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    1. Baby born in lake, great-grandmother at house

      by , 11-04-2010 at 12:23 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was coming to see the birth of a baby. I had apparently seen the mother give birth before (possibly in an earlier part of this dream). I hoped I wasn't late this time.

      It was day, and I was running toward the house. I seemed to be coming at the house from the back. The house was very small, white, and in a rural setting.

      I noticed that the land behind the house had become a huge pool of water, apparently right from the backdoor. I stood at the edge of this pond, looking toward the backdoor.

      A group of men and women about my age all exited the backdoor. A woman stayed in the house. She handed the newborn baby to a tall, skinny, slightly bearded man. The man may have dunked the baby in the water. This was the baby's birth.

      I jumped in the pool (I was wearing a backpack, for some reason). I swam toward the group of people. I wanted to be part of the birth process so much.

      I thought to myself that I've always worried about seeing a baby still covered in everything right after birth. But now the baby would be clean. I was disappointed and relieved at the same time that I wouldn't have to see the baby right after birth.

      Everybody was now carrying the baby toward the far back end of the pond. I had to swim all the way over there to reach them now.

      I got to the group of people. It may now have been all women. They were all talking with each other in cooing voices. I tried to be a part of whatever they were doing. But I couldn't see the baby anywhere.

      I may have seen somebody carry the baby, now wrapped in swaddling cloths, over the edge of the pond. The pond was bordered by a ledge of flat, grey stone. I clumsily hoisted myself, in my wet clothes, onto the ledge. Beyond the ledge there was a slight drop down to some bare, dusty soil. I jumped.

      When I landed, I was reminded of my backpack. I thought of how wet it must be. Then I remembered that my computer was in my backpack! It must be soaked right through!

      I walked around the right side of the pond, heading back toward the house and the spot where I'd jumped into the water. I was trying to convince myself that my computer really wasn't soaked all the way through. I'd had it in its case after all, right? But I knew that was a lousy argument. The case wasn't waterproof. I knew I'd have to test it.

      I got back up to the edge of the pond, then I turned around and walked back toward the back end, but up on the ledge instead of down in the dirt area.

      I may have encountered my old friend K or my mom. I explained my problem with my computer. K/my mom asked me why I jumped in the pond with my backpack on. I replied that seeing the baby was so important that I didn't care what I was wearing.

      I now had my computer sat on the ledge, opened, and turned on. I said, "See? It doesn't work. I'm just getting this one program you always get when your computer doesn't work. It's like a sign from the company that your computer is broke."

      The program was some yellow and green colored video game that reminded me of an Atari 2600 video game.

      My view may have changed to a dark office, where I was all alone.

      Dream #2

      I was in my great-grandmother's house. I sat near the front door. I sat on one of my great-grandmother's stools and ate some kind of sandwich.

      I was probably by myself in the house, waiting for other people to arrive. The lights in the house were all on, and it was warm.

      Some of my family had gone to the hospital with my great-grandma. She may now have been dead. Regardless of that, the doctors had done a bad job on her.

      I recalled one particular statement made by a doctor. My great-grandmother had had something like a stroke. The doctor said that my great-grandma's brain would heal itself, so that there was so need for treatment.

      I laughed to myself, thinking that they all should have realized there was a lot more damage than they'd thought, and that my great-grandma had actually needed a lot more help, especially since she was so old.

      I tried to remember something about what the doctor had said. It had something to do with the electrical patterns in the brain, how they travelled in circles. I could feel the electricity in my brain, travelling counter-clockwise in my skull.

      I remembered that the doctor said that if you have an electrical anomaly, such as a minor stroke, you could often wait for the electricity to come back around and reset the messed up part of your brain.

      Now I had an electrical anomaly in my brain. I was having trouble speaking, as if my tongue were way too thick for me to talk with. I wondered if my mouth were just too full of food. In panic I pulled whole chunks of tomato out of my mouth. They looked like the upper palates, like for braces.

      I tried to speak again, but my tongue still wasn't getting words out. I was pacing around the house, in a bit of panic. I convinced myself that it would just take time for my tongue to heal.

      Just then my sister and great-grandmother walked in the door. I knew I couldn't speak, so I just kept quiet, trying to show by my facial expression how happy I was to see my great-grandmother.

      My sister sat me and my great-grandma down on a red, plasticky couch (very unlike the couch my great-grandma had). My great-grandma seemed to be a lot livelier than she'd been in a long time. But I still was unable to speak!

      My great-grandma (wearing a grey, tweed coat) said to me, "Aren't you going to say anything? Here I've come all this way to say hello. Aren't you going to be grateful and talk with me?"
    2. Great-grandmother's jacket and eyeglass lens

      by , 10-29-2010 at 11:48 AM
      Good morning everybody. I remember one dream from last night. It feels a little fragmented.

      I was at my great-grandmother's house. The house was lit by grey daylight coming through the windows. My great-grandma was either close to dying or else she had just died (although in waking life she died about a year ago). A lot of the family was at her house.

      I had been wearing a red flannel jacket, which reminded me of a red flannel jacket my great-grandma wore. But I had taken it off.

      Some people, probably including my mom and sister, had started doing the laundry. They might have started doing everybody's laundry, because we had been at my great-grandma's house for so long.

      Now my sister had a red flannel jacket. She was looking all over the house for it, but she couldn't find it. Some other family members, probably including me, were trying to help her find the jacket. My sister was probably also blaming other people in the house for having taken the jacket. They knew how much it meant to her, because it either was or was like the jacket my great-grandma always wore.

      At some point, I was laying on my stomach on the floor in the living room. Before me, just to the left (my left) of the TV, was a laundry basket full of clothes. The basket was full of all kinds of random clothes, including either a bride's gown or a bridesmaid's gown. I could tell the clothes were still dirty. It was like my mom and sister had planned to do laundry but then just left the job.

      I could see a red flannel jacket or sweater at the bottom of the basket, under all the dirty clothes. I knew it was mine. At last I'd found it! So I took it and put it on.

      I was now walking through a store that feels now to me like a mix between a grocery store and the perfume department at Macy's. It may have been night. There were other people in the store.

      I walked around in the red flannel jacket. I wondered if it was good to wear a jacket that had been sitting at the bottom of a basket of dirty clothes, some of which had been quite smelly.

      I reached my hand into one of the pockets. I pulled out an eyeglass lens, probably for the right eye. The lens was big, for really big, old eyeglass frames. I knew it was a lens for one of my great-grandmother's eyeglass frames.

      I now remembered, as if it had happened in some earlier part of the dream, how one of the lenses had popped out of my great-grandma's glasses, and how my sister had been panicked looking for the lens.

      As I walked through the grocery store I thought how it was only natural that the lens would end up in the jacket pocket. After all, the lens must have popped off near the jacket. Then the jacket had been buried in the laundry basket where nobody could find it.

      Updated 10-29-2010 at 12:40 PM by 37466

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Great-grandmother alive again in her house

      by , 10-16-2010 at 01:23 PM
      I had a number of dreams, but they're mostly so fragmented I can't remember them. This is the only dream I remember.

      I was in my great-grandmother's house, probably with my mom and my sister. My great-grandmother had passed away a while back (like in waking life), and the house was empty. But I think my mom, my sister, and I were going to throw a party for our whole family in the house, like my great-grandmother used to do.

      I walked into the kitchen. I may have had the feeling that I didn't belong in the house for some reason.

      Now my great-grandma appeared. She may have risen up through the floor, or she may just have suddenly appeared before me. She stood really close, between me and the kitchen counter. She was even shorter than she had been while she was alive.

      She may have told me something. But I can't remember what it was. She may have seemed a little agitated or annoyed.

      Updated 10-16-2010 at 01:27 PM by 37466 (clarified "passed away" with "a while back")

    4. Majestic Leaves Have Fallen

      by , 10-13-2010 at 01:34 AM (Dreaming on my feet)
      Another dream that's really hard to explain aside from what I wrote down, so I'll use the same method as my last DJ post.

      1) Cutting down trees, cut them down to clear out a space for an area to build a house. Picking up old roots and pieces of wood from unever, loamy, dark and healthy soil with two other from where I live.

      [I then wake up and read or meditate for a bit, then back to sleep]

      2)Building a house without nails, and C confesses to a girl on the scene, maybe to H, using or with a stuffed animal in a cute indirect fashion which is characteristic of him. Switching to a School-ish/auditorium type building, very huge and grandeur, dark maple banisters and wall design, big off white/dark wall lamps and chandeliers, dark red or brownish wall color like the Fox theatre in Detroit. C is completely passed out drunk [he usually doesn't drink much] after being turned down. Scene loses much sensibility, I'm exploring the vast space of the hall/room with my vision, and kick a soccer ball very high and break a lamp. This all switches to me and C on stage with what appears to be a class, all dressed in tuxedos, with my dream being presented or displayed on a big projector screen, with an audience, ending in applause.

      [Not sure if the whole dream was being played on that screen or if it was just part of a transition. ]

      3)Dream flashback of a dream I had many years ago, like ten years again, of playing soccer at the horse race tracks downtown at my hometown, viewing the game and events from the view of a bird flying around. I'm running around after that, not sure from what, some group conflict with an older team chasing after me or something.

      4)J, my sister, is in a kitchen with the lights off. Mom and dad are asleep in chairs at a table, there are three doors leading to the room, all of which are open. I walk in one of them, and Jessie is holding knives and appears to be gaurding/watching for something at the one door which leads outside. I immediately go to grab some knives, and try to find the best knives that are usually in my kitchen where I currently live. I have trouble finding the one I really want, a sharp heavy chef's knife with a black handle, but settle for a thinner one, longer and also pretty sharp, wooden handle but not as effective. I grab two actually. I am waiting for whatever is out there but it doesn't come, so I walk through the door to find out what is there, J is warning me not to go out, asks "what are you doing?" and I ask her if she wants to come along or not while walking away over a huge open grass feild on a slight hill, trees without leaves bordering the land further away, feeling of just before winter like the weather actually is now, cloudy cold and windy. There is a big log cabin about 100m away in the distance I start to walk towards it. Jessie finally leaves the room and starts to follow me, a bit of a ways back.

      Two military looking vehicles pull up, like quads but with six wheels and big, camofl. They stop close to me and I tell J to run back inside and she does. One is an officer, the other a soldier type. Officer trying to like.. befriend me, decieve me despite that they are obviously antagonistic and he is being decietful. "We can all get along", but I'm not buying it and not talking at all really. I have the knives hidden behind my back, temporarily forgotten. I go closer to the gaurd, and jump up to his level, like I'm flying or floating, to intimidate him/ a show of my powers, I see his gun though and say "holy shit that's so cool!" and we nerd out about his gun, one side automatic, but the butt of the gun can kind of disconnect/dislatch and can be used as a handgun. He's explaining it to me and the officer throws me his to look at it, and I examine the gun. Looks similar to an xbox controller, really boxy but not squar, buttons similar. I keep talking about it jovially while sizing them up, then shoot the officer twice, he tries to zip away but I kill him and his vehicle flips. I immediately dives sideways, and slow motion the gaurd and I use our pistols and shoot all our clip at one another. I kill him in the end and am unharmed.

      I go back inside to J and parents and thte dream fades and I begin to wake up.

      **I didn't get up immediatley and record dream, didn't even move at all, which led me back into the dream scene and a FA. Testifies Alan Worsleys method of entering back into Lucid Dreams and creating multiple LD's in a row using FA RCs.

      5) I'm sitting back in the kitchen I was just in with J, this time with two people I live/work with, like we're at breakfast. Same table we have, wooden, but darker and with boards instead of a big flat surface, kind of like a picnic table. I tell them I had dreams about C, and N tells me she had one about me too and begins to tell me, and I start to write hers down with a red pencil but it keeps smudging and breaking. I remember I need to record the dream I just had and appologetically interupt her and begin writing down the dream I just awoke from, in a red pencil also.. Then I realize I'm dream again and forcefully wake up and decide to record the dreams I just had since they were so intense and vivid.
      SO, once again I had a FA involving the kitchen where I eat breakfast and the people I'm with, and also another dream scene where I'm writing in my dream journal. Last time this happened my DJ was college lined, which is not in actuality, and this time I was writing with a red pencil, which I do not write with in actuality.

      I was at a house building site earlier in the day which explains the wood clearing dream, and was in a similar location. The second dream, in the auditorium had a very intense and epic feel to it, not negative in any way though. KInd of strange.
      The last one with the gaurds was similar, interesting and q uirky, potential nightmare material but didn't turn into one at all.

      I must resolve to RC every time I write down something in my DJ, since I have FA and often drift back into sleep and dream that I am writing down the dream I just awoke from, almost every day even, especially if i hit snooze. This is effective especially when I don't move a muscle upon waking. Thankfully my alarm is customizable and I set it just to go off after ten/20 seconds so I can accomplish this.

      Good dreaming all, hope this was entertaining.
    5. 5th / 6th October 2010- Wolf Spiders and Waves

      by , 10-07-2010 at 08:38 PM
      1) I am at my house coming down the stairs. I am nearly at the bottom when I see this huge wolf spider clinging to the wall. I yell really loud and try to get past it. It jumps out at me but misses. I run into the kitchen where there is another huge spider. It runs under the fridge and I shriek "How disgusting!" My mum tries to squash it with a fleeting blow of the saucepan. The other one she catches with a normal pan.

      2) Something about helping someone.

      3) (I have my options coming up) I am at options evening and the different subjects are in different rooms I go to DT (I am planning to take food) but I am up to my waist in water. There are three others there. The waves are getting bigger. My sister is by my side. I grab her and try to get to the rock sides. The waves keep grabbing us and taking us backwards. They get to a point where they are twice as high as me. When the biggest wave comes, I nod to my sister and we go swiftly under and back out the side. I grab hold of the cement side and the dream finishes there.
    6. Loaf in the Hotel, Computer Files

      by , 09-19-2010 at 05:07 PM
      Type: Regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      This was my first dream with a DV member in it.
      I was in a hotel room. This hotel had high ceilings, at least five or six feet higher than an average ceiling. The room I was in consisted of a flat dark maroon carpet, and beige walls. The door that connected the room to the hallway was centered in the wall, not to the side. On the opposite side of the room were two tall, skinny windows that each had a brown wooden border around them. On either side of the two windows were a bed, and both beds had red duvets and a brown frame, which looked a little old-fashioned. The headboards weren't solid, but instead they were an arc with round carved columns below it.

      There was a mother, a father, and a young girl (probably around the age of three) in the mother's lap. They were in between the two beds, leaning up against them. They were asleep, and then I turned around to see Loaf behind me. He was wearing a pale red sweater (yes, more red), and acting as if it were cold in the room, placing his hands in his jean pockets. All I did was say, "hey," and then left the room. I did this by turning to the right, and, on the wall adjacent to the main door, was a hallway. This darkly-lit hallway was short, only a few feet long, but it led to another room. I walked through and entered the new room; it was half the size of the one I'd left, and only had one bed with the same red duvet.

      I looked at the bed for a while and then heard someone walking towards me. I spun around to see my sister in a bath towel; apparently she was completely surprised that I was in the room. "Sorry!" I exclaimed, and the dream skipped to a new setting.

      I was in my basement. My basement, in the dream, consisted of a light gray Berber carpet and was pretty large. There was an entertainment center but I paid little attention to it, because I was sitting on a swivel chair, at a computer desk, and looking at the computer screen. It was solid blue at first, the backlight making it appear brighter, and then my account popped up on the screen. There was a folder opened up, windows-style because that was my operating system, and the files were listed alphabetically in the same typefont and size they'd be in real life. I saw that there were a few of my own files, but most of them were titled something like the following:


      I distinctly recall seeing the phrase "Best Buy" in the file names, as well as other real companies, but I can't remember those. I deleted the files and then closed the folder. When I got the feeling that they weren't completely deleted, I opened it up again with a single click of the mouse in the middle of the screen. There was now a sidebar on the right-hand side, along with all the files I'd just deleted, back in the folder. On the sidebar, there was a screened-out folder icon and a file name centered below it. Underneath that, it read something like "do you wish to permanently delete this file?"

      I clicked "yes", because that was the only option.

      Updated 05-18-2023 at 05:17 AM by 28408

      non-lucid , memorable
    7. Today I'm Zac Efron

      by , 09-12-2010 at 07:37 PM
      Type: Regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I had just woken up for the morning and it was pretty early; I'm guessing it was the time that people get up for school or work. I was walking towards a table in the middle of a kitchen, where my father and sister were sitting.

      The table was a circular, dark brown wooden one, not that polished, with a few slight imperfections. The chairs were cheap metal ones with the soft plastic seats and backs. The rest of the kitchen was pretty tight; it was almost like your basic kitchen with plain walls and stuff. The space was shaped like a fat rectangle, and on three walls were counters and wall cabinets. The table was positioned in the middle of the room, with barely any room to move the chairs because it was so packed in.

      Light was pouring through a large window at the end of the room, on one of the two shorter walls.

      I walked towards the table and sat down. Apparently in the dream, every time I woke up in the morning, I'd look like a different person.

      Today, my sister said, "hey, good morning Zac Efron."

      I looked at myself. I was wearing men's pants and a baggy, dark pale blue shirt. I looked in a fairly large plain mirror that magically appeared on the table, and my suspicions were confirmed. Great, I thought, disappointed by what I saw. "I was hoping for someone a bit more attractive," I said, half exasperated and half humorously.

      My dad laughed.

      Updated 05-18-2023 at 07:09 AM by 28408

    8. Motel Mouse- 8-6-10

      by , 08-06-2010 at 02:00 PM (My Randomness)
      no its not as bad as the title sounds . me and my sister were outside this building, i think we were looking for a place to sleep. on the other side of the building there was this open area where you could get a motel room. there was a rack with keys on it, made of concrete, the keys were brass colored. they all had numbers on them, but we chose number 13. but there was no one there to buy it from, i guess the motel was free lol. then, after a memory gap, its morning, and im sitting at a dining room table, although it was more like a folding card table. then some other people came in from the other side of the room, a family i think. they had this pet rat, it was about the size of a small cat lol, but it wasn't nasty looking, i actually liked it. i sat on the couch, and it jumped up and started sniffing me, putting its wet nose all over my face. i was laughing because it was tickling me . i was playing with it, i think one of the other people commented on how the rat took a liking to me. then, after yet another memory gap, im outside, near this tree, i think the rat is outside too, and im still playing with it.
    9. Night of Monday, 2nd of August

      by , 08-04-2010 at 02:20 PM (Beyond the Horizon)
      The new technique worked! I remembered my dream, and I even forgot to say my mantra!


      Well I was at a shopping centre which is my dream version of the real shops down the road. It was really long and vivid, but when I woke up, I moved around and got out of bed before I bothered to write it down, so I only remember the end.

      The place had at least three levels, I was with my sister, and we were trying to get to the bottom floor when we were on the 3rd floor. We stopped and looked down, and my sister was sick or something and she said "I wish I could just jump down there."

      She stayed there while I kept going towards the escalators at the end of the shopping centre. I went down to the bottom floor, and saw a pet shop as I came off the escalator. There were two guys in suits who were working there. The shop had items out in the walkway as well as the actual store, so I tried to go between them, but someone with a dog and a 5-year-old were already coming through.

      I stepped aside, but a dog sitting in the shop started barking really loudly at the person's dog, and the pet shop staff looked over, and I saw that the barking dog was white and ginger, and had something wrong with it's eye. It was sad, but scary at the same time. The people walked past, but I decided to go into the pet shop. It was very cramped.

      All of a sudden there was a weird flying insect buzzing around the shop; it was orange and looked kind of like a wasp. One of the shopkeepers said "Ah, it'll be fine!"

      I woke up, wishing I had remembered more.
      I had a really full dream, I just can't remember it.
      It's like having a blanket completely over a bed, but the only bit you can remember is the pillow
      Like eating an ice cream, but only remembering the cone

      Updated 08-06-2010 at 08:56 AM by 34314

      Tags: dog, insect, shops, sick, sister
    10. Psychotic Sister

      by , 08-02-2010 at 09:27 PM
      Type: regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I dug up this entry from a slightly older dream journal.

      I was in my house. The lighting was dim; if I were to rate it on a scale of one to ten, ten being normal light in a house and one being dark, I'd give it a five. The house was large and modern; the walls were smooth light beige and the flooring was polished cherry hardwood. There were nooks and crannies and it reminded me of a house from a horror movie, but there was no horror aspect to the dream. At least, not yet.

      The room I was currently in was completely empty, with the exception of a few packing beans and a thirty-inch television set mounted on the wall. I stared at it for a few moments, and then heard footsteps behind me. I spun around and was looking right into my sister's eyes. She was a few inches shorter than me, so she was looking up, but the look in her eyes frightened me a bit. She looked possessed.

      I backed up a few paces and at the same time, she advanced. She was holding her hand up, which had a needle filled with light pink fluid. It was difficult to tell whether it was viscous or not, and to identify what it was, but whatever it might have been, I knew this wasn't a good thing.

      She smiled as the look on my face changed from surprise to terror. I suddenly bolted and ran past her, barely missing a jab from the needle. I got to the stairs after a few good paces, but there were strips of wood blocking the way, and I couldn't crawl through a hole; there weren't any. I was pretty much trapped. My sister then stabbed me hard in the lower arm. I remember minutely realizing that this was a dream, so I told her "it'll take more than that." I grabbed the syringe and pointed it at her. "Go away."

      The dream ended with the needle still in my hand.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:44 AM by 28408

      lucid , nightmare
    11. Ipod- 7-31-10

      by , 08-01-2010 at 02:47 AM (My Randomness)
      this one starts outside an apartment building, at the bottom near some stairs. me, my sister (i think) and some other people were talking about Ipod's. i was like "yea, they're so easy to get i mean look..." i then precede to pick up a random Ipod Touch off of the ground lol. i wasn't standing, i was laying on something. then the scene turns into my livingroom, im on the couch looking at my new Ipod, and were all still talking. there's people talking behind me, which they shouldn't have if the furniture was in its normal position. i was on the Ipod, looking at new apps to buy, free ones of course, while talking. then, after a small memory gap, everyone's gone and im in my livingroom alone, and all of the lights in that room were off, it was night time. i go into the kitchen, and turn and see my neighbor looking in the window, asking to come in, i think it was snowy outside. for some reason, that was the normal way for him to come over to my house lol. i motioned him to wait, and went upstairs to ask my stepdad if he could come in. when i asked my stepdad, he just started yelling at me about taking the dogs out late, but in the dream i knew he was wrong and defended myself. he continued to yell and be unreasonable (much like the real thing), and said no, my neighbor couldn't come in. i went back downstairs, but my neighbor was gone from the window, i just assumed he knew he couldn't come over.
    12. Wave 2: The Night After 31/7/2010

      by , 07-31-2010 at 04:15 PM (The Meerkat's Lair)
      This morning, I dreamed I was with a lot of friends at school. We were sitting in the auditorium. I see Sandy walking with Antoine and Kyan. I wonder if she lost the interest she seems to have in me to give to Antoine, since were no longer in the same bus. Then we all decide to play a pokemon match. Me and all my friends are lying on a floor in a place i cant recall. We all have our Nintendo DS. I ask them if they have some kind of special piece of equipement for the DS. It had a specific name but i dont remember it. Then we start our tournament and we seem to be in the game. I see at some point a transparent Gengar (my fav :3) and a crobat. I also see a machoke-like creature that gets hit by a one-hit KO. From afar, i hear Sev and Cat that talk about how they know the owner of the crobat. I have a crobat in real life too so. Then Julien asks me for a 1 on 1 battle. I accept but my mom says its no fun for the others.

      Then im inside my computer room and next to me is Sandy. I think its my sister and dont notice her. She asks me out but i refuse because i think shes my sis. I think we also had some link together, her father i think. Then she leaves and later my real sis comes to talk to me. It dawns on me and i ask her if she asked me out earlier. She says no. Then i think "I have to talk to Sandy" and my dream ends like that. I have to talk to Sandy.

      Updated 08-01-2010 at 06:00 PM by 34603

    13. It's been a while...

      by , 07-30-2010 at 01:07 PM

      OK, so school, life, etc. happened. But I was in Spanish class the other day and someone mentioned having "one of those dreams where you wake up and go to the bathroom and go back to bed and then you really wake up." Yes, totally, a false awakening, right? Yeah, that's what it's called! So I realized I totally miss my DJ. Here's some catch up dreams:

      Lately I've had a few dreams where I've been really pissed off at my dad. In one dream, I recall he had something really hot and pressed it to my face and was burning me with it and I was screaming at him that he doesn't even know what he's doing!!! In other dreams I'm just frustrated and mad at him.

      Last night I dreamed I had a fight with my sister on the phone. She said she was moving to Quebec. I told her I don't believe her because she lies all the time (true), I can't trust her (true), and I wish I didn't get stuck with a shitty sister like her anyway (also true)!!! It felt so so good to get that off my chest, even if it was only in a dream.

      I had a lucid where I couldn't gain control and I just remember it being a strange situation so I just rolled back into normal dreaming.

      OK, here's a weird one: I'm in a pet store like digging hamsters or guinea pigs out of the dirt in the floor... but they're in habitats and they're really hungry because they've been underground for so long. I try to get them some food when I walk by a wall of aquariums of various exotic fish. They look prehistoric. One tank has the lid off and there's what appears to be a tiny shark spitting water at me!! Then I hear a voice overhead saying that the end of the world is coming and there's nothing I can do to stop it.

      I have some more dreams of being in the bathroom and people walking in on me as usual.

      I had one last night or the night before about being a bird... and having a bird buddy with me watching some other birds hunt for worms. We decided they were from the Philippines. Then one little bird who was hurt was looking for some worms and I felt like he was scared that the other birds would attack him. So my bird buddy and I went and scooped him up and brought him to safety. The little hurt bird thanked us and said we should smoke with him. So we started smoking what looked like some thorny stems of plants and I don't even know how we lit it but we were smoking it! (I love the uncomplicated nature of dreams sometimes!)

      Anyway, I've had some pretty bizarre dreams as you can tell, and I hope to get more into my DJ on a regular and get into have more memorable lucids!

      It's good to be back!!
      Tags: bathroom, bird, dad, sister
      lucid , non-lucid
    14. Home Depot Seed Fight- 7-29-10

      by , 07-29-2010 at 01:15 PM (My Randomness)
      lol this one was funny. im inside this store, i think its home depot because were around these shelves with wood and carpet and other stuff. the floor is wooden at the start, but later it turns into tile. anyway, im with my sister and neighbor, were just standing around, when suddenly either me or K (neighbor) throws a handful of bird seed at each other, starting a big seed fight. i run off and hide behind a shelf. i see him and grab a handful of seeds, then jump out and throw them at him, but i think it misses. he then swings this really long yard stick at me, which i stop and grab right out of his hand, much to the surprise of everyone there. then this dude walks over, and we all run, i think he was the manager or something, coming to yell at us for throwing the seeds. thats all i remember.

      Updated 07-29-2010 at 01:22 PM by 27356

      non-lucid , memorable
    15. Store Frag- 7-28-10

      by , 07-28-2010 at 11:21 PM (My Randomness)
      this one is a fragment (obviously). im in a store, and im running or sliding or something down an isle. i then suddenly run into the shelves at the end, and fall over. me and a couple people nearby bust out laughing, i think one was my sister, i get up and try to play it off, like i didn't just knock a bunch of stuff off the shelf. me and a friend then run away, i see a person from school, and i start laughing when she looks at me, like she knew i just ran into the shelf. thats all i remember, it was pretty funny.
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