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    1. Choose Your Own Atrocity

      by , 10-24-2016 at 08:37 AM (Cinder's Dreams Gallery)
      Me and another person were in a car. We were both preteens, and we were on our way to pull a heist or something of the sort. We were stopped by an elderly policeman because I was an underage driver. I saw myself having options on how to deal with the situation. I felt like I have been here before and picked the option to trick the policeman and escape. I also saw an option to beat him up with a blunt object. I decided to pick the latter out of curiosity. I hit him several times as he got more and more agitated and didn't see fazed by being hit, but he finally collapsed, although he didn't suffer any physical damage. I felt bad so we hauled him to the hospital.

      The doctor thought we were just helpful kids. LIttle did she know that I caused this. She said that the man had suffered a stroke. So I suppose he didn't get hurt at all from being hit. Jeez, who's this guy, old Superman?
    2. Elephanteon

      by , 10-24-2016 at 06:45 AM (Journeys through Spacetime)
      I am lucid.
      A golden old-fashioned car with it's doors wide open manifest. I jump in. It starts flying. Soon I am in space. The planet density is ridiculous for my knowledge of astronomy. I fly past them until I see an icy planet. I start descending. I land into this icy arch. A chipmunk scrambles past and attempts to exit the arch. It evaporates. I get out. I see an elephant dressed in orange walk across the crevasse.
      On the top of the walls of the crevasse there are elephants in purple. The orange elephant tries to get a purple elephant to give him money. He says "I am your father's brother. [give me some]" The other elephant refuses. He says "I don't care about my father's brother." They bicker until I wake up.
      lucid , memorable
    3. Spellbee's Spooky comp night 9

      by , 10-24-2016 at 03:07 AM
      Sorry team, had 2 non-lucids but life got in the way & I couldn't log either. Sigh. Kids are now gone though, so I'm hopeful for tonight.
      Tags: side notes
      side notes
    4. Elusive Dream Guide

      by , 10-24-2016 at 12:44 AM (Journeys through Spacetime)
      I am lucid.
      I fly over a blue city river and descend on to the city. I am on an street and people start to stare at me. I realize I am floating. I quickly will myself invisible. The street has a mysterious dreamy orange tint. People behind stalls are selling bizarre objects. Along the buildings there is a gap where a staircase is. I wander up it. It spirals round and round and it starts to feel like it going to go on forever. However I reach the top. I am in a temple sort of area and there are pillars standing tall. I ask "Show me my dream guide?" Nothing happens. I prostrate my self. I say "Please!". I eventually say in desperation, "God!" I should add I am a militant atheist. The scene changes. I am flying over a forest. A warm male voice says "She is traversing these slopes. You may not see her now." I wake up.
    5. Intergalacticus

      by , 10-24-2016 at 12:21 AM
      So I'm just deciding to post some noteworthy dreams here just in the hopes that it'll help convince myself that this is important.

      First entry is a dream from a long time ago but easily the best dream I've ever had, and therefore I thought I'd start with this one.

      I'm in a totally dark room with some friends, nothing in it, no doors, no windows. We somehow manage to make a window leading into outer space, and we attach a rope to the inside of the room before hopping out. There are tons of planets and stars all close by, swirling around our entrance into the cosmos. Very vivid. We dangle from the rope and experience weightlessness.

      Will post more noteworthy dreams later!

      Updated 10-24-2016 at 12:37 AM by 89109

    6. #272 - Sharks

      by , 10-24-2016 at 12:17 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      I have been super bad with staying motivated with doing anything related to lucid dreaming.. It's not that I don't want to, it's that I'm so deplete by the end of the day both mentally and physically. Work drains the brain and the sports I do just wear my body out . I wrote a few dreams up a while ago and just reached my 64th lucid dream. I feel like I should have had more lucid dreams and better progress by now, but I know this is a hobby that requires patience.

      Shark dream
      I dreamed about being in an enclosure, like an aquarium or zoo. The place I was in had an aquatic part and I remembered getting into the water. There was a huge shark in there but I wasn't fussed, it didn't bother me and when it swam up to me to try eat me, I just leaped up and stepped on its head then jumped over it. I felt like I was dodging around it playfully. My friends were in another pool nearby so I headed over to them.
    7. SCP: Containment Breach

      by , 10-24-2016 at 12:14 AM (The Internal and Subconscious World of DropTherapy)
      I was playing SCP: Containment Breach one day on a fresh new save. I was trying out this new mod that made the game more gruesome and terrifying. I was in my cell, immediately noticing the extended height of the ceiling and the lump of moldy flesh on the sink and the toilet. Almost immediate, the door opens. The guard doesn't say anything, so I just leave the cell anyways. "tomorrow is vacant," the guard said. "and today, everything is wrong". All of a sudden, everything starts to bloom and glow so much that i can barely make out my surroundings. The background music stops entirely. all the while, I hear this weird metal grinding sweep noise as I fall face-up onto the ground.

      Updated 09-24-2017 at 12:15 AM by 89498

      non-lucid , nightmare
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