the shoveling. i hand it to him, saying something like "try it this way, it'll be easier...". he takes it and is unusually happy about my idea, praising me a lot. my mom then says something to him, calling him "tuck", which is not his name. i think in the dream my stepdad and my mom were just starting to date or something, and she got his name wrong. i was calling her a dumbass in my head lol. then the story changes, my mom and sister go into a building, but i don't go with them, i hear them talking inside. then, after a small memory gap, im inside a very old fashioned house, and my stepdad is getting his temperature read by some sort of antique thermometer held by some old guy, theres someone else in the room too, i don't remember who it was though. it looked like a small rectangular box with a fan inside, and a wire going into my stepdad's mouth. then, they get him a real digital one, just in case the antique was wrong. thats all i remember, i had to wake up with an alarm.
Updated 07-26-2010 at 06:55 PM by 27356
Mission: I infiltrated some base with my sister. We had some shortcomings and fixed them. We also had a list of things to accomplish. Thoughts: Unfortunately, I couldn't recall any more details of the base, the shortcomings and the things that we had to do
Updated 07-26-2010 at 03:18 AM by 24565
lol there was so many plot changes in this one. it starts at home, apparently my family owns three husky, sledding type dogs. two of them has names are the same as the dogs that we do own IRL. somehow, my sister was responsible for letting all three of them get kidnapped by a group of bad dogs lol. the two had just come back, except the third one, whos name was named after one of our cats, i think the dog was a girl. anyway, i put the dogs in their cages for safe keeping. then i see my sister outside with another person, walking towards the door. this is all at night time, just for reference. she walks in empty handed and i blame her again, i think. then, this dog comes in from the kitchen, and starts talking to us or something. i put my foot down and yell "NO ONE IS TOUCHING MY DOGS EVER AGAIN!!!!", which made the dog step back a lot. but then the dog started summoning his master, which apparently is a giant dog lol, i never got to see it. my sister then gets up to go back outside and search for the last dog again. the person with her doesn't, he stays. i say "im goin to help her!!" and i go outside. then, after a small memory gap, the scenery changes, its still night time though. im next to a building, and im in front of a girl, who im trying to help. im pretty sure it's not my sister anymore, not sure if it was her in the first place. i tell her that im going to help her and she reluctantly agrees. she then pull off this ninja move to get across this ditch type thing. ill make a picture, here: there were these white, glowing rocks on the edges of the ditch, making a zig-zag pattern. she jumped from one to the other really fast, just like a ninja lol. then i did the same thing, but in smaller jumps, and i didn't hit the rocks every time, i hit the dirt mostly . there was also this metal box thing, like an electrical type box. then, we get to this weird fence area. next to the fence is a tower of sorts, its just a metal and glass box, supported by metal legs. it also had a trampoline underneath it lol. then the girl turned into Sean Connery (wtf?), and started climbing the fence, telling me to follow him in his sean connery voice. i started climbing the fence, thinking it had barbed wire at the top, but it didnt, just a metal fence. when we got to the top, the fence started bending, a lot, like it had no side support at the top. i was like, "i cant do this!!!" and grabbed the ledge to my left, which was connected to the box tower thing. sean connery was very disappointed in me lol. i shuffled on the ledge, so that i would be under the trampoline if i fell. i did, and i hit the trampoline, but when i did, sean yelled something really loud and pertaining to the plot i think. i remembered hearing it before, like deja vu or something. then the entire plot went all screwy. i was in movie camera vision, looking at a giant crowd, like HUGE stadium. they were all there to watch a play version of harry potter lol. they were in a dramatic scene, and i saw this dude in a mechanical chair-crane thing, to support him very high up, the entire play was in mid-air. he was playing the mother, who actually sounded like a woman. she/he said something very dramatic, then i remember thinking, "thats the guy im looking for!!!" thats it.
Updated 07-26-2010 at 06:54 PM by 27356
I was sitting in my room, on a couch covered with a blue plastic-like material. I was chatting with a relative of mine, and there were a few markers lying around. This unknown relative uncapped a marker and made a small dot with it on the couch. It was either green or blue. "I dare you to test out one of the markers, too," she said. "Ok," I responded. I picked up a red marker and made a small dot on the couch. Suddenly, my relative leaped up. "You wrote on the couch! I'm telling Dad!" She ran out of the room, still threatening to get me in trouble. I didn't mind, considering she made a mark too and how much trouble could I get in for this offense, anyway? Then I thought of something. I licked my finger and rubbed it on the dot. It disappeared. That's right, I thought. This is Crayola washable marker. I finished cleaning up the couch and grabbed this pair of silk shorts I've slept with ever since I was a baby. I wandered out of the room, not really sure where I was going. My bra was annoying me. I pulled it on more comfortably over and over again. My mom walked in in front of me. "Is your bra annoying you? You should really get a new one. Why don't you go shopping tomorrow?" She said. "Ok," I replied, happy that I wasn't in trouble for the marker dots. I wandered off again, still holding the shorts. I sat down after a while, and talked to my little sister and her friend. I didn't know her friend, she was completely fictional. She was about about eleven years old, same as my sister. She had reddish hair that was pulled back in a low ponytail, freckles, and glasses. She and my sister started making fun of me for something, and I got really upset. I walked away into what was probably a dining room. I sat down on the floor, looking down at the silk shorts. There were all sorts of words on it, like a book. This seemed completely normal to me, I actually "remembered" it being like that before. I was a bit bored, and I didn't know what to do, but then I remembered the shorts. I could read those to pass the time! Looking at them more closely, I saw that the words formed a rather long table of contents. Apparently, the "book" included all sorts of topics, from merits to how to host a graduation party. Some of the sections had the word "new" next to them in big letters (presumably because they were newly added to the book). Here, I had a bit of a nagging feeling. Sure, my shorts had always had words on them , but I didn't remember parts of the table of contents. Last time I checked, half the stuff hadn't been on it. I dismissed it, though, deciding that I just hadn't paid enough attention. I decided to start reading, but then I realized that these shorts only had the table of contents on them. I'd have to get another pair if I wanted the actual content of the book. This annoyed me, because I never remembered having another pair of shorts like that. Then I woke up.
I was at a rocky beach with AK and DM and it was in Bunbury and the part we were at had a name but I can't remember what it was but there were blowholes and we all went to look to see that it was the greatest beach in Bunbury. Then we did something behind the rocks (which were stopping the water from hitting us) but then the tide started picking up and much water came over the rocks but managed to dodge us, luckily. We escaped and when we looked back the water passing over the rocks was in the shape of an old man with a big head, big nose and walking stick. We had to jump down some rocks to avoid it and it was quite scary. I went to jump but luckily the rock I was on started falling (due to water behind me) and although that was scary I managed to jump from there to the next one and got away safely because the distance was already small from the original rock falling. We went to some place where AK asked if I wanted Turkish bread, it was only (!?) $30 each or 4 for $90. I wasn't so sure because it was so expensive but I was considering buying it because I know that Turkish bread is so good. There was also some nice cheese spread to go with it or something like that. Like ricotta cheese. And it was near some spot that looked a lot like a bank teller but outside. While we were walking towards that place there were similar water-cloud thingies and the one we were heading towards was in the shape of AK, I thought, but DM and AK sort of disagreed. There was an alleyway or something with one of AK's friends, or maybe not her friends but some art exhibition she was interested in. We were on an adventure about 5kms from Perth with many other people, maybe about 40 of them. I found my iPod (I do not have one; I used to have one a couple of years ago but it was stolen). I washed something in water and left the bucket full (it was a bucket with a tap and a plug that you pull up or down to "activate") by accident. The bucket was near the computer room in Australind. Later on, Dad came back into the room with myself and my sister and other people and told us not to use the computer because he'd spilled water near it. I immediately thought oh shit I left the bucket full, so proceeded to clean it up. It was just on the carpet, only a little bit and not even near the computer, but I thought I'd go vacuum it anyway. I went to get the vacuum and I cam edown from the bush and threw the vacuum down onto the yellow sand (which had totally changed from the yellow carpet location). I went and did something else with my sister, involving my iPod. Then I went back to the sand and retrieved the vacuum which was really good; I remember my sister telling me that the "neck" wasn't long enough even though it was really expensive, which is true. I didn't actually use it because I thought it would be dumb to use on sand because it'd just suck everything up and get full. So I went to retrieve it and the sand was a main road and grabbed it with my sister there to help. We waited for a gap in the cars (took a while, it was pretty busy) and I quickly grabbed the vacuum, then passed it to my sister. She had to take it away quickly because I was stuck in the sand. She thought this was just an excuse to listen to my iPod, but I was actually stuck. We then went to our adventure place. There was a criminal there and I was responsible for making sure he stayed put. The authorities were too trusting of him and thought it would be okay to let him stand freely, but every time I slacked off with the ropes (which were more like jewellery beads than chains/ropes), he'd start to attempt to get free and run off. At first we were trying to bind him properly. Then we were waiting in line to get onto the bus home. I was still responsible for holding this guy and I had to bind him around his arms and stuff. As we got to the end of the line, Mrs M took the chain off everyone (everyone had one) and the chain's blue colour (although it wasn't really a colour, more like a vibe) disappeared and she put it away to the side. Everyone was connected. I think it went from that guy being in trouble to me being in trouble. Something to do with my iPod, again. The bus was airconditioned and many people wanted to get on it because it was promoting the release of a blockbuster movie, a week or two after it had been released. It was like that movie's "experience". It was similar to avatar or something, but with queens of the desert. Mr and Mrs M controlled the bus, and there were a few black people on it. Most of the seats were reserved for those that booked it for the movie experience. My seat was on the second story and you had to climb up from underneath, open a hatch to climb through and sitting on the seat next to it, letting your feet dangle through the hatch. I knew that I had to get comfy because there were 5 hours to get to Perth. I attempted to climb up there at first with my stuff (a bombcase-type thing) like the ones that hold AK's cameras), but it was too hard so I climbed up there without anything. There were two pinoys across from me on the right (I was on the left) and they were looking at various things you could do on the bus. Turns out they could call the Catholic Church. And you had to speak in Tagalog to do that. I let them do that, it must've been good for their religious beliefs or whatever. One of them was Aunty MFe.
Updated 07-04-2010 at 09:03 AM by 33362