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    1. AU Resort Time

      by , 03-13-2014 at 11:27 AM
      Exactlly what it sounds like. So this has a few major areas. I'll just list them off one by one. The first is a stairwell connecting to another area and a public pool. Joey's chilling on the stairwell playing a DS. I move around for the entirety of the dream, sometimes sitting with Joey, and sometimes not. I also visit the pool, but never go in it. In the first part, N was in the pool. In the second part, they weren't. This place also had small and big rectangular holes in the stairwell for people to put their stuff. Peter was sleeping in one of those. The pool also played music, as it created waves. At one point, it played 'What Does The Fox Say?' and everyone in the pool wore fox ears. I think we had to leave or something, because everyone filed out, with the song still playing.

      Before that, I was in the room next to the pool, that changed every few times I went in their. Thinking back, the stairwell reminded me of my old babysitter's basement stairwell, and the last 'form' of the common room was the Temple. I was hanging out here, and these guys were singing acapella songs. Duncan was in this group, and his mouth and face stretched a little, so he looked like a donkey, every time he tried to sing. He was trying to harmonize, but another member told him he wasn't doing it right, they were no where near each other's vocal range. Two of the members stood up, and said something about fellatio. I entered the pool at this point, when it's playing the Fox song.

      I also think I saw my Dad helping KF Teacher picking people, for some reason. They were in their uniforms, as well.

      They group is singing great, and it's singing 'A Thousand Years' as people are leaving. I wave goodbye to Joey before I leave.

      The other setting, with N and L and their Grandmother, but I'm not sure if this came before or after. I'm pretty sure this came before. I'm going to name it N/L's Room. It had a pool, and I think a computer on either side of it. It also had a bed, and I spent most of my time there. It had white everything. The only thing I clearly remember is talking to N about the quality of chicken. She also said she was having a chicken party, and handed me a piece. She said it was too mild, and I agreed.

      I don't know what happened, but then my cousin was pouring sauce on it after I had a convo with her about the chicken usually being in restaurants and having sauce, we just had take out. She poured stuff on it, and I think she was making a card or something. It spanned the bed, and it had snow covered houses, and yeah. I think I remember a game, too...

      The last scene is a mall, after I left the pool. It was connected to the stairwell, I guess. A bell rang, and I guess I had to go to 6th period. I got lost, started panicking, but calmed down, and saw Jack. I walked after him, and somehow my Teach bolted past. Jack began running after him, I think he was lsot too, and I ran after them. Teach stopped running, but when he got to the escalators. he ran down. Jack tried to follow his pace, but just couldn't match. They did this a few times, before I just vaulted, off of the escalators.

      Then I woke up.
    2. Dj 3/13/2014

      by , 03-13-2014 at 11:18 AM
      I took melatonin before bed last night. I had some trouble falling asleep. I woke up at 5:15 am (which is close to the normal time I wake up). I need to buy some more magnesium, which is a great sleep aid for me.

      Dream 1 (Fragment): The only thing I can recall about this dream is seeing a huge bright yellow school bus. It was about twice the size of a normal school bus.

      Dream 2 (lost): I was awoken in the midst of a dream by a strange scrapping noise. My wife was running her hands along the headboard of our bed. I asked her what she was doing and she said “I need to get these towels.” Then she settled down and fell back to sleep. At this point my dream was completely lost.

      Dream 3 – Three Large Ladies: The first thing I remember is being in a mansion. The rooms I’m in are very large, dimly lit, full of dark wood paneling, and large old furniture. It had a slightly gothic feel. I am comfortable here like I may own this mansion. I end up in one of the bedrooms and it is full of dirty cloths. I am annoyed with this. Next I remember I am dating a very large woman (morbidly obese – I have been watching the show “My 600 Lb. Life” recently). I do own the mansion and my yard is a huge theme park. I am now outside of the mansion and I am taking my girlfriend, her daughter, and her two sisters on a gondola ride across the park. Her daughter and sisters are also morbidly obese. We are all in our own separate gondolas, only they are actually large bathtubs suspended on cables. We are all approximately 50 feet off the ground. I can see my girlfriend and remember telling her that it is perfectly safe. I believe she was worried about the weight limit on the cables. Then a strong wind came and my tub began to blow in the wind and was tipping dangerously far to my left. I feel like I might fall out. The ladies’ tubs aren’t moving because their weight is holding them safely in place. *Jump* I am in my bed. My room does not look exactly like it does in real life, but I don’t notice. I reach over to jot some notes in my dream journal, when my girlfriend is suddenly in the bed, which is suddenly enormous. I can’t see her body because it is covered with blankets, but she is shifting closer to me almost like a snake. It appears she has no limbs, her body isn’t large any more, and she is just a head sticking out from a bunch of blankets.
      Spoiler for Sexual Content:
      Suddenly both her sisters are also in the bed, and they are slithering toward me just like my girlfriend. I fall off the bed next to my bedside table. I am now trapped with the bed to my right, the table at my back and a wall to my left as the sisters slid off the bed onto the floor in front of me.
      Spoiler for Sexual Content:
      I think to myself, “Wait until my buddies here this story.” I wake up.

      Updated 03-18-2014 at 12:38 PM by 68290

    3. The Warrior Queen

      by , 03-13-2014 at 10:54 AM
      This dream was about a worrier queen. In the early part of the dream she was not a worrier yet. There was something about her being emotionless. One of her subjects kissed her and said that he could do that because she had no emotions and this would not care. She replied "while I may have no emotions now, but I still have a brain, and know what you did was wrong."

      There was another scene where the queen was lying down with two young men who apparently were musicians, and their idea of foreplay had to do with drumming on her using their drumsticks. She did not like that. Afterwards her teacher commented that she was wise because while they were good as musicians but as young men they were not.

      A woman passed the queen on a stair case and felt attraction to her, and decided to approach her about it.

      There was a man starting a martial arts school, and she was interested in leading it with him. He turned out to be weak in martial arts, while she was superb. So he recognized that and suggested she be the leader of the school, and he would be a student. She agreed.

      Some worriers were going to hold a warriors meeting, and their leader said "All men meet in this room for a war council, while all women meet in this other room to discuss women's matters." The queen steamed with anger but joined the women. The worrier leader came to seek her out and asked "what are you doing here?" And she said "you said all women are to gathered here." He said "I did not mean you." She "you said 'all women'" He in a put upon voice "Fine, from now on I will specify 'all women except you'." She "No, you won't. Do not generalize about gender like that."
    4. Very fragmented, barely remember LD

      by , 03-13-2014 at 10:49 AM (Dreamerino Journalino Ginino Sanino Manino Lucidinos in my Journalino Cappuccino Expressivo Crescendo Penguino Languini Amigo Panini Kapparino Lollerino Trollerino Rhinorino Hornerino Adventurino's Ferrarini Pepperoni Mozzarello Spiceroni Ninõ Casinõ)
      I was lucid, that is for sure. I remember eating snow and casting spells. I don't remember the location. I remember interacting with DCs but not with who, or how, so I don't count it as points for the competition. I'm pretty sure I did some element manipulation as well but because I don't remember anything about how, what or when I won't count that either.
    5. The Pen!

      by , 03-13-2014 at 10:39 AM (Welcome to my dreams!)
      1. [Non-Lucid]
      I'm in a shop looking at these thick coloured pens, I want to buy 1 so I pick a colour (I completely forgot the colour) then my dad grabs it off the shelf (I think it was in a glass tube or something) and pulls off the lid and sticks it on the opposite end then hands over the pen which is now a black coloured pen and pull the lid off then put it back on the top (I either heard it click or felt the force it took to pull off).


      In a town that gets empty because nobody lives there.

      Possible dream signs:
      Dad, Pen?
    6. 00:00 Thursday 2014-03-13 competition #17 night #6, LD #23, long ND

      by , 03-13-2014 at 08:42 AM
      23:30-ish bedtime, yay!

      00:00 Thursday 2014-03-13 competition #17 night #6, LD #23


      1) I'm in my parent's bathroom, it's night, I know I'm sleeping in my sister's old bedroom right next door. I'm looking out through the window slats I see across the fence in the neighbor's yard two beautiful shining blonde people (BB: ageless, I think!). I think they're the neighbors, I don't want them to see me (DS). I slink back from the window and lie down on the floor with my head away from the window against the cupboard wall my head up against the door. I hear/sense them approaching, I think they must be climbing up the roof (this room is on the 2nd floor). They open the windows and look at me and I look at them, and think/say I could be in the next room, trying to make up some lame excuse.

      2) It's the end of the world, and the waters are swirling everywhere. The magic "U" of power is floating in the water and I have to jump for it, I reach it and hold on to it and I'm on dry land. I'm going to be the keeper of the "U".

      3) I'm in a bright daytime colorful fairy garden, with colorful magical plants and beings/animals all around. I have a magical ring/disc (like a frisbie but open center and 2-inch thick ring) I gesture / jerk it with my left hand and shoot out a magical force ring that flies off at high speed going forwards and to the right/up. Strange funny creatures and animals and worms come up to me.

      F1) in a building getting out other people pushing on buttons in the floor with feet, goo oozes up from the floor when I step on the button.

      F2) an outdoor bouncy slide, someone was guided by a force that said they'd never seen anything like that (me), how I was chosen.

      F3) a scene of an outdoor movie theater starting to watch some show I'm floating over the top as a DO

      4) I'm on a boat in the waters, I look behind me and in the distance I see PT approaching, his son G is already on the boat. I know my children are on board down and to the right.

      Get up, bathroom, sit on bed thinking about dreams for a bit, set some intention, then BTB.


      5) ultra long multi-themed dream culminating as lucid. Themes:
      A) SB old grad school serious girlfriend
      B) NM grad school friend
      C) pizza
      D) garden hose invention
      E) musical competitions, son's playing piano
      F) riding a boat with an impressive security system
      G) ghost/burglars breaking in to house, get lucid in shock

      I'm sitting at a counter in a restaurant, finishing eathing something (pizza I think). My (wife?) calls and is annoyed that I'm not home. I'm looking at a glossy brochure and I realize that it is a proposal for a date evening from my old grad school girlfriend, SB. She has prepared this dazzling brochure describing the evening she has planned. Including the meal, the wine/drinks, and I "recognize" a picture of one my own bottles of wine that she's going to use and I think one of my own glasses/mugs.

      I see my grad school friend NM. He is absolutely 100% soaking drenched from the rain outside, he is dripping all over the place. He's inviting me (and SB?) to join him and friends for pizza later, he gives me some phone number to call to meet them.

      I'm outside in a garden there are people there including my sister i'm noticing that a part of the garden is really wet and I realize that I've left on a hose. I turn off the hose and get the brilliant idea for an invention: an automatic timer that notifies you when your garden hose has been turned on for too long so you can go and turn it off. I'm amazed that nobody has thought of this, I think this is going to be a revolutionary invention.

      Entering a musical competition, my son is entering as the piano player in a piano/string quartet group. I think how can he possibly do this he doesn't really play any more. I see a line of judges , I'm walking by them, some are children, they have distorted faces, I think some of them are friends of my son from grade school days. I hear my son playing, he's fantastic, I can't believe how well he's playing. The judges nod at me when I look at them to indicate their approval, I think they don't really look much like my sons's old friends (the M's). I think my son shouldn't show off so much and should let the string players also participate more. I look at him and he's not even facing the keyboard, he's hunched over a calculator (calculating how to play the piece?) and has a small child on his lap as well, the main judge looks and is amazed at all the things my son is doing there. My son moves to put the child in a bed which I pull down the covers for. I think I see an old boy scout friend (VL) in the bed then.

      I'm on a boat it's dark, we're driving in the water, the boat staff are talking about the security system which is to keep invaders off of the boat: I see it, it's a wire that leads from the back of the boat connected to a tall pole, leading all the way back to the dock. They demonstrate it and a bright powerful purple burst of electricity zips down the wire. There's something nearby my head and I don't want to hit my head, and I don't want to get zapped accidently by that security system.

      I'm back in the house with the garden hose invention, I continue thinking about it, there could be a wifi transmitter that communicates with a wrist-band display that you carry, and each hose can tell you when it is done so you can see "front lawn finished", etc. My sister is giving me some music but only as a loan.

      I'm standing out side the door of another music competition, I look up and see the sign. We're entering and standing at the elevator, I know my son is absolutely not ready for this one, it's a (Chopin?) competition, some other people want him to play anyway, they go up, I hear the piano sounds then, it's an absolute disaster, he's just pounding on the keys randomly it doesn't sound like anything at all.

      I'm in an indoor area, large, open, with lots of cupboards and beds like a giant dormitory room. I'm there with former girlfriend SB. We're arguing, I'm trying to suggest something that she may like to do as a job, she doesn't want to do anything I'm suggesting. I say "Do you want to just stay at home and let me do all the work supporting us?!" and she indicates she does, I leave.

      I'm returning to this room. I'm outside it, I see the corner of the room, SB is resting, she has rigged a way to hold the curtains closed, the walls of the room are glass from floor to ceiling but with beams periodically placed horizontally and vertically. In the corner there are two vertical beams close together and she has jammed some water bottles into the crevice there to hold the curtains closed, I know she's resting.

      I'm inside the room see her lying on a bed, her head's on my left, I see a dark black wet spot near her mouth, I ask what that is she says something, I suppose she's been drooling, she's not feeling well.

      I'm standing somewhere with SB and I decide to call NM up and go meet him for pizza. I can't remember his number! I come up with 7 or 8 digits and I'm just not sure, but AHA, All I have to do is look in my phone, start typing in the numbers and it will automatically find the number then I can call NM, and


      I'm severely startled out of my thoughts of calling NM by a loud sound to my right. It sounds like something really big banged up against something else really big. I look to my right and see I'm standing in the back porch of my parent's house, and I'm looking down the hallway to the front door which is standing widely open (the wrong way I think) and there's a large green garbage dumpster there at the front door full of garbage. WTF?!

      SB and I are now standing at the front door looking in to the living room. She inhales quickly with a loud gasp and clasps her hand to her mouth in shock. I look in to the room AND ALL THE WINDOWS ARE OPEN. The room only has 2 windows that open but there are at least 10 open windows in this room. The furniture looks like it's been tossed around. I feel shivers of fright/shock.

      Spoiler for profanity warning, LD here:

      I lie awake for some while calming down from shock at the dream end and in awe at the amount of recall I have, easily 20-30 minutes worth or more, it seemed to go on forever. I get up to record it, then come back to bed and think about it some more and sleep some more. Should have set an alarm at this point because I overslept my out of bed target by 1.5 hours. I was astonished that all that time, all the things i was doing, all the places I was, was all a dream, and I felt that astonishment when I got lucid, sort of like a brief "life flashing before your eyes" moment.


      6) football fake out play. I'm DO watching the overhead cam view of a pass, a long bomb towards the end zone. A huge pack of red-uniformed defenders are all running after the ball, I think it may be intercepted, they do a running leap in the end zone but the ball goes through the arms of one of the guys, incomplete pass. Then the team coach comes to me, at first I think he wants to pass to me next, but then I realize and say "Oh, you want the other team to *think* they're going to pass to me, but you're NOT!" and he says "SHHH!!!!!", he's going to pass to some other guy after all the defenders cover me because the other team saw the coach talking to me.

      F4) something about going around with a group of women/girls and ice cream.

      There's more there but forgot.

      Updated 03-13-2014 at 01:41 PM by 65364

      memorable , side notes , lucid , nightmare
    7. I'm a DRAGON!!!!

      , 03-13-2014 at 06:28 AM
      Only who flew like a dragon can understand my feelings.

      I entered in the wooden house with my family and repeated mantra "count fingers". I counted and understood that its a dream. i wanted to meet my team mate and i want him stand behind the door but saw him in a mirrow first. Then he entered from the other room. Handsome red-hared guy. I asked his real name, he said and even wrote it in Latin, but i can't remember Then i decided turn into a dragon. I asked my mum for a dragon drink, but she didn't help me. So i went to the cupboard and took a small bottle. I saw in it dragon's toy and there were different dragons and they changed each other. I wait till red flying dragon appeared and said " I need this one" and drank it. On the taste it was like soap bubbles. I poured all the bottle in my mouth and transformation began. From that transformation or from the bad tase of the soap bubbles i was a bit of awaking, but could return to the dream.
      DEILD I WAS A DRAGON. And from my mouth dripped down soap bubbles drink or slobber. I jumped and flew above my town. The wings was so strong and i correct equilibrium with my front legs. I was happy and enjoyed flying. It was really wonerful. I have no words to describe it Soon i saw another dragon. I thought that someone else from competition transformed into a dragon. That other dragon turn around himself. I thought that i also can do it and from the second attempt succeded and saw the stars, but they looked like a galaxy and were beautifull. I continued flying and near me appeared a portal and the end of the portal was in the house where i took the bottle. I didn't want to return there and decided to awake.
    8. woke up at 6 am

      by , 03-13-2014 at 06:22 AM (Dreamerino Journalino Ginino Sanino Manino Lucidinos in my Journalino Cappuccino Expressivo Crescendo Penguino Languini Amigo Panini Kapparino Lollerino Trollerino Rhinorino Hornerino Adventurino's Ferrarini Pepperoni Mozzarello Spiceroni Ninõ Casinõ)
      It's 6 AM and I just woke up. about 6 hours after I went to sleep. I woke up naturally, the alarm I had set at 3.30 AM did NOT wake me up.
      A guy I know in real life (about 7-8 years older than me, ~27) drove me to a place with hills. We drove around a little bit and somewhere we stopped to get something. I looked down and saw a beautiful black place with a shiny waterfall, down a path. We went there and it was a lake with crystals all over it. Shiny crystals, light green/blueish, really cool, From here I don't remember how it went. I don't know if it was in the same dream with a scenery change or if elements carried over into another dream. But the next thing I remember is being at the house of those 2 nieces. Their neighbor had a dog, supposed to be seperated by a wooden fence and tied by a chain, but the fence was broken and the 2 back gardens were connected, and the dog was going crazy, nearly breaking the chain. I don't know what I was doing in the garden but I think I was stuck somehow. I got away at the last moment and ran. Ran towards a house on the place with hills (from the previous dream or scene). When inside, I remember words from someone in an other dream saying 'horses may be sweet animals but when hungry they turn into vicious predators'. I don't know how the dog became a horse but it was standing behind a door behind stairs. I heard it raging and saw it almost breaking the door, I rembered a raging horse could climb non-steep stairs and got scared. Then I saw something to slide open, is it called a hatch? I opened it and I showed myself to the horse downstairs and because it was raging it got distracted and got away from the door. I don't know how that helped because I planned on getting away from the windows. At that moment 2 samurai came in, one killed the other and took me away.

      If you read this here are some things you might want to know:
      1. This is not totally correct, I had to fill some gaps with imagination because I don't fully remember it
      2. It sounds like a lot but it is not more than 10-15 minutes of boring bullshit, that's why I really had to grind my teeth to get myself to write this down

      I have stayed awake for enough for this to be called a wbtb (nearly 30 minutes) and now I'll listen to some music and go back to sleep.
    9. bettle juice

      by , 03-13-2014 at 06:15 AM
      Had a small dream that i was in real life bettle juice. just like the movie except i was tripiing on acid and make a super nintendo game about it just so that others could play it and trip on acid.
      memorable , dream fragment
    10. shop class and jesus

      by , 03-13-2014 at 06:13 AM
      Just had a small dream that i was in shop class working on a project and i asked my teacher who was pretty hot whee the blank paper was so the i could do a rough draft and she pointed to a box of paper on the ground and when i went to get it they were her shoes and socks and at this point my shirt was off and she asked for my id. so i gave it to her. and another teacher in the room said just because he has his school id doesnt mean that he gets to leave. and my shop teacher responded that she didint have to stand up for me. it was raining out at the time. and i guess aomething happened with the buses like students got in trouble. but then it went to a new cast that jesus was terrorizing the town. but at that point every thing turned into a southpark theme xD
      memorable , dream fragment
    11. 3/12

      by , 03-13-2014 at 04:35 AM (A Dreamer's Dreams)
      BF3 simulation. i remember jumping from helicopter. i called 1800 ##. I got a foundation #. I felt bad because i was going 2 prank them
    12. Competition #17, Night 2 & 5 Telekinetic Fighting, Cult Compound

      by , 03-13-2014 at 03:18 AM
      Night 5:
      3/12/14* <snip long cool dream trying to find way out of cult compound with many interesting rooms and old instrumentation.> I make my way out of the compound through the exit I was originally trying to convince the team to use but we are all now separated. As I find my way outside onto a busy street I notice a guy in a blue jacket and I wonder if he is security for the compound. I decided I should not be obvious and continue my path it will go very near his path and as I get closer to him I hear him calling over the radio something like "the guy is over here." I notice more and more guys in blue jackets with some fake Chase Bank logo and I finally realize that this is a dream. I use telekinesis to throw the guy 20 or so yards. And as more come I sling them aside one by one with telekinesis. I notice that there are quite a few and they may make ground on me so I use telekinesis out in a circular wave pattern and blast them all outwards - about 15 or 20 of them! Awesome! I then think that I want to move on to my goals for the competition and I fly up above all of the mess and stop mid air maybe 200 feet up and start to recall my goals and consider which would make the most sense to do next and as I am thinking I feel myself fade back to bed. I lay still to try to re-enter the dream but it felt like I was at the end of REM and was awake for now so I rolled over and wrote in my dream journal.

      Night 2:
      3/9* Excerpt for lucid part that came way late after 9+ hours in bed and getting over the hump of nothing but advanced dreamlets: I am driving through the neighborhood looking for her and I realize - wait a minute, this is not my old or new neighborhood but a dreamy mix of the two, I am dreaming. I am already driving and one of my top 10 lucids was flying in my car, so I pull back on the steering wheel like you would the yoke of airplane and I fly around a bit before everything turns dark and I end up in a very convincing false awakening that I don't catch! Ugh!
    13. Flight of the Oneironaut Apprentice

      by , 03-13-2014 at 01:58 AM
      Last night, I had what was probably the best, most lucid dream I've had so far in my journey as an oneironaut. It was visually vivid, I was at a pretty good level of consciousness and I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted to do. If only I had been able to carry it on for longer!

      I became lucid after having dreamt of having been in a terrible fight with my mother. This is something that, to my appreciation, has been a recurring element in my lucid dreams recently - my lucidity having been triggered by something so unusually negative happening that I couldn't believe how it ever could have happened and then realising that it was literally too bad to be true. (Sort of even makes me want to have more bad dreams than I do now, when I think about it. ) When it happened, I was alone in my bedroom. And so, when I started to suspect that I was actually dreaming, I took the same route as I had once before in the same situation - I checked the clock that's normally by the side of my computer. When I look back on it, I recall that it was a different form and colour from my real one; but these details were not necessary for me to have my suspicions confirmed by this reality check. In the upper-right quarter of the clock face, which is easier to inspect than the whole clock in a dream state, just for a moment, the numbers only stretched from 12 to 2 instead of 12 to 3. Then, they went to normal. Then, it stretched from 12 to 4. Then, the 2 and 1 switched places. It was enough for me to catch on.

      I don't think I ever got so excited by the realisation that I'm dreaming that I immediately woke up or anything of the sort. All the more so, I wasted no time after coming to this revelation. Withdrawing from the clock, I could see that I was still in my bedroom; but this time, the lights were off and it was dark, as if it'd probably be evening-time outside as well. (Shame I didn't think to try flipping the light switch to see if it would work.) From then on, I would be playing a game called 'Let's See If This Dream Control Wish Works Or Not Depending On A Seemingly Random Probability of Success.' I wanted to change the dream scene to something more interesting so I decided to try imagining something different behind the bedroom door and opening it. I opened the door but only saw the rest of my apartment out there, in correct order. It was dark in there as well. I tried closing the door and opening it again. Received the same results. So I decided to try it again with the front door of the apartment. Since I didn't really have a particular scene in mind with the door portal spell I'd just tried, this time, I decided to try coming up with something specific. For no particularly superior reason, I thought of a plane in the Mario universe in first-person, 3D view. (I just wanted to get the scene change to work.) I looked around for a moment to check how vivid my surroundings looked. I made the evaluation that things looked pretty good. I opened the front door of my apartment. Unfortunately, I failed again and saw the gated community in which my apartment is located in real life. Again, in the right order; and with the door gate that was there in real life as well. It was evening-time, predictably dark outside as well.

      I walked through the gate. Phasing straight through the gate, that is. I knew that this was normally easy and even effortless to do in dreams but I was still happy to see it worked. I jumped onto the guardrail and then jumped off it, having decided to fly my way to a new dream scene instead. I flew over the street and past the other buildings. Standing beside one, I noticed two disproportionately large people, one of whom was almost half as tall as the (six-story) building and the other being a bit more than half as tall as the first. I successfully flew over them without interference. They never really seemed like giants despite how close I got to them, since a dream is like a work of abstract art, but I still noticed that it was strange. I landed on the wall around my compound's swimming pool, taking a moment to look over it. There were a bunch of people there. I took off again. A bit later, after flying through my building compound, I landed on a plane of grass behind one of the buildings and resolved to try taking off again; but at a powerful, kryptonian-like super-speed. But instead, I only took off at my normal speed of flight - a kind of relatively swift and direct floating.

      Next, I flew over to the pool again; but this time, I had landed right inside the pool, surrounded by dream NPCs. (I know dream characters are called 'DCs' for short themselves but I like using the term, 'NPC.' :3) I have no memory of the pool feeling wet. Although I know that confidence is the key to making it work out and things don't have to go badly, I have a natural apprehension in lucid dreams of dream characters surrounding me, being a bit concerned that they're going to mess things up and preferring to stay away from them until the situation is opportune. So as I caught myself thinking these thoughts in the pool, I went on to think that I was now making it more likely for the dream characters to turn on my with every progressing second. In a bit of a fuss, I then decided to deliberately keep thinking of the dream characters turning on me and wait for them to do so, seeing how it'd go and planning to defend myself with the retained knowledge that they couldn't do anything to hurt me. However, as there weren't any/many signs that they were going to do this in the next few moments, I resolved to take the opportunity to avoid that situation altogether and fly out of the pool. I did so.

      I don't recall how the transition happened; but the next thing I knew, I had changed my dream scene. Of course, since dreams are so shifty and lucid dreams are normally still at a lower level of consciousness, all it really takes for the dream circumstances to change is for one to stop paying attention to them for just a moment. I was still flying, headed into a house I'd never seen before through the window. I phased through the window, either floated or landed on something to keep me close to the ceiling and observed from above the stranger's room that I had just entered. It was a messy room that seemed to be full of things cluttering it. Fairly broad in area. The room was deserted and the lights were off, as they had been in my own home, but there was a television set on a stand that was on at the end of the room. It was broadcasting something between football and commercials. This was another time when I stopped to just pay attention to the dream scene around me, enjoying the details and apparent vividness and whatever was happening on the TV screen that lit up the room and enjoying the fact that my brain had created all of this imagery for me, which I was now in a position to learn to control.

      Still, I was just a bit concerned that the dream character who resided in this house could come in at any moment and cause conflict - as I have a schema that houses are usually owned by people and people are usually in their houses, especially when electronic devices are on (though less frequently when the lights are off), and people are usually unhappy and react aggressively to finding people whom they don't know in their houses. So I flew out of this house and on to another one.

      As I was approaching the windows of the next house, I reaffirmed to myself that I was still dreaming, as I recalled that one should do that every once in a while to retain lucidity (especially novices like me). I also remembered BillyBob's dream control tutorial that I'd read earlier on DreamViews. I remembered that BillyBob had said that it was better to avoid using too many super-powers and reality-warping independently of a rational storyline in lucid dreams if one wanted the lucid dream to be stable and last longer and instead to use rationalisations for anything crazy that one may want to do. Therefore, as I was approaching the window, I decided to crash through it and break the glass instead of phasing through it like a ghost. I did this successfully but without any hindrance to my movement.

      I landed in a room on a high floor of someone's house - a second floor, at least. I could sense that this was a big house. This time, the lights were on. The room seemed to be broad and clearer than the last one; but I didn't pay much attention to it this time. Instead, I had a thought. While I was having a good, clear lucid dream and didn't seem to have much to do at the moment, I could finally fulfill one of DreamViews' current tasks-of-the-month as I'd been meaning to do for a while now! Naturally, at this point in my lucid dreaming journey, I'd go for one of the basic tasks first. I resolved to find someone who wasn't wearing green and pinch him/her.

      At that moment, I saw a child enter the room in his (not green) underwear. Upon seeing me, I think he cried and ran away. Probably downstairs, I thought. 'Well,' I thought, 'I was thinking the person I'd pinch would be someone more mature. But if I run into the kid again, whatever gets the job done!' So I made my way downstairs to check out what was going on there. I imagined there would be parents down there to whom the child had been running but I hadn't expected what I saw next. Hanging onto a white grate outside the room I was looking into, looking but hiding, I saw a couple of green-skinned, big-headed aliens populating the downstairs region. (I'm looking at you, Xanous.) I decided it was best to avoid them and get out of the house, moving onto another location with a dream character to pinch, but to play it cool if I ran into one of them on the way.* Which was good because I ended up having a passive encounter with one. Avoiding interaction, I willed myself to lift off the ground and phase through the second floor and ceiling, directly ascending out of the house. But as I did this, the alien followed me, staying on the exactly same level as I was. Yes, it all looked very video-game-glitch-ish. I was in a hurry. Also, as I moved through two ceilings expecting to wind up atop the house, I instead ended up on another, high floor, like the basement, still not having escaped the physically archetypical alien. I went on to phase through the ceiling of that room as well and wound up in another, higher room. I then phased through the ceiling of that room and successfully ascended out of the house and evaded the alien.

      Another transition. At first, I may have been flying through the low skies or a wide-open room; or running into another building. But as I looked back and then again looked ahead, before I knew it, I was moving in a dim, wide-open tunnel space through/to a network of glowing, floating cubes, arranged with four forms opposite to each other, as if to connect a square, with the same pattern repeated forward, as if to connect a cuboid. I think this may have been reminiscent of the battle room in Ender's Game movie adaptation that I watched a week or two ago. (I noticed that this was strange and different, though.) I continued to fly through into a wide-open, indoor location, giant in all dimentions, where I landed and ran into the wall. Placed against the wall were four or five large cardboard boxes that were packed with something. So, to find a direction to fly further in, again I decided to play the form-a-portal game. I imagined that there was, behind the middle of these boxes, a hole in the wall. A doorway or window or tunnel. Which would make itself visible once I removed one of the middle boxes (or two, where one was stacked upon the other). I lifted the box and moved it out of the way. It felt heavy, though I knew it shouldn't have to. At first, I didn't see what I'd intended to. Just a wall behind the box. But, not to lost or swayed that easily, I put the box back and tried it again. The second time, it worked. I saw a black, rectangular hole shaped something like an open vent. It didn't look like it was big enough for me to fit through; but I knew that didn't matter and jumped through it.

      Unfortunately, once I'd jumped through the hole, I found there was a problem. Again, I hadn't specified a location to which I wanted the hole to lead; and it wasn't a recognisable place leading to another predictable, recognisable place that I already had a map of in my mind, as it had been in the beginning of the dream. In the hole, from outside, I'd only seen blackness. And that's all I saw when I jumped into it as well. Suddenly, I was struck by dream blindness. And thoughts started popping into my mind of where I had gone - that I had jumped, through the rabbit hole, for no particular reason, to a webpage on a site that I used to frequent very long ago. I thought about whether or not this made sense. I knew that I should probably clear this darkness up and set a visual dream scene for myself. But alas, it was too late. For suddenly, out of the blackness...

      I woke up. Jolted back into my waking body, in my bed, back at home. The darkness had been the bard of doom, the herald of the end. I felt my body profusely sweating for some reason, wrapped up in my bedsheets. With immediate memory and understanding of what had just happened, I only wished I could pop back in; but I have no successful experience with DEILDing whatsoever, so that was not the case. At first, I kept my eyes closed. But as I realised nothing was going to happen, I opened them, did a simple reality check and settled down, focusing on thinking about the dream I'd just had, knowing that I wanted to salvage as much recall from this as I could. After a few minutes or maybe half an hour, my morning alarm went off and I had to be off to get ready for school. So, although I hadn't gotten up to check the clock before that, I presume it hadn't been too long before my forced awakening anyway.

      *Hold on. Could this... have possibly been... my mind unconsciously feeding my desire to also eventually fulfill the bonus task of the month for March of 2014 - be abducted by aliens and report what they do to you - without me ever realising it?? Wow. Now there is an idea. And, imagining that I would have had the right amount of dream control and stability to go through with it, what an opportunity missed! And I only just realised it. What a fascinating thing the subconscious mind is.
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