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    1. Trapped with lost things

      by , 08-27-2013 at 10:43 PM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      -Trying to hide something for a black cat(?), one cat already had stuff hidden, but this one takes back the flat, (blue?) object and scampers off with it itself.

      Me and Rane get trapped in a storage type unit. Any doors out are locked. Finally I see a way out, and climb up something to get to it. The latch and screw is all rusty, and I’m relieved when I manage to get it open. Then we have to take a bunch of figurines and stuff off of the latched/screwed shelf. I start recognizing stuff and questioning it, and start getting upset because it’s stuff of mine that’s been missing. I question “where are we??” and try to think of what place it could be.

      A few of the things on the shelf: Figurines (I remember clear glass cylinders with things inside them, like flowers), Pokemon cards, and there are some creatures in tanks, like a small crab, and Rane points out a praying mantis type creature in a tank. One of them had rice in the bottom of the tank but it was getting old, so I threw in some new ‘rice’, except it was white plant stalks.

      -Asking something about underwear to Rane and saying ‘that’s just too sad’.

      When I see a red with white swimming suit in the stuff, I say ‘I could have been wearing this’, because I don’t have many (good) swimming suits.

      -Rane watching an anime whose opening I don’t recognize, but when I look over I see two guys walking along a dirt road in a town and see that she’s watching a show I recommended, and I hope it shows the blond girl soon so Rane will get into it more.

      Possible inspirations: Climbing comes from the previous dream about climbing the porch/cabinet. I think the blond comes from Yuri in Mawaru Penguindrum, because I was recently thinking about the show and opening song. The style the two guys were drawn in reminds me of Escaflowne. Rice comes from a previous dream. I have deja vu about the creatures in tanks, feel like I may have actually dreamed about something like that before.

      Updated 08-28-2013 at 04:47 AM by 20026

      non-lucid , side notes
    2. Cloudy grounds

      by , 08-26-2013 at 10:26 PM
      I was walking in the fields opposite to the road by the Jernhatten hill, with my sister, brother and father. The ground is covered in snow and the air is foggy as if it were clouds, or white barely-moving smoke. I scoured off to find a place to get a bit higher up, and found a little hill which let me see above the fog. It looked like the top of an overcast when you're looking out the window of an airplane, but with trees sticking up and swirls of fog soaring upwards and dissolving. Looked very heavenly. I went back down from the hill and as the swirls of fog engulfed me, it looked like a thousand faces screaming in agony. I didn't take much notice of that, and walked onwards with my little sister. We found a tree with two chinchillas in it. I reached my hand up, and one of them jumped onto my glove. I took it down and stroked it across the back. I could feel the rough fur as my gloved hand slid across it.
    3. Anger, Food and Buy-Back Work

      by , 08-24-2013 at 06:10 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in our hometown. I was online. Suddenly, mom asked if I can buy something (food called laswa) from the store. I exploded, asking why she's asking me to do this when she just came from the store this morning. She replied calmly and reasonably that they don't cook it that early, and they should have it by now. I was still mad, wondering aloud why buy that particular food in the first place. I replied that I'l just finish something on the computer or Twitter, and I was also eating.

      I hurried to finish something on Twitter because I felt that she's going to leave already. I went out to find she did. I angrily said that I said I'll just finish whatever I was doing. It was afternoon. Found my sister and asked about mom. It was night. Found mom still within ear shot at the corner, and called out to her. She paused and looked back, asking what is it. She looked unsure and went back. I also wondered why my sister was there, and since she's there, why didn't she buy the food. Mom arrived. We talked. I asked sister if she has work. She said something about resting and a buy-back scheme with her work, that after she worked a number of years (five?), she can rest for a bit (vacation?), and store the value of her work. She can then just return for her work in the future, or the company can buy it from her for a certain amount. I thought of a way to make it a good investment scheme.
    4. 7-1-2013 Arcade games and Candy

      by , 07-01-2013 at 06:11 PM (Subjects' Dream Journal)
      Legend: Dream , Semi-Lucid , Lucid

      I find myself in a room full of candy, I went around inspecting it. Then i sat down and ate some. However, i looked over and noticed a black man sitting in a chair. I instantly thought "Oops, this guy must think i'm either stupid or a thief that isn't aware at all". I talk to the guy and i find out he's part of a group that films porn videos and that he thinks my presence in this room must mean i want to join. I thought " Oh geez, no i don't want to join". But the guy like forces me to get up and follow him to the club room.

      However, there i find a group of some friends i don't normally talk to. The expressions on their face were like "what the hell is he doing here?" And i'm thinking in my head "calm down! i can explain, i promise!". But i soon find out that they actually don't film porn at all and it's actually a casual group that meets occasional, but still, i don't want any part of it. The group sits down in some chairs and starts chatting and etc.

      There's some room behind me and some glass windows behind the free space, i looked over there and i see two mechs fighting inside the room, one mech is completely dominated by the other but before i can see who piloted the winning mech. I see a van with C.C ( from code geass) in it. I instantly jump up and run outside to see what she's up to, she's apparently talking on skype and fixing pizzas in ovens inside the van.

      I went back inside and looked back at the place where the mechs fought, i saw the lady who piloted it, but then this other lady caught my gaze, she gave me a freaking terribly angry look and i just smiled and slowly ran out of the building xD.

      Samurai fight:
      My friend is on some bridge fighting a samurai with a katana. He's my friend but in this dream ,he plays the role of my brother. Eventually, my brother wins and he gets experience points for beating him.

      Lucid #9:
      I remember becoming lucid in my living room. I think it had something to do with one of my dream characters talking about it. Either way, the DC walks out into my garage, but as i follow him , i remember to root myself in the dream and gain some awareness so i look at my hands and one hand has 4 fingers, great, but the other has 5 fingers. I wake up as i attempt to grab a pot of soup but i sort of fail to grab it because i'm not used to using a hand with 5 fingers and a thumb.

      Governors mansion and the arcade:
      Me and my dad are some mansion that apparently the governor owns. We stop and look around and as we do, my sister comes up and she brings the governor with her, she's dating him. I decide i didn't want to sit there and hang with them, so i went down to where my friend works and we go to some arcade. Everything is overpriced though so i walk over to a pit with a lot of food in it and press a button which lights the whole pit on fire and starts cooking all the food. I eventually stop it and grab a piece of bread, i then start shaping it into coins so i can play games for free hehe. But it takes too long so i just eat it.

      Lawn Mower:
      I bought a lawn mower and i'm driving my dads truck but my truck is in the middle of the road and my lawn mower is sitting out on the side. I decide i should move the truck first so i do and as i come back to pick up the mower, some one has stolen it, great D:
      lucid , non-lucid
    5. 6-19-2013 Football

      by , 06-20-2013 at 12:41 AM (Subjects' Dream Journal)
      Legend: Dream , Semi-Lucid , Lucid , Side notes.

      Left 4 Dead:
      I'm on the back of my farm, and i'm with my sister and maybe my dad, hard to remember. Anyway, everything is covered in snow and my sister wants to explore so i lead them into the woods. As we go into a Radio tower like building , the concept of the dream changes to L4d2
      ( a video game ). Before i know it, i'm in an abandoned operating room and we accidentally summon a tank ( a really big zombie ). So we run back to the starting area and complete the mission just in time by turning in a ticket of some sort.

      I'm inside the garage of my house. I apparently signed up for football
      (american football, and no, i would never do this irl, i hate football xD ). But either way, the team is practicing in my garage, i'm #19. I tell the coach i don't know how to play and he looks angry. Next thing i know, The team is at a track. The track has a lot of buildings around it and inside the track ring. We are practicing running. I start running and see one of my friends. I have some weird conversation with him. As i'm running, i notice i don't even have to think about it, my body is automatically running, pretty cool!.

      After i run a lap, i hear a warning for a coming storm, it then starts to rain. I walk by the buildings at the track center. I look inside a place that's about to take off, i see people and wonder what they're thinking. I also look into a medical building and see a man that's about to die of a heart attack, he smiles at me, his jaw has been crushed somehow but i admire him for his ability to smile at death. I then decide to leave in a plane to, so i go into the airport but find i can't get a ticket because i have been accused of hacking security or something. I'm kicked out of the airport. So i then go outside and talk to a witch (A special infected from left 4 dead , Hmm geez, lots of left 4 dead, kinda odd ) i'm apparently dating her, but i come back with a flashlight and the light kills her and then i loot her body. ( so much for that relationship xD ).
    6. Survival Montage

      by , 06-17-2013 at 05:07 PM
      Yesterday, I got a post apocalyptic game called The Last of Us, and played it for 12+ hours until I beat the story. The following dream was inspired by the game.

      So in the dream, I was turned back into a kid again, I was in my teens like 13 to 14 years old. I was trying to survive on my own from the infected until I find this family. This family consisted of a mother, and her two children; a brother and sister, I did not get their names though. The family took a liking to me and let me join their group to survive with them. While I'm helping them with their travels I talk to the brother and sister, I found out that the sister who is the older one of the two is teaching her younger brother to survive. After this the dream went into a forest setting, and the brother, sister, and I do a training montage. The sister taught her brother close quarters combat, then we teach him how to properly throw hatchets, then finally how to sneak, via capture the flag. The flag was in an open area of the forest, next to a sand pit. The brother was moving silently through the brush to see if there was an opening. I hid behind a bush that was overlooking the flag, until I saw him. I immediately went in to catch him, but got beat to it; his sister tackled him next to the flag. After, we all laughed and I woke up.
    7. Piece's of dreams

      by , 06-11-2013 at 08:50 PM
      Late Journal Entry: June 6, 2013
      No Method (long day at work, just went to bed)

      Piece's of a dream #1:
      Living in Columbus Ohio for a short while with my sister then it was time to go back to my life in another state. I have to make a decision on if I was ready to move to my state, or stay in Columbus and live closer to my family.

      Inside a school cafeteria eating lunch and my son was singing and I told him to be quiet because he could not sing.

      I was baby sitting and showing new mothers how to bath their newborn babies. They were very nervous and I could hear their heart beating so loud and fast. Many of them could not be in the same room and had to step out for several parts of the demonstration.
    8. 6-11-2013

      by , 06-11-2013 at 05:29 PM (Subjects' Dream Journal)
      Last night, i tried some lucid dreaming techniques. However, i didn't put much attention on my dream journal, so i'll just give you the basic dream fragments i had last night:

      Fragment 1: I was on a battleship, i got to eat lunch and watch anime with Monkey D Luffy.
      Fragment 2: I left my mom alone, with no water, stuck on a ship in the middle of a blood colored foggy underground lake.
      Fragment 3:I was captured and held hostage in a prison like building on a rocky planet by bug like creatures.
      Fragment 4: This girl was about to destroy the earth or something like that, but she needed her computer for it so i simply walked over
      and threw her computer on the ground, breaking it.
    9. Lucid false awakening.

      by , 04-21-2013 at 07:47 PM
      I was at my dad's and it was sunny outside.
      I was in my room and had just woken up, I rolled over to check my laptop and noticed the time was "100:3", so I looked away, then looked back and it was now "100:4", I kept doing so and it kept going up one digit.
      I knew I was dreaming.
      Everything turned dark and fuzzy, I got up and couldn't stand up properly, it was like I was drunk.
      I started rubbing my hands together and the dream started to stabilize. I walked through the corridor and could hear my sister in the shower; I started talking to my dad but can't remember what either of us said.


      Updated 04-21-2013 at 08:14 PM by 62566

      lucid , false awakening
    10. Saving my little sister

      by , 04-21-2013 at 06:28 PM
      My memory of the dream starts from the point where I'm walking down a street in my neighbourhood and I notice some people yelling near the block my house is on. I come closer and I see 3 guys wearing skimasks running around, I think they were trying to steal something from one of the nearby shops when probably they were noticed. Not especially odd, since they were stealing literally in broad daylight.

      Apparently my little sister, and I believe one of my older sisters, are with me and one of the criminals managed to get his hand on my little sister to use as hostage. He held a gun to her and threatened to shoot her if anyone would try to get near them. As soon as I saw a gun pointed at my defenseless sister as she was being used by those pieces of scum, I felt some kind of fearless strength suddenly rising within me extremely fast and I knew I was going to save her no matter what.

      There were three guys, one was holding my sister and the other two were frantically running around him. I spotted an opening when the guy holding my sister aimed his gun at someone else and I ran for him, knocked him over and ran away with my sister running on front of me, so I could take any shots aimed at her with my body. All three of them start shooting at us, and as we were almost around the corner of the builings one bullet grazed her arm and I took a bullet to my back and my left arm.

      We escaped the robbers, or whatever criminals they were, and now we were in a room much like my bedroom. My sister is lying down and she is happy I saved her. I am standing and I just can't seem to shake the feeling that even though we made it, she got hurt in the process, and that I should have prevented it. I know we're in a house where my parents and other sisters are as well and decide to go out of the room to do something, I don't know exactly what. At this point my memory of the dream stops.

      I woke up shortly after this dream and it left me feeling a bit sad for about 10 seconds or so, which is extremely long for me. I guess this dream did a number on me
      Tags: shooting, sister
      non-lucid , memorable
    11. 2012 Apocalypse

      by , 03-07-2013 at 04:31 PM
      ~Total sleep: 9 hours
      ~Daytime Techniques: RC’s
      ~Lucid Techniques: Focusing on recall before I try any.
      ~Recall Techniques: ”I will recall every detail of my dreams”
      ~Fell Asleep: 10:00
      ~Dream Title: 2012 Apocalypse

      My dad and I are looking for supplies. The sky is dark red and somehow I know Atlanta is burning. Everything has an apocalyptic feel, and there are not many people around. We drive to a certain plaza under a bridge (I know this place IWL; It is near my house) and Dad sees a BBQ restaurant. He HAS to stop and get some BBQ so I wait and guard the truck. (I can’t remember if I had a weapon or not.) some guy in a hood starts spraypainting a face on the general store next to the restaurant. I tell him that he is doing it all wrong, but he ignores me. Memory gap and it is the next day. The sky is a bit brighter. We are at the same plaza, but the graffiti has been cleaned off the store. I go in alone, and the graffiti guy is talking to the store owner. He must have cleaned everything up, because they seem to be on good terms. He points at me and says something, then exits through a back door. The owner is a short Indian lady. She seems to think I am a threat, because she starts stalking me through the store. She is failing though, because she is whistling and tiptoeing dramatically. I wait around a corner and when she comes around I grab her and tell her how obvious she is being. Then I walk over to the checkout lanes where my sister is standing. She tells me that it is 2012 and, because everyone expected the world to end, they are making it happen by panicking. She then says that, on the bright side, the price of chocolate has gone way down. She hands me a box. Inside is a huge block of chocolate with a section scooped out that, according to the box, is “perfect for holding M&Ms.” Here the dream ends.

      ~Notes: I have been working on recall until I can remember at least a dream a night. Then I will work on lucidity. This was a very vivid dream. I wish I had become lucid. This would have been a fun world to explore. Maybe I will go back to it later.

      ~Awake: ??
      ~Vividness: 7 (scale of 1-15, 10 is waking life vividness)
      ~Awareness: 5 (1-10; or lucid)
      ~Emotions: excitement, peace (I have had dreams before where there was an apocalypse like feel to the world, and I really like how peaceful everything feels.)
    12. 3/6/13

      by , 03-06-2013 at 05:54 PM
      Total sleep: 8+ hours
      Daytime Techniques: rc's
      Lucid Techniques: tried MILD "I will recall my dreams and realize I am dreaming"
      Recall Techniques: see above. also I wrote in my dream journal after waking after the first dream

      ~DREAM 1
      Fell Asleep: 11:30
      Dream Title: The cold beach
      Dream: I am in my room and it is the way it was back when I had a desk. On my desk are some horror movies. One of them was called “slender” (how original) My dad calls me. I see he is watching one of the movies on his new tv. It is about a cursed sword that forces you to eat colors and cats in a dementor like fashion. Although this is ridiculous, I find it absolutely terrifying, and I get angry at him for showing it to me. I go back into my room, and my sister is with a laptop. She asks me how to make a youtube account, and I tell her that she needs to hook up to an Ethernet cable that nobody has used before. (I don’t even…) I now go to my brother’s room, that for some reason is on the wrong side of the house. He is there with some kid. I don’t know who it is, but the dream me can’t stand him. After some smart-assery from them both, I start to beat them with a random plastic coathanger. (I am not abusive IWL.) they cry and my mom tells me off for it and I have to go get ready because we are going to the beach. Car ride is long and full of mom fussing at me. We get to the beach and it is winter. We don’t want to go in the water, so we just sit there on the beach. Some other stuff happens that I cant remember, then I wake up.
      Awake: 5:00
      Vividness: 8 (scale of 1-15, 10 is waking life vividness)
      Awareness: 1 (1-10; or lucid)
      Length: 3 hours
      Emotions: fear, anger
      Dream Signs: my desk was back. My brother’s room misplaced. Room had Ethernet jacks.

      ~DREAM 2
      (went on dreamviews and read about WILDing. But then I didn’t try to wild. ~Facepalm~ So I had a non-lucid fragment…)
      Fell Asleep: 5:40
      Dream Title: The attic
      Dream: I was at some family’s house in their attic that had many windows and was painted white. I don’t remember what we did there, but my brother did it wrong and I had to redo it. That’s all.
      Awake: 9:00
      Vividness: IDK (scale of 1-15, 10 is waking life vividness)
      Awareness: 1 (1-10; or lucid)
      Length:~ Shrug~(how long it felt like! Because that matters)
      Emotions: frustration
      Dream Signs: none
    13. I win!

      by , 03-01-2013 at 01:22 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      This dream is kind of mixed up. This first one was fairly long but my memory of it is misplaced. I hope to remember it later.

      I am at some family gathering. I talk to my dad about Christians being judgmental and am surprised that he agrees with me. I think this is were I got lucid. I remember not doing much just messing around with the dream. Was I trying to make fire in my hand? I remember being on fire.

      *memory gap*

      I am out in my car looking for something. As I am walking back inside some house my nephew S jumps out in front of me and wants me to play a game with him. I tell him maybe later.

      *memory gap*

      At some point I lay down to sleep. I am at a table with my sis and bro and their spouses. We are playing some sort of D&D game. We all have large white chips in front of us that signify something unknown. The game master is my younger sister and she is giving my brother a scenario. Responds with "I do declare that ...." I stop listening because I am sitting there somewhat introspective and realize I am dreaming. Next is my sister-in-law B's turn. But I skip her and stand up. I say, "I do declare that I am dreaming!" I jump up on the table and do pelvic thrusts. I shout "Oh yea bitches! Who's the winner now? I am, because I am dreaming and you're all not real." I briefly wonder if I am making a fool of myself but then I notice their reactions. They have none. They have become lifeless and motionless. The scene fades.

      I have a FA. Apparently I was sleeping next to my nephew M who was next to my brother and then his wife on the other end. My brother gets up. I am thinking about the lucid I just had. I remember there was another one before that one and I try to focus on that too. But then my Sis-in-law B says that she is pregnant. My mom comes in from the other room and says, "WHAT!?" B simply says again, "I am pregnant."

      I have many thoughts about this but mostly, "They are too old for that." My brother looks stressed and is just standing in the hallway looking at pictures on the wall. I realize the awkwardness or lying in a bed next to my pregnant sis-in-law. Then a ceiling fan above us falls apart and pieces hit the bed. We both get up. I walk behind B and she is waddling with a large stomach. She turns into a bathroom and I pause. I really need my Galaxy Player to enter my dream. I go back to the bed and look. I see M there still a sleep. I wake up.
    14. Strange Air Conditioner and Family Junk

      by , 02-19-2013 at 11:40 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      I'm getting a little annoyed with my mother and sister appearing in my dreams lately. They are boring and annoying.

      I'm in an unfamiliar bedroom. I see a strange machine in the room. I intuit that it was installed over night as I slept. The machine is mounted on the wall at eye level. It looks like an X-ray machine in a doctor's office. It has an arm that extends out in any direction. At the end of the arm is something that looks like a camera, but it blows out air. I examine the controls and figure out that it's a heater/air conditioner. I turn it on and learn that it has a motion sensor. It detects me and the arm extends and follows me around the room, blowing cold air on me to cool me down. I think this is quite ingenious except that the air follows too close for comfort. Like a person staring too close.

      Then I notice that the machine is mounted on a chest of drawers. The chests seems damaged under the weight of the machine and the mounting is blocking the drawers from opening. The furniture is painted white with bright red drawers and round metal handles. I remark that the workmen must have been sloppy to install the machine where it is blocking the drawers. I move the machine off so that I can open the drawers.

      Inside the drawers I find a bunch of old stuff; bools, journals, and trinkets. I suppose it belongs to the family but I don't recognized any of it. I sift through it, reading some of the journals. Then my mother and sister enter (groan). They start going through the stuff as well. The sunlight is brighter now. I see a hot dog covered with mayonaise. I think to take it to the kitchen to add ketchup and mustard, but I'm hungry so I just chow down on it right there. My sister and I exchange some passive-aggressive banter per usual. She calls herself a "life-ist." I call her judgemental.

      Now it seems it's getting dark. My mother and sister leave. I find on the other side of this bedroom a door to the front porch. It looks like the door of a convenience store. All glass and a wide bar handle that you push to open. Since it's getting dark, I look for the lock to secure the house for the night. There's a odd metal basket near the door lock. I intuit that it is to hold keys and change. Then a see a man just outside the door. He runs to the door and starts banging and screaming. I'm startled and wake up.
    15. Brain Damaged

      by , 02-17-2013 at 04:31 AM
      It was a big class room. One much like the big college rooms I saw in the Spider Man movies. The class was almost empty, only about fifteen students sitting around. We were sitting in the back, where we laughed and made jokes. I was the class clown at the time but it probably wasn't a good idea for what happened next.

      One of my old teachers walked in. She was my middle school math teacher her in the United States. She was no longer a teacher in the dream, she was someone who had to come in to all the classrooms and check up on the students(I'm not sure what it was about though). I didn't want to face it though. I started acting crazier around the students before she got to me.

      By the time she got to me, I got out of my seat and started jumping around acting like a mad person! Everyone laughed at what I had to show, not the teachers but all the students, including my sister who there with me.

      My math teacher walked up to me to check on me. I refused. She was one of the teachers in school that you're afraid of, and I was really afraid at that time! Despite my feat for her, I ran to an office in the back of the classroom to see what would happen next. She walked up to me and kindly asked to check up on me. She didn't look mad or scary, she was really nice. She also transformed in to another woman with blonde hair.

      After having my checkup, it was time for break. As I was leaving the back room office, the students were still laughing at how crazy I was acting. At this time I felt it best to use one of my old man impersonations and see if I can make them laugh some more.

      My sister escorted me to the rest rooms in the school. This was where the dream started to become weird. As we were walking, I noticed a sense of fear inside me when I was walking from the office towards the restroom. There were teenage boys all around. They were watching, I was scared. I made my best efforts to act differently around them, more "hard". It's the only way I can survive a little longer.

      When we finally reached the restrooms, my teacher magically walked in to the walls next to the restroom doors, and disappeared. I didn't know what happened, I had to get back to the classroom.

      I turned around and saw a lot more kids this time. Some of them were walking t other class, others were hanging around in the main hall I was in. I walked back towards my classroom straight in front of me and noticed the changes taking place. One of them were the familiar feeling I have when I become too "involved". I'm not sure how to describe it but I just felt like I'm doing something really wrong.

      I continued walking towards the classroom. On my way there, my feet started to take in some speed. I was fast. I was so fast that even when I tried to walk slowly, it felt like I was running. I bumped in to someone big, a man. He wasn't mad at me. I thought he was. Then a scenario changed in front of me. The classroom I was in before, it was now a huge skating circle!

      This skating circle only had a one way ride. Every single one of the students who entered this circle had skates. As for the skating circle, it look really beautiful. It's not too often that I see huge skating circle like this in the waking world. I had no choice but to ride on it.

      I was riding around the long circle around the skating arena with a lot amount of other students. Sometimes some of the girls were having trouble staying on their skates, so they grabbed on to me and hugged to not fall. Their hugs didn't feel really special! There were times that I wanted to fall to, I remember I almost fell in a pool of water near the edge of the circle. I'm extremely afraid of water in dreams and I wasn't going to!

      I skated for a little while longer and sooner or later, I finally woke up!
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