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    1. Competitive Cooking

      by , 10-09-2014 at 09:29 AM
      1st. I was doing this weird cooking competition with Casey from work (The blonde short one). We originally started of with team members but we ended up loosing them. To start off with we were cooking fries and then went to cooking burgers. I would always end up behind Casey for some weird reason and she was always cheating, she would throw stuff into my vat and kind of at me and would throw taunts at me (Didn’t make me upset at all though). A child then walked into the weird restaurant think and Casey was trying to talk to it and the mother. I remember not being able to see the mothers face although the girl would have been about 3-4 years old with blonde hair blue eyes. While Casey was talking to her she would stare at me not paying any attention to what Casey was saying. That’s all I can remember, I think I woke up.

      2nd. On a raft with a bunch of people, some I isn’t know although there were people like Sarah and Zac Harrington. We ended up meeting with Steve Irwin who took us to see some whales. When we were talking there was a Facebook chat thing that would pop up somehow. We then, ended up going back to shore and had all these Mcopoly sticker and were playing this game with them, on the second round Zac paired up with a kid to let him win. I woke up.

      Updated 10-22-2014 at 12:38 AM by 71540

    2. Night To Day

      by , 10-09-2014 at 08:31 AM
      It was the middle of night outside my house. I realised i was dreaming when i had to get to Amy, who was in mum and dads car. I found her phone in my pocket so i couldnt contact her. I thought, 'Well if this is a dream ill just jump in my car.' I was struggling to drive at all, it just span and jolted. I decided to look at my hands to gain control and stabalize. I had trouble staying lucid and my hands were just spinning round and round. I snapped out of it and was sat back in the car exactly as i was before. I took a moment to look around and realised how dark and alone i was. No street lamps on, and i panicked slightly as id had difficulty controlling the dream so far. Thats when i had bad thoughts - 'What if theres soneone behind me when i turn round?' And because i imagined it, i turned round and there was a white face sat staring at me above the headrest. An entirely white face, white eyes, with no hair or body. It made me jump and as i kept turning my head i noticed there was now more white heads sitting in each seat of my car. Pretty freaky actually. This all happened fast and i was very close to waking myself up, but i took a second to compose myself and remind myself i was dreaming and i was perfectly safe. I turned back to the head poking over my headrest, looked it dead in the eye and said "See you later lads," before putting my hand up to give his nose a little wiggle and getting out. As i opened the door all the heads gave me a smile to say goodbye. Now i was walking along the side of Sompting rec in the dark still. I decided the darkness didnt match my nightmare conquering good mood. So i looked up and could see the glow of the sun right down under the horizon. Using my hands and my mind i pulled the blazing sun across the night sky. It moved fairly fast for its size! The huge ball of fire replacing the stars with light. The sun was now directly above me with steam visibly coming off it into a big blue sky. I looked down again and it was just like a normal daytime dream again. Even the air smelt fresher, and i could see and hear kids now playing in the playground.
      Everything was much more homely. I took a minute to stabalize the dream again, running my hands down the bushes at the side of the school. As i was watching my hands touch each fern and leaf poking out of the fence i could feel the dream become more vivid again. I even ran my hands over a wet glistening spiders web within the bushes, ever so gently to avoid breaking it, but enough to feel the damp silk clinging to my fingers. When i turned round young Andy was there, and i was stood just outside Jamie's shed. Apparently Andy had seen me move the sun with my bare hands and was understandably amazed. He guided me in towards he shed, which now had a pool table in the middle of the room. He asked to see what else i could do, he snapped a pool cue in half over his knee and handed it to me. I held a half in both hands. Holding the bottom still in my right and running my left along the cue from the top towards the break. As my left hand past halfway and covered the break i imagined it being fixed. I pulled my hand off, and the cue was as good as new again. Andy was again impressed.
    3. Lucid Dream Research 10/9/2014

      by , 10-09-2014 at 06:57 AM
      I had a lucid dream. Note however that I wanted to test to see if going with the flow of things as if I were in a real world would improve dream stability. This doesn't mean I didn't express control over the dreamscape, but I did so based on my whim. On what I wanted and desired. If I did anything strictly out of logic, it was simply AVOIDING doing this or that for the sake of avoiding losing dream stability early. But this also means that the dream was decided the same way real life is to an extent, if something made me emotionally react that would propel my behavior and the dream as a whole down that way. So basically, if someone insulted me for instance I would react like I would in real life. Probably fighting them, street style. Also note that another reason for going with the flow of the dream, is to leave dream symbolism in tact. So as to be able to still use dreams to interpret what is going on with me mentally.

      It wasn't lucid automatically, what happened was I woke up in my bed(in the dream) and I got up, went into the living room and a female friend who I have feelings for was there, as was another chick I didn't know. I acknowledged my friend first hand, I told her I didn't realize she was here. She was like "duh". But then she moved and sat into the lap of the other chick, and they made out. This messed with me, I told her I thought she was asexual and she was like "well I lied" now I reacted emotionally because seeing that was very much so troubling to see. I wanted to escape the situation and apparently what happened was my brain did just that, ejected me out of that dream scene and I ended up waking up in my bed again. Instead this time, the bed was placed in a hallway on the other side of the living room from the side that led to the original bed I woke up in. This bed was placed by the entrance of the house. But suddenly there were loads of people, of all kinds. There were cowboys and modern teens, there was even a stereotypically old man who was having difficulty walking and he fell from having trouble walking due to his physical condition from being old. So it was distressing me, I was worried it was going to fuck with my dream stability. So I jotted out the door, to the outside.

      In front of me was a walking path made of cement, and lots of trees in the background. So I walked down the walkway, on the side the house was on, there was the ocean in all it's vast glory. Now during the dream I was testing things, I summoned people, using the power of expectation. If I made any demands of my subconscious or of individuals in my dream, it would only go as expected if... as I said... I expected something in the first place lmao. What is more is that they all appeared in a seamless way. My friend left the trailer as I turned around intentionally with the expectation for her to show up again. My mom by turning around again. So then I started following the walking path, my friend and my mom started following me. The path was basically just trees on one side, the ocean on the other and it stretched out for like a quarter mile. It came to a mountain with a big hole in it, with a wooden walk way leading inside, that lifted above the ground. As we walked into this cave, I started seeing massive cockroaches. I reasoned it as making sense because there are big versions of species all over the world, they otherwise might've been small from your location. Rats and ants are examples in the real world. So I reasoned, this is where my subconscious based them on.

      Now halfway down this wooden pathway, my mom tells me to remember that my bro is waiting for me back at the van. Note, that there was no van back at the house and also never any mention my bro was waiting for me. So this was all out of the blue. But instead of walking back down the pathway right away, I went ahead and summoned my bro expecting him to be as if what my mom said was true. That me and him were going somewhere, and sure enough as I turned around there he was telling me to come on because he's been waiting for me. So I go with him, backtracking on the path. Now when we arrive at the end of the wooden path, things are different. There's trees all around us, the cement walkway is now pointing to the RIGHT of the cave instead of continuing the wooden walkway. The van is there, and so is this square structure with a door.

      My bro gets in the van, but as he does so a lady comes through the door of the structure. I decide, that I've been satisfied with my success so far that I might as well take things up a notch and test dream sex, see how well the dream stability stays in tact. So I demanded that she have sex with me, with the expectation that she would comply. She just stood there, so I went to do something and she didn't resist. So what I did was, I fondled her breasts and I could feel it and everything. The sensation didn't affect the dream's stability, it was perfectly stable... UNTIL I started feeling lust. That was probably too intense for my current Lucid ability. The sensation triggered my lust, making it build up. This is a physical sensation to my real life body laying in my real life bed, so it starts destabilizing the dream and I wake up.

      So with that I will conclude massive success in general. The dream stayed perfectly stable for a whole hour in real life. I cannot have dream sex yet, but it's almost the final frontier basically. If I can master that, not much will wake me up. Not even massive battles against the Reapers themselves.

      Some final notes: During the whole dream, I purposely was semi-going along with the dream like you see in Inception. This kept the dream vastly more stable. When I think about it that movie was actually pretty great in terms of speculation. It's almost as if they knew that messing with the dream and the flow of things, risks dream stability and therefore risks waking you up. All you need to add to the picture then, is shared dreaming where the dream isn't maintained by you, and as you start to destabilize things YOU simply get tossed out forcefully by being killed.
      Tags: lucid
    4. Somewhen in sept 2012

      by , 10-09-2014 at 06:52 AM (Fantastical Adventures)
      I was hovering above a sunny forest road with Zelda ww's tower of the gods in view. Some random stuff happened, like me jumping off air. [scene change] I found myself running from a hovering alien in a parking lot, chasing me all the way back to my house, hungry to destroy all socks and electronics. So, that's what it did, before it targeted me and I woke up.
      Tags: alien, zelda
    5. Back to Elementary School

      by , 10-09-2014 at 05:18 AM
      Just after performing DEILD(I think), which I really didn't want to at the time but did it anyway because it felt a lot easier to go back to sleep this time. I started out in a dream I tend to be in a lot - Fairfax Elementary School. This time was a little bit more interesting for me.

      It was sometime around the early morning. I was on the blacktop facing the set of classroom buildings in front of me and a couple others at the side. I already knew I was lucid the moment I saw this place. There was no one around at the time, just me. It seemed lonely but it didn't felt like it. In my mind I knew that this place was the only place where I could find happiness, despite the circumstances that may frighten or harm me. It was already proven how this dream was going to end.

      I walked straight, towards the directions of the classrooms in front of me. As I was walking, I saw someone waving their hand at me from one of the classrooms in front of me. I smiled, or I think I did, and waved with my right hand back and fourth. After doing so, I finally got to urge to use my lucid abilities to manipulate the dream world. The first thought that popped in to my head - sex. For a second, I looked around the environment and tried to see where I could have sex with one of the females I wanted to summon. This is pretty common for me, which is also one of my biggest disadvantages when achieving a lucid.

      Instead of summoning someone to have sex with, I thought it'd be a better idea to explore the world around me and then hopefully I'll find something good.

      There were a set of classrooms to my left. I decided to walk towards the first room laid eyes on. I assumed there were people inside and went to see what I could find. As soon as I walked in to the classroom, I saw the room filled with about 10 children, maybe more. I wanted to talk to one of them. There was a little girl to my left and walked up to her. I asked her what she was doing and she responded back in a negative matter. It was obvious she didn't like me judging by her physical movements. I asked her, "Why don't you like me?' She looked back at me and responded with another negative. I asked her again because I wanted to see how the dream characters would react. Most often I asked someone in a dream something, it is usually a strange response.

      After a few seconds later, I see a set of children to my right walking up to me and insulting me. One of them who insulted me was a boy. I wasn't liking this, but either way I got up and walked over to the play area near the right corner of the classroom. When I got there, me and a few other children were staring at something unknown. I'm not sure if it was a television or a teacher. Either way, I was bothered by this other individual who happened to be a volunteer at the school. I had an green apple in my hand and wanted a bite from it. I looked back at him and denied him. He still kept asking me though, and I just kept denying him.

      When class was finally over, I walked towards the classroom exit. On my way there, I saw a few other volunteers, unknown names. They were trying to have a conversation with me but I didn't know why. There were about 2-3 people I was talking to - two of them being males. I ignored them and continued walking towards the exit. When I got to the exit, I saw a recent high school classroom - Daniella. I'm not sure what she was doing her. When I saw her, the scenery changed a bit. Behind Daniella, I saw a different texture on the wall, the one I would see at the school me and her both attended. I walked up in front of her and paid close attention at her face, specifically her lips. Her lips weren't like the ones in reality. In this dream she had dull lips, as if she never put any lipstick or chap stick on. She didn't see too happy to see me. After that, I walked back outside and towards the black top. Before I could think of anything else to do, the dream slowly started to fade and I could see myself waking up.
    6. #23 - The letter detective, how exciting

      by , 10-09-2014 at 03:51 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      I have a few dream fragments, my sleep wasn't that great due to staying up and watching the lunar eclipse last night.

      Dream 1: The letter detective
      I'm in a small rural Chinese/Japanese village, the paths made of dirt which is a white-brown colour. The buildings in this area are pretty authentic wooden houses. Me and another person are searching for a white envelope that's supposed to contain an important letter, I walk down the path and see to my left a little grassy slope with a white envelope on it as well as a red object. From this, we discern that the thief is a man with a red shirt and that he's emptied the envelope and taken the letter. I seem to see something under one of the houses and we crawl beneath it, but I see someone behind us and all of a sudden we're hiding. It doesn't work though, he knows we're hiding and he looks super redneck and has a red checkered flannel shirt - he's the thief. We try to shuffle out but for some reason we can't, the man behind us crouches down and reaches to grab us, he runs a finger down the back of my leg which felt incredibly real. I wake up from the shock of the touch which freaked me out.

      Dream Fragment 1:
      I seem to be holding some hot chicks panties as I lie in someones bed in the morning.

      Dream Fragment 2:
      This dream felt incredibly short, I seem to realize that I'm in a dream and wake up before I actually become 'lucid'.

      Note: 2nd attempt at using SSILD induction technique, I failed but seem to have had a very shallow lucidity experience.
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Dreams

      by , 10-09-2014 at 03:21 AM

      First dream

      I think I was in a library looking for books but I ended up making a huge mess .

      Second Dream

      I can't recall much but the last thing I recall is being at a stranger's house with my dad. There was a dad with his daughters and they wanted me to play with them. I said no though cause I was busy looking for something. I think I was looking for a animal, maybe a goat...that looked like a dog?...Anyways, I kept looking but got hungry so I went to the kitchen. There was no milk for cereal so the dad gave me some
      ice cream/yogurt.I happily ate it but as I walked through the rooms I noticed there was a lady and her husband in the room and...I was now naked. I hid behind something but the lady saw me and was shocked. She than turned into my mom and said she was going to run away. I told her to let me go with her and she said okay. But as we were leaving I changed into a walking talking pizza and she tried to eat me. After running around for a bit I noticed something in the distance. It was a video of a music and animation of a character I thought I made. I thought about how happy I was that it came out this good when suddenly a giant wave appeared and took me away. I was flying above it though and saw in first person a boy anime character with orange hair flying above the water and doing cool poses. As he was having fun he shouted "Weeeeee~" Than "umiiiiiiiiii!"(Umi means sea in Japanese) It was pretty cool to watch but the dream changed quickly. Now I was walking with a boy into a mall or huge apartment place that had escalators in it.(I think I saw doors with numbers on them to the side)I felt something bad was about to happen and told him "I'm worried...Are you sure you'll be okay?" He looked at me and said " There's nothing to worry about. If they were gonna shoot me they would have shot me by now." Than suddenly two boys walked up to us and grabbed the guy. "We need to talk to you."One of them said as they carried him outside against his will.
      I was scared but somewhat aware it was a dream so I tried to go through the walls but two other boys grabbed me. "Please don't shoot me. I didn't know."I said to them nervously. One of them asked the other if I was a spirit than the other said "Lets just leave her alone."Than I woke up.

      Third Dream

      I remember having another dream where I was in my room talking to my brother and someone else. The other boy was holding onto his legs while sitting and I asked him why he did that. He said he does it because hes different and I should get used to it because if in the future I get a bf he is going to be like that.

      Updated 10-09-2014 at 03:38 AM by 67570

    8. Beginner Waterbending

      by , 10-09-2014 at 12:11 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #368 - DILD - Time unknown

      I didn't have my DJ handy and I was super lazy but I spent some time committing the dream to memory though I drifted off into a new dream a few times. I was pretty happy to make my first attempt at waterbending. It's not bad for a first try.

      I am chasing someone on a dirt bike down a forest hill. I notice that we keep making huge leaps into the air but landing softly and passing through trees. I am reminded of jumping down hills in Elder Scrolls and I gain some awareness from it.

      I am only partially lucid here and I don't recall much but I am in some version of the hotel room with my wife and son. We have some conversation and I find myself standing next to the bed looking at my wife. I was about to play some prank on her but I suddenly remember my goal (waterbending). This brings me to full lucidity and I turn away looking for water.

      There is a desk next to a window. I go to it and try to summon a glass of water. It's not quite working but I pretend it's there and begin to focus on waterbending. Something like melted plastic comes up from the invisible glass. It's weird and not what I wanted at all. As a gesture of mild frustration, I roll my eyes and look out the window for a moment then go back to focusing on the water.

      There is now a full glass of water sitting on the desk. Pleased, I go straight into bending. I cup my hands near the glass and focus energy pulling the water up. A nice streams slowly floats up but the quickly slashes back into the glass. I try again with much more effort. Small streams of water begin running up the sides of the glass and beyond. The effect looks pretty cool but I am suddenly awakened by something unknown.
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